1 etftrs' Wsu r4 - - ' M. . .. jer owr - hundred ,rty-foir dollar ni iy . v'iit f.ir isiter, eonlln I r??T2l -rut the Mlowing wi be, i"7 a . ' ' r ' u. . fi.tlovi I fVfort.non. 10 each -1'flW"T' Foe Fort Ad.m. eighty thmtsand r yirt Hamilton, .U.f a -wm honored iImmu Waft !Tr!to?fSSrt Mobil. Point. Wl and minmuv .1 f on Wrat master's Cle-k. Ai 1"! .IT. Jo hued 1 (1 defra ""r. t .mi fifw n. un mr anna cik "-- ..u. thri bomlrea dollars, 7,Si2nt Pn. m of iU nrdii"J ... .houMin.! thr f. U.MT 7 . our several turoi hereby IW' mi ather.i. of n.r wowry In to. irr' : la "jfr. MTUw, To an urt ta lMert ,0ur paper the fuUi lo i lher4"'f","u,' .....i. i- . fci.;.u Innt lull Otl f T fif ii fof I t ,m J. UnrrMt wlenco ort tltl l "rf.,, - n thmu I """"TV: I fer'J to uk fO l I " . ! .. ! I ':-T.7..' .u ......in ibouwwl ( r: o "!! -1 .1.. wruU. h-n eIWd i 1 . 3 I IS dotlw, lor prcr.t,ofl f WkU m too hrbour, two thou-i! UoIUt. iMppropmted gTf.VP.NOSf I Mce lril UnUa utM' ,nd Prroldontofthe fen.te. "Approrcd: 19 Mirch, 1828. o. . An Art mntJnr of prtfcren. U tbe U the W. Helen Und Uwtnet, In tho Bute of luxuriant. ' JB ft enacfiUf tit Smt and Jlouu Rep--nenfliv tl Uxiled Sunn Jmenra Cvrt Ttut ererr penon. I" j bev Wnl reprwematWn, eompwJ in tli i' of nctokl oetUert rrportcJ to Uc tomir.i-inrT Into ctiil Knrtro, " j 0.TI.M of th. MM of I'bnoJ. nd Territory of MleSiwn. wiled out M corr-pen. -""""'V. V. rettivrd into erc it OiLcer of th IViiril S'irtr. " Tbey of Wih, 01 boWd4f HHonn wboanc . i ..hiIk. to reni'irt M tivi i W(KlJin. 1" ' , . ...lit. Wboe priino 'l" oJ ab " lw I1 enS. f Ah, m om bM i h M JVU FWf HUH" ww Who tmmlntm 'fbt Iber nobWwor A oil rt AiMtiff mouei M ner skiii whwo 4ott UcuUIm benn k bloom In 01 perfection, nd trt 191 T Muck nlrurf W Wi Wind j iA o the wortd Amf en it b f M It IW that bdeid t lie CroccJlk." Ai tie Crocoa.Ie fetd in the Nile," mji Ihrodotun, "the In.iJe of hit mouth it lway lined with Uclla, AUbirdi, one alone accepted, tf from the crocodile but that bird, the frecAio, on the contra- ryl flica to hitn witn eagernen, mu renders htm great aervice for every time that the Crocodite laoda to reat t,;mMf. ond atretchca himaelf out with pen Jaws; the trochihi eniera hla mouth, which it cleara oi tne ib.t ft f.ndi there. 1 he Lrocooue la irriteful, nod oeter doca any injury, to the little bird from which he receivea .wwl. nn . ofllce." AIVD9ttRrt. tnia ncenrire5iCmerbrAThtertle; Pliny, nod other ancient writera, it hat btt-very generaUy diacredited in lutlwniy. or , . , - frnm K hom. bU Nendi. . k iiiv Uenertl or FieU ' " k;.tr.nf lUmKon i W"'" "" V. .' . . ' .... .1.. ..'um 1,1 7 .!t.ij '.:.. , i mu rinr runMra oi du omui inn wnmu ) . r . , . the recent Indian .l..'.iniancc. . - Cbldboori yoart were ipeni in tponne niirx.. . tentet of tnm.portation. i-tppliet, tnnterials ftr. ffom fMH wlk whom j roulhf KramUorkHlenttolheexpeiW J,; lw ,ed.nt inontal toil , and far be Settled, accordine to the Jufjce of tU cla., f ,htlemp, .Her. he wu wontowonhip arid reevd to the lw and ue , )eWej up breath to Him whoae fill eatahliJied fr the tettlemcnt of turn f j; ir5t ook fi flljtrt. .1 it..i the him of forty tbmiian'1 no'- r-j.i. ...U.. in mansion in the tile Cll,ni . . . ,- ... ' ' - - .. l- K- .nnn.tiriatcd for tne aiorr -aiu v.j . to b paul ut of ai.y money in the Tr and i'b at L.MliiilM f .1.1 . il.t the mm of forty thiian'l Hoi- Tj.wm4.ta uiikiinvii. to manaione in the tkiet " -: . .l- .