J i i - it , Hi i r 1 1 1.4 I! P 4- cU'ltu" JClt'tfJ' Xi.iU.l, ratJ of tht tint Wm if lh aoflC-jw. Tor the In! -, Department, for the year one thouaand eight hundred and t wenty-eqit. HE It enacted by the tehate and houte f rehreientativet of tht United Statet of America In tongrctt attembled. That the following lumi be, end tbe lime ere here by, appointed, to wit I . ' t " For pay lo the Superintendent or Indl en Affairs it St. Louis, and the severel lo " dun Agenli sMhorlzed by Ur thirty on thousand dollars t For tbe pay.of Sub-Agents as estab JSe4 by law fifteen thoaaan om bon "'" Bred dolhra t -' "" ""r f " ' Tor presents lo Indians, a authorized j ' two, fifteen thousand dollars. T' ' . "riiTMYi-"f.T-anh amenta tnterare ; ?A ..'ISrr,, ind blacksmiths at ; Peoria and lowsy i r inaunn ciairoa oi ciairci, iur ' taken bf white mrn holding councils for kcttfement ol mnerences among inuiao iribes, Ice. within the soperintendency of . . a a if .. General Uark, a estimatea lor or mm, fourteen tbonssnd three hundred and tavente.fnur rfollarat for Additional expense arising out of the recently extended tntercourae wun -.the Indian t bin th.uicriian i ernio. ry, and the eatsblishment of a new aub agency therein, for the Chippewss, high up Lake Superior, at La Point, or Mi chael's lalaod, ai recommended by Got Caia, five thousand dollars t For additional rxnense at the Red Ri ver Agency, on account of the removal of tjuapaws, and attaching them to that agen cy, agreeably loth tale treaty with them, one thouaand three hundred dollar I JjTcr expense attehdiog Indian Agency, r MtVhlUhed under thVlf e'ireatv with the iPrtek nartonrand an act f Cbngieaaof ttrrntieth May, ohe UioUaano etgnr nun dred and twenry-alx, four thousand five hundred dollars t SxO. JifmiUJlirn.'gratJon . . ! J! fA. W tnm k axiha Af Indians, providing fot them for the period of twelve months after their emigron, and for rendering them such assistance - S the Preaidenti)f the United Stater rriay think proper, in their agricultural opera' tlnna for the tturDosia of carrvine into cf feet the provisions "of the existing treaty Svtth the Creek nation of Indians, having relation to - the afoteaaid . objects,-JIty .' iKnncand ftnltara I ' , And the eum of fifty thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated, in enaMa tha President of the Ucited States to carry into effect the articles of agreement and cession, enterea into on . the twenty-fourth of April, one thousand !ht hundred and two. between the U. States .andjheJBtat jf Georgia, which turn of mbner. ot So mucb tbereoi: as jnayjcncceryi shall be applied under 4he A rection ot the rreitoeni oi me ' United Stalest to the extlnEuianment-ot i ,;...-lne claims bf lhe Cherokee lodlana, to all the Jandt, which tbey occupy witnin Hr4b limits Of tajq State s, . For contingencies of Indian Depart tnenr, ninety five thousand dollars. 1 For fundin to ibe-Slate of North " Carolina the amoUM e t pended by her to extincuiahine the title of certain Indians : . of the Cherokee tribe, to reservations of 1. JandjEithin 16e:limit of aM Statet gratr the United ota tea, in tne yeara one jnou aaod eight hundred and seventeen , and :: One thousand eight hundred and nlnttee, the aum of twenty two thousand dollars. Sec J. Md be it further enacted That (he several sums hereby appropriated, be paid out of any money in the Treasury BOt otherwise appropriated. . ;:-v ; A. STEVENSON, ' ' Speaktr of the tlous of ReprrenUt J. C. CALHOUN, Ylce President of the- United States, and ,., - . .... , p,,; tje sanjte. Approved . 2 May, 1828. , - " JOtnt QUtVCY ADAM9. Approved! 9 May, 1828. - ; ' .'