1 PH1JL0WUJTR.S SAUSDURY; N. C.....TUESDAY MAY i3, 1828 VOL. 7UI.......yO. 414. !. rfc. termi of the Western Carolinian are,' &3 L,nnum-or R2 50, iftaUin W....it Ftr " . in advance will be required from til ffibera t a distance, who are - unknown to rUtor, h1e some retpomnbl. person, of. tcous ntanee giitrameea vu P7 1C wner discontinued, (except at th. option . . !.. until all arrearairea are P.a. l 5t.sJ.mll I.. Annerted at fiftV-CWts efrrtw.lndtwenty-fi for each week thereafter. ZS letters addressed to -th Editor, muX he ..i-taiA or they may pot dc auenucu w. TOTLETfit CO J7 HAYWOOD COUNTY. 19A, 1828 Agreeably w p m Tf AVE just received irom new 1 1. York, t large suppiy w Medicines, and Paints,-' . ......t,. with their former stock, wake Srr pren ment replete with the roost tWDie . eitlkbll,iim(.n, SrthTofpubirc pltronaee. they now offer for !T whleaae ami RcttiU the. above .. .m ih most reasonable terms Mwfctau n this" section of the e.ntrv. as well u those to the we.tw.rd, who. heretofore, have been in the habit of applying, the,mlve. Jhril pointmentr Urge number of the ciuteoa Lr lf..ut rmintv friendly to the dec HI if J , - . , . . tion of Oen- Andrew Jackson ss rreunem, and John C. Calhoun as Vice President, convened at the court house In Waynes- vllle, N. C. j end after the meeting oeing On motion of Col! Jme McKeeTMtj frWj9evfteUd ao tbhairjU ... mntirin of Felix Axley, Esq. Vamet R rriv-tTtnohTtetlkecreltry-. An(J,,on. mntinn Esqr should biecjne(ed ;4Mrfn. .fldrft;iuMe..to the occasion. nu agreeably Jo request, ne arose inu w livered the following address : ' ... r .. if- rknitrninm we. as memoers o. k' Republic, anl whose peace, happiness and 1 pr ions', security, depend entirely uponthe choice e make in our public servants, etery mdivid. ual mrmbfrof tbis republic ought to watch with . .,.1 ;iinnp. ml with a crutinizinir eye, the conduct of thine who have in their hands the administration of the constitution and laws of their country. The people, collectively, hold he -supreme power of republican gown, nient ecluivelv in their hand i and they, ami they alone, have the richttocall in question the conduct of the public functionaries. , Ihev are ablr to jmlpe when the irovernment is badly ad-ministert-dfor they alone are affected by it knA whf-n ther see, by the conauci ana tomewhtt t saving in the end. to the reneral , : nmvent the hoUte Of ?ePteWnUive.;ro debating a whole aeon away to tscenain wnai wouiu m cioua manner to dispose of this hundred thou. sand dollars, which Mr. John Q. AdtW so obliging as to UM on mmaew duburae. told, that the meeting adjourn. der of thd committee. - ' , - . ., . ; , WM. DEVER, Chairman. IAS. R. LOVE, Secretary. iuuiki win th American oeonle coohV ana disptir .i .-i- MitHm uimmi the coasutu -.1 (.,. u,W,rh were sea lea D oa iuuu 17rTw. -' Will ttev fold theirtrmt ..j .:.r.. .,.m,lM to be lulled, to sleep in !! Wllltl . J tt.. tKem(nelrr(eirritf3n4.rpooa r urhMi there is no. peace, wbilt .i. i :uj.iU.iiifi.r'i minions, ana me tocsin of destruction, Is rererbetaUng- through the man who has usurped your most invaluable right Ind place him there J wno win sinciiy wicrB lawa of your country, and who wHI perpetuate to posterity your free and happy institutions, un degenerated. On motion of Felix Axley, Esq. the following