J? ' i 1 V SALISBURY,' N. C...TUKSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1828. VOL. IX.;.,...NO. 432. (A WO s ., - rr .- - n f r H" Si i. t IM Wfm CSrMtatwtev Sw w4 t1M w-n -- . - - a ITtllBesibcihT.ha teHvufcoitt tn f ! X house formerly owned bj Ctpt, ' Atrf If srhr, dee'd. to the taint lately rZiccupMhyJlrlTh bf thetnwiu where he will eontiniM Ms TAT rffJV. He sincerely rhankt hit friends and nublio fof the Mtronnre heretofore 'exten tedto hint and he o!icit the continuance of their favors. r r-r-- He pledgee hie uttreroittinff tfteirtion to hit tthiied to ail upon mm. r' 17 r?. "AVHITFIELP KERR. MANSION HOTEL, . mniS eleeart ettablUhment, tituated mJLJbwrtkrir.cf. the Cwirt Houte, bu been recently repaired and i In i new and luperior ttyle, tor the re- . cepuon r Company. inefreateM.puiTc been taken to procure Tor ttiit otablUhaumt new fumiture of eery rtetcription, neceisary for the comfort of Traveller. the moit ap- nroved trrvantt htve been tekcted with gnf. care i the bar ttocked with choice liquor, and tattle attended by obhginjf and. attentive bottler.- The- convenience of tliit aituatktn U eatial to any In the place. The houte contaiut a nuoiber of private room, and ouMioutea, well tfculftted ibr the accommodation of Tmvellert "and BwrderaS: ittiMiheil- ta hU;h; thertCki ,JDry Coodl and Boot store. " T6Jthoe who may pleate to effonVinW''ne atfiiret them that ho paint will be tnarei! to tender tbetr ttay comfortable and nlrasine;. ' EZRA ALLEMONG. SaMuryiSrfit. 7i 1827. 82 Xotlee to TanntTs. npilC iubscriber cfler. for tale, 1 X the' valuable property tn' the av ... x . - . town ol Charlotte, lately belonging to Mr. Allen Baldwin, t his prop- erty include about 60 town lott, on a part of which are improvement, vu: A valuable Tun- awry, includinf all tbe necettary bu'idings, &c and a patent Bark-Mill t alto, a rood dwelling. house, with the necessary out-houaea. The kind it all under cultivation, and well fenced. Any person wishing to purchase, can learn the terms by calling on tbe subscriber, living in Cabarrus county, on Buffalo creek t or on Mr. William Smith, Bring In Charlotte. - -, KOBERT. MKENZIE. Caiarrut NNtly, May 73,1838. 17lf JSUUs am Laniis. HR valuable MiUt and land lurmerly tbe property of Geo. aner,' dee'd, are oflercd for tale by the late purchasers. This land lies on Utitrhman'i creek. 4 miWe east of Mock. till, adjoining tbe G ilea ktumfurd tract, and it equal to any land in Hon an county, with a large proportion of wiperUr j&cado j the Uitta sre of superior construction, and have now a very goou ana increasing run ot custom i the Water, power can very conveniently be made to drive artv kind of Machinery. Pur other nartieuUra. and terms, apply to- Thomas D.- Gibbt, one- .tbe proprietors, un tbe premises. 16if . ... THOU AS D. cmoa. 40S tMU HAM ES, -h JACUR SANER. .Tisy tU, 1823. . MARTIN SANER, N. B. Another tract, belonging to Peter fta Her, adjoining tbe above, containing 325 aeret, will be told in eonntiion with the above, or sep arately at may best suit the purchaser j which Is likewise first rate land. Jh will be sold, a lot adj ilning the town of Hocks Me, Containing ten acres of land, with good dwelling-house, with out-hooses, and an eiccllcnt garden t this properly will be sold won accommo.uti.tg terms. Apply t above. f V ME Races over the SsJi. 1 1. - bury Tnrt, will com. snence on Thuradav. the 50th October, and continue three s. first day i two mile beats, tree for any borsc. mare, or geMmgi teeowd dayi mile beats, free for any tbing Ocept tbe winning horse of preceding day i Third day i county purse, thrro best in five, free (w any horse, mate, or gelding, rsiieJ and nwaed m the county of Ros so. 1IT. CILE5, Wy. -Upt.l8Zir Hli Pannel Gig, hiu! Jersey AVugon. OHsalc.afintrste Pan ne! Gig and Jersey Vt agon i they wUI he dia 1 mt nit lwaftm.ht . r - Apriry tt tbe subscribt r d ad gig ""dacterv, one door east of tbe jsil, on Main -w, .fcgwM iiA, ii8. n Yuafe Wood and, &n T Mouse a LOT. "I twwsonUr wOWra foe ami tU following ' property, vii i a frwrf Um4 eontaining ,J acres, sdjoM ng tbe bad of Benjamin Ucr. vd, tin. H. Troy and ethc re, about J r.lWl wrth.wet of Santbunr. Tbe wble tract it wrn veil edaprcd to the growth of cotton d kll kinds of grain, having a bendsome ail we a kowse, nenr en eteeOeni spring. Also, K m tbe aaain strettof baEsbury.on kick are good DweUing4ionart and out . rd repair, and good garden. fc.Tm,,k he unable to sell bit W. be wiB rent on gwod teresa. Tor terms W VtlLUAU HOWARD. d 4 nT?r'Jl, THE subscriber hss inst returned from the Mortb, with M good an assortment of JcWry, tVitchis; Sibtt-Ware, '&e Fit waa erer. tgHSjtur tt)? t thie nlaeo t Wf i .i i i n w n iBiTrmporiiion ani ine niost Miwnaoleind elepnt TiiniU lobe had in MVflaiiavlrtlri ivtrmfrknrvttr ii, t fcc Jic., And in a few dtva, he will receive a very elegant anort. mcnt or JIMrary CeaditAlao, all kinda of SiU wrr-If orr, kept- constantly liaad, or made to order on tftotf notice. An of which will be told lower than roch good were ever disposed of oeiore hi iw p jWi&.iiuw6dto. sye4.taaKapri eMmine'tiiiete goodnt' tlif Ir teh'weas; ew-ganctir ami cheapness, cannot fail of pleasing those who wish to bov. . ' All kinds of rTafcAes Uepnirrd, and warranted to keep time ; the shop is two doors below the cotirt-botise, on Msin-street. ' ROBERT WYNNE. .ffi5ury,a28,1828.. 17 TJtotttit & fturittnston. , 'j IVatsh and Clock Makm and Jewellers, CI I ARLOTTE, N. C. HAVE just received tn elegant assortment of articles In thir riiei which thev will tell very low fur cash, or to punctual customers un a credit. (Lj All kinds ot vyatchet repaired. and warranted to perform well, aft 54 1828. 22 ViStatft of Cant. . ijTnge. TfAVING qualified at November court Utt, 11 as administrators on the esUte of Capt David Craige, late of Howan countv, dee'd. we I desire all perwis indibtrd tn said deceased, to f-.T).ilte-pavment wHtb ar little delay :Vt possible W u pewona navjiis ciwmi aKaaiiUJuejf.iaiCji 1 -II l - " . . to present them. If tall v attested, within the time prescribed by set of assembly, otherwise this notice will plesd in bar of their recovery. 3mt37 THOS. CHAICK. - - BOB r. N. CRMGR. Jul 15.1828: vffiwmtfrwfsr BOOK RINDING. riTllF! subscriber nn rlfullv inform! th rit I iteni of ilisbutT, iind the surrotinifing country, that he lia t-slsblished a Bnk Bindery in said town, on atam Street, a few doors south of the Court-Hoitse i where he will be thankful to receive anv kind of work in his line of business. From a number of vears etperience. in Europe and America, he feels confident of brin able to give entire satisfaction to all those who msy fa vor him with any description of JlinJinj. Blank Botki made to order, after any pattern famished, on short notice, and at prices which no one can complain of. Old Bn.ki IttbauniL, either plain or ornamen tal, on the moat tmoderte terms. All orders from a distance, faithfully attended to. The pat ronage of the public-i rcpectfu'.lv solicited, by their obt tervt JOHN H, DE CARTERET.' Sahtbvrj, Afnit Wth, 1827. ' 2 UommUUtV to Uc Ja fY Wilket county, k negro Boy, who says his Jr-name- it niLIi helonfit to EtekirTTroi man, of Alabama, and ran way. below Fsyettr ville. lie is 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, wrl made, rsiber Hgbt complected, between 22 and 2i years old i no psrtk-ular marks perceptible on him. (lit owner tt requested to prove property, pay charges, snd take hun awar. N. B. Since the above was published, the fellow- wis bis name it JlanirL and that be be Jongs tn ilfiam Howel, of Richmond county, North Carolina. r-r- CHARLES PHELPS JaiUr. mitrtif'.JHat JO, 1828. 19 DommVtteA to 3a TN Sshsliury. N. (;. on the otb ins s negro 1 man, who sats hit name is .Mn. that be ran awsv frum his masicr, John Fffrs about two weeks since, in Columbia 8. C. t tajw he former ly bclonired to the estate of Gen. Nst. Curdle, rif Sussr county, Virg. i he is about 6 fret high, 33 yrsrs out. etraight built, black complected, with a small scar above the right eve. The owner it desired to prove property, paw charges. and take him way. F. SLA 1 EK, ShJ. Sept. 84, 1S2S. 31 WAGONERS, )r.VC TO FATKlTEriLLr, WILL 6ml it tn their advantage, to stop at the IrVTGttV TJHIK where every eon vtnierwe i provivlc! fur Man and Horse, to make them conif'irtaMe, at the moderate charge of 23 cents a day ami night, for the privilege of the Yard, the use of a good limine, fire, water, snd shelter. Attached to the Ya-d, are a (irocery and Provition Store, tlrrad Shop ami Confec tionary, and s House for Boarders snd Lodger, in a plain, cheap, wholesome and comfort, able siyle. 09 FujriirvitU, 1828, -tioumUt& tolftst Ja Or Mecklenburg county, on the 22d day ot April. 18.8, a nrrre wsssun named Jon, bo tait the belongs to a man by the name of John Herren. who lives In Duplin county, N. C. TbaJarcqacf dto enme forwswl. prove property, pay cbarges and take ber aay. JOHN 8 LOAN, asnr Jsfos-12, 1828. I34if .wHrry wmiy. HtglmtntftA Orot. JW dWters 61 Krml. X C. MiStia, milE otTicen. noncommissioned cEoert tnd X priTmtrs.T'rTimr'tnglbe I st Rpwtn (r tJd Stats) Rrghnent of K. C MS('m, are wedefwd to tppesr In the town of Sslitbury, on U'eWWesday, arnted in. I crpnppcd, at tbe Jaw directs, for Mibftl.l whim .mtK fl mi alpirltir mm. Joined on officers to appear eocnpletely rpu fttJ, or tbe bw will be enforced against them. Tbe commissioned e Beers are ordered to ap pear at tbe same place, at 9 o'clock .. Tues day, tne zist, wun nrc-arms, ror uniu - ' CUWARU TAaOiKU, est. L ". .T4v. he, 18W8. "C nnftfir Stotts' Slates, 7eied at the Firtt Se$aon tht Kith Cmfftu no. ivn. - ; An Act making appropriations tRarfy intof. : " ' feet certain Indian TiWtie. V . rtfireentattve of the Unitef Statei tf iuiiuwiu iuihi oe eppropnaicu, 10 uc peiq out of.atiy money- in the Treasury not otherwise epprofrriatedf for .4he-obecti follriwinf', trig r----,.:,.,..jl1 .t i- or tne payment of the sum stipulated jflfi h of August, one thoassnd. eif; jit jhun: dred end twenty.sit, with the Chippewt tribe of Indians, one thousand dollars ; for paving the annuity and providing the means of education, stipulated by the third article of the treaty with the Pata- watima trrr;fndiin.OTade-thft. teenth of October, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six, four thousand dollars ; for supporting blacksmith and miller,. and also for furnishing one hun dred arid sixty bushels of salt, in conformi ty with the aforesaid article, one thoustnd five hundred and twenty dollars) for the payment of the annuity stipulated bv tbe fourth article of the treaty with the Miami tribe of- Indians, made the twenty-third day tjf October, one thousand eight hun dred and twenty-six, for the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight, thirty thousand dollars for the delivery of t wo t houtand poundi of iron, on thou: sarulpDundsoLiebactOtAOdiorrlhr 1 1" omnT-of Jabourerafin'ctjnformity-of the said fourth article of .the said treaty, one thousand one hundred dollars ; for the support of the poor jinrl infirm, and the education of the youth of the said tribe ol Indians, under the slxth artPcle of the said treaty, two thousand dollars; for car i vinj; Into enect the trestw with the Creek Nsiton of Indians, concluded the fifteenth )f November, one thousand eipht hundretl and twenty seven, Sly-sercn thousand four hundred and twenty-nine dollars; to the Thornton party of Miami Indians, by virtue of the second article of a treaty made with them on the eleventh of Fe bruary, one thousand eight hundred and twenty eiht, at the Wyandot village, for goods delivered, and to be delivered, as provided lor by the second article of the said treaty! ten thousirld dollars ; for building twelve houses, clearing and fen cing forty acrea of land, for furnishing wagon, oxen, labourers, provisions, hor ses, and saddles, and bridles, at stipulated for by tame article of laid treaty, five thOua.pd four- hundred and tghty five dotlais ; for payment of "money and goods tol'eter Langtois, at stipulated for by the third article of aaid treaty, four thousand dollars ; for the following sums and ob jects, being necessary to carry Into edtel the treaty concluded on tbe sixth day of M.v, one thoustnd eight hundred and twenty right, i between the-United States and the Cherokee Nation of Indians, est of ihe Misiissippi i in consideration of tht inconvenience and trouble of removing, as provided for tn the fifth article of said treaty, fifty thousand dollar for spolia tions committed on them, as provided in the same article, eight thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars ; for the use of Thomas Gravet, same article, one thou sand two hundred dollars; for tbe use nf George Guess, tame article, five hun dred dollars ; for two (houtand dollars, lor en years, for the education of their children, same article twenty thoustnd dollars ; towards tbe purchase of a prin ting press and types, same ankle, one tbouMnd dollars; for the compensation proposed to be paid to emigrating Chero- kers from within tbe chartered limits of Georgia, for the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight, upon the sup position that five hundred rosy emigrate within the yetr, that is to sty : (or Rifles, six thoustnd two hundred and fifty dot lart ; for five hundred blankets, two thou sand five hundred dollars ; for five hun dred kettles, one thousand dollars; for two thousand five hundred, pounds of to- batco, two hundred and fifty dollars ; for property that may be abandoned, upon the estimate that of the five hundred, one hundred may be heads of families, and have property worth twenty dollar, etch, two thousand dolltrt tor cost of emigra tion of five hundred, at tea dollars each, five thousand dollars ; for provisions fur a year, fifteen thousand dollars; for ten dollars for each emigrant, as provided for gTl' by the eighth article of the aforesaid trea ty, five thousand dollars ; for Captain John Roger as provided 4o by tht tenth arti cle; five hundred doHara; for -expense in part of running the boundary line, as provdled for bf the 'third article, two thousand dollars. A. STEVENSON, Speaker of tbe House of ItepreeenUtives J. C CALHOUN. Vice President of the United States, and President of the leeatt. join qvlnct aim id. : I wo. trm An Act making appropriations for the purchase ;v ot doom, and tor other purposes. .' BE it rnaejedjyj!u4natran(l AeuteV nfifttentativet of (he United Statei of America in Cortgrtu uuemtttd That the sum. "ci ove thousand rJollars beKsnd the Same hereby is appropriated, to be paid 6ur6flhJP WWeydThe oTPerwisT applprTaTed, fortherardirie of JJooks for the Library of Congress. ,Secv2, Jind belt hrxfiernacted, That the Librarian of Congress be authorized to employ an' assistant, who shall receive teTrTfcMpWfllol dollafs, .commeDcing wAlarch fourth, one thousand eight hundred and ' t wnt j-seViSi" to. be paid out of any money in the I rca suvy, not otherwise appropriated. i Approved: 24 May, 1828. : 0. UX. . ' Alt' Acr'tuppTemhfary Coal '"'act. entitled M An act providing for the correction of errors in making entries of lands kt the Land Offices," passed March third, one thousand eight bun- area anc nineteen. BR it enacted 6y the tenate and houte of reiretenlattvet of the United States of America in congress assembled, That the provisions of the act entitled "An art providing for the correction of errors in making entries of lands at the Land Offi ces," approved March third, one thousand eight hundred and nineteen, are hereby declared to extend to rases where patents hate issued, or shall hereafter issue: upon Rendition that the party concerned thill turreodtrihu cOe r patent , o tjie Cooimissioner ofiheGeocraLLandOtSce, with a relinquishment of title thereon, executed in a form tn be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury. Approved r 34 Hay. 1828. " 90. CI. "7 An Act to enable the President of the United States to hold a Treaty with tbe Chippewas, -- Ottawat, Pattawattimas, Winnebagoes, Fox and Sacs nstionf of Indiana. BE it enacted Su the senate and house of representatives of the United States of America in cungrrti assembled, That the sum of fifteen thousand dollars be, and tbe same i hereby appropriated, to defray the expenses of treating with the Chip pewas, Ottawas, Pattawatimas, Winneba goes, Fox and Sacs, nations of Indians, for the purpose of extinguishing their titles to lands within the State of Illinois and the Territory of Michigan, situated between the lUinuis .river and the Lead Mines on Fever river, and in the vicinity of aaid Lead Mines, and, also, certain re servaiiohs on the $outh East border of Lake Michigan ; and that the President of the Unite d States, if he shall deem It expedient, may apply a part of the afore- siid. appropriation, for the purpose-of holding a i reaty with tbe Choctaw na tion of Indians, to extinguish their tide to the trtci of land, which lies in the Terri- t ft I . a nr tory ol Arkansas, east ol the western Boundary Uoe-ot-said Tarxiiy : the aaid sum to be paid out of any money in tbe Treasury not otherwise appropiialed.. " Sitri".1nd be Ufarthtr Mecrrrfr Thtt; for the purpose of negotiating said Treaty on the part of the United States, the President shall be, and he it hereby, au thorized to appoint Commissioners, by snd with the advice and consent of the Senate, at soon as practicable, and lo fix their compensation, so as not to exceed what has been heretofore allowed for like services Apprwfd: 24 Wsy, 1 828. as. hi. An Act making sa appropriation for tbe sup pression of the Slave Trsde. fiF. it enacted by the senate and house ol representatives of the United States of America in congress assembled. That the sum of thirty thousand dollars be, and the tame it hereby, appropriated, for tbe tup- pression of the Slave Trade, pursuant to the act of Congress of the third day of March, one thousand eitfnt hundred and nineteen. Sec. 3. -ind be it further enacted, Thst the Secretary of tbe Navy be authorized to pay, out of the sum hereto appropria ted, the claim of the Administrator of the estate of Taliaferro Livingston, late Uni ted Slates Marshal for the District of Alabima, for the maintenance of tundry Africacs, captured in one thousand eight hundred mhI igi.f ai . I'toviied, Iht said Administrator shall produce satlslac lory evidence of tbe reasonableness of tbe charges for the aaid maintenance; and that the sums received by ike said Liv ingston for the hire cf the said Alricans, and for the labour performed for r.im by saM Africans, if any, be accounted 1 for, . . . . - - Apprond- 34 May. 1828. ' ' ' " we. iiiu.. ... An Act to authoriae the Poatmasttr Central to erect an additional building, and employ 8 re additional Clerks. lit it sniffed by Ike senate nd house of representatives of the United States of America in congress assembled, Tbat the rastrmsterOencriite uuhort1d to have erected ah additional building for the use of the Department of the General Post Office, and of the Patent Office i and that neblsfrtttf herseMomp!o) . ditionsl C'if r'o wit h a salary of one thou1" t sand dollars ecV-""r- '-..'' the sum of twelve thousand dollars be . ; ipptoateio detVy.jheiptt the iforestnt wiKurffda'wow five thousand dollart td pay Uie wlarie.:' sny money iji the Tressttr not cKherwuft pppropriaicu An Act allowing cdmpensatiorl to the MeiDDefjt or the Legislature of the Territory of Arluuv sti, and for other purposes. - BE it enacted by the senate and house gj representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That theta shall be paid to each member of the ' two branches of the Legislature of the Terri tory of Arkansas three dollars e day for each day he thill actually attend the eel sibn thereof; and, also three dollars for every twenty-five miles travel, in ' going to and returning from such session ; to be computed by the actual distance froni the place where sucb member resides, to tbe place where the session of tbe Legis lature shall be held? which said dietance) thall be distinctly certified tor by the Governor of said Territory- i Provided however, That no member Shall beN enti tled:tj? .rj for-daify -ettendancv, for ..iiiore than' ihlitjr " days tn-e very two yerst or for going to and returning from said Legislature, mote than once in said two years Sec. 2. And be tt further enatted, Thlt there shall be pitcF, once" two j-earsj." seven hundred and Twent dollari, to the Governor of said Territory, to be applied towards defraying the incidental expense of the Legislature, in such manner as the said Legislature shall direct. Sec 3. And be it further enacted, Thst there be, and is hereby, appropriated, out of any moneys not otherwise approprla ted, the sum of 'four hundred and eighty dollars, to tbe District Judge of tbe Stats) of Missouri, and to each of (be Judges of the superior Lourt for the Terrrpry of Arkansas, for their extra services of Land Commissioners, from the twenty sixth day of May, eighteen hundred and twen ty eight, to the thirty-first dsy of Decem ber next. ' , Sec 4. And be it further enacted, Thst for the contingent expenses of the Senates for the year eighteen: hundred end twen ty eight, io addition lo the sum heretofore appropriated, the sum of fifteen thousand -dollars be, and the same hereby is appro priated, to be paid out of any unappropri ated money in the Treasury. 1 .Approved! ?4th May. 18J8. so. niv. An Act to provide or. .opening and. -making t Military ItoaJ. in t!ic State of Maine. TiK it tnacted by the tenate and houses IreArtsentqtive tkeVnited:Sfal(t if - America in tongress aembied, - That the - " President of the United States be, and h is hereby, authorized, to cause Military -Road lobe opened and made, in the Stats)' Maine, from the mouth of the river Mala mwcook, where it enters in'o the Fenob scot river, to Msrs Hill, near the North eastern boundary line of the State ef Uaine. , Sec. 2. And be it further enatted. That the President be, end be is hereby, tit tborixed to employ such pert of tht) troops of the United Stales as be may think proper, foe surveying and contlrQclinjj said road ; and, for (he purpose of Carry ing into effect the provisions of this set the sum of fifteen thousand dolltrs bet tnd the same is hereby, appropriated, tt) be paid out of any money in the Treasury . not otherwise appropriated. Approved. 24JlayJil828. ao. sit. , An Act making an appropriation for tbe Navy Hospital Fund. BE it enacted by the senate and knot f representatives if the United States ef America in Ccrgress enemUed, That ths tun of forty six thoustnd two hundred tnd seventeen dollars snd fourteen cents be appropriated out of any money is. the Trcssury not otherwise appropriated, to the-? svy Hpsist-esind nodi it Secretary of the Treasury.be directed to psy the tame to tho Commissioners ef the aforeuid fund, upon their requUitioo. Approved t 84 Slav, nn. itvii. Ae Act la increaae tht pay of iieutenanta in th . " BE it enacted by the s'rnatt mnd houte -represenlattves oftU United' Statir-ff" America in ttngress atsembled. That, IrotA and after the patstgs of their act, all UQ- '-' Kotntt in the Navy of the United States shall, in addition to the pty eod cmolux mtott now allowed them by law, retsiv o ten dollars per muolb, and bne ritJQ fpTT day. .(jrovrl ; 5t?h WJ y, 1JJ .J t J -J 1

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