!;'"" ,o. xxvii. u As Act to authorize a Rail Road within the ,l)iitrict of Columbia. " ,. "jjfk u tnactedb the $enat and houte o refireientatrvet of tht United Statet' on America trt Cogrei uittmblea, Jat the assent of Congress to the constructing a Ril Road by a Company Incorporated by Ii).iiim f M arvlanrf. from Rail! iiiv juvjjisixw w 1J ' 1 ...... . more to the Ct the same Ta oereotTgtetrior tne txtetrt thet-Congresa haa ; junsaicuon . ot.tht soil over which it may past) conceding to said Company to exact such tolls and to enjoy such benefits and privileges, as the act of incorporation of the State of Maryland gives to said Corporatibn with In the: limits of the Slate of Maryland I Provided, in the location of the Road it r -' thai), not bo lawful fori said Company (o I h ftanaihroueh anv the reserved squares or t?sn' , yy ppiiiwed-1. 4 May, 1 0. x t!1 . . . , ,ao. xxTuf. An "ict reifolating.eommercial Jnteicourte, witL BA it enacted bu the ienate and houte ofreketentativet of the Uniiid State of AmehvH Conptto tt$$embled, ibat all FrrnV. VesaeU. rtimini? directlv from the lndi of Martinique and Guadalope', and facture of either tfi'Ul!-'-' r,-.,iii,l mhnexnorted t itfroin In American Vssiels, may he admitted, into the Forts of the United Slates on payment of no higher dntles on tonnage, or oolhelr cargoes, as aforesaid, than are imposed on Americsn Vessels, and on like csrgoes Imported In American Vessels! Provided, that if the Prealdent of the United Ssates shsll, at any lime, receive sstisfactory informailon, that the privi leges allowed lo American Vessels and their cargoes and aid Islands, by the French ordiance of February 6fth,one thousand "eight hundred and twenty six, hsve been revoked or annulled, ha is hereby euthoriied, by rroclanfailon, lo wiprnd tbo 4peralioo .JieUtnd Jeithwld III priviregea'ariowed under t. - - Annrovedi 9 May, 1828. " - - - L To TuUUc; of all dcriptiL, from New-York aad Phi ladel, nhia. where thev were aelected by 1'nr.scir, with cae, and bougnt lor cam, ana winm mn wikhw on the mart reaaonnble terma. na wui ten mr cuh at the lownt pricea other ie, on tints Country Produce bought, at the bchfet mark pricra. Arrangements are nis to receive Goo) monthly, from the above named placw which will kerft up a good tupply of Prth Coodt. Call at hia Store in SliWy, and ex. aautte(br ounelvea. JOHN MUKPHY. N. H. Surar. Coflee. Bait, iron, Mohwet, Rum, Wines Prench Brandy, eke. &c, , Al, fr air, aa above, Swaim'i I'uimea, freb from the proprietor in Jphiladelphia. . Mn 8rA, 1828. 13t38 3IANSION HOTEL, smisuvry. Avnni cjiitoLiy. rt ataa ALtanowe. t - fpitIS elrfmot eatabnahment; aitualed 1 at the north corner of the Court ttouw, bu been recently repaired and fitted op in a new andwiperior vtyle, for the re. erptloa bf Company.cThrgreatew paina hava been taken to procure for this citablUhment new furniture .of. every deKripUonneeffiry for the comfort of Travellen j the moit ap. proved acrvanta bare been aelected with great caret the bar Hocked with choice liquor, and the itables attended bv obliiripr and attentive hwtlTS.'"Tbe,eftfwmien o-ilua itua.tioais equal to any in the place. Tbe honae containa I number of. private rooma. 'and out.houaea, well calculated for tfie aceommoilotion of Traveller! and Boarders. Attached to which, there ia a Dry Goods and Book Store. To tbore who may pirate to call on hint, ho aawrea them that no paina will be apareii to fender their atay comfortable and pleatin);. EZRA ALLEMOXG. Safiibury Befit-17. 4837 83 EnttttiilnTOtnt. fl E aubcriber haa removed from the houte formerly owned by Cant. litbert nVae, dee'd. to the houte lately occupied by Mr.. David Porter, in the east end of the town ; where he will continue hia 7lf P. ERX Me sincerely thanks bis friendi and the public for the patronage heretofore exten ded to him i and be aolicita the cootinuanee of their faroi-7- : ----- -He pledgea hia unremitting attention to hia boaineaa, and kindnrts to those who may b Alcaaed td call upon him. . 13 I 3-,, WHITFIELD KERU.. &gWlr frwfeflra. ATC-rtf 14 1828. ; . Watch and Clock Makers and 'Jeweller " CHARLOTTE, N. C. " nAVR juat received an elegant aatortment antidea in iheie line whichL they will fell very low for caa h, or to punctual euitoihers on a credit. 