rr C" 5 f TJ 2 r SEPTEMBEIt 2, 1828, We he seen a most tlespica- tie pimpblet, purporting to be an impartial am! h!.tnr of the life and services of Major funeral Andre Jackson which is made up of .,. mnt baretaceu ana naguous isiaenoous nu oerversiont of facta. .There W no date nor im ' )'. wint to it. nor any kind of b mark by which to tetl where it ru printed or who is the tumor, imnnr all the abandoned ftbricationi against - Gen. Jackson, with which the country hat been flooded, this ie the most shameful deception which ha yet met our eye. , Number of them have been circulated all over the Union j and the -jeBpwwoulo wuw BewareBijnEau serted bv her lover, corammw wuicwr snon time since; by chewing opium. . The faithless : who caused this melancholy catastrophe. .......'ilL Pirlcmi.-i-Pftxr readers will recollect " that we noticed, last year, the decease Ot fcrflrf t,ul nf Cuba, while on a visit there for the benefit of his health, taring -the last winter's .--..in nf the Lreialahire of Alabama, resolu tion wss psfsed, for removing, at the expense, of the ststr, the remains ot tne late iiovemor, mm riiha to Alabama. This resolution wo viewed by the relatives and friends of Gov. P. as a sig. ..i mtn'ifrfttit'mn of retnect for the character pf the deceased but during the recent elec. tions, the Vesnlutinahtving, the madness of party, been converted into an electioneering Jnitruraf nt, and made a handle of to the preju dice of those who voted for it, the relatives of the la Gov. bave epme to the determination of removing hit remains at their private expense. Republicanism ...I he partisans of the Ad ministration claim to be the true Republicans.... and insist on it that Messrs. Adams and Rush are he Republics candidates! Now, to say nothing uf the antl-repuhlican, aristocratic pHnciplet and conduct of these gentlemen, it ia sufficient to in. validate the claim which they set up at republi cans, to men ion, that they ..were both active i federalists during the reign of terror .the wrote -blackguaideiKIgainHihlimm.mu taT7eftTwn;Wthetrtheofe the black cock--de; as an emUemof his littacbtaentto the prin ciple! of the British hireling Cobbett, snd to distinguish him. from those persecuted patriots who were then contemptuously stUed the vxJ rnr drmtm'tt And nw the people, of the Un. ion are impudently railed upon to lupprt Messrs. Adams and Rush as RepubUcam .', We marvel how men of either party can support such Battimrt,....,....rt immense meeting of the friends of Gen. Jackson, was held in the city of Baltimore on the 5th ult,t upwards of isx Au tand people assembled. Mr. M'Mahon addres sed the muhitude"; and a spirited address and resolutions were adopted, with great unanimity, in favor of Jackson and Calhoun. Tbe popular current is setting powerfully in favor of the Tennessee Farmer, in Maryland i we may rea aonably count on teven votes for bim in that patriotic state. XI t have received the first number of the iifAwi flfiro published In Cheraw, 9. C. it is every way creditable to the editors, and must be valuable to the subscribers t but can. aot,'-we should think, be a profitable concern to - tbe proprietors . ! " Anew sloop of war, called the Bt. Louis, was launched from the U. 8. ship yard in.Wash. ington Citn on th 16th u4t She u said to he a very fine vessel. Judge Thomas Stuart, of Mr.rfreesboroughk CTenuaaee. tb'"whom;.K Jemg preKtd .f hen (as be sajrs) Gen. Jackion offered Jum a commknon in Burr i "ajmyv denies having heard the Gen. say anv such thing. -Sttlhat the kimril Nat. W ill ituns't en 'jr witnert contradicts him. to nia teeth. Judge Stuart goes on to stale circumstances which completely ei eulpate Cen, Jackson from the malevolent charge of leaguing with Burr. CartkirnetM A careless lad, in Wuhing'on, in this state, in shooting at a wood-pecker, hit ntl killed an M negro man, who happened nearly in the range of the gun. Curtjtr Pm$L Rhode Island paper, on noticing the death of the two lads, one n lr dell, the other in Lincoln county, from the bite of Hattle Sntktt, mentioned in erjr paper a few weeks since, prescribes the following rrmrdy : " Rub a few drops of the tincture of Cantharides upon tbe wound till blistered but if deeply swollen from long standing, the part bitten should be completely cut wit, snd the wound (immersed rn warm water) suffered to. bleed copKKitly then wash it in a dilution of calcinated sulphate of tine in water. This remedy though harsh, is enVtual in drawing the poison from the blood, and preventing it Irom injuring the conftitutioo." Sit in Pki!aJtlpKiu.-0 the night of the 1 1th alt. one of the city watchmen having rather rudely obtruded himself into the house of a peaceable cfUxen vf the Northern LibertiVs o the city of Philadelphia, and high words and a scuffle ensuing, tbe watchman sprung hit rattle which assembled all the other watchmen in the tlibofhond, and tbe frUaJaaf the CitJiciLbavJ. mg also assembled, a scene of riot and blood en oed, such u wu never before witnessed in that ciiyssrsiWryJswe Some persons were killed, and a great number moat shockingly bruised and nfledj'some of the buildings were nearly demofiihed, and th furniture destroyed t brick, bits, clubs, end rrsrsss, Were the wespons usedt tbe riot oontumad for three da vt:1 the ' sherifflssued his proclamatlcii; and moved to the tcene of (ha mob with tb whole force of Uie ItuAorrtlS btrittrniablfrfsew the. outrages, (he military waa called 'out. 'and the t art eieprrsedrW w eeMs-all accounts, this disgraceful affair as counterpart of the Immm JteWaswi, w,st- TbW-wiUaolUU Well Id the history of a city which claims the credit of Being the most peaceable and orderly, as it is the most regularly built and cleanly, town in tbe Union. Th Columbia Caxette, of the 16th ult. say iv pUtmtr bit broken out in Cb.rlem. Tie celebrated frLh barrister. O'Cennel 1st determined to become a candidate for a "teat in Parliament, from the county of Clare, to fill the vacancy occasioned bv Mr. Vetey Fitgerald's accepting a situation in the Duke of Wellington's cabinet. Mr. O'Connell being Catholic, there will be constitutional obstacles in the way of his taking bis teat in Parliament, as he cannot con- ! i - . i . i : ' . I i i scicnuuusiy sate uie necessary pains j om in other respects he oossesset all the requisite qualifications, and if he receives a majority of . -- .1. .1. .' .. I - LI- 1 . - . 1 votes, tne snerin win oe oongeq to return nun a a member. ' Mr. O'Connell's fame hat spread far abroad i the announcement of his being a candidate, has created an extraordinary excite ment in Dublin i and the astonishment it has produced in London, is equally great i the eyes of the whole empire will be turned towards the county of pare. , , ' , AVw.Ceon.-Eight bales of this year's cot. lotiTwM received in AttCTrron the "15th"u!t. from the plantation of Cot- FitasiensrasEKw Mr. Cobb, Senator in Conereu from Georeta. S candidate for a judgeship in that state, and of trelgfhW senatorial office Troup, tt' w saiu. Wul o to1 the senate tn ATTi Cobh't place, Mr, Crawford, declining to offer, pniemng q retain mi onice asjoage: : 'AtnmiTim i the' latrstaceounts received of the election in this state, it it probable the Jackson candidate for Governor, Doct. I. T, Canby.lias succeeded.. Gov. -Kay was a can d:date for re-election j but ai there was a good deal of equivocation in his conduct, some of the friends of Jackson started Dr. Canby, while Others continued to support Rav. Mr. Harbin II. Moore was the administration candidate but there was no expectation of his beimr elec ted, the contest lying between Canby and Ray, who were ootn voted for as Jackson men. handsome majority of Jackson members will, it is expected, be returned to the legislature We may safely calculate, therefore, that the Fdedtoraf vote of Indiana will be given tolhe. people s candidate. AVnur. All the returns of the elections in this state, had not come to hand when our paper went to press i but enough is received to war. rant us in saying that Gen. Mucalf, the Admin istratinn candidate, is elected Governor, by majority of between three and four thousand majority, over Judge Barry. : We are prepared to hear hutch exultation from the Adams Dart v. on this result rnd we are willing they should indulge, wttniuberantjtifruwtwaa triumph for re beKeveit wrill b the W joy ful event (in reference to the Presidency) which will greet their eart.? The majority for the Administration candidate is small, much less than any ot the es timate made, 'preriourto-the election, by his fnends. Besidea, this election did not turn al together on the Presidential question: local divisions influenced the people in their choice JjKrtwern Barry and Metcalf: tbe former was at the read ff the New Court parw: anrt great numbers of Old Court Jackson mm could not be induced to vote for him i w hile Metcalf occupied neutral ground, and of course as not affected by that nutation, tor instance, in Madison, Jes. samlne, and Boon counties, Metcalf received majority over Barry of 1072 votes t while the Old Court candidntes for tbe legislature, were elected by a majority of 1058 votes. We should think this would be enough to satisfy any one that the state is fur Jackson. Kentucky ii safe for the Hero. ..although we can elect him with out it. KLECTJOX.BKXUS.yS. fnvwesd. Thomas Lose, senate; Ninisn Edmonston. Benjamin S. Brittain, commons, - State of the poll; Love 199, Col Joseph Cathev134, for .senate j Edmonston 853, Brit. tain 577, James R. Love 561. for commons. Warren. Richard Davis, senate t- William Gu Jones. Ransom Watker. commons. State of the noil: Davis 181,' John Hawkins 131. for the senate i Jonrt 493, Walker 3St, Mai. Thomat J. Green 356, for the commons State of the poll in Surry : Meshack Franklin 675, P. It. Robert 323 for the seute ; Murdectj tte'mirig-SSV Alfred C. Moore TQ0,F,.., Hough 684. C.Oftlctby. 667, (two Jast Administration men) for Uie common?, .. " 7 n'avne. (iabr'.el Sberrard. senate i John W. Satser. James Rhodes, commons. J.Wsis. Dvl Thompson, senate j Hinary Wilder, Josiah O. Watson, commons. JV;Ainwrrr--William B. Meares, senate John Kerr, William S. 1-arkins, oommons. Tu-wn r IViMnrln. John Wslker. Bladn M. M'lnnis senate i John J. M'Mil Ian, Alfred Waddell, commons. '' Baliax. Jesse A. Bynum iiuli lax Itham Matthews, senste i Rice B Pirrcc. tieorev E. SDruill, commons. Mai tin JosrQh J. Williams, senate i David Latham, Jesse Cooper, commons Gatrt. Abraham llarrell, senate W. W. Strdman, Lemuel Kiddtek, commons. Bntnmiek. Jacob Leonard, senate j Thomas R. Smith, William L. Hall, commons. Ws.-K.sdrn M'Uaniel, senate i 0. B. Cexe, C Jarman, commona. , Anajr.H. B. Creom, senate i G. Whitfield, W. n. Kilpatrick, commons. Carteret. Otway Burns, senate i D; W. Bor den, S. W. Hellen, commons. Onlnr E. Ward, senate; F. Foy, E. Wil liama, comnr.ona. reryuiment WilKs Riddick, senste i Daniel Rogerion, 1 homas Wilson, commons. Trwn ef Rdentn. James Rotman. Stare of tbe poll i Boaman 38, Maj. 8. T. Saw yer 36. Chwa.-William Walton, senate William By rum. Jot'ah M'Retl, eommonsr Tyrre. John B. Beaxley, senste i Daniel Bateman, Frederick Davenport, commona Lam Jen. Haywood S. Ueu, sena-e vt inun WeMrr, Thotwae Doaier. common!. Wwuii.-John L. Bailey, senate voan Pool, William Gregory, commons. rrT From our cwrevpondent who obligingly favored wa with tlte state of the Doll in KutKer- fTi we learn that eases Graham, Esq. oae of the members elect irom thai county, repeaicuiy declirkdofferingforthe sittiationi but hisfriettda, not content to be deprived of bit services in the legislature, resolved, on Meniay pretedinj the WertiM, in despite of kit refusal, veU tot hqn. His election, under these ciecuiwstances, must election, unaer tneae oioMswnwj beffi and is Uonorabhi to tbe peeple is uonoraote o toe pevpieoi u iwmi;,h eviiiaveof the'iMiesersainaliants discouotentocf tbe too prevalent tysteai of ehcuenetnnf . ay Y?a committed a typographical error io giving the erste of the- poll Stokes eoun ty i trie number of votes received by Mr. 8ho br, for the fiemte wft M9f imtetd fCf9. Cwnyfciertii eht? of e"r. testers' ru Broken up at Jamestown, Cu','.. . I county, week before last i and most of those believed to be concerned, were bound over to court. There was found n them a quantity of counterfeit United States 10 bills, made payable at the branch in Mobile, to C. rtousron, or order, but (unlike the genuine bills) .not indorsed on the back by him. It is believed tome of these sou. nous bills are in circulation, and the public would do well to be on their guard against taking them. The man whose house these rotrues made their head-quarters, was alto apprehended, on suspicion of conniving at tbeir villainy. l wo men were lately pnrenenaea in this county, for passing counterfeit Virginia $J bills, and brought to the jail in thil puce, to await their trial at October Superior Court,. , A man on whose evidence the state will rely to convict these, persona, was also confined In jai for want of bail, but is now discharged. ,v. r gold was found if WrKWStf Ki WniTmT Kpcky River, in Anson tninty, on the 16th ult. which weighed about thirteen tvndt Trov weight Mt was dug up iy a very indigent ounr many wnow portiowy seewu h t tn4etaa n wiucn toe mines are worxed. will beone-ha r.. sufficient Wseroim Tip fnbaimiext;- if ne nlakfff i"u .... . a puuu use oi u. w e are toiu mat a gentiemai) in a neighboring wunty, offered a dollar a pet nyweightfor the entire mass i . which, t that rate, -would hare brought upwards of K3.000, But, from sohw cause, the offer was not accep ted i the gold was cut up and hammered ; and at tbe highest rate at which it it selling, brought only about 82500! Alter tbe above wu put in type, Mr. Austin visited this town, for the purpose of setting his .1 - r .1. - 1 J i j; i uaic.ui iuc juiu, iiu.uiapwsea 01 it ai jj cents per pennv Weight, lie informs, that a second lump has been found at the tame mine, weigh, ing upwards of four pound) t and a third piece, oi i pennjweignuj uesiuea a considerable quantity in smaller particles. Th pit where these hirge lumps were found, bad become venr C mtm I ' 1 . . . unproductive, and had been nearly abandoned, wnen tne destitute lad anon mentioned hit up on the large mass. The drought it beginning tebe seriously felt in this region : Com is mostly Madr, and cannot, of course, be much injured; but reran is suffer ing.....the crop will fall short of ealiulationi, and the Maple will be somewhat inftrior to what waa expected t few weeks since! - . Gen'.,7ohri Floyd has declihed a lecfioij'U" Congress frmn Georgia. roa tss wtsTiaa caaounas. ' Hard is his fate on whom the pu blic gaze Is fixed, forever to detract or praise ; Repose denies her requiem to Ji name, And Fplly loves the martyrdom of Fame. .. Th? secret enemy whose sleepk s eye Btahds sentinel accuserliidgt, aiid spy f v The foe the fool the jealous snd the vain ; The envious who but breathe in others' pain. Behold ihe host ! delighting to deprave, Who track the steps of Glory to, the grave ; Watch every fault that daring Genius owes Half to the ardour which its birth bestows, Distort the truth, accumulate the lie, And pile the pyramid of Calumny ! B. 305,790 oiar.Thit immense sum of money has been drswn from the Tiea sury of the United States, by John Q,. Adams, and yet he has bad the hardihood to call the government " weak end penu rious." For eighteen years Mr. Adams has been reeeiving the. people's money at the rate "oT 'forty ' dollari i day --And yet those -who' support him wish him still to gorge upon the public purse. Six Wagon loads oSilver.-mt htt been taid that John Q- A?sms has. got from the public treasury of tbe United States, by faU and (but- means altogether, . as much at six wagon Joadt of siWer dollsrs i Let ui see wbetber tbit is true. 305,790 dollars, weighing each one-oence, would amount- to -19,1 11 pounds,:" Allowing 3000 pounds to each ream, it Would make six wagon loads, and half a ten over ! It is a plain calculation; anjl man may make it for himself. Think bf this when you go to vote, ye who are' opposed to high taxes, snd a waste of the public money Kemembcr shout nine ions or six wagon loads of silver paid to John Q, Adams snd yet he is not utiucd LATEST FROM EUROPE. Advices to tbe 4th of July, have been received from England, by way of Quebec, London. July Isi. French papers state that the Russian army having crossed the Danube, has bad several rencontres with the Turks. London, July 1. Lord Frsncis Levi ion Gower and Mr. Henry Hobhouse have been called to. the Privy Council, the lat ter, it is said, at .e express desire of His Msjesty. . The Esrl of Westmoreland is appoint ted Lord Lieutensnt to the County of Northampton' The Right Hotiorable Lord Ftuart de Rothesy, G. C.TJ. is" ippointed Ambassador Litraerdtnary and I lenlpd tentiary to his Moat Cbiisttan Majesty. Th e" FlnaQ C e Comtn ittee- h s ve :dete r mined. bv ma'roritf of one, that the Sinking Fund, there being no surplus of revenue, was of no use, sad should be abolished. The Duke oTWeningtoi) had met with an accident which had nearly uroted fatal 10 htm.-lie was riding in. Cowduit street, when bit horse fell, snd His Grace's head came wlthiw a few inches) ot tU wheel f which was pass ng. fro sen- --- -1 , ---rr - n v. cident, which is the second the Duke has met wubTstnca he basbeetrrremter.- Liverpool, July J.-U wss generally sskt that Parliament would be prorogued sbburtbed July, and It wis expected that His Mtjesty would do io b penon. rjr. t). 17. Harvey h tres:niir.' t it- tition from 5,O0O.Weavers, praying, that the protection sfTorded to agriculturist should be extended to them, said it wst his intention, in the next Session! to trio ve for i committee to enquire into the state of the labouring classes. ' Mr. F. Lewis said, tbe course the House would have to pursue next session, would be gradually to follow, up the principles of free trsde without prejudice to existing Interests. . Mexico. B the arrival of the U. S. schooner Shark, Isaac M'Kaever, Esq. commander, which tailed from Tampico, on the 12th July, we have received the following memorandum t Lvery part of Mexico was quiet, snd there seemed to be a general confidence id government. The Federalsystem wM every where approved of. NotbinKbad beea heard oCowmo-J dore Laborde s squadronTnor were they fesrful of an invasion on the part of the Spaniards. The pld Spaniards were much disliked throughout the cotwitry, -. f.rsde was dull. - iv. r on vm 6th r r- - ifainc.Ytom the 'following.' h would seem that the Tjatriotio state of. Alainc is disposed to throw off the shackles of -the Administration : - oah.' A Sign.At the celebration of the 4th of July in the town of Dexter, in Maim-, there were twelve hundred citizens pre sent. A vote being taken on the Presi dential question, there were for Adams three for Jackson all the rctt. Shocking SwWr......;.Jolin N. Straton, Csq. formeily a Delegate from one of the counties on tbe. Extern Shore, in Virgin ia, to the Legislature of that State, hung himself on Saturday, 26th ult i The cause is not assigned and, on the Saturday fol lowing. 2nd inst. Hqnry Tazewell, of Nor folk, his cousin, son ot the Hon. L. W. Tazewell, shot himself with a pistol, near the same place, and expired almost in staniy.v failing to secure the affections 'of a young ladyithe cause assigned for the commission of the act by the latter. By the Arkansas Gazette of tbe 16th inst. we discover that a man named Millard "" was recently killed near the hot Springs, in an affray produced by his havim? shot at some woman. Mil lard was drunk at the time. Charles Pratt, Esq. a young gentleman who had just arrived of age, and had come into possession of 2 00 ,000 funded, and! 40,000 in landed property, was recently killed in England by the upsetting of a phaeton. He was returning from a box ing match. A late Boston paper sayS, seme of the first characters in the city have taken Pews in the gallcrie, in some of the new Churches, for their familiev,in preference to Pews on the lower foor considering them more pleasant and agreeable. Strong Befr. . Jamrs Bier, a laborer, in Oxford county, Maine, lately lifted a young heifer, belonging to Mr. Sher man, over a five rail fence, on a wager. . .taox TVS SlSiWt Asacs. . hlQGlXa. ft irssid wbess a crrlaia great Rsilts ay began, Johnny Q. first shovelling auute.-- ." ';: He wsi wrong trrattempt it. for Cray wasthe man : " He kriost how to deal with the spade? V. Chr JUarlutsr FayettniRe, Angiift 20. Cotton, 8 to 9 Tteef, fresh in market, 3 cents i Bacon, 7 to 8 peach brandy, 50 to 60 ; apple do. 35 to 40 t flour, 3 a 4ji whiskey, 25 a .10 Uniled Statet bank notet, 6J to 7 per cent, premium i Bills on tbe North, 60 days 4 to S per c't. pre. Charteifn, .he. 2X t'pland cotton 9 J s 1 1 whiskey, 25 to 26 1 bagging, 42 inch, 22 to '24 j sugar, 8 to 9 1 molasses, 30 to 3 1 cents i bacon, O 7 Pple brandy, 23 to 28 1 bees wax. ?Jr cofTee, Uto 17; tijsontes, 100 to 105 t Jamaica rum, 110 to 115 West India do. 75 o 80 North Carolina bills, 8 to 9 per cent. dis i Georgia do. U to 1 per cent, ditto. Remark. The Cotton Market for some weeks past has been st s stand. We hear of no sales of (tea Mands'i in Upland, a few lout have been sold wiihin the range of our ouotations. but the demand is very limited. Most of the shipments now making are on account of the owners. Columbia, S. C. Mguit IJ. Cotton, 8 tolO i com 40a 43 J i wheat 624 a 871 1 flour 1 s bacon 7 to 10, hams 12 to 14 1 whiskey 40 to 45 1 salt 75 1 North-Carolina bank bills, J to 4 per cent discount i Utorgia do. 1 to 2 Camdeti, Aug. 2Jlotton,'ini(Ining't6 tit'; 81 to 9 1 fair to good, 9 to !0 1 for very prime, I0 cents have been paid. Chemw. Ave. 72. Cotton, none in marTteTT bacon. 7 to 8 1 flour. R4 per barrel i com, 31 rwrh brandv 40 io 45 1 apple do. 30 to 34 1 whisker 30 1 beet 3 to 4( butter 12 to 15 1 taTtow, 8 i coffee, 17 to 19 sugar, 10 to 12 flu-seed, 70. - Jsew-JV. 'Jul. tt.-Cotton, upUad, 9J to 1U eetton bsgging. hemp 20 to 21, flax 16 to 18i bides. 11 to 17 1 North Carolina bank bills 10 cr era. disowuUt S. Carolina do. 3 Tx Hnii 1 r tJeorgia V except Uarien, which are PeKure. Amnut 19 Cotton, 9 Io 11 to- baeesv ga ift aJTJ -refuted. 1 1 4.S?U,oofi 1 j a g3 1 bacon, 6 a i ura, o a j appie brandy, 34 a 35 1 peach 45 a 74eenU..-North Carorinn bank bills. 8 to 9 per ernt. discount i Georgia bills. 21 a 3 t South Colir.i liV ' 3 to 21 r cent. AtsccaHt. 4 A short time Since, at MasonsviUe, York dis trict, 8. C. Capt Win. Mason, pott-master at that place- ' -i Departed this life on Wednesday, the 2 day of July hut, Mrs. F.ht,i Ji. Jenmngi, eon tort of Hiram Jennings, Esq., of Anton county, after an illness of several months, which b . bore with patient resignation, Mrs. Jennings, wu in the 24tb year.of her age, and left behind her disconsolate husband and two small in fonts. . , . " Carolina Obterver. TO THE PUIiLW. COWAN & REEVES HAVE just received, from- New-York and Philadelphia, at their Store at Wood Grove, Rowan county, twelve miles west of Sa lihury, a general assortme ntof fresh ' Dry Goods. Cutleru. - yHardTvarfi-' Groceries (ct tow for CASH or COTTOJTi or on a shont f credit to punctual customers. As they will re plenish their stock at short intervals, from tba . -, Northe ramarkets, and keep the newest and '""'" tsMsUpjumeoU eetwSS MaatM intJtiogJU)eCinda.ajn - In rail Af1Mn. mnA liiftop lnrthmMlfl. ' UOWAS fit RF.fcVES. " - -. "" Coacli Making Itasiness ' ..HARRIS- SPEARS N .' ; RESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of the) Town of .Salisbury, and the surrounding , country, that they have commenced the Coach, Gfrand Stage Making, : Business, in said town, in the Shop on Main street, east of the Court House, lately occupied , by Mr. Lander, and formerly by Mr. Pearsons where they are prepared to execute all kinds of work in their line of business. Carriage, Pannet fc? Stick Gigs, Mall Stages, Jertey IVagons, &c, will be msde according to order, and on tbe lowest terms. Every description of ..Repairing, done on tba shortest notice. . ' Orders for any kind of work in their line of business, from a distance, will be promptly xe. cuted, according to directions. The subscribers respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage, with a hope that, they will be able to merit it by their assiduous attentiodt " to business; the style of their workand tbe reaV- sonasienese w loar pneea.- HARRI9 fk 4PEAR9. - Satiibury, Sept. 1st, 1828. 3t32 Bead Quarter 63d RegnV. K C. MiliHa, Salitbury, Sept. Ut, 1828. V THE ofTicers, non-commissioned officers and privates, composing the 1st Rowan (or 6M fJlate) rtejriment of N. C. Militia, are ordered tv appear la die town lit SaTiibury,' onetftisdliji the 2Z1 day if October next, at 10 o'clock a. at. armed and equipped, as the law directs, for regimental muster snd review. It is strictly en joined on officers to Sppesr completely eqipPJ, or the law will be enforced against them. The commissioned officers are ordered to ap pear at the same place, at 9 o'clock a. a. on Tue day, the 21st, with fire-arms, fur drill. EDWARD YAHBUO, L'$l CtmOI. Sept. lit, 1828. 7t3A Host ot MaAtvt rilHE certificate of two shares in tbe Capital JL - Stock of tbe.State..Baiik, ,of North Caro linn t for the renewal of which, application wul be madr to the Directory of said Bank at tba appropriate "lime. JNU.JL, HENDERSON."' Anwvit 30th, tola. - - 30 : . 'rroVtfer & AiunUngtoii, Watch and Clock Maker i and Jewellers CHARLOTTE, N. C. nAVE just received an elegant atsortmete of articles in their fine .which they wilt sell very low for cash, or to punctual customers on a credit. -OT A II kinds of Watches tepaireu and warranted to perfbrni"Wni-v-"-----''-'-"--'-'.,"'-j - Jul 34 1828. - T."' 23 Vftuabe 'Wood liand, and bouse (f Lot. - fpllR rubsrriber oilers for sale the following'. I propeHv, via : a rori of land containing' 236 acres, adjoining the land of Benjamin How ard, Mrs. H. Troy and others, sboot 5 mile north-west of Saliaburv. The whole tract ks Wtoilland, well adapted to the growth of cotton and all kind of grain, having a handtoaM sitsv for a house, near an excellent spring. Also, a Ut, on the n.ain street of Salisbury, mj which are a good Dwelling-house, and oaU bouses, all in good repair, and a good girdeo. ShouV the subscriber be unable to sell his lot, he will rent on good terns. .For tenni spply to WILLIAM HOWARD. SaUibury, Aug. tith, 1828. 4t32 Cotton atn. IOR ule, mkoletaU and retail, rvw CerrweT, Number 6 to IS, inclusive, at the Factory prices, from Fayettcville. Apply to J.HVkTHY,Atnt Saliihvn.JHa 5. 1828. 141 Castor Oil. A FILL supplv of the above srticle, is jut received and for sale at reduced pricee by C. WILLEY Is Co. - SuKiburjt JugvH )9fVj828. 633 WACsWNKRS, DBIVLVO TO FAYF.TTETILLE, WJ ILL find it to their advantage, to stop at lJ-TXit-rrAOOXTAttn, where every venirnce is provided for Man and Horse, to saaka them oomfrtattlc, at the moderate charge of 15 cents a day and night, for the privilege tt th Yard, the use of a good house, Are, water, and slirhcr. Attached to tbe Yard, are a Grocery . and Proviwon Store, BreM Shop and Con fee tienary, aud a House for Boarders and Lodgers, in a plain, cheap, wholesome and comfort able style. - 09 . Fayttuuilk, lot April, 1,823. . .. RKSPtUI t t l.Ll request ail persoM in debted to him, to come forwsrd and meJta 'ptynteht iTsndtto Uv'mg ekiaasgalastfcsm, will be paid on application at kit Dying Estab lishment in Pafiury, three doors east of th coirt-bouse, as his stsy In tbe place swy he sbcU - .rji i:.",rX!7t. - n 1 ' '. f t -J -t J. I 4 i J -

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