is i J t ! 4 A if V ! t 4 9 "I a 1;J Hi nit MANSION' 110T12L, . SALISBURY, XORT.ll CAROLLVA, t- by rriu AtLFMOKO. . ....... ....... A fTMIIS elegant rstuDlisiimeni, suua'cu I v ..' tt,- north irnr of the Court r 3 n.t. Vns been recently repaired mm fitted vp In a new and superior style, for the re rep'ion of Companv.' The greatest fMARMve lieen taken to procure for this establishment new furniture of everr description, necesMiry -for the-comfort .cf Travellers j the most ap. proved Servants have been selected with great ..caret the barntocked with choice liquors, and . 7:' ' 1 I'. -.'LK ..J aMah(iuA fi the stable wtemiea dy ooiiik 1 hollers. ' The convenience of thi situation t 5 j number of private room, and mif-hdintesv well t calculated for. the accomraoaation pf'Travellers ano uoaniers. yuiaoncu iw .imnii ' lirflfoodi ana Hook Store.,, "x-.,.TflihMe uha .may please to caii on tiim, ne imurel them that io pari)r;;'rciM mtmitit.- j . i .1...' - I ? . '-' 'fnilE Kibscriber ha renWeit from the I" rl L hone Tormerly owned by Ca'pt. r AeWlfVU dec'd, to the house lately - if, , bceupied by Mr, David Porter, in the east end . of the town t where be will continue hi 7111' '! )t'i lit incerey thank hi friend and I 1 " the fmblic for the patronage heretofore etfen- J tied to Wmt tnd he solicits the continuance of '; r , He pledge hi unremitting attention to hia ; biumesa, andkimlnes to those who may be ! t - pleated to cau upon him. 12 BtateiviBe, Inlet! e. JV. C. .iprilH. 1 82a , NWWs tuu Lanvs. rilllK valitalle Milli anl Aonr( I lormerly the propert v m Geo. aner, dec'd. are oflc red fir tale frnr the late purchaer. ... Thii land He on Dutchman! creek, 4 milea east of Mocks ,JtiBNu.diiriu'mir t'te Of ih-a Mumford tract, and ia : -ftrotiortioa f..upenor mTpX3be3)lh tret raopenor conatmctton, aitd bave now a very i 4 - fcsod rd Mreiiiiiiii run of custom i the water- 1 power can very conveniently be' made to unve 4--" 'an Knd of machlneryr For other partknlara. and term, apply to Thomai D. iubbt, one Of the proprietor, on toe premiaea. I6tf THOMAS D. filBBS, JOSFPII IIA.NKS, . JACOB SANKR. Jay 25J!, 1828. MAKTIN BANRR. N. B. Another tract, belonging to Fetrr Sa nor, adjoining the above,' containing 225 acrea, ill be pld in connexion ith the above, or tep rately a may beat mil the purchaser ; hicb If like iae first rate land. Jiln, will be fold, a lot adjoinine the town of jfutkwlle, containing ten acre ot land, with a good dwelling-hmiae, with out .houses, and an excellent garden : this property will be sold low, O!) accommodating terms. Apply as above. PannelGig, and Jersey .Wagon. .OH safer first rate Pan net Gig and Jersey iJ?i wgw bev will be dis. SSSoTfiKi rarii posed of on reasonable l :Tm Afiply arthe mibscriTs each and gig cmnuractory, one doof eastot the jail, on .Main ; CrwU-;-. NATHAN BROWN. SaKrtwg, Aiigvtt tth, 1 S28. 28 II ACES rftjrE Itace ovef the Sali- ' JL burv . f urf. will com- -tnenc on Thursday the. 3.0th October, and continue three First day i tm-o mile hests, free for any horse.. Are, or gelding;, - . Second dav t mite heats, free for wv thintr xcepi ine -winning- norse or precraing aay j -t hird day i county purse, three best in five. -1tibraniyJk nised tnd owned in tbe county Ro ws ft : " Hr. GILES, Sec'y. -Wimsm. r i. - i. Co tVe CtVV'VUX TUnttTS. THE subscriber has bci n enga "e(i in he manufarture of CUTlOfi GtA'S, for many ers4 he has travelled, within a few years, through the sta'ra, of S. C, Alah.. Geor. and Mutrtssipni for -the purpose, of iroproviug . Jiim.J tell in the principles and construction of these useful mar.hinea : from his enlarged experience in this businera, he feels some confidence in pre eming bis claim to the attention of Planters ; he feels asired, that by combining the late im provements in Cotton Gin with a recent im- jrovement of his own, he cart make Gins pick rom a 14 to 1-3 faster than the common Gins tnd at the same time to moat, in a superior manner : these improvements can be put upon the common Gin in an effectual manner, inrnu murli as they appertain mostly to the breast of the Gin. He will repair, or make Gins to order, at a short notice. - Forrefcrence ra ta the ptan ind fTeratton of Ins work, he would refer to Jesse llsrgrat e, of Lexington'; An-lrnon F.ll'w, of the Jersey Settle., inent, and Michael Brown, cf Salisbury.