I if i IN :t - tboiiough bred flonsa JRfWXVT, ' wrirl ttiml the prfm A f f eon, no eommrn. V,V J A eed. and to continue until the fflU WXl of APU t my stable In feC.yf0 rnileafrmn ''Wf from Leiingtoai at the reduced prie of right , SSr 1h fon. payable by ail JoJ.rtU the Knn..W.Cari, prompt Pme"V. ' :" .-.i !-i Joffdrt to insure mare J"-LI', .r; 'T j .. ho m the mure iransierrr... . , io t waatauo, Fvrr.5z:i'siiH iTOu7rWoniMnl with the . ' r - fft-hathnwii public places, or to a .man wane w to oblige, for a Single day " two, a particular neibourhoorl, . -Lm JL:. (Tmnut ft fine mahogany bay, .frVZ'l . " .j . i,,1.Hn( atar T L with blac Wit. mam " " , i ii u I Wine" sixteen band, high; un.t.ng. In high U T"1?! .JTl r,niir end elr ranee of hit Jlesin 3 minute, and 30 " ' hv Mr Ucv i and tamed the hi IdS 3 bJS the bet horse. . to hi. ipeed " um.v ; - aorf ( JU.7w.w of body, eeieDrainu ru... . -. - n , , , them rVcr horses, wnen I..- I- i.r(fe. fine Ml 1-, - i TTTVaTfiVllllTEU SALISBURY, NORTH gmuvm BT KtlU AttM0HO. ' . rtrania .Utf.fi rtal) Hthmi'nt, eitlM ception of Company. . nej-- bepn lawn io 7iTocur new fumituw of every der.pt.on, necei..ry Z the comfort of Traveller,, proved aervant. hare been aclected w.th BrM wrerthe tor .to. ktd with cho.ee liquor, an,l "r.ubW. attended by obliging and attent.ve WtSS. The convenience th.. .imM. . i v in the nlare. The hoti contain ;.,-. - nllt.hoilM. well nnmoer vi pnr.vc rv.- - - - - 80NU ty Bihp Ihbtr, Oh I 'til not for her lovely fact With youth and rapture teemn. Where iweetnea. .hedi Hi pureat ftaee, tike morning ttngny "nMnJ'.i Whert beauty'iiparkhni chArml re.ide4 In treuure. wK" i That I adore, In fond delight. My tweet, my ume-eye mrj. )h no 1 Hii for her happy mind. Where loveline repoaea, . nd Infant truth remama enahrined, i tk. r,rA IK vounr roee. i lvhere ae and eicellenc unite, NotformMw.tnmc7, nut IT1 5 ther'i old brandy, HI exactly court upon the road, where 1 ro ture u oc iacces.futl then I'll ask your notre ty miuH nd boot. our, rcauctuu.., TROUBLr.lOMt. t o tf Mn White will ! me the tervice to give the above place In one corner of hit piper, he will very much oblig reader hold out . . . ' .u- .11 tne. cj the ladtei, wnen ne gc Uteedi Theyounj Napoleon ii s: ir.!trfst inir vouth. hcautiJully iormed, witli the hi mnther. One cannot ins youth, with bit ioexpreatible tint of melancholy anu inouRmui..i, without deep emotion lie nai not .u. marVtL tilaio md familiar ease . Ilia - T , ig youth, beautifully lormed, witli 10 countenance and foe-cut lips 6f 11 father, and the black evca of his inthir. One cannot ice this bloom- , l. hnne n.on. lit great m. aam, n I'" - ... . . -a ,k f h and Itmba entnie mm io m mutr v t..t.--. T..w,.tf ttocK to rarrr woi,... -"v,-v- - r' ... . nV trnn- ,d render rt "? n av nleaae to call on pirn, he ".rr that no in. wi.lhe ap to tne.fi.jni;. ""-""- , mwm inr no , their comfortable ana p.ea."K to the tort, in conr r7R . , r.MONG. Sal nbury, Srfit 17. 1827. 82 v.. .t,n.,Ml.titM train rteea near mm wucn - . , , "d., yet hi. pfr' ymr ,,n? Ind particullrly the atrengtb of hi. limba, have Sad! it evident to the best of Judge, who have inrpeeted him. that be m..M have been a di.t.n. 3ed runner if he bad been judiciou.ly tra.n- 'errr-ron,," w LL" WV'. . iw.u ph. in the ewt end . War Eirle. hie aam by me unponeu occupieu dj -- -- ., ,ri led nerae wt. V" " r... r ,k. ' .v' . kM. I.. ill con. nine hi. f.it Dion, gran.m?y HfV X ; w r: thank, hi. Mend, and, Tlir.ibr.ber ha. remopj iromuic ,m.. fitrmerlv owned by t-'ap'. ,Ari WVU. dee'd. to tne noue .aieiy - PnriM. in the eait end My tweeWmj b!aeJW C0D WIU PROVIDE at.w aa.aa.., o mn prtb .vrz low thtif letwwww" . iv.u kym' Lrk to Nature'! leaaon pven i the bleoed bird, of heaven j ferybu.b and tutted tree Lrble. aweet philoeopUT t ortal fly from noum ana ovro iOU provium in y, with richer crimton rlowt Ue kinrly mantle than the wee I y,have k'n,gmort wholesome Tare han we popr e'",ien. C'.r ' am. nor hoarded gram had we, et we earol merrily ! ......... ortal, fly from doubt and sorrow, Iprovidethforthe morrow I m there Uvea, whoae CuardUn eye ;uide our humble detinv ., )ne there Ivea, who, lrdof a l, Ceepour feather, leat they talis m w blithely then the time, rea'rless of (be .nare and lime, Freed from doubt and faithlea. sorrow ; Cod providetb for the morrow ! . e and gratilf contwm Aultria prince., who eeem to- of his paper anu, pernap., at home , but hu de. M inaiicemeni .u . . ... - meanor more digntnea ana iiodic in more oi mc uuin ,,v i , . ii . hi an iraDtan treme; .hich he atride. with nobie- oeia which'givei promiw of as good .truLJorwnnnntf. hoed. A New Tribe m u: relebratedr His hc Rechabite" iniorm. mc t.u..v. v . . - ad0re him j and he com- Newjarnpshire Kepo.itory, Ui : .1 J.to. Jnd . military efcry -"inw Jch noatefuturr -bcr.tbe decanter emptied and placed -upon Ufa 0f th; eight dom.in. -lh!5V:rMmpl: "nVCnd Dukeof k,n.? b . ly refused his u.tomea u fc lncome 0f about tv , mitrn praiincu win. .! . 1IC HI v .. -- w are j v- " r t. ,um: K wh 1 h.Ppy iboyght. P"';. hf.r "ke , Heith.t.5e. . . . ' ii. 1.1... ...l "Piier Durchlacht." revive this rememoranec o. - ..-. lRuer Durchlacht," the .on of Kechab, anu to . .or . - - k j dj- el.mPle of- hi. sons for generaj .mi. JJ1.. of the tation. TA, Tri; f habttc', lj ht p rert.inlv muUiplv.& a"1 we hoPe re'e"n n V"! si;. , . ... ' . ti .u. T.,.r. th ol bate ana ioao. i- they .,11 ubS.hrn is the ssme with the im- r,ppler,w to"? , Pr;nce. , he has his ober.thof- have all the una ror inc.r r""-v"' ..... u:. il rh.mlierlain. sidi- nicisici, t r MISCELLANEOUS 1 ? . :uu...i..nn;n tinr lie dle.T j-i VimT and aolictt. the oooUPuance of4 . . rsa t. asraa cMun. White: Ynt in company, ainu. with -Venerable-old gentleman, the wnTr'ate"1,,Pi,en r '.id- ut .ofa. .Ueur. ana ; T j . . M, ' . . . .,nt;n to hit ? , ' Jf i iCour.-Kan, a nne cneiur, n. rn , ne p. f ..,. , .,.-. wh0 nv Le , ,. n th fitravaff.nce 01 tne affr?, ' l l.lfK'nrh From WWCn B W Hirni, ; Dlliincw, , - w .fcr4ffSgi3l be meed, he m be very yWued to calUpo, h,m .U W KF.HK. rf , ,hat y,d of r,w.gce 1 : i J nearly if not entirely thorough bred,am! from j staitnCt. X 1-3,3 ' r hicfi haa tonnexIoa.Wlth pernal - ,. Sff STinSwS VPVe ( vSckSi tOT VWtvJua. appearance . 1 tnean tojUy equip f . I -f-- Wowing statement .: r : ; --.mnr. tibribrV havina; ert.WulI 1 a?er which indispensable to a oeceni ; . ' IX.. ' EleT the fine hone, that ever wa. aeen, J - rf WrT trtwemj Vn Wrf wCrrfy. He weighed k TndtW'edle horje "SSrT I even in England. ..nee th. day of Ch.lder. : ( fhe above was nearteu in umoun, nB m -,:- J8t0,hy Thoma. H. Mwiana. for uilminrton, N. C. ab-iut every ten .!. i wa, a young man., tl was tiy Eagle waa aired by Vohtneer.Tolunteer by - , wh Tfnted y in ,hc ileUware. j , . fl . t meet a man - who EclipL, Eagle', dam b, irh Jyrr. fwA-. ;o .uce intended for th. convey-, thmg, "ft' 0M 0f buving a by Engineer, great granUm Cade's La. of fce .Und forwarlcd by es would Ue at the expense 01 nuy "S v. r.n. viini Makelew. tc ' r twH.;rf. n. c. and 1 ,tih mitt and when tne uiu a UbJehia: and if miis," J ;-rvji , aj7;5t extravagance m rfrw . ket th!. method to inform tTe fuh- verty Jgw sic j .that aVeel will leave 1-l.iUdclphia I He told me that in otf times, when ne .a . .J ium P.rrla taken vree ol me imponcu it . avt Messrs. U Mer. " Unungion. a. v. kt the lowest rates of freight, and lewt expense Tfowible. Having thrtt .ftW fttirli in the trade, 1 r a .11 MiiiainlM commandea by carenii capuw. ..,...... .K. .rvl Cabins wtll filled tip tor the tlion wa. sired by Jp.dille. one of the bert ' tccmnmoiltW)n of ioteir, , he therefore , " M ' m JL I'll Ii! A HA . ! t . ...t t t(IM of tne ew,' wua . .