l.'upt. Ilcnni, lv the Halt 'ur, svlioxe liuimiieaml ecOcro'iromlacUino tly noticed in tlio following anecdote, ii itill I resident of Beaufort, in this State, tnd hat, fur many years pait, been 1 member of the Legbbture from IJarteret county t FROM TBI fHMlllHIl tlllTTI. The following testimony to Ameri can generosity and feeling is taken from pamphlet entitled Remarks during a residence from June 18th to August 1 1th, IS 20, it the Ciipe of Good Hope, by ITiomas Ueorge Love,' published in Duenos Ayres t Foreigners of aUnationa are do- mesticltedin Capetown! rrenchmen, Germans", Italians, Stc. and even North Americans. A centlemaa oLMie. Ut Iter Statei (and 1 regret' that I cannbt ti . I N L L. esteem from the following occurrence, - Me-cormnanddtrAmertcarijriraa - " teef, last war, fI think the Rambler) ,.. A and madeaconsidersbleiumof money in captures from us. lie had taken a British merchant yesstl tonne latitude of the Cape, and went himself in the boat to take possession k On bearding, almost the first object that met his eye was a beautiful woman in tears, (the captain's wife.) 11 A woman's tears are more fatal than our swords j" at least the Ameriaio seemed to feel something of this. Addressing the afflicted lady, he stated that he had only boarded to hear the news, and have the pleasure of a glass of wine with the captain. lie proceeded to the cabin, and after the lady had re- tired, told her husband, that although by the laws of war the vessel was made a prize, yet a sight of so much distress would not allow him to proceed to ex- rw a iremities.- laRtng pen, in ana pa per, he made over all tlaim on the vFael to the fair creature that had so interested him. Shortly after this event the war closed, and the privateer came" into Table- Bay. " The intelligence of his generosity had preceded him, and upon passing s British frigate anchored in the Bay, the band, in compliment, itrock np-theatrof -irtA-ee"Dtodie;u The lovely Niobe," who had thus softened the heart of the rough sailor, was brought to bed at the Cape, and the child named after her benefactor. The American told me he felt more real pleasure at this, than the value of the prize could possible have given him. Privatecrsmen are generally re puted to be so hard hearted and mer cenary, that one would hardly believe this detail. Yet it i well authentica- ...ted at the Cape, and I. feel the greatest pleasure in relating it. I had the .happiness of knowing the individual .. whose conduct was at ooce so delicate and humane." -The person of whom this honorable anecdote is told, was Captain Otaway Burns, of Beaufort,. N. Carolina. Front in Cotton. In a communication addressed to the 'editor of the Charleston Courier, it is stated, that the young Cot- ton er.d Vegetation in' generat, oh the Is--'- lendof Edistoand James nave been much injured by the late cold weather. At the ; latter,, place in particular, the young plants have been entirely destroyed, and the Planters are now engaged in ploughing it up and re-planting. Watermelons, Cu cumbers, and all of lest hard? natures, have shared the same fate. The Fruit, also, is very much injured ; particularly Peaches snd Plums, some of which were as large as marbles, and are turned black by the frost. The inhsbitsnts presage serious consequences to the health of the Islands, from the unusual warm weather during the past winter. A. Y. Enq, Kentucky.'-. Binns has received orders from head quarters, to send , a waggon load of hia coffin hand bills and the forged letter of Harris, into Kentucky, where the administration intend having a most aw ful fight. Clay is released from all cabi net duty, in order to finish his pamphlet, anq eupply old Kentucky with ammuni tion,. These folks pay a sorry compli ,, : mentto the intellect of the people, when therr attempt ter: mislead them-whir such shocking stuff as the coffin hand bills, tbe six militiamen, fcc. &c. Aoah. Pathetic Eloquence. The editor of the National Gaietta says, that MrvSpregne's f oratory on hemp and molasses, in Con gress, was not quite so lachrymose aa it was represented by a correspondent of one of our ci?j p.pers;Ii wsj sreumen tative, but not by any means intended to move to tear. Molassev however, is , melting subject and hemp has made many people 4y before nowv Another Jait taiihoul tevanfSjAi a set off to the late account of an empty" JSil 'in Cecil County, Maryland, the Charleston Courier says, thst on the 7th inst. there was not a debtor in Jail or on the limits of the Prison-Bounds in thst District) which contains a population of 40,000. u... t V.l I..C itt u.t. '"" 1 of the city of New York, placed in the hnd ,f the editor of the Daily Advertiser, of that city, ,n huniM Jollar: for the benefit of th family of l)e Witt' Clinton." .lie said he coniidered himself r enefitted to a large amdunt In his buai nen by tha patriotic aervicei of that great man t and, on the icore of indtbttdnn; a well at re. ipect and gratitude, he w'uhedto contribvke the sgm .above mentioned. '.. A masonic celebrstion in honor of De Witt Clinton, took place in Wsshincton city on the 29th ult. The Mssons olthe District, aided by the ursnd Chafter, from Maryland, amounting to about 150, went In procetslon to St. John's chufch, where, after religious services, Mr. Kn delivered a discourse on the me, cnatic ceased. . 