AUUUST 12, 1823, . rowan lilHLE SOCIETY. fin Mnn.W.lh.ilhtnU lh .nn...lm..f:- of th "alLbury IHUIe Society was held in tbie, towai at which, among other interesting bu-i-' "J --- - - niiMuu .lusik . ... w, ... ,,.,., , nu,,iuvn wu, ah red, by an amendment of the constitution, from Th SMibwjf -BWt Scltt9, to .that of the aoclety are hereafter to be held on the first Saturikiu, inatead of the firat Mmdaii in Aumut. , at tucn puce in tne county a may be Ueaif na ted at the preceding annual meetingi the wit annual meeting to be held at Thiutyra Church, t the 6wt Hatuhlay.of Aupn, 18.'U ind that fhe BeV; John Deck," with the ReV.'Jciee Bn- - kin aa lit alternate, be appointed to deliver a ermon on the oceaaion. , , Ket. Jeaae Rankin, wu re-elected Preaident i tcT.r J.' 13.' Kilpatrick, Rtvu. fWnlet- herer( J r Trfbrjre Andrewa, and TV a Polk, Vice Preai . deuUi Cbarlee Fwher, Recording Secretary j "-ReirHmn wtaiTeroV Corr poculiny feentaryr 3 Thomaa L. Cowan. Trerref y Her. John Keck; hw -Andrtw&LEhila .Wbit.Michal muWZ7: rW TTjohfl rirCJalloeh, Abel Graham, and Thorhai .lvi,,M,Naelyr Manager,,.; .z- :-:,.,r.t.,. , . Ji rftf Mure ih uu)iiujh iiinmceiind untcii, ft la believed, will lure a happy tendency i e, vWinr the proapecta of the aociety, and produ -uJng the moat beneficial reeulu : For the.purpoae of more conveniently aceriainlnr what, and how, many, familiet are deatitute of the Scripturea, the county wu divided into ail aectiona, and to each wet ion an Af ent - waa appointed, whoM etpecial duty it la made to inquire what (ami. lief are without the Bible, ir any portioi of it, m well u their ability end diapotition to poaieM - tbemwJvrj of4beLward.f. HktLrrrrAa-rnxjatiX we will rive tome more detail of the procee dinn of the Society, wbkh we are oblircd now - to defer for want or room. ' Rrman Gld We have been ibown a few pennyweight! of pure frold, found on the laud of COi. i nomaa u. roia, in n wuinrrn pin or thia, county, on Co'd-Water . Creek, about 8 mile from Salisbury. It ia beautiful ipecimen ; ottirin rlJ waa found at the bate of a con ' eiderable hill, and on the margin oflhe creek: the renlorical appearancea of the earth and rocka, inp.Tnediate4yrin ihat vkinity, are aeid to, indicate the proximity of larjre quantiiiea of the ... pracioui . jneial,- We ajneerery -with It "may - prove a'nerf :ntineTfof1fl rtd"iltfe wrll-giounritti hope, that it woutd have tome tfftct in mitijratuir the present heavy ""pecuniary embarrkiamenta of the people. - .: Chertht Imult.dtn. R. M. Ssuftdert, who " we a few weeks lnc menilflnad, had repaired, under a eotnmiei'in from the Gov. of this state, to Uaywood county, to enter into contracts with divers Cherokee Indiana, for a relinquishment - of thefr clftima to cerUiu rcaervationa of lands, some of which have been o!dbv the ita'e re turned laat week to bis residence in this town. We learn the General has been successful in contracting forttie TXtinrtrWhtretit; at mndrrtte prices, of the Indian cluma to twenty ii of these retervationai and entered Into coivlitional con " tract for the purchase of fifteen more.....xom prisinf all the reservations to which the Indiana were enabled to establ'xh valid claims. These contracts are to be aubmiMed to the General Aaaemblv, for their ratification, before they can becomr bindinjr on the rtate; But, from the ' favorable term upon which they have been t entered into, we presume the