I v- t V..-:- TO ;. y'bb: I r Vf. VI iJ r . .v"i. ,i f it- . rxi ! : t ' I i e e i '' tt e i- f e. . it y 19 ir :a Of e '7 r )a n- O", Ei 111 K ire-it-ita a? :s te ie.:- of Sl :v- It .,r OQ ru- :an if pi. fo; il. re ust ion on. u. :an ile, 8 tk .- my '. i MaMaralM ril fnMit . (. yn.lrtm. . IM imrm, tl ka WkIhi ImvImUm U, ks aiu4, mm vtU kmafte M Stikint ' . ., . .. . T .u,,,, m4 lutr -? mi r !, If - rnm iHk wit Ut I r lliMrf ilrtr. rll " I. (Hi M. it, U tt. r Wr f W . . ; C4uil?v iawiia ,t.w. M Act to Incorpowte th Sisteri of Chftnty of . . i.i. , -f il. - f : u . jonepn ana uio amen ui hj miMiun oCfieorgetova, tn ,.y,in ooiurnoit. - np.lt morttd bu the tendte and- haute of Jmerica in tongrett asiemolea, i naflurjf Smith, Kwetti unite wrj-r ieortt, Bridge f Ferrelli FrancU Jourdan, Ann Gruber, Adel Silta, Sarah Thomp son, MarRare t Felicit Brady, Scholasika Beam, Jolh Shirk, Louisa Koger, Mar, tha Dadisman, Mary Joseph RlveU, Mary Age Q'Conner, Mary Clare Shirly, . Mart Paul Douchlass, ElizaJIarijna i n . . r-'i:r" 1...- T. i. CUtcner,- tiUirina vtarac, m 'yic, Rosetta Tyler, Mary LoverAnn Collina, Mary McGinnU, Eliiabeth Dellow, Ru chael Green, Ann Elisabeth Corber, Mary Maria Sexton, JaneflegmaSmiih, Helena Elder, Catharine. Stlgars, Ami Frances Richardson, Ann Magdtline S'lirlj, Maria Muller, Aon , Prona, Rebecca Oough, Ullen Piurofi Margaret Shannon, Mary Green, Mary Delene, ElUn Tinimont, -5uMnJU0t, WarKret Drsdr, llirr fran , eeaBoarmtni Amf f)or-rffcit Sl.nr, Mrr Twrer,Elia Smith, Dridcet Git ton, Ellen ITuRhea, Wirclharhr Elizabeth1 '"ratr MacyC tort hereafter to become Sisters oi' Chari ty of Saint Joseph, according to the rules ad regulations that have been, or may biWwr.bea!)Jjshe tion, br,and they are hereby made, de clarrd and consiituted a corporal ion or body politic, in law and in fact, to have continuance forever, by 'he name, stvlo and title of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Joseph. . Sec Ani be it further enacted. That Eliza Matthews,.! Alice Lalon, H.irict Brer.t. Miry N-iale, Elizabeth Ne alo, Mr jporei MmM, Ann Combs, Louis Junes, Jane Neale, Ann Wrihf, Elizaheth ClakN L'.mist . Q,t)een, Jn C. Neale, .. . MtfJMVtl'' Boarman, Grace Turner, Mary Cumminss Eiranor Miles, Mary Olivia r -rJijts-pjgstTH CathHnCornih Ldcretit Ford, Marry Caroline Neale, Mry KinR Johanna Barry, Mary E. Neale, t. Mtrgaret CoqperSarah Cooper,Margiret Dent, Elizabeth Wiseman, Jerusha Bar ber, Elizabeth Lancaster,1 Matilda Hana--sn, Mar? Brooks, Mrgarei.Kine, becca Harrison, Laura Bevans, Williamina - Jones, Susan Dute, Catharine Murry, Eleanor-Corcoran Btldgei Lyjjch. Mar tine Waide, and Ann French, and theTr" - uxeaors hereafter JQ.beqome Sisters of the Visitation, according to the rules ant . reguidtions that have been or may here7' Titii ro?t?brthe4 by their-: socUuaai ty torn. be, and they are hereby made, declared, and "COnstttuteilai-torpor(iioft-or -body politic, in law and in fare, to have contin uance forever, by the name, stvle and ti tle of the Sister of the Visitation. Sec. 3. And be it furthtr enacted, That 11 and singular the lands, tenements, rents, legacies, annuities, rights, property good, .mid .... chatties, .heretofore. Kiven granted, devised or bequeathed to either the said Sisters of Charity of Saint Joseph, or Sisters of the Visitation, or.'.o any in dividual of either, or to any person or per tons for the use of either of said societies, or that have been purchased for or on ac count of the same, be, and they are here by, vested in and confirmed to the said Corporations respectively, and that they may severally purchase, take, receive, and apply to the uses of their associations, according to the rules and regulations the said corporations, by- their names, stylesand titles aforesaid, be, and shall be hereafter, capable, in law and in equity, respectively, to sue and b sued, within the District of-Columbia-ind elsewhere, in as effectual a manner at other persona 0? corporation .cn aiia,or be sued, and thaf