e ha he IP; nd tu rn: : ,W" Sir Jl. , , , . U " ,.- i 3 ' per prick Up i'l earn, aril brightens jo countenance, st a wonderful 'f 1 , In for of (he edmlniurstion t In Guilford Wountft there r esndidale for the ".assembly, our of whom are Adarrts nen. And ihU the editor would fain Ml down it conclusive evidence that the state , Jt for the administration. No In our es timation, if (bit ! t'gn of atiy-thing, It 'frgiies but little in favor of the modesty, ; tod coniciouaneii of merit, In the Adam people, to be thu Impudent la pushing themselves into public notice. Chriahtake and Ohio CartallThe 4th of July wia celebrated, by lh citizen of If atniniuu viii mi tii ujavcui twill' - In manner both laudable and inter. w j , " " - - i ; "titlnjfV by 'Snaking ground, at com' menceintnt xf the Cbevapeafce and Ohio , , CjnaUw.A Urge part? repaired lathe apdt tof to'ffleftClat the canal, aOh falla of ' saw . a. la a a u the rotomac among inero me r resident waJ lha United State i atea, I be immense .. cwicouDeoTictafori bad formed ho4 low aquar. n4 ouer prcpiratorr cere monies, Oeo. Mercer President of - the Canal Company, gave 'spade to the President of the y. S. on whom had been conferred the bonor of first breaking ground refref a few epirited. remarks from Gen? Mercer, Mr. Adams delivered - lone and learned address ; and when he had concluded, be struck the spade into -r the ground:..btrr the instrument coming in contact with root. (In the linguae of the Nat. Jour.) M Mr Adam; fled it rain, with no better success. Thus ' foiled, he threw down the spade, hastily stripped oft, and laid aide his coat, and went seriously to wort. The multitude round, ahd on the hills 'and trees, who Could Dot hear, because of their distance from the open spice, but could tee and understand, observing this action. .ra'ued : lend .end .niinouaharbjv'whieh "'""''j.6n'Tpued ToTiorae' time efier Mr. Adanre - ihad fnasteredVthe rflnVulfy,gAfter this, . national salute wss Ered "by a company of artillery. The procession then return . ed to the city, in harmony, and, wiihnmi accident. tn Baltimore; the 4th was celebrated in style of splendor neTer equalled in the United States- The Baltimore and Ohio JjUil Road was commenced on that day. " Col: ioitri Piceitt, died at tut retidence in Wadesborough, Anaon county, on the 2d inat. In the 52nd year of hia age, being born on July 4th, 177. He wai a lawyer of high standing and unusually beloved for his private virtues. The estimation in which hia neighbors held him will beat be understood by the following reaolu tionsf A meeting of the citixens or Wadeaborough was convened at the Court Hook on the morn Ing af the 3d. instant. The meeting wai.orgaa lied "bv calling Dr. Hibmai D. Parka, Maria. Irate or foHce.to The chair, and. Appointing Ab talora Myers, Esq. Secretary . Tb object of - the meeting was explained m a short address from the chair, and the foUowing-iesolutiona Were unanimooilv adopted. Resolved, .Thai we deeply deplore, the loaa - we hava ouetained in the death of our diitin- guiahed CpUow cititen, Col; JoaeDh PTckett Beaolved, That aa a teatimonr of the resoect tnd esteeqp in which ve held the public aervi- cet ami culled twtvate vtrtoea of the deceaaeL wa wiH wear the usual badge of mourning for uiiny aara, . .