resolutions were unanimous CASWELL COUNTY. -A numerous- meeting .fth cUlens ot Caswell County, friendly to ine eicc ANDREW as ftident, and JOHN C. "CALHOUN Mce fretident Of the unnea oiaw., w.. Ph nf Anril. After a short address irom UAtnrA Brown. Esa. exDltininff the ob' tt'Woaonofl'oE 1 : Ruffifr was appointed Secretary .,.. After he organization of the meeting, it being liscovered that' so great was the number mbled on the occasion, ih Court House could not contain one khird, the assembly agreed to adjourn to some more convenient place, wnen tne r-,i nnrr1inir were had. inaries IOUUlllil"ulV '1 o. Esq. offered, law tne cnnsiaera SSh thenoHK,.ndewhere ... . i ;.imti to encouraee the ef- wiunnuii w "" - . ,1,,, Ana wnen rj t. fbrtsof the present proprietors, in making (1.r,ara,-,o of their public srrvanta, "rHt ..,.11. ntn. defiance the constitution and wdl of ..M to directions; and on tnesnonen no lv ndonted Renolved, that the great political intel- n - . . .:.... iwipu''i " . . ligence, the pure and unoamea pauio...... . f h meeljng, the following resoiu and sterling yirtne of Gen. Anirev, Jack- J ,on. of Tennessee, has high cfalms upon; .,rih;.j That the policy and mea our confidence, and that we triew n m net lhe present administration of the ter qualihcd to un wc i resiuciiuoi i 89 it then behooves tetting at the sove- he republican " STAGE LINE - Titnxt RALtlGH TO.JUUSBURL rilHRsubscriDer naving -M. .purchased this rouU nf Mr John Moreine, Jun "a-r,.rtf.iiu- "inforfiis the public that no exertions in hiajnwer shall be " Vairtinr'fo render it txftomK&. wA tomforuble as it has ,,iert0.7t"wK" , There wHI be nhangea w tlie wyt?.. Tlie Stage, as usual. il eontimie to run from Raieigh toTlisbury, wi a areeJU-Jt Kve nic.K.i v . . , . . . j - S.1iKhnTT on o'ciocc, r. w. w JLi- .r. nd act nromotlv, decisivelv, and Lrloilv. too. for the purpose of displacing tn hhwer. whorhareuroven-to be ..r..:.t.f.,l rvinti and .nlace others in heir and rT?wtiihitheyn:Tnoreafiriy confide. -At th last presidential election, we had, witU . .,r.irnt'ion. to behoTil our nearest rkhts and privlTrge most thifflefully wndered av, by one wnom uic ,.r . u-it... r.f . nit to one in whom I1PII TU lU'IW GEN. JACKSON INDIANA. At the last winter's session of the legislature of the state of Indiana, the senate ped a reso lution, requesting the Corernor to correspond with Gen. Jackson, and ascertain an in relation to the expediency and eonsiuuuon. al'rty of governmental protection of manufacture. and appropriations of money ror odjwoib ttrnal impmmtnU the following is Cea. Jack, ion's reply to the Inquiry under the aforesaiJ Hit Excelfenc Jamet B. Ray Governor of If.mana Heuhtaoe, Feb. 38, 182 . STiirIliiyCTd3 rritiwvrtrK',r"thotnFUiw-. 3W!S58PBSB o V www.-, . , JO Monday at 10 o'cloca, t. . w r- - from rUleigh to Salisbury. 