Legislature will not newtate to ratnv tnem, ; X'tafM.Partial returtw oniv, have been . received of the general election in the state of . ----Louisiana Crom which It appears Mr. Livingston fcai lost hia election for ConreM he has been : - - beaten by Judge Edward While, by a majority .lif about' a not known what the -result is in the two other congreasionat districts: Itr. i Saunden ejidMf'OvertoTt oppoaeAAJr --Q,rIey wa -jtfrBrefit."" Ttre tdmrrtnjtraf Wmas ; sjernbhjr ticket bu prevailed in the city of New--;- Orleans i and It la tbnugbt tbey will hate a ma. . jority in the Legislature i hopea are e'ntertained rthat-thr Jackson "tandlditr TbrGtfemor; Mr. - ' Buller,.will succeed. There waacoruidcrableeX: ttltarJon among the "TneooV' of the" admtnlatrs : tion,in thia town, on bearingof these partial , Setumai; tbere 'U ". v eryritU;rtaCJh0wvef, to brag yet i for we do not beliere thia elec- tre !" 'if uiarnwil with gent text a ) ,! a 't'f i.t Jit-two .a ; IN?"' !l -i itn e .. -' .i r ; r. ' 1 ' ? V o x, s :r t TV r. . . I,.... . . in Chart? t -t hi,.-. - " -j!lf t W-A'i pa.'U fctwmrysjH jiesutort, 8. U. a great portion of the inbabi--tanta haver been affected by rtrrrd by the Wat N. York papers, we perceive it has made its ap- tetrance'theTBT Noabttlta it tbr Dandy bever. ome wag, in the Charleston Courier, gives the jfoUpwinr description of the manner in which at attacks its victimai v ; ; TiiSe Gout, and Rheum, and broken bone, , And eaoli vile pain that can bei , . ; ;. Combine them ali.'ahd l'ien you'll own, touye something like tbw Aaaue. : ' The duration of this fever ia from three hours to three il4ii-.,r- :-T- - -- ' - Young men wholounga about the atreets, and foung Udiia who shop too much, are eon tiered the most liable to thia wicked fever. b AH m a sudden, a neerrtewiH smart tbe wy itt aUrt-raimh r; v -aaviwheB dieturdn loobng.(WWnUe Siwoyer casemavbei ami th voiinr men will eive SicaiiwearJ. fuldonaIe lhav n4 iie. tbetfr :.-J6w1.-t During the. lattidays .of July, it ws oppressively warm in the northern cities the , mercury stood at 95 in N. York oh the Sflth. A number of persona have ditd from drinking Va wattr, auriirg K3 hot weatnflr. fireman 1 1 .. piilili,lirl by lldiry D. JUclirrt Several uiiiKccfol attempts he been mule wmun lour yess past, to sustsin a paper In that townt whether Mr. Machen hat any solid as- t- .u- "" urancn or oeing more inrtunate than his prede I U . . ' biiiuii iiiR ma nritpnri sua a. .a ... priaed , but hop, he may nuke a livinr at the business, for we know be will deserve it- if he pnnu a jjooq paper iindeed, we think he ! conaenta to risk hit comfort and health in insalubrious re gion, ii richly entitled to a who that tub- ' ' (t The oliituarv of Un. ftanh n viti. '- wife of the Itcv. Shepherd K. Kollock, now of iwiuic, virg, man oe published next week. r ; rjtrtio rium,.U a few of ' thZeniuiW the election takea place few weeks nrevioiia to the aecond Thursday in August. In one of wwiiica, ure luuuwinir, ii me remit t ,ujErfrf "Ar-tOMl H. Wilson, senate enie in iui g, wcnjiuiiiu t? iiunion, commons. . . . niftftl. An ft vlka n L. !. a. rionTen,enW l"1 WV'l U for: Public 'Ion, aa ipecdllf si may be, feturnt of the neftf'efectionrwhtehuYctjrilon tf i t, a ourMajr oexvine.i 4th loau - Tb latest .reports from South America, are that the reat emigre at Ocana had broken un i uu wucmrr jrum in own accora, or by the sr. Irr of