ft; 1 I T '-:i-f, s i! Kifm(ih.p IW?' t. HIT fc.rmerlv kept lr deceased hasnd, U the low. States. K, end hopes to meet . onlU,ur of U arowjre. . 4- jARY WOKKE. '. . "M"', .... RALEIGH, tfrtfc ti.i.m-n Km mW.TOr.B Vet C-ope. for tl. reeepW of CP"; I ZLL of puln. Wrbee. wet j. rt tflo1 WUI 1. 1828. 11 I- QtON. J-Altts and -lianas. THE valuabla d property of Ceorjt B.r. dUr, of. ' kni tot m! by the Utt purclwterr. i m pwi . wllle. dJoiioc the GiWs Mumford wol to any Sad In Bottii county, wufc a brjt pLortio of auperior ado i tU aWliar. Superior eotiftruction, and h aow.a ery nod and iocmdnf ron of eurtom i tbt tf sower cm ery conraniently b tnida to dna and terma, appt U hoinu D. lbba, o of lhaproprietonsoatnapreBiiirfc . , , JtWEPH HANF.S, ; ' ; PETEU ANEKi , .,'., , JACOB ANER. Jk.!3iia'"J'i MABTlS IAXER. ' v N. B. Another tract, fceionpnf nrww T - r - - . ... . aratety m my m wit Itta . purchMe hcb BockavUl. eontnIn1eTacre vf bwid,ijkai JV Will te "J. k aamunr inc town wi food dwellinr.houe, wiin ou-Doue, ik j exceBant larJeai tibia property will be. aold low, oo accommodaUiiK trrm. Apply nabote. " " fll H B anbacribrr beinf deurmio4 la jretu I X. . to tbt eaitern port of we owe io itnuc -'' n it winter, ufftn fur aale bit valuable Plant- iUn In Bowan countr, eontamMHt Uum hundred avU twtntr-mt acrtn all of vtucn iimi mpo torqaaTity. Tboae who have aeenlbe land, - mj h h enual t any in fha county, . There are excellent buikl'mfc of erery deacription on the . place. renoM who want a healthy situation, a - -Mind itaad for a Store, and an clcrant farm, will , U rery much pleaaed with the land. ' 11e land la tea milea weet of SaTitbury, on the SberrrU'a Ford road, adjoining the landa of Mr. Allmand W.IL Mr Jornh Cowan, and othera. 1 deem it unnecessary to say any thinr further, as it U i". I , 'h presumed the purchaser will ie w the premiae. EICHARO C. HOLatEI. Jut iih 1828. - 18 !ry. ivotctie$. itvermWaretiJC, as waa em affered. for tale h this placet bit jeweiry is h we latest importauons. and the t&oat taanionabie and eiefsnt kinds to be had In any of the Porthera Cities i 'elegant CoW and Silver Watchm plain Do.i tie. ke.r And in a iov oaraae wui rectire a rery elegant assort. bent of MiUtart Gdi. Also, all kinds of Sil- -' er-Wrt. kept constantly oat hand, or made to order on short notice. All of which will be sold . lower than Such foods were ever disposed of oerorw in tn puce. Tbt public are respectfully invited to call and .examine .these fooa( their richnen, elegance, Mq.ctieapnea-caniMtaiiQip(casio(UtoaB who Jl UUl ro 007.-- - ... . rmx All kin&if Wmkto Pifalrtd, and warranted ; . w cp iwi ujc swop iwo QQQrt oeiow tae wwwf auuuatT a awitairr-tjirrcu ROBERT WYNNE. Sahibvry, Ma 26, 1838. 16 WAGONERS, DRITWO TO FAYETTETILLfL WILL find it to thtir advantage, to stop at -the tfJGOX TJRD, where every eon. venienct Is provided for Man and Horse, to make - Ihetn eomfbrtabte, at the moderate charge of 2 j cents a day and night, for the privilege of the Yard, the use of a good house, fire, a ster, and belter, - Attached to tbe Yard, are a Grocery and Provision Store, Bread Shop and Confec tionary, and a House for Boarders snd Lodgers, in a plain, cheap, wholesome and comfor. table- atjMr , 09 . FayUemile; 11, Jpril, 1828.- v - BY virtue of aundry writs of fieri facias, from tbe superior court of Wilkes county, to me directed, I will sell to the highest bidder, at the courthouse in Matervuie, on the third Monday of Aogut next, two lots in tbe town of States- -wille, whereon Robert Work, dee'd, lateU Uv.lKWnr M,Wk,... 