'. r r .. ... .rrftiltlt Gl" StioUf- ,Tout nan oi "r- , , , , i" ... .Krrc hutitlrrd JOUOR snips; "uuu' hi men are now under .in 1-L..,.lnrnCal Scmif' Ul .L .. . ' 111 rAiiMn inJ Acdemics. . i..... -five those no nac .v ....i-.l v" : . t.. ,rvi .re now emeu of the tocic.j, - ed the bounty 01 tne v i ... r .v-onl. oW no ereait o es p.,,,,., -;;cX.." -at.sxk'"-"'4" missionaries, agent Adm n,ember of Confess. . ctetics. or licenuaiea. ' il J I I t t liV, thndrr.niltW"l'?. tnerce.) . t0 ,ne Va it not 110107 " q American ..l 'TtLclC h o,e, tt fc cont. the b se ad tate 01 foreign nw.. ."--Wr. pt 200 per cent lime refute 40 per cent .n, lo.jwAAmft.tcaa. ..r.-tnrrr. on aecoaot of V.th6huott When they lata iw.PV jS1 T J noflr of thimm.rli. aciurc vi i" - ' ... --j ..i ' l ,nd. as eil in ihi state- .-ii .11. ....... Jnnnnw t i""-i r- WW uiw. -v - i.... .m . .it L.I.,.. 1 no nicnuKii w..- r "i-,. ...in.t him.' will raise nomci .. - ....... t.. ik. rredll to lira endorsed ctetics, i. i- if -ti The commwoiw' ' i..fft.a at 1 . Aw ff -In peinK. tor oi v 9 " M vi v l rr -f f Yrk. the New York cm lucceed if i fc Duiatc'd and pecu- .... i- i r . - . li iu-ii..v;. t deff ied In a Sute where jg memoes o. manu to rLViroonoreaaton which pr po.ed l otritioU, qu,li,Ki "Z,w nnwnollrn and cotton Roodt, to A black m.n,or Moor, ci. en . r,n. io- B been in .Uery in Miwlwlppl. teen U-'W hi freedom "nd 1 been . W.,hineton, the ov- return to hi n cou..-.7. - - fe.U.: , ;. .,.irtorilf atren-ined, he . "r , kine. He cken m R ,. i- .hi. rnlintM. hSi il0 ttt 4 It .ihv for the connmer equii that dire oppprcet - I . . i nn urnollen 7 Z ;fl.of ibout40perccnt. "Trconciu.;on; therefore whhout riving much more proof wh.ch we . ; n,,r oower. have we not the '" " r. . iii .... truth in ua when we oo.a.y -y-; w notin IWBd tVe,."S5r auou-ht o fr ry, which we r their enmity , but that it wa. the object the duty to which they were alcly Prd ...t.- m .nd lUat their opp" - l u ,f is pi1atablene heuhhineii, and JUNK mw. NATIONAL NOMINATION White nomt'i prntectiiiir power we prove. Ilrr faith adore, her irte HtUI U owf trtin to heiven wpire, Ut Horn n.l Jrw k " ' To theifl our rtful l '" AihI our long pn pour Immortal ntc. tm ra raiar A N DJIEW JACKSON. mwra to'thepOOC' and w time way i... ..... ,n the nrotection of the cloth " Wufac arer. in the United bt.te.,, )infr.lfJ, ,d I. m - r Tod thereby encouraging wool R''-Ther -re the pj. en of nute " era. w.a not on account ol xh, amount . of in of duty then and now wnUmplattd, la .civil, fullv evident. We could further cjlcd Jttllyn ' . retrlcn of lha world.to which he U Koin?: "-uh MrrlfifdTo thrir baae intentione the teal ctmmen'MMatcresU oL ihciouo trv. Yea, those very- inieteeta that -..". ' . -'t t Jt tKi unto they gave that year and bat year. Aak the individual engiged in r k -My Italian commerct. wheth f J r. v. region n.n.r mealiotll received Wfe inouiana """ ."a from Worrav, the' LohJon TMu kwrlfer. for 1 he ac'uvi aum He fe hi Ufa of Columbu. .nmr.kit more than this irvcTtfyrbTAtirww I lir 7U'1', r l .u-... .v irn.Ad nauiem on wnic nnO nl our mor-tv. I ;! K-r ' j - .r .u-: i w lnTaiff.