-. ReaoUed, thai these proceedings be publhh d la the Cberaw and Favetteville paper. Signed, Tt.p, PARKE Thi death of Themat ChamlerK Eaq. of this Ciounty, who departeu this life at W adesboro, Anaon county, .on the. 16th, ult. has heretofore been noticed in our paper: the following oe aerved tribute to hia worth, la an extract from aa obituary, communicated for the Favetteville Journal t M Hia were the virtues ahich particu larly endear a friend. - He loved not to mil in Glitical debates or religious controversy, but i attachment was warm and sincere to hia country and hia God. Hia delight aere the enjoyment of home. A devoted and tender Jtuaband, a kind and attached brother and friend, a benevolent and uaeful neighbor, a good and um maaier, ma cmci pieaaure was to tee tnose around him bappv, hi buainesa to make them ac to the poor, in health, he wu.an advUer and friend, and in sickness a physician and nurae. Let us not only admire hi virtues but endeavor to imitate his example, that like him we may reap the reward a happy life and a cheerful death." George White Young, Esq. late engineer and superintendant on the Erie & Cham plaine Cenals, New-York, was drowned in the Hudson river on the 27th ult. near ' hi residence it Sandy Hill,' Wishihutdn county having, aa is supposed, slipped from the rocks while fishing. His body J??lJeundj)aSundajrlIc--badTecentJjr purchased a large and valuable property 1 that place, on which himself and family "ere residing. i , ttTbe 2d regular toast, drank at the cele oration of the 4th in Uncolntoti; was insdver "ly omitted In oar publication of the proceed, ings last week it follows t ; .iXhe Constitution H the United States t the first and only one that makes .reemanL4reev'anj fycTa''-tnmr' in ......... ,aj aecuonai inieresi never vio1 late its letter, nor misconstrue its spirit. , ff We would refer the reader to the oppo. site page, for the commencement of the defence, by the Central Jacksoit Committee at Haleigh; f Gen. Jackaon agaimt the (lander which have Men heaped on him in relation to the execution f,the ds tnitm at Mobile, . to the esrtUl attention of the " centla- msn In Wilkes coij'ity,? who seems to dance over the fiackej vote h Capt. Pil Union's company, as joyfully as a lodge 01 Ihlcksssws would, round a calabash of bean broth. "The support of the ere, an ufiMU business foraooth 1 Well, agreed ) we have alwaya contended that ours was the uftldtl side of the question. If the ad ministration people are satisfied in being down the hit), and Can draw comfort from defeat, they will be the happiest dogs In the world sfter the 4th of, March next, for they will then be at the bottom of the hill, where they will be In no danger of ti ling any lower. At a muster of Capt. Field's company, in Wilkes county, on 3tb inst.'the vote was taken on the PreklHahr.a'17 fere J to-vota eacept4heae reaidinr b te Captain's district) and resulted aa follows t For Adams, 00 Vote was sUo taken ( and stood, for Jacksoh,''4,"';'-v.v aj;- "For Adama, 00 At a meeting at Laurel Hill, Richmond county, 4th inst. a vote on the Preiidencv resulted ip 67 for Jackson and Calhoun, and 5 for Adams and Rush. A; a bibacue in the vicinity of Warren ton, 5th inst. 72 for Jackson I for Adama At a drill mutter of the officers of the upper .jrrcimf Otof Rockingham county, 47 lor Jackson, 2 lot Acams. ithJuly, 1128 Mr. White: Sir, I hope you will do the citizens of the lower end of Ruther ford county the favour tq publish the fot lowing narrative tn your paper. . They do not Implore civine providence to scourge our beloved country with mar, famine, nor fiettilenee t neither do they wish for the treasury o, be.drabed .toe Panama mia swns pttiey- wish- for afrifffnmTsfriTIbn con pent I with the motto of the late War t RFree rade-and tailor's Tfehra. On yesterday, the 4th of July, at a regimental muater of the militj of the the vote ol the iwegiment wasuken ; and there were, For Gen A. Jjckson, - 556 For J Q,. Adams, - - 16 Tbe vote was taken in this way.. Those that were for Adams, were to 'retain their ground ; ayd those who were for. Jsckioft were