- - ,..v ?,m .h Entliah stud-book. OWen under our lands, this 15th December, 1817. JAMES fATTON, Jr. Smith'i Whrrf. Phita,Mp!Jd,Mnrch.mS. ; 3rotS2 .v- .n.iii.H him io rana Dinner - Of! IUC mil, . - - . - y ,. hi. dam. Faith. byPacolrt. kc. W"r; -....j tk ft hnrsea in Eneland were rer equal to him, awl nbne'supenor, in united i TDGiiiVT Ia . i rem of tnr court in vnavfv. . . i- n n . . i . . Mm.t. .1 Ann! "! u.uw. -- - . . i tr:,. ' B ETlUltV 'Or nowinuMm'i -- Sliing t Wpu..!s - - thereof. 1828.. will be sold, at the rm,rt anv other horae on the continent, of hn rtVi :kj . i .ubacribers, a riMkAH fwvrn .iiuili uvi. nu. v n ."Y . . . .u. r ear he won 18W gumear: -ne M,ke.t Newmarket, eleven atibKr .bera, beat ' 7 ing WhiAey, Alrton, (first fn.itrof Ploughboy) Sir Sidney, -Robin Redbreast, And after a j' .M.r.,t rn.rr. ftlmoft without a lonr anu uwvwv.. . . .Jlnl in the modern racinff calender, he bnai- 51 fr won 200 guinea at Newm.rkel, wrytnj 113 Ib i wl beat Mr. Wataon. b. e. Dread- - .sought, carrying 78 ,rndwrn.ng9at. beat ,.,Si. Chirks' BMpbury's Deanor, 1he finetK m in England, carrying? tt. B, fceaie. Eaele'a colts in England have been uncorn- ' monly .ucceaaful. agreeably to the tune of b.a atanding there, which may be seen bv the racing calender; and many of his colt, in America have distinguiahed thcmselve. a. eminent run- v;,.,;.,;. Uirvland. Tennewee, and at the City of Washington, as will appear by the ) auncxed certificates of John M. Clay, A. B. Drummond. and Lewia Sherly. - I do certify, that I trined and run a coK by the imported horae Eagle, when three .vera old. fotir times i beating three race, out of four, two of the races two mile heats, and two three mile heau, running one of the races in better timr than I believe wai ever ninorfrthe Nash ville turf, in anv Jocky Club, running both beat, hard in hand, without e"4her whip or spur. 1 he race he tot, was owing to hi being nek : the same horse he distanced a few weeks after. iCiven under my hand thi. 11th February, 1817. I JOHN M. CLAY. February 12A. 1828.Thi. is to certify, that , trained the celfbrted race mart iay lov.i- nond; ahe by the importeu Mg c ; anu n... hr two races, wuitu fire !; i o U well. -I also kaow.n.her run many first He races at the diU ere nr courses, winning m. iimafkefT" Warrenton, - am. sevenu-. aiucc curses, beating good nags, af one, two, and wree heata. I also irainea n mic wh, tljee years old, w nicn i rounu iu ir myi spetu house in Salisbury, on the an day tt iay nrir, . ....t;i f ti rcumths.. four . LOTS in the a-reat Wert Square, known in the plan or said tvw .. No. it 58. '59. and 60 :' Sold .a nmle. Vised property xf -the eate-r. JJugfc. Jto tn, i sen. to satisfy an equitable claim of Aaron Jert- kioa afraintt Uie Qtner umnmurr m wm ,i.ips Jenkins dee'd. S A ML. S1IJAM AK. C.M:R.:: .ipril i4d8To, ' -" .O.This: notice should Itav appeared W pur number of 15 utt. " ; ' rret nne. it W8S OOt OUt of fashlOfl in rtn.h Ai for himself, he cour IV" aaw--- . ted in his father's wedding coat, and thought it set him off in pretty neat ' .v S -m. ik entail sktves aad ot somewnai rnuui--tv.., and the tail would not stand exactly rieht. " His wife, he said, wss graceo onher wedding-day, with the beauti ful fringed t'alicogowu that bad been bequeathed to her some 2J yearsbe fore, by her grandmother, and whieh sbe had kept close'locked up for ?tx years before, with the exprcst oesign of miking ir her bridal suit and hd not drawn Vt -eut in all that t)me, except mental orcasioos t and sorhc- Jli DM. iiUtvM.