i; : ., . - .. ., .!'. . "' tly, to iul,l .U a l t of the csci denied at l!.t term in c-'ir neat. - fh F-sccutlve Council met in lUlrich lt Wedneula, to Consult with the tiov, on the ap pointment' of Attorney General, in place of James F. Taylor, dee'd. We have not heard the result. , : : i D'. Jmlnv fliiM, of Btokea county, he, at Lit cm renuest, been withdrawn' a the dmt Electoral candidate fur the 5 ill district tad James T. Morehead of Rockingham County, substituted in Mi place. "lists flee from (inking bin." Dr. Bowmen, recommend Mr. Morebesd, a more eocustoroedlo public pea king, end eonaequently better Calculated to " electioneer for their inkinjj cause. T-'Tbe Eietee (MaataxlwSetU) Bank, was 1ae1 robbed of R.OOO-l :,000 in specie; end 1 8,000 la bill. Home of tbe robber are in custody. - "y CWer. -We have been, made acquainted with a number of eases of curee of tmuers , pro. , dueed by iiffiplj rubbing tbe part effected with MM turnip. Tbe turnip should be boiled to a buln I the cancer to be nibbed with the ouon A the -plpy vaibetanee. bound on "the caorerrTbU- application trill, ht.-tSjt)rt? timST Lafredesall tbet part of the Het atlected by the cancer, which can be easily taken out, when the part will heal directly. Curee have been effec ted in thie way.irteaae tliafemiaent pbyaiciani bad pronounced incurable. . We perceive in the papers, that Mr, Tyr rell of Missouri, ha been cured of a cancer on tiia note, by applying strong-potash, made of the ebe of red oak bark, with a planter of tar over the whole i cautery and the knife, had been previoutly uted in vain." aAA .WfWJaWJSBV At muster of Capt. David Linn's company, in this county, on the ltlih Ju ly, a vote on the Presidency waa taken, and resulted in 36 for Jackson, 7 for Ad ams, and 31 declined voting. At a muster of Capt. Hugh company, on 35th ult. tbe vote Presidency stood Jackson Adams . . -On the fence. - - -. - . Parks's on the 5S 10 Jl'a jnuterJof . CapUlCeorj5eFilc's company oLKilvmCBJttthia comity, on effilrntrnrt oxroffih Treslde'ncyre" aultedm giving Jackson 'about - 63 Adams - - 00 At a muster of Cafathanfrnir company, in tbe fork, in this county, on the ?6ih p Jackson received - - - .68 , Adams . - 16 At jhe company mustef in Huntsville, Surry county, same day, the men were desirous of taking the vote ; but the cap tain, being an Adams man, and knowing the company were strong for Old Hickory, would not soffcr them to indicate their preference at that lime, and in that way; but tb3 Idea of November win bring con fusion to those who would thus suppress tbe voice of the people. At a muster of Capt. Ratledge's com pany, on Hunting creek, in the Forks, on tbe l9th ult. a vote was taken of not ouJy the musterablea, but of all tbe bystanders, mounting to more than a, hundred peo ple 4 Charles Anderson, q. a Soldier of joe" Revolution, stepped : out for his compatriot in those times that tried 'men's souls V and another gentleman -walked but for the Administration t the '.Whole, issentblageisave a. few who did not woter gsthered' round the veteran of the Old War, leaving the Adms man M all alone by himself." ' T7 - - The Cheraw Spectator baa been diacontlmK K for want of aupport. About three years ince, -tJieTCwercmvaUJrJytt eansot Kve.-Tbe New-Vorkr-Teh-graph ia also HaconttnUed, for lack ajf-franag.r-'srsea'a It is surprising that people will have so -tittle forecast, as heedlessly to engage la the. newspaper buaines, when there ia so little prospect of their realising any profit from it In towna that, like Cberaw, cannot decently aupport nu paper, you will find two and three establishments, hanging on to a losing concern, like death to mortality. And too often, there purblind folks are the dupes of designing parti sans: warn them a you may, they wtn'i aee the snake, till they are bitten, A Jackson Electoral ticket has been formed in Vermont i every inch of ground will