to march ten pares to tbe front : And what is a Iacre singular, when the word march was given, all of Capt. D. Birchetl's company marched out for Jack son eicept one man, and lie m a mer chant. With respect, I am, in haste, your bumble servant, A friend to liberty Mecklenburg county Evidences of the poputarl'v Vf Gen. Jackson in't HI coun ty, multiply on us weekly i threVIWth of the votes of Mecklenburg, at lean, will, beyond all dispute, be given to the Peo ple's candidate) Andrew Jackson j .Yet the Adami dinner in Charlotte, on the 4th, is dragged In as a test of the strenethofihe administration in that quarter : when .the truth is, that the Celebration in Charlotte was emphatically .an Adamg , affair i look at the officers of the day ....the regular toasts, tbe volunteers, the whole tomfikx ion of the thing. The friends of Jackson had a celebration in another part of the county x and ill whetould conveniently, ItaveCfiafloue tcTattenddid sor - 'The partizaniof the administration seem to hare nearly expended their rtock of malignity, in atandering the man to whom'tliey are in- debted for the very privilege which they ao Wantonly abuse in propagating falsehoods which. for their baaenets and profligacy, were unheard of before. Their inglorious, mean, low-bred, and cowardly ealumnie against a pioua, exem plary, and unoffending wcatan, for her kuaband't take, having dran down on them tbe indigna tion of a brave and gallant people, they seise on the six militia affair aa a dernier reort,-a the forlorn hopr,in their traitoroua effort, to blast the fair fame of one of the purest patriots and greatest benefactors of thi republic ; and fear- ing the) will be foiled in thi their hut atruggle againtt their country, they have grown detperate, and are even more vengeful, if possible, to ward all who etpouai- the cause or Jackson and their country, than the tame manner penuu were during the devolution. We have received a communication, under the signature of " the Republican Revolutioner;" but as the tubject is a delicate one, and the piece unsuited, by its defective syntax, diction, Sec for pub lication, without being materially re-mo- delled, we. should, like to hear from the author, in his proper name. " Justice" shall be published, in a short time, as von, indeed, ns we are able to dissose of other matter which we have promised a place. It is as foreign to our wishes as it is to our practice, to deny "justice" to any party: the cause in which we are engaged, doea not fear the ltght; for the." better 11 known, the bet ter it is liked.1' CONSECRATIONi - - - - On Satqrday and Bunday, the 26th end 27th inst. - divine aervica wiW be celebrated in this place, by BUbop Ravenscroft. It it expected that the' new Episcopal Church will be' cone crated on 8n.d.ay lhe.27thi church will be disposed ef (at tbe church) after divine service on Saturday, the 26th, when and where the Vestry will attend and make known theteTtffi. smburi , July lOfA, 1838. Cert, tec!!. : : V cf Cea. t'iclt, (iyi the New York Commercial Ad yertiser of the 2J inst. wiih her mo ther, Mn. Mayo of Virginia, and her stater, Mrs, Cabell, embarked yester day for France, in the new packet ahip Charlemalne. Mrs, Scott goes out for the filial purpose of accompanying her mother on a oyg for her hcatth. We learn that Geo. Scott applied for a furlough, to make a voyage also, but hia request was refused. Ve further learn that Gen. S. baa received an or jJer from the Prtaidcot tc repair to his post at Cincinnati, and; resume hia command. Aa this order conies from the President himself, who la Com. maimer. lChienir tWrCcititmlonT H10, qton of raiircim brcrpOse; "Tbe XTindnnttti Caze tU iayal.Gcn