"".. Aiit.,... .rTTT.. .' - - 'll. "VOL. IX......,XO. 427. TnMk4ikl( rura r fatUra Mir. IT MM UI W Uofir4 M ma M taw?. ik lw k,i4 Hi MB mmM 1 " " T"r7 .f. fw M..M. fffclIW. PHfjM MUM, ITEMS. : Differen t of Conttitutton., Sub- itartcct tht rt poionui u on'trSre , pi aninuli are medicinal to a tecond. .aoiiy cnr higMjf, putrU'jxc, third; That; iwtoe rcp"ionttJ ' bjr;prpptf j odratefol nice i white hehbsfie wnoicioiuc uc w.aw!inei.iii jne -T.Ti.vi loanoer," aloea, which to our kind it Uiefulmedicine. il a rank venom (o dogs nd loxea and the hone, which ii po'uoned by the water hemlock, and corrosive luhlimate, will take a dram of arsenic daily, and improve thereby J .1 . J . ' Dotn in nit coai ana cooaiiion. - Sinptlat Organic Relic K work. Xfian recently broke a nun or very firm conglomerate .rock, quarried for the! sew Stair Ilouie now building at New ua comnletelv encfoied ai to exclude the ponibility of external introduction, j a piece Of wood, the imaiHimb Of tree, apparently oi me pine family, -vnenca in (onqrtu at$emtiea. i hat erh with the bark entire the wood not ".ut vivinfc oBi- e r of the Revolu iniiieratixed, bot freihV and imperfect .." l?Jjf 5l'nn'' Line, who w.rn Tr viiloanajiot kf e Micfied : to-Mf paf WT.evey Octo the waUtof thecavity,exceptilight: "MJ evenfetnudred-inff J "V ,m , f' f .? eiRln, be authorized to receive, out o !y it oneend) but lying in U ann a onr fe Trri,ur.v not e V,se ease, anc uiccc lafgcr tiiao'afiogcrr W(I ihft aviy bvt twoor three inches in diameter ; it was lined with soft and leebly coherent jnattei1, resembling the substance of the rock in - state of rather minute division. SiilimanU Jturnal. LADIES AT HOME. .. JWti J, Aceordinr to previoua ar- 3reiiveiit,afeptobyofip,i BMffed, sd tha wine, "perfect kwe,w and cher- pf bounce, were placed on the table, the follow- Inf aentimenta were eipreated, aceompanted by appropriate muiio oa tha piano forte, by Mia Suky Squall t v of -AaeficaR Independence. JIM urst ot the rail-road, and, we hope, the last of our ee- tibaeyTvas, Udj cmir i. marry jm "1. 1 Old BaclekriT Ruitf thinr-Hiar they en- .$y u 0uch bappinea by . themarhrea as rwe do Without them. TM.f? V o'nWin. T .. aiu.' . Uka lha lk m-o.mr:the anim her w olEa.iTboe of us whdwftutd look lovely j - twOuM study simplicity i a link . ill coat r tracb- C", F4 H WPVar- -- ..-i a . m- I !l. ..nvtM. rut twm ll I .ike masonry, ho one know the accret uniu wev mix imu. .,,,,.7 , , ... . 1 . . I " luc I V . ,r. I..-' Ik. .bW l eas I 'IsaA'Ifa Aitir.;'..' '.T""" I J$ SUut -JtoyZA"cotiatTItion of f.mala - jBatrei the preaeot ay baa provedtbc fc-Uicv ; of tldriie,r ihe rnrwoTrtr c? -w"1-" JZcttZhr weapon of cV fence i narlernav that it w the list evil that ftll from 'he box of Partdoratis'fali !-it came out firat, for it could not bear "durance vile." Tvaa, bid mt ditemrtt. KUhu Recorded on the heart- to dn..k wda-water, wear Navarinos, and orle whom they btease.-Trai,7Ufr.7ir iht B. wfbtw.. . , Styk. A woman! light houe, built of coach- s, liveries, routs and Ua parties. Tvaa, Oh ! t!,uLwJ , . . f ,. , iht OentUmen. 