4 I S f 1 f" ' n I; ,7 -''1 ! rrta art Paw,, k,i SALISBURY, N. C-...TUESBAY, SEPTE3IBEU 9, 18 ' ff,M. ....... !' rrqWMt f mr f W fUnm, t la j mil 1 it'- -" Ifc r.-r IH lii-, rhmyHt ?rvlim; tit. I trraMtf ! Wmra twolululux kr llf4, u4 (n i,ltan aa fctf w mm m llan Mlf, If MM I T9r im-iIm"I. ef t ill l ilwrr H. .1 Aa tiOMr. HMU U am rv Mfcl 4riimtt 1 vtfl W kwart at M 0r ,ti vf far fc tM , u4 f t mill txt nr fcr Mniimr nmunrr. rMc MM tmtH w. -! Dxltrt iltatrs : i -'".j xivnl. - .,".-,". jjjl Act to establish ft Southern Judicial District "cTfti tl Territory jtf Jloridar '- , ,, A. "a. ' I ia rkt inthe Territorr of Florid to be "' ailed the Somhern Distrtctr embracing II that part of the Territory whfch He outh of I i line frorri Indian river on the east, and Charlotte Jharbor on the west, Inrludine the latter harbor i which said court 'shall exerejae all the jurisdiction within aid district, aa the other Superior Coy rj re?pecti eiy, exerciae within Aeir respective districta, and ahall he aubjeci to all the lawa which forem or rejfilie the same, and, there ahaH be. appointed for aaid district Judge y nd be la Jt'ere by outhoriaed to appoint Clerk (or aaid court. There ahall lao be appointed n Attorney and Marabal, who ahull eierciac 11 tb;luties;c the tame -ond and security, and be entitled to the aame aala ytett feeat and comprnmt)on that la now - allowed by law to Attorneya and Manbali Jnotberdialrictaln the territory. ; 1 -"Sec. tr Jni AW il Junker tnacUdr.Th Jbeld on the firat Mondajra of May and No fember annus'lri Jt Key Wft j-d r h other Intermedot af.tMoni, frfim time to ibtnk adviauble and nrceaaart .. Ti. Judr ball retide at lite Island ol 'Kty Weat, and abH be entitled to receive at a aahry - for Mi' terttcet twrr tboiTn J follr per noumfctO .DeBioguanenj, oui o ant moneti in. tbe Trr.aury not" o'tbcrwlae ppropriated 1 h. Sec. I Mdb it further entettd. That wbrnef er, in any cue concerninf wrecked property or property abandoned at tea, the Judge aforesaid ahall hate determined fhe rate bt aalvege to, allowed to aal vort, it absll be his duty, unlets the aal jrage decreed ahall have been adjusted, without recourse to vessel end cargo, to direct such' proportion of salvage to be paid id 4h lalttort In kind ; and that the propertT aatea aball be-dtvidedae forcing !y, uodsr tha inspection of the officer? jf tbe court, aod before it shall have, been 'talen buirof tbeeni!prjyof the Revenue oflWri ' :. Sece And bt itwlfte r't v J, Th&t whenever it ahall be ascertairr'i, to the cat'utactioQ of the Jude of said court, that any of the property sated, is. from It's cnaracertnot .aucepttble of orin rli vided in the manner proposedi or that : there are artkles in tbe carjjo of a. perish jkbl nature, it ahall bt his duly to direct a ale of the samor loir the 4Ku&t of., all concerned. ., ..... , Sec. 6. Jndbt ii t further matted, That the property retraining, oftcr separaiiag the portion adjudged to the aalvors, shall 3ot be removed from such store s may b used for public purposes, nor disposed of in ary other way, within nine months, Vinless by the order of tbe owners, or of their authorised agents; and that the du fics accruing upon such propeity may be aerurtd at any port in the United States, where the owner tna? reside. Jec. 6 Andbi it further enacted, That no teasel shall be employed aa a wreck rr unles under the authority of the Jndfce of aaid Court j ar.d that it ahall not be lawful to employ an board such vessel, any wrecker who shall have made condi tions with the captain or supercargo of! ant wrecked vessel, before or at the time of affording relief. A. STEVENSON, Speaker of tbe llouae of HrprraenU'.ive J. C. CALHOl'N. Vice President of the United Rtatea, and fmidetit of the 9ewtei . ApprpTttll 3 Mar, 1828. ' JOHN QU1NCV AIUMS. " 0. I til. cUftadditiowtoan