1J AH kimlt of Watcbea repaired, an warranted to perform well. zAt'r H Wr 22 ....... LIST OF LETTERS RP. M A 1 N ING 'rme Vce tr Tabor , Cburclvlredclljpuniy July I1U&&. Albea Tbo mat Judkin Robertaon B. Drotbertin Jamea Caldwell Mrs. Jane Eliot Robert Erwin Enoch Mix Henry . McConnel William Summer William Rwan Tboanaa Tomlinaon William H. Wales Samuel Ward laaac Welch Jobn L. GOULD, P. JtL Jobaion Benjamin Jobnaon John 3t2P - Cotton -"atn.- - IfOR sale, mktletatt mI retail, 8 row Correx, . Number 6 to 15, inclusive, at the Factory prices, from Fayetteviile. Apply to J. MURPHY, Jgmi. ftnHtbvn, JSftiy 5, 1828. Uf Committed to the 3a OF Davidson county, a mulatto woman, who aay a her name is Catharine, and belongs to William Oi of JerTerron county, Georgia, and waa raiaed in CharWeton, 8. and aold as tbe property of Jamea Gun, dee'd. She ia about 5 feet high, rather a dark mullatto, between 21 and 32 years old, no particular marki per. cepiible on. her, more than ber face haa the aj- tte SwlieTgfgouegemB-tofflg ftirwarrtmrove I propcrtvbatJgeaaLdke-ier-syaTor otherwise the will be dealt with as tbe law di rects. JOHN M. THOMAS, J7r. Lexington, June 26th, 1828. . ; 21 C ommitted ' to te 3al ' OF Mecklenburg county, on the 22d day of -April, 1828, a werre wemanv named Anny, who aay a ahe belonga to a man by the name of John HerreiW who Tivea In Duphn county, N." tt. The owner it requeued to come fbrwardV prove property, pay charges, and take her a av. N011CB.-.V herena my wife Fanny, baa left my bed and board Witboot any juat cauae 1 thesr are- therefore -to forwarn all peraomrfrom trusting ber on mv account, as 1 ant. determined to pay no debti ahe may hereafter contract. Wy Mw, 1828. , -27 WM.W1L90N. BLANK BANK BONDS, 0 F the nea form now required, for sale at the otneo ot tne western carounam, salary. cut, Tle Ai'jt.is jireji- sre exulting fa the very sky, that the t resi dent thrtl off his coat to cut t snag it the comroentnetjt w the Chesapeake and Ohio Cs It ia noilihe first time Mr. Adams has turned l)s cwt-.ooA. It was no doubt a kchty that stopped his spide.J ShamtM. In the Henort of the Commitle on Retrenchment, page 34, we iindlhe following items of expen diture ir the Nary Department t Da.f feTnensesl in. the Court of ; t i j r. Enquiry in the case of Com. , Porter.' 7 . - ' 152,342 35 Court BlartuI. 5.90.80 rhuitaa It cost the Americans 25, 20 u I J to-( drive from the , United Sstei!UKl?rjpoe jfjta crratest he rcs wnat ; Ameytcaa7; ia , mere;,' in ltofrbnscrm gl0wironeipaTl ptir lofrioi; tot Wutfcf ind hang hia 'head wheo he sees the Amount,' and reflect oo the elevation given to hia national character by the heroic acbiev mcnta of ( the gallant Porter, now exiled from the land of hia nativity the land he loved? Dut then, Mr. Adams and Mr. Clay have such rt Duensnce and aiich antipathy to Mili tary Chieftains,' they thioJc nothing of apeading several thousand dollars of the public money in banishing them from tiar country ! We euppots they would toander many thousand to get rid of Jadteoo but dld. Hickory,' won't gohe alwaya sticks to US. Porter's jhcart (s wjih ' US, but we have beej- deprived bf his sen ices by the presfirAdministration because he iouid tattubmit ta what : he conceived to be ancttrageuothe Ametkan char acfer-ivnh -Septrter, ----- - - !.. Hurri for Jacitcn M. Koah, of the New VorVrnquirer, haa -a partot, which he haslesrhed to cry hurrah for Jackion T rr. ... . f . " . r 1 . . 1 . . ; .. ous account of the parrot a adventures t Yesterday afternoon we were much surprised to hear the shout M Hurra for Jackson !' proceeding from the oRice of our friend Stone (editor of the Cornmer cial Advertiser, an Adams paper) On ex amination, we aaw Poll perched on the window sill, ogling the Colonel most ux or iously, - and evidently determined to bring him over to the good cabfe. The Colonel was in sn attitude of defence, making divers desperate poshes at Foil, and exclaiming loudly, " Go a aWay. H--0J0U I" " Hurra for Jackson 1" said Pojf r 6 Go to thuntfefT,rr said Stoner Cbodshed was prevented by the inter