trr its'rs, the "pjMniiion t.t (!.e nr lif'.'S I. astumed a seeminirly Brrinis sipect, A Sicet Jng look 1o In Colleton district 3. C. on th 12ih utt. at which resolution), and m allre touched In the strongest term of re probation of the tariff and iti upp'merv, were, adopted jibe aJvisa M open reaifcinre to the Operation of the tarlffi asserting, that they - hive done br wW all thai wrU tan it," end that M la fo(?( more, mtiM be adaatsrd'a refuge!" We ' ' regret thll angry tone into which eur neighbors bare hern betrayed by their honest teu ia km. ? iTeettnir their Inairnanl feelinita St Ihe psanaga ,, of law Which H It believed w$ operate ruin. puslyonthe merchant end souther plaqtar. We can fp'V appreciate the mingled feeling, of de ipr- and goatfc fcf, -which ' $ey view MCteart that i eepected to blight el! ' m t MCMftwIft m Mswranrl lki kVlua And eoterprlse-and We 'feel, with them, the! it is rneouly ' wprewMoT5r-tf4j Vit'iaVtwTof one section of the Union to be hid wider con "wWaiVta to-sale the fluttonorfi lj)peffl(fr of r those- wf Another .section,., who, uvi alresvly been pampered into I tupertilioui snissitude to minister to the insatiable ciipTJity of ranm. I$y of soulless manufacturing corporations, tie- , tuted Slene by the selfish motive of notional apnfuehent. but ve cinnot think, with them, that "we must resist the impositions of this UrifTi we cannot ourselves, nor can we, without painful emotions, see others place (hem selves In an atti'uda of open resistance to the laws of the Union ! We would yet continue to oai milder meant' to redress our grievances! we till think it better "to bear the ilia we hare, Chin fly to ecArre we Anew t " we would KMiMMiatraJe, again and again, against these op pressions of the general gwrrmm.-, iVw . would break tingle Bok in the chain that binds together this confederacy of free Republics ! We would, bearing in remembrance the veoer Wed ndca of tha Father of the. Republic, cling : to the laat floating plank of tha ark our eoun. jtfJiy, the Canal ilutiinViuClpuriVeci Of Uncle SamTId smoke: t efeitfAy of Ihe Lnitn. The first article in f you but Knew? my Johny, honey, our political creed, is theJnvwIabiraT of the La- jow h,rdy poor folks Ret their money fat tiM Stotmt and we cannot near the dio- You would not run and tell your dl lution of the Union even mentioned as a whefte tt a printer mskrs yon mad. l!"-j:i)T:r, :' ho It c....:; !jte fur the le will pro'iiWy ho eleclc 4 by means cf tbo nti banking; hobby." The- excitement among the people of Granville In relation lo the Dankti It tild to take precedence of the presidential question j it ilmont lo ftily abiorbt the public attention. We leiro that there It not irtivWon enough rtione; the people, on the preildeocy, to raise rry thins; (ike an excitement i they are all for Jackson there. , Tea wrsrisv tiaousiiii. " ; ON A NOSE, y I rerlly hefieve that more monrv haa'ben spenl on young ArTms no?tlha on his man- , - irenirie f aurrj Quaktr, l thete tad llmet of want end debt, ' Twta Wromr to miksnnnl Simni mmtt. Becauao nauijhiy Primer chote - . If ll had been a now of war. ' Aod lariated .out of placa .. if-,",."--4 H it bad been a-note of rlstiv AotltVere.t rr9m,jhi ftzuJl hy, then, I ween, It would have been A very different case. -ryZ:r.".cM '.At a tree! CI hn Un-eriort r j i tite Tank of . yrth Crjlins, on lb? Ht inat. itoretl nation of John L. Im l rton, E. at Pre sident of the Salisbury -Brine fef that Inttitution, wat IjU before the Dsard and accepted when, on motion, David P. Caldwell, Etq. wat appointed Preiident In hia place. - , QuVford.k majority of this, county it rery confidently claimed for the tdminit tration and, from the peculiar fhancier of the people there thlfbtt beei conce- ded them t but, on develonemmt of the eenilmeoti of the clUzent of tfwt county, predilectiont on the pretidenxy trill be found to bare been miMppreheoild i At a collection of people, at tho Smite 01 Mr. Ilenrf TaVumron-tU fiaT? . ----- - Or hd it leen a " nore, . Of bet Keniurkv make, Then baHarwtty treated, At it wat like to brake - Tha hopea gf many Who net their penny Hy moving in its wake..