art.titWd -A. act concerning dwrnminating dutict of TottoafetpO" wrer-o account 01 tDC-llBtej and Import." aad to equaltae tbe duties on rrwaaiaa swsaets and their cargoea. BR it matted by the mate and houte of rcfirrtrnJativet of the United Stateo of Ameriem t romrrtM aemMed, That, upon satisfactory evidence beint given to the President of the United States, by the . fpyttnment prenyvlVceifi'!1. iko, t bat no discriminating daties of tonnage or lm: post arampoacdjor JcTiw in the ports of ike said nation, upon vessels wholly !' -fcnginy sw-ertrtena oHhe-UnlttMltte or upon the prodtice, manufactures, or merchandise, Im pot led in the same from tbe United States, oe from any loreiftn ontry, the President Is hereby author ized to issue his oroclamatton. declarine ,Wt the foreign discrioilnaMlnf; duties of tonnage and impoV, within the United S:utes, are, and shall be, suspended and discontinued, so far as 'respects the ves sels of the said foreign nation, and the riroduce, manufactures, or merchandise rnponcdTlnioTlirUnlled Stiter Imhe same,' from, the said foreign " nation, or frwii any other foreign country s theld suspension tskl0 such flOtification"being"gitcri i Yolnif rri aident of the United States, and to con tinue so long as the reciprocal exemptioh of vesseia, belonging to citizens ol tbe United States, ano their cargoeajis afore- imposed or collected on vessels of Prussia, or of her Dominions, from whenretotver coming, nor on their cargoes, howsoever composed, than are, or may be,' payable on vessels of the United States and their cargoes. fee. 3. And he it further enactedv1 the Secretary tf the Treasury be, and be is hereby, authorized to return all dutiea which have been asaesscd, since the fif teenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and twrnty-ix, on Prussian tea vessels, and their cargoes, beyond the arhonnt which would have betn payable on vessels of the Ui.ired States, and their cargoes : and that iheaitrhe allowances of drawback be ' made on merchandise' ex ported In. Prussian vessels as would be made on similar exportatlons in vessels of tne united mates. --v;- - Sec. 4. And he it ' further inctettd Tbt 6"'much6f ihls' adf ai relates to Trusiian Tessesi anti thelr-xargoes, shall conlinue and be in force during re time that the eoQartty for which it provides shall, in all rMpectube. feaproCitediM f ruiia, and" her Dominions ; and if, at any time hereafter, the said equalitv shall not be reciprocated in the Porta of Prus sia, and her Dominions, the President may, and" fie1 ! hereby, autho rized to is anc iia proclamation, declaring that fact, and thereupon so much of (his act as re la'es to -Prussian vessels, and their car goes', shall cease and determine. ' ' Approved : 4 Mav, 1828. ' O. L. An Act declaring the assent of Conrrru to an act of the State of Akbur.. BE it enacted by the senate and howie of refirrtentafivei of (he United Statet Amerxto in Congret armbled, That the atscnt -of. Congress be,: and ; hereby Jv. granted, to the operation of an act of the 1 0enrarAsemblr of the State of Alabama, passed on the tenth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and twcniy.even, entitled " an' act to incorporate the Ca ha whs Navi ration Compar.y.' Approvml : 24 May, 1823. wo II. An Art to incorporate the Trmtcra of the Fe male OrpTian As) turn 1n Georprtown, and the Wahinjion (Iity Orphm Ailum io the-Dia- trict of Cul'iHibia. '.. --- BE it enacted by the enate and houte cf rthrrirntative of. the United State of America in congrett awmbied. That John I. SUt, Witlinm Ridgrlv and Daniel Ruawd, and their successors infefnce, duly elected or appointed in the minnaf hereinafter directed, be, and they are hereby made, declared and constituted a corporation and body politic in law and io fact, to have continuance forever, by