i'r v.. t 1 1 i t it.; -'4 J S if, nk, I'M I V1 i M.I An set forth Tr1irriifeert..iii ;ri;Br k I HoUirri of the Am.)- f ! Krvolut.on. I R it tnitted h " ""J V "7' tf rev'.' .'Ae fW Wi f"- '? , V ir. r .1.- .rm. of Involution In 1 who m entitled lo naif ihv by the resolve of Octolr twenty-first, i..:.l i.. ...1,1 .n.i inhtv. be authorised to re- wive, out of ny mope h the treasury not oth. ..v. .nMnr MriL the amount of Im full py Jo said line, according bU r"k ,"M' '1 hrrin with the third tiy of March, one thousand .tki i,,tr..,t n.l rntV-i. Iftd to COtltinil i t,.riB. h?a Btnrl life! PrrrldtJ, that, under r i .d.n K miiitlaJ to. receive a "litcfr ttitrthtn the toll pay of aXaptalaln w4 i jimMhs a runner rmirita. iraii tcr any of said offlceri hi ftMwd iwmrf of .. hi March, one thousand eliftit tinndrcd ' nl t went y-wx," rV?MJ tW W tir r-Trtei ve Khali fye fliHiiievea rrorn wmi wi omtr wwwm, .tflKWi-f. VO'niW'4 Wnndrrthe frw ,-.A.f ihuactt and every pension" to which udd officer k now entitled, a1im.11 rtase after tbe pai .t . - Surviving non-commiMiond officer, muricUn, or ' ' pr'ivite., in ld irmy, who ehlirted thrrln for . i Wil hi tuitilnMion. m! thereby beetme enti. Med to yeeeie rrwrd of eirtijr !oJlr, unUr rewlva tf eonrrwi, patted Hr fifieentn, ' eenie tm'.red ml eent) -elt; ihtt b . eDt'aWd to. feceire bit full ninthly pay Ja W terricct out of ny monej' In the tre iry not otherwiM pnroprUted "to fcerln on the tnird ' day of March, one tbouand eight hnndrcd and t went I, had to continue durlnp hi natural r.f i 'PrtiJeA. that no noti-commifionrd ofli- err. BiuMclan, or prirate. In taid army, who la wow on tfit pennon iik w lue.uniien maief ' ahl1 he entitled to the beneflti of thil act. . See. L .MiHittfiinhtrtnaeteiL that the pay , allowed by tbU act altall, ander the direction of Hie aetrttart or pe treaaury, oe paia to ire om ceror Soldier entitled thereto, of to their an- thoriiI attorney, it tuch place and day a aa w4J tcrery lnay.difecU.arid that no foreiffn offi. tt ahall bo entitled to aid par i hof fhart t ---- - , - W StIC wrtv tw J v v f fotfHO" thil act i and the pay allowed by thia act hall not In any way be tranaferabte, or CaMe to attachment, leVy, orweixure, by any hj. gal JirooeH wtiltrTer, but thali imtre wholly to r",tn penohal beatfi!.of.O).l!l??!L PL!W!i.eLt.n'. .titled to the lame by thit act. See, 5. And it it further enacted, that to much iiaid pay a accrued by the protbuona of thlaf tet, heforo tl.e third day "or March, eighteen Jiunorea anu. iweniy-cijrgt, tnau oc paiu q me officen and aoktien enti'led to the tame, ai oon aa may be, In the manner and under the provta- ioni before mentioned and the pay which shall " fcccrue after aaid day, altall be paid aenu iiihu-" alW, in Eke manner, and umler the tame pro yiaiooa. A. STEVENSON, Speaker of the llouae of Kcpreaentativei 8. SMITH, Preaident of the Senate, pro tempore. Approved! 15 May, 1828. ' JOHN Q'JINCT ADAMS. Trratury Department, Aav 28, 1838 t KICIIAHD Hl'irll. Bny le e nWa4 on tl lia.UrT .ijiih. Ta.l L ma.lt hw t'i item. of uhuiiiiiiK the be nt-fita of Farm ta Jalnralimi ,n act. ent.tir.1 - ao '" . hmM and tviuiirrt in iiic pi "j ' "7 l..rn. tl. 1 Mh f May. I828i re t ttate oflicer in h i 'i a tcrin a ft! 1 ' i. day of , in tht -Tho -' Act for the relief of certain iuf-1 of the peace or other m(p'trate, diily cmpow of , In the county of -in the It j hmlif rfeelire tha I wl aa m. '-. K-,.niinntl line tif the army of the S Cn arJ acned aa nth. Ihcre.lnaerU to ih. rn.1 of the war, or (a. the my b. the time when the arrangement " provided bjf the elt W c.mprr-. -and Slat of October. 