1 w V. These Icta.adioinlhe eniirt.hn... 1 nave on them a huge and commodious dwelling bowe, for many Tears used as a house of Et.tJ Uinment, a large dining room, a number of houses for boarders, a sture.house, brick kitch: cn.arapies.a corw-aiset fceatelesied-waa ine property ot tns deviseeSoTRobtrt Simonton, T . V.ttc PPWty ofbe heirs of Robert Worke, dec'di '' Alt0. lnc of land adjoining the town of . iicuic, coniuning one thousand acrea, more " Or less, whereof about WO acres h. K. C 7 cleared 1 there is some faluable meadow, and TaMMgoodupuuxJon this tract. . : A ".!!.,,djvtd fbare l"aatenl tracta'of ... . . ano w ireueu county riVd M Itebert Worka by Alexahder Worie, decUto lit " the white house tract, and several Other trar.l that nlace. And, alio, sundry other tracts cuiic m jmieu county r: ken ai belonging to the heirs of Kobert VYorke. dee'd. ' ' The whole will be sold to satisfy several WL im in. bbiu mpci iur cuun ui w 11a.es coun ty, at the suit of Montford 8tokes. Attendance mailt, tn k mmlA : . t win oe given t terms, cash. . t23 PawaaT. ga. P, CALDWELL. Sh'ff. To OoU Alinm. ltTlfiriTb" r Cw'c-ier, jut received, "d ,bl te,e' b w'lLLEY k Co. SStpiurf, Jurit 10(4, 1828. 1? ri tas aoiraa kuiI'. ... JUaWeable obstacle! io their advance towards the grot, or lo .w.;. m attract notice imoog the fair-it mviC alTord mucn rein ... I-., ih whole in of " sere- ping acquaintance" hai been reduced to mathematical rulet. It U only necet. arv 'for the 'diffident of both aexct. rt . fotlowtoir numerical ..4.i-5 rtfrr vilv-b remember tedW.mt5A'f tf CKDCe t Wd, tivepraoice, ty-foor hou;i,)f icrupulouttf adhered to, secundum make I Bow', bow. make one n-iveu!oi fihor-dov -do make 1 Con venation t a coovctsiuiuub 1 acquaintance-. On the fence.n.:Mt phrase, tajrs the Newark,-. "J. Sefctinel, it ' ia thought by friend, venerable lo years and well acquainted with the t,:.trirb nt the revolutionary wart, had in origin from Ihe circumaunce, that n tAdeA timet it waa common to hold lown-mettinga out of doori, in teid of In buildiora ai now a day At thrte mcetiuita people frequenily tat tinon the fthcet, and when called trpooto yot would get do! J and tak - lljoaet howtferi who were indifferent to the question would re mainjon . the TcBcty or not thi.'t toeu position until they aa whlcnlldewas the itroofeit- - Hence the obrase " on the fence. - w-f A MORftSE MAN. 1 like" "plece"6f -knotted' -wood, e? ery thioj; goet against the grain with him. He ll i mpatientof every Uhfoj; but hit own humor, and endure! that no longer than ij a in oppoaiUon, bet in contradiction to totncthlng else. He approve! of nothing but io contra- diction to other men's opinions, and like a buzzard delights in nothing more than to flutter against the wind, let it be which way it will. A man was elected to a captaincy i t. a a a " .1 Jin unto nis cnuaren neera 01 me fee oT them, Well but our Joh, I aty though, tint we allcappun't now on hearing thiate mother,' wb'oTkv in bed near theiwys, called ull1 No you lool, only your father an me tappuns." In Mason, N. II. Mr. Jwna Hubbard to Hits Louisa scripture. ., Borne keep the Scripture for a show, J Letter'd and euilt oh thrir bumu - ana some to dust and moths degrade M - But Jonas took the wiser part, rHevre to.Sfnp t W WarV -. , And ereii on bis pillow laid h. jis " Dy the Per, W. W. Philips, Mr. George Shep. herd, to Miss Ann E. King, both of New York; Hail) Matrimony, happy state, A King becomes a hhepherd'i mate ; May At a kindly shepherd prore, And ih return his faithful love. Jugtuta, Geo. June I2i-A tieavr rain fell in thit city on TeVterdaV td'tlie'e'real' uriiiiuciii wi toe uun. 1 nia was j : . r . l n m . . ' not all ; lor we are credibly -informed that great numbers of young biliout evert were teen drmtug down the env drains stretching put their imploring hands to the doctors lor assistance. It was all 11 vain, it being not always proper for tc quaintances to recognize each other 1 but the Doctors arc laid to have looked very sad, as they taw their friends all going headlong 10 " Davy't Locker." I The abore ii from ih CnnAmr .a;,-a 1 7 J ' 1 1 r &VZPdLoy?tt.