the eali corporaon, or a- Majority adoprandiisv' enmro same to use, alter, or change at pleasure and from time to time, make suoh b lawi; tioa of the United States, or" anvTaw'onDi Uiagf6ij'irtt expedient and proper, ? if, atjanylrne tereafref'"arry the person! herein lefore named, or any of their suc cessors, shall cease to be members of said siterjioods, respectively, such person or persons shall thereafter have no control in ; the proceedings ..of said corpor ation, under and in pursuance of the pro visions of this act. ,.. , A. STEVENSON, Speaker of the House of Representative! J. C. CAI.HOUN. Vice President of the United State, and I'rcaident of the Senate. Approved: 21 Mav, 12!. JOHN' Qt'tVCY ADAMS. o. iiy. .. An Act authorizing a ubetption t the atock ttt tbt Citesa'take and Ohio Carul Coonpany. OF. it enacted bu the teHate and houte c' reflreteKtativer cf-: the -United State- AmiisaMmsrxMemmfMi That the .., i w M.. , i Vu -X j- r- I"CV'ciiui iciiuiv u iiiu uc ii licit-t TBarbars MaTloTMv GfcsoruLvdra D in the name and foe the use of the I nittd States, for ten thousand shares of the ;ap same are hereby, respectively, empower ed to cause, to be constituted certificates of stock for the surnsl borrowed in Dur itisnce of the autboritVseverally. irested io them by ihii act j eaciiof said ccrtificitci shall be of the form fotywing, to wit r ity or TWo here tasefttiieiitle oftheGty L ..Be it known, That thtre w d from the Cor. powion ;Tne pit ; WfTawn inen insert the title, of the City or Towit ofj UirtoItrlherf the came of the creditor, or 1 tsiigna, the sum of here Insert thr amount in dolta bear WtjntsrwtMlberei pec centum per annum, from the day ot - . eighteen hundred and -w-v1ncJujivdy,pt)Ie rjnartet yeirlyj the pr'mcipal sum above Wm tio'iea ta to be paid on tne , day of , m'M frigKtiirJun4re4 ;id.ar9kwljcb, ilebt is recorded ia thii Office, and ii transfer, ble only by appearance in person, or by attoi. ney, t this office, , in testimony where. or, I have hereunto aubicribcd my name, and cause J the seal or the "id City to be allied. ' , Mayor.' ' Register, or other BecorJng Of8 cer otthe Corpuration. A list of all such certificates, denoting (heir respective numbers, dates, and sums, and the persons to whom the same shall have been issued, authenticated by the Mayor, subscribing ihejame, shall be deposited by said officer at the time of subscribing the same, or within ten days thereafter, with the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States. The said certificate shall aot be issued, in any case, for a lets sum, each, than on hotwired dollars uTheiorgery of. any stirh certificate, or of any transfer there of, oof arrv fWwer of attorney' ftarporting it4 .stocV oT the Chesapeake. 40(1 Pyi Canal Company, and to pay for the same, at such times, and in such proportions, as shall be required of and paid by the stock holders, gencr4lvJv..Uia rules and regu.-. lationa of the. company, oat of the divi dends whirh mav accrue to the United States upon their Biiilc Stock in the Bnk of the United Siats: Provided, That not more than one-fifth part of the -sum, so subscribed for the use o( the United States, sh -,11 be demanded, in any one year, after the org oiution of the said company i nor shall any greater sum be paid on the shaies so subscribed for, than hail be proportioned o assessments made on individual or corporite stockholder, And provided, moreover, Tint, fur the supply of water to '.'such' oiter Ciiials SS ! the State of Mjr land, or Virginia, or the; Congress of the United States, may au thorize" to be nuur.ted. in connexion , with the Chesapeake and Oliio Canal, the ; section of the said eanl lending from i he head of the Little Falls of the, Potomac i river, to the proposed bjsin, next -'aoove1 Georgetown, in the Distru t of Co'unibU. shall have the elevation, above the tide, of the river at the head" oT the sai l l'!ls, and shall preserve, throughout the whole section VorKSi of the water, of not less than sixty feet, arid s depthrbelow the same, of not-less than five feel, with a suitable breadth at to Btnhorize each-transfervshall be pun4 tbtisidjsxjLjsjhocyriljr ishsble in like manner with the forgery o a certificate of the pub.ic debt of the United Jstates. . Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the said Corporations are respectively, empowered io employ an aeen'. or agents, for the purpoHtof oblaiiin jtuljscrjpUoDS to the lon or loans authorised bv this act, or of selling, from time to time, the cer- tihcjtts of stock which mav V cr ated in pursuance thereof, and to fix 'tie eomp?n sation of surh agent or agents, whjj-.h they shall respectively pay, well as ill other attending the said loan,, out of the proceeds thereof, or of any other fa ult which the"y msy respectifelr provide Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That a tax, at the rate of one per cemu n and thirteen hundredtns of ona per reimim, ootbe assessed talue of the'resl .md per sons! estaie$..snrtwrrthe e't'y f ashing ton, as shall appear by the appraisement thereof, made under the authority of "the corporation, or of the several ai ti of Con gress, hereinafter declared to be revived! and in Force, within the ia corporation to be cxH'i'it;. the lime hereinafter Ii mited f r thv ci' lection of the bid tax; snd at the rat? jf Efty sir hundredths of one per ccn'u'n on the assessed value of the real S i r personal -estate within tbo lown of Georgetown, as shall appear by the appraisement .!herccJlmAde.under the authority of the C.uporation, or of the several nets of Congress, hereinafter de clared to be revived and itt force, within Uhs said corporauon, to be existing at the at time hereinafter limiteH rortlBecolleBtdn Sec. 2 And bl U farther enacted, 1 h the'i4 Srttary ofthe JlVeasury vote for the President and Directors ofjeight hundred hsof onr per centum on the said Company, according to such num-1 the assessed value of the real and person ber of shaies as the United States may at a estate within the town of Alexandria, anv time hold in the stock thereof, and' as shall appear, by the appraisement shall recrive, upon the said stock, the j thereof, made under the authority of the proportion of Ihe tolls which shall, Irom time to limp, be due to the United States for the shares aforesaid "; and shall hive corporation of the said town, or of the several acts of Congress, hereinafter de cTarfcd to be revived -and in-force,-witoin , .that they may respectively establish, from time io tiraei for thTmTnageniefirbf the concerns pf their societies, any lands ten ements, rents, legacies," annuities; rights; property and privileges, or toy goods, chattels or other effects, of what kind or nature soever, which shall or may hereaf- ter be given, grameoTsbloVbequeathedorj devised unto them respectively, by any person or persoos,. bodies politic or cor porate, capable of making such grant, and that they may respectively dispose of the earner Provided always, That neither of the said associations shall jt any jiime i ImsW, usev'possess, and enjoy i within the District of Columbia, either by legal seizure or trust,- for their e and- beoc fit respectively, more than two hundred acres of land; nor shall either n said societies bold, in their own right, or by any other person in trust, or for their benefit, an amount of rest estate, the annual income of which shall exceed thirty-five hundred dollars. f,kc 4. And be it farther enacted, That and enjoy, in behalf of the Unite I Sure, j the said corporation, io be existing at the every other right of a stockholder in thrime hereaf er limited for the collection said Company. " i of the said tix, be, -nd the same is here- Approved : 24 Wav, ' )v, imposed and assessed on the real and rsonal estate Iving and being in me id citv and towns: and, upon the failure no. Lxsri Corporations of the District of Caiu.nt!i, ,id j of the said corporations, or any of ihem, for other purposes. to pay into the T'easury of the United BE it cnar'cdb'i the