-- w rao rat w.w-Toaa cocaian. FOREHEADS AND BRAINS. It behoves every one to examine the .h.n. of bis head. Hy f lng ne maysfttle whatever doubts he may entenain astb the extent of his intel lectnal nowers.i .Manyj manjancies himself tbe possessor of genius" and taste while his neighbours -set- mm ... a "- down as srnllow.pated. incy acc hat he kes'notacehis heau. - e.x errUe enlartres the orcans o! scuon. -w 'J r A rlancincr master hjs large icet a - . . ej . . . " , . blacksmith -h -large -shoutacrs a atage "drive f has large -wntsf With regard to tne Drain, mc a... rule hold, good at least, so siys the phrenologists, thinking expaoas ones kiill inertness renders it thick, and omequemly stupid. A toretgn wr.- . 1 I ..MAftr. rw tnm ter has some anrcwu iui, - subject. He handles royslty in tne following unmerciful msnncr : The very necessity of thinking is abridged in princes, by the circum. stances in which hey are placed, and a. renerallv speaking, in proportion to these circumstance., the brain is unemployed, its light developemcnt, or its actual diminution: in such per sons, is explained by the preceding statement. When we add to this the .An.rt.rti..n. not nlv that all or- ganization, whether improved -r de aerated., is communicated to chil dreh, but that, in this ase, the degra ded orMoizarion is, every hour, still de-camp, and a corresponaing luicnor household. In possession, as he is, of a large fortune, his destination will depend on his talents ana on m. wui nation. Auttriaot xtu. times red cotton thing "even then, she went io her stri-juher dejTaded ,by.lie-??"tion.Pf But now, he says, no- lnf circum9tanccs on the child "which (From the New York Morninf Courier.) It - may beustf.ol know, and will be the means of HevUtTngniuch pilo, T' ihtwben the breast t.ud nipples are much Inflamed,-and cannot be socWr - but with the most intense aoncring w the motherf a very simple remedy wiUrelieve-tht brcasUrom jtmtlkjr- burthen, wi'hout the slightest suner ing. This is no other than filling a common bottle with hot water, and sftcr standing a few minutes, empty it, and apply the mouth oi me warm bottle to the disced nipple, and the milk will flow spontaneously no the botile, giving at the same time a nU..iirahle sensation, and a com- - - . plete relrer t the Terioaa oreasi, . raifB 1 Bf A rni taiAPt Scotch Bull. Sir Walter Scott, ia the second chapter or jaies oi a Qrandfatr?er,in describing ..the B!gw of Mi'cdnff from 4he Castle, of Dunsi nane, says " M acduff fled a$ fatt ci hortet feet could carry him," till be came to the great ferry of the river Tav " when (says Sir Walter) Mac duff got Into his owrrprovioee of Fife, Uvhich is on the . other side oi tne i aTi Ae rode on fatter than before" r A M I LY OINTMKRT. HOOK BINDfN'G: THE subscriber respectfully inform the cit isens of Safisbury, and the surrounding country, that he has established a Book Biwlrry in aid town, on Main Street, a tew oooni iu oflheCourt-Hoiife; where he will ie toanmui to receive any kind of wrrk in hi line of business. From a number of years experience, in Europe and America, he feela confident of b.-.ng able to rh e entire satisfaction to all thooe who may fa vor him with any description of Binding. Pinvlc Ilot,k made to order, after any pattern furnished, on short notice, ami at pricea which no one can complain of. Old Bookt Rebound, either plain or wramm tafc, on the most moderte terms. All orders from a distance, faithfully attended to. The Jat ronaire of the public is repectfully solicitert, by their obt KWt JOHN H. DE CARTERET. Salhburu, April 28A. 1827. 