7 dollars, and at the .nv distance on the route. All trunks and other baggage taken into the SUge. iTiall be delivered at the place to which they are directed, on the responsibility of he b. and he" therefore, with . the greater conh they never could have expected an thinjf 1 Such a COiirsr f intrigue and bargaining . ter tainK- more disgraceful loTe pracuseo i, vy , repuUkan gflvfrn!wnt,,thn prjr ! rives the crowned hea.ls of tUTropethe oppor tunity of tauntingly throwing in our teeth, this II your u'imiv" , , AmerTca U lhe cotintry nere the nghts of maft-are tenaciously observed , where the voice of the people mut be obeyed, they, with a smile of seir.satWaction. wdl exultingly ask, Wis it observed in the election of John Q. Adams to the Presidency ? We with mortifies .:n l... n Btlniit it was not. John U. - - . I , . ; l HUM will " v - I I ' tcriber. The subscriber naiaw "'""B Aimf usurped he Frrsuienua. rnair ... . saying that thia is me nearc.,, w-" Ur manner that a great many oi mc most crcct m" -o y , i or Tim,pr uii uc ii,r .nr."- , mnriivprinrmiiucur.uLfv fs. accordance too m ith the lemons ta.igM bim by hi. God-father, the Royal King of England, wlnlc taking lecture t theourt oi si. j.amc. John Q.s Adams was eicticu exnresa will and wish of a majoritv of the Amer i. ' .nt. . mI imteul of.ioursuinjr ..a course 1C1IL.UCVU ( . T " ... i.r 'i ' ,'.f I, iriwmmra!. mall in tne aunjuuw' h-,-" . would have a tendency to cnci..c . 'r" cile the indignant feelings of the people, which he hsd exasperated by a manifest violation of their rights, has pursued a conr- ,i ,.....vj than John Q, Adami. ; and we rtc.omment' him to the ct'.izensof the l-' piled states si such, and pledge ourselves to support his lection by all honorable mejns. . Itctilyed. hat we have grf t confidence tn tnfl sonny aim imin - Cmiun, of South Carolinai .and reconv mend him as a fit and proper person to Etl:xhc:tfr-c -of Vke President, of .the United States. L.i,,,,l. that Col. Jas. McKee Mai Wni. Dever, J a's. R Love, Esq Col. John Teatham, Col. Benjamin S. Brittarn. John Ctil. Thbsr Love. .Joseph Sm'lthrFelix Axley Csq. Col Nnian FMmonston. Ntmro,d S k'olir Coon. Esq. Roland 0 horn, Jo.Mh H lker, Esq Binister Turner, Cant. John L. amun, wrujMii". Purk. F.tn. John M Carson, E )q M, Unwell, h.sn Joenn noweii, ui John Jo- Generl Government are partial and un just ; and are calculated to enrich a por- 1. ... . - . I An1 in. tion of the union ai inc cpu. jury of the balance. ' i f T L . .JM.!nl.t.tt,IAII 2. nrtoivea, i nai no uhiiii""" is entiiled to the confidence or support of the American people, wnicn inaci use of the.patronage ol the government to secure its own popufarity rather than pnmfe t he public good- . I 3. Rtiolved, mat we pave vi... dence in the political integrity and quali fications of John, .Quincy Adams for the Presidency of these UniiecTStateSi and that we are decidedly opposed to his re election. A. ffrsorerf, That we .ye confidenr, in the honesty and ability 6f ANDREVV JACKSON; snd lhat we will use all fair Bnd honorable means to support nis election at the approaching contest. The -well known and admired. Hone . - DION,- WILL sand the preaew season at the aubscri- - . ... r bera stable, m tlie torsi oi he Yadkin, awl at I nomas from aiis- 8e?h Tathcv, D mie! Bryaon, N. G How ell, Maj. Martin Heller, Wnj. elch, a, Nathaniel Bbckburn, Esq. btapnoin Htond county, to lea i'iiri;, ---7 .lie. Delegates from the other roun- .1p, in thin district, at John Burgin's, rm the first Tuesday In May, o aelert hui i:j... r. V. wrrnu tafl person as a gimiu,o of President and Vice Presided nd that Col ROBERT LOVE, of Hay wod county, be rerommended to them is a suitable person for that purpose. "After the)-f'M-egomg , .resolutions -were a AonrVd. Col: R. Love rose, end gave the fVillnirinir r1edee."as to the course he should pursue if elected : As you have beerrpieasea Honorable in- them's. o-hecmid mnMM 2"SZ ,V V'" .mi.trically onpnved " f K?r:.l iientlemen : bttry,-Milkesborough mad , principles of nr government. j Ami im msm 1o-4,0mOT-Mem:s:ji:wndrW ine U & mareaat tW .fT'-i'fn 5 Unconcerned, gaxe and tare hke ehd- j of Peopc', Ticket, as yibf season, which may bo . d,aehaiged dren at araree'-.hnw l.n.