mate and home qj States, ninety days .before the same shall reftretentativc of the United Statei of become due, to the holders of the shares America in conret aemblcd, That the or certificates of such loan or loans, as Corporation of Washington, the Corpora- aforesaid, according to the terms and tionof Georgetown, and the Corporation j cpnditions thereof, the sum, or sums, which they or any ot inem ansn nave, r lumblir shall, severally, have full power4 spectively, stipulated to pay'at the expira- and. authority to subscribe and pay for shares of the stock of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company ; and all such nh,-rip;iooa aa-ahallhave been already made by either of the said Corporations shall, and the same are hereby declared to be valid and binding on the said Cor. pomtion, respectively. Sti. 2- And be it further enacted, That the said Corporations shall, severally, have power; and authority, from time to time, as the same may be deemed by UMin, respectively eubqr.qecjtssary or expedient, to borrow money, at any rate of interest, not exceeding six per cen tum per annum, to pay their respective subscriptions, .and the interest accruing thereon, to the amount which they have subscribed, or shall hereafter subscribe. Sec. 3. Andbe it further enacted, That the said Corporations ajiajj be, and the tion of the period aforesaid, so that the same shall not be ascertained beforehand to be in readiness to meet the demand or claim shout to arise on the shares or cer tificates oTheldafJthe-J'residem of the United States shall be, and he 'is hereby, empowered to appoint a collector or collectors, whose duty it shall be to proceed and collect the tax imposed, as abive, on the real and .personal estate in the. jaid city and town, or either of themTihe corpora which shall have so failed to payyas afore s'aldTin advWCenhe svm-or-sumsvaaout to become due and demandable as alore aaid, or any part -thereof remaining un paid, as aforesaid, into the Treasury, ninety days in advance; such P', in cases part only be, so in arriar, to be ratcably and equally assessed, levird, and collected, upon the property Cftargeable, a aforesaid, with the said tar. within th satd city and towns, or either of them making such default on paying at re quireu, ninety days in advance, as afore aaid i the appraisement or assessment o the value of the said estates, preparatory 19. j? : .Jl?!!t?!.!on or.ibf ' aaidtaxf if not previously made byTbo said corrfatJonT -be. marjei lqjhe, mode prescribed, w aroresal injhe several acta Or congress l'...i.U j". : -.'''?":. V" ucicuy- rvvivco ana put in operation i Provided, That, if satisfactory evidence be afforded the Preside, ht of the United States, by the several corporations afore said, that they are proceeding, in - good faith, to raise and psr,.m due time, their portions, respectively ,jolhe. said loan ur ioiisTandiiT com'MteWtd fllir'ihsy same by means xn which they rely,' he shall be, and he is hereby, empowered to restrain such collector or collectors from proceeding to collect, the said tax within the corporation affording the evidence aforesaid, until the expiration of the nine iy dsys aforesaid, when if the amount of the said tax be not actually paid, the col lection thereof shall proceed, without further.delay, on notice to the collector of such default. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the Collector or Collectors, who may be appointed as aforesaid, shall give bond with good and sufficient security, for the faithful performance of the duties re quired by this act, and shall possess all the powers, be subject to til the obligations, and "pfocVed, in "a1T respects," ill the dta- chaxge of hjt or Jhcr , duties. tn,,tpHectipg sessed, were subject .to, and were re quired to do, by an act, entitled " Art act to provide additional revenues for defray ing i he expenses ' of . "Government ;. ; and maintaining the public credit, by laying a direct tax upon the District of Columbia," approved the