eral W. 11. Ilarriaon, Minister Pleo ipoteoti try ,4t Clowbia, Kas 'irritcd ne aocs' not -expect to - tepart lor Bogota before the autumn. riRCLYU Extract of a Letter Irom f.e Hon. P. P. Barbour, tn his friend, near Louisville, dated Walhingm Citf. Ma 17. IN. 44 You inquire what wiH be tat pro bable'vote of Virginia, jm the pending Presidential Election fi tn reply, I will say, that, from evefy source of in. formation that is accessible to me, 1 am impressed with a fo and confident belief, that Virginia wiE by large and decided majorities, go? (or Gen. Jack son. I need scarcely remark to you, that we vote by general ticket, and that, ConserJueotly, he will get all. In irij in w iin,i! jvu capicss ucaire 10 hear from cae -upoa4he aulject-of the qualification!, of trie competing candi. dates, I beg leave to aay :he best ini dlcation whrch I can give you oTmy opinions and -views,' ia a statement of the fact, that I am myself decidedly in favor of the election of Gen. Jack son, from a thorough conviction that he will givers a better, more impartial, and more economical administration than the present incumbent. Whilst Mr. Adams has been reading books, Gen. Jackson has read the great volume of men and things, which qualifies him T the practical operations of Govern ment. Mr. P. P. Barbour is the gentle man who wa formerly Speaker of the llouie ot- Kepetvev-ana ts the brother to. Mr.- Adams' late Secrrtary of 'Wat and present Minister to W land, JAMES BARBOUR. . " Editor ef BaIt;Rtub. Manonic At an annual convocation of! the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State of North Carolina, holdeo at Tar bdrouh, on Jhej?2d uJtiuand.continucd by adjournment until the 14th, the following-Grand .Officers. . were elected for the ensuiog year. II. E. Eaek Arnold, G. H. P. Favetteville, BobUjoyner, t. G. H. P. farbormtrh. Jamea Seawett, C K-Tareneville. E. W. S. Wiggina, G S. Halifax, M. E. EdmoVB. Freeman, O, Treaardo. E. A, J. Lawrence, G. Sec'y. Raleigh. Rev. Cotnp. C. M'lver, G. Chap. Fayetteville, E. Anton Bailey, G.M. , do. Hank Dividend The Bank of Cpe Fear, has declared a Dividend of two fier cent, for the half year, ending June 30th. The Farmer's Bank of Virginia, has de el red a Dividend of ftw' wso e half fier cent, and the Bank of Virginia, a Dividend of three tier cent, for the sameperiod; and the United States' Bank, a Dividend of three and a half fier cent. Rice crofi. The Georgetown, S C. pa per, ssys a planter in that vicinity will, Ihc present season, harvest a field of luce, from the itubbte of last year's .crop. Fram France. Hy aa arrival at NewJork, from Havre, French papers to the 30th Miy are received. But there ia no additional new from the aeat of war in the Eaot. " A mutiny broke oot in the NewiYort peni. tentiary . ou the 3d inrt. 1 and before it wu uuelled, two of the convicU ware ahot. Momfgnilir Jonel CMntyTaraToltectTon of people, a vote on the preaidency gare Jackaon 28, Adams I, on the fence 1 . " , ; In Martin county, Capt. Everett a company voted on the 4th, and gave 40 for. Jackson, wane for Adams. - Gd Dividend. The New-Tosjc Ocesn An urance company, has declared aidivik mi of ten per cent, u the profits of that cokcern for the Uat.nx monthat the Nentune inswince ail per cent t and the New-York inauraice iv peH cent, tor tne same penoa. A pretty girr was lately cotiplaining to a Friend that she had iold, and wasaadly plagued in her Kpa ijr chaps. Friend,w saicT ObadiahJ thee should, never suffer the chaps to cotne, near thy lipi," ' , TZgu'sMlt last arcounti frofti tlio T land of llaytl of the 7th of June, give a very gloomy account of its situation. Want of wisdom In the government, the writer considers the primary cause of its embarrassments. Accounts from Tort au Prince to the 1 5th June atate, that on the 10th, Gener al Dover opened the Chamber ef Com merce. After the vear 1830. the com merce with all nations Is placed" on an equsi looting. I his was stated by Hoyer , t ' awasas ? ExfraW a Utter t ike Edittn, f the V. 8. 