-. Thit rar ot HiiikI Jarvit Would have deserved thn ttaVo. That neither bent nor biuv Jnder ibit small experiment, Twaa a lottuh joke ,Th.t euchnfuse -bbouuxnakcue pune... iiliif, without ha-ou' noet .painful forebodings. And we hope, and AviVw, that the li'auAce how. wroth Jhe okl JOUit,j.A., I You know he's danerout in hit pett ; ptopfein ,our. titter atft weapon flec;wn. And ben be begint toraite and pitch, Uke no etp that may be construed intn any inance lie miRm Kic c cu yw u.c intn . thing Kke an flwrreft.aary movement , that t 1 Then what you'd do, I know not,do me, i- ai .n W-;.annn.!i;nn ! Molest jou'ld go and tell your m ma. tUU'J I :n L. .11 ,.. ..:. l. .f i FRTCIl Q lue lucaiuv. Will IK mi Hint ,iivir ivvu il j PINO AR. JR country will suffer them to do in relation to this delicate subject. If the warmth and honest leal of our neigh fuw. U unutn caxwUna, ! W4 tkm lno reprehensible violence, what must we think or My of those hotspurs tit who would rtsn tkt flame that hat been kindled there, by using, fa speaking of tha conduct of their brethren, . . .ouch, language aa iaof a peculiarly iaflamatory . character i Chargmg ihe miscbiefii they are - pleated lo aay will result from the . present ex citement agsinst the tariff, to the account of the Jackson party ! when, ci it party, tbe friend of Jackson are bo more accountable for the in discretions of the anti-teriffltei in 8. C. than John Qulncy Adams is fur the. stupid fibs and fonle tit of tome of bit aupportert. rhtid hcrn- tUariet, is a term not a whit loo harsh to apply ; wet ojhc,,;.lM.v.;;:;r:. The Colleton addrett it accompanied " by request to the Ooreror of Sonth Car - It oUnOoia)libe Ocm atate together immediately.. . ' "The Oeorpia Southron alJ autretla tbe idea of a Congress of those slates op posed to the Tariff. The students of Columbia College hare adopted resolutions, that they will not hereafter wear 'any fabric manufac lured In the states north of the Potomac. The character of the resistance which the people of Colleton will oppose to the tariff law, it this: I. A resort to arms, or reaittance by present violence, is not contemplated. 3. But the people of the state shall meet in Legislature or Con vention, and put forth a solemn manifesto expressing tbeir determination not to en dure the oppression of the Tariff. 3. A deputation shall be appointed to attend tbe nest aetsion of Congres?, not to rea aon, or argue, or remonstrate, or implore but to demand in the name of the peo ple of the Stttef a rtpoai of the Tariff. V urtber than this it is not intended to iro t-pmemrcH'ar-ar-thisHBe-people jteirell.4).amphlett titled " The case hare a right to go ; and if they will but Hop there, the frothy, abuse of those who denounce these proceedings as trcatona will excite no other feeling! than tboae of acorn and contempt.' A ign, for .............ahy hodij ! Ma F.ditok t On the 4th of July, last ptti, B nnd respectable number of people assembled at .not ix hun dred rnile from Siatevilie. lo celebrate the day. Sixteen or eighteen fnot hun dred gentlemen, and two more or less ladies, attended : an oration was deliver ed," !cc. " The sentiments of the company being guettrd at, it was found that they were am. fas tWs deponent tvfiftotm from the number for Adams ! I v. oi that waa'Wr thkrb. -IredeBrJulrfthrMtr i Jmrnthblr Cniwilif-ttiifw E. Pane, While at school near Morgsnton, and during Ihe Inter mnwin, on the first intf attr mpte4 to climb a 1 aaminir. with a view of bendine i' fop to the t grounii,' anlhn at theifient of about twan- ty.ftve tcet, one w me stiKienii preseni appre