. '-i j. i V y Hun t. J BAL18MJRY, N. C.....TUESDAY, JULY 19, 1828. VOL. IX NO. 423. Is 1 A 1 1 h i,1 mi it ji i - fin .ll Hi HMMttf Mf a-r patr, i la WMtrtitrt a , r ,--...., 4, MiMHif M WaHwa tir.M.1., law IHr, Ml J twin t M fcumt JlaMM. . tf """ 'Wl 1 Saw Haa a? m mm, tatf! Ml 4m ar tatf irl MJ yWH ipl a ttaaM an Ml iHH Mil tf IMf M MMMi tkmatw. fMM M tf M fcHlM tlamil kt (M S4H.T, r tWf r 0 Clnitrtr stair JUtw, mSoUaTtX Fir-JUmi yTiL 'iSHh.Csnren contingent fund of the House of Repre tentative. . A. STEVENSON. ' Speaker of th House of representatives I. C. CAMIOUN, Vie Preside-nt of the United tates, and : ' rresidem of the lenate. Approred j 1 Mar, ltr28. ' ' 'Jcjhn QflCT' ADAM 'M Act aJiaklrf ppcoprlMtWM rU -the TaiMie -T-rrpuadSnpi and fr other ptirpooe II K it tnacttd 4 the tate and. Aause reftreoenlatiUi of the United Statet , Jmertea$H .mgrtn wrmotea, inaitnc fellowlog sum of money be, and the as roe harebr are appropriated, to be paid out of any money in lb Treasury not other appropriated, fur tb following pUr poaea I that it to ajr ... JTor.eonipletirj. the work remaining to De cone, on and aooat me i hoik ih JinM. fiftr tlx thousand four hundred dollar and eiebt cental for the coat of a bo!Uln lot. aod other expcodiiurea for the Jail at Aleiandria, one thouaand au hundred and oinetr nine dollar and aix teen centa for the completion of the Penitentiary in the Diatrlct at Columbia twenty two 4bouMttd three hundred and ciehtr-aeveo ' doUr ' and ' ninety ' aevm -eenti -fof defrayinic -the expewae-of a buildinr p 'be Kay Drpartmehr, twaWe hundred and aixtr'one dollar! and lfchlea teoTXTtfbrwTntnnce aiwf door- . - f . t - t - L - I way into toe v.apuoii ironi ine top or me tjtrraee'bti the western fronrrthTreihou' and one hundred am) twenty-one dollara And ten 'cenliT" Sec.' 1. "Md It it further matted,- That tbe'Commhaioner of It? Public Buildinga ke and he hereby is, (authorised and em covered to cause to be built, an En cfaebbuMt tor the accommodation of the ... i'' j . ' j ranklia - tingine tompaay, uooer auiia Me condition, to aecure tbe faithful per formance of the work, and to procure an JBrdrattlion Enjtine and the requisite ap purienancea of the eame and that the urn of three thouaod dollar be, and the ojme la hereby, appropriated, to be paid ut of any tnonry In toe treasury not otherwise appropriated, to defray the ex jtenae of tb aaror. Sac S. Jnd beituriAtr enacttd. Thai from aod after the fourth day of March, one thousand cHthi hundred and twenty Bine, the ofijco of Architect of the Capi lot iball reaae knd determine ; and that the laid Architect shall on a!d day de lirer op to the Commissioner of toe Pub lie Building all the books, plana, ac coants! foucherirtid all other paper and thing beloneine to his oflice ( and the .oaid xommiionr - shall take thaixe-of, and tuperintend the t ublie UuiklinftH and perform auch other duties as may be re quired of 'bkn bylaw; and that the said " commissionir'bo'TCtjuired ta Ttstde- near tbe Capitol. Z " Sc. 4; And U it further fMijfcrf, That tse recuTattoha oT the City br,WashIng; ton, for the preseryation of the public peace and order, be extended to the Lap Itol and Capitol square, whenerer the ap plication of the same ahall be requeated fey the preaidinf officer of either House of Congress, or the Commissioner of tbe Public Boildingx; and that it ahall be the