be con tested with the coalition. , ' JWwTtrfc. All accounts concur in represen ting the cbangea in favor of Jackson, in the state of Ne w.York, as being greater than the most sanguine frienda of tbe Hero anticipated: two thirds of the electoral votes of that state, are now very confidently counted for the people's candidate. In the papers from there, are whole columns of sgiuin our favors itia impossible to give, in our paper of thia week, even a sum mary of them i it ia sufficient, however, for us to state the result, in these general terms. We : ue tafei-NevYork wM 6idhe conteat. even should Kentucky go against us which, we lu 1 l 111 " . J. , . -.. -w .hi waurcot aae win nui ai We have bad several fine, showers within a few days past ; which seem to have greatly , revived . roois and cent: there will be most abundant crops ; some persons have; already contracted to deli ver corn In i the fallt 20 eta. per bushel .heaL is selling at iO centa per bushel, oat is, beef 3, (as will be seen oi refer ence to Messrs. Krider & Bowers" ad ver- tisement,ln another column of thia week'a - Carolinian) bacon to 10 cemSr and 111 other things in otoDortion... all the neces ::" of :H.fO6theap and AuniIant.;r.T.i txccpi atOKKT I We regret to learn, however, that some damage waa done by the atorm of Saturdav niirht. the S6lh ult : from eight to twelve miles south west of i; us t ,u, I.e. If .it it the wind, or rmher hurricane i ectuti was also somewhat injurrd. Hut this d-ima.e is confined to a snull extent of country. , LATE FROM EUROPEf. Py the arrival gf the ship New. York', at the port of New-York, Engl'uh papers td the 16th June have, been received. . .. The CathoTic question has been lost irt the House of Lords., , The tone of the debate is however;-conciliatory, and the question, is likely again to come up this session. ; , , London, June 11, ' The,Mlnit'era of the Allied Powers will meet speedily; at Corfu. The French Minister has already taken hie dfpfnOTe;r:aoi Mrr. S;. Caoning'will soon joiohimi , ... It U saldi tbstsaiiafaetofyiplsnatlons have been made tohe Duke of Welling on by. :thx RustUn. covtmmentf r espeer- ta ncciess-OA -1 -urkef r at i 4. Jv 'Jim ' The following is a list of the new min isters appointed to fill the vacancies oe cstioned by the Ute resignations t Lord Aberdeen, Foreign Secretary, in place of Earl Dudley. Sir H Hrdinge, Secretsry at War, in place of Lord Palmerston. Sir G. Murray, Colonial Secretary, in jjj.iml a. jh a hjhii ui i . , :.: . m. u m mm m- im m m . . . Plactftf JJ r Jluikiison Lord Lowther, First Commissioner of Woods and Forests, in lieu of Mr. Arbuth not. Mr. Arbuthnot,Chsncetlor of tbe Duchy of Lancaster, vice Lord Aberdeen. Mr. Coortenay, Vice President of the Board of Trade, in lieu of Mr. F. Lewis. Mr. Horace Twiss, Under Secretary of State for the Colonies, vice Lord F. L. Oower. Mr. G. TJirjkei, Secretary of the-Board of Con rtl vice Mr. Courteney.- - 'Lortf ETretihoro Prr5cU'h'e Irish Sacrelaryabipiva- cant by the resignstion of Mr. Lamb, is not yet filled j end tbe office of Mr. Grant, President of the Board of Trade, is still jktcoU IdXowrtfv Mr. Coortenav, and Sir II. Uardinge, have semhrtheCaMnetr The Right Hon. Vescy Fitzgerald is spoken of as President of-ine lioard of Trade, but nothing is yet settled. Mr. Lamb's successor i not yet named. The Duke of Wellington made a hand some speech in the House of Lords, in support of the bill for granting a pension to Mr. Canning's family. British Ministry. The Liverpool MVrcury, of the 30.h May, aaya : The course pursued by the liberal part of the ministry seems to have met with general approbation. The appoint ment of Sir. G. Murray to the aitua. tion of Colonial Secretary has met with general disapprobation, even from tbe high Tories. . It seems to bei the general opinion that the Duke of Wel lington's new administration : cannot last long more especially as he has not n single member, of his . government who is fit to lead in the House of Commons MrPxcl it is; universally ticknowledged has failed as leader. From the. weakness of the ministry in the House of Commons, it is thought that there-will br-4mme-diate dissolution of the Parliament. CohlrttsZ'T'hc following is ih.e nc4or-" ous Wm. Cobbetl's account of the late changes in tbe British ministry i " The truth is, that the concern is bad ; it is in a bad state ; it is full of difficulties. There is a necessity of raising sixty millions of taxes in gold every year, or of proclaim ing the nation a bankrupt, or of coming to tbe equitable adjustment prayed for in the' Norfolk petition, which Mr. Husk.il son knows would swp.mp him for evet, " But why should Lord Dudley and Lord Palmerston, and the rest retire also 1 Whr, because they are, in all probability, afraid to remain in without Huskisson. When the old rat gives a squeak of alarm and begins to scamper off, the younger ones stay not long behind.. " Cav aw f" cries the old rook, and darts off out of the pea-field. Tbe . rest do not atop to cow, but after him they go, with every pinion on the stretch." IWMTTERUX GMliCHlX-TJl& WeTtave received a copy ofibe Afintitel oijheJ9enerslJlsiemblvfbejresbyjL terian Church in the U. States for Msy, 1838. bv which It sDoears that this body consists of IS Synods, 90 Presbyteries, 1,283 ministers, 194 licentiates, 342 can didates, 1,968 churches, and U6i308 communicants. Tbe whole number of adults baptized 3,389 ; infanta baptized, 0,T2O. Missionary funds raised, 8r 993 39 ( Commissioners funds, S?83t 36 PrvabyteHslfndsVSSt& tS rThe gkil Seminary funds, 88,353 69 1 Educa Uon funds, 8,033 33 . Jikhmand. Fuitot :5Th American Bible L5ipIety1iaye:how In operation four power presses driven by steam, besides twenty common presses. They expect to add, we understand) shortly, four more power presses. 4 , t:j cf tr.-- ij ftw-York Efpears depresscJ. Larg failures are said to have happened here. A great Tea House has f illed. The new Tariff Duties are so hih tlat several cargoes will be rcahipped. The peo ple of New York, nod tie: United States generally, are likely b reap the harvest; of over trade, Camltn Jour, It is said that Thomas E., Smith the! great Tea dealer in N:w York. has failed for upwards of tv$ million r at a. . ' . .. oi , uouars j the heaviest lulure that ever occurred in thia country. It is alv said that he owes the overntnent: ; w, umici un ca uuwaiu vi tne million of dollars. Whst 'part olthis amount is secured we have not learseX 'A ." Fdyltt.Ubserv .-r..W(B, are Informed from the Jbest aoun that an additional Naval fores is to be it emwdttfely Thr cominoaL:irSresUofts.r.npon commerce, on measure necesssrv Hudson is now undergoing a preparation for sea at he Naval Depot, and is to Se sent out with all convenient despatch. ' A Y. Advocate. The crop of wheat and rye b Pennsyl vania, this season, is calculatsd to be double that of ordinary years. ' -Accoonts-from- all -parts -of Tirgmis, represent the prospect for crops as being remarkably promising. J It is sssertcd in the Albany Daily Ad vertiser (but denied by the Nrw York Enquirer) that Mri Van Burei has con sented to run as the Jacksofk candidate for Governor of that Suie. General Scotch ia repartd, says the Providence Cadet, that Gen. Sbotl baa be come convinced of tbe impropriety of bit conduct .'towards the Eiecstive of tbe United States, and will repair to his bead rvaers :it h tiipirtitioii of litfarhmghr We-bope this report may prors correttr! Punctuality. Vfe understand that, the bank of Darien, punctual to It own volun tary proposition, baa, durit the; pyt "WcekTfedeemeif from the tremiry of the S? a tea.. rvcntyjijc, Jh tiuaiJiUtri of it s bills. It wil( be recollected mat thia piy ment was not due until the 1st of July. This promptness is the more gratifying, as the enemies of the Institution had flat tered themselves thatuthe bank would not be able to make these large and fre quent advances CeorgiAtafifrJunt. The Charleston Courier gives a dis tressing sccount of the prevalence in that ritv, of a new disease, called the Dengue lever. The disease is said not to be fatsl, but it completely prostrates its vie tims, and the pain. while it lasts is very acute. Its duration is from su hours to three days. It is (rested mildly t a little salts, and snake root, and warm lemonade to produce perspiration, appears to be the most common prescription, though in some cases ft U permitted lb come and go without sny .ihing being taken to bet k or relieve the pain. ' - The Charleston City Gazette, of the 24th ult.; say thut t dengue .ftvet. - is still raging with all its violence. Stores are shot up, with endorsements on the doors, all sick' The Bank of the S.ate of South CarolioarbaS'but .10" officers capable of attending to the duties of the institution, and both of these have been down, hot are convalescent. - Families go without their dinners, or get them at a late houTt from thejsudderl alt acks of serl vants and cooks. It would seem, that not one Individual in the city, is to be ex empted from its visitation. We regret to learn that it is making US way into the country. Central Jmerica. Dates from Guate mala ioT the 2lh April,, have been re ceived at Providence, at 1 which, lime was said, the San Salvador party had made overtures of peace, though the city still heldout against the forces of Oua temala. ' ( :.rr Silk CVoi.-According to the latest ac counts from the southern countries of Europe, where silk is a principal object of trade, all the silk worms are Irt a thrr vinz condition, and promise an. abundant crop. In Smyrna, Broussa, and other parts of Asia Minor, no fears are enter tained for this year's supply. r 1 ; Silk fforma A patent has been taken out for feeding silk worms on the leaves of an indigenous French plant, the; name of which ts not mentioned TLs The landed-estate WIrr ln4tVe-leavesr-overv-theaa garo-4o-the ( j eluding Moirticellor is advertised-tor. sale by his executor. It appeara that bis debts amounted to g I0WO. Thesura of. 79 fYr remains unnald. James Barbour, the new minister to England, took hia passage for that country .in the abip Pacific, which sailed from New-Vork on Wed ftesday tut, the SOtb ult. There had been a counter revolution in Fugal-ine inQdu'aeilin Boil; Miguel had been frustrated; aPi4i"! thought tbat ha would- Jiave i(4at;tbe country. He ought to be shot. It i reported in the Montreal GazeUe, -mm that the i som of five millions has been ap proprialed by the British government to be expended on the fortifications and public works in Canada within the next eight yews. J.T. tyrcrtfor. An tr.Uv, r:-rr,&rur. tjfclouJtu!, &cvt:.t be. the "first buIU.in cf the Rusa rmy giving detailed sccounts of battles between the Kusslan and Turkish forces, has found its way into the hews market, and appeared in sundry npers, but turns out to be entirely fictitious. The latest dates from that quarter bring no accounts of any battles or bloodshed, although such tldinga may be aoon expected. Connecticut Journal. ' Lower Canada. The Quebec Mer cury of the 6th; states that it is now certain that Lieut. General Sir James Kempt succeeds the Earl of Dalhousiei as " Governor-tn-Chief, and thst Sir rraucia uunoD. wm loitow hit wames Kempt, ia the Government of Nova Scot i a Gov. Cus, - sod CoLi Menard.. 6f fll?-! l . i auuHHSg-nave wem apnointea vommis wiiZ-, fw a:;Ai?. njag country Upon Fever River, and also to a tract of land south of the St. Joteph of Michigan, and to another, to connett the settlements of Indians; Miss Frances Wright has taken charge f the New Harmony Gizeue j and in fhe brat paper issued under her superitjtendence, quotes with approba tion tn argument to prove that mar riages are invalid, where the disposi tions of the contracting parties turn out to be uncongenial. Effects cf .'Wifninp. Persons spnsr- ently desd from the ctTects of lightning have been restored by repeatedly throw ing cold water over the whole body. ....... Teas, eVwrdTna papersi siold trrtbat-ertv orr the 17th May last for three guineas the quart ; cherries snd strawberries were equally high. Mtssiitihfit and Ohit rivers An i spftro- ptiaiioa otjity thousand dollr has been made by Congress, at the late session, for the purpose of improving the nsvt- gstion of tbe Mississippi and Ohio riv era." Donation..,. A donation of lands bas been granted to the state of Ohio, by the Uni ted States, to the amount of bout-rfA hundred thousand acres, to aid in the con struction of her canals. At the govern ment price of.gl 25 per sere, the sales would amount to 1,000,000 of dollars, which will irreatlv relieve the people of Ohio from the present burdensome canal tax. Tbe following Insolent toast waa drank' by a party of gentlemen in Vermont, who assembled to celebrate tbe 4th of July, We challenge party: rancor to ..produce any thing more infamous- Let us hesr no more of the Adams party boasting of their decency. ' A. Y. Eve. Post. By Capt. Prescott. The Jackson party s Composed of disappointed desperadoes of America, and runaway filthy Irishmen I Important Medical Discovery, " Dr. Ncalc, physician to the British forces has just published TTWryMm portant work, in syhich he demon strates the extraordinary efficucy of thei- r-r. . -p-n - -:rT"'n r ergot or spur oi itye, in assisting ana removing difficult labor. Hundreds of valuable females who are now an nually aacrificed, will, it ia presumed, by thia valuable discovery, be aaved to their families. No discovery since vaccination, claims more general re- spect and attention , This discovery is American. It is twenty years since this quality of Ergot was stated in the mfdiCatJournals of this cpuniry. Dr. Chapman made particuhy mcntioo of it In his, .excellent Therapeutics, of which the first edition waepr"d some ten or twelve j'eara ago.' ' pr." De wees has also' regularly recorded it, in his valuable writings on Obstetrics. 1 " To ma frfne Fotatoe a reoch and place your potatoes in it, thes ' cover them with wk lesves, owniscuously -cathered,-instead r of earth aaaoon as tbe vines get through l,ame manner, and-your will have fine poUt0St . t A ind ia . Mradoxt the mete there is put into it, the .more room there is. . , JmonJi Thousands of dollars are senirom the Uolted Statea,.forlthe porthaseof the lofwhelled-Almonds, whtcb:rfpr the Mediteftineflfir an( Georgia is found to be well adapted to the culture of the iottl shelled almonds j and were the peo ple of that state to devote a little at tention to the cultivation of that dcli- ttur:! tl.2 v.Loli demanJ Jn the United States. , , . gen Ulemsn in ' Shippensburg, Pennsylva nia, planted, in the spring of 1827, 20 or 30 seeds.. ,.13 of which came up, 12 lived through the winter, are now four or five feet high, and are as likely to stand the climate as peech trees. We should like to see the tx perimeot to raise the almond, made n' WciTtkH C a roli A. There is a duty on the importation, of foreign almonda every anti-tari(T man ought, therefore, to encourage the cultivation of them I for to eat the taxed fruit, is to countenance the tariff' thst subjects tt to the payment of a duty. yr. ZU -SVUtlttn. "TaysttevittitJuiu 24. .Cottory-lfl tw 10 0 Beef, tVrab in market, 3 center .Baeow 7 to Wf.b'ii (each brndy JO W 60 ripple doc 33 to "37 i"" ""; "" our,- 4-aV4l i-wWskey,-24 -tls.Vaite4 States bank notes, to 7 per cent premium Bill on the North, 60 days 4 to J per cX pre. Camden. July 34v Cotton, middling to fair 84 to 9 1 fair to good, 9 to 19 1 for very prime, ' lot c 1 rt, h.- (..Jin ,A. ' . , . - CArtWerfvn, Juts Upland cotton 10 a 1!j whUkav, 3Mrtgi 42 inch; WW44 sugsr, 8 to 9 1 molatsea, 33 to 33 : eenti i ' bacon, 6 to 7 j apple brandy, 23 to 28 1 bees. wax. ti i coffee, 13 to 17 1 hyaon tea, 1U0 to 105 1 Jamaica ran, 110 to 115 Wert India do. TJ to 80...,.North Carolina bUU, 8 to 9 per cent dis. i Georgia do. 1 to 1 per cent, ditto. Ctttm. There are so few nurchaaera in msf ket, that buaineM in tbta articU la almoat ausV pended. Borne few Uplands hsve been sold du ' ring the week, ranging ia price from Hj to llf cents. . - - j.- Pnenbftrf, Jul 23. Cotton, 9 to 11 t' to bacco., 82 50 a 7J-refueei, I , a gU , i( a ftjt bacon, o a Bi UM, 0 a 7 apple brandy 34 a Hff peach 74WU-3ilruV Carolina bank huJu 8 to. SI per ot. diaccunt I qeonna bills 2t a 3 1 South Carohu billa, eorgia to 2 per cent, discount. .aw.teaavae&-: - CVfwir-Rfa IsUnds bad declined jd to Id. -Sskt.oCJbejmk have ammwtedJto about 1204 . balra compr.tin(r about 600 Uplands at 10 11) centai 200 Alabama at 10 a 12 and 400 New Or Warn at 11 a 14, a few bales only at the latter price. LvroI Miirktt The sales of Cot tow fur the week ending June 13th, amounted to 9900 bars, including 3! 50 Uplands, at 6 tt) 7d. with 20baleeat71-8d., . , , v- Jtlarrfrt, On the 19th June, Mr. Angus Carter. to.Mlu Jane Martin, both of Cabarrus county. ' ' vntoT , ;.v In this county, on the 28th ult Mr. Tkmas Chttn, sen. aired about 70 years. He waa an oM inhabitant of Rowan, an enterprUlag Citizen, and " an induitriouf man, MtAciAviftiiAmtgett.T; fxy.Ji . ojvii a iii . ; v ,4 OFFERS his professional service, in Medicine and Surrery, to the citiiens of Salisbtfry and it vicinity He expects very non th receive js supply of fresh MEDICIXR3. care- fully selected by bimtelfi and hopes, by attee tent ion, to merit s share st pubho patronjifrew- J-l;.iJC ' eal -TBO -----1 B.ta ... LMt -1-. ti! RtTiElt fcUQWEBS VetpectiiSr ' fullr Inforrrt the citizens of Saloburysml rWviClnity.lhat they nave oommeneed tne - Butchering Business r; , t andwiU ofTer BF.LF at ihe Marke-ltowae ia . . ; BaCibury, oa Tuetdaf. Thursday, and HdtuftUji mominfs m each week, tbe balance of the sea son i thei Beef is a good as can be' procured ; t from the snoutkUintt ami will be sold ft-tbe foe' lowing bricesi - , frtmW1 , 3 cents pr : for fore.iUrter i ... 3,eeot forhinduarteriW' r 4 cents ) "rl for choice pfcJ WiQiout neck or sliaak, ,4 : tj 1 t' We fmrlte the public 16 calTarvd see for them selves i and if they 'find the Beef ast'ufactory, ' i we solicit their patronage, and pledge our beti -j exertioM to deserve it; KtltDER 8t BO WEBS. " , SouAairy, rmt 4, 1B28. 2fl l ' ' , N, B. A first rata yoke of steers for sale i uw ..tu ' ' rid.. I , ... 1 " -t; -..an ... . . i 's r , . it i h; . . CABARRUS COUNTY. GOURT of Equity, spring Mlnau 182&. In pur suance of a decree of the ourt of equity, I will expose to pubfi sale, at the court4wuseiar Concord, on jbe tiurd Monday of October nest,- -a Tract if ZJaayMlelonging to tbe heirs of Jamea , Neit cWAWwontbewatersof Coddle crtti&ri atiioiranr sne weoajat-onir ncirrnouwx neiv ... .. i . tir ... m. Walter licit, waraw weir, anu incra.t said, tract of land is siippoied to contain one hundred and tbirt v acres, and is of eicellent quality , A , credit of 12 and 18 montha will be given i bewd with sufficient security, will be required of tb . purchaser ,r 1 ' ' - ' . , . , ALEX. II. McREE. ..,. . hkxtim;.:, ;tlM,v, , 3t28.v.. , H A VINO q"l''fld at 19venibr court, last. I aa almiuitrator on. the eUte of Capt.' Daid CraJff. Ute f Rowaa coontf, dee'd. we. ' desire all persons iudebtetj to said deceaseti, to make payment with aa little delay as possible -and all persons having claim against the eUU, io: prwe 'lhemVTe time prescribed by act of astenibly, otherwise this notice will plead In bar of their recovery. 3oit37 THOS. CRAIGE o.ai- ' . irOBT. N. CRA1GE, July 15, 1828. JtilfinistrattTs. V? I- :i'W"W':fa I - .- r. f ibis, much corn wesiroken down, torn ' V