-rertt i; 14 nual lad nor ot nunureus wi men .o- . , , rue nuill l " I -r b ba1U6t. -Aak -the ahippin? merchants en eaged in the Wert India trade, if du ties no higher than those asked for by the friends of the cloih manufacturers bit year, were laid on augar, coffee, . I - tltmia MMI ' talt aod rum, wnetntr one iuumu shin more could not br kept in that :::-'i6mmercfflhoie;aaiclei, thanwh-t are nw employed. . - Still, on -theae abjecta you find a... ttrnratr if lo duties .aicn. jf oorf Thought, in a bad Man. Two fellows, bv the nme f Pluvmsrt nd Emmons, latch broke into the vault nf i 1 r F.rmr r' Bank in Tittshurp. Pern ivlvmia. and stole therefrom 130 000 ,llUt. fin narer, of course) leaving a UrKe amount in the vault "One 0f the IWtife of the priaort attl Fluvmart .h.. ther had all the fund of the bank befor. them, they ..did hot take, more Th. .kUf jnlied. that hiscorapat.ion and . r ...... - ...j .li. consjucrcu miu here 26 OUtrlcta o(; of S6 art the The following ealojfium opw the chsr- f m r i f A. k . t. iul.n from ct:r ot ueneraiy " ' . " thi Ei Preaident Monroe's Tour' pub i;.k..t in 1119. before mere wis an iu. .n.. irkuwihceotninii a candidate lor Ul J I" . . i . t.i. nra it ma ooDoncnii ih llero look at this and hide Ihetr shinrd fies. an- - In ANDREW JACKSON, com manlrr in Chief of th' Div'ijon of the touth, .k. ...LIn.t loiinil a Man IV for any cmtrtency-a STATIC A.i. coo; ana e'r SOLDIER, teUem battlt. mrf mid in victory f n whoie 4(ov tilled with the love of coun ,ry 4n4 fine. man " whose like we itull Karca ajok upon aRaln. aanjci AU-nkin; Institutions, an4 the holder clthtJr bills may not anow ih.iriMCiv rltrhu and lisbilltiesi the ..... i fo OWlllg " 14 mtl UlgentC. iscomn.v ' . ri -- , , - , - t nicated for Ul ueneni oi dbuh MlilArs ......-. . ... In the rase f the OufJoin uann vs. nr Lincoln Bunk, otd 3 HAanmr c ports, page I, the followin; point are oe ,ut . - - i Th kaldct nl nana onis ib tmiun. k. n.'.rf In anrcie the amount of the iv uv K" I . ... . ... I hUln.' uoon a miwi wttwn iow-u-. . .-1- i-rrrr;T7i"uiifc? hai.. ns nni ri v vm.im" ... . . . .. r : 2 He i, noi obllgea to tae ion" gold or silver etsn me pavment mmt le oy wciroi. S. A bank is bound to keep lis monev counted or weifhed, or to employ ser vanta uflicient to count it or weiKh it so a to pay all demands made within the usual bank hours. 4 A bank holding the bills of another bank, and (Jemandinj; payment d th same at the banking houe of tho latter, is not bound to receive Its own bills in payment, but may demand specie. . flotton Palladium. itnnnimv Slf effoH. to raweW It plea.,o,t k I eful : i..ki:. w. fiiri.UtMin ha ,teadily. al. IO lllO - . ... .. . thourh rrwluaitr.oeen incrr.. ,. - " "...A ."...Ur-My rwCable ipport. But aa V . i ....i.r.n wuit. seeest. h.a been induced to make a new ppe.l friemla apd the public, in Utftan w rr-u.w.. mem. . . .w. k.k1.. J. .i. . .hn nppn in lire inr hii paper, and been obaervint of the MM Ktakilit would be.pererortory liilhe 9 titor to recapiMiTaie .nn r y S JTeaWie.. Hut for the rm.. 'of thn-e who h.c kIk of eever h.d . nortuni.v th... imlfit: of. H. he wj remTrk. that the Wble faculties nf h.a m.ml. Intce-rk- laW .f hi. ha,ds h.e been jtnr ff." 'n aI.. v'.'.J f rut n't 't auturrliie inil brrninp rfjii.i'i i'r H'a ri7 aniiive for any (trratrr tiUmUrr. f Tlinaw f entletiirn wo may uiipvani 10 contribm) toward ei'emli.ia; tne circuiwion, ml a.lilmjr to the iiKtuineaa, o, mo fu CrtllnUn, bv obtinir aubacribera, eontribu. tinK to Us column, ho. anau rreeiv ii kito nrem'.um, (or Ita eiuivalaot in eal.) ami the U.irful thanki of tha rMitnr, for all they may do in behalf of the eatablwiimftnt, riULO WHITE Salitbury, Juni iU 1 818. -sett la i'l thst Mr. Hochetter. who wis raw riinst the lamented Clinton, for Cov. of ?ew. York, ami who no noiae me omc m dri AfTa'tra to Cuatemala, for which eonnrv ho -niled durinVlhe WMlurVia to beTroif back;'"'''' tnd armi Vua at lb AiUmi AaaiUUaU tor lu-. c rnor bfMe aV.Yort: If wwh be the (aeUtnothtv .gt W one rear 'a. salary, which MrR. J)U IrVady 'pockiuliulFaVi fceea.t.hfif9-.W..