-st tour dollar within the seasonj two. and a. half iR ftcftf of wblicana I Norwe TTope fchohe as an l.iecio enwsiTna- Pre- Slar. the single leap, to be paid at the time of h ,n,l will rise in the majesty ; of District oT this state, etthe ensu ng" rre ...... .i ;-.k. ,itiar to insure a mare to n"1: ' ' , . . -,h mr retribution 1,i,;.i F.i.rnon. it behoves me to cue a rwce-Hu.ii'Mi.v-: . .. t kmi atrenpH, .b " r . . p.u, . u n. num. . i . i . . n. ...m1. be with foaUtlw insurance mow, , 1 iW servants- Who have negiecieu i nledee imeyery jps'snceaa aoon si i , heir talent. . .. ., J his. It the mare is with foal, or tne P"'I"7 v"""h,. The time's tot approaching, wwn .g.. u-- rv. i'i. .ill eommence at fhomas neen s l----. -n t,.v. the nnnortnnity of telec-l-Own hit .... i irpr linn m .111 ii-v 11 t nf thpirrmrrni voir inr e- B;nl-nrr1. 1 hat S tpprovp v.j ta-tii'tiinnort for, the Vice Presidency of .k.. Vn'iirA Slates, the JOHN C CALHOUN, the present c d..cUa. That we approve of the nomination, made by Counties of Stokes and Rockingham, of Ueneral Abraham o . .nitn( for an elector tn i hii.if, as i.iiu."i ibis district, and recommend him to our r r:.;..n. worthy of the trust proposed to be confided in him- -KA h.vimr nrefaced thrm with a !e n..i;n.nr remarks, thev were seconded by Baftlett YifiCey , Esq, in an animated and feeling address, recommending to in? as Vmhled citizens a cordial support ol Uen ;i.rUn . President. The sentiments f ,h meetine were- lhe taken on lhe passage, of the resoluiions, when they Wn v uimimsi"""; , . The followiftg resoJul.iQ.nwas iucu wk fered and adopted, viz V Rfotyed, Thaf he proceedings of this meeting oe puo i;.k. u iheMIiion Gpienerwrh a enclosmert atswiCaiuiiana, adopted, as K PP"". -with a view of ascertaining-my opinion" on certain political topics. The respect which I entertain for the executive and Senate of your state, excludes from roy mind the idea that eu unfriendly disposi- x tion dictated the interrogatories which ar proposed. But I will confess my regret at being forced, by this sentiment, to de part in the smstlest degree, from that de termination on which I have alwaya ac ted. Not, sir, that I would wisn to con ceal my opinions from the people, upon any political or national subjects ; but it ther were in tarious ways promulgated in 1824, 1 am apprehensive that my ap pearance before the public, at this time, may bo attributed, aa has already been lhe ease, to improper motives. With these remarks, I pray you, sir, respectfully to state to the Senate of In- diana, that" my opinions at rw.tj.. precisely what they were in 1823 and 4, when 1 hev were communicaieu, oy ieucr, td Dr. Coleman of N. Carolinsrand when voted for the present tariff and appro- briatlons for internal improvetnent-At- rhst letter was wnuen i "w divisions of sentiment, on Jbis subject) were s strongly marked as