hended he would Uke hold of a dead limb above him, and immediately wsrn'cd him against il ; buf.'alai !' It was too law 1 herraspt it, it broke, he Wa precipitated hesdtorrmotothe groond, and instantly expiredlis.. youth badjmale coiuiderabte propws lowartls the atlatmnent of a libers! education, ami bid fair fo realize the hopes of his friends. He possessed many amia ble qualities was generous, social and kind : he baa left a fond mother who doated on him with a mother's lore, and many relations and friends to mourn hi sudden and untimely death. July 6, 1828, cosmos icaTid. " Caiualnj i and a cautim.,;,.A subscriber informs us, the iIekmt L. Mobeisos, in the 6th year of his ace, died in Iredell county, on the 'SSd ult. from the bite of a Rattle snake i he died in less than an hour after he was bitten. Several persons tn the neighborhood of Mr. Morrison, father of the Ud above mentioned, have very narrowly escaped beine bitten: great numbers of these venomous reptiles hare lately been killed In the county. We alto learn that a child in Lincoln county wat lately bitten by tha tame apeciel of snake, and only survived the accident four days. These cases oujiht to serve as a warning to avoid-these poisonous .creaturea.- ; -: ?ote orir the presidency reaultel at fei. kma For flew. Jackson a The wheat crop ia narveated, and hat turned) out well j ia i few inuan cee only, where It waa cut too green,haa St been Injured. New wheat it frctly offered at 50 cents per bushel, and it ia thought it will sell at 40. - The con and cotton eropa ert very promising if the season continues propitious, it ia believed by those wao ought to know- that corn will be aoll in the fal at SO cents a bushel. Old corn it plentiful r a a .a - and tells for lest than 30 cent!.. The " Birth Day OJcTVh next. a . i n our dbvminable!n Qatet, county, in Ibis ataleV-av - young womaiw aRcd - 1 7, lalely hdln7inegttimareTn;ar7flrtffy The citizens of (he neighborhood were so enraged at the beastly, conduct of this brute in humin form"whote' name Is Ktder Briggf thst-hfwaa' telzed by a few men, a meal bag thrown over his head, then taken-into - the woods, tied to a log, face up, and aubjecttd to the fale of the unfortunate Mtlardl "Lynch's aw'' was, perhaps, justifiable in thit ctse. central Ambries appears to ta virtually ihssolted. The President hit relgned, uioun me act wat some wbst compulsory. I vlvil War rnntiniiM. km k. ... . . " a at av-asft ui It Cnano-erf from .(Juatemsla tt S, fl.t... u.iT.r some troopt, wat within 30 miltt of Ocana, where tbe Convention was ia Session. A of the Membert are opposed lo bit views, r ttnt,UT, JVy 4, Cj!tn 0 Li ft bteco. 2 iO a rj-reAiw.l, I) a gl J , cort,, 1 1 Zh t.ron, 6 a Hi tM, 0 a 7 appl brarxlyi 3J a 37 i peach 75 a 100 c-nt...Nortll Carolina bank bills, 8 lo 9 per nt. discount Georgia bills 31 a 3 i louth CaroliuA t.l.V 2 to 3 per cent, discount. UvtrftL Mt 3. UnUnJ cotton, i to hi. The business done in cottons, baa continued to be extensive. Unlanda aro much aouHit sAev. being comparatively scarce in tha market, thefca till It iaihoueht Ihev inirku hrM,.K U:. ? over to hit meaaurea. Ilia object tee mi I " ' to be, not onlr to be abnolntcd Dii for life, but to CStablilh an heredltar I At hie rcaiiLniea" lu J-. a.Ml.M. I. il.t auecetiloo. leoumy.on Pridav laat. iita l!thlm. in-. Our readere will recollect ihe rorm 0? kgeil bM,'t 50 of the Constitution which Colirar gave to .S .mpc liolitia. In klrS k. ki. t , T tnterpneing mind, hbei uoiitui m which he made hla Prasldeot MaffaMe and conciliator di. successor, ana reerrea to thit country i'Vr, renturman in his'M.jMUH.rikM. m yi., 1 forldU , Ua aeaioo a X u ' TT . 