twenty. seventh of February, on thousand-eight-'hundred wnd fifteen, and by the several acts of Congress there in referred lo, or which were subsequent ly passed, in order to alter or amend the samr; all of which acts, for (he effectual fulfilment of the purpose of this act, and according to the tenor and intent thereof, are Hereby declared to be revived, and in full force within the limits of the several corporations aforesaid- Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the tax imposed by this act shall be con tinued and collected, from time to time, jaccprding.to the provisions and conditions of this Bctvand of the several acts afore said, so long arthe proceeds thereof may, by any possibility, be required lo meet the payment of the several loans author ized as aforesaid. Provided, however, that all or either of the said Corporations may, in the negotiation of uch loin, or loans, as they, or either of. them, shall, deem it expedient to make, in pursuance of the authority yetted in them by thi-. act, stipulate such terms or oondftion for the payment of the interest, or the re demption-of 4he principal jum.j.hereof, us shall dispense with the system ol taxation provided b v t hi act . 7 ; -Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That, In thTevehf tnarahy-Tdan "Orleans shall be negotiated by the said Corporations, or any one of them, to the extent, in whole or in part, of the subscription of one or all of the said Corporations, to. the stock of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Com pany in conformity with the provisions of this act, and b.ued upon the system of taxation therein provided, a copy or copies of. the contracts, for an and all such loans, shall, as soon as practicable after the execution thereof, be deposited, either by the Corporation or Coporations contracting such loan or loans, or by the creditor or creditors interested therein, with the Secretary of the Treasury j and. out of all such sums a3 shall be paid, by the respective Corporations, in advance, as aforesaid, on acconnt of their several contracts, or as shall be levied and collec ted, in manner hereinbefore provided, the holders of the certificates of any such loan shall be entitled to receive, at the Public Treasury, such, amount as may be due to them, respectively ; and, on the occur rence T of any deficiency in the sum or sums voluntarily paid in or assessed and collected, within the said Corporations, respectively, for the payment of their re pctivxrearJUbextentcuch oV ficiency shall be ascertained by theSee retary of the Treasury, from i reference to the terma of the loan or loans, in rela tion to which such deficiency may occur ; and, being so ascertained and published in some one or more newspapers printed in the District o( olurbia,he Secret a rof the Treasury, sha insTrct ; Collector to .proceed. 5? ! P'F intohe Public Treasury, the said amount with all lawful charges attending the me, according to such farther rateable assessment upon the estates and property within the jurisdiction of the Corporation in arrear, according to the provisions ol VOL JX.......NO. 484. to therein, as shall be sufficient to supply such ascertained deficiency; and, oo the completion of such collection, the bolder or holders' of tb i i-.uifkatts of the stock of the Corpora'ioritkhail be entitled ta re, ceive such amount as may have been .fbunddue, and unprovided for, by tha sums before nid in, or collected on iev" count.,otuch Corporstiori, . t , )..' ' ao, lxXiv. An Act to tmend the acta concerning ntturalisa f - , tlOn.". .V"r ,......, ....,.. BE it enacted bu the lendtf and hout of rcflrtHUuivet oj ' UeMnUtd MtnM Jlmenct In (ontrett tumbled, That the) second-sect Jon of t hp-act entltir"fcai tct"-'s' tion, end to repeal the acts heretofore oat :J aed on that subject," which was passed oti , tne tourteentn day or April, one thousand elgUf hundred and two, ind the first see." tion of the act entitled " An act relative to'evidence in esses of