1780. carried Into tf- .n.t it.luetd under that arrangrn.c.i..j ., .hick neriod I wa a In tM rep- mcntpfthe- linerT-: r - rr . . i m: trial t anenr"' rw" ;'cert.flc.te (emnmonly JTjft full n'. i a, Llch aunt' wu xrTeirfl w t uihl-ll MIIPW. ULtDB V " 1 i.i t Ak kB oat for life, to which I waa entitled under thareaolM of the 214 bTOcloV L- .IMA ' ' " " A! 1 ilnflitthff declare, that I hate received ftf may mtted matewr w Bew-ooernce- the 3d d.y f MarelUM I inwft3 , 'lieyT orTa-iM cae may be) that I havo r. cened. M prntioner of the United State, aince the 3d day .tf March, nm, me mm or dollar, paid to me by the agent for payinf pen- Montin the itateof . lirdj Itefore me, .(here inaert, jtitire of the peace, or other imiRiatralc, duly empowerel to administer oatha, in lle county of - in the rf-i. f nprmnalli aineared. thia da, ,n,t uf ft aaid mnty, wnw'Kd, tereraMy, make oalh, that , by whom the foreroine; declaration wai aubacribe d, ia renerally reputed and believed to bae been an omcer in tne arm? of the revolution, in manner therrla elated.' . tt itnea my hand, thit day of , in the v rUnedl i rlrrk of the court of the enmity of 1. In the itateof .do lierebyefHify, that kffore whom the foreroine affidavit! were orn. wa..at the Uroe. a here inaert, Itiii'ir uf the oeace. or other m4:itrate, duly empowered to admiuiater oatha, and duly em. poeren to administer tmxuu. tn tWlmmy-iwtirstJ nne'teal of the watd r tourt,ilila day of - , in the year piRnrS J . -. Fm J a (Lxlaratitn t be made by the turn. IV. wvtiiiwttflteeri, nuifctanM, and private. ' " For the nurDoae of ohtaiulnif the benfit of An act for the trlief of certain turvivinr oRi cert and aoldien of the amv of the revolution," approved on the ISth of Mav, 1828, I. , of , in the ewwiy of " in the atate of do hereby declare that I enliated in the conti. nental fine of tho ermv of the revolution, fur and during the war, and continued in ita arrvice until ita terminationi at which period I v a a tergeantr corporal nuiaicuuu or rrivatr, aa. the cane may be, in captain 'a company, in the regiment of the Hnr. And 1 alto de dare that 1 afterward received certificate for the reward of eiehty dollar, to which I at en titled, under a reilve of Congress, pacd tlie 15th of May, 1778. And I further di-dare that I was not, on the fifteenth dv of March, 18.28, on the pension list of the Uni'ed Ptatca. (Sirned Brfore me, , here insert either a justice ameer n tii-re ti iiateJ. Witn4 e-y htd, yeari. j (Sirnl . t ' . ' , clrrk of !ha court of the emmty of il stats of , do hertby cer. lift, tlw ' before whom the foreg oinj tfftdavit were sworn, waa, at the time, here In aert aitl r Justic of the peace or other ma rostrate, duly empowered to admmiatef oatha, and dull einptrea ""' . In tclinonv whereof,! nave Hereunto wet my r; i iLrwL .ml affiled the aeal of the id " . . .1 f UlkltHf. urt. tins uj vi , ' Dim , BirncdJ . Brigs, .MtAcVnt, &c. E: WILLEY k CO if Ikt Mortar tni Pftk SaUthtrf,XX p HAVING frequently been www ted to nublish a liat of their .IfafWui. Dntt. raintL-Xelwti ke fofthe heneSt of the, public. . . . ! . 