7 :.Z "'"V f-L r v,,r Uve bereavement lo hia .uia preccocnuz .Jamal. birhlr resnadabW LATEST FROM EUROPE. The packet ship Silas Richards, at New.York, from Liverpool, brings London papers to the 14th May inclu sive. The most important political intelligence is the reported change in the British Ministry, Mr. Huski- son, Mr, Charlea- Grant- and Lord Palmerston, it was said, had resigned their seats in the Bntish Cabinet. The London Courier of . the. 22d Rlay "aya A .report ia in.circuU tion, aod ia generally believed,- that the Duke of .Wellingfow ha represented tw the King, that the only Condition on which he can continue minister it, that some arrangement trust be made with Ihe Catholics. -'. The papers contaia no further ira portant advices from Constantino pie," nor of arij' actual hoitHitica on Uie part oi me nussian armica. -A letter ' from Tco"Ktl'e;;ilthj announces the concjuilon of peace be tween France and Alters. The London Courier of the 22d, at 4 o'clock P. M. aays -Ve have juat received the following important com munication : . ' Count Pahlen, the Hussian Gov. ernor of Wallachia and Moldavia, en. Dr. Muore was a fulman. An active liberallv lmnroel. lrwt i Li j.rr v-r rr - ,: , ""- I " mwiiviiuiivrTaiipuMuaii.coauuaaa to hod hit omce for pfe, with lho rlghlllo render him emiaenllv .useful in aH limUbla W designate hla Sacrouey f Sutf public unJerUliiigi i amT tonstituled him rhaT a intercourse with tbe ; U lw mmtt mm miMin.l!j.&:L laterestuK' iamilv anJ ' ; 1 ia CamdVnraTri'rtTh-i'jmiutfr - One oftka .first commercial hoasaa In I Levy, wife of CoL Chaomaa Lew. ared 19 ' ' 1' PatU," ha!Teeeny iUjed.-;Pi-inceTTar-1 11 ley rand, the Uuke of Aremberg and Baron Uuis, have suHered zrt. lonci,bv-lt. , -O tnt'TttUUC." r The flrst haslew several mtWdnfrif Ii 4 A LTnOVCItVui tontciousnest of Innocence" saiotne debclency ol the house will be V may siittaia a msn, who, in the dischargo 16,000X50 or 7flO0flO0 of francs. of hia official duties, hu incurred the suTpicion of negngence or guilt yet In a country like VtirtltM, i , ?or. that respect due to the opinion of our Further discoveries have been made feliowtiiens; who either direclw or Indirect. respecting the late of the unfortunate If confer every ofRcaof trust, will extort from La Pcrouae. A great part of the hull . bibt o" bom they bertow iga vindica. of hla shin fwlla niw f tion from a charge which, if true, would ahow oinia ship, relll, pieces of ordnance, ,hem unworthy of such otBca, and excuse -uu vunt mites nave ueen UlSCOver uw bumble, an appeal to tha public for that ed, aod it ia ascertained that three of BttrPe l""'1 the motive I have for ohtrw v , hia crew are atill alive. my 0,1 . . Iu 68 "oltce ,Bd to'1 ,th ' ' " In tha fall at lJiKonK K. k ' ! Bravo, the former governor of Vara fre Lincohi to thejail of Ihii county, on , Crux, in Mexko, baa been exiled for 0 le1,crl capital cliarjfes, for which he wae re- yeara, on half pay, and has sailed for "LA bis escape, by the aid of ' . M r ' tome oersona whose names ha ouU mi A. -1 China.1 M beard tf)6 StJi JwnDff to Tennessee to moremenia lndicaieiL.Jnsuad of alien ing to the duties of his olTtce he pockets the salary, goes off to Kentucky to elec lioneetfor, Mr- Adam., and passes through Tenncsseer o shake his Gat at General Jackson, and dare him to come out and fight. , Aoah. J doulle Tare,' is" said to have been effected upon an Adams man lately, io Maryland, (who was in the habit of joining bis lips lo his junk bottle loo often.) by means of pr. Chambers' medicine! He is now a sober man attends to his bus! ness regularly, and supports Jackson I The Six 3tiGtia.fMnVttwer Granrto.