-Tht irencral is a memDer or the French House of De. potiet. He lately ascended the tri rnrrandelieiTd-tch-Dthe present system of legisUuon, whicfi produced a lively impression on most of the assembly. He maintained that CItijens jhouldjk tubjected only to Iawa and taxet .agreecf to :bv them- telvea or their repretenutlveK'and af. Irm'4 feMtre iwaw--'ss'iiiaii.-'t.ja.4iMrrt;.-.iie spoke against the present electoral sys tern, which admits not more than our vjf an hundred iFrencbmen to"?ote at elections. Hit speech excited ap plausa on one; side of the house, and murmurs on the other. The New York pspert announce the death of Dr. Wright Pott of. that city, the eminent aurgtun. He died on Satur day last, at Tbroe't Neck, in the 63d year of bit age . . At thU tme. hea Triej ia tl tkltr a atnjuinwy tho folWl" a,lc' tto'"ce . l . i a L a t.uu.iliifl ft a Mia of ibtl Empirapanool Im,",l,"i readeni they ire from iha New-Totk noriunf Courier i ' f Th. iDocfl.iloaof "Tcatrwai Bnt InnlMd la til middli ae;c is t central tl tie of honotto all tbt nations composing the two prlilpal brsnchet of Tartar and Mogul Tb wofd Jrurr at an aojw tle, tlgnlEit " sublime .and prt-cmlo antM as a-4btantie, It meant M a got !-7i'wi4TWaStat.rQuncU mettt f twice wt';i'Empi!rorP,crt ThuMaaa. ThcUrana i 'Air I ihi Titi4n ofBrn 4J . all, Y h er la ino prBaiuiwjruuirri nw.mtm, .4 Tttrf4bAbACh4fctIffrrJVm Tressurer, the iiiVriaMUBB : 1 fntB.enen1er1an "' I e?'Jait1.,(b,.AK van. 1 he sultan aoewiot enter ibb mom but from an adioinineNcbarober he heart alt that basset. On arat ocestlona a venersl Council 1 convened! all tbt ltadng peraont ol ihl empire ere aumroonrowtbe Uergy, the Military and other cinrs, aau even the old and most expeiienctsolniera,tt tend. Such a Pivan It called "Ajak Di yanl.-. . ' 'V the 'Grand VtzlerXhU officer re ccivet hit appointment from tbe Sulun. He hat tbt bare or the whole empire 1 he me revtnbe, adrolnlstrrt iustlce (both In tivil ahd criminal affalrt.) and commands tbe armiel. . Upon nit ep pointajey, Ve Sultan puis Into his bands the seal f (be empire', which la tbe badge of Jit office, tnd wbitb ht alwafi weart 00 hie briasf.'lRaTtnWmiavHHsao 4a sit bund ji "tboiiaand dollar i a year, eit dushi plpreientt nr other perquMtet TkHiatfJhfJl are anlad JBt haa of three borae uils tbrenfOfst ialll beltf carried befbrn tbem.wbeo tbejr ahafek. i ' - J BttleiBeg.-K Begler-beg It a Viceroy tin aeverai Droruinw " O-a L.' . I'-.' ha fBatblW)ll e"QiP t Deputy Oovernor. - m y: ; The Relt EffcnMM the Lord -Chaneel tor and Secretsrr or State j the ntme sjg rflfi.a rhi-l of the writers." " The Titter dar is the High Treasurer the Poblic TrcMur U nertr touched eren by the Sulun, except in cists lhe uimoat emergency.. The Sm'mu h)i h Private Treasury, which be uc at will. s,.m 1,1,, he formed ol the e:.or an a a mout ,fih in the ruoncireesui), ... . f . - - . ..1 ... ..a nnitaf tnr- wbicn nasoeeo accu.Buiia . teen mittiont ad a ha( olix doHart were annu.iU e turned lo" the two Treasuries. jjTheMuliU tjM Chief EccleaUaiie. Jit name aioifiea an "expauodetrnf tbe. law" he it conauhed on all emergencies. Should be commit tittton. be It puniihcd in a.Tigorbuitnariner-fc.he h put into a mortar, in orre of the Seven Towers, and there -tieJaw-exp4Under it pounded to death. Such a puoUhmeot. b.s"cbf"brn mgif Kd urce tbe reign oLJtmvtruth IV. - 1uMuyAan. The lerrt Is a corruption juJUIoie'nimi ." which aiemhea per sons piofrtsing the doctrine of Mahomet. The Horn taiu. l breerborte-. tails. an t mou weff1T ftotdt n; bait ' form the mitirsry ensign of the Ouomtna-- It ori gin was it lollowa One of their Gener ala waa at a lose bow to rally bia men their stabdardt having been loat in a fierce conflicts Jle cut off a borae't tail, end elevtted it on the point of a toear. Hi troops chewed the fight, and came off conquerors The- Sublime V.Conttantinople it styled"' The Sublime Porte tbe Porte of justice, majesty and felicity." There have been various disputes about the ori gin of tbis appellation. Payne, an emin ent geographer of the last century, aayt that It it derived from tbe magnificent gate buijt by Mahomet II. at the principal entrance of the seraglio. Con$tonttnohle. it wonderful bow little it generally known with regard to thit magnificent city. Itt aituation it the most delightful In tbe world. With a bar- booffordbe room for a thousand ships with the Euxineoa ItsEasiTthe natural current r.f th walth of Asia la theft lha BosDhorust and 'wltlTiaTsl'oir;iti Soutli and Wett, the production! of Ara bia, Eevpt and Eurnxi are at the com- mand-oT u commerce.: i. In tberhand tf a commercial natian, it would toon be come the centre of tbe commercial world. It la encompassed, by wall,' which have twenty-jwo gatessix towards the land, aix along ihe port, and ten Oft tbe Mar tnbra jikese . have ttalrt-and Janding placet. " I Jaf4,uKWW aJijwiiv.t, ,T.k.ifc. Bii...a .a i. .... Jt . - ... . .. ConlUwiDJ)pIe ne Kome, it adi arbt tepticouis' , itt teven billt rise front tbe snore m mt lorm oi.an ampnitneatrei gardns)eyprfti ques rise one above the other, and pre sent a view worthy of all admiration. "Tbe castle of tbe Seven i owert it uted ai an honorable prison A tquare tower ttandt n the sea, memorable at tbe prison of BeKtariut. Near thit, are a great many canoon level with the water, and. guar ding tbe entrance of tbe port and tbe Seraglio. ;'!'. . - ! '."' The SerafBo.Tbi? word tinifiea ' a r u U a colUctioh cT raUceA a if !!o ar.4 a halflatoropaiii enclosed by a atrong wall, 00 which are aenral watcb towers, where guard is kept by night and Tk. nrlnrlnal rttt la of marble, t. ,tia Tkt Porte. Tbe rsrdcns are ten extensive 1 the buildings tre of .M,. t.nn,. .re crowned with elided tur rets and spires, and shining in surpassing splendor. . R, PT- J5oriA-De voun.11 v. - phla (Divine Wiadom) wtt built by finia, in the eth century. The dome U 1 19 fefet in immense marble plllarsi and ik. r ia and oavement are marble 1 lUr. l. thn Emoeror ConttanHnt tomb Tk. ( rKiniiil art SPICnqw th5 richest and rarest producllooa of I k, x.atl,,jjV uanT ... . . .1 ,rA in inin in uiic pOTTS OrTeki aTd tbole orihe Arane the Ottomao Empire THE SEAT OF WAR.; , S. It 1. tuta f rtain. that war hat been onderttken by , Russia agttott we a u.a., it may not be BmntrresiioK j...ti nmlna the eountnea to Ulit. ucian .Lt.L i( .in k earned on, too lu forces likely o be engaged la It 1 be Russian army, commanded by ount w. .i.tn. i said to amount ID aoou HOMO men ol auarma wan a a . A L.J.a In. thai ned, well provweo, ano uoiuu' . onaet 00 cCQUm " r" don pspert of the praxis sltustioo occu- pied by ibit army nor ,t ih commsoder in chief, re Ua vc X7UT dlfbauUy j-fof A.!VB!,f . from head quarter, wuhout strung-wwrt . -. j . . a. . u 1 aa f Ik tat, tha are. Wf preturea, swws.vfaji iwr-auriered In Poland, in tbe l cinhy of toe irinn,-wiievu,v, - . - ... n T TTilT-l.-,HrttM-K u... frAin this boaitkm to uonatanu oople about JOO mllet. The I futb. ft. vnaratloo- for consldertbU apace, mm..i. rm Poland, maket a "turn 10 .k. .mh. and coailftflet-a-outberly course untU It fallt into the Danube, be-twi-n Oalata and Uuiael-and dWdea the Prlnclpalhy of Moldavia,. io lit lenin, 1 nrt almost enual oarts.Boib al lacbia and Moldavia are without -Turkith ..-rianna. beintt irorerned br tb4r own tliaipodsrs, who . are. trioutarien Porte Wallathia is ecpsrated by the Danube from Bulgaria, where properly K " ' " . . .u. 1 ,k,. Turkish forcea will probably be met it,. 11. ...Un arm will irsversc the two . ...jii,;-. -i.hout opposition io aome iau - - 1 I C "1 . i tll L..;.. . t rm m la the fittcendatt, which willbrinii tbem to the ia supposed, oetween riirtaova ano nuse buck both forufied placet) which will, H tha object be to proceed with all baste to Constantinople, be roaakedfor. the JtuS aiana have learned by experience, not to tosr time in lay tog siege lo Turkish" foF tresses and the march 1 be pusfied for ward 10 Shimula, tbeposition that com-J maiidt the passes of Mount Hamui, tnd Kfcere the Turkish lorce,' amounting, by com pu t atlonT 10 ' eighty ihoutand .me n, in dependentlv of thirty ihtutund aCat tared along tbe Jortjesses on the banks of tbe Dinube are concentrated. "Here, rbeny must be the battle. Tbe invaders, wiifi mahi brttaWpalarra-wm puww.pu"0 and 1 ou have aome ldeaf the opulenc and tnlendor of the capital of tbe Great their left restiiSebn the Oelf c. Verpaof o elm at Saratort: sprung wftMi- accetible to their fleet from Sevastopol, rfy, fAree wcAer.. . Wc altd uoderstBd In lbf CTtmeaTtanf abc4l-fbree bunJ t J S ak.-f .- U m.m. .a m " afaai ' , k oreoiniiCB anuincrciofeasaurcuoi aup - If I rl .ttl a6 La pilCS anu suttwr ui an son, wui ugJ. witu every advantage. The Turkt, with the conviction, that their position it the key to the passes in the mountains, which, once carried) open a tbe way to the Capi ta), and with the advantage of intimate knowledge of these pastes, will, if anima ted by any thing like the pristine zeal of tbe Mahometans, and directed by even a moderate degree of skill in the art of war, be enabled to make a desperate defence. We do not believe, however, that it can avail against the superior " number and discipline of tbe Russians. Thit one battle will probably, decide tbe campaign. Either the Grand Seignior, on ler.ning bit defeat, will agree to terma of uncon ditional submission, or, animated by dea pair, defend hit Capital to the last, and elihexiaHjwitj or pats over into Asia, and thence renesHfio warrOur own belief is, that, at tbe moment we are writing : these remarks, eticj Russian : aland. ard it floating from tbe Seven Towers, and that the Northern Autocrat, like an otner t-oiossusTsrndes-t.aiope-frona tbe Culf of Finland to the Sea of Ms mora. " N. Y. Jmerican. Dmocr alt turned Dutche$tH....Vw) hear that the sister of the Marchipnest of WeHedey Ja to be led ?w iber hy Meiieat ftttiif bf tbeMarqttit of Car maruien.- 1 wo Marchioneaaes in one democrat family ! Jonathan wlU be pfettyiaidm two of hit trantatlanus "i coming bigh'titled.' 'Noah ' It it not generally known, that the Re; formation made considerable, progress in Italy in tbe time of Luther s but bia dis ciples .were crushed by tbe Inquisition, and by thoauyjitnary taeaiOrcs of the Pofiei- fU, ir '.!.!: i i i' i C ljarofrom Waahingtoo, that Geo. Lcott has called upon the rrcaidcnt to insti- tdte an inquiry into nit conauuou (u , refusal to obey the ordcrt of the new r. Major General. Heally, thit admioit tration are determined to add every degree of dishonor to the country. Look at the different department of o.rrnmcot. what do we behold Tho . ..' . i j: .L army kn aitorucr auu uiauuiun uk navy torn With diasentiont, aod pre vented from exercising i orsrtjj m defending .the honor of the eoantry t tha atat . deDartmenU the colonial' trade -goo..torvBrr-nor lotultt of ", BraxiWuMepairecl aod ttnatoaed f.Z and- many other egregiout bluttdcri' which render tx a jett aooog the, ng,... tnlTPrum-the-lmbecUity,, wcakoesX and iaeglecY 6t thli : cabiottj- tre tref at a - a rijatl(rnrioaulte4 Of every peujLgot e'mmenu Such li the effett of having. men at the neaa 01 nuairt woo ntva confidence In the 'people, and whom the people hate reaaon to die trust. Nothig but t change can better our public affairs Noah, . In relation to tnia oimcuiry as to mo rank of Geolt. Gaines, Macomb' and Scottj the- New. York Specutor saya t " Contrary to the advice of many of hit friend's, ai we are informed, Gen, F m ' . e 8cott a few day! since,, wrote to uio acting Secretary bf War, lnaUtlng up on the arrest of Major Gen. Macomb, for ittulng ordert to him or in cats the Prcaident should decline thit mca- ture, Gen. S. insisted on being arret led bimlf. and requested that tho coartwartial tt" be detaUed ahould be selected by. ballot from tnirty oiocere tdcijgoajed by the Exeeotive, for thtuTpottGeaV3rf ncc7qre'Te . l. r .v .tu... TV,- terviog nit ngni ui uih.uj.. w letter to the acting Secretary wat writ ten in the most respectful terms and in language thowing that be - noncauy .. believes -that - Geo. M aconjb has nj right to command him.. To these questions, as we are Informed, an an twer - wat returned,' reminding-Gen. S. that he wat now inn furlough, n ' directing that aa aoon at that expired, he shall proceed to hie poet at "tho west i and informing him that If he did not think proper to reaume 'hit command, aod tubmit to the wdert from the department, the United Statea would have no further need of 'vv'Bve'heana t awatea, i1ii Oee. 5cptt, if hejeft the army, iotended to pursue the pfofeation ofrtfic Iaw at Philadelphia.-:. . . i Gen, Scott, we bclierr, it now tl Philadelphia p and from cooverta lion withxn intimate friend of Kis,wo hare yet, hopet that on reflection he miv JnJu-aJ ia remain in rVi may service of which he it an ornament. jm. . p ! ilL . .aaae Great CrTA. Irll laid tbe forest, ireea grow with. astonishing rapidity this yean la three weeks, the brand irate 01 a IUH nllop. ' ;'-W Hope W . . .7. . . . Adams men will not make a ai&n out Noah. of thit. A cockney being quizzed, about his omitting tbe aspirate letter h, &c. in hit pronunciation, aaid, Whai'a-ibe oddn, whether I aay -Jaavf or tatjZ-rtJu replied a wag, "it is the difference be tween cooking a cbop, and making a ma' oUt." . . , ' General Jacktan VI t believe this dis tinguished patriot has, for the present, declined an invitation to a dinner at the Waxhaws; but, aa be proposes to pay i tisit to Charleston for the pious purpose or searching lor, and re-inhuming tbe re rosins of a beloved parent, in the spot where bit own tre to be deposited, it a then probable be iaay.bjMQMhe jrtce ot J hit nativity witb a visit. , Camden Jour. Rev. Mr. Cahert. The eloquence nJ I talent, at well it very amiable character fof-thit tntlemaiHlllnukeJtajnaiir of interest to every .Carolinian to near, i that the Methodist Episcopal Cbnferenc recently assembled in f ennsylvanu, "B aleiAri him aa iia RnMatailaa at tiw a a .. I next triennial meeting of the breihreo af Ureat ontaia. Camden Journet. jht an -action fefastanlt andW V . .a . as. terr. afftirist two physiciant and " jtMtfcefcsof brought in a verdict lor Derot pw' I he testimony wat of a "veryoe"' cate character; , -' ;.,-'):'.. A woman ared 63. latetr at Barnard Castle, in Scodand, tot " . ta - m . . wager, one noncireci man swv poors.