ference of tbe Police if ays -ieiaed the culprit, and carried , her tfT all Broadway- heard tbe about Hurra for" Jack son T at Poll trsvelled to the City Hall. 4Dsrn tbst bird l'SsidrJonslhan, -frm Nantucket f Hurra for Jackson!'' said Poll. On being presented to Justice Hopsoni the first inquiry, was, M Vh,l is ybur name i Hurra for Jackson I '-said Poll What do you do for a living I" ' Hurra for Jackson l" Nothing else could be got out f ber ; ahe -svas about .being committed TcTBrlde weffrwlien bUf lielgb be-ofiaV'2iitW'ente good bebjkjr, tnat she should keep the peace towards tbe people of Ne w' York and William L. Stone in particular. " Hur ra for Jackson !" said Poll, and away she went. Rett In the New-York Enquires ol the 10th inat. we find the following bets offered on the Presidential election : " As we " know that the Adamt men are a bet ting as well as bossting tribe, and that they make assertions in regard , to the re; ault of tbe. election in this ststei and in the United States, in which they do not believe we. are authorised, in order to test their predictions, to offer the follow ing bets : 2 1,500, that Jackton will get a majority of the electoral votes of this state g2,000, that he will be elected President of the United States, and 8100 that be will have one tbe like sum, that he will have two the like sum that he iHV.Jbre:ja)orUyindso ntlCCajnaiorityTpver.Jl amstSt the "t election, both candidates being alive when the votes are counted, it the Jtdaint men bsve confidence in their declarations, let them dose with thia pro portion, which ire received with a moit responsible name, or let them be silent as to Mr. Adsms prospects. We will re-1 pelt his offer, from time to rime, iff re ply to any assertion tbey msy make.- r TtingtM e .i?mrmcred.That Mr Adams Charged and received for bia cx penset and-servicer tjefweenthelWth AprirrnrjfTinTwflTO be- MdctilJJie0dciJaJe9 262,644 00. At this very -time be was denouncing the government as " being feeble and fienurtoui. V , Thst up to the 4th of March last, the ex penditures of Mr. Adams' Administration exceeded those of the last three years , i - - - , , i,,:,t 4t. . Tl at in 1807. Mr! Adans'inourjced to Mr. JcITerion, the Fedetal party, to which he belonged, as er gaged in a plan to dismember the union, and In a treaaort able , correspondence with the Oovernor of Canada, tbe purpose of which was to negocUte a secession of the New En gland Sietea.- - - - - ' That In the spring of the same year, he publicly lamented ibt fear fhl fir ogreti of the democratic party and of its princl Dies, and declared be had long meditated the subject, and had become conylnced, that the only method by which the de mocratlc party could be destroyed, was bv ioininir with It, and urging It on with the utmost energy to the completion of t its lews, whereby tbe mult would prove so ridiculous and so ruinous to the coun try, that the people would be led to des piae the principles and Condemn , the effects of democratic policy, and then, said he, we frmy a foriM irgoVernmcnt oar country, (nan tne jirtoenl A, C. Journal. aswawj " ' Clay turned fiedlar.ln some of the southern papers, it is stated, that Clay, In his burner through Virginia to Kentuc kv, scatters political pamphlets'. So he is a pedlar at last. A aifn A ballot -was taken - is. the Presidency, in one of the rosd districts in the town of Rigs, New-York a few weeks since, which resulted hi, 19 for JACKSON, and only - -3 for Adams 1 Another tlgn.- Ano'her ballot wat taken recently in a. boat as it left thia village. 7Wn'y nine out of the thirty on board, were for Old Hickory ; and tbe remain ing' One was for Adams only because his fsther wss ! a "better reasontharr many can, give for, pursuing the aame course Hochetter Advertiter. Jiew York.