11it glorious dava of chivalry are pa.t : Who will poise a lance for u. now t Tuna, Juki lanf yae. Oumhei. May we rest upon the thelf like ,' valusllc works whose wm eaten cover re no indei bt the merits . oT tueir contents.TpFa, !!rm de. Cve red. Mini Squall favoured the company with the following original song, which wai intended to have been oflcred to the Typographical As- ociation for tfrerf pnnting-but it as thought test not to make the thing too common. 80NGw.Aia, CmV (W tltt re." --lf a oody meet' ,body--" -Coming thro a crowd, Should a body td a body . Tattle Ulea two loud J nil lha ladiaakthfl-citsy Quaker-like and proud t Ive to rai their , voices pretty. Coming thro the crowJ,..-.kc ic. kc. ( tat KttU arid often, ....Thia is for lltople of weak-digestion, but it is al- " Wayi Injucloutiidvlfe ? The stomach, and otnef'digestive-organs, require their intervals of repose, as well as the ether parts of the' body, and .it regular takinfc food, the: appetite by the JftrceT, , vt imuis iooe wiu-rriurn winuicbc - limei, and digestion will follow.-- But 7if Ihe stomkh Tintept work on all niceties,-" they never will have a keen reliih for food, or a power fill.wd easy digestion. V Medical Advuet' I r . . , , 4.U W- t I ' , ftfci. .lj.fnt,f Cl.im.uf p,7. lied fo Indemnification, under th fi.it article .;. ...c re..y ,01 uent, knd Tor lha dittribn. tHM among Web cWfMOU, Of (1.0 Mlm puij, ,Md to- e f". fcT J forerMirteut ht Great Britain under a convention between the Uni. ted States and hi Rrii-nm m.i-, ... -r.i.- . . . ... - ubic flejl M,JnJon,M. 4lurtato UNonv 0MV4NM tbouMAd Siurht hulMU t. 1- :z""'V'Va iionarM una Wfty4tvrc r n::rr r : Jlmrrica in canrre. .un.u Tk., .i eolith icction of the dlorcuid act ihall bet and the t'ii'me it herebt, re nr tied Sec. 2. Md bt it further enactrd. Tw. tne I'OmmiMion cre.tcd bv the i.id act. ii.ii not continue ai;er ihefint d.y of oeptember next. A. STEVENSON, BfiuTut of ill ifou e f lb pmetttative J." V.. CAf.lKK'N. ice President of tlir United fttatra, and PiYi tcnt of the Senate. Approved j 15 Mv, m. JbiiN quincv inm. crrt n RE it enacted bu the arnatt and toute if rrfirernMtve of the Umttd State of .ppropfUted, the amount of hi full p.t jtf MJd ime, to brjjin on the third of M.rch, one thousand eiRht hundred nri twenty ix, .:d to continue during hi. na urai Provided, That, under tli ct, no onictt - "e f ntitie d to rercive alire, um wtn me iuii p.jr oi . .t. in i n.f line whenever onv of h.iri hfT. tr as. rerciv d money of the United Sutr,-as j ppniir er, i,rte the third day t,f M rirch. one naucted Irotn what ui.i ofTm r ou!d. otherwise, be entitled to. u S r iht-first aertion of this act ; and evciy j)cniuii to wnjrh ,aj bfl-,cer j, ,lcn, ,.nt,.d cease after the nassaee of this art Sec 3. Md be it further rnacted. That every surviving non commission. 1 officer, nukUn, ot private, -in W army, who enlisted therein for and during the wan and continued in its irtke uniiiita ter mination, and thereby bee. me emi;led to receive reward of eighty dallrH under a. resolve, of Cunjjre&s. passed May fif- uamIk-a. venteca bundi td-and-ae vew r .. .... ... . .k .k.ll U anlill. . l!. I.. II 'K ' i.ii v .i..iit. 1 yj ltiMC 1. 