- He ha en hand, and for s&le, when finished, five or six excellent Gins. 6t3 HENRY A. CLING AMON. frxington, Auitti 1H28. Vr : - " 'WtjmentoV iirtAer. ... Iteud Quarter 63d fiefnt. A'. C. Militia, ? uUtbury, Stpi ltf, J828. THE otReers, iMm-commisaioned officers and privatea, composingthe 1st Itowan (or 6id State) Regiment of K. C. Militia, are ordered to P.n,r ''ie 'n f Salisbury, on f(rdueda, V wm-ffj, f,toj;'Wer.Jiexi-ia &fefc-r armed and,.lbe -iw- Wirectv'tor "Teglmf hl'sl muster and review. It is strir.tlv en joined on officers to appear completely equipped, or the law will be enforced. aninst tlirm. The comtiioned officers are onlered to ap pear at the same place, at 9 o'clock a. on Tues day, the 21st, with fire-armr, for drill. r.IIWAKIJ YAKUKU, Lot. Comdt. Sept. ht. 1-828. Tf.6 CottOU XttYlt. "isOU sale, vholftalt and retail. Srcw Cottok, .,1. Nunibir to 615, iiroluive, at tliu Factory price,, from' Fu-vlteville. Apply to J.MLKPHV, .'frrnt. Wikjiry, Atqj St 1825. IX) TIN'TESD remoIng from 8libtiry m to(it two month from this timet those indebted to me by t.otc, will please call and pay the same; and those thathsve open accounts, win also please .lo call and cloe fhe same at or be. fore the October court nextj those that fall to eomplv with the above requeatu, may expect to find th'eir papers without discrimination, n the Immls of an Oiliecr for collection. CEO. McCUMMAH-'ir.. .Vff.8 1823. . '3- ' ' Watch 'end ChAMmMiBlh CHARLOTTE, N.jU -HAW-.rJustJtcetved n elegant assonmem J 1 of arrirfe ttv fhelP EuiitswbeX,HI a . - a ell very low for cash, or to punctual customer oh a credit. CT AH kind of Watche repaired, and wtrranted t perform well. '22 rTIHE aubscriber has just returned front" Mi -.JLi.oruir.w Jewelry, Watcha; SihtrWare;UK as was ever offered far sale Sn this place i hi Jemelrv is of the litest importations, and the most fashionable and elegant kinds to be had in. anv of the Northern Citie : elegant Coll andi Silver ll utcheii plain Do. j &c. &e. And in a few dy, he will receive a very elegant aswirt ment of Military Gd. Also, all kinds of Ml vtr.U'arr, kept constantly on hand, or made tn order o.i abort notice? All of which will be sld lower than such gowts were ever disposed of before in this place. The pubiic are respectfully invited to call and examine tlies gooda; their ; richness elegance, 1 and clieapness, cannot uu oi pleasing ino?e woo wish to buy. ' ' All kinds of ffarrV Rifahftt, and warranted to keep time t the shop Is two doors below the court-house, on Ma'ntreet. ' KORERT WVKNH SaUibw-y, Vi -6-1818. 17 WAGONERS, Tlt4LL-find it J.o their adwiSge, to stop 4 t f the MKIL wlwre everOutl venience is prmidwl furMan and Horse, to make them comfortable at tlie moderate charge of 25 cents a day" and night, for the privilege of the Vied, "(lie use ''of':!-water, and shelter. Attached to the Ya-d, are a Grocery and Provision Store, Broad Shop and Confec tionary, and House for Boarders and Lodgers-j in. a p'ain, cheap, wbolesoine and comiort 'able'tvTeT"''u" - Fatif'ueiille, U April. 1828. BOOK BINDING. THE wibseriher respectfully informs the eit. ixens of Sal'iibttry, and the surrounding country, that he ha established a Book Itintlmi in said town, on Main Street, a few doors smith of the Court-House ; where he will be thankful to receive any kind of work in his line of business. From a number of years experience, in F.urope and America, he feela confident of beingjble to give entire satisfaction to all those who may fa vor him with any deacription of Rinding. Rtant Roih made to order after any pattern furntHheri, on. short notice, and at prices which no one can complain of. Old Bwkt Rtbmwt, either plain or Drnamcn tat, on the most moderte terms. Alt orders from a diitncej'aklifully attended to. . The, Vh. ronage of the public i renctfu!lv solicit ei! their obt aervt JOHN II. 1)E CAUTKKE SaSrWir, April 28A," 1 82. ' - " 62 ViRtftte of ('ftVit. l. tirallft. 