' ' I ... . il.l y v SALISBURY, N. C. ...TUESDA. APRIL 29, 1828. VOL. VIII. . ....NO 412. ' mm ' ' The term of the Western Carolinian are, $3 per annuo or g2 50, if ofrvtn..but payment in advance will be required from all subscriber at a 3istan.ee,' who a unknown to lheElitorf unk' some responsible perton of hia acqnaintane jranteea the payment, . -J-K? Pa?r ditcontinued, (eiept at the option tftli FUorta.i Advertisements win be interted at fifty .centi "p'wlrefar tent tor eacn weex mereancr.:is skj-s.::; i All letter addressed to the Editor, mart be pn$t-faid, oMhey may-not be UeuAjdi.o. TSlRsr quality of r$3tif "Jfr aloY Cfcu 'toatftt;- fbr iale.; r9A--v -.Vhft wwy. ' ' 1858.. R. WlTXF.YftCo: L LIST OF LETTEKS "jrt RMAtMN'O In the Pot Office it Concord, ti, North-Carolina, on the 1st of Annl 18-3. iah Allemong CoL Win. S. Allinn George Barnhart ' John Bamnrer : George Wrttarter John N. Bonds John Benton Frederick Cheek EH Conine Michael Clin Charles Corker Leroy 8. Carliren William Crook Speakman Dawraan ffenry Oalong David Fisher John rither JohnFurr John ford Tobiat Furr Catharine ferrett. .'John Ciltati Sarah Hiidxoit , ItoM Justice Harris Jnurdin Pamorl Kimmons John Kerrptl . . Ttma-etl Ring George Little'' Motet McClure Oliver M. McCurdy " Thoma Martin Motet McKinlev Charlet McClelland Wm. McClnin 2 John McCelrbt .John N. Phiftr F.lisabcth Perfv Robert Pirkem, 2 John P. Phifer, 1 Mrt. Louisa A. I'hifcr Jaijnet Pew - Joteoh kel I" Wary-Holland .. John Gorman lew Hope '.MatiM HorlochoT ; Dbrethf Harrw -r ; . James M. Hope - Andrew Harrw . .... -Samuel llarrk Leonard lloyler - Franklin Harria..S(! lierood HolnnJ John Si nine "' ; Pavi.! Vir lhmari Wilwam JLL.Uiam".I7 ' Janwe 't Jarm-s Wallace. . , n. smKKE,.- R LIST OF LETTERS- F.M UsiNtJ in the toSt Oflire at Stn'rwitlp, North Carolitia, on the U. of April, 1328. Joseph AIIwmv Thomu A. Allison Hugh Andrew Mary Andrewa Walter Bell Georire Brack Wm. Commine John Campbell Henry Chambert, 2 David 8. Cowan "-vrm. Huen Aleunder Donlap Georfe L. Davidson Richard Uavidton, or - Folhr Daidon I Joaeph. ekltoa Joteph Eltlt Wm. ir. r.inr - Cr! ad KkLon JobnFalh Greenberr Gaither Thomu Hetler JameaT. Hall Abrahnr44ilt Mote.liHlt. Trenqneller Hill flarbprn Howard Xltin Howard John tlarkv.or Daitiel Walker .... Wm. L. Johnaton , Jacob.traria RobL Laz.n''V Ket. A. W. 1.ron,2 taac Marghall Jam ? Magi;han ' Wm. Maaon Francia Muthrron Secretary Mount Mori&h IkIj-. No R2 'Abraham Mucky Jamet McKav Dan'Mil McCain Jamt-a Vcflarycc John McConnell, or David Sharp AuywtMt Pierce James Parker . , . Abalnm Roby ' Mathe w Robert! Tho. Itenshaw . John Kobcrtt ,. laaac Sander Wm. Stevrnton ' Robt. Sliwn Jamea Smith arnuel Turner Jew Tbomaa " "Wm. W.rd " John W'ooiUiile ' Iioc Wird " Wn. WSon Robert C. W'Jwn" By tht Prttidcnt fthe V, State f America. A PROCLAMATION. YfTllF.KEAS a Treatv of Commerce and Nar f T ... igat ion, between the United Siatet of I Americ nd lla Mi jwnv, the Kinjr of Sweden iHdTJisrwsyrTogTthCT whhr reparit-A rtlcte thereto, were cnnclmled and signed, by their plTiMttntiaries at Stockholm, on Ihe' fourth day wf'julyi iirthe-yesrwf mir bort-one tho. tand ';'elcrirTtiinlred 1nrientv.seven chfch Tre'atyfa'ndelat French lanfrnafre, and whereof the annexed it a' faithful trannlation, are, word for Word at fol- "t!J JMF.S M'c KNIGHT, P. V. (ilUWYAUY. T'lF, tuWribera are this day rreeivinf. in part, at their who'rtale torc in Fayettcille SJ. C. their Spring npnlv of GUOCEMKS, The whole of which it eipectsd hr the fir ar. AlTltfrom ffnTrk ami PkilaiWpHia, and will eonit In part, of the " followinir articlra, to which thry iotitc the attention of their friend and the ptrblic generally ; 40 Hilda, prime Sugar, 40 bbla loaf and lump do. 214 bags llavanna, Cuba, St. Domingo and Porto Rico Coffee, 5 do Pepper, 6 do Race (iinjjcr, 3 do Pimento, 100 Hbl. Brandy and WhitVcr, 2.1 do N. B. Rym, ?0 di American Cm, .1 hlidt Jamaica Spirit, 1 do N, O. Rum, pipe Ogoia Beandv, Seignttte brands,) 3 do old Holland Kin, ' : 71 HhcLW.L Shrub. 