they are now, in relation ootn umw stitutionajity of the system, it is enciosea. herein; nd Lbeg the fsvOrTjf your cellencv to consider it a part of this com- . rra I . hf aaKirpsa munication. i ne occasion ou -v.. il arose, was embraced nreventine any doubt, with hope t misconstruction. n Thursday, the 17th mat. smi ne ... - . ,mong them gome one Uriy there every n.nth and tenth day therea u l chu.f Ma(r( ter. accdentsicep.en ... . . . deV01 f' 'v I aMat .t ihm tibiicriDcr t eare will be taken to prevent accidents, but no liability for anv. jprt:4 10A, 1828. JOHN LOCKE, Jr. 5tH rate. It is mi! .ilv winhril that intelliirence, integrity and patriotism. wiH govrru the choice of the elec or,. And what citizen is there combining more of the sterling virtue, than were is .n sn. Jrk:nn. of Tenn t Who has spent KAN OFF v TimM the subscriber, on the 6th vtM . an iron" array MC lotvA supposed to be six years old this thick mane and tail, had on wnen - the men of your choice at the last . . r . I -i.-, .,,.. whon 1 acteo ior you. fully voted for Gen. Andrew Jackson, of t tn. hi Tresident. and John t Calhoun, to be Vice President. The re ...i, of ihat election you are all appnsrd of: therefore, I need say but little on that k.,i OI the ensuine election, 1 will say ;.k Kitation. that Gen. Jackson has terestof his country, for the sake of power or ! in,ime friend of my younger I.U.. , ii. h. made the public weal his "ecu uic . u... imh. polt'rsttr, and has pursued it with an .ndeMa ... - .. J f for whom I ,am to act ln poim; w wiU perfectly accord with my : Mao nublished in the nrivate and political sentiments, to T ,u. nrth Carolina Journal, and the .Western Carolinian la the viKr or his vmith in the senice of his country , who. like th; faithful servant, has improved hu talent i anil who has never compromise" ... ,Nirir mine anu laiu - . .. i mm. j ,--....,1 Krlil. nd was new ly shot! all L .!.. , ... nrinir attendance at grest ui aw ........... - - . ini, nnti . . r r round - he will probably aim to Eo " "- ,evees icrking and intriguing tor prc.rr- fimt. mi this state: or ior u,mih, - v He has never solicited office ; he :.kn.i nn nf aa.d beast, so tnat Fgether sgain.ri.all M bv mc, ' irrJetf c. A. C. April M, 1833. 2tU LIST OF LETTERS T EMAINING in the post-office at InB"' 11 North Carolina, on John Btrret, John H. Barrett, Jonathan Barrett, Sarah Barrett, Benjamin Billings, Benjamin Billings, Jr. John Blackbourne, Jamei BryinA Davr:Lookebllti Jacob Mikel, Benjamin Mize, phlhp tock, Peter Myers, Joseph Northern, James Payne, Jordan Perry, aiary r"pc, ment or pn.motipn.. His ta.rm. ... have always been a efficient recommendation L .u -,m.nt. whone call into service he always promptly obeyed without Kg. s.:- Hr.nn v n.isi mi ktiiszsts s- then do w'e see him. Cincinnat.is-I.ke. retire to . W . hn.nm ni III?, muni, receiving and treating, wii days; . .l- ik. Mfftinc adiourned. Ann inercuui , " The exact number of persons present and participat-ng " tnc - - the meeting, waa not doubt was eniertainea ui 500 persons. It was peculiarly Kr.u,T,K ,o the friends of our Republican Ins titu tions to perceive the interest and leelmg -.kih!,. h the many old men who at- ..j .u:. m..tnir. Many of them lenuen ion .- were Soldiers of the Uevoiution, anu , i .i - nemis: am. wicrc st-ottice at i"'K'"", tne owoni ui - - . , . f,-p the 21t April. 