An set fgr the relief of Crtii SMrtiving Ofiicer ml Soldiers of lb Army of the Itevolution. BE A martf A tU Senate tin.l ltute tf Itrp rrentaliwt tf the 1nlttJ Slam tf America in ct,r .ww "ft ,ch ,he u,r- ffl of the trmv of tbe Revolution in the Continental Lns who was entitled to bslf psy by the rlv of Qctober tweiity-firt, sev enteen hundred snl eighty, b authorized to re ceive, out of nv money inMie treiry not nth erwUa appropriated, the amount of hit Aril pay In said line, eccordingto his rsnk in the fine, to lm with the th'rril rtsv of March, one thousand lJ ' eight hundred end, and to continue . during bit nsural lifei Fm'ulti. that 'under" ', r tli'x act, no officer shall be entitled fo receire a i fcrger turn than tie full pay of a Captain to laid "Che. ' ' SthfS-r 2: jfwf ft brvArreei that, whea. J . ever sny of said officer ha received money of "iUri flay of March, m thoossnd eight sWndred " iv1 twentv-ali. aforesaid, ths sum so received th Jtli deducted from hat said officer would. ::rZ"forrvW be ewirtledtorunde. in artf ftecynn 't-..ttiitKtv'nLeer7peiiM!tA'Vich wU .-witec k mw entitled, shall cease ejer the fat p aare of thiaact. , r flee. n-'MHUJurwrrwaneti, wsi every toirviving Bon-eommiaaioned officer, musician; or .. -private, in said army, who enlisted therein for nd during the war, and continued in iU service until it trrmi nation, and thereby became entU tied to receive reward of eighty dollars, under resolve of congress, pawed Ma fifteenth, seventeen hundred and seventy-eight, ihall be -.entitled, to receive bit full monthly pay in said ..service, otit'oTany money 1fl Jthe treasury-ot wtherwist appropriated to begin on the third day of March, one tlioueand eight hundred and twenty-six. and to continue during hia natural Uti FrtviJed, that no non-com mistiooed offi eer, muoician, or private, in aatd array, wboU Jtow o the pension Hat of the United States, hall be entitled to the benefits of this act. See. 4, Ami U It further entuttd, that the nay allowed bv this act shall, under the direction of the secreUry or tne tresaury, be paid to tne ora- cror Soldier entitled thereto, or to their au tknnwd ttornev. at such Dlsces and davs aa the tkcretary nay direct 1 and that no-foreign pfB-'Aer-ahaU be. entitkd to Skid IV I nor ludl any officer or Roldier receive the same, until be fur. msb to said Secretary lat'nfaetory evidence'that Is t entitled tfflhe me in eonfvrmity to the proviaions of thU act i sad the pay allowed by this act shall not in any way be transferable, or liable to attachment, levy, or seizure, by any le nt tmevhitiWfMiliyi inure, -wholly to -the personal benefit of the officer or solJiei en titled to the same by this set. - fee, 5. Md ie.iV fwiker tnotltd, that so much 0f mid pay as accrued by the provision of this .ct, before the. Ihird day of March, eighteen bandied and twenty -eight, shall be paid to the .officer and soldiers entitled to the same, as soon e) rjsy be, in tbe manner and under the previa. Jbns before mentioned i and the par which shall rente after said day, shall be paid semi annu Ihr, in Tike manner, and under the same pro iSoos. A. STEVENSON, Speaker of the House of Representative! b. sail in. President of the Senate, pro tempore .Approved: 13 May, 1828. JOHN dCINCT ADAUS. 