1 etegrapn, f ew Jertey, 5th 14y, 1 9 XJ. " 1 think that Gen. Jackson la gsinlng ground In this state, and will succeed in the 'election neat fall. Many who stood neutral have come out on the tide of Jack oq uH jome.whQ were once blind ow aee, and will, doubtless, join with their friend and koppoflerof Wr"cwbtry' nsy, more, the preserver or our country from invasion, and the ravages of M Peu j wn4 fuvij vy a iui,iu v. Krfrort ri a Irttrr dated JVtttem Rtterve, Uhi, June 77, 1B8. The good cause improves in this part 01 the ntste, where little wss expected A .. . . The gross slander thrown so libersllyj upon a man, who has never Oone us harm, snd who has done us much good, produces an effect directly different from that which the alanderers intended. Fatal Feneontre .-We are Informed that about the middle of May, Wharton Rector and Robert Crittendeo, secretary of Arkanaas territory, encountered each other in the town of Little Rock t Rector drew a dirk and buried it in the bowels of Crittenden, who aurvived but a short time. The Jttarfccts. peach brandy. 50 to 60 1 apple do. 35 to 40 1 oan-Va- 4 i-wWikrvptt s State bank note, 6) to 7 per eent. premium mm on the North, 60 ilay 4 to S per ct. pre. Ckirletttn. Juhi 12. Upland cotton 10 a 15 whiokev. 25 to 26 1 btgging, 42 inch. 52 to ?4( sugar, 8 to 9 molatwt, 32 to 33 cent 1 bacon, 6 to 7 j apple brandv, 2J to 28 1 bee. ai,?2t coffee, 13 to 17 1 h, ton tea, 100 to 105: Jamaica rum, 110 lu 115 Wc India do. 7$ to 80 North Carolina bill. 8 to 9 per cent. uia. t Georgia no. it to if per cent, ditto. 'Camden, 'July 12. Cotton, middling to fair, 8jto9; fair to good. 9 to :0 ; tor very prime, 10$ cent have been paid. Chcrav, June ?7. Cotton, 8 to 10) 1 baron 7 a 8 1 flour 5 1 peach brandy 40 to 45 ( apple do. 35 to 40 ; whiskey 30 to 35 ; pork 4 to 5 1 tallow 9 to 10. Petenhurr, Jul a 4-Cotton, 9 to 1 1 t to bacco. 2 50 a 7j refuaed, 1$ a Sly 1 corn, "If J$?rbac6n, 6 a""8 V Tard; IT a T i 'apple broJyTU 071 Pewh 75 a UX) ornlm.. ...North Carolina bank bills, 8 to 9 per cent, discount ; Georgia bilk 2J a 3 j South Carolina bill, 2f to 3 per cent, diacount. Jtlarrtf a, -. . ..-In BU Mattbew churchr Hiltaboro,-by the Rev. Wm. M. Green, on tba 10th int. Rev. Jobn II. Norment to Mia Mary Ann Spear. On the 29th ult. by the Rev. Mr. Cuyler, Mr, Samuel liebee, of t'l'ter county, New-York, to ! Mm tliza Slater, 01 j'ougns:eepie,-Kew-Tor-,-' and formerly Tutress in the Saliabury Female , Academy." '. . At Fort Defiance, Wilkes county, in thia atate, on tba 25tb ult by the Rev. MrCofTee, Jame Eda-ard Henry, Eaq. attortiey at 1, of SC to Miaa Ann Fjlixa June, daughter of Gen.' Ed- riuind Jones, wf the former place. . m r . . .1 . f-1 l - 1 . k 1 .k rrr l.narronei on Toe rvui irtsiam, uj aiu Parka, Eaq. Mr. John llenderauu to Miss I'ris cilia Porter. DIED. In York district, S. C. on the 8th inst. Col. John Caruthrr. aged about 80 year. Col. ("anither wm a native of Mecklenburg county, in tbi rate 1 at the close of the Revolutionary war, (during which be waa a devoted Whig, and brave officer) he removed to Lincoln county 1 was couatt Surveyor, and a delerate to the con vention Which, in 1789, ratified the constitution 1 of the United State. He aubaequently to South-Carolina, where he died a aui removed lovemen1 tioned. NOTICE. A LL the notes, judgment and book accounta IIl of the late Concern of Huntington U irynne, have been transferred to the aubacriber, who has appointed Mr. John H. Hardie his agent. All those who are indebted to aid concern, are ear. neatly requested to make immediate payment to Mr. tiaraie, wno is aumonsea 10 maae aeuic. ment and grant discharge. Longer indulgence need not be expected. 