- In the Nashville Bsnner, aaxiracjiJcneifipmLt in irw-mra iu ins iricno in jasmine, In New- York 10 Ms friend In ixsstiville nave lancn pi acq wiinm ine iai oureiy ,. "1 . ... , T. state of New-York will give him 25 voles certainly. We can now best them in thia village. The Adams men do not think they can succeed.' The Boston Ststesman announces as an important "Sign," that Mr. Adams has a splendid houie building at QumcV, which is to be resdy by the 4th day of olarcb oext. A letter from mobile, ol the 3d June, received in Augusta,' says Our.Cotton business is entirely over. - We shall not receive 100,000 bales this yesrx Present receipt 69 ,897 .bales egsln$t 90,000 balea last y ear " :j;r-7 Southern Manufacturet-Th Georgia (Uilledgville) Statestoun, of the 28th ult. says, that two manufactories for bagging, negro, cloth and sheeting, in the .neigh. bourbopd of Milledgesiile, areiacpntem plstion, and we have been given to under. stand that ata late sale of lots at the lo - ju :.: - -,um. r rt., vwasT-wartjuiapv' 'fj- asb-iratMeejsw v - waavsse- ea sgeni ot a house in asvaonan, oougn a lot Tot umlTar purposes, .During the night of the o'oth ufiimo, tbeJTariff Bill, together with the effigira of Measrs. Clay, Webster, Ererett, Ma thew Carey, Taylor of New-fork, and Mallaryr was burnt, amidst a large con course of spectators at Columbia. & CL Foreign Jrejudkct.--VI 'ill it be believed thought the convention would remain in session that English manufactured Cement,' an-! ,Ih.8 f,"mbe.r of ,h , j weight of their characters and talenta, conspire der the name or Roman Cement, is H0Wjto render this convention one of the moat Im- seTfing In this place for ) per barrel,! r and respectable ever convened in Vir- , 'giruaj the hopea of the state hang upon the re- when ew.york Cement, neatly put op witrf their defiberations. We hope that this in papered casks, inspected, and every . , - i r way equal to and goes as Isr as the Ln dish, sells at 84 f Charletton nafler. John Arae' opinion of the Tariff. " (He is the Editor of the tankeet pub lished at Portland, Msine, and tbe avowed enerar of Mrs. Roysll ).. TlieckwH lS',"''-t.-'-iK"rJ2Liv-''-i-j-'--i. 2-v.te laria uuLjnwmrrwuuieuiNDM Aoania pcopie, locy compiain i oi . .ne , i i l .ii" tariff too I ..And why i because they could not help themselves) they were obliged to vote for it, by the power of the Jscksonites ; who are therefore an swcrable for the mischief They could do no better ergo tbey are to be excul pated pjust as the frsmers of the- federal ooostituikm. were, for admitting slave ten-. retationHbey5tf id the jest, thef tbuldi At tbe SoutbBbeynarge tbeiariff northf and here at the tiortb they lay it td lke.Jl9Mh. L.,?d .we' have it on sll sides and - on ... e very sfdtreaii i while this poor tariff ia lost sight off nobody knows whether it ia what people say of it or not nobody cares indeed so that the newspapers are able to grind it up into poutwai ammunition-paper pelt?. : -4 - . AUUUHT 5, 1823, THE' TKOrLE'S NOMINATION, " . . a rauiBirr, Androxv Jaclicon. . ( Taaaiaaaa.) - " Honor and rratitud to the nan fc. 1..' fltled tha meaaure of his country's glory ."-Jtf. - Tbo recollection of the public relations In which I stood to General Jackson, while Preai. dent, and the proofs given to hlmof the hlrk estimation In which he waa held by me," fce, . at t k' r r VA,,lOrv. m My rnendahip for General Jackaon, and tb strong proofa of eonfidenoe snd regard 1 hsve given him. while Freaident, forbida my ukinr any part Jn.the ensuing preaidential elrrtlon.5 ---lAMES MONlfOE. -' t M General Jackaon' mvictt to thit tutim tn title him to their kighert mtqrAhii wAse tt. rare Ada aVra aignaliaed by the purest intentions;' snd the moat elevated purposes." JAm a iM' -r t nanwni imwuiia mini .1 in 7tdam.., , t - "owtro-lhird1stinibte diww.Jaekton)--wjit'A-aAW-f' ur country, mom rtntwn ttniuiulot to grtat a ttfa of Hi moral property, never had, I never can have any other feelinga than tboee of the moat profound assrscv, and of tha utmoat kind nesa." IIENBT CLAY. General Jackion is a clear-headed, strong, minded man, anil haa more of tbe Koman fa him, than any man now riving." ' THOMAS JEFFEU80N. ra tics raisiaia-r, (ar