1 . .a -. Pavid Craiee.Tate of ' Itowin cnniiKdec'd. we arsirr an persons imieiMru io aiu urcrssru, 10 ttake'paf ment with s Uuledelay- a. possjUes snd all persons having claims apsint the estate. j : ii j-i .. j .t-i.:i . "-.' f o present" fhem," regnlly-Haieled.. witliin ihe time presxrjf(Jbv act of asseniblv, rtKeriPIsei this jtptiee will plead w-Tirlnjelr fecOteTE; 3mt37 "Titos. f;RA1GF - . . ... . ROBF. . RAlGrV- Ailmmilraiort. P Mecklenburg county, on the 22d daf of " " April, lS'.H, a wer't tramun named Ami).' ho avs she belongs to a man by the name of! John Herren, who lives in Duplin county, N. C.i i ue owner i requemeu io come rorwam, prove property, pay charges and take her aav - - - JOI1X SLOAiVSAen Jlfotr 12. 1828. 24f1 fMckienkw eimtp. s ConuwUled to 3n IV Ralisliiiry, N. C." on the 6th inst; a negro man, who says his name is John, that he ran awav from his master, John Pegns about two weeks since, in Colum'iia 8. C. ; says he former ly belonged to tbe estate of Gen Nst. Cardie. of 8iiss x county, Virg. i he is about 6 feet high, 32 years old, straight built, black complected, with a small scar' above the right eye. The o ner ia desired to prove property, pay charges, and take him way. F. SLATER, bhf. Sept. 8A, 1828. 31 UoiwmUieA to ttiti 3aW. 1 OF Wilkes county, a negro Boy, who says his name Ts'BILt4 belongs toEzekicl -'Trot man, of Alabasia, and ran awsy below Fayette ville.' He is 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, well made, rather light complected, between 22 and 23 years old : no particular marks perceptible oo-him. lliawncxiareaiiested to N prove property, pay charges, and take him awav N. D. Since the above was published, the fellow say his name is Dunitl, and that he be longs to Wjlliam Powel, of Richmond county, V.Carolina. CHAHI.KM PH ELI'S, Jail. HVtwrW, May 30, 1828. 19 tliebsorabeJ1, on the 4tWn.stii toilir- r to fellnw named TOM, between 35 and 40 years old, J feet 8 or 9 inches high, has a scar on his throat, stutters badly, hia two toea next the big toe grow; together. A very liberal re ward will be given any one who Will take up said hoy, and deliver him to the subscriber, 9 miles from Salisbury, on the YYilkesboro' road, or con fine him in jail, and give me information. 32 Stpt.'M, 1828. THOMAS WOOD. Castor 4 FULL supply of the above article, is just received and for sale at reduced prices by K W1LLEY Co. fiH$nrj, Atit 18tf, 18,28, tjgfi ' tl Til WIITIIS C1I0UIUI, , "Nunc vino pellite curau ' Cras ingf ns iterablmus rquor." ', M Eat, drink, and be merry, for to-morrow we die TaAsstaTioi, Tlie voice of tfisdom cries, M Prtvih I " Jlut do not spare the hoarded Store , "Since here yeu cannot long abide, , .. " And future times will furnish more. , " Knjo)' the bountie nature ends, . ',' " M'tUi children, spouse, and chosen friend.1', Why should our ariioui Hiougbtl extend" ' ltevond the nni lent cares of life.' V i-' Except to that Itnporttnt end , -Which terminate our mortal atrue f . n.Hut weaUlt nt feme wljKen y ail 4; To steer our bar k vt trim our sail, " Wttiin the span wktch Heaven prescribes, , IaA all tur wihet be confined i"': t lies who ftoioenci.confide. , :, ' Wiih arunlineji his nart nerfurms. ' " III UUf fV'ilUUV eiuvft UafVW-'',; TZTtMM. ! IJ-piP(r time An hour pt pleasure not or waste p-p KeAher elated nor mplne, Hut in t medium sweet and chaste, '" ' Itie bounteon hand of Heaven adore, ' lEnjoy it gift, tnd hope for more'.,""1 ' Let men of txjr fiercely drive . To mount the thorny chair tof state i Let. Young Ambition enterprise To stem the silent march of fate i rl wisdom part to steer between, ' And