Botivar, it it not stated. Bnlivaf if ujn(f every erTort to worm his way Into the supreme dictatorship ofthe whole of South Americt: we nope, bowever, be mar be frustrated in hu .m bit ions designs. In- Peru on -the 30th-March there waTimtt tiiuiiac, wuicu uiu immense lumsyg. In Braxil, on the 11th June, an alarming re. volt took place among the Irish and German troops in the employ of the Brazilian emperor, and the great bulk of hia troops were foreign, en t but as the gunt had been taken from tbe inmrgentt a few days before, they were soon ruTAJn submifgion by tbe Brazilian troops, after killing about 300 of mem. - . 7 , Advices from Buenos Ay res to the 14th June, have been received at Baltimore. The elec tions which took place on the lftth Mayresul ted in favor of the (rovernmerrt candidates. "The province of Santa Fe had been added to the ter. ritory of Buenos .Ayree, and tranquility restored. ! . wnvpiracranrotg4hlaek -tripa had bee d'Kovcrcd r-aom of the ringleadera wero shot, and others whipped with many itriptt. B. Ay res wu still blockaded by S3 sail of Brazilian veeb. A citizen of the U tttes, a young gentleman by the name of Richard R, Pcdrick, a graduate of Cambridge University, had been murdered on the road from Mbnte Video to Buenos Ay ret. Mr. Clay reached Lexington on the 18tb ult. Ilia Political friend kicked up a great duit about it ; they turned out, every mother's son of tnem, and went out of town to meet himi tint, his partiiant here call a triwi.tikant reception ! It would be strange, indeed, were his wor shipers not to leap about with joy like frogs in the spring, throw up their caps, and salute him with a welcome grin, on his going among them, to pat them on the head for their loyal zeal in his behalf. The moat profligate griat man in existence, can easily call a throng of sycophantu around him. Maryland Kt a great political meeting io Cheetertown, Maryland, a divuion of the people took place; when there were for Jackson J 13, for.,Adama"433. 1 At Snow: HilL in the same state, at a clieruT tale, tliere were 300 for jack, son, and 15 for Adams. Jackson, at the but election, received anwn electoral vote In Uary. landi and, in all ph)bability, will receive the sane, or perhaps tight, at the next- Smith Thtmpnh, one of the Judge! of the Supreme CoUrt of the United States, aed brte Secretary of the liavy, bu been nominated bjr the Adam convention of New-York, u a candi date for Governor of That state j and Francit PrJgerV.oJL JPltflooH(LtajotipQhelrte. Gideon Granger, formerly postmaster general, ha beenr nominated, for beut. gorccnor. . .The friendaof Jackaon have not-yes nominated their candidate : Mr. Fa Burnt will probably be the man; should he acccr jbc fjnalioO' he eould "srji'r be elected. . '." tr Oranire Voter." ahall ro in our next. tx -hcukti' jus" ice wouia nave oeen puDiianea wis wee ... M;:ul it not been withdrawn. i . . m ana a ... L. . J tefa Ltap.,. man by the name of Patch, -1 be tnamusins: tbe people of Patterson, Mew r. . lv iumnins? from a point above the Pas. 4'. . into the chasm below, a distance of ir u t iti :L i hi tiM ht when ' l . I - ... I ,1 . B!.V far hill t m lately riaes, and swims off. From 13 to ' V trs are made up by the spectators, each I'm 'stakes these ailly jumps. s muster of Capt. Litaker'a company, in inty.'on the lit intt. a vote on tbe Preai- vaulted in 118 for Jackson 3 for Adams. . swt. Brandon's company, on