I . .. Ll-j ,1 15 .4-, , - V Jh,. r,. A tctrriher-r.r'f In-imA WrvMi U',lct unci Solicit of the Arrtiy uf the Revolution. BE H enacted h the Srmtttmd ' "f Hrf mmtativei oftU United Statrt f Umricn v- r JiMtmhlnL TIit etch of lie tur. vlvins offlcere of the army of the Revolution in the Continental Line, wuo tM emuic.i 'o ii W by the reaolve of October twenty-lir. lev. eiiteen Wired and eighty, be authorised to re teive, wit oTatiV money in the treawrry not otb. 1 " erwite appropriate d, the amount of bii full pay In said line, according to hit rank in tl line, to begin with the third day of March, one tliouaand eight hundred and twenty, and to continue during his natural life PmriiUd, tint, under this aeU no officrt '" be entitled to receive a " larger win than the full pay of Captain lirMid libe. k . . , ' Km. f . jfai be ft Vrter nfiet that, when. ew tny of m'x! offlcert tiu received money of Mti yU4 state, a WV"; " third day 'of March, w tnimaand eight hurxlrrd and Hrenty-eif, eoreaaiil, the mm to received hall be deducted from what said officer would, tptberwrfet f niitiei o, uiwe rjme nw w-cjton f thit act "and every pension to which aaid tMrrr know entitled, ahatt eease after lb paa... " . w j. ...' .-,.... ........ w., . Mw.. vMr, vfitd M u jurtner enacvu, nai eTery ,Z Sec' 8. -' urvWUig notvonHrtitton4 officer, muaician, or - privatvinaiAerayijrhl - inI durinir the war, and continued in id aervke " Until itt tenrnnaiion, and thereby became enti r tied toXcelve a reward of eijehty dolltft, nnder ; rewlvt of confrrew, patted Mm fifteenth, eveneenluolredJand aeventyig M;. thallbe - entitled to receive hit full monthly par in taid Vrvice, out of any money in the treatury not ' totherwite appropriated i to bejrln on ht third --d A?trch-oneb)tNWd-eiri hundred and twenty-fix. and to continue during hit natural tXTti PrtviJtJ, that no rionomminioned offi , , fcer, mutician. or private, in taid army, who b how tw the pentton Ket of the United Statet, bait be entitled to the benefiti of thit act. '' Hee. 4L Jnd bt It further -enacted, that the pay V- m1)owd.by thUact tliall, under the direction of ' tae tecre'tary of the treaanry.be paid to the offi. eer or. Soldier entitled thereto, or to their au thnrixed aftomev, at rach placet and dayt u the Secretary may direct i and that no foreign offi. eer ihall be etrtftled to laid py nor hall any - offieer er SoMier receive the nme, until he fur. niih to taid Secretary tatiafactory evidence that lie to entitled to the tame. In conformity to the erovUlom of thit act and the pay allowed by &ireVthatf Vwfiii i "anyway WTrihafele; Kible txr attachment, tevy. or aeiirorc by nr le .' ' ral procetf whatever, but ihall inure wholly to the weraona) beaelit of the officer r toldier en titled to the tame by thit act 8ec. 5. Jnd b it further tnattti, Jhrt. lo ftinch jafiaid pay ai accrued bhe nrovwjont fjf tJui t' 6eforethV third day of March, eighteen -hundred and twenty-eljrht, ahall be paid to the officen and adUCen entiUed to the tame, ai toon av may be, la the manner and under the previa. ' ' t&ne before mentioned ; and the pay which thai) accrue after taid day, than be Paid aemi anno " mlhr, hi Eke manner, and under the tame pro. -tfatona, ATEVEKSONtT- Speaker of the Houee of Repreentativea - . , . BMITIL Preaident of the Senate, pro tempore; Approved t 15 Mav, I83S. ' " ' JOHN QUIXCT ADAUS. r3 Form if a tlrcLiruUtn t be ma.fr y the t.rere. For the purpose of obtaining the benrdtt of n art, entitled