1 "un ! ,!iio1 lioot Vltr'wl White Rlue . Wine, Au't'T',i,l Nil Vomi' a 0.1 Aniseed Crotun Worm Seed rnr moiaiit. . tlopers yrretable pul- Btoughton1 i Ildteri monle deterrent, for Aromatle ditto eouths eol.1 and Steer' Opodehloo consumption. Henry' Mejrnei t Bateouui's Dropa 1 Itoger'a Vejrttable Codftey'a Cordial narlaem Oil, or Uriiish Oil . Hedicametitum. Turlington' Blm - ' - '- Medicine chest Inipal part of fceir present aortmet,n TS iff ; .whit. V.T 'i,raajruiua . Z . . .. Almond ' OB of Uvendef Cloves I ' 4..l..l..i,U- Lemoo, , Acetic t , Tarlarie Aloboi AUe Aum thiop Mineral immoiua Carb. . Lh VoJ. Antimony Crude Camel halrd pencil Court plaster Jver ditto Cold Itrons Silver ditto Copper ditto ' im Rtrewlnf malt , " Tine and coarse iponje Pumice stone " White leather aWroT" A ooth. ecale Be welrhts ' a rolana etarwi Americ,ditti Twine Vanilla beaiuw India ditttr Bliodium Castor Sweet , Mm Spike , lioaemary Cinnamon Hemlock . Taneey Fip. Mat. Otte of Rosea Opium Turker Oside Bismutn Orymel ftquill Ointments Pul. Claea Arrow-Hoot Ind'uu Arsenie ,' , Aphltum J, kmrnfmuW ' Amid4ae Lkj- of Hell. f"Heen Allspice P" berWy .tthrr milpbuoe f ' Pipe Clay Engusb mm ' - 9mm.m-mm I Ml, t s vr" -" Cavrnne Pul Anderson' Lee1 -fri: r Jipoper ."I - Pilta Jatob'a 1. tamo: AaaarV.- ti ViIn oflirer end eoldieri of Ihe retrolu lion, epproved on lheISih day of May, :18287(of which the forrgoinK i e copy.) trill he carried into effect under the fol lowing rtfctjUtionsr (i'LZZiPctT claitninjj under the ict, i7 w tfili tranimit to the i eecretiiry '"-of the tre- ury dcclr(ion accordinj; to the farm hereunto annexed, marked. A, and each - riotl eommitiioned officer, mutician, nd ftri vatcr eccordioii.to. the. form marked B. accompanied by tbe oath of two reipecta- -.Lle-- witneaM fi jo.ie ioVniiif t? which 4 jjminister biltuito beliken tjefort a tustice o the ered to administer otb in tbe Kate or 'territory" in which he reside, and authen ticated under the eal of the court of the county in which the oath was administer ed, a fthown in the taid form. Each officer will also transmit his com mission, if in existence and attainable, and each non-commissioned officer, mu- be returned. If ihe commission or dis (barge hat been loat or destroyed, he will transmit such other evidence as he may possess or can obtain, corroborative? of the statement set forth in his declaration. If the evidence transmitted, taken in connexion with that afforded by the pub lie recordsat Washington, be found saiis factory, the amount of two years' lull pay, m tbe rate to which the officer or soldier t entitled, according to his rank in the line,-at the close of the war, or at the time of his reduction, (as the case may be.) buUn no instance exceeding t he-full Aqua Pnrti Tolutan BirbloeTiV'" rticc. Juniptn. r B(trr Brimstone Camphor Castor Csnthartilee Cret Free Calomel Cochineal Corrukire SubimaU Crorti Marti -Corns Indicu Cubebs -Coboh or Fly Stone Colocynth Pulv. Clove Chamomile Flower Cinnabar Factitious Cream Tartar Conserve of Rose Cortei Cinnamon Peru Plav. Rub. Aorant. Sarafrs Case aill enellaAlb. Cortex Meiereon fllmarouba Dover Powder . Extract of Bsrk ' Ckhitae evd to stlmimMer oatba.1 in the countv of in he atate of penbnally, appesretU tfl'iSt aeverallr make th that , hy whom the; "P d. loreolng declaration waa aubsenbed, is gener ally reputed and believed to have been an offi ce in the .army of the revolution, in manner aa UiereiaitaieA r vyitne my barw. tW dy 6r'-, In the yer r V(Kned I, -, clerk of the court of the county of , in the atateof , do certify, that , before whom the foregoing affidavits were aworn, waa, at the time, a justice jof the peace. - - - it.. tnau iia m it. i (iiiiu amnnwartui in i aw MVI caiav UWM miv, v vu av , V. '.i...;,- -'--- - - aVw.'