tmile upon the paasing acene. The mn, who tcorn dishonord life, Prepared to stand in freedom's cause, Deternin'd in the diteat strife Waged for his Country's ptlen This ia tbe man that always must He free, till dust return to dust. 0 : ' ' ' ' ftoa rtt aatib. TIME Dark dealing power ! around thy way, The wrecks ot human grandeur lay i Oblivion' waters, cold and black. jivm www ,nv ivvsnr ww sswasj TttrvrtJi"t nd darkfar hide from mortal ken 1 he traces where tby course bath been, jtysteriqii power! ttilt deep tnd iftronf, Tli tide of year shall roll alohgt "The un"hall leite "Mihorae'onhlii.'r;: The moon and stars of heaven shall die : And Metj shaltbe the last to fall. The conqueror and the end of all. Bi BatutT. Music, when sod voice die, Vibrates in' the memory i -Odours, when sweet violet sicken, Lire within the ae'nt they quicken. Base leaves, when the rote i dead, Are hetp'd for the beloved' bed ; And so thv thought, when thou art gone, Love iiseli'ihalJ slumber on. . MISCELLJVSY. SABBATH SCHOOLS. jKxtswctlrom the MinuUaofth Synod of North Carolint. " TheTynod of North Ctroliot,- from long observation) fee littR deeply Impressed the grett imporitnce;. of " SundtyT School institution!; tnd convinced of the important effects they ire ctlcutated to produce on the rising generation, do bere- i i. .i j r.:j. r earnestly icvouiiiithvj iu tus; iiiciiub oi Zion within their-bounds, the formation otr'onoaj' pc boot unions, tor eich-coni ty fn"the Stale ; l soxilttry -tM The Aroericn.iodayScbpo I Unotj'Iwhich holds its Srssions'in-the City ofrbiUdel- nifii' - . -To,th end, ' nleUer. and James lUmnefr snd the 1 IIoh".llIenff "Potter,- be-- ommitteeT io draft JuchForm of pJJ6nt1fultoti, is may be expedient for uch societies to tdopritadifltages tjf County ...Uojon, jnay and to publish an address, furnishing ihe community with uch explanations and direction a may be proper Tor dircclinpj lne public mind, tnd exciting public exer jont ,hj, ubj subject I The Committee instituted by the above Revolutions htve -cooidcred Jh. subject ...Km'.tixt to them and now. in eomnlTtSchool M a wzne-a, valuable and in anceTwith the wishes of Synod, they beg leave, respertfuUv, to recommend lo the good people of North Carolina, the forma lion of a Sundny School Union in etch county in the Srstr, under the following C0KSTITUT0W t Preamble : Ti Tuliivate concord, be nevolence, tnd Christian charity; to im part Literary and Religious instruction, gratuitously, to the rising generation ; to train up the youth in the way in which -lHwy-gVnd30.?nMtmw 1 he benevolent efforts of the friendf of 5ab ... , ------ ba'th'Schoot instruction, of every name. We, the subscribers, agree to associate ourselves, under the title of ''TheThere insert the name of tbe County or Town Sunday School Union ;" tnd, for our rov emment, have adopted the following Coif stitution : 1 Aancu 1 This Society shall be composed of such School cietie in the County, or Town, as the case may be, ss shall be admitted Into this Union, tnd individual armtn-iryi Hwdvange? or three uouars wr Life Memoerthip. AnyhulnheT'of aem-. bers present at an annual meeting shtll be sufficient to form a fluorurn. . Art- 3. The business of this Society shall be conducted by a Board of Mana gers, to consist of a President, four Vice Presidents,! Recording SecretaryCt Cor responding Secretary, Treasurer, and twelve other Managers, to be elected at In some instances, one Secretary may be suf ficient, of this, however, eynf, Society will ljudgefo;itejr: every sntual luctlin g tf U-3 ..otlct rsrs J -e . r.. t I oi two JvcprcseRiauvca nwiu cam iuiuui Society, to be by them ehoscrt previous to the annual meeting. Ministers of the different denominations, whose School Societies tre ttttched to this Union, shall be honortry members of the Board, tnd hive t right to vote on til questions. , Art. 3. The Hoard shall htve power to fill til vacancies in their own bodvj tn fnrni School Societies throughout the