19 UII . . "10,,l"'y y in ii" service, out ni any money in the treasury not otherwise ap- proprl.ted ; to bcgif en the third d.y of Mafe h, one -thoOMnd, ciglrt-JMMMJred.and twenty aix, and to -continue durinj his plural liferm, That no non- Gammissroned officer, mrfsician, or pn vate, in a.id arnvy, who is now on the pension list of the United State., shall be enritled 10 th L.n.fii. of ki. .t g A rf h it further enacted, That . . . . the pay allowed by- this act ah.U.- under be direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, be paid to the officer or soldier eniitled thereto, or to their authorized at torney, at auch placea and dsyi as aaid " " ' f . Secretiry may direct and that no foreign officer shall be entitled to said pay, nor shall any officer or soldier receive the gamef umU he furnish to said Secretary Mtisfafc,orr evidence that he Is entitled to bt i" contbrmit, to the provision. of this Set ; and the pay allowed by this act shall not, in any way, be transferable or jte to attachment, levy, or seizure, D . ea process whatever, but shall inure wholly to the pcrsonsl benefit of the officer or soldier entitled to the same by this act. " --' . Sec 5. And be it further enacted, That so much, of laid pay as accrued "by the nroiMoo f tbla- aevbefore theJbirdii. yi of March, eighteen hundred and twenty ,no . a a a J . I flP - A be, In the manner' and under the pmvls ions before mentioned ; and the pay wjtlch shall accrue after Said, day, shall be paid emi annually, in like manner, and under the tame provisions. ' " - ; . Approved t 15 Msy. 1828 ' a xxxir. Afli Act Rnktnff mrooraAiooa far the iaaprove "tiient vf7 wrtaia-Hafborav lha : Compleuoa of the Cumberland Koaito Zanemlle, tne se curing of the Light House on the Brandywine SlioaVand the ajaJut.stimvar-----r-.- BE it ' ipieWih'liTiiw of refireicnlotfvei of the United Stateitf America in Congrett attempted, I bat - the following sums be, and the same are here by, ippropriatcd, to wit llftln nf tk r?.-,.. j I -....,....,.,, .... utjcmnai o., continued to Z.miH ., jn lhe io ui inio, one Hundred and scvenir Be thou land dolUrt i whlcJi imd ,um ' . .kt,lk ..u ' , -,-T ni iwr,rinoui and ID' unaer :i lever.) the 8tn inff With Ih. rl'.t ...... . - viiiiiii. i " i-viiiuicie plCraoUlWai thi State of Ohib.'nln? . i . r - - wronrj one KWdre4ffndiM.?R;r.Ui.TL.i.rr Situation laraandeu W',WWI I Of cibStfifrllnh. m lit .... rf ww afivi.au. Tr."r i ; - - w' f won Hirer, in me otate or Uhio, four thouwnd four hundred and thirty Ani n and thirty five cents j to comnler ine erection oi piers at the mouth of Dun sirn harbor, In the State of New York. moui.nn ooliirs j to , complete the const rue lion of the road from Detroit to .'i.umce, bve thousand nine hundred dol .rs ; to continue the road fmm D-.!. CiTrtr0, trTir'aa Ihe hoinri.'r.' Iin. i U the Slate til- Indian.. i.r.i,.. .1.1 a - - " I w pk 'vuvaiiii sl.1 ia a lanj to pay a bilance dusthe Cmmi. oneri for layincout . iWrom D..r,i, , S.-..-Hi U. -j from Detn.1- to For. Gratia, ii, the Ter K-"-" .,. aim Biiu rna1 1 ntory of Michigan, three hundred d pleio heL'ui'cfJi,1l,,' n1"" ""; ocom mouih of 0eR Mrboi(i tht S.ate CT"! to call upon him. '' if -VKHU ni-sv 1 otK, aihorirf.' ty ao act 01 t.on grcis, xpprotcd the twentieth of M.rch last entitled " Aq 4r.i to nuthoi iz tne im imwtn'of ten aii hivbo'rf t tnr nnHdinit' of ilt fs-. nd Joe -r W pU fpo " - nia thout.rd hvr huml'cd ani eiK iy ihice dollars t ri t)i iy i,i()r uit ; 1) deepen inj il. r. .! of , 'r..uce inlc the har bor ',f Pitih--bifv --Ma-thotHond two hundred r,i twr'Hy-ihree dol.rs and (icliteen citts; for conipletinr the re rtioval of obsirurtions at the nouth of AhtbuUCrfk,Ohio. two thou and fou' Hundred andihrt'c doll.rt ind fif y cents ; f. (otnplrtiig ihc remoril of obstruc ititu st the mnmhof Cunnlnghsm Creek, Ohio, one ihous.nd five hlndred ni sev tn'ern doll .rs and Aevrtlty-ix ccms ; for remorin obitrucliori to Ihe narigation of t'if K'-nnebcc rivet a' Lveiov'a Nar- towt, by rf moving thsjh ilf tide and othr rot ks, in ad iiiioit to tic ippropriation nf ls (teiun, three t ioij. ui? five liundrtd rtUl-f; for pieservin add securing '.he Li;','i'i.ouse on ihe U iniiywine Shoal io iht By of Del.w.re,ieo thousand dol lira ; Br defravine iSecxpenieiincidD tal to making rx.minationi ind lUfvrp. under ihe art of thiuii-h April, eighteen hundred jrrd t-rmy foif, thirty thouwnd dollar ; Provided ThU this approuru tion shall not be construed into a Legi iive sanction of any examination or sui vey whichihalJ.not be djemed of n.'ion aMmportance, snd wi:bn the provHioi of the s foresaid act of the thirtieth Aptil, oneihouiand. eiKt hundred and twetitf four; to .complete a pier adjteent to . pier at -Boffalov in the state of.Cew lork ihirty foup thousand tvro hundtjed and six A pproved 1 1 9 Msv. UMt. ,.0. XXXIII An Act for the punishment of contraveotions of the fifth article of the Treaty between the United States and Rua. BE it enacted bu the trnate and haute cf reftretentativet of the United State 0 America in congrett duembied, That if my one, being a citizen of the United States, or trading under their authority, shall, in convention of the stipulations entered into by the United states with tne emperor of all the lluisias, by the fifth article ol the treaty, signed at St. Petersburg, on the seventeenth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty four, sell, or cause to be sold, to the natives of the country on tne north west coast of America, or any of the Is lands adjacent thereto, any apiritous liquors, fire arms, or other arms, powder or munitions 01 war 01 any una, toe per son so otTendine shall be fined in a sum not less than fifty nor more than two hurt dred dollars, or imprisoned Dot less than thinv davi, nor more than lix months. -SccrSrr-Wiwf '"sViArt'AertiwrtecJha . . "r : -l -ir ju. tneaupcnor-xouni-t rit trvt hw . lorial districts, and the circuit courti and other courti of the United States, of simi lar jurisdiction in criminal causes, in each district of the United States, In which any offender, against this act shall be first ap- - 1 a1 a a. Its a j nrehended or orougn lor mail sr.au oavc, and are hereby invested with, full power and authority to hear, try punish, all crimes,' offences and misdemeanors, against this act ; such (ourts proceeding thef fclo W the same rroaimenc; as men crimesroffences and miademeacors had been committed . withw. the Doundi their respeaive states. v. ... ""Approved s 19 Mav. 1828.- w" H - - To Ooi wNUvierft, lTvXXlba. of Quicktiher. just receivel, llVZf and for sale, by E. W1LLEY k Co. Sqi.bury, June 10."', 1823 tf , MAN8I0N HOTEL, SALISBURY, JWXTff CJBOltKt, -I ALLBMOMa. oilm mail .lr.m rha " .,ne .ortn corrttr of lha Court I nrnvt ....(. i" e . ,n.e "l01 ,D r---- htc ucen aeircteu wit T Pt aM attrv t him irr a ik iA.: m a. ,, ... . l .. . J".' - H a -"..v vi iriTJanaT innniei sirtt i. is I Calculate! thm ihm 777 7 'uuximion. o 1 ravcUers KZT'r'. "w-ned to which, there is "7. G?0(, "l Book Store, T .1 . . wna msv d ease tn rTI 1.. render their stay con.fort.ble and pleasinjr. to fcZKA ALLEMONG yaHtbury, Seit f I8i7 tf2 Y.nttrtfttnmftnt. - fi -TiF.V-'tST'l'trJiai reHwjted&oBktha- it lor.mr,Jr 0wn(1 hy Capt. ... " m t , sbsj "WKt, iecu to houw ,Mle, tjrrcrZZ' - '. " runtr in 'he rait end IW.tin.afl l. S.f. I. . 1 ... . fd V 11. L "!!T . con.,""ic r.fr. .""?rr".'' '"n Ms fnrnds and IIIC DUDIIC In. Iia t r W hi and he solicits the cot.tin1nry.1r their favors. He ijlrdirri "it- . ""Pinion 10 111 r u upon mm. tf'VK State, -.. WHITF1, 1 8?8. DUCT; 4M iti I - FFFIt!bi.pcfeai7Tial wmoca, Jfdicin.- ..id urlft l,1..Tr citizens of Salisbury and Hi vicinity. He expects very soon tn receive supply of fresh JIKflfT fully 'aelccted by himselff nd hopes, by sfen- tention, to mt rit a share of public patronage. Sahibury, .lulu 1828. - 3128 -IUt ReetW KltmF.RKc BOWERS rrpect. fully inform the citiieni of Salisbury and i's vicinity, that they tiave.commrneed tl.a Butchering Bus'mes$ ; and will ofler DF.EF at the Market-House in ?afibury, on TnmUiy, Tkurtday, uni Saturday mornings in each week, the balance of the sea- eon : their Heel is a gooo as can oe procurea from the mountains ; and will be sold st the fol lowing prioea 1 3 crntt pr lb. lor tore-ijuarler j 3 cents M for hind-quarter 1 or 4 cent " for choice pieces, without neck or -lank. We invite the public to call and aee'fbr them selves; and if they find the Bef satisfactory, we solicit their patronage, and pledge our beat exertions to deserve it. KRIDtlt & BOWERS. fialiiinrji, AuptA 4, 1828. 7 28 - N. D. A first rate yoke of steers fur sale ; in quire as above. . & H. Vottcfc to Tanntts.. riHE anbscriber olTer. for sale, J - the vsluabK. property in the wfi ol Charlotte, lately belonging Vir: Allen Maldtrin. 1 his prop erty nctuifc about 60 town Jott,.on a part -of . 1 . ... 1..-.1... f wiucu areiinproTciuciin. v.ut; nerv. including all the necraeary buildings, lie. nd a patent Uark-Mill 1 also, a goori o eiiinp- houi-e, with tho necessary out-hoUact; "Thelttn J in all under cultivation, and well fenced. Any person iahine t. purchase, can learn the termi by calling on the subscriber, living in Cabarru Smith, hvmg in Oliarlotte. .... KUMMU Jvl IV L.., . 1 r.. Cabamit rwnry, May 22, 18V8. 17tf r pilE valuable Mill and Land 1 formerly the property of o. -laner, dee'd. are offered for sale ')? the late purehaaert. This land lira on Ihitchman't creek, 4 milea east of Mocks ville, adjoining the Giles Mumford tract, snd ia equal to any land in Ro an county, with a large proportion of superior mesdow the Mills are of superior construction, and hare now a Very good snd increasing run of custom 1 the water power can very conveniently be made to drive mv kind of Machinery. For other particulars, and terms, apply to 1 nomas u. uidos, unc ui ' . . ri.i v. -. " L t . f the proprietors, on lue premises. 1011 inunni 11. uiuua, JOSEPH HANKS, PETER SANER. JACOB. SANER. 'May a& 1828, MARTIN SANER, fB.' Another tractr belonginr to Peter Sa- tver, radjomlng'the: a.bove,rtmriwnr .25 acres, will be sold in connexion with the above, or ep aratelyasmay best wit Hit purchaser which ia likewise first-rate land. JII19, will be sold, a lot adjoining the town of Mocksville, containing ten acres 01 iaoa, wiin good dwelling-house, with oot-housei, and an excellent garden r this property will be sold low, on accommodating termi. Apply aa above. vslftU ot Ca)t. tt. UraVge. nAVING qualified at November court last, If administrators on the atat of. C.pt iHvidCraieCi ! f Rftww .cotintjrdee'd'.we' , . f.l.k.k;t tn ..'! diMvil. In ueaire au pcrw.i. jwk' - - - -- . make payment with as little delay a possible ; and all persons having claWoa agauwt the estate, to preaenL tbera, legally attested, wiUiin tlie time prescribed by act of assembly, otherwise thia notice win dhsi . wu n.cir 1;. Smt37 THOS. CRAtliE, RODT. N. CRAICE. u?jlS, 1823 , Ailmhircttort. aTifiTiA mm Trotter &Ummn-ioti; Watch and Clock Maker and JeweUerir I . CIIAKLOTTa.K.CLL. : IT AVE ),t received an rVjraat aBMrtaew a of. articles in their linei hic- ikrv Jl and warrant. 1a hr..h. n : : ?Tra' . " Watehtti IrytWatchnberAYar sfv as w ver -)ffftit w ..I. : .1.:. ieaelrr sf tba Urrar SVwt rashionable and elrrmiw kinrU s k. ikZa 1- anv of the N them Cities etrgant Gold a4 Silver Watcht. nt.in Ik.. . 1. a. few dava, he will receive a very efcTraat aaanr?. ment of Mi titan ChJm. aIm. .H s;-i- r -. , "f. , w .Wit, I ver.Warr, kept eonataidlr oa hand, or aasde to order on short notice. AU of which will be a4j Inwer than auch rnrvt. M .... .r. . before in thii place. t- ssj The public are resDeetfuM. -.-.?, ..a emifw-trw gowlrtbnrViaiBi and ehrtpnesa, cannot fail of pleasing tliB wiahtobuv. r All kinds of ITattht AVV. .l - ... to keep time 1 the ation i. t, doors below (be court-bouse, on M.i-t rert. ROBERT WTN'XE. aiffrt. May ?6. 1 8. 17 arr bron tr.'icr. To tre .ihn-. . a i. MS A3 itMiintrd Mr. Johiil. II.Hit ha nte wlo re indepte.tin -si cm--. rr. 'h' rf-citiesl'd ti tiak' ii' men ! ra m- atto Mr liardic. hn i Vi l t!i r.rmV' incut - i k nee . mn tw eapmlc Ji i wit. HLirnTUTC. - Saliehury, 15th JulylK&. TIF.MAIMNO In the post-office at TVor 1 1 ( l.urcli, Iredell cimnt v. K. C. July KUX Albea I'iomas Judkia Rubertanai B. Brothertin Jamrs Calil well MrsJane Lliot Hobrrt Erwin Enoch Hix Henry Johnson Benjamin ' Johnson John 3i27 MeComiel Hithaaa Summers Witliaiw Bw.n Thomas Ton.linwm IS HIUji H. H'ales Samuel Wardiac Welch Jb I). cort-D, P. M. State of XoTt CaroVma, .raniaars rat art. rOURT of Equity, spring term, 1828. 11 J auance of a decree of the court of eqiry, I will rip one to public aale, at the mmriiwmmt ws -Concord, un the third Monday f OeW wrs a 7rarf of land b longing tn the Betr U J.wm Neil, dee'd. King on the atrrs ft CwtdV rrrrk, adjoining the lands of .Jolin Neil, Rubctt Waller UcU..Jamea Weiz. and otlatft. .. tract of land is supposed to eont J owe Lawdnd and thirty crM,nd k ofeaceCent-oial:.- A -- credit of 12 and If months wifl be ffivew; h4 with atimciaoi aecurity. will be cjturc4 of tbav r purchaser. - "-"..'..x'...:- " ,'. .; ALEX. H. McREE..-.aa.e. July 27A, 18?8. 3t2S 5tfttt ot .NoTt-CaroVinft, . ;-.- aowrccTr - 77" TI LY 5th.. 1828. A true drampmosi at aj, bea-t, taken up and entered by Andrew (.rifltri. in aaid ciMintyi A bay oiare, supp e4 '. to he 18 ur 19 years old, abW four tVet 7 ar I incliei tlgliV a tar-iw W faeev wnr Irnwl- saot " wbitvihirMrfioolder, totae koloker left kww, " and Wre mane and tail : Which mas nfaed at gaV-and- ftut-sw my aUayioti ibo raj ": date above-metiUoned. 3t J7 - t;-ANi)E1SON, Rang-, Frh Tadhin, ' d rtft. Urwcn eV. CI I'l'EmoR fourt'oT iJiwffyWfr'lW.s . 17 Jane tlorrison, ft. Heaekiah MTrrnwsiy petition for divorce. In thia case, it ta onlered by the court, that pubUcalioo be made for aiXJ weeess succesaiveiy, m me vr,-, ihat utilesi the defendant, Hrsek'a Mtwrisoav, (who it appears to the satisfaction of tbe catwt ; not an inhabitant of ttrii rate.ydo vnakr hi appearance before the Judge, at tbe oext supe rior court of law to be held frf tbe eouaty f Iredell, at the court-bouse in Statesvine, oa the Jlh Uondav after the 4th Mwid.y in epiewiker next, and file hit answer, plead to "nair, or de mur, the petitioner will be heard tsparte, aa4 have judgment pro coofesao. . ,6139... Teste: JA9. CtMPBELL, CTk. N011CE.-.Whereas ny wife Fanny, hi W4 mv bed and bord without any jua raaies theae are therefore to forwara all pevwuns frowa trusting her on my account, as I am oterwwca to piV no dctnt sne may oereanrr Mlf,1828. t27 WM. wilix. df Utidion county, a mulatto rovan, who I J jays her tame,ia Caikarimc, and belongs H Wlilism oToTIelTerson countf," Ge,fU, Sid" wu raised in Charleston, S. and told as to property ofJame Cyn dee'd. Sbe is aboot 5 feet high, rather a dark munatto, hetweew 21 and 22 yaars old, no particrttarwjarkv per. eeptible on her, more than her fee baa the ap- pearance t oaing -.somrscea.witw. io Her owner Is raqoeated to oadie brw ard, pwv ; property, pay charge, mi4 lakw fcer away, w otherwise she win oe oean sua a w -recta.' JOHN -it, THOii A, Av Ltxing too, June 56A, 1828. 'r,..?T. JfrjnaWnh at good an MorUBcwt if - OF MeckWphurjf eouaty. on the itfvt'1. April, 183, a wejr. wman named JNwy,- V wKS "la i 'b bfWgv wa-www by tkr washe irf -J,"fiW ITcri-enrwhO live in DnpHiroowtv, X.C--:- -The owner it requested to come forward, prove property, pav charges and fake ber a. a. JttHN SLOAN. fter(f . . -" May 12, 1820. ttfj AfetWeJrtffy cmaJfe. V i