-.Our readers will have seen -r a long publication-in oor paper, a few weeks iuncef oi ihe fuwHmr Icirfencjf of ine Banking tytiem in this state, which wianaife4, from' a public meeting of the citizens - ranviite'vnty.v From a private source, we learn that J?oierr Pot ter, Esq. who attracted some noiice in the " Itghlature a year or two since, is the at-1 of the Six Militia-men fairly stated, Etc. published at the office of the Ra leigh Star, by the Central Jackson Committee j. and ahall cdmmence the publication of it in next week's paper j wanfof room wiUedmpet Mt dhrldt ifc This publication successfully exposes faaltTeAited to by theenei rovesif Jackaoo, to blasi hra fair fame, and Weaken the respect the American pcopfer cherish for their benefactori These traduccra of the Hero and Pat riot, will meet their reward some day .....and that not very remote. 1 , Remarkable I.ongrrity. Died, lately In Sumpier District, South-Carolina, Mrs. Mary barren, aged one hundred and twen y yeart. Mrs. fl. was a native of New York, and for the last sixty yeara had been a resident of Sojuptet district. Some persons whose names ha would not di vulge, At that time I was, aa I am now, high 8herifl of the countr of Meeklenburr. aiul sir. Allen flaldwin wat Jailor. ,Th Attorney Geo- Raleigh.) the jsihw W mfU A;Lh 2L- Ai nui nupenor uun, i, as wcu m un juiur, was acquitted of . (he charge by a jury of jay AAimlaa, "llIai tm SkA IraaiKff aiaifTiajaetllwf aasit taJaktW- sjAntusiTl ss a saw ww wi v awiwvrd'it'j m , i lory to my friends and aQ acquainted .with tbe . fy oroirreM and lsue of the rroecutioni but aa " H Wehr had, by his numerous offences, acquired great notoriety in the western part of the state, the newa of his escape waa widely spread, and tbe circumstance by which it was effected being involved in doubt, created suspicion prejudicial ... to my character, which was, I fear, spread more widely than that of my acquittal. In order to remove all doubt on the subject, f thought it ad- visible to submit to Weir, on the morning of the day en which be was executed, and in the pir. ence of the reverend gentlemen who were ad ministering to him spiritual consolation, and Capt. Coleman, the officer on duty, at a period! when every earthlr consideration must havw ceased to have any hold on hi feelings, tbe fol lowing questions, which, with his aiwwers and confession under Hie gallows, are respectfully 4 submitted to the public, with tlie consciousness that as this justification is due to that public, from whose favorable opinion the subscriber haf hitherto received tn most bonorablo and fiaU- .r T i.V 4 . I terrd .Tasay do the 7th, with 5000 men. "The Russian army was to cross, the Pruth st Galata on the 6th, and take immediate possession of Bar blow." , France The elections which hsve lately taken place in France, have been of a novel and remarkable character. The people appear lo have been left to tiie free exercise of their political preferences, uncontrolled by the government. The consequence has been, thit a large ma jority of those returned to the Chambers, are of the liberal school affording an ad ditional evidence that the greatest part nf thTpTe or fraud and intimidation. Wfrat effect this-eoerse-will-prodttfie upod . the coo; duct 6f the Chambers, remain to be seen j but we think It more likely to strength en than to wiakett The bands of both the Kipgand his Ministry k Cant. ClaonertooV servant has arri ved -England fronlttite-interiorof Africa. He states that Capt. waa not amaioated, but died, of diseasct SaBatObheri; he hadf longee? detained b)(5ahan Belior" tering support, their justice will confirm th'e raoai tbi kw iobx taaciasa. . verdict on oath of twelve of his fellow-cit irena.. The Sfiring,, kc-The season of visit- . "Surt ' JOHN SLOAN. ingihe Viftgara,and other places m t , 1 s,sv" se 4m aauiB uva ASjawsya of resort,-has now come.down, ,. . . . , . . The whole fashionable material of the ttttl''' - m .r M .. t . ww s ia assiva assiasw -i sv s s, iui iivs country is verging to One point." New i Q. Mr. Wrfr, myreputatichasbeenaaiu1ed York is the centre of attraction. From ' In consequence of your escape from Mccklen the hills and valleys of Virginia they are burg Jail .Uo you believe I knew any. thing flocking lowarda tbe steeples of the bot your escape ai :the time it wu effected t emrium-wUhdellghrandatuld The rjee plaatatlons and the sea islands ed to have assisted you In nuking your esrape f of Georgia and Carolina pour forth -their vf. Joseph u isoaVWiawAlasaMlerandXlc. parting inhabttar,tt.