1 he discourse embraced a w scope, endr occupied neirty two hours in the delivery. In the Vindication whlh the JfffJf.S$.9tS9WlilL' Af.fi r, ClTnt6n7s8 regards the Morgan affair, e endeavoi ed to rescue the craft from t e odium which that mysterious outrage 1 1 brought upon, iw-sndnade a criminatii ; reference to (he moral obtoseness of tho Mssons who had deemed themselves di aolved from the obligations of the msso lc oath, and had acted on, that feeling. I Clinton reposes in the midst of t hi creations of bis scientific mind and it sfier ages, when the stranger shall seel his grsve, be may find upon it tbe samd simple, but. eloquent inscription, which! graces the monument of the celebrstet architect of St. Paul's, in London, withir that massive structure " If you seek foi my monument, look around." From ll'aihington.-A letter from Wash ington, to the editor of the New York Kn quirer, of the 20th ult. saysi Kvery tongue hss been employed for some days in the none fruiting affair of Prince John. John Hampden -Pleasants,' editor of the Richmond Whig, said aloud" the other Iay in the capitol, on hearing of the insulting conduciof young Adams to Mr. Curtis and his family, who sre friendly to the re election-of Mrr Adamjrthat H he'-de- served what, be got.' The President, as you will observe by bis message, intends to make as much of it in a political way as possible Some of the Adams men are in extacies with the nose affair. Thev WyiiWVproAiite a' great" reaction, and most assuredly elect Mr. Adams. It baa come very opportunely upon them, just ss the Morgan business was dying away North Carolina Manufatwrrt A few weeks since, twenty bales of Cotton Yam was shipped from Tarborough, in this State for the New-York market they were from the manufactory of Mr. Joel Battle, at the Falls of Tar river, about IS milci from this place. We understand that this manufactory is the oldest in the Stale there are now two others in oper atlon, one at tayetteville and the other in Lincoln county. Should the ".Tariff! bill meet with equal success as that for; ". Internal Improvements, necessity wii compel the people of the South to join in the scuffle for the benefits . anticipated from this new American System, as they will have to bear full proportion of its burthen, and buffet the northern manu .lacturers, ." with their own weapons." ine VMon...i ne lormsJjon of a ne w ter ritorial government West of Lake Huron or the Territory of Michizin, is contem plsted. Michigan will soon claim admis sibo into the Union, as an independent otite- The increase of this Republic in wealth and population is unparalleled T a . . in a tew snort years, ai least three more States will be added !o the confederacy Michigan, Arkanaas and Florida- and west of the two former, new territorial govern ments will necessarily be estsblished So we are destined to progress, until tbe whole country between this point snd the mouth of the Columbia Ktver, will be di vided into States, and subject to the do minion of civilized msn. Small Pox We understsnd (says the Botton Patriot) that Dr. Wsterhouse hss given it s his opinion, that there is no such mongrel or mixed disease as Vtrl olotd ; that it is either tmaUfioxor kine fiock and that Dr. Jenner, in a letter to him, a short time before bis death, ex pressed a similar opinion. IT The university oL Alabama is to be to1 cated at Mair's spring, one mile and half east of Tuscaloosa : and Col. Wm. Nichols, at present superintending the state capital, nas neen engaged to auperin .... . ... - intend the erection of tbe necessary buii- aings. - mi " 'ii : m The Baltimore Patriot states, that Jim 1 ruxton, convicted of murder in the first degree, wss executed at Easton, Md. on the- Mth inst:-After the ustiarceremo riies, says the Gazette, being asked by tbe onenu, is ne hc any ..tning tp Say , be arose) and in a firm voice, addressed the aurrounding multitude', for about ieh minutes warning them agsinst giving way to tneir passions and against the vice ofdruhknhesX'"" i he Kev. t rancis L. Hawks, late of ihis state, has been elected assistant minister of Trinity Church st New Ha veti, Connecticut. Rat. Star. i