4 qur catkt Tenereiffe ami Sherr) 1 half pipet CMtca 8 our cakt tweet Malaga. 9 do do Mutest 3 ba'f quar. cask old Madeira I pipe do do 3 M 6 half qnar. casks Cettr 2 do do do Port 2 hM. of Copperas 1 eereon Bengal liuhft 1 cak F.paom fjlta, ' It bbta tjlanber do. - 20 botes (Uat do ; RoSfH ... . . Id'Aa fJtWioeW- . ,,.. ,. 6 do freth froutxl Vuard, . 20 A freahllloom Ilai'inv. ......15 vdo Imperial, Gunpowder, nj II) tori trat CO bap Shot, aatnrted numbcrtj 20 kega Orange Powder, 2 hampers bottles, 1 bbl Philadelphia Starch, With a freat variety of evrry article in their 1W. . HOU TONS k IIUT1 ON. BUNK BANK BONDS, Fthe nea form sow rerpiirrd, for tale at the mc ot m Wern Ciroittirm, SavM?. ttajesif ilhis KiriR of Sweden and Norwnr entially animated ilh the desire. of ex . tending and runsoHditin thecommercla relation rubshtihtr between their respec live Territories, and convinced that this object cannot better He rccomplNhed than rv placing them on the basis of a perfect rquilitf and reciprocity, have in conse quence acreedio enter Jnt negotiation for a n.v Treaty of Commerce and Nav ivfation ; and, to this effect, have appoin ted Plenipoten'iaries, to wit i The Presi dent of the United State of America, John Jmes Appleton, Charge d'Affairs of the said States at the Court of ills Majesty the King of Sweden and Nori : and His Majes'y the King of Sweden and Nor way, the Sieur Gutave Count rle Wetter atedt, his Min's'r of Slate and of Foreign Affiirs, Kniglit Commsoderor hi orders Knight of the Orders of St. Andre w, St, Alexander. Newsky, and St. Ann, of the CrsticlassTof JiflixK der of the Red K:f!erofhe first rlss,of Frusia ;' Granct CrosK of the" Order of -Leopold of ABstrU ;one. of he . Eighteen of. th. S wcfMsh Atfadetny who, after Haying exchanged thefc Ingooft anrf due formr the fillowing articles: jfrtieli) I. Tbeciiirens and siibjf.r's of each 0.1. the. two high cootrrtinp; parties may, wuh ail security for their persons, vessels and cargoes, freely enter the ports, places, and uvers, of the territories ol the other, wherever foreign1 commerce is permitted. They shall he at liberty to sojourn and reside in all pirts whatsoever of said territories ; to rent and occupy house and warehouses for their com merce ; and they s'jall enjoy, generally, the niost entire security and protection in their mercantile tr-timcibn, on condition of their aohinittinir to the laws and ordi nances of tHe respective cwimttes. jirticlt 1- Swedish and Norw egian ves sel, and those of the isl.md of Su Bart ho lomew, arriving either laden or in hillaiU into the fwrn ol the I tilled btates. o; America, from whatever place they may come, oh te treated on tnetr entrance, during their stay, and a; their depirture, upon the sime footing as national vessels i;umiucroJLliejopJre, with respect to '..Jhertaiies ct tonnage, Itght houtet pilotugr, and port chargesVas well as to the perquisites of ptiMic officers, and all other diiiies or charge's of whatever kinrr or tlenomiiulioti, Irsied in the nsmr, or fto the profit, of the foernmew. the local 4-- - -. -,.-, ... .... aumoiuicSi. or oi aoj, pnvuic csiaousn nient, whatsoever. And rn iin ocallv.the vessels of the t ni ted States of America, arriving, either laden, or in ballast, in the ports of the kingdoms of Sweden and Norway, from whatever place thry may come, shall he treutctl on their entrance, during their stay, and at their departure, upon the same footing as national vcsaels coining fiom the same place, with respect to the duties of ttmnitre, light house, pilotage. j'ul pol charges, a well as to the per mtlsi'es of public officer, and all other t'utirs or charges, of whatever kirxl or de nomination, levied in the name, or to the profit of the Gotcrnmcnt, the local au thorities, or of any private establishment whatsoever. .1rlie!r 3. All that may be lawfully im ported into the United Siatcs of America, in vessel o( the raid Ststes, may aNo be thereinto imposed in Swedish and Nor wegian vessels, and in those of the island of St. Bartholomew, from whatever place they may rome, wiihout paying other or higher duties, or charges, of whatever kind or denomination, levied in the name or to the profit, ot the Government,the local authorities, or or arty prtTate-estab luhroentt, whatsoever, than if imported in national vttselt. And, reciprocally, all that may be law fully imported into the Kingdoms of Swc: den and Norway, in Swediih and Norwe gian vetseUroa In tboae of th Island of Sr. BanrMonw.-may b .iberciftto imponed in vetscta of the United State ica, in vessel of the said Sttte, may al to be exported therefrom in Swedish and Norwegian vessels, or io thoiof the island of St. Bartholomew withoutaying other or higher duties, or charge of whatever kind or denomination, levied, in the name, regulations and ordinances concerning navigation, and the places and port which they may enter, as are, or shall be, in force with regard to national vessel J and that the custom-oouse officers shall be permitted to- VlslriheinT--to-Temsirion or to profit, of the Government, the local utfer4erjor. pf anyprivateeblish oational yessela., ' M 7; And, reciprocally, all that may be law fully exported frorn the kingdom of Swe den. and Norway iojivedishind. Norwe gian vessel, or In those of t island of STCrtholornewTr thTreTrom in vessels of the Unled State of America, without paying otheror high er diitiea, or charges, of wbateyertnd or denomination, levied in the nameor to the profit, of the Government, the Jocal authorities, or of any private etabjh ments whatsoever, that if exported in na tional vessels. -. , -vf rtielc- 5 Tne. stipulations .. contained in thf; three preceding articles, are, to" therf full extent, applicable to the vessels of the V. 3. of America, proceeding, either laden, or not laden, to the colony of St. Bartholomew, in the West Indies, whether from the ports of the kingdom of Sweden snd Norway, or from any other place whatsoever; or proceeding from the said colony, eiiher laden or not laden, whether bound for Sweden or Norway, or for anv other place whatsoever. Jirticlt ft It is exprestly understood that the foregoing secon J, third, and fourth articles, are not "applicable to the coastwise fiavTgarton frdta one pofrofihe United States of America, to another port Lli.?s!.4?. X nor- to. the navigano from one port of 'the ktndom's of Sweden fW. ofTor way to another npc to. that be: tween the two latter coontnes ;.whieh navigation each of the two high contrac ting ptrtie reserve to Uselfr Article 7 Each of the two high con trading parties engage not to grant, in its purchases, or in those which might be made by companies or agent, acting in it name, or under its authority, any pre fere nee to importations made in its own vessels, or io those of a third Power, ovrr those made in the vessels of the other contracting party. Article 8 The two high contracting parties engage not to impose upon the navigation between their respective rerri j dared, that, in case of illecal or impro- tone, 111 the vetscls or 'either, any ion nage or other duties of ny kind or de nomination, which shall be higher, or t Consols, Vice Consuh, or Commercial other than those which shall be imposed on every other, navigation .except thai w hie b- they have reaerved Utbemel ves, rcsper.uvelyv by the 'uth.: article ol the present treaty. - ' Article 9. There shall not be estab lished, in the United States of America, set' at liberty, and shall hot be again ar--rested for the same cause. Iis unclefstobd, howeveN-thatrif the deserter ahoujd be found, to have commit ted any crime or xffe nee, his urrendef ,. wtsy-Jwalliia4, npti! ihr "fy ?tTPpt hefori which the cac hU . be depending, hali hare, pronounced jts' sentence,' ana uch board;; and to take alt -such precautions as maf be necessary to pre vent all unlawful jcommerceV-k Jong s t he--re saele -shall J sentence shall havoben caiedJnto rEZ tion. . Sv, Article 12. It i further agreed, that thfrvesselroto partieshavingrentereu Into the wihof mrottrerrTwitl teewUtedofionfinaV themselves' td-unlosding such part only of their cargoes, as the.Captaln or owner may wish, and that they may freely de part with the remainder,' without paying any duties, imposts, or charges, whatso ever,, exCjpt for that part which shall have been landed, and. which shall be marked upon, and erased from, the man jfest exhibiting. .the enumeration of the articles with which the vessel was laden ; when manifest ahail be presented entire at the Custom House of the pl3ce where the veisel iha,!l have tnttied. Nothing shall be paid on that part of the cargo which the vessel , shall carrv away, and with which it may continue its voyage, to one, or several other ports of the same country, there to dispo&eof the remainder of its cargo, if composed of articles whose importation it permitted, on paying the duties chargeable upon it ; or it may pro ceed to ny other country. It it under stood. however, that all duties," imposts, jiTTicic 1 Si in caw nT-TBa..iji.oB.Bt-iS&s:: the high contracting parties shall have beeo.traoded shipwrecked, or shall rhave;uhVreaii eostsv. tiLlbeJ domtntons ot the other . every aid and assistance iM0fttWTS the person shipwrecked or in danger, and passports shall be granted to them to re turn to their country. The shipwrecked ( veisels and merchandise, or' their pro-, ceeds, if the same shall have been sold, shall be restored to their owners, or -to t those entitled thereto, If claimed within a vear and a day, upon paying such costs of salvage as would be paid by national tea sels in the same circumstances i and the salt-age companies shall not compel the acceptance of their service, except in thb same cases, and after the same deltyiYas " shall be granted to the captains and crewa of national vessels, moreover, the repec- , live Governments will take care that these companies do not commit any vex atious or attttrary acts. .YrVr IC It la agreed that vessels per conduct, wiih respect 10 the law or Government of the conrnry in which aid Agents shall, reside, they maybe prose cuted and punished coofotmably to the laws, and deprived of the exercise of.lhcif function .by the offended. Government, which shall acquaint the other with its motives for having thus acted it being understood, however, that the archive upon the product q?the.soil pr industry 3;d document relative to the affairs of of the kingdoms of Sweden and N'orwayftne Consulate tTiirToe exPntprfrom all 0 denomination, levied io the name, or to the profit, of the Government, the local authorities, or of any private eattblitb- . a a ments whatsoever than 11 impotieu in na tional vetet. Jtr title 4 All that may be lawfully exported from the Unt'ed Stste of Amer- .. . . . e n f, .", - or ol tne islano ot nt. nartnoiomews, anv prohibition or restriction of importation or exportation, nor nnyutle of'any kind or dertomination whtsoeverT unless such prohibitions, restrictions and dutiesi shall, likewise, be established upon article of like nature, the growth of any other coontrr. And, reciprocally, there shall not be es tablished in the kingdoms of Sweden and Norwav, nor in the island of St. Bartholo mews, on the pTiduct of the soil or in dustrv of the United State of America, anv prohibition or rettriction of impor tation or exportation, nor any duties of anv kind or denomination whattoevrr, unless such prohibitions, restrictions, and duties, he likewise established upon ani rtea of like nature, the growth of the Is land of St. Bartholomew, or of any other place, in