. af nLawaMetmA' - In teatimouy whereof, J hair lie retmra et rr"1 " t. a;j hand, ami sHiied-thr srarof the sawl - - conrt,- thia dav of " '.. m the yej 4. (c Form tf a Paver tf Jtttrney, Know all men bv the presents, tltat 1; , of , in the countv Of . In the'itate of; Ens. Venerii , do hereby constitute and appoint1 , my i Elixir Paregoric true and lawful attorney, with a power of sub-1 Vitriol mtution, for me. and in tnv name, to receive ; Emp. Adnacsmtrr, Henbane . Jalap Bclladon " Genthtn- Liquorice Catechu, y Spruce I Liquorice; Rlwbarh - Precipitate Red ' White Petrol BarWeniU Poladelphi Phobhorur Potash Potaatte Jlqlphu .; Pitch Burgunda. . . Quaatia Uaip'd Quicksilver. Quinine Sulphate Mixture RadRhet Pulv. Iris Flav. Meaereoe Sciilx ICniibar ditto Pulv. Valerian ' 8eneka Anchuaa J Spigclia Marilandica Angelica . Serpentaria'Yir5' - Columho - .-.- ..- I "" Coliirobo Pulr, .!Clycirrhi Curcuma Longa " l Galangal "-- Gen'iaa - -.GitjsfPff,. - Jarttpsnlla - : Elecampane t r Althea Colchicum Jalap Piilv. Ipecacuanna ruiv. Orlrt'rndeTible-flltto Perkina' ditto 1 ditto Patent Lint Lampwick ' Lancet case Com. Mortars k PestletCologne water VeOow ditte - Ttsy - m ditte Ttrd seating ditlp" White 'halk Red ditto French ditto Pnliihinr Powders Antique Oil Pill boxes Mecar oil Tooth brualie . F.yetone Tooth powder Eye-wter Pomatum Rotten atone Fancy paper " lamp oil " Swim Glue Bole armenl Caatilt oap Taper Windsor ditto , Umonjuiee, Nple ditto Hull 1'mar Trantparent toap Hacoboy ditto Waahball ditto Scotch ditto White ditto fcnurTb.xci CephsHc snuff MAMftttM It Alt j . , f u,f. mu. MO, i noTTlo.' (iallipou aborted 1 pt. do. do. t Pill tiles " f-trrx, coloks tfe White lewd ;';',-,','ZTt' M rrnniH,v- Red ditto 1. . .." Copal varnU r'" Rtack-di'to atadder " Coppers Turkey umber Terra de sienna " Termerie - Ground fuatie - LogwooiHn stick ditto ground litharge I Red saiihderi''" Niraragu ..Verdigri Vitrioli colcothsr Spanish whiting ArnaUo - . ... ' Lamp black t.iiiiuuuuar Imon T:" llemlock'p Peprjermint1 Tansey Winter Green Muiitard' Rosin White Yeilow.-:i-: lerA-mTJn "Sweet Femwl " r. White sltwtard - . Black ditto Caraaav Coriander Cardamom now cer- tMin surviving officers and soldiers of the revo lution, approved 15th '" May, 1826, as a in the 4 regiment of the line of the army of theTevolution. Witnen my . hand and atal, this , in the year Sealed and ileHvertd in tht"i pretence of J "Signed. 1. jJ Before me, , a justice of the pence in the county of , in the state of , personally appeared, this day, , whose name i tub scribed to the foregoing power of attorney, and acknowledged the same to be his set and deed. Witness my hand, this day of, in th year . ' Signed! -1, ; tleTtrof the court -of the county of SSXJLS2ton of the continental-line, - , in the stateof , do hereby certify, will be t ransmltted to him, at the place ol his testdchce, after drdoctinpj there Canharidea . lioborans Hydrargyri Simplex Diachylon ' Mahv'a day of LFol. Digital's Senna Alex. ' Uva Urai Juniperi Sabini Florea Benioin Martiali Zinci Sulphuri Ferri Carbonas Pbospbas Guns Ammoniac ., Anbic Tragacanth 't. re.wlMtm,lhfl fowling Rpwer.ofl f"g& f renriheraTnrjrjnrrjf