the name, style, and title of MThe Trustees of the Female Orphan Asylum of George town, in the District of Columbia." Sec. 2. Aid be it further enacted, That William Mawlev. John P. Van Ness, Na than Towson, Obediaa B. Drown, and James Larned, and their successors in of fice, io be appointed ss is hereinafter di rected, are hereby made, declared and constituted a corporation and body politic in law, and in fact, to have continuace forever, under tbe njme, at tie, and title of " The Waibington City Orphan Asy lum." Sac 3. And be it Jurther enacted, That all and singular the lands, tenements, rials Irgajies, annuities, rights, privile ges, goods, and chattels heretofore given, granted, devised or bequeathed to either. r -.1.1 l.i.lnm. n In ana naruu, nr nr. V1 """" "I "" " 7 r - r-- on ,or '"e ,nrrc0l w ,w w" oe, ano: tncy are nereoy, vesica in, ano confirmed to, the said corporations res pectively, and that they may purchase, lake, and receive, and enjoy any lands, tenements, rente, annuities, rights or pri vileges, or any goods chattels or other ef fects, of what kind or nature soever which shall, or may hereafter be given,' ir'anted, sold bequeathed or devised unto cither f (hern, bt any person or persons, ooaies pxrlit ie -wr or peratava pabltutlf . JDaVipg sh a wrantT-and 40 dispoaw oCtbe same i Provided, The tfear annual Income of property to be acquired by either or aaid corpora ions, shall at no time exceed the sum of three thousand dollars. Sec 4. And be it further enacted, Tbal the said corporations reipectltely, by the aaio, anau oe connrroea, ana rp Tongerr?xiirni;Utrna lO Trnake BUCb yr lii as no other or hieher rate of duties ahall be T AVviiimari name and sjyJe aforesaid be, and shall be bereaftercapable, in law and equity, to sua and be sued, within the District of Cotnmbit, or elsewhere, to as effectual a manner as other persons or Corporations cafTiuerberiueaViftd ; rt anherihaii adopt and use a cosnmoeT seal, end the same L use, alter or exchange at plea sure, to appoint a Tresmrerand Secreta ry, indchvbthWrt deem necessary and proper, to assign theni their duties, and fix their compen sation, and to remove any or all of them lawa.of the United Statas, or the lawa. in force in the District of Columbia', and the aame to alter, amend or abrogate at pleasure. . $tc, 3. And be it further rntctcd, That there ahall be an annual meeting of the contributors to the Omhan ksvlum of ucorgetown, on the first Monday in June, in every year, at which tbey shall appoint a first female directreas, seclnd female 1 a m a nirectreas, a second female i manager, wno snail have power to superintend and manage the internal affairs of the Aiylum, and.lo fill vacantiea in their own Board, and ns vacancy that may happen by death or .otherwise among tow Trustees and tcv aerve until their aucceseon are duly ap pointed and a majority pit ie said Trus tees shall be a tjuorurn, and authorized to act. - tfr&t- -. r-- .. . Sex. 6. And be itrfurthtrtnacted, That the present mans era of -tnt Washington Q..Xsyuinitifljpi tYcIe otayio;. eitton Ma Bord of-Tustets,' mat con tinue in office, tlischargjpg the duties of the aame, until the second Tuesday in October next, at which time, and on the same day in each year thereafter, said corporation, by those who from their bye lawa may be qualified to vote, shall be re gulated, and the ofEccrs thereof appoin ted, agreeably to the provisions of this act ; that is to say, there aball be appointed first, and a aacond female directress, and also Gfteen female managers and these directresses and managers, a majority of whom shall be necessary to do business, at such time and place aa tbey mav direct, shall appoint a Treasurer and Secretary, and sucb other officers, and also per form such other duties as the bye lawa may direct t Providtdx$t bye lw shall be enacted inconsistent, with any law now existing in the Diatricv of Columbia. . . .. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That when any destitute male or female child may be received into the Asylum, ith the" approbation of the parent, guardian or friends who may have (he care of said child, they shall pot thereafter be at liber lv to withdraw or leave the Asylum with out the consent of the Directors, until, if a male, be shall attain tbe age of tucn:y ohe years, or if a female the, age of eigh teen years L but, up to the periotli, and a-gr a aforesaid, they, shall, remain subject to the direction of the Asylum, or those to whom, by said Aiylum they may' be bound,. sinless by content given by those directing the institution tbey may be ex onerate! from service previous to attain ing those respective ages. Sec 8. And be it further enacted, That any vacancy which from death, resigna tion or otherwise, may happen in any the orTices or places of said Asylum, shall be supplied or filled after tbe mode to be prescribed in their bye lawa and also in pursuance of said bye laws, power shall be possessed to alter and amend the aame from time to time, and to remove and appoint to office whenever U shall be deemed advisable to do so. Approved i 34th May, 1838. a. hi. An Act making appropriations for Ciatom f tou ttt and Ware Houet. BR it enactrd by the tenate ani houte of rrftrrtrnlativct of the United Statet of America in Ccrerei anenbted, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he hereby is, authorized tocauelobe selec ted, and purchased, a suitable site lor a Custom House and Ware Houm, at New port, in Rhode Island, and to cwse a safe and convenient building to bs erected thereon, for tbe transaction if Custom House business, and lor the afe" teepingecr-5T-W be-Ufurthetsnacted, That of the records thereof, end of the proper ty in the custody. of tbe Government j and that sum not exceeding len thoU und dollars be, sod tbe tame is hereby appropriated, for the purpoae aforesaid, out of any money in the Treasury, not otherwise appropriated. -Sec, Ss Aad be it further tnacttd, That the Secretary of tbe Treasury be, and he U 'by, likewise authorized to cause to be purchase! !lfWejte1or.i Cus tom House and Ware House in the city or Mobile, in the State of Alabama, and to have erected aafe eod 'convenient building, or to purchaae a proper site with a suitable and convenient building already erected thyreon, for (tie trrfnr-' tlon of Custom Ho the Safe keeping of dy of the Governm not exceeding elg dred dollars be, ant appropriated,-fori out of any money otherwise appropn Efts hereby is authorizi ? u e ?i In proper repair i s4 :i . tnA - W a Custom' Douse, a irr- . .'. ; is-v Newburyport Massachusetts, once the P0tM Abner?0d end David Wood, lunroff but now belotiging SaleTfrh' three hundred dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated, for the purpose aforesaid, out of any money In the Trea sury not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to cause a suita ble site to be selected and purchased for a Custom House and Wgrfl House at Portland, in Maine, and to cause a safe and convenient building to be erected thereon, for-the transaction of Custom House business, and for the safe keeping of the records thereof, and of the propeity in the custody, of the Government and 'that a mjw. wot exceeding twenty thousand dollars is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose aforesaid. . ... Approved: ?4th May. 1828. o, -liii. ." An Ac to continue in force for a limjtod time, and to amend an act entitled, " An act to ena ble elaimanta to lands within the lianita of the .... Sute of Miawuri and.Terrjtory of.Arkanaa, to ioitkute proceedings to try the validity of their claims." BE it enae'edby the tenatt and home of rrfiretcntutivei of the United' Statei of America in tongrtii attembled, That the act approved. ..the; twenty sixth of My, eighteen hundred and twen'y four, enti tled "An aM to enable claimants "o Unds within tbe limits of the State of Mjsouri and Territory of Arkansas, to inml'ute proceedings to try the validity of their claims," shall be, and the same hereby is, continued in force : that i to say, for the purpoae of filing petitions in the man ner preacribed by that art, to and until the twenty-sixth day of May, in the ve ar one thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine, and for the. purpose of enMblmg the claim- ants, to obtain a final decision on the validity of iheir claims in. the Courts of Missouri and Arkansas, rtjpTtively the said claims having been exhibited withi r the time above specified; the aiid act shall be " Tontinued in force to, and until the twenty-sixth day of May; in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty, and no longer ; and the Courts having cognisance of aaid claims ' shall decliK uport and -cpii&rru.aucb -ev. would hire - -.-.. a , . s. a been contirmea unaer me nwn, -usage,.j and CUStpms 'f..tbe.:?Pnf0 tor two years, from and alter the twenty sixthrday of May,-one- thousand eight hundred and fwonty eight, .and all the claims authutiud by that act, to be heard and decided, shall be ratified and confirnv ed to the same extent that the same would be valid if ihe country in which ihey lie had remained under the domin ion of ihe sovereignty in which said claims originated. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That so much of the said act as subjects tbe claimants to the. payment of coats in any case where the decision may be in faor of their claims, be, and the same ia here by repealed, and the costs shall abide the decision of the cause as in ordinary causes before the aaid court; and so much of the aaid act as requires the elaimanta par liea to ihei suits, or to show the court what adverse claimants there may be to the Und claimed of ihe United States, be also hereby repealed. And tbe confirma tions had by virtue of said act, and the ; natents issued thereon, shall operate only as te4inquihmnt of title .on the parr of the United Statea, and shall, in no wise, affect the right or title, either in law or equity, of adverse claimants of the same land. where any claim, founded on concession, warrant, or order of survey, shall be ad judged against and rejected, the claimant or his legal represemauves, oy ucm.cu r purchase, being actual inhawtanit ana cultivators oi m aon, n" " aball bate been rejected, shall have the riirht of ure-emptton, at the minimum price of the ponlie lands, ea aopc a the land ahall be surveyed ana auot United uxca. of .Ihe quart on which the Imp! ovemenr shall be alvu ate, and ao much or every other quaitrr taction which contains any part of Ihe improvement, aa shall be within limita of the rejei ted claim. 'b . , . ,' .... - . - J Wi mX m,lhK yll);ll m j .....In, ,,. ,nJ . ltV,. I -. . -,f V ., .....,, ..i.,' i...J..V.,; -v;' .- j 't - ay auttc,aiMriw tw.w. rv artslng4rotnr thej" taletnereoF -m:somd4 anaJl AatMa aesaa aarnliat4. iinfAes Ihaw vftwawaw tion ot said legislature, tor tne 'tise ana support of schools, with the aeveral town ships and districts of country for" which they 'were originally resorted and set npart, and for no other use or pbrposb whatsoever t Provided said land, prA,ans; part thereof, ahall, in no case, be. . told without the consent of the inhabitants 6f u.i iywi,nip, or . orsinci, law ouiamcti , in such manner as the Legislature of said "uu snail, uy taw, uircci ) finu provide alio, That in the apportionment of the) proceeds of said fund, each towrtghip end district aforesaid shall be f ntttled to such part the'reof, and no more as shall harfi accrued from tbe aura or-ma of ariiibkg from tbe sale of tiit school lamtf belonging io such township or district. Sec 3,- And be it further enacted,- Tbaf , if the proceeds accruing1 to any. township' or district, from said fund, shall be ipauf- ncieot or the support of schools theffint it shall he lawful for said Leetalature to rwtertintil tbeT whole prixiieedi of Yftiv fund belonging to such township or dis trict snail be adequatrrlotba peroranent maintenance and support of KkoeJa wUH-. in the same. , n Approvnl! 24 May. 18 28. ; a wo. iv. J...-L. ..i An Act to conflrrfv claims to lands in the DUtriet' ., between the Itio Hondo and Sabine Rivers, founded on habitation and cultivation. '- BE it enacted bi the tenate' and houte tehretentativrt of the United- State rjtf . ; Amenca in congrett attembied, That tha ' " , raim to lands founded on habitation and! cultivation, reported for confirmation by the register a . n Receiver oi ine oouin- ei . s f i . r .1 . L' . ' . western Disiiki of Louisiana, in thtlr re port, diied November first, eighteen hun dred and twenty-four, in rnnlormity to the provision of the acts or Congt, of the third of March, eighteen hunre.d and twen'9 three, and tweity-iih: of MayV eighteen hundred' and twenty four,roii: taind in the third r Usa oi the itp,ri.pf. said Register and Rereivnr be. and ths aame are herrby, corifinnrrl, except cMra nuirhrr forty two, near Ciitionmiini Jo- sup, and the claims f Icoiurd Dyaon numbers f';U: 'ren an.l eigh'een . Annuel Norrts. nunueis ten and-in7rien"' B.ip tisie Poire. bro her -and ai iters. nunber iilnrtfrn: Bnt'f.1f rolftt,- S-ni.rr, r,nm ber.4went ; - Ilenry .StockmanJij other JIi ; ms Kotmoo, number'- lntf i Mwi- RoIhs'oW. 'number"-" lntw -'4 one, Ja.mr.s Iadi, number twnly Uir Cesar Wallace, number thirty four and fiftysix - John orHgomeryr-Junigr- uumbrr sixty nine and F.man'iel Trtck,-' el, number two hundred and thirty onez -f which claims are suspended utimI it-is asceitained whether ihey are snuatefl ; within the limits of the Unda chimel by ; the Caddoe Indians. Sec 2. And be it further enacted, That the confirmations made by this act shall not be construed to extend further than to a relinquishment of title on the part of the IVned States, and the claims hereby ? confirmed shall be located-uiwter the di reclion of the Kegister end Receiver of $ the proper Land Office, in conformity with the legal au!divisions of the public surveya, so far as practicable, and ahall ' include the improvement of the claim- ants rrspectively. J Approved r 24 May, 1S28. MVWa tuu A,aius. 'I'ltr. valuable Mitt and lnU I formerly tbe property of Oao. aner, dec d.- are ohVrew for tabs -by the late huKhsarrv.1 his and - lie on Ihiichu an'i ereek, 4 milra east of Moek. vilte. adioininr the (jib MHiwford met, and k equal to anv land in Ko an county, with a Urjaj proportion of auprrior meadow tbe Nilla arw of superior eowtwiction, ami hava now a very good and increawnf run of cuatom V Ibe waiaav power can very convaoieatly oe made to dnve any kind of Machinery. ' Fr other particulars, and trrma, apply to Thomas D." Gihba, owe af the proprietoea, oa tbe premiaea. 16tf THDMAM D. GIBBS . JOSl.fH IIAMK8, FF.TKK HXER, JACOn SANER. JjavOtSSlt.- MAftriM HANKH- tTT'j . Aaoibe tract. bUffinK U. ttUt i. subditxled by wr( artjoioing ha s'oe cuntai'itng MS aeret, " - - t USrter section will be aol fin fmraMHia with the above, at ep. . -u.i'i i.L .(..."".;. irtiTai m.y hvMai( 4tt ukLum i tuh ... -v it likc'ie firat raic lail. . j, .iln. will be -uU. a .ut aJjiintKr the tod of . a i ..-km r. cuntaiiiitir ten acre of Ian 1. uh a r jg"fl dwelling house, with out bouac, and an ' lrrocllent zardeat this property iU be auM l,.v.nrrrwsn'li,,tifrcrnts .p!ya2of1jj. T V x I

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