County j and to make all necesary)3ye.Lawt. They shall meet according to their own adj'ouin menfs. nr the call of the I'rcatdcnt .,ejr I a Vice President : And five shall be a siness, ,a, , t j f r, .. j - .h t Art, 4, The intcrtoi- management of. each. School shtll be jconfided to a Sup! ndteindenrnFeach grjrreTnrd by ; aucb, rolea as . the tjpard may think proper to .addnt. ;C the Society shall be on the third Moti. dy of March j one month previous to which, each School Society I'.all . re port in writing to the Corresponding Secretary, the state and progress of its School from which the Board shall form a general Report, to lay before the dnnual meettng of the Society.' "A rt. 6. This Society shall be aux iliary to the American Sunday-Sclm sl Union, to which the Board shall re poTt annuallv,"ahd "fromwhTch the BoMrd. shall procure suitable supplies of books for all the Schools in their Union, Art. 7. Every School Society shall be nrianiied by a meeting of the subarribers or contributors, under such modifiotion. aainay ;e,eiftoThft:rijQ8t Manatrers. jor bv the SunerioteAdent and Tejachet-spo be chosen at tffe first meetiniTiraubreci rules and regulations tff the Board of Managers. And each Society, ah all contribute to the Union, its quota fur books, nnd for itccoroiog.auJiiuary to the American S. S. Union. Art. 8. The Board shall provide a depository for the books at some convenient place, ana snau appoint : Librarian, to take charge of and dis tribute them to their Schools, accor ding to the terms and instructions- to be prescribed by the Board. Impressed with the belief that all elf-created ' Societies should be clog ged as little at possible with constitu tional duties and restraints, and, aware of the amount of hariavour'" which will be conferred . by the Printers t the State giving, publicity, to jhis scheme, and which the Committee here beg leave to bespeak, they-haye cautiously guarded against unnecessary details. A diversity of opinKHi a to ihe form, should create no difficulty, since no modification which recognises the ecnetar principles of-tu propped totjstitntifmf would .defeatviUcjubject, And . if, on experiment, it shall l? lound, in any"coantr, that -no, more thaiiiafcacboliOTJertrrttttued therefure; no CouniVUnror such School, ihouch deprived oOhe and ought to become auxiliary to the American Sunday School Union, from which it will derive important benefits. .i Vor general information on this sub ject, the Committee would recommend the perusal of the American bunday - . -'riivi --t- tereninc: work, puoiisnea in rnuauei phia, at Si 50 per annum. In this work the inquirer will be thoroughly instructed in all the duties of a buper intendent. Librarian. Teacher, and - , m Pupil t and h all the rules and regu lations proper for the government and conduct of Sabbath Schools ; and will at the tame time find much to encour age his hopes and strengthen his resn. lutions and purposes of doing good upon a broad-acale. 1 The tdvanttcea. which the Un ion" affords, are, the collection of im portant facts and information j union of concert; uniformity ot operation j combination of effort j saving of ex pense r andThrtBCreaserof thntebarUy which never faileth." "In the Un- ion of. the friends of Sunday Schools in a National Institution, there will be no sacrifice of principle j no comprom ise of duty no interference wito the MteraaFlnatogTe nations j all discordant elements are bsmslledTtinton- with. Christ and one anothr, form the basis ol the Ameri can Sunday School Union.' - The books of that Institution . are admirably calculated to please and in struct the youth, and! to imbue their minds with useful knowledge : they are selected with much care, by a Committee of five persons comprising members' of different denominations of Chtistiar.9. ll::,y cf httt Y.'di Vf,U umes bear the rsiaiks of deep research' and strong intellectual endowment, bur are written in a style so simple, a me thod so perspicuous, and with such graphic development, that the young reader comprehends the subject, and is delighted with the book. Thesn books, too, are sold to Auxiliary So cieties at very reduced prices so much so, that the saying in purchases very soon exceeds the fee (g3) given to the. Parent Institution for the privilece oC becoming Auxiliary, . ; :r Irt "Wmtnencm a school,- it is im Eortant to have a small . selection of ; Qoksctttlngctass-bks prio.