rrrTmiorihiclrf m. ' ! Ill T he may have received from the United Stales since the 3d day of March, 1826. "He "may, however, aut hciize any ot he r person to receive it for him t in which Case, he will execute a power of attorney, according to the annexed form marked - Cr which must be acknowledged before a justice, of the, peace., OLP'bcr .maeistrale, and authenticated under the teal of the tT attorney w acknowledged, is a justice of the fdurt of thr ceurtt v m" the same mnner -lafatloiil'Brrp 10 any such attorney, until he has made !wtb'rTc6n3Ini' to the" annexed ' form 'D; that -the py whkb he is auihoriicd to receive is intended to enure wholly to the personal benefit of the officer or soldier whoiie attorney he is. It is teqaeiaed that all letterr to the secretary of the treasury) on the subjects, In testimony whereof, I have hereunto tet mv It. s.J hand, and affixed the eal of the aaid court, tin day of, in- the year. : """""" t-3 Fom tf JJi davit tt bt taken ly Attorney 1. Before me, , a justice of the peace in the county of , in the Of , perOt.ally appeared this day, , tlie attorney named in the foregoing power of attorney, and made oath that the;aame wav not gtmt to'ttinr try reason trt any tranfifer, or of any attachment, levy, or sciz. inerein iuthonged lobe received, but that the said pay H Intend sorial benefit of the person by whom the said power war executed.. . J. ..' Witness my hand, thit -. day of , in the y ext . . Ilefore me, , here insert either a justice of the peace or other maffistrate. dulv emnnw. ered to administer oath, in the county of , Lichen Islandicu ",c swie 01 - , personally appeared, this ' Mace day, and , of the aaid county, ho I Manna Flake did, severally, make oath, that ,by whomi Magneaia Carb. I'taiacum Calbsnum Iwnbogc 1 F.laoic Aloet Soe. - . Bensn- Kino . GumtSbeU La-. Myrrh 1 niiianum Scsmony 4 Thu , Mastic- " Galla AIcdd Hellebore Alb. ive Syrup Isinglass - Ipecacuanha Lapis Calaminari Lac Sulphui Lunar Caustic Laudnum Sugar of Lead Sanford'a Hark Sodae Sup, Carb. Ph'Mipha Soda Powde.ra.-. ScMtttx rowder Spermaceti Spirit of Nitre dulc ' of Wine of Lavender Com. I of Turpentine "T of rtartahorn "" ' of pamphor Eat f.psnm Martis Glauber Rochell Diuretictis Tartar Cheltenham -Nitre Ammoniac Ref. ditto Crude Saffrotr Spanish- American -Oiled. Stirax Liauid tlsmit Stanni i'ul Tartar Emetic A ffrlHOIl I401 - - Turoentm Venice Tapwia v Turner Cerate Unci Aaafaetida -T Aloe e. Myrrh '' " Cnthride V mi v.ars YlawV . Cinnamon - Guaiacum JJuxham'sBark, Iodine . Colchicum Termerie Capsicum ; . , SerpentariaVhrg. Muriate Steel Muak .Call' Venetian red Spanish brown Chromie yellow Chromic green Ivory black Yellow Ocre -Crocus martis Flake.Hhite Pari white. Ruse pink Cochineal Chinese Vermillion Pmasian blue Figured ditto rpanrh itMlig American ditto CLAHS. 2 Gal. Specie Dottle I do, 1 do. do. do. do. do. do. 1 qt. do. do. 1 pt. do. do. I do. do. do. t gal Tincture Bottle funnels do- do. ' do. Nipple shell 1 qt. do. po. Breast pipes 1 pt. do? " ao." ' lM urinals" '; : Jdo.' do.' dni. ' Atortar and pestles oa. do.-- :" rl.' "Pungeul hotllc 4 do. Tincture lloltle Jteiort ' ' 2 do, do.