-. -Atainoetineor tirtcnbmQ1tMiZVot7fi'' on the 21 at wit. It wa ordered that the brethren of said lodir wear crap on tbeir left arm lot the space of thirty daya. In token of respect for their deceased brother, Ihram 7Vwr.....wboa di-ath was nticd in onr last pper. ZSX H.-,, hi. jcar worthy iTk.lrnn.re nf the rsaris. It ha. been I.. .... 1. In ipiv tuiheni e intelliTi n"e on eTrry - . of the cmintry t to edify nd ir-etnict i h.a rc-Ur.. with rcligioua, literary, Kiennnc one matter to rncogr.ee reneral ind..rv. .n ctet sirtuo, and promoie the morals oi tne rommunitV.M u nf indiwhiaUr 1o tKne the anlid intere ortne peopw.Tiy w.rrcn . uteful improvemeritl in gflctthtorerthe'tj' rfntTHr-afMf " Wifeiwmy , uv imKm-. the movements of poUtiral Pt watch .with .k MMKluot of PulJiB men, anJuaxd tt. i.i:... .k. nvkuann libenie.of she peo dW. aainat the encroachment, ami Insure those wno nave tne power b- - -.V.'..M.I. - " rorernmeni in nwir m . i . . .i , if ft...! mat.irj.lw I f- nnu auuw pi t.;. ,v. ....h. nrMhe bnt.K. i hrt Vw r t..A . lw eontent viirt " tsu.uw ICIUIl.U V ' d.Jl.r. Iiein? afraid that if they Kxia any rpore. they would .break the bank, and then what they did steil would be of no varuewthvtn" mnm0te silent. od in conclusion, we have no al teroative but t admit, to our ahame, that .pprlion of our citizens are dc in 1816, the tleatrucuon oi mmiuu. ' xapital, and the proatraion of the in " dustry of thousands" iipon thousands, .hft are now natriotically devoted to " ihe' furthcftr.ee of the vjewa;of- our UPftnf - which intbe 7W nmtrif.fi AMERICANS the laeit and moat AttWe JUactn, XL . eenator from tbii stale, has been in Congress thirty trvn yesrs i the cut, faahinn and nunner of his dress, are tbo Mine now that they were In 1791, nearly' forty years ainee.....and aom of hi present apparel has bertr worn rw Bine that yeaa."- A aortlu ern paper. In rrmarklne; on this ainularlty, uyi i " Don't br'ieve hie tailor erer jfot rich not much cabbsee in Norhro.n., Idghtnine . Wiirina; a thunder-itorm, on the Uth nit. the fe.na'e aeademv at Wrrntm.. m tins alate, wsi struck by l.ftiinnr, and or oj the pupils in the academy, the ol'Utf daurliier nf Mr. Carter Nunnery, was Instantaneously killed. On the aubject of the Presiderftv. concernmc WhTch' (hebflc of the) ''ri reject for the l.ero.c cnaracxer n p ---.lie- r KKNKKAL ANDUF.W JAt-KSON, lltarrkd. ln.Stoke count', in tb"iji aflame, by J) ettrktnw.' ?T n lth bH. Mr. Peter Ma- - Eakaeol CuiUord ounty. agtdH.l Bv tbia.,. unequally yok'.r'Jtbersrlf to one old enonph foe l.er fa'her, Mary lias become thr alrpno'rirr of efn-rfi, and strn-iTWdmotbjrr of cbillrres " and if nothina; happens, she may adI 'nn wmt tatlie happy umtly RELIGIOUS. ..... TJ10MS JFR.OK.ul otKDKEW Jacksok T? aHMpei, he has nmr-of in, H,'imn in him moe of 'he devoted orgcti MT t f, ari "am man nsw tretne . . ,. I IT 'Ol (teneral Jjcksm, iir Jfi.ersun often a.iid. thai he wm un Aonraf. anccrf, firm, clearheaded, ana fonr mmuru mun. t of the toundent fiolitical firineifitei, which ( " - . is!.. . t? .. I . kawI s r Anntnerganes ' i r . .. r .. .; ......! i.i their annual meetings in c,arM( when he vm Vice frevdent mm three week since. I hew. i.uDscrvcr says the meetings were generally crowded to overflowing, aou mu, rlf. t had no doubt th uenerai t...Lcnn hn hrnuirht into office, would correct the alarming tendency towards V. o. whole;, tkev have never been ; formidable, and oiherwiie irremediable aurnaased on this side of the Atlantic. I evils beRimiinK to develope themselves in M urpasse The American Tract Society printed during the ye;.r ending My 1st, 5, 019,000 Tracts, conuin'ing 53,667,000 pages, io the English, Frem h, Span ish, German, Hawaiian and Italian languages. The Treasurer received durirg the year 845,134, of which 532,670 were received for Tracts Bold. ... The gratuitous distributions .,..kwI tn 2.fiO2.000 Daces. The j.,.