case snch importation be made into, or from, the Kingdom of Sweden and Norway ; or of the Kingdom of Swe den and Norway, or of any other plsre, in case such importation or exportation be made into, or from, the Island of St. Bar I nolo new. Arti'lt 10. All privilege of transit, and all bounties and drawbacks which may be allowed wfthlnthe terrrorietof onetrf the high contracting parties, upon the importation or exportation of any article whatsoever, shall, likewise, be allowed on ihe articles of tike nature, the producte of Majesty in Europe, at a port of t6e.Sie4ss arriving directly, from the Uniied States of America, at a port within the dominions of Hit Maiestr the King of Sweden and or-charges-whtsoeverr which become chargeable -upon -the vesser.' themselves, nvu&t.be,paiiLt the Crst port w he re tb e y sba It break tlh , or unlade part of their cargoes; but that no duties, imposts or iAifgev'oTlhe'a'me;'dc8erip tion, shall be demanded anew in the ports of the same c ouu t ry,. .w bicJb, such .vessels might, afterwards, wish tp enter, unless national vessels be, in similar cases, sub ject to some ulterior duties. .frticle 13. Each of the high contrac ting partis grants to the other, the pri vilege of appointing, in it commercial potts and places. Consuls, Vice Consuls, and Commercial Agents, who shall enjoy the full protection and receive every as sistance necessary for the due exercise of their functions; but 11 1 expressly dc .States and proridedwith a uM o(-M"l- granted by - attAfieIlMfe power to that effect, at the port wheno such vessel shall have sailed, setting forttr-. that no malignant XiMh'fiiliiW.AntmM prevailed Jni.hat port, shall be subjected to nu other quarantine than iuch as imly -be necessary for the vUit of .the.:.Jicajt)t .rrz officer of the port where such vessel shall' -have arrived; after which said vessels shall be allowed immediately to enter and unload their 'cargoes, provided al ways, that there shall be on board no per son who, during the voyage, shall havo been aitacked with any malignant or con tagious diseases ; that such vessels shall not, dining their passage, have communi cated with any vessel liable, itself, to un dergo a quarantine ; and that the country whence thev came shall not, at that time he so far infected or suspected,' that, be- ""r fore their arrival an ordinance had been issued, in consequence of which all ves sels r-oming from thnt country shonld be considered as opened, and cotitequent ly subject to quarantine. ' -1 tnklf 17 The econd, fifth, sixth -seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, - twelfth, thirteenth, fourteen'h, fifteenth sixieenth,. seventeenth, eighteenth, nine- ,. teenth, twenty first, twenty-second, twen- tv thir(?rrid twenty fifth articles-of the immcrcial'bv 4he- Plenipotentiaries,, of. The.United . Miriied to j State "of America, and of Hi Majeatv the search, and shall be cuefully prceived under the seals of the Consuls, ice Con- suK or Commercial Agenis,. ai! oL-tht I.Treatv of. Amity, and Commerce conclu- auihorilv of the place, where thev may ded at "Pari "on the third of April, one reside. : i thousand ever hundred and eightf three, I he consuls, vice -consuls, cn JAnlat" f Il m nAPtrma riti Iib siis4ui sunnlv'theirolaces, shall have the right, ; King of Sweden, together with the first. as such, to tit a judges and arbitrators in such differenre as mav arite solely between the captain and ere of the vensel belonging to ihe nation whose in terests arc commitsed to their charge, without the interference of the local au thorities, unless the condnrt of the crew, or of the fMin, ahould disturb the order or tranquility of the country ; or the said o.tnul. vice consul, or eommercial agemt ahould require their assistance to cause their decision to be carried into rffect or upported. ll is, however, un dert'ood, that this species of judgment, (ir