62 no dui wnam. "" : nneraiea an mc - -i : t i , v ...... , , .u. r, ... . r... l I. TI rltA; .imnlc eectDe is sa 115. .Ana. he rold me. wouia wear m.c ,.-,AIMter at the peculiar cnartwr.?ut- - uc iwi'vimj . ..-z---r . . .. .. AS w a- .9 . ..... , " S f thickest blues in the midst of summer, 0j the y:-ingiy countenance namely a rather than be " disgraced" with allow and retreating-forehead and ex- cool mixed suit. And his daughters ded organ9 cf 8ensc, a diminution of the organs of thinking, ana an in crease of the organs of mere sensual enjoyment. Accordingly, we find that the older the dynasty, and the more legitimate the race, if the head be viewed in profile, the more does the forehead retreat from the root of the nose, and the more does the nose and the other parts of the face advance from the sam point, bee the laces of all the branches of the Bourbons. Given under my hand as aboie A. B. DKUMMUNU. trri SM VI ff! 15? I 9' '. I. m l Mr. Sherly'. certificate, it is atated, thaTof theVuimberof Kagle'a colt, tramea.m .are majority were winneis i and thst in the spring aad Vl of 1819, in Maryland, they were very juccesful. "TbeVcerefirateil-! Pxlioael tlifirhflyer, ht. Yll the- immediate progenitors nauKWjjVnd tW theiVrea eubstance or weight c body, and the unusual strength of tK.ir limhk enablinir them to run with unparal- lelled apeeland bottom, and to carry. the heavy weithts boA while ninning for the King's Plate, y '-. ail unci five years of age, to carry 148 lb. i and alt over Ivr, 168 lb. Medley ran miles in 7 minute. nd 30 aecowl. carrying 143 lb. Childers tan 4 Wilea 358 yards, in 7 minuie. and 50 seconds, cirying 128 lb. Eclipse ran 4 mile. 350 yardir. 8 minuter carrying 168 lb. Dion ran with .ui uncommon honeatv, a to win 4 mile heats twice in one, week he was the liretif Gelatin, Don Quixotte, and leveral other capita" r iiuiers. fMlatin was very nearly allied to Parthrnia, the dart, of Alronsiit, bting both bv Dion, and both from Medley mare, i he was tf'ndoubtedly, in my cit'.nurtien, the brtt horse Statf nfStrtb Canttina, Surry county IN Equity, March term, 1828: Vi.lliam P Dobson' t j. James P. Walker. It appearing to the fatisfaction of the court, that the defen dant, James P. Walker, is not an inhabitant oT this state, it i therefore ordered, that publice- 'ion be aiade for BiXweeM in tne rvern vr. olinian, that he may appear at our next Super or Court of Equity to be held for the county rf Surry, at the court-house in Rockford, on tht first Monday in September next, to plead, a swer or demur to the complainant', bill, or th "iliac Will be taken pro eonfesso, and heard et . T.t WINSTON SOMERS. C. M. S. April lif,T828 SMfe aAVrrt-CarWifw, lrtdell Cstmty i And his daughttrs preferred the thinnest silk, in the dead of winter, to the warmest mother dye. t... m.,... mill nerhana ask. what ot all thi.? Why, I'll tell you: You must know, sir, that I am now be- tween eignteen mu i"u'; ""i v I don't want the ladies to know my age exactly) or about the age when youths begin to bustle about among the fair. I am a plough-boy, and father's crop, but am tol- ...ui ...i,rth I watch the ma,Tk.:. n.,ntennrrs. and that ot fer ClAUiV EClHtVI JVM.'