128. pursuing the humble ayocation of ' . 1. LLJL .n,l treatine with politeneM and hos- olfality, all thone whose curiwlty ,or respeet m y dVaw to hi. hospitable mansion. 1 h,. .. a faint and slight pmirtr.it of h",. i Tk. Amor ran neoole Will delight to fnr,. .ears we have oeen in u.e habits oMtienrtly intimacy; ...uu, wW... no man, a", political trienn, i nayo M , p,rticipa,ed in j W. wadeU tbroueh.and Pus, r,"V' v . rawawmrfi iiiiziiszi. 0 . rr .1.. United in lhe state ot tennciwe, in t . M..i;.;.it .trncrcrla hctwccn the etoer TrCat UWIllisvoa r , r " . . r . !A . i,i iv Adams and Mr.Jeuerson, ...uy b i . knnnrirl one of the tlree c.e i ws n h-.rh Tennessee was onlv en .i.t.,1 tr. t that day ; ami at mat tine i ,u..har.rl the trust reposed in me tathe entire satisfaction oi tne peop.o .. i f . I r.n Ann .statby--. Albany I now ao pieoge you, r - , . . or necessity for further enquiry, respec ting my opinion on the suojeci to wnitre you refer particularly in those 5!a!es which you have designated as cnensmns; irv ai variance with your own to firrtrrve our invaluable constitution and be hrrhared to rchel the invasion of a foreign be, by the practise or economy, anu .u eulttsvitibnt within ourselvrt, of the meaner of national defence and indepenaencB. should be, it seema to me, the leading ob ject of .any X?te" hich aspires to the naroeT vAmeTicatanaf every pru dent administration of our government. r -I trust, sir, that these general views, taken in connexion with lhe letter- er closed, and the votes referred to, will b ..a .va"iMnt.anwejc jo the en quirie auggeJ-ted by the- resolutions of ihe Senate: 1 will-further obserye, to .m.r -irellency. that my views ofconsU- rvnional power and Aiiwrkan... policy t Imhihed in no small degree, in tho timetr, and from the sages of the revolu tion, and that my experience J oi qi posed me to forget their lessons i ant in conclusion, 1 will repeat that my opulent remain as they existed in ibjj aou uninfluenced by the hopes of personal ag- grandixement ; and that i am sure mr will neter deprive me oi m pru faction of having always bean a sincero. and consistent republican. 1 have the honor to be, very respecuuuyi your most obedient sen ant , 7 ANDREW JACKSON. man wnom me ainem r-r- honor. , . . ..,, w. Mtlt wuai t" " r wih mere was no r wont say whatss the deliberations of , . HawAiiAn in hf meet nir. witn tne as.i.o v..y .t.. r,rinrir,l avowed on the occasion as vv K...". r -- . . ..... , characterized their conuuwi ......,,.. struggle for liberty, bigped order of the meeting. JAMM Uftir.i,w.. J as. H. lU'rFiw, iccry. David Buckhardtt, Levi Campbell, Thomu Cody Rachel Cunningham, Julia Daniel, . Benjamin Ferabee, Joseph Ferabee, Andrew Issts,;,-,,., Bannister tilidewellj George Grimes, Rnrv Mirrv. "rh'ri., rmh-r liederitfc "John -Wallis, Sidney Johnson. James Wright,- Zechariah Johnson, James Kenneday, Michael Redwine, Thomas Sawyer, Peter ehnles, Jacob Skein, Salty Smith, - Patsy Smith, Joseph Spence, ' George' Tash, ' ' Kuth Teagjie, WillUm n. Toomy, ..toepeaUyvbat has hia course in puouc life been t Where irtheT.rahrtnnnumCT ... . ..ui. ,-.