-. I.I..J, .rlL . i.. . The lorelv caet oi ine oeiier pan, in r enU botom of a northern Und not otherwise appropn , ti !.. i h UJ-far from hi Mber-i tplcbre. : iL a! Za fourteen dollar an,l ;0.dih! r.lentlea. poarer. why take him too fin.... - - . . . 1 ' tl .1 . am MAM.nJMMWA It I II Of tbe thoieeat, brighteat aona of earth t And arihthoii eer more to u return. Sec. 4. nrialion macie ny uir - " .i . - MmlW.; l-rence -four happiest da;. , li lurh carried to the fcir- Sh.H imp vi vyuuaitivi w n i we nrt bid thee welcome to thy honw And then rVm foreref f or, iloea m Minted anirh finrer in the rrara. uifw iiften w te aeen thee? Vain thonrbt Of the General Land Office, bjrth. "'C-J , aMff'u Jrthr That thr Then, far thee our brother, and ourfnend. - - Treama. ru in Mai ' , . , ' - f.. ih o.-i k. ik t..t l,mr len beneath the tod. labWinc.wme n IICI ui - - - . j .ml k Inch was earned plH. Fund on the tkirt?4iret of Pecember, one thousand eieht huadwl and twrntya.i, be, and tl. same a brreb. sppmpr,.ia , IF . . . I -u; k- an other nerami. by tirtne of any irt wiw .. . "....i ' W hen friends m eaahail uwie aram.. I ' ! T. i , -i -i-.- i ii- a.: frm Cretk title to lands in ieorin. nr j... -k,e kpla. wlb. mirnu sUH .JaiiJ ety-nlne ffopiff awr T7j"T',h rte rtn,kf ,h,t .U1 l.lm o.t let us for ehumi .ram ne "f " jvp.re to follow him : for, emitten friend, e LiiiteU ialci. eiL'J.t bu.Hlred and : J"7L,' , ,MfwU ruii -fL--. tnodero tuneaZRecent inquirica,- howd ..r-,iiAi tbat in ibis. t In mou OI hh reUtiona, the father tU hutory ia fuatified by the fact. 1 ne term MhHena" hie nttnerio occn iiani. leech.n It aeema, however, mat it i. kind of gnat, rhyriada of which ioaei-ta swirm on the baoka pf the Nile, and attack the Crocodile when he cornea . mat f.. rrnnie en the aand. Ilia mourn ia n.. an nermeiicauv uuku w ihey can enter, wh.ch they do in auch nnmhrra. that the interior part of hi paUe, which ta naturally oi origm yellow, appeara covered with a dark Lw kvAmi rr.at. The intecta atrike 1311 III""" " , , their trunks into the onficea of Oie glarnln wh'ch abound in the moutn o the Crocodile i and- the tongue of th Crocodile being immoveable he canmv m rid f thrm. It ia then thM thi trochiks, kind of little ring-plover which pursuea the gnat every wherr hjiteua to his relief, and diafodgea'hii ,.t nnv dancer to Itscll t the Crocodll Ch'ut'iun LilcrcH'ij ....DlcJ, IA Manihrsttr, Vi rni'mt, lately, JoirpU Uurr, liq. ar.ed 5. . Dy auiduity and etonomy, he had acquired a for tuoe cttiroated ut 2liO,000. Being a Uachclor, and having no near relatives but what were wealthy, he made ths bllowing, among. other liberal be- uettaf T tne American Hoard oi Commiaalonera for Foreign Mia iona 817,000. Domeatic M'miona, 0.000 1 Coloniiation Society, T,000 . . (I.,! ract Society, lo,wu uioie oociety, J.OOOi Vermont Miiaionery Sotit ty, 5,000 1 Mancheiter (Vt.)Congre- eaiionai ootisij , ,.....v.... LSterary Seminaf y.11000 ,Mld4tei bury College, 12,000, Williama and rm l ...l-t-mAU- Partmuutn couegei, en i,vw W. Branch Am ei uso tducatK-n ao .t Ulll illl? vj at v - - i awwapfjbl LS'kWW :.-.- - ' ! ---I t - -..i.-.ti'-M.Mln movementa which warn the bird to 11 even steep -4 still there "J.'Z .ll " 7 'I . Ai from Creek ti .:iv- k iwti. Rritish. or aoaniah Gorem- tune numlr. ment. or rranted u a donation by irirtu of any : ieen centr, ' 1 h. . . r ..I .V..II k. .n. . ciliitrnaof lb 12 tn a rUTof Dreference. on becomine the . tb.ny-four dollar. d fifty eenu. bieaaed morn porchaier. from the Vmt;d SUtea. of such tract of Und, at the same price for which other pub lic lancU are mM at private sale t PrwidrJ, That nch tract of land shall no! cw'ain more fh.n one quarter eection. to be located by sec tional Knrt j and that the ttme iall be entered with the Kefisterof the Land Office in said ilia triet, wlthiq two year, or before, if the same ihall be Acred at public side. Approredi 19 March, im 1.. JO. xt. ., . An act makinr appropriation for the Milijary Serrice of the Umtea Male, wr uw yw one ApproTrd i . U Varch, 18. 