arbitration, shall not deprive the con the soil or industry ol ineBTher tontrac- ting party, and on the importation and expottationa made in it vessel. Jrtjclt 1 1. The dilrens or subjects of one of the high contracting parties, arrt yinK with their vessels on the coasts be longing to Jbe other," but tiot wishing to enter the port, or attcr naving entered of America,' ftwm whatever .place they therein, not wishing to unload any part mav come, without paving otTter ot higher of Weir 'caVgei, shall be at liberty to depart du'if, or charges, of whatever kind.or and continue their voyage, without pay ing any other duties, imposts, or charges whatsoever, fotthe verl aodcafgo, than those of pilotage, wharfage, arj for the support of light house, when tuch duties shall be levied on national vessel in tim ilar ctsct. It is understood, however, that they shall sltrsys conform to such endinc oarties of the right they have to resort, on their return, to the judicial au thority of their country. Article 14 The consol, vice consuls, or commercial agent, are authorized to renufro the assistance of the local author ities" f or ihe -arrest detention, and impris. onment, of the deietter. from the ships of war tnd merchant vetsel of their country ; and.forthi purpose, they shall apply to the competent tribuntlt, judge, jnrtTiffttrrsTtnd shatUiiriibKeinind said deserttr, providing, by the exhibi tion of the register of the vessels, the roll of the crew, or b other official document, that luch indiriduals formed part of tho crew, and on this reclamation being thus subsiantiaie-dy the surrender halt rro be refused Such deserters, when arrested, shall be pieced at-the'iUspoulof the sld cxwixurt, vice conul, or commercial tgentt, and may be confined in the public prison, at the' request and cost of lhoe who claim Ihcm, In order to b aeot to the vetseltto which they belonged, or toother of the Hut, ll not lent oacx. wun second, fourth, and fifth separate article, signed on the sam. dtv Plenipotentiaries, are revived, and made applicable Io. all the countries under the dominion of the present high contracting partie, and shall have the tame force and value a if they were inserted in the context of ihe pre sent treaty ; it being understood that the stipulation contained in the ankles above cited, shall always be considered as in no manner affecting the conventions conclu ded by either party with other nation, du- i ing the interval between the expiration of tlic said treaty of one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three, and the revival of said articles by the Treaty of Com merce and Navigation, concluded at Stockholm by the present high contrac ting parties, on the fourth of September, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen. Article 1 8 Considering the fomote nes of the respective countries of ths , two high contracting parties, and the on--"-' ' certainty resulting therefrom with respect to the various 'event which may take place, it agreed that a merchant vetsel belonging to either ol them, which may . be bound to a port appoerfrtih-4im of its departure, to be blockaded, shall oot, . however, be captured or condemned for having attempted, a first time, to enter ?d wrt, unlets it can be proved that said , jcssel could, and ought to have learned, during it vo'vegey that the blockade . f the place In"cjuenori "stilt tenmttieoV Bts. al..eael .whieff, after having beJV.r, warned off once, ahatf, during "the lamw voyage, attempt a second tims to enter f the aame blockaded port, during the coo tinoance of said blockade, hall then ub jeel themselves to be detained and con demned. . same counirv i'um iiww.iv- . ,, in the space of two months, reckoning Arm.'e.M-Th pieseirt treaty shall from the day of their arres'.they .halt be, ,tonib.h force fur ten jears, caunt.Di 4 1 !

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