An art for the relief of certain rnrviving ofllcen and aokliert of the army of the revolution," aoproved on the Uth of May, 1828, of 1 In the county of in the tat 0f do hereby declare that I waa an ofHcer in the continental fine of the army of the revolution, and icrved at auch, (here Intert, to the end. of the war, or (at the cate may be) to the time when the arrangement of the army provided by the leaolvee of congrett of the 3d and 2lH of October, 17B0, wu tarried into ef fect, and wat educed under that' arrangement, at which period I wu in the regi. ment of the lioe - , .' , And I alto declare, that I afterwarda received a certificate (commonly called a commutation, certificate) for I tarn equal to the amount of five ycart full pay which turn waa offered by the ner i ye IftwgSt iMeAVtntSa &cr ' E WILLEY It CO. L lithijrn ifthtMirtwanJPeitle. SaR&bwii.tf.C. YTAVINU frequently been aolicited to pub. " ..I..- .J nriK CM nT U.reth 78'UIX IltO A W 01 intT Ittnantl, nrvn, riatn. intteail of the half pay for life, to which 1 a7 Cewt, kc fcr the benefit of the public, Pre. V rr- 1 I 1 1 ie I II, in i, ..ll- day of -,ln tie ts.i y t. l.. j hrrtin t-V-u en my h'l thie .. P'Ce'l clerk of the court of the county of In the ltte of do hereby ce , -i before Whom the foregoing i fere iworn, wat, at the time, here in ,cr a Justice of tie peace or other ma. gittral, duly empowered to adminiater oatha, tifv, afTidt tert e and d Int (t.i.J v emoowtred to administer oatha, Ltimonv whereof, 1 have hereunto act my iiand, and affixed the teal of the laid Jcourt, thit day of, In the year, Signed) . JBW (.l AnUccJ tJruton Worm Seed entitled under the rcaolve of the 21t of Octff And I do farther declare, that I have receira f .bo l'Ud latot,-a a-oeHtoier, aiwce-ne U day J;Warchi IKK lUcre Jnert: Mp nej", or (at tne cate may nej mar i navf re Ceived, at la' pentioncr of .the-t'nltd - Jateti Aincethe3ddayjof March; iK&Vthe mc4 ) dollar, paid to me by the agent for paylnj pen. aionain the ttate tf r .J Signed I Before me, T- Inhere Inlert, juttlcV of the peace, er other ougittrate, duly cmpovrred to aduuniitefflatht, in the coteity of S in the ttate of penonall) appeared, thiaday, tnd uf the taid county, who did,aeverally, make oath, (hat by whom the foregoing decTiWtWirw-rtrowrfc and believed to have beefi an fiber in.the army of the revolution, in manner v therein ctated. W itne mv hand, thit dayof , in the vear -. (?iKnedl " L clerk of the court of tie county of , in the Mate of , do hereby certify, that , before whom the foregoing aftldav'rtt were tworn, was t the time, a -r here inncrt, Juttice of the peace, or other maiitrate, duly empowered to acmimtter oauit,j anu uuiy em Dowered to adminiater oatha.. In teitimony whereof, have hereunto tet my u a, hand, and afBsed the atal of the aaid court, thia day of -j , i the year nt the following, u eomprlting 4be principal parlor tfteir prcum v.. Acid Muriatic- Almonde Butpuunc - - t lavenuer - !Acetio arUrie Atrohol ' " Aloee . Ahint a . JKthiopa Mineral Ammonia Carb. ' I jq. VoL Antinony Crude Pule.. fj&ie "Dtto of Roaei Antw-Root Indian Opium Turker Artinio Oxide Biamutn Atp'iiltum Oiymel Squilli AMfortida Ointmenta Anlyne Liq. of Uofl. Pearlaah 111...'.. IIUJ L.. KhodHini '-wo Cat Sweet"" Iaaaafm pike Boeemary Cinnamon tlemlock Tantey Pip Mnt. AlUjJce ther Sulphuric Aqua rtrua H1 Baliam Cbnaiva IVuviaa luta BarbadoetTar. Race. Junbcn. Xrtaiury Department, May 28, 1838 t . The Act for the relief of certain aur tjving oflicert and toldiera of the revolu Jkw!ILipproe4 .t. tbe I St MlfUpOf Ilt8, (of irhkh the foregoing is copy,) v. urill be carried into effect under the fol I&inw re'eulauont ; .. .. rr Eiehipfncr .eUlmlnrrjnndef thcriCti trill transmit to the aecretiry of the tret- raurv aectaretHHH according o me lorm "fcefennto'enneTtrd, marked; A, end etch ' fion-comauuioned officer mtmclan, and flri- afr.'accordloK to the form-marked B, ccompan:ed by the oath of two retpecta ble whoenea, aa-to bit identity, which oath it to be taken before e ttstu:ejpf the teace or other marittrate, duly ethpow . erefl to:tdmuitr .oathaine;atate w c"lerritonrin mhcH e "realdesV end amhenA iKBieo upoer me aeai oi me coun oi mc . county In which the oath Vas administer. Wt'M ahown in the 'iald-loirmi" ' Each ofiicer will also transmit hi com mission,. if in existence , end attainable, and each, non-commiasioned ofHcer, mu jaiq!an,'and private, his discharge ; which documents, after being regiatered, will be. returned. If the commission or dis charge haibeen lost or destroyed, he will transmit such other evidence as he may possc.sk bt can obtain corroborative of the abatements aet. forth in h'rs declaration. If the evidence transmittedr taken in connetion with that afforded by the pub tic ecqrds at Washington, be found satis factoryi the amount of two years' full pair, t the rate to which the officer or soldier was entitled, according 't his ranl in the linei at the close of the jrar, or at the time of his reduction,as the- case may Be;) but in no'instance' exceeding the full pay of a captainf of the continental line, - will be transmitted tobirarai the place of, hia residence! after deducting therr- irom ine amoym oi any Dcu&jon wnicn rnay'havereeewernnJNr Statei, since ther 3d day of March, 1826. He may, however, autboriie' any other person to receive it forltim j in which case, he will execute a power of attorney) according to the annexed form, marked C,jhicb must be ackndwledged before a justice of the peace, or other magistrate, and authenticated tinder the seal of the court of the codnty, in the same manner as is atretdy prescribed in regard to-dec tor any such attorney, until he has made oath, according to the annexed form D, Abe! JlhepaTh receive is intended to enure wholly to the personal benefit of , the officer or soldier whose attorney he is. It is tequeated that aU letters to the secretary of tbr tressoryi on the subject) r$m if a detTdrhn U (heitdt-lVfhrnlif-tm- miuitned Mctr, mtutfiant, tnd private: , , For the purpow of obtaining 'the benHitt of " An act.for the relief ot certain turviving om ceraand aoldiera of tfiearmy of the revolniion,? armmred w the 15M, of Mavf 1828, I. .-of , In the county of in the atate of -, dn hereby declare that I enlitted in the conti nental fine of the armv pf the revolution, for and during the war, and continued in itt tervice until its termination at which period I wa a tergeant, corporal mutician, or private, aa the cate mav be, in captain a company, in tne resrhnent of the line. "And I alto de- dare 'hat I afterward received a certificate for the reward of eighty dollars, to which I. was en titled, unrW e resolve of Congrett, pawed the 15th of May. 1778 And I further declare that I wu not, on the fifteenth dav of March, 1828, on the pention Utt of the United Stttea, Signed Before me, , here intert either a juatice of the peace or other mtgiktnite, duly empow ered to adminiater oaths, in the county of . in the atate of - personally appeared, thit day, . , and -,'of the aul county, who did teverally make oath that , by whom the foregoing declaration Wat aubtcribed, it grner ally repwted and believed ..have brew an offi. cer in the army of the revolution, manner at therein sUteiL. '.. .... . . ; ""Wit'ne8""my harMl' thit "dty of in the year .-. IRned . . t , cleik of thetourt pf the Ttounly of , in the ttate of , do certify, that kl , beore whom the foregoing affidavitt were tworn,. waa. at the time, a (juatice of tbe peace: or at the cate may be, and duty empoweredJoJ adminiater oatlik. r teaUmouy whereof, I have hereunto let my ft, a. hand. -ana affixed the teal of the aaid i, . ic Fmtm 'I'awerf Attwrmrf. r.r Know all men by thew preaenta, that I; of ..in theifounfvof , in the ttate of mmmi Ao herebv eonatitute and appoint : mv true and lawful attorney, with a power of' tub-1. atituiion, ror me, ana in my name, to receive from the United State the aivKwint of pt now due to me, under the act for tbe relief of cer tain surviving officers and toldiera of the revo- luUon, approved lotn May, lave,, at a in the regiment of tbe - line of the, army of the revolution. . - Witness my hand and acal,tiua toy of . in the year w 1 v bmledand JeFiver4ilthe'l . ,- bretenct $ . ' Signed. - ! Jt..r Before rnej" , a juatice of the peace iq the county of In the ttate bf - peraonally appeared, thia day, whoae name it tub. scribed to the foregoing power of attorney; and acknowledged the same to be his act and deed. Wit neat my hand, thi day of -J, in the year --. '.Signed! i , .n i I. clerk of the court of the coUnrr f , in the ttate or , do Hereby certify, that before whom the foregotnjj pOWef of attorney was acknowledged, it a juatice of Me peace. t-s-;,-..T - . .. . -1... ...jt-i Pearl barter Pipe Clay Englitb Pepper Long Cayenne Black" PUT Anderson's , Lee's Hooper's Pills Jacob's Cornp. Aassfcr. - fthubarb -Trecipiute Red Brimstone! Csmphor i" Csttor " t Mr Wte CtntharideV Petrel Barbadewis Crete PraeVsrtts - 'Poladelphla Calomel . ( -' PhotDhorue -Cochineal I . ..Polaah CormlyeTObfitntie Potaata'Sulphaa Hrocut Maitis Cocui Indidut Cubebt i Cubolt or Fly Stone Colocynth fulv, . Clovet Chamomile Flowers Cinnabar Factitious Cream Tartar Conserve of Bote Cortex Cinnamon Peru Flav. Rub. Aurant. Sattafrtt Caseanlla Canella Alb. Cortex Mesereon fiimarouba Cornu Cewi Rup'd Dover's Powders Extract of Bark "" Cicutae .... Ueabane . ' Jalap ; Belladona - Cettiat Liquorice -7S Catechu -3 Spruce 7 Liquorice ' do refln'd'" Essence of Bergamot .ICmnamoe Lemon i- rrr Pitch Burgunda Quataia Raip'd Quicksilver Quinine Sulphate Mixture Bad Bbet ' - Pl. 'Iris Flav.' Mesereon Scitla: ' Snaibar ditto Fulv. Valerian Seneka Anchuaa Spigelia Marilandica Angelica. Serpentaria Virga J Columbo . " Columb Pulv. Glycyrrhita . Curcuma Longs ' . Wangu.....-.,-; GentiaAi Ginseng ' aratparSla Elecampane, Altbe in twtirpnny wherwtt I hare hereunto set win (iS.) hand, and wffixed thtr seal of the aai , v coun, iuu ay ui 11 , in oe year. : '. r . d. Fern efjjtdavit to be taken if Attorney. Before me. , a juatice of the peace in the countv of - in toe ot , personally appeared thlVday, -i the attorney named in the foreroinr power of attorney, and made oath that the aame. was not given to him by reason pf any transfer, or of any attachment, levy, or eiz are. bv anv knl .oruceas wbiteveJ-. of .Jthe bav therem authorirci to b Tceeived, but that tbir lirrrfvftjowrO'! fstrtd pwwnnfewdcd -tohwre wrbonyte the peM'jinelaaai- i L . ' r . t . ft i . L I . " . - . . . -Colchicuna . Jalap Pulv. "t ipecacuanha Pulv.. Rosin White ,TeUowf . " Seed Anise z "Sweet Fennel I White MutlarJ T IPepperauBt.. Taney Carte ay ., , - m . m - 3 . : , " imrr ureen..,-carapace muttard Ent. Veneris Elixir Paregoric Vitriol Em,). Adhaeiivurn , Canihtridet Roborant Hydrtrgyri Simplex Diachylon Mahy's Pol Digiuris Senna Alex. Uva Urai " Juniperi Sabinl Floret Renzolii Martialie '"Zinci ,-) .... , Sulphuris Ferrl darbonas "Phoiphatk Gum Ammoniac Arabic. . TragacanUi Copal . Elemi , f'U.Guaiacant.J'. Gatbanuiw " GambogCii,.. i . Flttlie Cardamom Sugar of Lead 8anford'i Bark Sodae Sup. Carb. Pbnephaa Soda Powders Seidlits Powders Spermaceti Spirita of Nitre dule of Wine -of Lavender Com. . of Turpentine ' t-1 of Hartahora " of Camphor Sal. Epsom . iV) " Martrs t .::n I :' I l:,,.,t Vitriol w Lite r.lue Wme, Antimoiiial. rrivf MtMttkts. Rngert' vegetable pul Stouhton's Bitters monio detergent, fof Aromatic ditto Cought, colds, And Steer's Opodeldoc eontumptions. Henry's Megnetia Rateman't Drop . Rogeri Vegetable ' Cxlfrey't Cordial Harlaem Oil, of Britith Oil . . " Medicamentum, Turlington's Btltatn ' ivxntttt. . Medicine cheats . Strewing Smalt Camel halr'd penclll Tine and eoan sponge Couri platters . Pumice stone Gold leaf, , . White ka'ber akina ' Silver ditto Apoth.acalea k weights Gold Bronte 1 1.' ;. ; ' Poland starch . Silver ditto ; ryr ;f American r ditto r :: Copper ditto .'. Twine ' Hatter! bow ttrings 1 VanilU beans Black k red ink powderTonqua dUtam Liquid Ink ?7C J'Trthhewax'r?w' IwUaJUte. Yellow ditto-; Clark's indelible ditto : Bay. ... ditto- W-.a- Perkins ditto :tr. ditto : Red stsTtng ditto ratenc unt iii. nwtn nwox Lama wlcka Red ditto- Lancet etwee French ditto -Com. Mortars 8; PertletCologne water Pohthing Powders Antique oil Pill boxes - v - '. Maeawar oil Tooth brushes . F.yetonee . Tooth powders ' Eye-wster Pomstum Fancy paper Wtrlas-Glue Castileaoap wave w I, a Rotten stonw lamp oil r Bole anttenl" Tapera. Windaoe ditto 4 Union luice Naples ditto Hull's froee Trantptrent soap Macoboy ditto Waahball ditto Scotch ditto White ditto Snuff bixes Cephalic snuff " gal. cerate pott do. do. do. 1 qt. do. do. UallipoU assorted 1 pt. do. do. Pillules . rAIXfS, COLOMS. White lead . Black varnith Red dittos.. Copal varnlh. ,. Black ditto Madder Venetian red -" - Copperas ---' Spanish brown Turkeytimber Ter Chromic yelloW Cbromtc green tvnnr black Yellow Ocre lrocws mtrtif"' Flake hite Paris white Rose pink Cochineal Chinese vermilTion Prusaian blue floured ditto Spanwh indigo - - American ditto rem de sienna Termerie Ground fuatie Logwood in iticTt dTndgfoufid" uinargv Red uundert Nicaragua Verdigris Vitriofi colcothar Spanish whiting A matt o - Lamp black - ma iiu(.Aa -t4Vii.ua, XArOLLOX SLEWS,1 , iott.r' The conflict's o'er-tha crowe Is riven brow 'mooth'd "ofm-compellinf The gitnt spirit from his throne Is driven. The oations to milder atepre bow j For he t!is great magician, lifU no more The wand of empire o'er embattled hmtt, Nor bretks again hi whirlwind battle roar On earth's wide, thunder-blasted, dreary coutr Yet like eternal beacon-urea that stream On night's cold brow of heavy rampart gloom. The flathmp of hia deathleaa actions gkam, And abed a glory o'er his Warrior temh. -Napoleon tleeps the star of empire fadw, But his proud spirit tpurot the attyguui sbsdes M. All mea's Intriguet and prbjectt tend By lev era! courses to one eixL . To eompawi by the pronereat tlmwt mm Ad that wbkh owns tbejjc falrjLStpretett w viicn iuuou. U19 inuircci au -. , llepce 'tit, that hypocrites Mill paint "j Much betief than tbe real taint, ' ' " " 'Z. A4. knltellPPf ' Jore Juiiirue: Than honest men that make less shew ( The dullett idiottM...ie ditguie . Appear more knowing than, the wise t lUiurste dunce t-u mil ice rn'd, ' Paas on the rabble for the learn'd i , And cowardsthat esq dama and rant-.. Pats muster for the valiant - For he, that haa but Impudence, m:. . le U things hat e-Jutt pTelebceT'"' Andput among Lis wants but aharae. Te til m orld may lay hia claim. ' Butter Rrmm'nt. MISCELLANEOUS. CLASS. 2 Cats. Specie Bottles 1 do. i do. do. 1 do. do. do. 1 qt. salt mouth d do. do. do. 1 pt. do. de, 1 qt. ' do. do. f do. do. do. 1 pt. do. do. Graduating measures do. do. do. Phialt assorted I gsL Tincture Bottles runnels do. do. do. Nipple shells qt do. pd. Breast pipes ' Bed urinals . .. J do. do. do Mortars and pestlel wt,do." - ' do; " " Pungent bottles 4 do., Tincture Bottles Retorts j; ... -2 do, ' do. - do, - : : Peg lamps - - r Evan's lancets Comrnon do ' ; " ' Sprinf . do; Gum Ao'. "-''-Scalpela Lancet phlemet Teeth (In were Forceps Setoe needles 'Awe 9A; 1828; tttrnvMsnti. Gum elatt. Catheters Stomach Tubes Wax Bougie MetallHWHigles, Gum elastic do. 'Female Syringes Male- do. Clvster nines -i r-8paMsat " Glauber Rochell f''- Biureticus .. ..' if. Tartar, . . . Cheltenham , , $, Ni1" ,. u Ammoniac Ref. ditto Crude , Saflron Spanith T American , Oiled..- ... 8tiraX Liquid ! CalamUe- ttanni Pul " AloetSoc Benioin" Gum 8bell Las . , Myrrh ,-. ,. V Olibanum 8cmony -.U-Thu-'tr - Mastic Gallt Aleppo . Hellebore Nig. "Albr Tartar Emetie f -"T" ' ' ' Ammonisted Turpentine Venice ... Tapiosa Turnerfs Cerate Tiiict Awafoet'ids Aloes e. " "T'T Cantbaridea :;(r-----:;:Aloes-i Peruvian Bars: tonal benefit of tbe person by whom the taid power wat executed. , - . ... vWitness my hand, this day of in the fear 7"" -" "; . "" , ' "7" ' ' '' Before me, , here insert either a justice of the peace or oher magiatrate, duly empow. ered to administer oaths, in the county of , in the ttate of , pertonally appeared, thit day, " ' an4 , of the said county, who Digitalis : Rhubarb Ipecacuanha LpU Calaminarit Lac Sulphui Lunar Caustic Laudanum Lichen Islsndictn Maoe Manna Flake Magnesia OatbLv- Huxham'a Bark -Iodine ,.- -Colfibicun, Termerie , I Capsicum -8trpentariaVirg. Muriate Steel ' Muak 01U I1HF. valuable- JVillt and -Land I if, ft t formerly the propertv of Geo. 1 1 i i Saner, dee'd. are offered for tale Ibv the late purchasers. Thit land lies on Outchman'i creek, 4 miles east of Mocks- ville, adjoining the Giles Mumford tract, and it equal to any land in Rot an county, with, a Lu ge proportion of superior meadow i the Milla are of superior construction, and have now very good and increating run of custom i tbe water power can very conveniently be made to drive anv kind of Machinery. For other particulars. and terms, apply to f homss D. Gibba, one of the proprietors, on tbe premises. 16tf THOMAS D. GIBBS, ' JOSEPH I1ANES, PETER ANER, " " JACOB SANER, May 234 1828. v . MARTIN SANER N. B. Another tract, belonging to Peter Sa ner, adjoining tbe above, containing 225 acres, will be sold in connexion with the above, or sep arately at may bent wit the purchaaer i which ia likewise first rate land. - - - - -Jltt, will be sold, a lot adjoining the town of Mocksville, containing ten acre of land, with a good dwelling-house, .with. AuUtoueet,- and an excellent garden i thia property will be sow low, on accommedatliig terma- Apply aa above raoai res Tatnra Tsusa. Evert man hit own Phy$ician. I Uke the liberty to hand you, Mr. Editor, the following recipe for publi cationit haa beee found very uaeful in families during the warm season, end if jpersisied W will prove an ad 51Iye If1. jniobvute! the neCessltySfiTjiiog harshetrmedicine j trre -writer ctit eifelrTexoraraenrllr to all disposed to make trial of it ; and can add, moreover, that it has beers used in the family f n emioeht phyi' siciin for several years past and in his neighbourhood, it is customary in almost every family, to have a demi john filled with this water and placed in some convenient part of the house, to that $11 may have access to it and it is usual for every member of the family to tike a glass of it, ja regular ly aa they eat their breakfast he ef fect is a fine appetite, tnd sin improved state of health. The qualities of the water are very similar to the celebra ted Cheltenham water. 8 oz. Glauber Silts. 4 f 2. Epsom do. : Z2 tablespoons full common salt to gallott-epring-wynterr The Jose ia one wipe gtms full put in tumbler ind filled up with spring water, toJe drank half an hour befora breakfast, and. the. same.: repeated at night, If reqireiiirjTriJirCt- . A good fxampte.?Dr? M aCatthey," the Anatomical Professor, in Dublin, with about fiftv other sureeonaJhavo beganjhe patriotic ?kf liitrendc'f,"."; mg up their bodies. lor- dissection, by stMinp. with. aU due lolemnttv. an or ra ' 9 der to theic respective executors to . that effect. Scene A country tchool houte. Roy S, ee. Teacher What does that spell ? Don't know. Teacher-What do I do with my eyes Boy Squint, air. urn THE subscriber ofler. for sale, ' tbe valuable property in the town of Charlotte, lately belonging to Mr. Allen Baldwin. This Drop. erty includes about 60 town lots, on a part of 1 ' l. - ' . . . . 1 I I m which are improvcmenit, via j a vaiuaoie x an nery Including all the necessary buildings, fcc. tnd r patent Bark-Mill i also, a good dwelling. noutei wnnuie nccetaaij oui.noutea. i ne lanu is all under cultivation, and well fenced.' Any Eerton wiabing to purchaae, can learn the terms f 'eillin'f 'tni' Ltn-SKibiicbsirs nsv1'CabWririti Smith, living in Charlotte. " " " ROBERT M'KENZIE. Vatarrut enmry, MtwZL 1828.- lrtfJ To OoA iNWncTS. ATVTV'bs. of pure Qtdckeiher. jutt received, WUJ snd fpr tale, by E. WILLEY k Co. tfapt,imlUrt,lij28, 20 Learn to hold thy tongue. Five words cost Zachariaa forty years si lence. ,What word is that of one syllable, from which, if two: letters be taken, will leave a word of two syllables, both of which are in daily use f Chuse a wife, as you would a knife, by her temper. Apervere woman, is like i " pcf " petual blister. " " .TFactalirT opinions arc ther feathera. ' - Jach'Ketch' Arithmetic. 16 idle knaves make a swindler t 8 swindlers, a housebreaker j - 6 housebreakers, a highwayman t 4 highwaymen, a mur- . derer j: and two niurderers ii dish for the Devil f ,,, t'u's- . . legal Arithmetic.,. 12 lawyers Hetkimak e an. ma? law i 8 sergeants-at-law, an attorney general j i 6 attorney-generals, ,jl vice chancellor j 4 Ueh'aheU6ra7i;..m.a3Z': ter of the rolls j 2 masters of the rolls, a lord high chancellor and 2 lore high chancellors, a doubtful piece of business! English paper .

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