-; 0f "society "WWeT'gl 5,72 1" more than in the preceding year. The American Home Missionary So- " dettj received dUTing-the-yearrmlni May 1, 819,799, which i greater than the receipts of the preceding year, by the aum of Si, 651. The number of tnissibnat'te employed i 163, in 1 7 -ttar The, greater . part-uf-ihenvare .ftUrl rjaatora. or eniraceTTh stn- . 7 -t- nnirrefvatioris i 3'2 fsefaae" their ar;z:r;:mirii9trv in large' extent of cotmtry. ihe coneganona ther&rave been revivals, and not leas thaw 1 300 soul have beea hopefully., converted. More than three fourths of the reve nue f the year was received. from the state of New York ; and 113 of the missionaries have been employed in that state. . The American Education Soctetij re dived doting the past year j533,017, ihe dministr.uion of the ireneral Kovrri meni, he would be entirely faithful to that object:' clai's roams oria.ow or dams. In August lst we copied fmm the r-anfcfnn Antus. a letter fromlljrrison Mundav to Mr. Clay, in which Mr. Mun da gjive the paragraph (pioted below, as Mr, Clav'i opinion of J. Q. Adams, rela ted to Mr ' Munduy, in a conversation held In Mr. Ctav-a office, in LexinKtonv shortly aftc- the return ol the commissioners from Ghent: - There was no doubt upon your (Mr Clav'al mind, but thai he. '. MrAdams) was m,,,,, 'MM: the gfeatitt political hyfiocrite on earth ; that he was as muen a leneransi i . time as he was in the days of his father's administration ; that he wa an oftfioter QfaheucitcmMiZih rocli "as the commissioners njw with him nl Ghent eould do, tft fir event marfpjir tijr'it' the-frermr vigation of the Mitsifirififii river to' the A fin roune man, son of the celebra. ted Mungo Park, has perished in the Akimboo tountry. In an attempt to com ple'.e those discoveries which ids father s death . left unaccomplished. Mr. 1 ark has fallen a victim ef poison, -JiiVnterv ed to hTm br the Fdishmen, in conae quence of his rashly viol.ting one of their auperitiiicms bT.actnHinn ' !i tree, to take a sketch of the group assem bled i the annual Vam festival at .Akinv W. " This tre it-never appthetrb any but the piicstsj and Mr. P-rk was r)issua.d f.om the attempt by the King of Akimboo j but unhappily persisted in hi, desipn. Tk. T.,,n:.1 Journal mentions that Mr WattainorrliarBed-rTalraet BoKota. has obtained fr..m 'he. government ol r-i u:. i. . , nmnmv in the United tOIUIIIUI", - i I . Stales, he privilcKe ol making a rail way across the Isthmus of fanama. r .. ir.t.1. : The Rrand council ol tne. aiaia, . Swi'inland, has published a decree abol ! ishing the punishment of death. The Three WondertoJ Women 1st. at fifteen, they wonder who ther shall ,llke 5 oj .m. five, thev wonder whom ,hey shall Ret; and 3d. at thirty-five, they wonder who will take them. Extract! ram late EngUih papr. -j Airaneheiumenon..occM;red;near Titts on the 5th of January A column of flame burst from the ground 4n a Kreat height, and continued burning for three hours, when it KrIdiTallrnbside(!,-antl A,.r a hmiri was extinEuished. U