1 Ara AnircUient ! l nl 111 ti. Ui.ruiJi. and for a they die i T . l il ii.... I. k at.n k li in vsin f A"'l atiail 1'J ihku". I Ilincom ctwiry, .Wny, I87S. A...... . . . e I TV virtue of a writ in pantmn, inning irom ; If the cxmrt of common plraitiela i'i I . as ter, Febmary term, a ill be 'mid t the court hou in Ijinraitrr, on the firt Monday in Au jritsi, all the MXliS beloneinjr to the t tstc oi Chirrhwrll Anderson, dee'd. eonsiatiiiB; of ftnir tereral tracts, ileiipnated as folio : The bouse tract, where aid deceased former. lv Kvid, and occupirtl as a P'iblic llmw, con. tininjf liOacrev Ivicfcoujhe apu'ii ide of 12 milt cretk. adjoinina; tlxi land nf 3. t.'rorkrlt. .thoa-andelghthMndrfdifi? .!id,other &-' 'm- r u enacted . the Sernife mtrf thnet f Rrp- ce. a superior axlvantaerw nr oflier of a .Jtfike Vted flpfcl f Jmriea im like kind in the upper cminiry , a. there ia con,. lT?Utt.t?M&mM)Af excellent dWelUnf-htMi., with rood l.hbv. kitchens, a b.K with convenient atnUr. Ll- MISCELLANEOUS. . ith ShS : R-l water,, oure and healthy atirhrre, p, r?..fj. .... o-- .k.MHt .ht hundred . every thine el necerv to render .t couf.-r ciaica, iy i j o , , - r , " and twenty-eight, to wit : . table for a pnMic house or a p'irstr residence. Armv ar.d fubsistence of Offi- M; one other tract, ly.nr rtmiievmi io me ni.iicM.Jha- Ititarf AcadrtnTi one mil- bou tract, on the Fa! ...R bprmf Idaiicn, coiv f J. lion and thousand .JX ri riwio- . ' . i t nnthp tract, known ov-iiie namr w m ' . i dollar and aeventy-five cents . ." a. kiiUna i( thealhe-.tbirtyrat Jlecembcr.l lha Brwn tract. KJ.Jl " onTS ebThundred a,..,twentyven. T U mile creek ejmnaflSS acre. ..Uo.n.ntf .rk..n.t. .n,t th amla of HobeH Stinaoh ml others. ? V-.v . .." . .. a .-i . . --r..i.-Tiin ?.. nntk trart. VnWn bv the ASmf Of Tnr rniK.vn.sHip. Ju like FriendJiip ia yon bubhle Floating (loan the limpid trem s Not a breth its course to trouble, tilittering in the noon-tide beam. But should a cloud o'ershade the ski-, Thi TiMle meteor of an hour -Would rsniaiuaod with run'hine die. It could not bear Iho tempest lower.. away. JOSEPH BONAPARTE. A Philadelphia paper pullishea ihe following merited tribute to thia amia ble and unassuming man. . His midmce is on the Jersey aide of-the. Delaware river, near B -rden I'lumA Atone In AutrW6..aJilf, Martin, of Schohaiie county, New York, ate a anily of plurrrb., and tinder I he imprewion that they would be less liable to injure him, swallowed pita and all. He waa abonly after taken ill, and has been out of health ever since, until about two week, when he took a powerful emetic, and sinjilar as it may seem, he vomited up rtstPR ol thirty piumn pit, wnicn muii have remained on hi stomach from the period of his having eaten the plumb in 1826. o that lime, about ia momns. Doctor Wheeler, who related lo us the abo.e ficta, left in our possession several of the pits ; they appear to haye shrunk a trifle. . and. rt . yer, . hard. Mr M' heslth- is improving. -A man that will eat plumb atones ooRht to have the diges live powers of an Anaeooda. lNFLt'ENCE OF THn MOON. The moon is supposed to have influ- "cietyWptatW.OW: ?n l!.rtrr aum bat i3rotot)ir viewer r . " a" r- r -:r . -.i .. i; been devoted lo ohjecta purely religi ous by any other individual in this country. Hia vill may be regarded as the eipreaaion oi ipve to nia aa t viour devotion to bis cuieas at grand legacy to spread and pcrpetuat happincaa tnrougn tne earui. 13 MAN A COWARD f All men are by nature cowards, says one adage a atate of nature ia a stato of war, aaye anotherman ia naturally pugnacious, aaa a tniru. van nu three be true Why ia courage one of the most common, perhaps, ol all qualiiiea, held in auch high eateem by . .. . t the ladies ! r rom tne conscrou.ne.a w weakness which rtquirea protecttoc. Whyis military glory the most daz zling of all f From the aame conacipus nes in mankind generaUy. And yet conrage'is-aa' common" as tM cin- mon air men will fight for py, for t honor, and tteff lor mufHnm; r - i " - -rrr:r-.- -i- But- what ia courage i inuiuerenco to danger Inaenstbility to the fear of death? No. It Is the mere operation of xcued passioTiIJ...ln"a state of tran-ejtiiUtyoa- man 4a.Upoed U. JUuxl . dingers but let any one oi nis pas aioni.be loused, and. he apnrni them . We are told by Bacon, that even the feeblest pasMons ronquer the fear ot death j that while avarice will encoun ter it, and while love will alipht, and revenge spurn it, that mere we-noesj, Udium rite, will srek it. An Eng lishman blows his brains out in rainy weather, because he can find nothing else to do. A French cook Stabs Him self with the carving knife from cha grin at having over-fried a coutetet. One man jumps into river if he reahtpoket book another dangle -from a beani if he has soiled hia char actera third pops. bullet into his bodv if his sweetheart has arailed on a rival. It would be much more ration al were they to live,"ud exert them selves to mend mattera and things. iiiwii, muto i .ui ..,UA tn tli. lUnatrinu atron- . J .f. ..w.. " eic;hta) thounawd dollal ft forajt Tor'Tfll. fnri thMiaand one hundred and twenty- e'jthf dollar l fbr ctofhlne' for ernt of Offi. ven of the Atrriy, "d of the MiliUry Acadrnv. and twenty supernumerary Secnnd Lieutenant. rradu4tt'of the Military Academy, nineteen thound Seren hundred, and evetty dollars or the recruiting aervice.in audition to an un i i . at.. np . n iti. I V i. Domly tract, containing 664 ncrrs, King- on the north aide of the 12 mile creek, oppose tlie hotie tract, dJoinln(r the lands of Robert 9tm on, J. Sledre and othera. A greater part of tbi land is supposed to be equal, if not mperioe, to any lands on sa d this section of country. Per rs or tne recmiune ervice.ni auuinwu w 1 - - - . , expended balance in the Treaury on the thir-1 ho have a view of purch.smr. are rer, .e-ted ?yXt of Decembrr, .Igbteei. hundred ami to call ami see the prenmes. On application to tlem v.KVcn.of thirteen Thousand six hundred either of the adimmsfrator person- unacouain- lullars. twentv-two thousand aix uiinura imi tea wiui e w-iu. ..-.. . ven!v-tir dollars , for the contincent expeti- j Terms of sule . the property t, .11 be offered ai-cif the rrcruitmp service, in addition 10 an in four veral Iota, on a credit cf one, tao, and unexpended -baVnce of three thousand tbi. liundred dollars, in tne I re.sury nn tne uuny. Hrst of Dccembf r, eighteen hundred and twen-tv-seren, fuurtcen thousand tiajht hundred and thirty stven dollars i for arrearagf s of the year eighteen hundred and tv.enty-sevcn, being the dilltrence between the amount appropriated by ConTest for the pay and subsidence of the rntsjiis and Sub.llern. and that allowed by !ie act 'f the tcoid nf March, eighteen hun- three rears, with eaual annual instalments, with intereM after the date of the fint payment, (say one year after the sale) the purchaser to give a mortirnre. with eod personal fecurity. ROBF.RT WAl.Kl'P, Guardian. A. II. INC. RAM, Guardian. May 0th, 1828 W Ten DoWurs esaTt. n3r:nKDRD from the ubscnber, in the tow n of Saliibury, on the 21st of the pre A AA .nrt turntvjirVFn. tlllrtV-e lirl it tllOUSaiKl .ndVventy.seven dollar, and eight cent. , for sent month. May, a negro fellow n.mea ar,j , lb? PurchaW Department, in addition to ma- he is about 21 years old, between 3 feet 7 ar.d yZSSSS fortV ,hound 10 inches high; Scipioi. . mulatto m. very i iikfiiv i. lie carrieu ou wiio nun vcry .ic- 1 .kl r',UA tn th illiiatriau atron- HIS esillie covers n iunsiuti "" :...n...ll..U i. rntr.u-rxl .,- -ii:...c.-..i..-;-ik'oracr ji. 'j"i hut not so splendid, upon' a pnuo.upH.v-. vv I. -L I . l-rencn siyic, uuv ' -r .,' ' : i is. lamlsoTv hih.immenst.aums,.,r:-V w..,- . ivrVWell eiilt'tV- tlieir-Severai posu.on rcsucu m5 (larv uvvm "MWM. t lt ..l . ' 4 m .ABbaMaii niT rnai bt nprir ra. w a ill trd. In all public improvements w-V . ' T..:. 7 ',., u- - contr.butcs Jiberally-someth ng .like -7 WIII ww nu'u ,' j - q 4000 dollars, I am told, he paid on one , toad. truth, suggest to the tibsrrver, what floHar. l -loe.xioujnic mr..inci'ji!7. ' - , .. , t , - . -i,i. cookiog, urev one i'unoreu-na ?. R . round-about jacket, and prob- tliree num-jeo ana -:cm;- .. m . , . . . . .,, .;.:,., k;,l the iv.nine eentsi for the purchase of woollen Uu-1 r ... i... i i ,,. ho urnro nfl. and un old wmte tur nai. Tt rtngnfie rer one tnouwu'ii iHt-mimiwui"' . .-. c- Ki7XT.Zr f wenty eifW. in advance tor tne year one inmi-1 L i t i w. .n.1 I eight hundred and taenty-nine, twenty V.rg.n.a, by Mr. barnud I .Loet, and I ex thmraiMl dollar , for Medicnl ttttd Hospital De- peet he i. aiming to get back there, or lias tb- TrT. . ... ....t. n- no-toas a a freeman: Iheawve rewara wSl bVgiven to any per.cn who will confine S. DeVmnt. forty-two thound her of the Mr.G, ese in the P.bt, 1 ' i i ,y. . 1 ; ; ' I .......VY'.1-'- AJ4:.tt WIUUIAB nivtk?. ' 1 . t 1 . r. ah . uSttera, tor ine grauuaics inmi ci .ml nn arte rractice.amlto complete store hou?es ndh. uitalv -etrgtfle-'antl Hose.' firebuckets, barrack qui.rters,,x,dercnce &e. for four companies at Frtirie dn Cbiem to complete quarter barracks htwpitaT awlstorebouaesat Fort St. Philip ; to complete the buihnngs ind enclose the gmtn.da with pickett', at the establishment near Savan nah ; for engine and bose complete for Fortress Monroe, and for fire buckets, forty-four thou aand two hundred and thirty dollars and eighty. rlu.Prriiti5 for fuel, rtationery, transportation, fc.C.i rtj-airs and !ur improving barracks, erec- ting iew ruiiairgs procuring avu.m ir mo 3tl' THE subscriber having thisdav qualified as Executor to the last will, aiul testwn . tit.of Nathan lately, late of Rowan county, deceased, hereby -give, notice for all persons indebted to the estate of said deceased, to come forward and make payment i and all those having claims against said estate, are requested to present them to me, properly authenticated, for pay-, ment, within the time limited by law, or this notice will be plead in bur f recovery. ROBER T N. FLEMING, txeaitof. Jltmj 19 18C5. ' ' ' - ?t0- - He is much beloved and his