x i : rt VmA yoa at sny time hve room In your ppcr, I would thank yoii to imcrt tlie lollowing lines. , ' With respect, I am yours, fkc. . A. I. in Veading the newspapers, in a certain little village, I have reckoned up not less thsn twenty five great men, seventeen very erett men, and nine very extratr- dinary men, in less thsn the compsss of half a year, i nese, say the uarettes, are the men that posterity are to gate at with admiration t these the namea that fame will be. employed in holding up fdrthe astonishment of . succeeding age. - Let me teetjorty $ii great men in half a year, amount just to nnrry wo In a year. I wonder how posterity will be able to re member there an, or whether the people. in further times, will hsve any other bu- iiiresnoTnffW catslogua by heart.. Does the May or of a corporatlorinliia .ntWXlMi lr set down for a great msn. Dofca a pe daot digest Ills ommori'-place book into a folio, he quickly becomes frif. , Joes s poet string up trite sentiments in a rhyme, he also becomes the great man of the hour. How diminutive soever the object of sd miration, each is followed by a crowd of still more diminutive admirers. The shout begins in his train, onward he marches toward immortality, looks back on the pursuing crowd with self sstisfi. t;on, catching all the oddities, the whim $ici, the absurdities and the littleness of conscious greatness, by the way. 1 wss yesterday invited by a gentleman to dinner, who promised that our enter tainment should consist of an haunch of venison, a turkey, and a great man I I went according to appointment. The venison wss fine, the turkey good, but the great mawas insupportable. The mo ment 1 ventured to speak, I was at once contradicted, with a snap. I attempted, by a second and a third assault r to retrieve my reputaton; hut was still beat bark wit If confusions -1 - looked-round to see who was on my side ; but every eye was fixed with admiration on tpe great , man I therefore, ir last, thought proper to sit silent, and set the pretty gentleman du ring the ensuing conversation. - When a. man has once secured a circle of admire'rir be rosy' be as ridiculous as he thinks proper, and it all passes for elevation ot sentiment, or learned ab sencei if he transgresses the common lorms pi breeding, mistakes even a teapot lor a tobacco box, it is said that his thoughts sre fixed on more important ob jecis: to speak and act like the rest of mankind, is to be no grester than they. There ia something of oddity in the very idea of greatness ; for we are seldom as tonished at any thing very much resem bUng ourselves. The same degree of undeserved adulation that attends our great men while living, often also follows tbem-to' the. tombl--U--irequently hap pens, that one of his little admirers sits down, bijr with the important subject, and is ielivered of the history of his life and writings t this msy properly be called tW resolutions of a Ufa between the fireside ant the easy chair, In this we learn the vear in which he war norm at what- an early age "he gave tymptoms of uncom mpn genius and application, together with some of his smart ssyingsrcolletted by hit sunt and mother, while yet but a boy. Tke next book introduces bun uxxhe uai versity, where, we are -informed " of his amazing progress in learning his excel lent skiH in darning stockingsr and. hit new- invention for papering books to save the covers. The next makes his appear ance in the republic of letters, and pub lishes his folio. Now the Colossus is reared, his works are eagerly bought up bv all the purchasers of scarce books. The learned societies invite him to be come a member, he disputes against some foreigner with a long Latin name, con quers in the controversy, is complimen tel by seversl authors of gravity and im portance, is excessively fond of egg sauce with his pig, becomes a president of a lit erary club, and dies in the meridian of his glory. Happy they, who thus have sone little faithful attendant, who never fonakes them, but prepares to wrangle an to praise agsinst every oppose r ; at once resdy to increase their pride while livng, and their character when dead. Tor you and I, Mr Editor, who have no hunble admirer thus to attend us we, wbj neither are, nor never will be, greal mei, and bQ do not-much eare w hether we ire great men or no, at least let us strwe to be honett men, and to have corn- mot sense. a. l. Ztrr . The Richmond Compiler of the 1 5m inst. mentions that the office of the clerk of King and Queen county, Va. had been consumed by fire, and that the pa pera which it contained were all'destroy- edr The same paper announces thst a per son in that state has devised . a carpet oom , by whiQh he is enabled to manutacv lure figured carpeting of any pattern, much superior in point of quality to the mported, PcotcJjL. carpets ; and tbal..tne editor of the Winchester Republican, who bad-an opportunity of cxaimng-a sample, pronounces it to be of a remarkably firm texture and strong colours ; and superior to the English manufacture of the same sorti licet Ccli-j cj Free ....;. Tfl those who are l et tU'..i J t.f the condi tion and prospects of this colony, the fol lowing brief facts may not be uninterest ing i 1st. Its population exceeds twelve hun dred. - Sd. tbe Colonial Government is well ordered and efficient in ita operation, and all the officers of this government, the Colonist Agent excepted, are free men of color, who have settled in Liberia. 