aocm eaaouaa.) The (Catingumhed Stateaman, And patriotic? Advocate of tbe People's Right. J.I Cf SON ELECTORAL TICKET. let DUt-. Robert Love, of Haywood count v. 3d niimiiin Bioiragi nuui. Peter Forney, of Lincoln. . John Cilea, of Rowan. Abraham Pbiinpa, of Rockinghant. Jobn Ik Morthead. of Guilford. Walter F.Leake, of Kichmond. I Willie P. Mangum, of Orange,-. Joalah. Crudup, of Wake. 1.1 UH r- -t 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th- 9th Idth- Uth !2tU 13th Uih rni, narrow Joaeph J. William, of Martin. Kedar Ballard, of Galea. I-oura D. Wilaon, of Edgeromb. Richard D. SpiirhL of Craven.. . tnirmGofrrB;-VitM&tt New Hanover; tioTrTaylee-eh-'Gate4inaydoe t-in espedient to call the legislature of that state to gether, at suggeated by tbe anti-tariff meeting at Colleton. Gov. T, aeems to be a considerate man j ha tbinka that a seceaiion from the Union would not be tbo aureat way to obviate the op. pretiive operation of tbe new taruT.....Ue griev. oiit burden which tbe tariff impoaea. Is, in hia eaUmation; preferable "'ta tbe horrors of disunion. Villainy. k ntgTQ lately offered fuT sale, ia Georgetown, 8. C. what he wiled terrapin rggs, but which afterwarda proved to be tnake't tnt f People ought to be cautioua in buying any thing of vagrant nrgroea : it ia aa dangerous aa it is in unlawful buaineas. Piraciet are becoming snore frequent snd horrible, in the WeM lndiea, than ever known heretofore i a French ihtpi from Vera Cras to Dordeiut, was Utely Uken, robbed of 220O.000, and all tbe passengers and crew, 82 roula. mur dered.! An Anverican schooner, from Zangua to' Ne w.Tvrk, iaS Uken, and the pirates cut the throats of Sty op board, amoog whota wrere a number of lada, going to New.York to bo edo cated ' '"'""'"""'' "'' r Dog aarWy. A poor but mdusrrioua Ger man, lately commenced the mamifactory cf wrought wula, at Utica, KaW-Tork i the beliaws 1s kept in blast by two don. mnnlncln s wheel iio relieve eaco otner a regular perioui.. He niakea eacellent naUa, and finda ready aakfiif all of them. frttrnat Improvnncnt in Virginia. h coovev tton'of delegate; 17Q in number, aaaembled in VJ Charloitetville on the 14th ult. to devise tbe most espedient means to promote inimtt im provemmit in that state, and revive the fading glories of tbeOkl Dominion. Jama Miuhttm waa appointed President of tbo convention i a committee of 13, beaded by Janet JUtnne, . Judge Marshal, Judge Coalter, . James Barbour, and others, waa appointed, to report to the eon vention the best scbome oftntemaMmprove. metit. IlC i an ahU renort u esnectedi St. waa . : esample may sjot be lort to the public men of North Carohna, but that tney will mate an fort t0 Jmprove lbe ph,ca condition and caps- mliUea of their omt state. Hair rrtnrtwn've. It has been ascertained that the daily application of talt, ill restore hair to the heada of thoae who, from fever or other causes may have suffered its lost. "" The constant application of aalt, haa been found to give Miwngtb and ksurianet to bair wbidi was d. nng ou,Md causing rapid baldness. . This tt a . - . . i . v.. , cosmetics which the inventive eenius of M' - ' : : - 7 . - tieur tbe manufacturer of patent flea-powdrn and flower-pota, ever dreamed of i and it baa tbe additional recommendation, that it )i cheap, aixi always at hand. Whether the salt is to be aid in solution, or in substance, we know nt, either way would doubtless prove .efflcariwr? We wish some of onr readers ja Weatera tr Una. Whoac bralnJiBiia have been divested v m' ibo'snd: cbmmuriicte;:ibe JTs.lt"?,T-.'-; HHHi wawii a iiMiMjiiiiiiMi iiiiawaiaiaya),iiii mi i i i lv The CraveLXVt have been requested . puoiian we luuoaing recipe ior mc cure vv.- lief) of that- dian-esrfng malady, t raw.( 3aka Smart tTotd, boil it to a strong liquor, rink a tea-cup full three timea a day or tt' three teaspoonfula of theutce of aaid weed m glaas of toddy. The white-blossomed we 1 besU, '-',.' . '-; .,

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