duty of the Commissioner of the Public Building to obey auch rule and regula tions aa may, from time to time, be pre cribed, jointly by the presiding officers of the two House! of Congress, for tbe care, pi eaeration, orderly keeping, and Slice of all such portions of the Capitol, appurtenances, and the enclosurea boot it, and the public building and property in its immediate vicinity, a are not in the exclusive tise and occupation of either House of Congress ; that it shall also be hi duty to obey tuch rule and regulation ai may be, from time to time, prescribed, bytbo preaidingofficerof either House of Congress, for the care, prwrnfldnT police of those portion of the Capitol and its oppurtenances, which are in the exclusive use and occupation of either House "of Oongreea respectively ; and that it aball also be hie duty to obey auch rule and regulation as may, from time to time, be prescribed by the President of the United Stcs, for jhe care, preservation, orderly keeping, and police of the Public Building and public property, in the City of iWashingtoni and the Commissioner Jnd hif assistant aro hereby authorized nd empowered to use all necessary ana proper aeana qr the discharge oi Jhe " atoresaU duties V aod the newssary" a istanta of. the Commissioner shall re teive reasonable compensution for their ervlce, to be allowed by the presiding officer of the two. Houses of Congress; one moiety of the said aum to be paid out .of (he contingent fund of the Senate, and 0$ otter moietj o be paid oot of the ... To t& VuMlc. THE aubtcribfr is now receiving a large and general aeormi.t f Dry Goods, CutUry, and Hardware, of all description, from New-York and Philadel phia, where they wet selected by hiirtelf, w'rth care, and bought tor ch, and which arc offered on the mot returnable terms. He will tell for caah at the 1owet prices otherwiso, on time. Country Produce bought, at the higbeai market pricra. Arranrementa are made to receive Good monthly, from the above named placet i which will Keep up a gooa iiyij r.-b Good; -Call at hit Store 4n SalUWry, and ex. amine for vourselvee. JOHN MURPHY. N.- B. -8urar, Coffee, Salt. Iron, MoUaw. Rum, Winea, French Rrandn &c. he AUo, for tale, ai above, FwtvmU atmnvt Panacra, freth from the proprietor in 'Philadelphia.";. - Mm Btfi; lH3i. 1 Jt : :-- mxv. - A Act w kthorfce th purchase and cCarrtbiir "tmn or xtn aeventn t oium or meXaoroT the - BR tf matted by the tenatt and Aotue tfrepnmjitirvercrThTVrarfrsrffltm Anttrtca in tongret atemU4, 'l hat the Secretary lor the Department of State be, and fcelt heebr, authorized end directed to aubacribe lor, end receive, for the use and dispossl of Congress, five hundred and fifty copies of the seventh volume of the Law of the United States, to contain ao index to the tame, to b well bound and cause to be distributed, one copy thereof to the President of the United States, one copy to the Vice President of the United States, one copy to each of the Heads ol Uepartmentii to the Attorney General of the United States, to each of tbe Senators and Representatives, and to each Delegate of Territories of the Twen tieth Congress fifteen copiea to the Sec retary of the Senate, for the ue of the Senate, and thirty copies to tbe Cletk of the Houve ot Representatives, for tbe use of that House.; one copy to each branch of the Legislature; of each State and Ter ritory i and one copy to each of the Exe cutlvea of the several States and Territo ries t ano'caHselneresTdue To bedep6l- ted in the Library of Congress. sec. J. Ana be it further matted, I hat, for the parpose aforesaid, the aum of to inousana two punorcu oo:iara oe, u " ssme is hereby, appropriated, to be paid out or any money In tbe 1 reasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved 2 May, 1828. MANSION HOTEL, jUiisBunr, jronrit carollha, s T KIXA ALLBKOXa. fm fflHIS elegant eatabrtahment, aituated j m. at tbe north comer or the Court .T "" House, has bee roMntly repaired and ntte up in a new and wperior style, tor the re eept ion of Company, liegreaiaat painahave tahaa to proeuiw for (w eMaiMiment oaw Air4hwe of avenr dMcnpttotv iMeeaaary for the wm of YraveDenj -the. nioat ap. prouuLecmntf have ooen.aelected xUh great care the bar rocked witn chotce hiruort, and the ttalilea 'attended it obfirinr and attantive . i.u .. .. now int. i rvs eonrenience o, inta aiiuraKm u i4ild to (if tb P W a number of pfnta rooma, and otjtbouaee, well ealoiiUted fur joe acoomoodation of Travellert rr Attached J .which, Aber. ia a To tt Tublk. A9RtCVLTVXRifN0nTUl.BXUkOPE. A LTIJOUGIi the ernisclotumeM of innocence XVIr J-1 cobs' report to the British . .-! - t (.!.. J- I tl-! . f ,, , Privy CouociL respecting the iirrl culture of some ol the continental may smtaJa a man. who. in the diacharre , ifct,j... . a.t . . I nis oibchu amies, mi incqrrea in auaptckie owe. that respect due to the opinion of our ,Ule 10 n?-"tbrrn Europe, recently nwwiuKni, wrra wncr uiraciir or irHurccu puuiiuucu in ngtiou( aiaics inai IM tMfiooiackaiwa whick. tfu U H niWrW COtvJltlOO, ",10 tbe eutcro andBoarde Dry Goodad Book Store. to 1bo whe may please to 'eall on him, he aatures tKm that no puna will be spar: to renaer ueir star comionmbie and pleasing. EZRA ALLEMONO; Sfliury, Srht IT, 1827, 83 r i raifl R aubK:riber bta removed from the 71 I "X - houie formerly owned by Cant r"" tUUrt Wvrki, dee'd. to the house lately ccupiea oy Mr. iiavui roner, In tbe east end of the town j wbere be will continue his TAT- F.RN. He aincerety tbankl his friends and the public for the patronage heretofore exten ded to him i and be solicits 'ite continuance of their favors. He tiledjres his unremittitr attention to his buainese, and kindncn to those who may be pleased to can upon him. 13 WHITFIELD KERR. StattrviPt, Ireddt r. .V. C. JhH 1828. Union U6ti; , M HI. fF.Vr.Ilns'rriw.hei fvCTtt lv J. and thelpublie eenertily, 4 JShZLhm opened a BOJMMLSC ft her friend that abe IiilI h. opened a BOA&MISQ HOUSE. rvie door noftbatt of tBetoiteopa' Church on Greentreet. where the is Drtoarrd to receire Laidjtot-ommodateJnsiwacrt and gmti In a neat and elegant manner. Tb dw-lling is tbe one rormeny occupied oy tMm J"dan, tenr. Kaq. known by tbe name of Mrdani Bttl. lu pronmity to the -Court House as well as the butinets part of the town, renders f. deserving of the attention both of the gentkaeo-of the oar and others attrnding Sbe cottrts, of the Plan ters snd Country Merchante ef -this place. - She aasure them that no eipevee nor e union ahall be wanting o her part to render her house uo. exci ptionable in every respect j therefore, re- pectlully solicits s share of tubbe pttronage. MART FENNEL, N. R. This House will be. conduct ed snd su perintended for me by my brother, Mr. Dillon Jordan, aenr. late proprieur of tbe Mansion Hotel. - There are very large andeommodious suMf snd carriage home appurtenant to the above t,Mntm- IIUUN. , XM a theas iaertby of auab eOoe W tejae i I PVt of the KeiberUnila lilt road, 'are) hmLUu. . appeal ta tb. pubue fov-that oerIy4a) atate fotortrtrfwnt "'povF.. . i ui ,n mmtwi i nave lor oyro I r j... " ' m " -.-r iwfw,. , mn wim wiih l . . jDoaewhose opjniuna I value, needs m apology. o0I?rWntrtt ..vielLChMgtiJo. a. CTJ U thttol iftnp 7oaepr vVeiK-wU tuul been himtfttfrrfamVtmttrM rv' eeaUy aeeuted, asade hi eacape, by the aid of -et irp xcarCtly- pJUttble,. . In ; , ., eaeaoe. trv th aid of - W xcaiXCiy- pasia! ame persona whose iume be would not H- Mecklenburff tbe rotdt are Deglected. 8lerinof the arJinlw 'J JTZlK Xllet Rildwin wu l.ilor. Th. atiAi. r' left io a atate of Mturf. lo th ai ...... j ii k:. i.,-n .. . r n ' ' i towtoo n uwuuitw nie diiiidi inuict.1 wuuacnuu pruvincca or avCQroars, t K.u - .L. i r . ... . . ... I. . " w wLBeiWaClkV m. flT. 019 . io i moit deglecteal wuiie i was gone lo make my official return ia , . . ,, . , Raleigh.) the Jailor and myself, iatbe eaeYpa! ,Ute and tWtlhngh tediou io tbe At last Superior Court. I, a well as the Jailor, most favorable weather. In Eottixod W acouiuedof tbe charge by jury of my theaanal loail -nf -wnwm-wirK fnnw wni7. mis la, no doubt, sufficiently satiafac kn,,-. J. art Ki.tKel. Af t.h. f ' tory to my frienda and all acauainted wiib ih 1 80 DUbeU Ot Wheat, reIfrD-w . . - . : - i . j wv j . . . propewamj lew or the prosecution but u,u6 JVA-- pounaa oui in me Qlliricrtf weir sad, by has numerous offences, acadiieifi noticed on the continent, the nan! the circumstance bv which it r(rM.i K.;n. I Mccklenburo and Holateln are mnr t'SS l" !tbt'!?t?t4 "I? icio" PH advanced io husbandry than any ttar a my character, which was. I fear, snreaid mora 1 1 . w-d.lv tiuu u. or m..;:i '?J?i!! portico of the eastern part f rt!TKweaUdoubtonthetjbiectitivurhiif l Europe. The farm a are eneloied vitSble.to submit to Weir, on tb morning oT tb. end divided into fields. Uk TcudaJ eya-- ' ministering to hrm spiritual conaoUtion, end r-"4 io, - j nc gTcairr pair Ol " P.".l ' oiscer on dutytu period! in' foqtipent. lejcgltivatedon a widely wiien every etruiif midn m me 1m j:ir... .1.. .... w r ceued to b'ave any hold on hi. fe.B Tth. fol- i'"" "1" .rr',n,1nw-mTT towinc'a-iestlbntrwhich: with I. . . rrewa,r-nusinef rwaoa ana ftusaia confession under the rallows. sre rraneetfullv Dfoent a wretched SVStem. It is called jukmiotdjo .the publjiuj the Kmsciousnest tbx.three Mttciiboibaodry:iMw that a tbi juetificatioa m due to that public, r , . """"w.fwrnii-wg from vhoee tvor.ble opinion the wbribVr hS ofrUt 00 '' lanfellow - Sd, - nimeno receiveu me most honorable and flat I waicr rye, wacat oancy, or oau. tering support,--their juvtice will confirm the Under this ay'ttcm the' procCBS of verdict on oath of i wriva thU rit 1.: I . . . ' . , . ' L. .vwiiiKiw, l vkauatinn nin lu an1 t km . .. Toun, fcc. iOHH SLOAK. - . " . V 0 V x ? WAGONERS, DRIT LG XOFATFrT Ft UK, TIT ILL find it to their advantage; to ttop 4 f I the' irjCfXV TA R n,"wbere every- con venience is provided for Mait snd Horse, to make them comfortable, at the moderate charge. of 25 cents a day ami niirht, for the privilege of the YaroV tbe-use of a good.loiiae, tlreir.tevsnd shelter.-- Attached to th tsrd,are Grocery and Pi-oviston Store, Bread Shop and Contec tionarv. and House for Boarders and Lodtrer. a ntin.''raeap.-wholei)e -and 1 cornror Uble style. 09 Fayritf!lt, U, JffiL. 1868. Maklns. at.A. VUUU F n HE subscriber returns his sincere thank to A hi friends and the public, for the liberal encouragement he has received in his line of business ainc. nn commencement in inn piacc. Having eolarged his Establishment, snd employ ed some additional hands, together with his own unremitted attention, he flatter himself that he will be able to give general satisfaction to those who may favour him with their work, tie keeps constantly on hand, ' Coachn, Char 'tottees, Pannel and Stick Girt. Matl Stares, fcrc, Uc . M. C. PHIFEIL. . Lincoln, wne28, 1828. 4t25 N. B. Renain of all kinda in bis line of busi ness, done with neatneaa and despatch. BOOK BINDING. THE subscriber iepectfully-informs the eit isens of 8afibury, and the surrounding country, that he has established a tannery said town, on Mam street, tewtwora sown of the CourMlousei where he will be thankful to receive any kind of work in bit line of busmen. From a number of years etperience, In Europe and America, he feel confident of being able to give-entire aatiifaotioa to all thosewhojwyfa vor him with any description of Binding. Blank Bosk msde to order, after any pattern furnished, on short notice, and at prices which no one can complain of. W Book Kcbtund, either plain or ornamen. tat, on tbe mot moderte terms. All orders aaiiUithfuUy attended lo.The pat- rnnaee oi me puoiic repccuuiij wiiuuu, ij their obt servt. JOHN H. DE CARTKRBT. SuHsbiiry, April S&h 1827. 62 V dlIIT.n rff!l 1 ' .... . tl MAtenna n. tr.rcit I w uiiui frijuci an YK,mntm debted to him. tm forward and make payment V' snd those having claims against him, will be paid on application at bta Dying Estab lishment in Saliabury, three doors east of the court-hiiuse, as his Stay lo the place awy be short. July nth, 1828. 23 lo BLANK BANK BONDS, F the nea form now required, for aale at the (fh Seats will be seciirrd'sf the above Hotel for the Charleston, Norfolk snd Augusta Stages. Fayettmitte, June 4, 1828. ." " 1 4t2i X-QUcii. to . TanntTR. THE aubet-riber "bffert fot -sale, the valuable property in the ti)Vn of Charlotte, lately belonging taMrAHcB Baldwia, ,Tb"ia prop erty includes about 60 town lota, on a part of : - . . I li. wnieu are improrcmciiia, w i a vaiuaoie j tin. nery, including all the neceaaary building, kc. and i-Tsatenr"Birk-Min f aJs, good dwelling. hoie, with the necessary out-boose. The land i all under cultivation, and well fenced. Anv perton wishing to purchase, can learn the terma by calling on the aubaenber, living in Cabarrus county, on Buffalo creek i or oa air. William Smith, living in Charlotte. ' ROBERT M-KENZ1E. Coiorrrif canary, May 32, 1828. ITtf ' PRACTICE OP Physic. Surgery & Midwifery. I NFLURNCED by the earnest. aolicitationa of 1 many of bis friends. Dr. Bwrtt U Heall net at length determined to locate himself in Lex ington, N. C. i though be would respectfully in form bis friends and those citisens- of Davidson and the adjoining counties, who may be dispos ed to favor him with their patronage, that hav ing businetw requiring his personal attention without this state, he will not be prepared to ester upon the duties of his profession before the 1st of August. Ane25.1828. 4t2J a 1 3lZS CmcWJo4 JMii 30, 1828. Questions proposed by Col. J. 8 loan to Jos. I veir, ana answers returned. ' -.i r duce it not much more than four titnea -the seed owq. The field are almost universally without fei.ee i the labor is preformed in the moat neoligeM and Q. Mr. Weir, my reputation liu been assailed I irfinerfeet manner. In Ruaaiu. AmJ ia consequence of vour.etcaDe from Mecklea. c r ... .l e burg jil :-Uo you believe I knew any thine P"." m '7t - about your escape at the time it was effected I ytem is continued, and the peaaanU A. I know you did not. are alavea attached to the anil, anrf t?; nl f"6 yoa TX ,upp: "ght -nd abld with it, The lorda ed to have aaattted you in makine your escaoe M 6 .. . . J. Joseph Hilton. Win. J. AltxtiuW and rir I re Poor tninff DUl land, and ,0bnRu . hf JJmo merely contnye to livo county eijuiune yu concerning your escape L v a. wo.- r..,: j- i :-r. q. la Baldwin innocent t umj anu tm praunui,-:. ,n,a.r -f A. He is innocent, and son tbe negro that I part nt turope, mere are marka - OS attended on the lait. ; imnrovement it cultivation." houaeif -- f n Am inu af'tlinvtA liarloaa khnlt anil mil 1 1 .' . . . ,,. n,,,w. .t,. .-... " 1 .,.. I. .,. . Kr 111,, lh KmM. 'v;-'l cannot answer that question. - , "!ru--t. T:": Z O. Were you let out by a falae key, or were io most districts is very low. ic ia yan let out by the key of the jail. - , estimated that the population Qt.KtI- J. I expect partly by a lame key. 9 . u. 011rt,,nt.J .Ur. 1 0 1 0. my brother Robert Sloan Innocent f ll r . , ? "1 " ,' jt He is.' I0)' ine numDer oi iB or y miuione. - 1'orWs's there-anybtherp burir. of reiDectability, imDiioated m vour I rto - r sli I OVCipvvUliiiwvi wtu uj . yw'ti ye. Vft (na itk vmir kntivtMlcr) f . I . ' . i' i i7aiaASFaa K a m i trr t mfi a fram B fJn I IhUI Vl.a awai-taj - -.ini-lihhvh va q. Do you really baiTeVe ii wu the" Ul- Statearafldrrjiher by which you effected your escape f countrie are numerout. JI. 1 imna .11 watii uau ocen incu iuiuc Slate f MriA-CwvUna, reoVtf eimff -r a a. a OOO SUrERIUK Court Ot law, tpnnr term, io. Jane Mornson. ee. Heseklah- Morrison i . r j: i. .kt. j.a il la nmerri peuiioq ior uiTurvc. by the ceurtt that publication be nude for ait weecks sueceasiveiy, in me "cucm vhv"i .l ..i .i j.e.njan tlavalriah lforriaon. Ulal unicn uic uotiiu.i . . (who tt appemri to the amti-faoM of tbe court if not sa inhabitant of tuis state, ao mate appearanc before the Judge, at the neat aupe rior court Uw to be held for the county of Iredell, at tl court-house in 8tateville,.on tbe 5th Monday after the 4tb Uonday in September next, and tile Wi answer, pbsdto issue, or d the petitioner wHl-be heard -eanarte, and have judgment pro confeeao. ,. t letl. i ila. u..i.mr.iiaKW..y - .. f&JSouil&jt, jfaira of Martin Walk, t-a. tbe real -Mii,. Piintitnt to sn order of court made at th but term, 1 'n sell, on the 3d Monday of August next, at tne cour-nowr ,n upor. a credit of one year, taking bond with ap proved security, all that, tract or parcel of land, tiogioJaid county, on the waters of Rocky creck,7djoinlng the Tandi ;c;LtlCky Specks snd others, tbe property of said Martin Vlalk, dee'd. containing two hundred and twenty-two acres, more or kV J0HK MUSaATjC. m.e. nights lja-r-"-!-5- Ctnnr Jail, May 30, 1828. L Joteph Weir, do hereby certify the above antwen to have been given to the foregoing quettiona proposed to me by Col. Sloan, aheriff of Mecklenburg county, and that the same are true. signed, JOS. WEIR. Test : Dtnl. Coleman, Jno. Robinson, Jeste Kankin. State of Xorth Carolina, M w 182g Cabarrus County. 3 ' I, Daniel Coleman, do hereby certify, that I witnetaed. tbe execution of Joseph Weir, and that the aaid Weir, while under the gallows, caL led for CoL Sloan, snd that I was present with him when be approached him t and that Weir declared he would clear him of all charges that might be made against him, the aaid Sk-an, relative to hit escape from Mecklenburg Jail, and he did the aame with a clear ton Mtenee. DANIEL C6LF.MAN CommUttd to iYe Ja OF Pavidton county, a mullatto woman, who says her name is Catharine, end bslongs to William O. of Jefferwn county, Georgia, and wat raised lift Charleston, 8. C, and aoUl as the property of Jamea Gun, dee'd. She la about 5- feet- hlghV rather a dark mullatto, between 21 and 22 years old, no particular marki per. ceptible on her, more than her face has the ap pearance of being marked with tb. mall pox. Her owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, sr.d take her away, or otherwise the will be dealt with as the law di rects JOHN M. THOMAS, y.r. Lexington, June 26th, 1828. 21 Stpte of jA'pnh-CaroHna, Si,kuteuHly IlOUKT Of pleat and quarter tetMont, June J term, 1828. John Webb w, Edmund Beasley Original attachmeu t Je vied .n,.jne ketile. Jce, It appearing to the satisfaction of tbe court, 9 tbi case that tbe defondaht, ' Ed round Beasley. is . not sn inhabitant of this State tfJa.ttareforeijoriejr be made in the Western Carofihian' for six weeks,' that tbe defendant appear at trar next court to be held in Germanton, on the 2d Mon day -of September .next,-tben and-there.la re plevy and plead, otherwise judgment will be taken against bim by defendant. 6t22 M. R. MOORE, e. e. ttpQ iT, J C. fc DAS'CTi The Editor of the Reading Journal aays that he has tried the experiment of pouring boiling water upon the roots of a peach tree, the leaves of which had become seared and dry, aod the limbs In a rapid state of decay in one week it began to revive, aod in three weeka it waa covered with : m new foliage, and new vigorous shoot are putting out in every direction. Long ?. A man in New Jersey has e sheep of the Diahley breed which weighs 2J2 pounds j some of the wool is 20 inches in length. A man ia Pennsylvania lately sheared 29 pound of wool from one sheep j it is very fine, and some of it 12 inches long, (probably the growth of two or three year.) ... jMrge trec,Thc , largest in .the world is aaid to tie the Adantonia dig itata, which is found it Senegal Eirvpt d Abyssinia. TheTTninkir" 0 r '1 :.1 from 20 to 30 feet in diameter, and divide into brauches of great aiac, which spread out drooping fct the ex trernitiea, and form a mast of verdure 150 feet: in diameter, and 70 feet in -height. The wood i light and . soft, and the neoroe lom'etlme hollbw out" tliaillUCII It, UIC. . llUUk, -Mt ,'!" It ..k . their lead wuhia-Um.wacretraeyv become mummies. Dcrfcctlv dnr. and WCll trCSerVCU.'':"'"",!" avaWWTl(a,a;i,ti iinrailWju.. I f . HHr KiMQX, It is aaid that y several women id Connecticut have recently taken the kino pox fren cowa bv naili ing them, ; .,4 :v.

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