memory; will be ever dear to the villagers. There is scarcely now, a poor family in the villagr, so many dors he employ on his lands. He' pays liberally, punctually fulfilling all his contracts, no law suits no disputes, anu me in., temperate and immortal arc at once, discharged. He is constantly, in the! season of agriculture, in the field with his men, and is constantly with an ele. gant pruning hatchet in his, hand. Strangers who are introduced partake largely of his hospitality. He has thus exchanged a coronet of thorns for that of a peaceful agriculturist, and become a citizen xtDur happy lepuuuc. Breeding of maggOtt tfc Dr. Mitchell states in the N. E. Farmer, lhaTlhOearingncHnaltiprieation-tf maggots, for profit, is a regular ousi oes at the horse butcheries, near Paris. They are iotd by measure, for feeding birds and poultry anu tor n5n- maggot-ireeding, pays to the owners of the slaughter house' 30 fraflca (85. 62) perVeck," for leaver to carry on the trade'. ' -. itent,'i teud'tlhM'kMiie:;- .....aovpCJ-a-s..,... , TiAcnsa. Well, what does that apeRT mT. Don't know. " Taacnv-a.-What' in the window at home t oi. Wliy, Dad's old breeches. - Freemen, cheer the Hickory Tree. In storms its boughs have sbelter'd thee ; O'er Freedom's Land its. branches wave, 'Twas planted n the Lion'" Qan " 'kind of weather will follow the moon6 entrance into any of her quarters. O S Ol 13 9. . 3 3" r 2 - oo c ,J r 3 s 5 3 3.3 3 i m 3 w t e M F s o 9 1 r r M o e 14 s 5" S 5? n rv'l " JO n if m 3 p 3 : " 5-fr- IfiTfl a . J3 C o 3 t 4 5- 3 3 O) 3 13' 6 eft W erS'l IS- 3 rV O 5 S t ! t m 3 B a. o- 3 'IT' o a ) c 2. 5' o r m A o n II h" i Tke away your expensive follies, and you will . have little occasion to complain of hard times.1 touch sinews and sole leather nerves, 1s.''fio'Hgrarffd brave: from very atnpidity f they-da not shrink irom danger,. because ther arc too dull 10 apprehend it, and too gross to fel it. A man nt nign ani mal spirits and cxcitanie coostrucuon, possesses bravery ol a more active character. He is entitled to no more praise than a cat is for her capabilities of scratching, or a bear for the com pressive power of his paws. It is natural atttibute of his body. It is a quality that he shares in common with the tiger and the game cock.. Mural courage is a higher . qualitj. in proportion to the superiority of mind over matter. Yet it ia L very common, and frequently connected with the most frivolous traits of char actcr. The English guards, who lis ned and lounced. in their ultra-dandy ism, at London, too effeminate to talk, or to walk half a mile, fought like de mons incarnate, at Waterloo, and were nearly all cut to purees " Courage is often the child ol for. or the principle of self -preservation that be a more agreeable term. A matrwtll fight forht borne o- will a dog fight for his bone.. A man will confront danger for fear of losing his good. nd chattels; Kis" influence, or hia reniitation i and if he ' will H"1 1 1 rom irar, n m.ty emu; I . .. t ' -ti kirn that all otner passions win tnspuc with courage. N. T. Morn. Courier., iv:i:i?&is-K'$' j;r;r...,. jay 5 v pvmmssisirt&imteti&m TROW THB rKOrlx'S ABVOCATS. ' r.iiAt .. i;iifnil the reauest of. youtiir lady, who desired 'tWauuiw'td'flmlt an Acnoirric on THE ONE I LQV.R BEST. ' it) ntcblesi maiden! I will obey Jour mandate, and endite my ly. A wift as the flight of thought, I frame E ach letter of the 'loved name : I. icensed in freedom by thyself F rown not, Eliza'tis -sty i'-' mm j .... '..vt. .... ,h r: