4 :'I lit; i ' 1 '21 -'f i. , ! J 'if Jv.-JW IS ft 4 i i ' I'. Ijl MANSION' HOTEL, SALISBURY, XtiHTB CMOLIXA, " BY EZRA XUfcMONO. - - mHJS elegnnt establishment, aituated tfcfl 1 at the north corner of the Court JU JLtl(HlSt been recently repaired and fitted up in a new ami superior Style,- for the re ception of Company. The grene 5na have ibech, taken to procure for this establMiment tiew. furniture of every description, neCetssry Tor ti(e comfort of Travellers; the most ap. proved Wvants hve been t elected witl frea. care 1 , the bar atocked wfth thoiee liquors, and the stables attended by obiicfrcr and attentive lIeTrbenR)nvenience-tl thirsituatSon- is 4- eanal to tnv in tbenlace, - The house contains a number of fiTinTeTmtr,ndint hlrar wall and Boarders. "Attached i which, there 4a Dry Goodt and Book Store. . To those Vho may folease fo eal) on him, he assures them that no rttina will be pare! to ;i tender tbeur sUytininftJe antfWtop Salltburtf, Stfit 17 MM 82 liAV AW.VVR WOTRii, HAT sV&ZET, ' ' FA JETTE VI 1. 1. F, XORTH TjROLW.t. . RICHARD COCHRAN, 'i A - 1TAS taken the idfove Stand recently WjB II occupied by Mr. VVm. Iracv, and , a respectfully solicits a share of public pat ron the conducting of this Establishment w placed under the superintendence ami tontroul W BIS ' father and Mother. .l Who 'm il endeavor to (five general satisfaction. The Hotel H 7n a "central situation, tpac?ond . well furnished, .....' He deems tt unnecessary To eipatiate upon the various inducements which this lloure pre sents to Travellers, or to make a profession f extraordinary merit on the occasion. v TorBordert or Tnvtikrt who wish to be re- tired, there u a House detched from the Hotel not far from the seafof bunet and contiguous .to the Court House, which snows comfortable tnd pleasant Lodging; Rooms, A Bathtnf Uontt is attached tor the premises; where a Cold or Warm Baft will be fumi.lutd cn short notice. - U. C ----fc TV,11E subscriber hasreme-ved from the "I Ml' house formerly owned by Cant Ritert Wirki, ileeM.' to the house lately occupied by Mr. David rorter, in the east end of the town i where he will continue his 7'. IK. SX-He sincerely thanks his friends and the public fur the patronage heretofore esten -"-."-ded to him 5 and he solicits the cootiottaoce of "their favors. ... tie pledges his unremitting attention to his busiuess, a nu kindnris to those who msy be pleased to call upon him. 12 1 WHITFIELD KERR JStatennOe, IreJrtl c. X. C. April U. 1828. Pannel Gij;, an tl Jersey Wagon TCOK tale, afirst rate Pan M. nel Ctig and Jersey 'Waeon: they will be dis- I posed of on reasonable terms.' Apply at the subcriber' coach ami pg manufactory, eoe door east of the jail, on Main afreet"-'? - VSTHAV HBrtlVV. rBetf BctlW TTRIDEH & BOWERS tefnect- lv fully Inform the citirens of Halubury and its vtcimty, that they rnavecommencea tne Butchering Bminesit ; nd will offer HF.F.F at the Market-House in 6alwbury, on TncvUif, Thuruk, and .VuMifuj tnominrs in each week, the balance of the sea- - sonr their Beef It as Rood as can be procured - - from the maintains i and will be sold at the fol loulnf prices' ' " 4 -' 3 -cents fr li, for. fore.uarter i ... .. 3 cents " for hind-miartert 0r 4 Cchts " " " for choice pieces, withotrt neeli or shank, ... We invite the public to call and see for them selves j and if tbey find the Itecf satisfactory, We solicit their pairopajre, ami pledge our brat exertions to deserve it. KRIDKIt k IIOWKHS. SaUtbury, Jutirt. 4, 1823. 26 N. B. A first rate yoke of steers for sale : in quire as above. K. k tt. Votlce to Tanucrs. THR subscriber nt7er for sale, the "valuable' property ln the town of Charlotte, lately belonjring to tr. AU n l.atilwin. This prop erty includes about 60 town kits, on a part of which are improvements via : A valuable Tan twry, including ill the necessary buil.linp kt. and a patent Bsrk-Mill t alio, a fowl dwelling, house, with the necessary out-houses. The Uml Is all under cultivation, and well fenced. Any Ecrsnn wishing; to purchase, can learn the terms y calling; on the sutrcriber, living1 in Cabarrus county, on TtufTalo creek j or on air. W illiam Smith, livinr in Charlotte. RORERT M'KENZIE. Cahamt rmmln, Mnx, 22, H2. lTtf wNWWs tvru Lanta. W. valuable MiHt am Lan.U I . formerly the property of Gen. are ottered for aale purchasers. Iliis land , lira on Ihitrhmsn's creek, 4 miles easTdf MoCk Title, adjoining the Giles Mumford tract, and is equal to any land in Moan county, with a large proportion of superior meadow i the Mills ate i of superior construction, and have now a very - good and increasing run of euetom i the water, power esn very conveniently be made to drive - -wnvklndof Machinery. For other particulars. and term, apply to Thomas D. Gibbs, one of JML propnctflTS, on the premises. I6tr THOMAS D. GinBS. . JOSEPH IfANFs, M -....x,.,, .,Avwtw, .PI'ER SANER, , jACOh1 SANER,- ' JUow 1828. ' MARTIN SANER. "N.-H,' Awtbet4rMir belonging to PeUr i .l. . : . : on, ner, BlJoining ine bootc, tomiunnr .j crcm, will be sold in connexion with the above, ortep. "aril f j u may best suh the purchaser! which is likewise first rate land. Jit, will be sold, a lot adjoining the town of Mm ksville, containing ten acres vf land, with a good dwelling-bouse, with out-houses, and an esceltent Krlen i this pMperty will be wild Tow, o t ccotnmodsug terms. Apply u above. ! f 1 1 1 1 "sner, dec d. ff Sixt iub'eriber bavinir qttalitled as Executor 1 to the Kit will and testament of Dr. Kobt. Moore; decehsedj requests all persons indebted, either by hoie 0? book account, tij the estate, to make immediate payment those who fail to avail themselves of this otice, need not expect induljrence. Cretlitors" Inurt make known their claims In due form, within the time, prescribed bv law, otherwise this notice will be plead In bar of recovery. EHKNEEU MOOilE, Executor. Ho-won etuntg, 1it!f. 23, Jam. .t Jut 1TTILI. be suLLon Thursday, the 18th dy 1 trrnTbeiv-invtbee--wellinjf-f Dr. Robert Moore, dee'd. In the Jersey settle-1 mcqr, Kowxrretnimyr--Jvrieiy---jcpttiHu wopejttyr beumctuie to 4 , estate of the uecca- sed,-consisting -of-- - --. CZ': Medicines tnd Still and Tubes, hop. Furniture, .,,'' Wheat,- - : Hones,' OsHk-- , . FarminB VttnlsUssbme-.-lwtt' siwiOry ber'atticle'"'''''' Amonjf toe Horses, i the Celebrated Stud Horse .'rsiwsjfi now T years old, -one of tlie best blooded and finest young Horses in the Western part of the State also, some thorough bred brood Mares i and Some of the Sheep are of a choice breed of Merinos. On the same day, will be sold a valuable tract of Land, coinprisinr upwards of 100 acres. adiainini? James Ellis, fwct. Holt. Kbenercr Moore, James Viemnn, and James Smith. The sale will be continue'd from day to day, till the property is disposed of. A -credit of 12 months will be given, 6n re ceiying bond and approved security from the purchaser. Other particulars will be made krrawn on tie day of snle, F.BKNEZt'U MOORFm WmV. nan tuHiu,Jvir.2!i,h,KH. 3t.H T.siftle of Cant. D Cragc Tl A1VG qualified at Noveniber court last, 11m administrators on the esta'e or cpt. Oayul raiire, late of Ri wan countv, dre'd. we drsire sll persons indebted to said debased, to .IliVKC ljrim-l mm IIIIC lltWf M , tnd all perwns having cltima agaimt the estate, to present them, legally attested, within the time prescribed by set of assembly, otherwise TtiaTttOttcewiIt-ptcw in br wtwirTec.oveTyi; 3mt37 THOS. f:HAIGK. . . ....... . ...... . JtOUT. S. CRA1CE. Jiih 15, 182S. Mmimitrntari. THE Subscriber has just returned from the North, with ns roo1 an asortmr nt of Jewelry, Wtttchrn, Sihrr-Ware, j?r. ss was ever -offered frle in this -.place v Ws Jeaelry is bf the latest Importations, and the most fashionable and elefrant kimls to be had in any of the Northern Cities : elegant tiold ami Silver WflffAM; plain Do. t Sic. tec, And in a few dava, he will receive a very elegant assort ment of Military Condi. Also, all kinds of A7-trr-lfor, kept constantly on hand, or made to order on short notice. All of which will be sold lower thsu such goods were ever disposed of before in this place. The public are respectfully invited to can and examine these goods; their richws elegance, and cheapness, cannot fail of pleasing thoee w ho w ish to buy. '"" AH kind's of ff alchtt ff-Wu'rnf, and wxrraiitfd to keep time : the shop i two doors below the court-house, on Main-stfeet. .. ... ..ROBERT WYNNE SaUtbury, Ma 26, 18:8."' " 17 ' To le XOTTOX TUwtefft. THE subscriber hS been engsed in the manufacture of COIVOA CIXS. for many years ; he has travelled, within a few years, throiifrh thestatttf of 8. C. Alal., Geor.. ami Miwieippi, for the puppo -of-improiig him. self in the principles snd constniction of these useful mscltinea i from ltis enlarged experience J in this busines, he feels some confidence in pre- he feel asmired, that by comlining the Utc. im Brovements in Cor on Gins with s recent ira. pro'vement of his own, he can nuke Gins pick from a '1-4 rn 1-3 fter than the cummnii Gins, and at. the same time to moat, in s superior manner : the? improvements can be put upon the common Gin in an tfTeciuil manner, inas much as they appertain mustly to the bruit of the Gin. He will repair, or make Gins to order, at s diort notice. For reference ss to the plan ami execution of his work he would refer to Jrsle Ilargiave, of Lexington, Anieron Ellis, rf the Jersey Settle ment, and -Michael Brown, of ialwbury. -. He has on hand, and fur sale, when finished, five or six excellent Gins. 6(32 HENRY A. CMNGAMON. 1 tringlon, .Input, 1828. ConmUtei to Ue 3a OF Wilkes county, a negro Hoy, who says his name ia Bll.l, belongs to Ksckiel Trot man, of Alabama, and ran away below Fayette vide. He is 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, well made, rather light complected, between 22 ami 25 years ok) : no particular marks perceptible on him. Hi owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, ami take him away. N. D. Since the above was published, the fellow sas his name is DtnuH, and that he be kmfrs to -William Powel,f Richmond county, N. V.. CHARLES PHELPS, .aifcr. II yivtAsrV, .1 30, 1 828. 19 ROOK RINDING. Fill IE subscriber respectfully informs the cit- I tsens of Salisbury, and the surrounding country, that he has established a Hnk Ilimlrry in said town, on Main Street, a few doors south of the Court-Housei where he will be thankful to receive anV kind of work in hit line ef busis. From a number of years experience, in Europe and America, he feels confident of being able to give enure satisfaction to all those who may fa vor him with any etc script ion of Bvuhmg-. Plank made to order, after any pattern furnished, on ahort notice, and at prices thlch no 'one ran complain of - - ' ; - Av )U Bki Nttvwui, either plain or ornamen tal, on the most mnderte terms. All orders rrtimVJtawefailhftilfy alterSreVI fdrT!TIaT: Tonage of the public is repectfully solicited, by innr poi scm rfuri. n. UC CAKTF.KET. 'tftw, .J 384, 1,827. 62 To OoU .MttT8. fl'TVTs'0'- of Pm QwVa-ai Ve, juat received, JsLnL and for sale, by E. WlLLEY k Co. JMiinrv, Junt 1U( 1828. 18 lint adiirttttd ty a mother it her child. roaeiT m hot. : f orjret me not !" In accents rnHdi My mother stys, beloved child FoieetW rot when far asy. Amidst a thoughtless world you stray j Tbrget-mfcsot when fools would win , Your footstrps to the paths of sin i Forjrel me sot, when ured to wrong , Fy passions anil temptations strong i Forget me not, wheipleasitre'i snre Would lead you from the house of prayer. ' For jet fne not, In feeble apfr- ilut let nle then your thoughts engage, - - And think, my child, how fondly I Watch'd.o'er your helpterl Inftncrr" . These eyelKU ta, their last repose; And evening breeEes softly wave , The grass upors ty mothert grave i 1 Oh2 thtn whate'eithyigendkt ast??mveridf fcmret mott " Iton tike Mo" 'bteafc-vtrjrag ' The changeful course of Jife ! i.. . , 1 lie fileasant airs and sunnV beams-, Ttys tempest and the strife In pleasure's bark with comrades gay . The vounir adventurers start i But ah ! what flattering dreams betray The too confiding heart I My bark is wrecked", my hopes are gone, And faithless friends are fled t - A cloud upon my path U thrown. The flowers of ufe are dead. Yet fink'd to this lone heart remains . : A charm no ehaage can sever $ For when sere trie I-ove's iacred chains By fortune broken f Never I MISCELLANEOUS. ON LONG ARTICLES. The following article from the Pandect, a re 1'iRious pspet recently established at Cincinnati, j Villi', iviliiiiwiii.vi .1 Mi.vwin'.l. w.iivi. iiivi.'.m of the late I r. Nesbit, president of the College i at Carlisle, fnn. Dr. Nesbit had be?n in the Ohio, remin us or an anecdote which rt related habit of preafhing sermohs of the old fashioned Icnjrth. m BiotUnu, which, bordered upon two hours. This! a great annoyance to the good people. of Carlisle. AcconSnglj a deputation of elders srts cwmmssToned t wait upon -the Doctor, and procure, if possible, a relief from the grievance of which they compTaThed."'The Dr listened with perfect composure to their remonstrance, and when it wea concluded he answered .in his Scotch accent, that he weel knew that a long sermon vu a great bore to an ungoiHV folki-snd begged the depotation to As upon the time with which they would be satis- bed. An boer was at length agreed upon i and ever after, whatever might be the subject, and indeed in the verv midst of a paragraph, the Dr, i t . . ; . i tv x . .t -.1. . woum aoruptiy Dreaa mi ay saying, --urcwrcn ytur Aeur m." It it aid the articles published are too long. This fault, if it be one, can be easily corrected. Ifthe great mat tert of religion the vast concern of eternity, are to occupy the leatt por turn ot our time and attention,, then let every religious periodical be a mere wrap-fiook BatJf a man in heaven's account ij loot who lay up treasure on earth, and is not rich towards Cod if every one is bound by the solemi nines of a judgment to come " to hold fast a form of sound words" - to contend earnestly for the faith once dtlivercilta she iaintw-rrn(l 10 ih!it the mouths of gainsajreri to Comfort the - ferblc - minded, and support the weak then there mult be systemrar gumcnt, proor, umstrauon, anu ap peal and of course some articles must be long'. Specimens of the successful publication of short articles' have been presented to us. Two of these are before us. One, it is said, has seven thousand, and another ten thousand subscribers. In examining every ar title in these specimens, we see but two or three that are worth reading. No doubt other numbers of these pa pers sre more richly laden with valua ble materials but the success of the editors by publishing mere scraps, while it indeed seems like gathering up the fragments, illustrates a dec lara tion of Christ, not very honorable to Christian professors the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light." Look at literary and political journals. Is it uncommon to publish articles stretching through from three to nine columns of a super royal sheet, or from ten to twenty octavo paces? A fe 66t these read, and read with avidity f Are not many of them retained in memory j-anJ retailed in conversation f Look at vour novel readers. Can they not tell you the contents of doicns and almost scores of volumes, which they have devoured over the midnight lamp f ' liut see another class of facts. A physiciao may spend a . whole . night with his patient a lawyer may argue seven hours for his client, and it is nil, well I but let an advocate-lof-bewewow lent societies, or a minister of Christ, speiringnoitKe -touls,-argue an hou or publish an article longer than a man's Enger, and it is all tedious and wearisome. Yes, yesj let every thins but the matters of eternitv be lone but let them be hort the fcait, the Isst of all ! ! glpn is to male men good J Its objects are practical and moral. When we speak of the ends of religion ii practi cal and moral, we mean men tearing God, working righteousness, keeping the commandments, doing justly j lov-1 - - m . a - ine mercy and walking humbly with God. We mean governing bur pasi sions, bring honest; speaking the truth; contented; peaceable, pure in heart, temper; conversation , and conduct; loyine God and loving our fellow crea- , r. r- I L . turcs acgnowicuging uou wun a uc vout temper- in atl our ways j and JoTngloothersaf should w tcrnsrra he end of;eligiot is to make good husbands and wives, faithful and. affectionate parents, obe dient and 1 dutiful children, true and just fricndSfgodd andTuprtghretiiliefis; sincere, aevotea, anur atsintercwiea, whicK mpliea?' being" bbrft Toff the Another cfer.....' A Gertleman," says Me Editor of the Richmond Visi tor and Telegraph, " has left his name with us, to be one of fifty per ton to raise the sum of Fiftv Thousand Dol lars, for the Union Theological Sem inary , And cannot fortv. nine more be found in Virginia and North Caro linaf sufficiently interested in ihat im portant Institution, tn Unite with the generous individual who made the proposition We would hope so. VTITE Y.WtEE A.VD nVTOIMAX. The New.Tork Commercial Advertiser relate! the following anecdote of a Yankee pedlar and a Dutch Innkeeper, near Catskill. : After me sporting and bantering between Mvhheerand Jonathan, .who had shown -off-9fno common si jght of hand tricks, the said Jonathan declared that he Could swallow his robust host ! .Notwithstanding .that. Jonathan had already played off several of his Yan kee tricks which dazzled the good people exceedingly, tet thi$ assertion was too .great a mortthfuMbr them to swallow, if the pedhr could. A bet suHicient to nfoisten the throats- of the whole company, was the consequence between the principal parties, though the landlord, in proposing it, had no idea that his customer would accept, when, as he euppoitd, he must be cer tain of losing. Jonathan theo directed that Mynheer should be divested of his coat and boots, and be stretched longitudinal! upon the old oaten table which haff itcwdtirthebarirooCTfor half a century. These arrangements having been made, Jonathan -vora ciously seized opon the brmeat land lord's gouty great toe,which he pres. sed rather violently between nrsteetn, giving the good man a twinge, which caused a wcithinjf movement and a troan. Dunder tmd bliium !" ex- claimed Mynheer r" Vat te-lefiil H ' . - ...... I ye pite me sho frr M Why, you darnM great" fKl, said . Jonathan, You did'nt think -I- was.. cbingf lQ sw: How you without c&axvin. Hid yu A burst ot laughter proclaimed Jona than the victor, and Mynheer had to pay the toast and toddy. Spivttlc let : In proportion as those who indulge in good living acquire ro tundity of body, their legs usually be come less able to support them. So far, indeed, from keeping pace with increasing corpulency, they most com monly shrink in dimensions, and lose much in muscular power. It is remark ed by Macknish, in his ingenious lit tie work, the Anatomy of Drunken neti, that nothing is more common than to see a pair of spindle shanks tot tering under the weight of an enormous corporation, to which they seem at tached more like artificial appendages than natural members. The worst symptom, indeed, which can befal a cornulent man. is the decline of his - - r amKirtmUK. o long as" the continue firm, and correspond with the rest of the body, it is a proof that there is vigour still remaining, but when they "-m i . - in i , i m , , . . a gradually become lanl and atSrivcHedf while other parts retain their fulnesr. there can be no sign more sure that the constitution is breaking down, and the shoulders will rome next In the process of emaciation, falling flat, andlusiog their former firmness and rotundity, while the whole -body . gradually be comes loose, flabby, and inelastic., T - Earthquake at JLimu. The Boston Dailv-Advertiser coiuins. an.inteiea. I ting letter from Mr, S. W. Pomeroy, Jr. dated at, Lima, April 21, and de scribing the tremendous earthquake which occured at that place on the 30th of the previous month. Uy this con vulsion, which lasted only 3Qor40 se- coads, x:.zr.y ImUlc-s vtis t!.rc down, the churches and other large ed ifices so muth shattered as genreallj to require rebuildrngi and every house in .i , ' me cny more or icss injured. I he amount of damage, estimated by a of. ficial 1 survey, is stated at 0.000,000. IS W W m About thirty dead bodies have been dug out of the ruins, and it is feared that several other persons have perish- ed, whose remains are not yet discov ered. The greatest terror prevailed among the inhabitants, and- the alarm did hot idbside for a number of dayir Five or six alight IremblinM having ilail followed the nrincinal ahnrt, : be from the mountains ' towards "the sea, as it was felt at Callao, after the dust was seen t6 rUe frfim Limat ie VeratVHl?gcontj thee .the-r lattertW,werew,lcmoti's)c4 in the harbors were violently agitated. - Ifulg similar, to' that occasioned by the heavy thumping of a ship against the bottom, ant accompanied by an appalling noise like that of " twenty chain cables run ning through the hawser hole.1' South of Li ma v the shock' was scarcely no ticed, . i- - Some years since letter, written in Arabic, was sent by the Kmperor ot' Morocco toT the king of England ; but not a person could be found in Brit ain to translate it.- The same thing happened in the U. S. with respect to a letter from the Bey 6f Algiers to President Madison. The French maintain a body of young men in Af rica ant? Asia to learn the local lan guages,' who, if they prove good, are eventually made Consuls'. With sin ilar views, President-Adams attach ed ..yoiiofX MtHodgson otVirg'axo Mr. Shar's m'mi"n to Algiers. He has become" a "proficient in A rbic, and is now- Charge.dLAffair.es at Algiers; Mr. II. has discovered that the Berher language in Africa, is the Nu midianj that ofSyphaZ, Juba, ard Ma sinisia. j,... Bpst, .Pall. Vanff Pampierei, who impeacheJ Villele. in a debate tnumerated' the vari ous ways by which a Minister exposed himself to the liability of impeachmeot under the charter and the law already mentioned. He then1 stated that the charter had been disregarded and violated; and that the laws had not been executed was manifest ; by which means commerce had languished and the business of the teapo - towns-wa very day der lining . In five' fears, from ISJMo I825rthe ex penditure exceeded ih income by the etorbitantunrof 415',o6o,0001 aiid the capital of 'She. debt; had increased by a quarter f its amount within the period, I though 800 OOO.OOOi had been appropris- ted towards its exttne'.lon. And as to the Ministry of the Interior he cited the cases of several individuals who hare suffered cruel iroprisonnffjt.. Among them that r I li.r . L - I I k. t ......I.J . - of Col. lufjr tthn had been fastended to his bed ty six iron tings. Col. P.ilhrs wm l a - c'ImU. -to his .neck. ; .juultv eld Spsniard.'j-MrlHemsv-had . been, tiriven onuFrai)flJ)y.liw. ' '"f Most justly was the almiiiistrainn of Villele c.lkd the " BUck Cabinet." Botany Ba.- -Sir James Sfickinfoshon the topic of introducing jury trials into Botany Hay, said i The population of these colonics had been stated b the right hon. gentleman opposhe, at 48 or 49,000, hut the number as stated by the petitioners was 55,000. These state ments were easily reconcilable the nini ber which the right hon. gentleman re presented as being that of the population wis the number according the census of 1835, to which the petitioners added the probable augmentation that had taken place in various ways since, making tho amount of the present population 5 5. 000. Twenty five or thirty thousand of these were fiee born Englialjmen. He might ask these gentlemen who were opposed to him, to state an instance ofanv English colony having existed for a space of 4 1 j. yesrs without the system ol rA byjury. suu tw)uii icjjiiiuie un ! ic""" tstive system, being extended to It." ' Mr. Hdskisson, and others, opposed this measure- They did not like the Idea ol granting jury trials trrsreoloft- convicts.1 Doctor D. M. Reese, a respectsble phjitrlsn of Kew'Yerkfina work recent ly'publlslied, States as a tact well known to the facol'T thst hundreds of females in our large cit ies are in the dally use, of tiAlog opium. w This if neither more nor, less. thin. tsjqablprwayjl f ;et.inK 'drunk, th ought to be frowned upotf'by every band and father.' '"iikiiftifiu'r' Said Anna'a yonps; suitor." a kir is a nou"1. Hut tell me ttmmn or prtxr," he cfwd With a cheek full of blushes, and ee-liiU eaa. down, 1 is bmh tnm and p)T? ',f replied. 1