'SCretuury Dffiartment, May 39, 1838 1 The M Act for the relief certain or- tnz oflken and soldiers of the reeolu tionM pproted on the T5thdayol Way, 1128. (of Which the foregoing it a copy,) be tarried into effect under tbe loU Jowing reRHlatIbDl l"m6:,w''", ' Esch officer clsiminfi; tinder the act till transmit.. to the ecretary of the trea- tory a declaration, iccording to IbeTorm hereunto annexed, marked A, and each I Kir Vo tndorif t.e t'ovnr, Kcvcta- tioniryCljlmi.' 'ria if a J-d'iratitn I mmt t) tf.vmt. For tne purnoie of wbisJning t benrfita of sn Set, entitled " An set for the relief of certain surviving oflicer snd soljien of the army of the revolution, approved on the 13th of May, I of in the county of in the riita 0f l-, do hereby declare that I was sa oflicer in the continental line of the army of the revolution, and served a mIi, there Insert, to the end of the wsr, or (as the case mar be) to tbe time when the arrangement of the army provided by the resolves of congress of the 3d snd 31t of October, 1780, wss carried Into ef fect, and Was 1 educed under that arrangement. at which period I waa A in tue regi ment of the line. '.' And I also declare, that t afterward received a nificato (commonly: called a commutation Certificate) for I sum equal to tbe amount of 6e ycaii full pay 1 which ram was offered by tbe molv tof xogrrs,of the 22d of March, iTai, instead of tbe half nay for life, to which I was entitled .odet4ha reaplve CJfefi JW.SfASrJ "And 1 da further declare,lhat I have received 0? the United States, as a pensioner, ainc4 Ue 11 day of March, 1S26' (Here insert fsa mo ney, or (a the taae may be) that I nave re. ceived, as a pensioner of the United State, since tbe 3d day of March, 1 838, the sua of dollars, paid to me by the agent for paying pen stonsin the Hate of- . (Signed Before me, , (here insert, justice of the peace, ft other magistrate, duly empowered to administer oaths, in the county of . in the state of n personally appeared, this day, 01 aam tn the said county, who did, seyerally, make oath, that by whom the foregoing drcUration was subscribed, is generally reputed and believed to have been an officer in the army of tbe revolution, in manner a therein stated. Y itneta my band, this day of , in tbe vear . fSinedl 1, , clerk of the court of tbe connty of in the Ute or . do hereby eertity, tnat , before wbom tbe foregoing affidavit were sworn, was, at the time, a here insert, justice of the peace, or other magistrate, duly . - .t. 4 J A. I empowereo to acinuiwier oauis,j ana auiy cm powered to administer oaths. In teitimony whereof, I have hereunto set m' fju hand, and affixed the teal of the tud court, tnia day or i we-year pignodVj IhO renpr . .. it r . - 4 - 1. t y r ',uteaana reucvea o bits ccrti sn oiucer in Ue army of tLe rero!utla. la nan ner as tlicrcin stated. . , j Witnes rny hnd, Oils . day of in th vesr . 1 flirnedl - I, , clerk of the court of the county of i. , in the stste of ' 1 , do hereby cr r tifv, that -ii 1 1' before whom tho fnrcpolng affidavits were iwnm, waa, at the time, (hetl$ n. Krt either ' Justice of the peace or other W gistratn, duly empowered to adminialer oaths, and duly empowered to administer oaths. ' In testimony whereof,! have hereunto set my (k, a) band, and affiled the seal of the laid court, this day of In the year, . . (Signed 8t27 non-eommuiiiflld efflern miiiti, and firi wJafT Iccotdlnir, to" the form marked B," accompanied br'the oatb of tro respecin- Ue wltneMCt, at to nit laenuiy, woicn "th ' u'tobc "Ukeo before a juatice of the - peacr or other inagjitrttedoli tropow red to administer oat ba iu the aiatei or - lerritorv in which be reside, and auiben lictted under the teal of the court