-: ted cards and tickets. These can" be obtained from some of the depositories 4 ofthisState, with less delav, probably raromPfimde depoMtorlesT'is'in Fayeueyillw iroder .l ' "If ,:trii""n'""n,i--- me carw ot sfonn xylite itae, isq. fOat In v the further discharge of this solemo duty; the cpmmitfee must take the liberty ruf' recommend to the sc. rious Consideration of every reflecting man and woman in the State, the moral obligation which rests upon e very one to patronize . and aid Sunday. School establishments, It is no vision ary subject no untried theory. Ex perimcnttjbayelbeenmul uccess tua crowned every effort. The way is now open j and all are invited to go forth, in thego?d and sure work, Who can tell rhe amount of that moral influence, which these institutions have already. exerted over the human fami ly? And whose perspicacity, piercing the'veirf-"ta Ih erti 1 raartwhin g-otiherthree- distant quarters of the Globe, and the thousand Islands scattered ii the Valt Oceans,- , and Sund followed the Bible into almost' everjr land,) and passing by the numerous foreign nations of our own hemisphere, we eaft lrtady"."afita mbW fthio-our -own territory, about 250,006 children; instructed. la Sabbath-Schools. - By the last estimate of the Nitiotw al Institution we have 2600 Schools and 24,307 Teachers j and since the formation of that Society, io May 1824, it appears that 5481 Teachers and Scholars have made a profession of religion. There are numerous in stances of Sunday School Pupils be comiog ornaments of the learned pro-. fWmtt f m& wi, -9 h iwzof.the..learned Divines, received their first religioul impressions in such Sclioolsi' t)ur " world is ' undergoing a prooV gioui morarchaP the rrie ans ho v e m ployed to rn liotate' -the condition of sinful man and fit him. for the enjoyment of ihe upper world r among "these," are, Bible Societtet, MUsinnarr Soeielie, Ttaci-SocietJCJ, and BihleClass-AssociationsrTheie ..... and othef 'I hands of God, are throwing a flood of light "whVriTmdril 'darkness-has Un - btofidedr::r:-!J "-'BaiWeSday-.Schpolsrrte.mjse nurieryrf6r"aIT the 6ther moral, brnev- blenr,"ndreligiu--Societies lL seems to be the foundation stone, laid by infinite Wisdom and Goodness, on which we may build our hopes for fu ture generations t and the American Sunday-School Union is the focal lu minary the Sun which shall radiate oor-wholr irystemrIt-therefore be-... comes all the friends of social happi ness to lead, a helping hand to this sys tem. The object T worthy the migh ty efforts of the united community. The National Institution calls, for help. The wandering, Sabbath -break, ing youth of oar own State must be re claimed. The mass of children must be instructed. Morality and Religion must be taught to the rising generation. "A nd' whoi Shall effect this ijrcat wotU The cry 1 to all j for every ooe can dfrBometl.ingj.nnd the united whole, with Divine aid, 7arr"do"all-thiogT needful. Tnx Committee. fatjetteviUe, Aug. 20, lp28. ru - r..u..: k.M M.anrMthded to a"1 io 1643. They form tn outcry, common netrl;' to til Countries tnd time 5 - " VV jsVrnen labor, good men Knave depie, tnd fools, believe t i.llelrALwd? tnd now stand to,. MV fJ.T 'A";'Or knsves" tnd toriiFsite uodot ; Wnui." ' Stopi passenger, for her? is I'"d . One who the debt of nature paid. This is not strange, the reader crieli ' We all know liere t dead roan lie. You're right i but .top, I'll teU you ; He never paid t debt before : ; And now he's gone, I'll further iy Hfr "nevey will another PVv",