4t27 WatV IIUNTINGTON, Sah'thtri, tSth July, 1828. Stute of Jfort-CaroUna, Stoke county .-' flQIiRToL pleaa jmdquarteressionaJ une J trrm. 1828. John Webb t. Edmund Beaxleyt Original attachment levied on one kettle, Re. It appearing to the aatiafaction. of the court, in this case, that the defendant, Ed mund Beaaley, ia not aa inhabitant of thia State, it ia therefore ordered, tbat publication be made In the Weatern Carolinian for six weeks, that the defendant appear at our next court to be held in Germanton, on the 2d Mon day of September next, then and there to re plevy and nlea4 otherwise judgment will be r. . . , j.r-.i.. oo taken againar nun oj ucioimin. w atcairy. fe By C: U BANNER, oVr? - To GoltV MieT8, ; ,fIlba. i trrcrt Ouickttiver, lux receiveu, U44 and for ale. by E. WILLEY k Co, suriiifrs nF.F.ns. L711UIl v TTIOR land b7 ordcr writ ' Tcnoni JL exponas, tor aate at uip onico Q UI'ERIOIt Court of law, pring term, tZ.3. ( O Jane Itorriton, re, Meaeki h Morriaon i Eotittoi for divorce. Ia thi ca, it I oderel y the court, that publication be snala for ait weeck succeviely, In tbe Western Carotmiaa, that unleu the defendant, lletekiah Morrison, (who it appears to the satisfaction of the court ' " U not an inhabitant of thi state,) do ake hi! appearance before the Judge, at the next eupa rior court of law to be held for the county 01 , Iredell, at tbe court-houae In gtatravirie, on the , 5th Monday after the 4tlt Monday in September , neat, and file hi answer, plead to Uaua, or da mur, the petitioner will be heard exparte, ana have juilrmant pro eonfeaso. ' 6t?9 FiStaVr, of Uupl. l; 3rage. . TW1V0 qualified at November court last. II. a administrator on tba estate ef Cant. ' ' David t?mge;-laie of ft j-4 county, uee'd. ww''-i dcaira aH paraooa. aadabled ta said de-orad, ssk anake payment with as little delay aa possible I , and all persona having ehMtnt arrmt the eftaterr.!. t i to present them, legally attested, within the . time prescribed by act of asMtnbly, atherwiaw ; 5rhl3 -nTiTI. CHOICE, . . J Jf. CRtlGE. yriTJ,'i2f.v"'" "' -.tlmtnittrti: '. 111 n a State of VoTt-CaToUna, . , BM1W4 rOCTT. Tt'LY 5th. 1828. A true description of t J el .brst, taken up snd enteral by Andrew Griffin, in aid eotintyi A bay mare, aunpoaedi , to be l8 or 19 year old, about four feet 7 or 4 inches high, a ear In her face, one hind Coot ' ' white, hip-vlioulder, tome k not on ber le h knae. ,' and large maneand tail .iWhjch .waa.y.slu).r3j at 8, and put'ort my tiay4ook the day taxi - date above-mentioned. 3t2fl G. AVDKR80V, Rang, , . L rh TaJUn, W rtgi. Hwan eaV. , To live VubUea ALTHOUGH the conaciousiiesi of innocence may nutain a man, who, in the diKharge of bia ofneial duties, baa incurred the sutpicmtl of negligence or guilt 1 yet in a country like ours, that respect due to the opinion of oui fellow-citiaena, who either directly or indirect 'y.cft.evrnLprTice of JntstwiileilortJiro ttiehighe on whom they hettrnrii virifi Con from a cCara-'e' wJjico. 