.. ' Bll,, 7 noeuvres of the ladies, as well as other .dinand vn. in particular, is truly people; and much as I wve mem, .roVd." iy produce an excellent olntmebt lor other sore?. Take a piece of marrow about the nze f a small orange, put it beside the fir, in small oallinot : when it n ul- ficiently melted, strain off the oil, which add three tea.spoon.ful of whis key or other spirits , beat up the mis- ture until it is cold, wncn is for use. 6tl5 Medley, Dion, and Fear- O Jane Momaon r. tlekdi M: .ediite oroirenitoT. of ro V Petition for Divorce. ; It PPCTe. factiowof the court.. tnat liexeaian mornnun is not an tnhabitant o m waxe, .a icrure ordered, that publication be made for aix week, t. .v.. witrn Carolinian. Drinted in Salisbury, that the this cfiott,' 1tt" t held fcf tne coun nouse in c.ia;n nn the-ftth Monday after the 4th Monday in September next, and file his answer and nlead, otherwise the petition will be heard exna'rre, and judgment be rendered pro oon- fesSO. lestt J AS. tAniuw.i, if.. Price adv. 2, 6tl8 A PAIR OF GILT EPAULETS IOR" sale, very low : they have been used, but are not much soiled. Apply at Jame. B. Hampton's watch-maker s .nop. iV. iW, 18t8. must still expose their faults. One sentence fell from the good old gentleman, on ..which I maturely reficcted : .." Nothing w, 11 do but what is from abroad . . -Thinks 1, now is not this applicable io the ladies, in two or three senses of the word. And is not this the reason why we, whooTrrarhotnerareHnever-saiort, tusate as to be crowned with success . Is it not a liural fact, that they win prefer a mere pedlar from ahroad, to themost'Wpectablef..worthy..,.near .;nv,hr,r? And do thev not often re- iect the rnost bemorab men of their own immcuuis . .u ..Jum with those V.mmeiaatlOn IS M dlt- W.IU9S UUIJf I V W"" - - .,.. r . ' r ...... nr rnunties : Will icrcucc ui ikv, they not be content with even a slim chance, for-tbe sake of novelty T In short, do they not actually prefer any thing from abroad, to every thing at home? I wish the ladies to take the hint, ti thev don't have me soon. I'll war rant them thev don't cet me t U. rhe old Roval limilies ot r.uropc are very deficient in talent with one nr tmn excentions. The far descen ded line of Este, the stately family of Hapiburghrand:tbe loftyhpuse of Rn..rh.,na. are more respectable for the antiquity of their honors than for any, exhibition of talent. This gouts (rue Tac toftaoa litiba.t oirrri.) PRESERVING EGGV. From a Correspondent. Perhaps ycux-werej ted the notice ot some experiments tn.keej?ing eggs, that thousand are pre served yearly, or; ai it ts technically ,pickjed,-b The principle upon which they are n'mkled. is. to slack some lime a few. dava before it is wanted, and when there is no heat left in it, it is fit for use ; then put alternate layers; ot the lime and eggs into a tub, or any thing else, till full ; the eggs not to touch one another ; a little water should be kept on the top, to prevent the lime from becoming too bard. H, In Francetown, N. Hampshirf, sd is reviving his work. A letter . i ... .k. .Vire arc inst reccivea, swica u. about hltv who arc repim's r--Mav the fruit be equal to the number f LI . & I OA rs r rslftlriiilB. a i attended the inquiry meeting. . ... . (Itlraiv nlare. and IUWII , T , . i i n..;n (nr a relresn- nave icng u"" I" " AMtaA iny shower aivincgrawc upon it. - the Connecticut Bible Society knowledges the receipt of Twenty Dollars, aixtv-eight cents, a & form sundry prisoners in ihcStFr m at Wethersfield to. the Soc,; the hand of Mr. Pillsbury, Wafd 0 ,aid Priso8.Tbivy J?41 nectidut Observer, we . suspect thefirstfiringJorsimd ade i fr'om "Wtthm tne.w ever ma penttenUary Society ci Floyd county, low have resolved to supply the . of. that county. commotions In Can'. Indictments for uoe The creasing order of Che day m j .: 1 7

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