- do. ,Pg lainpa .... iHsravmxrs. ritr. Mtnni.idr. i.crxF.i its, Ros-rouMsar, Voung, il,ste, and lottly pleased, yrt lutf lie fore yon altar droops a pl .tiird mauL afraid. Cutd in her bridal rob of tiiutlc white. Dumb with tht cene, ami trrpi.J with delight t Around her hymeneal rusrdian si six I, Fach with a tender look and freling bland 1 Ami ort sue turn ner oeainy-oeamingeye, Dimm'd wi'.h a tear of hsnpines gone by 1 Then coyly views, in youth commanding prtdcj Her own adored one panting by her side 1 - Like line bending from the nootulide blaze, liar ha-hful eye .lid droop beneath hi git 1 Whila love nl homsg oiena ineiruiiwrul powr And she J halo round bit marriage hour ! What though bis chance-abounding life erdaln A path of angu'wh and prerariuu psin 1 liv wane or woe. where'er eonvpeH'd he rove. A cot's a palate by the lit ht c4 lovel . 4 her heats one bctrt wtur.tuuntil dejith, wW A rushing, glowing louni i tympaiuy 1 One rr6ntr. ere to kindle ith his own, '' One changelrtIrleltM) other Wend are O t sand inn 1 how the kve-unSlc4 pair, (flown Fountain of lore f -tor Taw art prcaeat Ihenai. do. do. 1 qt. aalt mouth'd 1 pt. do. da. do. do. do. Graduating measure Phials assorted Etxti' Lancet j Common do Spring do. Gum do. Scalpel Lancet pldcme Teeth drawer Forceps Goh. Ut. Catlteterl . Stomach Tube "Wai Boogie MetallK llougiea. Gum elatic do. Female Syr'uigea Ma1edb..- Clyterpipe- jurtvi, mo rpilR valuable .W and Lmtt formerly the 1 nronerty of Georee Saner, dec d. sre of. fered for aale by the late nurchnserJ. Thii lnnd l'ua on Dutchman! creek, i mih a east of Mi.ck. ville, adjoining tlie Gih-a Mumfwrd tract, and is equal to any land in liowtn eon my, wnn a large proportion of superior meatlnw 1 the Milla are of superior coiiitruction, and baveJiow a very good and increasing run of eystom t the water- power can very conveniently be made to drive any kind of Machinery.- Fit other particulars. and trrma, apply to 'I homsn D, Gibbt, one of the proprietors, on the premise. .16tf THOMAS D. GIRBS, JOSEPH HANKS, PF.rP.lt SANER, JACOB SANKU, Mai C3rf, 1 828. MARTIN 8A NER. N. B. Another tract, belonging to Peter Sa ner, adjoining the above, containing 225 acres, will be told in connexion with the above, or rep arafely as may bet suit the purchaser which is likewise first rate land. will he 'old. a lot adjoining the town of Mocksville, containing ten acre of land, with aj good dwelling-house, with out-Iiouse, and an eXCetlenr garden-Mhit propercy wiH he aold low, oil accommodating terms. Apply as above Ffl HE subscriber being determined to return A to the eastern part of the State to ri aide next winter, oflers for sale his valuable Planta tion in Rowan county, containing thret liundreil and twenty-fine a cret all of which laoi a aupe. rior quality. Those who have seen the land, amy it i caual to any in the county.,. There are excellent buildings of every description on the plact. . Persons who want a healthy situation, a H Md-ifui4for Sloieandattelr.ganttwtfwill DC very mucpieiuwtwiffi thu fund Thi anil roM road, Sdjmnmj the.land of Mn -Allmaml Hall, Mt. Joseph Cowan, and other.- f deem H unnecessary to say any thing further, as it is presumed the purchaser will view the premises, r"-"1"1 it1CHAfi0--iiOLMfiaV-June 4th, 1828. 18 M ISCFXLAK tOUS-r- Jetaey Wagon, lot? Sale. IOH ale, low, a good Jeriey IVaftn, or Car . r.AJ, with Harness. For further informa tion, apply to the editor of thia paper. SuU4ury,Juntl3lh,H2B.