naturalization,? "" passed on the twenty-second day of" March, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen, be, and the same are hereby, re- pealed. Sec 9. And ht it fur the enacted. That ' any alien, being a free whiiJb person, who Has residing within the limit's, and under " " the jurisdiction of the United States, be tween the fourteenth day pPApril, one thousand eight hundred and two. and tha eighteenth day of June, , one thousand ' , eight hundicu J tvi.,4 wka.tu. continued to reside wi:hia the samemas- : be admitted to become a citizen of the ' " " Ujiittdtej, iithouf WXAxmiti nrevrous dcTlorlitiortof'nisintentiorr'triT - become a'citiien : Providtd-'l 'hat when' - ever any person, without a certificate of such declaration of . intention, shall make applicatipn to be admitted a 'ritizen Of the' United States,' it shall be proved to this satisfaction of the Court, that the appli mm waa.. jxjidiug .sjritbjaJe Jllpli'l arid under .. the jurisdiction, of the United States, before the eighteenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and twelve, and has continued to reside within the same, or he shall not be so admitted I and the residence of the applicant withia he limns, and under the jurisdiction of the Uni'ed S'trs, for at least five years immediately preceding the time ol sch p;li(-ation, shall be proved by the oath or ffirmalion of ciiizens. of the United States ; which citizens shall be named in the record as witnesses: and such con- tinned residence within trie limits and un-'---j der. the jurisdiction of the Umtedtatesi when. satisfactorily proved, and the place or places where the applicant has resided for st least five years, as aforesaid, shall be stated and vet forth, together with the-, names of such citizens, in the record of the Court admitting the applicant ; other -n- he sme shall not entitle him to be -considered and deemed a citizen of the Ul'T-t StlVS-- ". Approved . 24 May, 1828. - .BOOK BINDING ..." Til K subscriber rrspertfuTTy ihformt 1he eit iiens 'of Salisburyr and the orroiindinf-' roimtry; lhat lie h established a Boot Binderf -jn.said town..A. -Main Streei JLfftK.jJboriJOUthtI of the Gmirt-House v whrw lie-will be thankful to reeeire any kmrt of work In his line of birsinesv. From a number of years experience, in Europe and America, he feels confident of being able to give entire atifaction to all those who niay fju . vor him with any description of Binding. Blank Hoalci made to order, after any pattern furnished, on short notice, and at prices whicla no one cn complidn of. ' Old Boukt Jieboutid, either plain or ornamen tal, on the most moderte terms. All orders from a distance, ftithfi ttty-attended tj The i ronage of the public is repectfuily solicited, by their obt serrt JOHN' M. UK CAHTERET. SuHthuru, .in'28rA, 1827; 62 MEDICAL DF.PAKTMKNT THE Medical Lecture will commence, as usual, on the 1st Monday of November and terminate on the 1st Sutunlav of March HiKimi W. DvbLsr, M.U. en Aiyatomy uil Surgery. CnisLit CiLOWiLL, M. D. Inttitutet and C'" meal Practice. ' .toat E. Coots, M. IT. Thtory and Practice jf Medicine. Mrittuii fl. HtmsiiBsnw M. D. Ohtlttria m0l Ditcaiet tf Women and Chilihen. " Caaati: W.- Shoittv M. D.-Matori JHedit and Med'mt Botany. Janes Hlvths, 1) .1). C'kemittry and Pharmacy. Each Pnifes'or lectures daily, Sabbaths ex cepted. I he Ticket to the Anatomical and Stir- ffCTHrwure4-ft?0i each of the othcrS-gt& Matriculstion with the use of the Libram 1. The Graduation fee g 20. " . C. VV. SHOUT, M. I). Dean, fl fcxingtrn, Kji. .lutrutt 8, ! 8 m. 3t3 J f H VfVQ qualilied'ar KnvembeT--crmn-aat,-r',; Oayid Craie late of ItowW tty;dcVlisi. make payment, with as little d-my as posniblej and all perwini bing claim ajfaino. I'm estate, to present hm, legally uttested, within thct i time prescribed by act of fci-niV,. otherwhto this notice will plcudin bar of tiiei. recovery." " " 3u.f37 TIMS. CUAIGE, ItORT. N. CHAlt.E. tbii act, and of tfie several f cts referred I j i , A-firtrfitafru I