or the county in which the oath waa administer edt at thown in the said form. Each officer will also transmit his com mission, if in existence and attainable, nod each non-commusioned officer, mo nlcian, mud private, bis discharge ; which documenta, after being registered, will to returned. If the commission or dis charge hat been lost or destroyed, he will a . a trananut tucn otner evicence it ne may pottett or co obtain, corroborative of the jjUtemenulet forth in bit declaration. If tlie evidence trsntmitted, taken in connexion with that afforded by the pub lic record at Washington, be found ealis Isctory, the amount of two years' full pay, Ml the rate to wbich the officer or soldier wat entitled, according to hia rank in the linei at tbe close of the war, or at the time of hit reduction, (at the cate ma? to,butin do ..instance, .exceeding the full pay. of t captain of the continental line, will be tranemitted to him, at the place of-biareaidcnceAfter,deductinK there- from the amount of any pension which he may have received from the United Suits since the 3d day of March, 1836. He may, however, authorize any other person to receive it for bim; in which case, he will execute a power of attorney, according jQjhe..annexed form, marked C, which must be acknowledged before a justice of the peace, or other magiatrate, " and authenticated under the teal of the court of the county, in the tame manner as is already prescribed in regard to dec: : iajatiMfeu to any such attorney, untH hrfiaiTtadlf Mthi according :;.to jbe annexed form D, that the pay which he it authorized to receive is intended to enure wholly to the personal benefit of tbe officer or soldier whose attorney be is. . hit leqoestedthat all lettera to the febreurry of the trcwor;,oij the sobjectsj Ftm tf ) dfthrmUm to malt bp Jientff mimUmtd tSeeru nuddmi and 'Mtvatet. .. Tor the purpose of obtaining the benefit of An act lor the reliefer certain urvivmr om- cera and soldiers of the army of the revolution," approved on the 13th of May, 1828, L , of , in tbe county of , in the state of , do hereby declare that I enlisted in the conti nental line of the army of the revolution, fur and during the war, and continued in ita service until Ita termination i at which period I was a sergeant, corporal musician, or private, as the case may be, in captain 'e company, in the regiment of the fine. And I also de. dare that I aAerwards received a certificate fur the reward of eighty dollars, to which I was en titled, under a resolve of Congress, pasted the 13th of May, 1778. And 1 further declare mat I WU not, on the fifteenth day of March, 1828, on the pension list of the United States. (Signed) Before me, (here insert either a justice of the peace or other magistrate, duly empow errd to administer oaths, in- the county of ", in the state of , personally appeared, thia day, - - i and of the raid county,., who did severally make oath that , by- whom the foregoing declaration- waa subscribed, is gener ally reputed and believed to have been an joffi. eer in the army of tbe revolution, in manner a therein stated, l .. Witneaa .my hand., thi dy of j in the year . (Signed I, , clerk of the court of tbe county of sin the stataof -,do certify, that , before whom the foregoinranda vit were swotwy waa, sit Jhe meVa (justice of , the peace, or a the case may be, and doty empowered to administer oath. lntesilmouy whereof, I have hereunto set my ft, a, band, and affixed the seal of the said ; court, van uay oi , in