cov red a space of 300 fathoms long by 150 fathoms broad. The pnenoroenou w posed to be volcanic.... ... .. . . ..... .... ,V accounUng fr Taite. Married, latelv.st SUnton on Wye. Herefmlhire, Kngtand, Mat ter Samuel Jones, ajfed m'aeferw, to .Mia Jan Olcott, grd tight.1 flail, weilded love ! - A meeting of the friende of Jackson in Guil ford county, was held in Greentbnroiigh durinr induced him, a a time hen. he beliewee. no j e county court and Jh M. .MreW, lltj what hu "ince been proven to have I Weetor in that ditrkt We .ill give the pre been) the voles ar res raorts tf North-t.aro-1 ceeJjnjrs in our next . . at .. .it.... m.iiwuiiai iisr i ins, in supporting u.ai .. . - - the Presidency nfthe fn.ted Stales: and he followed up ihst drela-ation, by a firm .ml aeal on wlvocacy of the (leniral's claims tu that hieh olT.ce. . . . , As to wnrral potH'irs, hav.nK e reared nd eifueftrd in He pahnca principles and he. in ideni.ne.1. both by feelinK and interest, with Southern poUrri the KdHor'a oue h. confidently prlSevev been . cordrnce wA wi ami rhar welfare of brs fellowitrten of Western arW- H ,a nobfinf peeadiarities of Itepuhhcan institution', ..... nJ rnroiiracre ni 'itical icwr amonr the peopht ' 'd.v appreciating the vah.e SfweSom of opinion, which .recite from rueh inquirv. and which ,. the b.rt.irtRht ol our people-, the EdVt-r, aUIo.BU e xcrcis.n: com. 1 Y ';:i ,mPiimi-i exrresinr hia Uis- sent from the positions of his eorrespondentn has uniformly Invited cnmrrwwimn nmws on -boih vor ofl) aide of "' public concernment ; and has freeTy R.tcn port, licit-to them . For however tenacious he may l- ' LiiUi ouo OOliUOIltm uai jvvuiu us most likelv tblrfmai thpi.hrf-vesh coMm bute to the p.operity of the country, and go e lability and character to our free an. happy m lihitions. he always frh impward w.th tie juatiei, and even necessity, of impoam? no re J V . r.....,.n ihrmirh the Stmmt toa irraprra.ru.-.. .- ; -r. - . r k;- -.r.r nf l) mooteu pnin's ol " A tromatl, who was lately -sold by- her hu.hund.' near Little Falls, (New York) for g3 50, i part of which- was taken in. store pay,) is since understooa to nav eloped (rom !he purchaser, and left the country, bag and baggage her fickle heart b:ing stolen .Any man who will buy a wife, ought thus to b served. Arreirrlino- fa', the tatement ofMirHW: kissony silk manufactures of Enjjland now " .C t A. tewMLltarvMwl public policy as the tna .a no ... .... .c likrlv to be elicited, than in a wanlcBune coll.- lion of opinion. r.i.tr.. Such has hitherto been the course of the A m. Tr.a- nwiiiHi ami such tt .hntt contmve to Sr. while the Krlitor r hW-l w.th health and the wonted facuhi. of hia mind, and .a favored by the Pioris with the requisite meow of carry- inir on bis business. . Havine been amonp mc n- v . r...i.... r.,;rK lt a.ncerelv believe. "be The c.i; of the Pe.pU) . the Editor will u. ... .k W to abandon it. He believe oc ....v,,K - ... ...: r .k. that a reformation in me umim.. . ireneral frorernment, is imperiously called Tor bv the wislies and wants of ihe Amenean peo pie and he believes that the surest, and in fact .,,yme.neof rffertin-this mtfinn. why electing ANTaEW ' JAOTMOW ' dent i and in tnai wa to - " of rulers, and conscqnently a change of pohoy ...... thirswibrtitutiiigoe the aaurCf.tho WW in power, a course of policy more promote of he card iial interest, of the nation, and more conducive to the prosperity sna ...Pu.. Culture i W.-We have been obligingly fa. rored, by Measr. Canon, nd Conner, with coptra f a- lttr-lrow. Ut Secretary of lhV Treasury, rransmittiBg tlir information required by a resolution of the Mouse of fteproentative of May ll'.h, 18.'6, in relation to the growth snd ma.uretu.e.iffflr,adapted tothed'n"erentiarU of the Union This is an iropotlent and highly interiating. dWmpn!.?f. page. and baa eeat tU -wwury' of-lheJl'reafllulgr research. Ti.e difTerent modes o rearing tlie worms, sna manufscronmr there silk, is animrte Iv piven, accompanied by tabVa and plates la illustration of the variotisproMSse. -We sopo. tbc tiniv IW rrrnotr, r when aection uic L'niori will witncM as exten.ive and succefuU cultivation of Kit, aa it haa that of Caifsn. which mibt be converted into fabrics of ust and rriKiment, to the ncWton of foreign silU owl, t ome Uv, not improbably become a val uable article f csport. It ia well ascertained, tliat the aojll.ern part of our country isauapted to the rcarinp of Silk tV0rms and we hope, our people my be induced to turn their atten tion towards tl"t branch or industr)', inrtead or" devoting o much of tM-ir time and labor to the. cuHure of which haa become cooipars lively profitless business. As we enn find space, we shall make tuch ei- trota from this pamphlet, in will be interring and profitiible to those in this section of country ho contemplate embarking in agricultural ptii suits, or have already any considerable capital thua invested. fte Col. Wm. King, implicated io the abduction of William Morgan, ami who Utelf elwW b irsiieralh Arkansas, is nid to be on hisJ' to New York, to deliverhimself up for trisl A Mr. Adam, who is alleged to oe an. .... People. . Tows tnewnmcn SSS5 iaely left the es,rn part of TCew York snd ..J k...at mleav . .i j..-: .1.. nnnpncv of the election Havina; no dependence but upon his personal labor, for the aubsisu nce of himself and family, the Kditot U. wholly ..iJldebU 4. to .the l.beral k:nj,.. f the Psorta of Western Carolina, not 'forTledinfofTlble: HvinKbrt-fbr-hw-wr nhlhical Utence. And while lie grattfully ..1,.V -v " - , . I 7'.i,. am f-l icfakwwig r reacn tiio uun- InnhimbV Ilia tcllow-cilizcna, miiiiurcv.. .. , . ... . . F . S hu nor intermitted l laouraior a per.uu ui .,.,i;nr r,r .nniim. and is consequently The President or Speaktr of the French Chamber of Deputies is provided, at the public expense, with a noble mansion handsomely furnished, and hia" official sal ary is 10U.000 francs (830,000) per n num. But he always live with splendid hospitality. WwAt Mora, he i iMFomnted, by the lucreasmg eipencliturei orhia Mtablishm himself aneW bore tfiem; and ask for wch ad- optional support as. in tbeir juugmeni, uirjr ,,., think his paper merite. . The Wbstsm Casouana is printed once a week, on a large super-royal sheet, at the price of rw ddlart andfifty'sent a jrear....r . atsi Ain, if paid in advance. AovanTisaMaRTs will be inserted on the low .est terms adopted by other papers in the state. went into Vermont, has been taken back, by or der of Uov. Pitcher: Ada us mvs he kno.i1' about the business ami will tell, to'! We ha!l now aoon see whit can be hd out of Kit'g aifrtt ted to be elicited.. .,. .. . , A Comftlere Stage' Revolution-S n" triiiinie,uma!i;k fromticir'K1 while ascending the hill a little befona Herkimcrmn off the banjt and nj.! complete somericf, cominK regnly'V the wheels again. Tet no .peital damage was susl,ined by any of the rune pane gcr the hoises or the flying vehicle pleasing llutralioo of rotary tnoMoR- iL't 1 AJi-. -'.i ,: : . ' . . ' : - . -f '..

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