- wk.M the treaty nc n r- . . . ...K.ii Iim secured negociatea ami nmciiHi, ....... I, . ..i,k i.U ntuintrv f I fear our Henry Keply, Christian Kinney, Elijah Lanier, Oliver Lambeth, Epos Lanmng, Jonathan Williams, Ailliam Williams, David Waggoner, Jane M. Woodi, Alfred Wilson, William Wadsworth. 3tl4 . D. R0UNSAV1LLE, P. M. eyes woidd grow4imwith 1W. Ij! pubic tlocumems. ueiore wo I I . . .ft!, .k.. ..I.ta hnnnr to his treaty or potic smw uw, twf".;-narne- or eUrty IP hi country. There is one S, he Eade,whlih will remain an eternal ... . f ki. .v.ri?.. mlmercensry dtsposi- moni.nicii, -- - .w tion : and that was with the Secretary , me Treasury Depirtir.eW.out of which Jic dre tr up wards of one htindred tnousann ror ni,piv aervices. It might KW.,rft!Si negociating this treaty. e recollected the old adage, that an overflowing Treasury .s a curse to a nation. And by his having some pretext to draw out and take upon himself the trouble o JppTopriate it to whatever charitable use.ould seetn Jood in his own eyes, it would, at least, be r- Dhlt The Hon. D. Hudsop. Ill V'i'v . a n fl . .m.fiftr of the town ot Hudson, rorwgc wu.7 " : .t 11"- frA i i i l .. ,y. .tar. I n!ii iiuu . i . mir rtnriim.ar i ii .m trmv nanuv m i- -- choice, (to wit .) Gen. Andrew Jackson, in his infinite goodness has been pleas f Tpnnessee. to be President ; and John . , -t 8eVeral towns in thia part r r.ihnnn. to be Vice rresiaenu in i f ... rniintrv with the gracious ... Vs vsS5Siw -.T ... t I U SIV J , Ino-.o. 1 have a peculiar pieasuej irom f w sniut. . especially, in niHynoost-intimaterw v TOFnnklm,-Strogtmcnt ien. JacKson ; anu m,re ID Twtnsbiirg, ana in . to be one of our mos wo- mnner .n Hudson. Uenuemen.i nurouij , . ..,i.,i nta everv r ... j I I n. arnra mi ti"" - i for your good wiir tow.. IY n rand in some neigh On motion of tol. ames lucn-rv, pan . - ....,.,.. v.' . Ued. that the Editors-of the Western boyhoods, very w S C-rolinian wd the R.Wgb -tarf be . W lefl ere jot nuuyu k . i .1 Ihll a quested to gfvfr protxeuingai .wtHrertedi- ineetjng an inseruv.. .u p-Kv- REVIVAL IM TORK, Pf.NH. 7 By several letters received from York, we learn that very ex-CDtivo and powerful religious excitemcw pre vails, chiefly among the youth la. the German Reformed congrcgatioB ml nr. iind.tr the nastoral care of ii... v- , - - . , the Rev. J. R. Kiley. me nupocr of persons who are its subjects 11 es timatcdlt about three hundred. It : j ..'"jr-sni;"ihmisioK,"',ta- hopes arc entertained thaMt will-be. come general. It commenced 10 a ....... m.o,',n(r which had beet for some time conauctca, m . : house belcmrgrrhurcbli. so far as we can perceive, wnnow-.- tnterveotion of ahv other meant ur . forts, than those of a taithlui miwfJ.. t i a- :, ;rroOai:ltftiLevRol ' ; ... l. .k.nk nf thia meeting be yea, marine -- - - - -.a M.i. W. Dever, and Jaa. R. Love for the able and dignified manner they . - ..tmA iKia raeetintr. nave tu,-"-u " ,7 7 ? r U On motion of Felix Axley, Eiq.-Ke VV ar4nfornied th Ciis' w""' " 4 r Mp Worcester nas remuvt- " Hrinerd to New Echota, for the pur- I pose of making use of the press as . . ... .k.. fh.rnlr.F means ol instruction tu v... Tht FWladelpbia Natiobd Gatette tayi - The business of the s.asdfho intil'eiwwiiycti,, Di' ,mP1 c ,..,i. J Phiiadeinhta much exceeds thar;? B.1 PUW V - 1 aNeYork.'" There are 31 John Smiths in Neir- York, and 14 John Johnsons.

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