- 29 v bum V " " . The annexed paragraph is tn elo quent dcl'moitioo of what all can feci, but what few can to faithfully dcicribc. It i from a novel, r milled. J Marriage a work written with uncommon power and al)ilitr:- There ia, perhaps, no feelint;' of our natare 80 Tagoe,.ao ... complicated, ao mysteriuui at that io which we look upon the cold remains ol our fellow mortal. The dignity with which death Investa even the meanest of ita victim, inspire! ui with an awe no living ihinar ran erwnte. ik mMiiarcli on hit throne it leaa awful than the beggar in his shroud. The marble featuttri -the powerleit hand the etiflcoed.limbeiohi. who .... encontemplatei the e-with feelisga that "can be de fiojid f L The'ae are the -mOcfcery'ofIfoar-hopennd feari, our fondest love, our idlest hate. Can . it be, that we how. shrink with horror from i the touch of that hand which' btif '"' ye at ci day. sv airio wlIy.HaapeAlinli)ur.."I own? Is the tongue whose accents even now :dcll.in our. ear, forever., chained in. the ailence of. death ? These black and heavy eyelids are they forever to seal up in darkness the eyra whose glance no earthly power could restrain ? And the spirit which animated the clay, where ia it now Is it wrapt in bliss, or dis solved in wn ? Does It wltn twxt grief, and share our sorrows? Oris the mysterious type that linked It with mortality forever broken i And the remembrance of earthly scenesare they indeed to the enfranchised spirit as i the" morning dreamTir lhe7dew up on the early flower T Reflection! such as ihese naturally arise in every breast. Their influence la fe!t,though their import cannnr'alwap-hr-expTessed.--The principle is the same, however it may diflVr in Tia nperatiohsi"7'-"-"'''''-'' Silk.' The silkworm is a native of China. The Seres, who inhabited the. aoxtkcxa pari oi thatxountry colli- vated Ihe ' prtcioua'ittlcle -IIaviBg . been expelled by the J Juos, A. D 93, . they scaled in Little. JchariBwl.SiiJt l vcre first brought from China to Syria and Kgypt hyaraJers7-who, in cara vans, j)erformed journeys of 243 days through the deserts of Asia. The price was far beyond the reach of Ty but the rich, and for a long time the use oi silk among the Romans waa con. fined to women of fortune; The Em peror Aurelian refused his queen a garment of ilfc, by reason of the-high price it bore -its weight in gold. In the Cth century, two monks, who had been - employed as missionaries in the east, penetrated into the country of the Seres, and observed the labors of the silkworms, and the manner of working their production into elegant fahricks. They impamd the secret to the Emperor Justinian at Constanti nople, who induced them by a great reward, to return and bring away a quantity- vf - the silkworm'- eggs. . ., They put the eggs into the hollow of a cane." and" h'r'oii ght'thern "safely" to Conataaiinoplft ahniWirytlvr-SSth I he egga were hatched, and the worms .f?!lwlh.mulberryleaves and the in Bects produced from the cane-full 6( eggs, were the progenitors' of all the sil k worm s a( E utope andlhe, . w etero part of 'Asia. Tbe people of the Mo. reayand of cities -of A thoia ani l bC beV; nj iidnhe profit; o(4he.cnlm.. and-ftTanufaclure years i but in 114G the king cf Sicily - !'? i:7'"?- "-'"sJ' vW;iEmJ":srT)'.'g?? ffft-.T- made war upon Greece ana carnca vu i great number of silk weavers, who rau gh t the Sic'rHahr toTaise silk worms and to weave oitlk atuflsl.The Sara cens introduced the silk manufacture into Spain and Portugal j arid subse quently the. Italian States, France. nd England engaged in it.

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