3d. The Colony is provided with am' pie means of defence, both against the natives of the country, and the pirates of tbe coast. - 4(h. The settlers are generally regular and correct in their "moral habits, Hnd manr:ofthemsiricew!randf exemplary christians. ' -$th?irM fa'rids'rih8'''Cb16nflnd'tKe neighboring country are very fertile, and 4bi5u;nd, ti Ujc;f srloui production of lhe most "Tavorable tropical climatei." Ne doubt can be. e,nlf ttained t bat they (ttt capable of giving support to I very nu merous civilized population. - 6h.. The commerce of the Colony is becoming profitable, and from this source alone several individuals have in the course of three or four years, placed themselves in easy and comfortable cir cumstances. 7th. Schools are established, snd every child in the' Colony enjoys their advantage-' '' 8th. The Colonial Goverment posses ses jurisdiction over one hundred ond for ty miles of coast ; and on this line, no less than eight stations are occupied by set tlers or traders from the Colony. 9th. The Colony is manifestly exerting a benign and extensive influence over tbe native tribes and hss nearly excluded the slave trade from the whole region over which it holds authority. The Managers say, that they. have nu merous applications for passage io Libe ria ; Jhat the expanse of - transporting an individual, incluriing provisions, is from 20 to 25 dollars, and that funds only are wanting to render the future operations of the- Society far. more interesting and beneficial than- those of any-'precedihg year. A few day ago, a mechanic at Wins; fofd "near51iddle wlch," being ill, and on able to attend his work aa usual, his wife reproached him bitterly, and in the course df the altercation that ensued, worked herself into a furious passion, venting the most horrible and blasphemous impreca tions on the poor man. Among the rest, she wished ' he might be plunged into the lowest pit of h 11," and said she " would not mind going half way to take him there ! in the midst of thisde moniacal frenzy, she suddenly lost the'use Lof her sight and speech, becsme almost completely, paralyzed,, and died in a few hours afterwards. Ckctter Courant. . --''. 'hot.. irojir. r y -:--- The EnglisH 8hfp"Albi6nV in the" battle ith the Turks at Navarlno, actually ex pended five tons, eight hundred weight, eleVen pounds and fourteen ounces of 'pnwtfef 'rand " forty '"-five "1605,"" fourteen hundred weight and twenty four pounds of shot, besides five thousand musket and four hundred pistol cartridges. She fired hree thousand nine hundred and eighty five cannon balls. "--- ' The latest advices' from TNew York,1 Pennsylvania, New-Jersey. Kentucky, Indiana and Missouri represent Gen. Jack son'a prospects in those States to be most flittering. It is confidently asserted that his majority in Kentucky will be from fifteen to twenty thousand. We understand, says the Democratic Press, that Captain Porter is expected to return to the United States in a few weeks. Whether he will remain or re turn to the Mexican service, we have not been able to ascertain. Dr. Hosack ba been appointed by the Literary and Philosophical Socictv of New York and a committee of citizens, to pronounce a public eulogy upon the late uovernor Clinton. We understand (says the National In telligeneer) ;;that it.is,determined, at -the Treasury, to pay on Jive tntlitom of the principal of the public debt, on the first day of July. The Rev. Dr. Kirkland has resigned the-offire-iof President-of- Harvard- CuF lege. His health has been infirm for some months. A7frrArow,- charged with: passing WW terfeit Bank .Notes at Raleigh -Superior Court, and who moved bis cause, on aftV davit, to Franklin county guilty, and sentenced to twelve months imprisonment m naleigh JaiU and at tbe expiration of that term. to, receive thirty nine lashes, and stand an hour ip the pil lory ! The Eclectic Recorder states that the Scriptures have been published in whole er in part, io 17 languages and dialects, j after tbe first of January next. KOHTII -CAnOMMA COLD, c.i , The foll.,iit.jf ate extracts ofa letter tmJ u.tc::.h'ent Firmer or thia atatfi, t0 a rnftnUJ Conrea, originally publithed in the K..T Intelligencer Ahrlllili. ia. " We have lately discovered that J country abounds in Gold, more partlri larly the county of Guilford. Our ft,) nages nave goio oust, more or let Some are worth working j others are no but it appears that there is, in every neio unruiKJu wnerc ine wnue ana yellow fli 1 s bounds, gold oust, i have seen seve grains of gold, found in Orsnee. Tk. are, at this time, fifteen or twentv h J erl working in the lower edge of GuilM icouniy, ai a goio mine on the land of Mr MS-Gibonw.An exienUvrtonner h,t. is discovered in" Chatham county, sout oi, wreeosoorougnf myomotor rTfo is more labor done at gold mines, than er many urms. ..': vur vutniiiwi urmcra in me tinnJ toonlies are . doing nothing, r, .in'oidJ woras, iney are starving, i his is not J wnear country, ana u it was, the r.srrii, of flour would destroy Itself. The hnt toms, on their rivers and creeks, are ool good for corn and rye. My opinion it that this country was intended by ;h( God of Nature to be a stock country t this part of North Carolina could keep pace with any State of the same size, in raisin aheepi a bale of wool would bear car risger The Urushy Mountains in Surry Wilkes and Burke counties would furnish psstures for many thousand head ol sheep, and if our sturdy men of capita! would turn their, attention to the estab lishing of manufactories, instead of mi king their sons land or slave speculators, Sec. &c, ii would add much to the motil ity and industry of our country, and stop the tide of emigration to the North and West I hope the next region of gold to he discovered by the North Carolinian), ill be the employment of many shep. herds on the Brushy Mountains, and other places, attending large flocks of sheep; 1 am not entirely alone in this hope; we have not. the same.kind-of eyes as the Governor of Virginia.- When I see bsle of wool,s welt as cotton, in the market! of North Carolina, I shall think that we are travelling in the right -path. I 'throt such ateps Ought to be pursued in Con gress, as will, m the end,' encooragi the raising of hemp and wool. N,ortl Carolina is poor, as regards her navigation but richr with her internal resources aw advantages ; with a soil and climate friend ly to the raising of corn, peas, potatoes rice, cotton, tobacco, rye, and wheat, am alt other grains, with wool and hemp, al though more moderate for hempt Witl her mines of gold, copper, and iron, am many other things of grest value, sbi may, some flay vie in proaperit with the wealtbieat States in the Union From the above broken "hints, you . ma; discover my opinion of internal improve ments." ... ... . ;vf Sign I Xiana. Dennis Prieor the Jackson candidate, has been electee Mayor of New Orleans by a majority o 370 votes Mr. Peychand, tbe Adama can didate'. The votes given were", for Prieut 490 'loF .Peychand ;32(iOihe:. memoerTwRo compose the city Council all are in favoc of Gen. Jackson exeep two. ; Sftetie Itii s'atcd in the Newrjeam P'pers thai specie joa eonsideisb!e amount is constantly arriving at the port Two vessels arrived on the I Oth of March from Rio Grande, with nearly 8100,000 We hope some of it may find its way intc North-Carolina. Congrrtn In the Senate, on the 2tl ult. Mr. Brsnch, of Ihis state, submittec the. following resolutions, (Mr. Carsoi ofTVrrd a similar resolution in the Houst of Representatives, earlv in the session : Retotved, That the Committee on Indi an Affairs' be instructed to inquire inu the expediency of refunding to the Stat of North Carolina the sum of twenty-twe thousand dollars, which was paid by said State to certain Indians of the Cherokee nation, for reservations of land. The House of Representatives has, bj a majority of 7 votes, directed the Com mittee on Military Affairs to bring in a bill to abolish the office, of Major Geperil of the army. -- The following contradiction is from the Nashville Republican, (about eight miles from the residence of Gen. Jackson :) The National JotirnaL-haapuhlishcds notevwhich some one of the thirty-six Ed itors asserts was addressed to them by Gen- Jackson. It is false Gen- Jackson never wrote it. If the note purported to romer rom-ntrriTif "IsTf ' baie'forgerY. Gen. Jackson mny;be at times careless in his orthography, but we feel confident that no such a paragraph as tbtH contained in the Journal, ever emanated from bis pen. ...- . ..-1 . . .- MAX' W AJi A law has been recently passed by tbe Legislature of the state of Pennsylvania. which prohibits entirely the circulation of notes ofa denomination below five dollars,

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