the 2d inst. . - 65 rotas for Jackson 3 for Adams. A friend iti Buncombe county Informs as, that eA-y4riujiiuter tUbc officera o.the.3djtegl. ment of Buncumbo county, the sentiments ot the officers were aacertaiaed onhe ubject - of the Preaidencv t when it appeared that the whole board were for Jackson, except three I And of the girat numrwr-wf-epeetateea-wbo wcre-reJ aem. all were lof Jactaon except iw. nu on the 26th, at a batuHon muster of tbe same regt ment, a vote wu taken i when Jackson got zau . , . Adams t ? 7, . ' ' Saltm. A. C. Jur. 4. 1828, tf a Warn i On Saturday night last, 2d inst One of our citizens, while walking the most pub. lie street in .tbU village, wu alarmed by the usuaJ wam'mff ' which, the . RaHk-mah, gives editboaptiIevrj a.a nf the male hcademv : notice of the cir- euriincawaalm th citizens assembled, and the snake was killed: it was about 4 feet in length, and had 7 or 8 rat ties." "! have seen, from tbepapers, hat several deaths have occurred thisseaaon, in different parte of the country, from bites of these vene- - -1..! . khak h. Ika. u,-iJ P"r "'-t t:. w. -. ..-' tu...,non II.U K-itvin than ordinarily I t their ippernce In as densely populated a to n as Salem, must be viewed u rather an extraordinary circumstance. Tins one was killed, in the roost jmblic part of ... iwn, wurre people are consitntly pMinr i and it is very fortunate that none of our citizens were omen oy it. " ' ( Th Chmkeei-0ir retdera doubtlese read, lect the failure of the recent atttmpt by the commissioners, (Gens. Davidson arj qWi state, and Gen. Cocke, of Tennenee) to enter Into negotiations with the Cherokee Indiana, for the purchase of some of tltfir lands i and that mcir muisposition to sell, wu ascribed to the mmiencB wnicn ui men exerciied in the na. lion. Subsequent events baTa fljm..n....i that the alTaira of tbe Cherokei na(!on are wholly manarea bv the twh in iltalM.j ciecuon ror members or th .National Comm . and Council of the N.tirti. verv reeentl placed the endiaU v-5 nf tKem wetel iiucr. time men er inongreit very slightly CNtaaed with Indian 1 he Cherokee Phriw yavJ We-lM loatita former Tahir witty o t ee ha the it, sad tbv kettle and the memtow or five pounoa of tobacco-in rtreWf ah li :ni.Jai. - r i- . . ' ' - w nsuuw w tnuiana Wilms linuJ ... L - - J I ... r vu ue owcrucu, looaa ro us too much likrJinr.Tbi"!fTkini.-.fKa:i probation of the treaty made with the Cherokees west of the FiailasippV'fo h'cb it U provided they shall remove Mill further west. It- Bm. to think the white win never bertofiiledrrnT ""7 inuian u unicn Devona tne hnHHr:. oi me united states, or the wbole race extinct Jatkton and bVrr.....8ome of the over jt, Aiams men, having failed in aU their Mk.. schemes to blacken tbe fame of tha !?!. J.ljrM-frmer,9f Xean.f.tfeejindJuBduce the people to abandon mm and their country, have revived the old and refuted slander that he wu an accomplice at Aatwn Bwr, in the treaaunM cbemee of the latter, bite year 1801 No. tiling but deiperutin coull have induced any set of rational men to mate such a chum. me ui me nnwi ainpit ana conclusive evi dence of Jackson's devoton to tbe tranquility and integrity of tbe Union and hia prompt and .1.- t l -k . .. t' 11 to trustrat BuiVi nhii . si it wu drat. ti... C-.- ' r . iwan-...Mn towards the government of the United 8 ate. Gen. Jackson was the first, to give warning to the governatent, and to "Got. Clalorn, of Lou isiana, of the treasonable dVaigns o'furr Gen. J's. letter to Gov. Claiborw, .was written 12tb N'or 180fl i ud hia irrfurrnatkm -t the rovera- mfMnmur.tawen-aTbojthe--OT time, as Mr. Jenerson's Droolamatnoon tbe sub- ject bean dite the 27th of tbe sane month. Mr. Jefferson, in writing to Gen. WUtnaoii (the U. S. omcer who then commanded u jhe Southern department, and at NewOHean on the 3d of January, saw i 'If every thing (torn Louisville (Kentucky) be arrested, tbere is nothing from below that a to be (eared be astired that Ten. nevaee, aadlartiailarly Can. JfacJuan, art faith. fuL" . Another evidence of the cevotedness of Gen. Jackasn to tbe constitution and laws of the country, is : After Burr's' conduct excited gen eral stispicim of his intentions, an association wu formed, of some of, tbe oldest citizens, and most incorruptible patriots of Tennessee, who were to hold thenuelcs in readiness to march on tliort notice, aboul Burr! progress render it necewary, to defend the laws Mid government sgainst his treasonable movements: of thiauso cittion, Jackon, alt ho gb the junior of many of its members, wu req tested,' to take the com mand, u Captain j he promptly complied But a certain Judge William, of Tennessee, avers that Jackson toll him he could obtain a captatn'a commission inSurr! army, if e wished it. Now H to happen that tbii Mr. Williams wu always a hypochonlriacal, halr-bralaed, ad venturous fellow, and be right kind of person to enter readily into tht wild schemes oi Burr -and u Jackson was, at the time he if charged with making thia" offer: using every means to bring to light the ulterio views of Burr's enter prize, he, in all probabidy, apoke thus to Wil. hams, rf betwed wny aujb language lo binu.of which we are rather skeptical) in order to sound h'idv and elicit 'such Info toation s be might be in poesion of in reVatim to Burr's trr u. J- This base ainl profligrfe charge ugain Gen. Jackson, i rather umorttna'.e Tar the partizans of the. administration ht -made t, for it recoils backoo their own appear thai their great champion and motth piece, the imors Irit Htwar Caav, ia infiaitely taorw obnoxious to The charge of leaguing with Burr, in hit trea. sbnabk designs, than Gen - Jacktort. When Burr wai arrested in Kentscky, Mr. Clay wat his wuaMry counsel, and aucceeded in releasing him from the nfllcer of govortrakM. , lauehed at the Idea of lurr's hatlne any hostile intentions on the goternment i b took him home to the bosom of hia family; and befriended him in other reipecO. And be also opposed the suspension of the ffabea Carpus act. which wu proposed that tbePre'ident (Mr. Jefferson) might act more efficiently in arresting the con spiracy or burr, ineie acts or air; yiay, are much more calculated to create a suspicion that he wat an accomplice in Burr's conspiracy, than any thing which ia charged against Gen. Jackson. rirpi'nia.The convention which, we men tioned in our last as having assembled at Char lottsville on the 14th uh. to devise some plan to promote the cause of internal improvement in that state, adjourned after a session of six days. The report at a committee me convemion, (which was drawn up by Judge Marshal) of tiirh Kheme of internal imorovement as would be roost likely to advance the best interests of .thaJjnienLcoro r ro that proud eminence she once occupied among her arster Republics, but which, of lata yean, she has W sortie IPeaiure loot, w able and wcid. We subjois the following summary of what ia reeommemled-iOhejrerwrtj ronvtho Freder. fcksbuTfttenld, not barmg room tW any Umig more in detail The report recommends the im provement of tha three great water cour sja of VirsinU. via, the James river, Po toroac and Roanoke, as of tSfa first impor tance, and oarticulsrly the James, as pos aea&ine sdvantsges over 'either of the mhara .amon? which- were-urjed her centialours? through the i which ritizena would be benefited Ibab oy the1 iroproTemeBt.otM a being.th4 nearest Jptiter wnicn. "communication could be bbtstned with h. .e.t : and 3dlv as bavins sn amount otcIplteUlreadretpBde4ponUa-wb will be of little utility without continua tion of tne work.' The oib r two mr e, , or nouco Dy the k'-iihture, a;J eenetally throughout the state.' rfuage VKiiiisms, for -many years has oeen the laughing stock of the Bar, and periect incubus on the judicial districii la which he bss presided. Ilia want r. memory is notorious his want of vera- my win not nerealter be questioned. Aathville JiffiuUican, ' tuprtme Cayrt.-The last Raleigh Register - u uecisions of tne supreme Court, at ita recent u-ulnn . tv ... .a ... ,. v h.h twin in this week's .paper forooly a few, such u most immediately concern the majority of our ?k - w w -i P "ne more Mtrrrr'tiasa; "' James U. Bestty v. James P. Ellioti, num i.uiuinuru. out dismissed each party to pay bis own costs in tbe Court beter end- tbettrstref thli Coarrto' U equalljr divided, ? r . - w lleiri" of CbristaTn 17. Benieinai Jfi III nam Lenoir, from Wilkes. Petition to rebearristaiised wititreestsf end theorf- Rinsi decree sfflrmtd. Nathaniel Oadberrw v. Jacob PUhir lmJ!mJto&ni.J)tsit . for tomplainants. James Long v. Jacob Fiih-e nA Mk... from Rowan. .Decree for J n.r. . r fcicnonma to Dy costa Elizabeth Moore v. James Rr.nHS nam r ana Nathan Austin, from Burk li I T . . dismissed, each piny topi? hlsown coKs. Jsmes tienrlerson and others, v. Root. Wilwn and others, front Mecklenburg. Bill of the Trustees dismissed WK Trustees dismissed with coat. James Martin, Adm'r. v. Lucr Mahrv snd others, from Iredell. ComDlainants a . a a w pay costs oi this Uourt and tbe Court below. ueo. Miller snd others. . Thomas iuucu, nam r. iron) nnwn n.. . s tic, D. Jose Cham bers and others, from Rowan. Decree for Complainants. - Jesse . Kiibr.ind Tho. Osks-v.lVVm, Bird-iitTj-herirfrom-Rowain.- Decree for Complaiosnts. - taw cases. . JohfcCrow. v. Jsmes Hojlsnd'e .Heirs, appellants, from Hsy wood.- - Rule for new trial made absolute. John Bradley v. Joshus Souther and the heirs of John Miller, from Rather- brd. J udgment reversed. - """" ' John Bradley v. Ruben Searsey and the heirs of David Miller, from Ruther ford. "Judgment reversed. : Chairman of Rutherford, to the use of the Countv,pp:i. v. John II. Alley, and others, from Burke. Judgment reversed and rule for new trial made absolute. Win. Lenoir Chairman, v. James Well born and others, from Wilkes. J udgmenl affirmed. ConstantineD. Ladd v. Peer Ilairslon, appt. from atokea. Judgment oi. tne Superiorp bf procedendo to the Superior Court. George Bird v. Samuel S.Jioss, from Rutherford. . Judgment reversed. Joel Esiis v- Peter Hatrston, from Stnk-t Certiorari ordered. Doe on.-drmiae.of A. Walker k-Wife v. 'en and Samuel Greenlee, from Wilkes. Judgment affirmed and role for a newrial diKbiTged; - - . w: ' Ssmue t pcott y. Joseph Williams, jun. from Davidson. Judgment affirmed and rule for a new trial discharged. STATrCAKI." Jno. M. Greenlee, (ram Rurke. State v- Kiineoi'alrtiied1::! State v. Hcxckiah Mumfordjrora Absoo. Judgment for the State. Stitev. Nichol.sHood - " ? c'- Irom uuiIRird. Juognjeui tu, o.r,..j-... State v. Jesse Upton, from Uuillord. udgment for the State Death. Political Ifr-ii....We have seen s state ment made by the Jackson Central Com mittee of Ohio, which .contains intelli gence from every district in the elate, demonstrating, most conclusively, that the Jackson Electoral Ticket will sue ceed bv a majority rising 3000 votes. We have seen letters irom as raanr as members of coneress Irom new ... thI1 j-aMrerlli ob tain a decided majority ol tne electoral vote of that state. There will be a mighty struggle for the mastery in New tiampsnire. ai mc last gubernatorial election in that state. the coaliUQHcandidate succeeoca oy a ativel meacre maiorlty, which will dwindle into minority, U l ..ConB dentlv expected, before November next. NewiieyJD0SeP0jeeino her hest. is Dronouncea aaie ior Jackson. Pennsylvania Is immovesoiy wuww 1 a Aerl foe the man of the people, uela- wsre is claimed by the coalition ; but we nnt fflve her UP- She is sjallant and hib-minded to vote for i man, who in e.erv atation. has msde tttf hia ruling passion. We are sure of setren totes in kt i.n Virginia. North end Sooth retina. Georgia. Tennessee, Alabama and the whole valley of the Mississippi, litf inTihdrvtded vote lor tuevf ar : If our whlsperinRa Irom Washington ar. tn ha credited. BIr. Adama has long aincTcewed the hoyb of ro-electipoj pfl navinfj am rV fa:!isrcj Li r.c.l, hs ii prn ( : Lr a permanent rciircaient froni the CcU of politics, intending to (ko up his rest dence at Quincy, where a splendid man sion is said to be preparing for his recep tion. , Old Dominion. . ,' ,m eOo"', ' ROW Alt BIBLE SOCIETY. .. ' The Board of Directors of tha Re-wart Bible Society, are rcoueated. lo meet at the store of Mr. Michael Brown, in Salis bury, on Tuesday, the 19tb Inst. (beinjf nesoar or August court) at 1 1 o clock, a. if. A punctual attendance is desired. , The Board it nosed cf Re. Jesse Rankin, Rev. J. D. Kilosttick.Hev. James Stafford. Ray, Djo'I Bhefer, George An-" drews, T. O Polk Charles Fiaher, Tho'i Vwvmi H-vJla Rerk. Jnbn An- ; drewnvPhiloi.WbitB. f MichMH Bmwri''- John McCulloch, -Abel - Graham, - end " i nomas HcNeely. -v.i vf,,' Beef, fresh In market.- cents R-nn. i n. peach" brandy".' 50 60 nir, .4 a 4- whiakey. 2S JO UmtaJ ; States bank notea. 61 tn 7 nan.L. . JJ.. Art . !.4i. i?, wfci.f, ! whi-key. J3 to 2 , bagging, 42 inch. 23 to 14 1 igar, 6 to 9 1 molasses, SO to 31 xenU bacon, 6 to7 apple brandy, 25 to 28 1 bees. wx.22i coflee. 13 to 17i ht'snntM. 100 to ins . Jamaica rum, 110 to 115-West India do. TS 0.,...Korth-Brolmr brlrs, 8 W "9 pereemT tlia. torgia do. I f to U per cent, ditto. Cao. The market for thia article hu hn a dull u we ever recollect it to have been.' Petertbunr. Jul 29 Tottnn. 0 tn 1 1 1 . h bacco, g2 50 a 7J -refused, 1) a gl, corn, U a 9,2 1 bacon. 0 a 8. L.-.L 6.7. .nnlZ orandy,34 S35i peach 45 a 74 centa..-.Nortrj Carolina bank bills. 8 to 9 per cent discount i Georgia bills, 2 a 3 South CaroUna billa; 3 to 2 per cent, discount. a' s-a ' " ' .Kt.w Arm rvrr. jnur. w zee the week past amount jo w bales upianoa, , f II K 11 eeata. North Carolina bank bills, 8 -Tr-to 10 per ccirt. discount. 1 . easf " CtAd-iio, . V.-Mfuit 1. Cotton, 9 to 10 t '- -! coni 40 VheatTS i flouf-5 r bacon 8 to 10,- - bams 17 to lr WPMey 37 ts t sail - T- North-Carolina bank bills. 7 to 8 per cent dls. count (.Georgia do, 1) to 2 J. jnarrfr. ' In this county, on the 7th inst. by the Rev. John Reck, Mr. Peter llartman to Miss Sena Brown. ' ' Ori tbe 50th tilt .by Jatfies Oohetrr; Csq. -Wri-John Alcorn to Mist Wary Price f Also, on the! same day. by the Rev. John Williamson, Mr. Leander Black to Miss Elisabeth XJonteitlwU! of Mecklenburg county. '"' " In thia county, on Thursday last, by the Rev. Daniel Rberer. Mr. Jacob Bearer to Miss Cath erine llartman. " A CisYUYr. DOCTOR B. L. BE ALL . ; BEGS leave to inform bis friends, that he has" declined locating in Lexington, and has taken the office of ths late Dr. Atrt, In Jersey Settlement i where he can. be: f jynd by lhaew who wish bis professional serylcefa'preparefl anft willing to accommodate them. .. 3t29 . . . ltit 8, 1828. ' To m 15 OTTOX W8 Inn HE subscriber hu been engaged m tteJrrTfi f I ::.r.....- fifiiMiA b nrvs " . a m. nwnuiwiurv w, . iui i vy. . uuio. ivir many years t he bas travelled, wifhiii a few yearsi r- f. through the statt-s, Of 8. A lab.. Gear, and ' Miaoissipni, for the purpose .of improving hima.,,,,., self in the principles and construction of tbesjer ... useful machiaea from hia aaUrgadexperkncsju, m this bnsmesa, he feewsoiriecmnaeliea-in pre senting his claims to the attention of Planters $ he feels awured, that, by combining Jbe We im provements in Cotton Citts with a recent hW provement of ma own, be cafl make Gins pick from a t-4 to 1-3 faster than 1he cWmmorl Gimt and at the' samflimf ttf TnMCmmerli maimer : these improvements can be put upooj the Mnnoi Gin in an effectual miuaa iuaa much aa they appertain mostly to tbe breast qf L-... lie Will repair, ur v --. -- , short notice. ..i For reference aa to the plan and execution os hia work, be would refer to Jesse Hargrave, of Lexington, An-leros Klha, of tne aeraey seuio- ment, and Michael iirown, oi aanswiij. has oa band, and for sale, wnew nmsneu, nv or six excellent Gins. "1'L' t?' Vexinft .fwjfiwr, 1888. n -1 . it. lltKCU iV aa OM the 3d of Augut, and committea to me lail of Cabarrus connty, M. C. a negro fcl- low who saya be belongs to a man living in . Georgia, by the name of Wilis Oaton, Haneoclc -county, Sparta (and says ha is free,) and cells hia same Uitrfe, oara cornpiecicu, w i" are, the nneers on bis left bsnd somewhat eon. V 1 ....J k.HHlltf tracted or arawn inwaru, nwawmw, j a stroke on the band i one of hia upper .fore teeth out i 5 feet 6 J inches high i the owner la requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and tabs bin away. U. JhrnutUXL- 3t ......-VW v ' V At.ONF.Ua. WILL find it to tbelr advantage, to stop ex the If JO Off TARD. where every con venience ia provided for Man and Horse, to mako . r .a .-a a t f aar them comfortable, at me moaeraie cnarge or cents a day and uight, for the privilege of tbet Yard, tbe use or a gooa nouse, nre, wmcr, ana alieker. Attached to the Yard, are a Grocery and Provision ptore. Bread Shop and Confec tlonary, and House lor ioarders anauoaers. in a plain, cheap, -wholesome and coinfot- ysrrSSw--l. FdrttewilU, 1". Jipnu iwwu-r - M Number 6 to 1J. indusive, at tbeftuMOT--Z prices, from Fayetteviiie; Appry to " I : If -i i " v. 3emmmmm"-: