'ty - 1 i;'!'V lit ! ; -f - ',v.f . i X !.v-,:r 17- Ft I .'t 4" t if ff . T y i if t.AW Of THE UMTEfl ST.iTF.X. K0. llVt. An Act to ff peal ft part of the 'act entitled " An ' act aupplemrntary to, and to amend an act 1 entitled " An act to regelate the collection " ofdniei on import! and tonnaRe,' pawed the 2d of March, one. thouiand seven hundred and binety.nine, and for other purpoaet. JtE it enacted by thetenate and houti of .Itehrrttntetivt of the .United States of jimtrica in congrett attembted, That the thirty seve nth section of the act passed on the 'first of March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty three, entitled An MtJuappIementltr kron:of dutfesiwto passed lecond of March, one thousand "leten hundred and ntaetv-liine, and for other-pu7plise1i?' be, and the same "Is hereof repented. Approved s 24 May 48C8. ', , 1 N'nEBwtttled Atr act &w the re. Army of the Revolution," approved UthMay, 3828. Vwoa'ury tkpartment, Aug. 7, 1823. Notice is hereby given to those officers and Bbldiert of the Army or the IlevoUtion who are entitled to the benefits of the abovementioned set, that l half parly payment will become due U the third day September, and will be made . i every such Officer r Soldier asihn produce satisfactory evidence to the Secretary of the .Treasury of his being that day in full fife. The evidence required will be a declaration - made and sirned bv tbe claimant, ton or after that day. in the presence of two respectable witnesses, to whom he is well known, sia'ing hit rank and .line, in the Continental Army, and Xhe rank according to which he has been found 1 5 - entitled to pay, under tbe act, by the Secretary 111 . of the Treasury, To this is to be added the '. Ji affidavit of the witnesses, sworn before a Justice j 1 1: 'of the Peace, or other Magistrate authorised to 5 1 V administer ooiba, as to the identity of the claim " rrr: 'JinCand tatte factof his hating made the deC - 'If-r: tarstirm en the day n whichtt bears date. -Ami 1 . th'ia U In kj innMnl i-rllAVjl'tA. Ulllnr till. 'jeaTtwHfhe5'Co tlal designation and Signature of the Magistrate, and as to his being authorized to administer SjathtrThe forms, of -a declaration, affidavit, and certificate, are subjoined to this notice. "" TKs evidence "should be enclosed and trans. Ihitted to the Secretary of the Treasury : and, it it be deemed satisfictory, the amount found due will be remitted to the claimant in a draft tm the most convenient Branch of the Rank of Jbe Upited States, or, will be paid to his attor ney, duly authorized under the regulation Which have been before prescribed. Each claimant is requested to indicate, by a Jiote at the foot of hit declaration, the Branch of tbe Bank of the United States on which it Would be most convenient (at Uinv to receive a waft for tbe sum that may be due to bun t and, if there be no pott office in tbe place of hit rni denee, to mention also the post office at which it would be most convenient to bim to receive letters from this Department. A copy of this notice, with the forms annexed, i intended to -be sent to each Officer and Sol Der whose chum shall bare been admitted j that the forms may be filled up and returned to this 2)epartment at tbe proper time. It may not be amiss, on this occasion, to state (bat, although a earnest desire has been Teh to wive immediate effect to the beneficent iuteo lions of Congress, as manifested in tbe act re ferred to, yet, owing to the numbe' of applica tfoM, and the Investigations neteisary to be made previously to a decision, it has not been - farad praetioablftlo. act, upon f very., case as ekrly as could hare bern wished. .I he rule has! beeiy lo lake up each shim in the order in hich it has been received.' The same course will be pursued hereafter! It is requested that all letters on this subject " HHyheeadomd Rerohitionsry Chums." " r c RICHARD RUSH. Tor the purpose of obtaining the amount of pay accruing to me for the half year ending on Ihe 3d day of September, 1878, under the act enti tled " An act for the relief of certain surviving officers and soldiers of the Army of tbe Revolu tion," approved. 15th Msy, 182S, I , or, fh the county of , in the State of , U Arr6y Jrtlure. that 1 ws a in the of the Army of tbe llevolulion, in the continental Dhe, (as was more fully set forth on my spplica Tjon for the benefits of the said act.) and that I Save been found entitled, by the Secretary of uw Treasury, under that act, to the pay or a m the said tine. ti'itnt my hand, this - day of , in the tear one thousand eight hundred and Ucniy-tight- Before me, v a , fo? the eountv of , in the State of , personalty appt-ared, th day, , and, of tbe aakl county, who did severally make oath that .by hom the foregoing declaration was made and subwribed, is well known to them to be the person therein described, and that he is generally reputed and believed to have been a in the Army of the Revolution, in manner as therein stated i ami that tle said declaration was msde and sub scribed by -the said , in their presence, on 1 " )b dsy of the date thereof. H'itne my hsnd, this day of in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty? eight. I, , Clerk of the Court of the County of . in the State or s U htrttw ctrtth. that hefbre whom TfieToregmng affidavits were (worn, was at the time, a , for the said coun ff, and duly empowered to administer oaths. Is TtsnwosT wssases, I hare hereunto set my hand, and efHaed the seal of tbe said Court, this dsy of - , In the yesr one thousand eight hundred and twenty -eight JlKfsisl 8.. ...4d2. ... Cotton "XaTtt; OR sale, wktletali mnd mail. Errs Comix, Nit'ober 6 to 15, Inclusive, at the Factory prices, from FayctteviUe. Apply to J.MIRPIIT,.5-U. Sdbburv, -riy 3, 1823, (U) Castor tm. A FULL wnolv of the above article, is iui j received and for sale at reduced prices by . t. VVILLEY & Co. SHttriur, Jitjft ISA if-. iraox tm tamo ruTt TtUoaxfa. jiExnrjcurs apology. Tune.-" Ctming lArV the rye." 1 f a body meet a body, Going to the West, llav'nt a body, lick of bargain, take a little rest t . ; J Of eating barbacues and dinners, Who i.o fond Si 1 1 Besides, the doctors all advise To throw my business by. . ' .'; ' '" If a body catch a body, ,..,' - At intrigue and trade, "' Should body blame a Body, . . . . ' If a body's paid f . olfticTanavelheir prices; " "J- But all the clerks they firmest roe , -When drawing extra pay, If a 'body -write hotlyL,..-!!. Need a body tell, Or ihojr a body's letter, which - Would pro eihehargiiMt well f :lYhJolkiwy fohrottldt deny. -- ua menu an -""'n www If a bodv heV a body, At a dinner, pray .. For famine, war, and pestilence. What would you have em say i If Jackson's chosen President, Despite eVcry lie, Tbe de'll may take the nation then, And what the deuce care I ? ST.iXZ.tS. mow tms esBMAgr or- sufmisot. When to yon bright celeil spheres Mv aoirit soars to meet its doom. How sweetly then shall Friendship's tear Bedew tbe nweson my tomb ! taper this mournful scene to lesve. Yet tranquil as the moonlit bowV, And smiling as the sun at eve, I wait the calm, the blissful hour '6 that 'twould haste, and waft fne there , .. Where worldsshall roll oenea'h my feet t Where palm immortal flourish fir. ,.: And fiieAdSrOa earth beloved, shall meet I , The 'woes )f earth arerhaws that-eUnt Released but by the hknd of death ; Its 0T-r-the blossoms of the spring, Ttiat fan befofe the zephyr's breath V TUF. G.1ME15TER. Hell yawned beneath hisfert his burning brow, (As if a demon there had fixed his throne,) The strife that raged within did sadly show i (lis anguish was not vented in a groan, Speechless he rushed, regardless cf the storm. Or lightning gained the rock's tempestuous crest : Tbe elements in vain assailed his form, A deadlier war was raging in his breast. Guilt in his looks, and frenzy in hia mien, He rolled his maniac eyes in horrid mood. Scornful he razed on the tumultuous scene. Defying God, plunged headlong in the flood ;J Tbe billows hoarser uaifieu, the sea-uinl iiowieti, Muttering funeral peals, the thunder louder growled. mo tni osisa oasiavsa. -The new AW. The important op eration of making a tew. nose has been recently performed in this village by Doctor Batchelder, the late profcssnr of surgery in one of the eastern medi. cal colleges, with complrte success. The" oprtailbh cpnsjsYed in tal it!g I a piece flesh irom -the-ft)reheal -itnd bringing it-down, applying and fasten ing it to the face where the nose should be, the part to which it was to be ap plied having been previously scarified. Vve have examined the face f this un fortunate individual, and find that it is not only true that such an operation has been preformed, but th.it it was done with so much exactness that the wounds healed almost entirely by the first intention, leaving the smallest possible vestiges of the performance, the scars are therefore much less ap parent than could have been expected. The cicatrix upon the forehead, whence an adventttous nose was taken, is very small, and may be entirely concealed by the hair foretop, with the exception of that'portirm which extends to the root of the nose, which he designedly made in the place where there is usually a natural wrinkle, for which without the doses' inspection u would be taken. The bones of the nose, which from the partition between the nostrils and also the one forming the left side of the nose were destroyed by ihe dis ease, (a cancer) but the operation was so conducted as to fill up the deficien cy occasioned by the loss of these bones, and to give the nose an aqui line appearance so that the horrible de formity caused oyihtloirof thirucial handle has disappeared, while the new proboscis stands forth with be coming modesty. MOUNT ARARAT. " Ndthlrfg cao'bc "more beautiful than the shape of Ararat j nothing more aw ful than its height. All the surround- iug mountains sink into insignificance when compared to it. It is perfect in all its parts. No rugged features no unnatural prominences. Every thing is harmony, and atl combines to ren der it one of the most interesting ob jects in nature. Spreading originally from an immense bate, the (dope to rirJsUssunr.tilsc. y until it teaches ths rer 1 tans cf snow where It becomps taore abrupt, Ai a foil to this stupendous object, small hill, arises from the same base, similar in shape, and in any other situation entitled to rank arhonghigh mountains. No one sines the 4lood seems to have been on the summit of Ararat, tor the rueeed ascent to m snowy top ap pears to render the attempt impossi ble.. No man certainly, has ascended it in mndetijriei3Viiea the adyefS tures of Tournefort failed, it is not prcdUehatJnyeiJclse Cewd0''sa?j,iki'PSl)1 In the New England states, there is an ofBcer appointed in each township, who is called Hog Rent, and' whose emecial duty it is to enforce the law kgainst hogs running at targe, and other duties in relation to the rmnitk tribe, A nntUmai near. Newborvnort... Maasachuselta. hstH(f" haa this hmvable ofRce onfrred on hiW'Tanl'wnoeYer is appointed Is obliged to Seejlysjiotice" of his appointment through the nepaper, anu buisi Rut who are the h-oo-a i and how far am I to consider the duties of my Office as extending? I wish to be candid, and gire fair warning. I shall consider every selfish, snarling, quarreling, dir. ty creature, that denies our town; as falling Under my jufisdiction, whether he happens to walk on two legs or four. If I happen to see a contrary spirit, alvayi running in the teeth of every bocy he meets, whom it is im- possible tit lead, and still more impos sible to dtive, am I to suffer such an one to run at large, merely because he has not bristles on hia back ? Or, sup pose I meet a poor selfish wretch, who gets" his living 6y root w,w hose sole maxim isf take care' of number one, musTrpefintt him to go looey seekiug whom&may.de a snout a little shorter than the rest of them I No Sir, I will not j I know my duty better, Dy virtue of my; high office, and in conformity to the laws f my country, I do now order all such creatures to be kept close. .. "There is one kind of sty, which I especially forbid. I hereby order all those shops to be removed, where that liquor is sold, which only one animal in creation will drink. Of all the beasU of the field, , fowls, of the air, fishes of the sea, I have never heard or read of but one, that will get drunk j and that is the animal that falls this year under my jurisdiction. And J shall be ashamed to drive the four leg ged drunkard" to " pound, while tbe drunk ird with two legs, (and legs too on which he can't walk) is permitted to go free. In the name then of that commonwealth, whose dignity I bear, and whose officer I am, I command that ail placet ie closed where these hogs are fattened, whose peculiar char acteristic it Js, that they consume, a grCSk.Ucai joi aV suu y,c'"- puiar 1 The force of language - is - greatly injured by the multitude of words. The following is not only entirely-free from th at faultr button the"bthe r- hand. may be considered as a rare specimen of the laconic and pithy style. A respectable farmer, not forty miles from this place, has the singular ly happy talent of not saying a word too much. A young man wishing to obtain his consent to marry hia daugh ter, called upon him one day when he happened to be in the field ploughing with hia oxen. It was, past all doubt, a fearful matter for a diffident man to broach, and the hesitating lover, after running, parallel with the furrow, sev eral times round the field, essayiog with all his courage to utter the impor tant question, at last stammered out t 'I I've been thinking, Mr. , that that as how I I I should be gl gl glad to to m m mar mar marry your slaughter." Farmer.... Tair her, and use her we --wAfftf, hav Buck." - ' Religion in Kentucky. In Shelby county, betweeo 40 and 50 persons were added to the Presbyterian church in July last. In Henry county a very interesting work of Tnerjtnrtstxomffiencedr-rnhehtrtf Sabbath of JtIy,3I persons were received to the communion of the church in New Providence. la Smyrna at tbe close of $ meeting which had been continued four days, 16 msde a nubile profession of theit faiihta Jesus Christ and .were, added to to church. EPIGUAU. As Tom waa one day tirdeep- ebaMvkli a friend, Who gravely advised him hie manners to mend i Your moral are bad, I've been told it by manyi They lie, replied Tom for I never haa anj f Hay Making. The wife of a Mr. S. Hay, who resides in Philadelphia, was recently delivered of three chil drenall alive end doing well. Che Src?! Jlomfnatfca. roe rassinsirr, ''- '' Andrew Jaclcsoris (or TsvatssEs.) M Honor and gratitude to the man, who has filled the measure of his country's riory.T '' ' . ' - V JsmBsoir. ThTrecoHection oflfienublic" relations" 1n which I stood to General Jackson,,; while Presi. dent, ami the proofs given to him, of the lnsrh tujjation,ilLwb4fit mrfke..' J1HII Uimtnv - strong proofs of eonndence and. rerard I have given him, while President, forbids my taking any part in me ensuing presidential election," M General Jaclrsori's. setn'res t Out uatitn en title him to their Mghert rewxribhit wkU ca rter ha ben signalized by the purest intentions, ind the most elevated piirnoseav f"1 vet Aitses. aacksnTwl ur coun fry. wAsse renew tttuUtulei t treat a frun tf tit m$ral properly, I never had, I never can have any othereelings than those of the most profound assrscr, and of the utmost kind new.". " HansrCuv. "General Jackson is a clear-headed, strong, minded man, and has more of the Roman in him, than any man now living." . Tbomis Jsmas. me vtcs raasiBBST, JOHN C. CALHOUN, (V Soctb ca'aotiaa.) The distinguished Statesman, and patriotic Auvocate ot me reopie's Kigiits. . Elntitn it on Thvrtday, 13t day of November. JACKSON ELECTORAL TICKET. 1st Cist-.. Robert Love, of Haywood coanty. Montfort Stokes, of Wilkes, 3d"" Peter Forney, of Lincoln. . John Giles, of Rowsn. . Abraham Phillips, of Rockingham. John M. Morehead. of Guilford. 4th. 5th 6th; 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th I2tl, 13th Uth 15th Walter F. Leake, or tricnmorKi; WiTtie P. Mangunvl'of Otang-." Josiah Crudup, of Wake. John Hall, of Warren. - : Joseph J. Williams, of Martin. . 'Krdar hallard," of Gates. Louis D. Wilson, of Edgeeomb Kicliard D. Spaight, of Craven Rlwd. B. Dudley, of New Hanover, ttetttt tj&jww s DEMONSTRATION." A good natured, worthy Adams man, (such kind of Adamt men by the-bye, are about as scarce as white black birds, ac costed us the other day u You're gone ; Louitiana is against you you will lose Arnfunty, you will lose Ohio, Delaware and Xrvt Jertey depend on't Jackson is down. " Not so fast," we replied " these states have not gone for Adams vet ; but admitting that we lose them all let us set down and demonttrate the result by figures." We did so, and our Adams friend concedes to us at once the follow ing votes or Jackson t. Pennsylvania, : . 3ft Virginia, 24 North Carolina, 15 South-Carolina, . .11 Georgia, 9 . Alabama, 6 "-'Te'&nesseetXr " -rr, - "How many shsjl we'talein 5?:i; ri;" York f" " Vy, ssy " In Maryland ? u Take , Mississippi ?" Take it ? -Illinois?-" No." .Wsisburtr No : " Indiana r Why, since Gov. Ray's tonveriion, you must take it." " No more No ; you may fitttibly get more, but I'll not concede yon another one." " Why, this is dote thaving, but 70 5 ' 3 00 '00' we've got 135 'One hundred and thirty si f-lWhy4 'W t ana rocs xnc wju. you've ELECTED JACKSON after all." hat can sleep at night aud work all "Tls even so, my sweet fellow ; and we day that can discourse music on the shall at least get twenty more votes thin cheerful spinning wheel, and hang you have allowed as. You're f one, The your Greek and Latin. The present PEOPLE are againtt you, and all your tjmei arc too UOnatural and luxurious, abuse of Jackson and his friends, all Jh,o,,r,nctoriu,ejon bread and broth, noise and bustle you make, is only "tick An(j WOi1 vr healthy wives in homerpuq ing againtt the firiclt. Bait. Reft. ; cloth i : Our mothrrs nurtur'd to the nodding reel, Tbese two states, chooting three electors , Gave all their daughter leaaons oq the wheel, esch by general ticket, may be deemed certain 1 t hough spinning did not much reduce the waist for Gen. Jackson. USica, N. T. Jtumal. It made tbe food much sweeter to the taste ; raoM tbs sswasaa ssstirsu mMyeii....The partizins of the coalition have recently set up a claim on the atsie of Pcnnsylvsnia, and for the comfort of the " war, pestilence and fa mine" gentlemen, of the ancient city," but we will show them the utter Aofie httneti of that claim. They will, firsily, bear in mind, that in 1134, Pennsylvsnia gave General Jackson Forty teven Thou tand Majority over the " Apostate Feder sllst." They -will secondly, remember that of the twenty-eight Representatives in the late Congress frmthi Ste, ,7wwry'w,werw thesaetUav auppo? tars of . General Jackson. And thirdly, the will recollect tbsvin the laatlegTiluture or that, states lhal out of.. one hundred and thirty three members, One Hundred and Eight were in favor of tbe pcople'a can didatot - This, then, is the state on which tbey build their hopes ibis is their "tenle etfierance" to prop the crumbling fortunes of the coalition. At a great meeting held u in the Court-house in the borough of Hsrrisborg, on the 23th July tasf, tlolsrt Harris, Y.. waj r?'"tci' Presidentand Inr.is Cr.en,ar.d Wi;;iaroT Lnnman, Ksqrs. and Captains James Saw. yer and flichael Whitby," appointed Vice Presidents. After refuting triumfikantly in no able address, the numerous sUnders heaped upon General Jackson, and show ing forcibly the necessity of expelling th present corrupt Administration, they say t M From every direction we bear the most cheering intelligence in favor of the Peo- pie's Candidate. In Pennsylvania, from the bess, information we hse been able to obtain, hia majority, if there be a general attendance at ihe polfs7ifW estitd,Jattti thouiand.- The victory is already won. Th Pe4ftirr JttrmhuAi& have a Pres ident of trr?fhoieVsirh th.saTly:Tirca1eJ turn coat federalitt in powerfthat Mrjsre the sovereigns. . aaisTiots. - LEGHORN HATS. These -haUr so called fro.m the .port tW)i'i3leOrlMt'9bjoad, are the thief manufacture of Tascany. -At Pre to thersj ' tion, and every where in the country, ir the doors of-the ' cottages, woman snd childreri are seen picking and plaiting straws. Fields are sown with wheat, which Is allowed to grow till ready to burst into ear the straw is then pulled up by ihe root, which as well a the ear, is cut off from every, stem ; the knots of every straw are aNo cut out. The straws are dried with more or less care, accord ing to the quality of the hat proposed to be made of them j and for this purpose they are sorted with the greatest exact ness. , Maria Louisa, - Empress of the French, desired to have a hat, for the en couragement of the manufacture, of the greatest possible fineness, and of the best coulour i.aiwLjnish, ,i h, price,.or . iy tifi-. cation to the manufacturer, was, if I re member right, 600 francs. Besides lbs great consumption of this well known ar rjirrofr T great quanutieaar8 sent to Tthe i North' A'rnerican States" 'Tho" work produces st every .step the plessing appearance of tabour united to amuse ment, of a toil Tn which childish play and childish gains from children to habits of industry, without exhausting their strength or gaiety. ikok tss aorro5 axsttb. Sparring..,. The following -tdvertise ments are copied from the Centinel. The hosband gives a blow direct. The wife seems to shower her blows thick and three-fold j there is an inu endo, however, in her epistle, that she does not cafe to be separated long from him, as she offers but one cent reward to have him kept from her. Notice .Whereas' my wife Jane haa forsaken my bed arid board, I hereby forbid any person harboring, or trust ing her on my- account, as Isball pay no debts of her contracting after this date. t , fienj, Jfobart. Dorchester, August 11 1828. T.f ATE FARTICVIJIR NOTICE 1 have left my huabanu I do declare,' A nd hivelio reason for to care .. -""" Wy -hreild W gaiC hne thiTJ to malntalrw If I had the other tlien I'd count it gain. - - He ia not talent very slim j. lf yoti see bins once you'll know 'tis bim, Jienjamin llebart is his name, . Kurn and gidei is4is.fame. If ymrll keep this man from bm -...... " Kewarded vou shall bfr One cent down, illcnit the cost ; For I am safe if he is lost. Angutt Ifuh. Jane lltbar mors tsssaco (suits) muainr. Give me a snug little farm, with sufficient letrnint a little wife that ... , . iu They plied with honeat seal the mop and hroony And drove the shuttle thro the noisy loom. They never once complain'd as We do tiow, We have no girl to cook, or milk (He cow Each mother taught her red cheek'd son an? daughter To bake and brew, and draw a pail of water. No damsel sbunn'd th wash tub, broom, or paip To keep unsullied a lung grova finger nail. They sought no gaudy dress, no wasplike form. Rut ate to live, and worked to kee them warm- No idle youth, no tigTiFUc'I mm? iTfatrr Became a livinr corpse for want of air. No' fidgets, Hustings, fits or frightful kU Mo painful coras froan wearing Chinese sboes rounterfettt......Thm Boston CoOrlef MyaM'Cuunurfcit twenty. dollar bill if'li the U. . liank, sre in circulation, vy Vi atChnTh?stonr 3. L mm-ynnvi-. Hartford aitd Middlctown, so accunlf.. executed as to require the strictest eB inatioo to detect them t they have tx taken by the tellers of the Banks la 'h" city, within ten days j and but a shorf time ainse, one was taken ss good at tat Boston Branch. The bill payable at Mid dletown appears o have been lately filleB. qp. 4 ' forthcrn mfltr.