wc year ,. . - Signed-"" " ' - Ftm tf a Prwer tf Jlittrney. Know all men bv thee presents, that I; , of , in the county of , in tbe state of , do nereby constitute and sppoint , my true and lawful attorney, with a power of sub titution, for me, and in my name, to receive from th United States the amount of pay now due to me, under the act for the relief of cer tain surviving officers and soldiers of tbe revo lution, . approved 15th May, lave, a a in the regiment of the line of the army of the revolution. Witness my bsnd and seal, this - cay of , in tbe year Sealed mi dtHvtrtd in the x prttcntt tf 5 Signed t. . Before me, -, a Justice of the peace in the county of , in the tate of , personally appeared, this day, , whose nsme is sub scribed to the foregoing power of attorney, and acknowledged the same to be his set and deed. Witness my band, this- day of, u the year , Signed I, clerk of the ourt- of Uie xunty of , in tbe state of , do hereby certify. that , before whom the foregoing power of attorney ws acknowledged, u a Juatice of tne Drags, MtMelnesi &c. 7 ' E. W1LLEY k CO MthttifiUJtvgmitullStSiultff. ,- a TT AVISO freqently been eollct C ) Jl tod to publiih a Et.of their - f if , MtJeinet, Dmrt, FuitUt, Cebars, "') t ,l"fce. for tbe benefit of Aho-publk, ;zJJa, ;;prer.iw the foUowuig.M fmpnig .M principal part or tnetr present assortment ACid Biuruue .. . ., .... , Awonua . ' Nitric Sulphuric ' - Lemon . Acetic Tartarld Alcohol Aloe Alum thiops Mineral Ammonia Carb. llq To! -Antimony Crude Pulv. Class Arrow-Hoot Indian Arsenic Aapheltum . , J Asssfortids Anodyne Liq. of lof , Allspice tber Sulphune , Aqua Fortia Rob Baam Copaivt - Peruvian- - .r.,Tolutan fiarbadnea Tar. Bacc Jutdperu Bora Brimstone Camphor Castor t ' ' - ' Camhsmdet -Crete Praeparata Calomel ' ) Cochineal . Corrosive Sabfimate Crocus Msrti Cocus lodicu Cubebs Cobolt or Fly Stone Colocyntb Pulv. Clove Chamomile Flower Cinnabar Factitious Cream Tartar Conserve of Roses Cortes Cinnamon Peru flav. Rubi Aurant. SaWra . Caacarilla - Canella Alb. Cortex Metereon .' . .' Simarouba - " Oornu Cmi BaapU Dover! fowdera extract of Bark Cicutae - Henbane Jalap r a C!o. Nutmrjs K'H Vomica Oil Aniseed Crotoo Worm Seed rureju Oil of Lavonder Clovta Rhodium . Cart or Swet . Sasufrat ftpike Roaemsry Cinnamuo fteujlock Tantey Pip Mnh Otto of Rovi Opium Turkey T Oside Biamuin Osymel Squill Ointment Peariash Pearl barley , Pipe Clay English Pepper Long Cayenne Black -' - FiHa Anderson' ...L .Lee Hoopnr'a J ' " Pilb ltKfo?-?j Comp Assafw. . Rhubarb Preeip;att Hed - . wbhr-rt - Petrol Barbadenri Poladelpbia Pbossbonta v Potash I Potaasae Sulphar ... Pitch Burgunda Quassia Rap'd Quicksilver -Quinine Sulphate Aiiatuie HadRhel Pulf. Iris Flav. Metereoe Scillse Zinsibar ditto Pulv. Valrriaa Seneka Ancbusn SpigeliaMariUndicn Angelica Serpent aria Virp Cotonibo- i v :... .. . Red RunlT5l Omum LIimkI Hoot Vitriol WLite r.lue Wine, AntimoniaL nrtr ubdicimu. Roger' Vegetable pul Stoughton's Bitter monio deterrent, for Aromatio ditto tough, coKla, and Steer Opodeldoe consumptions. ' - ' Henry's Megneaia Pateman's Drop Hoger! Vegetable OodfVey' Cordial Marlaem Oil, or -British Oil Medicamentum, Turrmgton' Cataam Medicine chests - f ntrewlng Smalt Camel balrd pencil Pine and coarse aponp gourt piaster rumic stone, Cold leaf . - - Wbit leather akin : Silver ditto ' , Apoth.acales k wcigbb Cold nronze ronuw atarcn Silver dilto:w Ataerlce-- dittw Copper ditto .: Twine illatler bow strings ,. Vanilla beane"' ' Blwck I red iog.powCerTOorma ditto 4 liquid Ink Whitav WU Wht v..w.irt. Teuow dote , CUrk'sindeHble ditto Bay ditto Perkins ditto ditto Bed seating ditto Patent Lint ' ' White chalk Lampwlck- Bed ditto ' Lancet cases French ditto Com. Mortars It PestWsCologne water Polishing Powder Antique oil peace. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my l. J band, and affixed tne teal ot tbe said . .court, thia day of, in the year. Farm tf Affidavit tt b taken by Attorney: Before hie, --: ; Justice of the peace in the eounty-ot , -,( ?, personally appeared tin day, , the attorney named in the foretroinr power of attorney and made oath that the same, was, not given to him by reason of any tranuer, or ol any attaenment, levy, or ten- ore, by any fcgal jmiceas whatever, of tbe pay therein authorized to be received, but that the said pay i intended to inure wholly to. the per. tonal benefit of the person by whom the ssid power was executed Witness my hand, toit- clsy of, in the year . . Before me, here insert either a justice of the peace or other magistrate, duly empow. ered to administer oaths, in the county of. in the state of - , personally appeared, this I Lichen lalandicds da"y, -ass-ss. and of (he aaucj ooony, vkg I Waeft Belladona Gentian :iHii?f!: Liqwosice -r Catecba " Sprue u... Liquorice dVrrfin'd . Essence of Bcrgamot . . Cirnamoe - Lrmon -- - Hemlock Tansey Winter Green Mustard Em. Venern Elixir Paregoric Vitriol Emp. Adhaesivum Camharidca Roborans Hydrargyri Simplex Diachylon Mahy'a Pol. Bighalia Senna Alex. Uva Ursi Juniperi Sabini Florea Benxoin Msrtiafia Zinci Sulphur! Ferri Carbonaa Fhosphu Gum Ammoniac Arabic Tragacahtb ' Copal Elemi Cuaiaoiini ColumboPnhr.': "Clycyrrhisa ' "Curcuma Loaga -Galangal ' Genian Ginac-nf - Sarsaparilta -Elecampane Alt be r colcblcum; :-- : -. . JaUpPult. Ipecacuanha Pulf, Rosin White Yellow" Seed Anise . Sweet fennel White Mustard Black dittos-Caraway Coriander Cardamom Sugar of Lead Sanford'a Bark Sodae Sup. Carb. Pbosphae Soda Powder 8eidlits Powder Spermaceti Spirits of Nitre dulc of Wine of Lavender Com. of Turpentine of Hartshorn of Camphor Sal. Epsom Msrtia Glauber Rochell Diureticut Tartar Cheltenham Nitre Ammoniac Kef. dittO ClUdO 8aflron Spanish American i " Oikd. Pill boxes Macaavar oil Tooth bruihe P.yc-etonce Tooth powder Eye-wster Pomitum " ' Rotten atone) Fancy paper Lamp oil Swiia Clue Bol anneal Castilr soap ' Taper Wlndior dirt - Imoa Juice Naple ditto Hull' Tniasre, Tranparnt soap - Maonboy ditto WaahbaM ditto Scotch ditto White ditto Snuffboxes Cephalic snuff attain waH. I. gal. cerate pots do. do. do. 1 qt. do. do. . Gallipot assorted I pUido, do. Pill tile tJtnfs, coLoti.Jft. WbUelead Red . ditto Black ditto Venetian red Spanish brown. r.Black Tarniah, Copal Varnish ' Madder. Copperu urkjtmber " Terra de sienna ' Termerio . 7 Ground fustic. Logwood in stick ditto ground Litharge Red saundera . Nicaragua Verdigria Vitrioli colcothaT Spanish whiting A mat to , Lamp black Chromic yelloW Chromic green Ivory black Yellow Ucre Crocus mania Flakewbite -Pari white Rose pink - Cochineal Chinese vcrmillioo Prussian blue Figured ditto SpsnUh indigo Aaoncan ditto C.JJJ. 2 GaU. Specie Bottles 1 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 1 qt. do. do. 1 pt. do. do. 4 do..ila do, raL Tincture Bottles Funnel 1 do. do.' do. Nipple ahell 1 nt-dorrr- po. Breast pipe :- l pt. do. urdo.. - Bedonnali ' f do. do. J do.' Mortars and peatlel oa do. do. . Pungent bottle do. Tincture Bottle Retort rat n. y. nmnurT tiluiui like now that fJU lier water g!ijrr Earth's pleasures fl sway i they red on tima's retiitless llde, And old are, whlUtLey stay. Hut joys that from rerglon low-, . " Liko (tars that gild He night. Amid the darkest gtoom of wo, , , Shine forth with sweated igf4t ' ' ,r(" c Religion' ray no clouds vlscurt. ' But o'er the Christian soul , l ." "' tt abed t radiance calm and I pure, Though tempest round bita roll. Ills hesrt may break 'neatb sorrow ttroi. But to U latest thrill, r - -tike diamonds shining when they're brckaV Thatdsy wiU ligbtlt U!L ... ' fra Tare caaisnif yui?arr ,;:v...;..;..TaT jMj,-; . mOt Tbou Book of sacred treasure,4 " irwini nr nionan so neneciM r Source of alt that true of ftleasurav - jMiMii jwu iiirai ncaiTvn rwuecsee Hoy truth around u beaming - v From tby radiant page divine, . 'Wake our souls, from earthly dreaming. Bear them beyond UJl world' eonfiW ' Then bow aweet low on' our beiof " By Almighty love eorrounded i Thus Ue Rock of Age seeing, Find our happiness uiibounded. tO A WHITF. HOSE. Go to my fair, thou lovely rose, ' Present to her my duty t '. And at you on her breast repose, Which rivals thee in beauty. Tell her 1 found thee in the shade . A lone, retiring blossom And that thy stem I've tbomtea made. To guard so pure a bosom. Tell her that though the wilderness Contained thee blooming looery, Tby beauty 1 power was none tbe less; , And that It knot only JWiihin the rude world's ardent gaze, Beauty is worth admiring, " But that it rather shuns k praise. nu tuvcMcaa ssou rcunug Minight ffymn A Ruttian CWritl Wrtthoo never-eettiag light, i'iby fctive Why doe thia nnosoal night - Cloud tby bleat benignity f I am lost withoot thy ray j Guide my wandering footstep, Lord ! " Light my dark and enlng wav - To the noon-tide of Tby word) do. do. 1 qt. tart moutb'd 1 pt . do. d. do. do. do. Graduating measure Phials assorted f do, do. ' do. ; -" Peg lamps ivirkvuintirr Evan's Lancets Gum elatt Cathetem Common do Stomach Tubes d--:r.wax Bougie Snrinr- Gum do. Scarpele - Lancet phjemea Teeth drawwra Poreepe Seton needle iae9A,1838. Metallic Boor. Gum elastic, do.,.. Female Syringes Male .do. Clyater pipea Spatula... Galbanum Gamboge Elastic Aloe Soc. Benzoin Kino Gum Shell Leo - -Myrrh. Olibanura . Scamony Thuf Mastic - - Galls Aleppo , . ' Hellebore Nig. srjrssp , Alhc'f.rr Hive Syrup Isinglass Ipecacuanha ' -Lapis Cslsminaris Lac Sulphur Lunar Caustic Laudanum ' Stirax Liquid Catamite Stanni Pul. Tartar Emetic Ammoniated Turpentine Venice japwsav- Turner Cerate Tinoi Assa&rtlda Aloe c. Myrrh Cantharidea .-Aloear:. Peruvian Bark l"lgMali!1A-A . .,:,..:.lthubarbi&eycs;5 Cinnamon Guaiacum . Iluxham' Bark ; Iodine Colchicum - Termerio Capsicum SerpentariaVTTg, llarijtje Stoel ftucib LatiA for rTlHE subscriber being dcter- X mined to return to the eastern part of tbe State to reside next win ter, offer for sale his valuable Plan- tetitn in liuwan county, containing thrt AwiuftW and twtnty-tne ncrvst all of which is ot a supe rior quality. Those who bsve seen the lend, my it is equal to any in the county. There are excellent buildings of every description on the place.' Persons who want a healthy situation, a good stand for a Store, and an elegant farm, will be very much pleased with tbe land. Tbe land is ten mile west of Salisbury, on tbe aherrru s Ford road, adjoining tbe land of Mr, AUmsnd Hall, Mr. Joseph Cowan, and others. I deem it unnecessary to say any thing further, as it is presumed the purchaser will view the premise. RICHARD C. HOLMES. June 4th, 1828. 18 THE valuable Aft At and lends formerly tbe property of Geo. Saner, dec'd. ate offered for sale bv the late purchasers. ThU land lies on DutcJunW ejeefc 4 mietetof Meek. yille, adjoining the Gilea Uumford tract, and ia equal to any undTn Howsn counlyTWilb I targe proportion of superior meadow i the Mills are of superior conct ruction, and have now a very good and increasing run of custom i tbe wster power can very conveniently be made to drive any hind of Machinery, For other particular, and terms, apply to Thomas D. Gibbs, one of the proprietors, on the premise. v rnsiAaa a si W mwaM sou -: . .. rt nuaaa it. woas. Jtfcyf34l828.. JOSEPH HANES, PETER 9ANER, JACOB SANER, MARTIN SANER, B.AnoUe?tr ner, adjoining the above, containing 1 "225 acres, will be sold in connexion with the above, or tep arately sa may best suit the purchaser j which b likewise fint rate land. , Al will be told, a let adjoining the town of Mocktville, containing ten acres of land, with a good dwelling-house, with out-house, snd an excellent garden i this property will be sold low, en agcwqupftting. tcrtttt. Apply a Aore-I laoa Tax nmi wrart raueaaesiV. TO TBE XBJIDZR. Doubtlesa, I can prove to you, (The proof n strong I'm thinking) That Henry Cby and Johnny Q. Are not averse to drinking. For lately (so goes the tale about. Their epiritt gone in tttt. They rolled ah Fmpty Barrel out And filled ita place with JVdr. - If Messrs, Greea k Jarvi think the above wof thy an insertion in tbe Telegraph, they are at liberty to give it one- Tbe author, though aa Administration man, professes libera! feeling towards his opponents, and was by no taeasf pleased at the late appointment of kin Barbour. '" " kixwetnkM.- MISCELLANEOUS. A writer in the Black Hiver Gav zette sugjejtt a novel experiment for the aupprcjslou of Intemperance 4'ac one fell .twoop!lII "Thinkt-I-to-myself, the other diy, it would be beat to buy a large quan tity of whiskey, and get all the drunk ard in town, toothers' tod. 1ft then, drink and drink until the v destroyed themselvca. 'Iliey ahouIdlnurTOT" laree yard. like a pound, with a id a fence four feet high, over which they could not climb j and then be fed in troughs : and they should be alwayw kept there, thatther-might not go- about, as a bad example to sober peo ple. They should have no intercourse) with toe A0rvor any respectaoie living being. Parents should ga once or twice a year with their children, ana look over the fence, and tell their children, "that red faced montter wat once a man. But whiskey has changed him into a brtite." Atutoni thine fact. There died re cently in the town of North Stonniog- ton. Conn, a voman, aged about w years, who had been ill a longtime, andcdmplamed of-xceaiveiptinJcL ber heartx- She left a request tpat tne Dhviicknswho attended her. should examine the cause of her extreme su fering. The request was comply with, and in the centre of Jier heart, there waa found a living worm, an inch and a quarter long, and of large sixe; '-' i. Robinson Cruoe$ . ilanor l United States shin Vincefinea visited ihe island Jow lrnanderffe toast - o Whili,; a . le wfemctps!iot and remained there "three days. There, were two yankee and aix On heitans on the island. " The form" had formed i ettle"mcnt for th pa nose of supplying whale ahipa UJ hsh. nouitrv ana vetreuDics. ,c v" j i j u is said to be astonishingly fcnsle,

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