-Evry ship iscrow--Johnson . ded -witn biterims to the Sprints, and "F-otuer person m Weckienburj; eeeTy-steaibi-t;aiid.tagecb bounding bosoms; and eager desires T" ris Bahlwn ment C ' , There is no place on the continent equal ., He ia innocent, and so is tha negro tba 10 New York. We have the largest cities, attended on tile jail. the largest canals, ihe loftiest mountains, the finest springs, the earliest novels, the . . . ., coolest, tne aeenest rogues, me most in- t hx , h th k of ,he ,ail short New York is an epitome of human t j. i . . - , . t - .1. xi ...i. 1 a. 11 u w naturei rormoninaio come, mo .orm . . . 1 j i.u iJ... k... Q. Was there any other person in Meckleiw rirer will be aacrowoea wUD do..s, aargc. rf fpeetabifltr, impUcted iu your es and travellers aa liroadway-is-at two your knowledge f . o'clock. The whole nation have to make j. No, a pilcrinlaee here to drink champaign, Q. Ioyo reany believe it waa a laiae rty see the onera dancera, walk IViosdway, by wWch you effected vour escape t see me "P" ' . . . 7. j. 1 think it was-it liad been tried sortie and swallow Congress-water by ine oarrei. . . . rr, . c k iKm kil nttiaraaum.l a i -L':r;."'f iti.- 1 ' , y. -ill Q. Are you wilhhgto disclose who let you out r A. I cannot answer that qnetion. Q. Were you let out by a false key, or we're - to t' J-'nm - re-Hhtv brig JIope, "PL Woodbnry, arrived at Boston, 43 days from .Monrovia, Coaat of Africa, and re ports tbe Colony in good health and in a remarkably prosperous cendir5to The Gardiner Chronicle strongly urges the farmers of Maine to commence the cultivation of Hemp on a great scale, as the Tariff Dill has passed. Hfo5rS3iir Beef, fresh in market, 3 cents 1 Bacon, 7 to 8 ; pEach-hrandy 30 to 60" 1 apple do. 35 to 40 ilour, 4 a 4i i whiskey, 25 a 30 United States bank notes, 6J to 7 per cent, premium 1 BiUaonihe North, 60 days 4 to i per ct. pre. ' Charletton,Ju!v 5.-Vplnd cotton 10 a 12 1 whiskey, 23 to 26 bagging. 42 inch, 22 to 54 1 a in O . molasses. 32 to 33 cenUi baton. Our, apple brandy, 25 to 38, bees- wax, 22 1 coffee, 13 to W t aon wa, 10 ua 4 i.mticA mm. llO to 115 West India do. 73 to-SO Jiorth Carolina bUU, 8 to 9 per cent, CamiUn. ,av 4.fcotton, miduTing to Tair, 8j 10 9f &ie to good, 9 UtlOtfa f7 P'Wf, 1 0 cents nave oeen paia. 7 Cotton. 8 to 10 1 bcon 7 a 8 : Hour 5 1 peach brandy 40 to45T apple do, 35 to 40 , wbUkey 30 to 3 J ; pork 4 to 5 , tanow 9 tb W. Ctntird Jail, May 30, 1828. 1. Joseph Weir, Co hereby certify the above answers to have been riven to tbe fnregoinr questions proposed to me by Col. Sloan, sheriff of Mecklenburg ooumy, ana mat me same ar true. signed, JOS. WEIR. Test': DanL Coleman, Jno. Robinson, Jesse Rankin. State ,f Xttk C-rsano , I. Daniel Coieroan. do hereby certlfyi that ! ' " wttnessed -the -eaeeuwon-ol- -JwuU-Wair,.ana that the said Weir, while under tuegallowacal. ' led for Col. Sloan, and that I was preaent with h!mwbirheBpprosehed hrmr snd -that Wetr declared he would clear him of all charges that might be made againtt him, the said Sloan, relative to his escape, from. Mecklenburg Jail, and he did the same with a clear eon science. DANIEL CULEMANT "VT - .1 4 k Mr, 3. WooAvrotiVi, Dyer RFSPECTrutXr Teqncst all persona i debted to him, to come forward and make oavmentT and those hav'mr laim against him,- iH beuakl m amjlication at :bkMlNt. Ibrrl.i liahnwintioiSalisbumr; ; court-house, as hisstav in Ihe place smv be abort. . . Z'.l :1 krvfvlbs. uf pure Qtacktilver, ju-i ree-ivad, '' iisi ntl tor rale, by K. M lL.t. ft tfVtbwu, June 1M, K9i

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