11 trua."wouM ahov them unworthy of such office t and excuse Id r.TJhTtedtrtumMe,ftiPIeITo,,e VN for that purpoae. Tuis Is the motive 1 have Tor obtni ding tnyaeH" on the public notice t and this with laaae wne epinwaatvmhjr.ff drnnirlofrT In the fall of 1825 Joseph Weir, who Lad been aent from Lincoln to the jail of this county, on ' everal capital charges, fur which he was re cently esreuted, made hi ecape by the aid of ome prnon whoae namea be would not di vi'tf' . .A, that time I was, aa I. am .now, high Sheriff of the county of Mecklenburg, and Mr. Allen Baldwin waJ jailor. ' The Attorney Gen" eral eateemed It hia duty to fl bitlf ftf IhJicU ; merit tgairitt the guard, (appointed by the Jailor while I wu gone to make my ofnV.ial return ia Raleigh,) the jailor and myself, in the eacape At laat Superior Court, I, aa wall aa the JaUet) was acquitted of the charge by a jury of tor country. Tin ia, no doubt, sufficiently aatlafae tory to my friends and all acquainted with the progreatand iaaue of the prosecution 1 but si Weir had, by hi numerous offences, acquired great notoriety in the weatern part of the atate the nea pf .h'i eeajjawa1 vjd-Ir. spread, and. . r involved in doubt, created suapicioit prejudicial ' to my character, which was, I tear, spread more widely than that of my acquittal. In order ts remove all doubt on the tubject, I thought h ad ' v itable to aubmit to Weir, on lite morning of the day on whkh he waa executed, and In the pres- CDC of tbe, reverend gentlemen who were ad"-'" ministering to him sjrrroid conwlatton, "and Capt. Coleman, the officer on dirty, at a period when everv earthly conaideration mut have ceased to have any bold on his feelings, the foU . ; J lowing qtteion,-wDicnr witn nia anawera ana - confeaaion under . tbe galloaa, are repectfofly submitted to the public, with tlie conciounesa that aa"Uii -tlt iUewttonir due to tbat .publio,' from whoae favorable opinion the aubwribeir naa hitbertoecired the- most honorable arid flat." terms; stip'rmrt.heir juatlre will conurm th6 verdict on osth of twelve of hi frtmw'ftliensv w-. mmi- rin T W M 1 , " iuui-j, etc. ivu.i ouaik ii26, 1828. , 3ti5 Concord Jitil, JYi 30, 1828. Question proposed by Col. J. Sloan to Joff, Weir, and antwers returned. Q. Mr. Weir, my reputation ha been aaaailed in consequence of your escape from Mecklen burg Jail 1 Do you believe I knew any thing about your escape at the time it waa effected f A. I know you did not Q. Who queationed you about thoae auppos ed to have aaeisted you in making your eacape t A. Joseph W'daon, Wo. J. Alexander and Dr. Johnaon. uucr pcioun .icncnimrj county examine you concerning your escape f A. No. Q. I Baldwin innocent f A. lie is innocent, and soi the negro "that attended on the jail. Q. Are vou willing to disclose who let you out t Jt. I cannot answer that question. Q. Were you let out by a false key, or were you let out by the key of the jail. A. I expect partly by a false key. j Q. Is my brother Robert Sloan innocent A. lie i. Q. Waa there any other person in Mecklen burg of fe.pectability, fmphcated" in your ttaV ' cape, to your knowledge t A. No. - ' ' " "" "" Q, Do you really believe it waa a false key by-wrblcltyotTiffected-jour escape f .1. i wins it wati naa oeen mea some nights beforev Concord Jail, May 30, 1828. I, Joseph Weir, t'o hereby certify the above aotwers to have been given .to the foregoing questions proposed to me bv Col. Steam sneritt of Mecklenburg county, and that the same sre . . . j n mvia true. signea, juj, tt cm, Tet Daht Colerfan, Jno. Robinaoo, 7 Jeate Rankin. I, Daniel Coleman,-do hwwojreeftiry, that t witnetsed the execution of Joseph Weir, sndf . that the aaid Weir, while under the gallowa, cat.' led for Col. Sloan, and that I waa present with himwhen he approached him j and ibat Weif declared he would clear him of all charge that" might be made against him, the aaid Sloan, relative to hi 'escape from Mecklenburg Jail, and be (fid the same with a clear con St.cnce. ' DAN1IL COLEUA '! - t .v. r L. t

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