I 4 I 'i I t & r if 1 I V, ; ' 5 ! , i I t t rt 1 ! It k til m r 4 a t it , r.TYMoi.'tor. , .' In ftcrkihire cohntv', Maclmietti, there la river by the name of ll-nick .the etymology tf which U thus humorousl given In the Wmr. can, paper printed in tlist county t Iloosict.-Qn he borders of the Stream, now called by this name, (as traditon with) there formerly xlweh a gd old lady, of rather a, feossipping disposition, and who was possessed of n insatiable corios'uy to learn, and an iflCOnquerable desire-to be the jirst t6 communicate, all the wonderful oewa the vidnltv. Among other things, she was prodigiously lond oi neanng 'ofltfWfTi'ftebeaiM-weltWiM '-'fcf "and near and seemed to Iivfi,f p M.n :nrl aches, the Brioes and WutAaittr. ot her fellow' creatures. i . ?vitf this fondness for tWad . and Wrible-Vshe never, failed to run oat writh the -doctor was passing, and Aha'a -rich?. This she repeated ..so bftjjo, that at length 'the man of triedi fcine grew tired pf Her importunities, and invented a hundred stories of impossible and improbable esses, with which he amused himself and ridiculed the" old woman's love of the marvel, lousy tot-which she swallowed with the-aatne avidity as she did the West minster Catechism. At oni time he told her he had been to see a patient who had the Mor. tal Dorboriemus, and that he. had nred hirii completely by taking out his " insideV and washing them in aoap udsand vinegar. " Is it prssiblc, Doctor !" exclaimed fne old woman, welT fiope" the mart wilt' have a v'd(u conscience after. ,ihu?? ; A -iiutner time the doctor told her tedneow"achildlhat born, without any tongue. "O me!" Cried the bid lady " bow will the pour v thing ever talk ? is it a boy or gal. Doctor V " A girl," he reblied. Ah, Veil said she, 44 1 aint a bit afear'd Chen but what it will talk well enough." On a third occasion heiold her he1 Iad beert to' visit a woman wh. was bitten by a rattle snake. He said the patient was a great snuff-taker, - and as she was one day picking black berries, the snake, which was conceal ed among the briers, being highly en raged at the smejl of the snuff, sprang from hia lurking place and seized the troman by the end of the nose. 14 O Lord I" ejaculated the sympathizing listener, and giving her own nose a 'Z&PtQgi y)'tttMjhe wo mani'? l No, by Jove," returned the - docioVj but if killed the shake V ,r But to return to the etymojogy J,Tlie dottor from being sooftett ques tioned by the old lady, " who's sick ?w ' -at last began to calf the neighborhood . of Ker residence Whdt tick f and when aked by hia owft neighbors, which ay are you riding to-day Doctor?" trould reply jocularly, 44 I'm going .-.iPJK4?V jifj!!. T0'9 appellation was j4t .first caught from the doctor," land " familiarly used by his neighbors, -nd "-afterwards ;b'y those m9ri.Jnlci:and -thuauoriDi) ty. the neighbofhooil of the inquisitive old lady, but in process of time the whole stream and the valley on its borders, came by a slight altera tion in. the spelling, to be called by the came of Iloosick. CULTIVATlOJf OF INDIGO. From a communication in the Nevbern Sen. ilncl, we mike the following extract, relatire to the history of Indigo, it cultivation, &c. This plant (the Indigo fear of the botanist) is a native ot the warm re gions of Asia, Africa, and America. It was first introduced into South Carolina, in the year 1748, by a Mist Lucas, From the period of its intro duction, its culture gradually extended both here and in Georgia until the re solution, when it had become the se cond staple in each of these, then . colonize The. English government encouraged the cultivation of Indigo, "by a considerable bounty. - In a letter written by Oarbe de Marbois to Comte de Vrrgennes, dated Philadelphia, IMarch 13th, 1782 the former says : ThAlsmbtyf:Cir6Uu&iso1b to make levies, of men, and has im- Eosed pretty large sums ; as there is ut little money in the country, the taxes wilt be gathered in Indigo," Stc. In North - Carolina, too, this article ivas prepared for matket-before and sce iherrevolution'l "persons now living whb"rernemher (o have seen Indign fields of twenty acres in Nenbern District. At this time our god house-wives are in the haMt of making Indigo for domestic purposes, much in the same way our tirmers made cotton previous to 81 8-19, Subsequently to the revolu '&a, the Indigo cCrtttrre from variot causes, declined in tct bauUerjitatM. Am'oigheac causes may ce enumcra- ted the emigration ot joaicious ana rr,erienced Dbntcrs to British India, the patronage of the British Govern. ment in Us cultivation mere, nu mo introduction of cotton here, just as this country was rising from the deso lation of war. Whether the time is not near at hand for the South to return to Indigo,1 is a question demanding the serious invesiieation of every one Interested in Us agricultural prosperity. Our Inidn-o at present U generally in- ferior- to the, ituported.Bnt we have hifrh authority for saving, that this is obrwipgW"iwrHect fn ou aoil or exoerienctd dealer of New York says 44 1 know that prime Indigo can be made in the Southern States, -having during rpertod of - thirty yews, bought several amall lots made in South Caro Irrra; tndthe-MWsisippiotxclleBt quality. It is true-, the general run of the iodigo is of an inferior quality f but this deficiency most be attributed to the want of skilful manufacturers j for if one or two lots be made good, the whole raiy be, provided the condition! necessary to make a perfect article, be observed." An eminent agricultural ist of Georgia, says 44 13 ut the time has arrived for our return to the; cul ture of Indigo, and it will be soon seen that we can drive competitors out of the market as easily in Indigo, as we have done in cotton with one only precaution, that we . use pure wa ter in extracting the coloring 'matter from the plant, I now look, back to the recollections of my youth with as- tdhlshmmt," wfttri 1 -it mraher: having seen - the contents -dtrtupuddkt pumped into the vats, &c. -ti . If then, we can make Indigo, equal to the imported, pf which . there seems to be Tittle doubt, the latter must be excluded from our market, whenever the home supply shall satisfy the home demand. The foreign cannot -compete with the domestic under the dis advantages of a duty which in a few years Will be 50 cents per pound, in surance, Ireight, commissions, sc. Let it be here remarked, that the t.x on foreign indigo, is the only item in the Tariff Bill designed for the bene fit of the South, and for this, it appears from the newspapers, that we are in debted to Mr. Senator Benton, of Missouri, a. native oT our state, to whom we- should leel . grateful for.his kind intentions, whatever may br its effect.. To return, hoevr, to our subject it is thought by many that the preparation of Indigo is an unhealthy employment. This unhealthiness is said to be owing to the rapid absorp- tion of vital air, which takes place xlur- ing the oxidizement of the tinetnt matter, &c. So great is this absorp. tion, that a lighted candle will not bum near the surface of the liquor. But it is aid to be practicable by cheap and, simple machinery, to enable the the vats, and out ol the region of this impure air, which would completely remove the objection of unheahhiness. For prime indigo we shall always find s ready and profitable market at home The annual domestic demand is sup posed at present, to amount to from 5 to 6 millions of dollars j and owiog to the great increase of our manufactures it is said to be probable, that in ten years this demand will be doubled. This sum added to the annual income of the sonth will greatly enhance its wealthy and prosperity." Let us then prepare ourselves to enter on the culti vation of this valuable and neglected plant, as soon as the high duty goes into operation, if not before, un less some more lucrative employment should offer. c. CJiAfrwiTjoti hsve children, keep them for a ImontK "or ' two,' on hfead'and milk. rjy a. . a . I i ney are ine sworn enemies ol tue4 nhMlrl.n.. iBhlla maa. .nj tT - 1 green corn, and withered peaches, (si though there are but ' few this year) are their ditciftle: Connecticut pafier. Carrier Pigeon Fifty-six of these birds, brought 16 London, from Liege, were started last week i n the neighbor hood ol Aldersgaie-street, at thirty four minutes past 4 o'clock in the morning Qof,of wW$,p$wtMhHkh rkstiiration, ,a -dtstanco of about three ndrwdtBiles)' awewt..;iTtinritef; past ten o'clock the same day, having thus accomplished its task in five hours and fifty minutes. The others followed in succession, and most of them resched Liege at noon. London Pafier. ' The first care of a good wife, is to have a good eook, tod no cobwebs, in thevhoffttj fhk"Eco?!M Jlomfnatfoit'. M ... tot ranrBiirr, ' Andrew JaclcsoiL M Honor, and mtitude to the man, who has filled the rheaaureof Ms country's rlory." ' ' - . s-V Jsrfsas.. MTbe tecolleetiuHofsth pubfic relations In which I stood to. C;era1 Jackson, while Prerf aent.'and the nwdgWen to him, of ths high estimation in which is was hekl by me," he. ,;r. . I, , JiMES MiSiaov. ' My friendihipr deneraJ Jackton, "siiil the itwff praof.sf Wesce ajvji xtti I jWen him, wliiU rreiidenr, (fnrMJa mr ukmff part AikawiiPfe .B'1 derltial election.' M GenesU Jackson's wrvfcm to lAif natim en title him Oieir hi f hat rtwarJhit whale ca rter hut ten liffnaliied by the. purest Intentions, and the mow eievMed pTpaaaa..M.v-aMjM,. -v--' ,i.-v..-i. '..pw. tnaa Omar Am. ; inwarn tnat diMiniruitnea captain isn- re' fim tfiti moral tmpertg, I lever had, 1 never have any other feelinw than thoae of the moat proTound biimct, and Of the utmoat kind neai." . 1 Haaat Cut. . u Oneral Jackion U S clear-headed, etrony minded man, and bai more af the Roman in him, than any man now living. " Jaoiia Jirriana. ' 9 .. tot Vies vaaaiaavr, 70HN O. OALZXOUXT, To dhnt caaoLiirA.) Tl distinffuiihtd Statesman, and patriotic Advocate of the feople'l KigHtf. Election it tn Thurtdag, l3()i tiy November.) JJCrSON ELECTORAL TICKET. lt Dtst...;n.obert Love, of Haywood county. 2,1 Montrert Stbkea, of Wilkef. f 34 -- teter Forney. o( Mnwor. ; . 4th John Oka, of Rowan. . T&U,..,4r. Ahralum Psillipa, of Rockirtrbam., (Slh BJ Jo!in M, Mofthead, of Guilford. ' ffth - Walter P. Leake, of RichmonAi: 8th Willie P. Minrlmj. of Orange, 9th Jotiah Cradap, of Wake. 10th John Hall, of Warren. 11th Joseph J, Wi!'uun. of Martin. ?h Kedr Ballard, of Gatea. ... ' . ; .. ICtti - Louia D. Wilaon, of Fxlperomb. 14th Itichard D. Spi(fht, of Craven. 15th Edwd. B. Dudley, of New Hanover. ITEMS, . De mnimit turtt lex. A petition, ad vertised in a Boston paper, sets forth that J nine petitioners ate seized of forty nitre thousand fife hundred and two parts ol jacventy five thousimd parts of three quar teri of -an sere of land in Dedham, and pry division, Sec. J Aev Sect. The board of Aldermen, on application of C. P. Francis, Minister of the Shierrians, or Anti Satanists, for a place of public worship, resolved that it jv aa inexpedient to grant the same. "7",' Bottori Fatridf."" ,. The. Boston : Daily Aetoer titer states. that no honorary degrees were conferred at the late commencement of the Harvard t University-and adds, Whether the government have resolved to discontinue the practice of conferring those degrees, thinking the fistinaion they confer too Poor 10 bc 6'en BW7 fe not in- mrnicu. The celebrated Otecian dot;, Aiolh, is offered.for sale. . Pric i only 8000, Dogj cheep. - Buffalo Republican. A The-oWle Gommrrtia er aiatea tat the nores'of the State Bank of Alabama are hawked about in that town st dis' count of from 7 ip 10 per cent. I Rifled Guf .Two Guns, Thomas, and James, were knocked down and ri fled of their money by some ruffians in savannah. At the latter end of Junes a number of Rattle Sokes, arrived at Havre, in a ves set from New York. The newspapers of Havre, protested against thi4roportation, on the ground that the reptile might be propagated in France. Wo learn with pleasure says the Paris Journal de De bats, of the 1st July, that the seventy-six! serpents have been put on board the packet for England- Awhnhn WArfW.Latel a fellow in Boston was fined five dollars and costs, for stealing .newspapers, and sent to jail, till the money is paid. He was one of l your esrly risers, who lurmsn tippling shops wtth the news for drink, before the citizens are up. -fnofrl'frct' 5cApmr.-iDr. Charles Vnn"M,.,i-. I ' V . vented a pair of boots, made by block tin and surrounded with a hollow body, with the assistance of which he can pass over theosLapdjiYekJIeiha hibtted his contrivance at rest, at which place he walked for upwards of 500 fa Ihomi lajhe ri let Dsoube, where . it is very rapid and deepen the presence of a great number of personi. ToAie e&i.-.The English papers in form os that the costs whicii hsve. been taxed lit" the celeorsted'Lnnscy-case of Lord Port smoatu,"ei ing Tnore than equal to '35,000. The expense of prortuung the taxing of the costs, Wa 650-equal to more than R2900! The value of a thing Is just what it will bring. So says the adage ; and English Isw must therefore bq a very valuable artfcle. ; ' 1 . ' . f fork CttytJtlV' , religious lS'TrxunrNXii. , At a Tecenf rneeting of clerical and lay members, of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Hartford, Conn, on the 4th ult. the Ri. Rev. Bishop Drownell in the chair? a society was formed whose object is " to establish and maintain a School for the instruc tion, with reference to their becoming Missionaries Cstechists and School masters in Africa, under the direction of the Domestic and Foreign M ission ary Society of the Protestant Episco pal Church.-; ' - A female Uenevolcnt bocicty has been recently formed la.Wilki county, '.. pi . . ' ueo. consisting oi aooui twenty mem bers7'who proposey-Wdevainrri few hour.verywcck ,n jhejriaking; of such, articles as will find a ready sale. to support a Domestic Missionary frbrn the avails of their industry. . . fadiefolinrt6thrPrcteriui' tngao?wio:rBridg have become life members of the American Tract Society by a subscrip tion of Twenty Dollars each. Thus g'240 is added to the treasury of this noble Institution to aid in sending forth these faithful . preachers to the wide aud desolate fields of the Wes tern states. , During aowr days meeting recent ly held in Louisville, Kentucky, yorty persons were added tn the Presbyterian Chuch, and many others convinced i f their sins came forward as mqurrers to the seats occupied by those whs were anxious to knowwhat they must do to be saved. "At i fouf dayi meeting WReadinA Ohio, commenced qn the 13th. of July last. Ill were received into the rres- jji rttc waa biiii in iiicb. Donation. Gtn. Daniel Montgom ery -of Danville, Penn. has recently macle a donation "of Si 00 to the Trea sury of the General Assembly's Board of Missions. ,' Another ReToTiTtlonT'Tlne Prrsby tery of Albany at a recent meeting, resolved to raise Jour thousand dollars in a year within their . bounds for the cause of Domestic ' Alissionr.- l hey have atso resolved to use every effort .to.br ing every child cf a suitable age, within their churches, under Sabbath School instruction. AVw Church in Rochester. k few days since a new Presbyterian church was consecrated in Rochester New. XorktllThere are now In this town of 16 years growth 13 places of public worship, vir i 3 for Presbyterians, 2 Episcopal, 2 Methodist, and 1 each for the Baptists Friends, Roman CathJ olics, Universalists, ' Christ-ians," and Africans. A Theatre a School oj Mora It. -The Baptist Church of Cincinnati, Ohio, have' recently purchased the Theatre in that place with the pious view Qf xonvertinjt into a Temple for the wnrnhin nf (iod'.' " SVtnVf tt tltr"lfft .trust. - be sakl with troth that ffflf of ths Theatres of our country has become a school of goodrorals. Venus. Dr. Mitchill, in a letter to the Editor of the New. York States man, speaking of the recent appear ance of Venus in broad day, says : this phenomenon happens every 8th year, to wit, since I have attended to it iit 1 788, 1 T96, 1 S04, J 81 2,. i$40, and now in 1828, is before them, Stick to your l'andtdate,k Jackson and administration man met the other day; 'Hurrah for Jacktor; s.n the first; Hurrah for the Devil," said the spunky Adams man. " Very well," returned the Jacksonian, " you stick to your candidate, and I'll stick to mine." At the superior court in New York, Judge Hoffman presiding Mis Ellen Yates recovered Si 500 of Win. Le Count, for breach of marriagfrprme-An intimacy commenced between them in 1822, when he "was 19 Ihd the 1 8, which lasted till Nay, when he married another. They lived during that time, under the same roof, in the house of a mutual relation, and alt Their acquaintances supposed they were to be married. We understand, says the Boston Os teite, that the duties on a lot of 1C2 bales of Wool, recently imported into this port from Smjrnawere $3419 9, while the original' coat oHhe i artfcle wai but EO 68 -cents Hard timis. ft is ststed,in the last Baltimore Amer ican Farmer, that six hundred acres of Jand were soTd, a few dayi since,' within four miles of Baltimore, on navigable wa ter, near the Philadelphia turnpike, with a brick house and nn abundance of wood and tinjber, for 4.50 per acre, r r- SKITKMUKR 23, 1823. ELECTORAL TICKETS. Any quantity of Jack ton EUciaral Ttckeit, can be had at the office of the Western Carolinian on very low termi....uy 25 cents per hundresd. or 22 per thotiiand. Committees in the several CQuntiee, and individuals, would do well to apply aoon, so that there may not be any disappoint. ' ment In supplyinf themaervet in time. t39 roa t wsitsw caaouaiAv, Mr. TEAtvir We have, seen, ind htari, tow the administration party, eiulted beyond mea aure, at the reault of the recent electiona In Lou. iatant-e,kiminf it-aa. a poaltivo. mftifettif, of the atren-h of Mr. Adams in that atate,nd at natufal cmttea. that b will reeeivw-?.-htr-Jtvt electoral votes.' Now to far from their havwf any jmAjtMmntoJ) those who have tome knowledge of the atato of political parties in Louiilana, that Jackaon's trenjrth Irt that ttate ia far superior to his op. ponentV-that, in fact, the recent elect fonaihow coiichiaively the Weaknrar of the dTlnls1tWl;'',',,," t wlH endeavor lo sketch, In eonclie muttttf" Ui'iihe.tfct4wpiftka. 1st. The Governor was not voted for on par ty gTMinds alone. Jtidjre DtrMjni it a fentle. man of jrreat and .deserved popularity t which ' be hai acquired by his honesty, both in a civil and political point of view i iit tuaVity pf mas. ners i and the praiieworthy part he acted in the election of 1820. He and T. D. Robertson re. ceived the largest number of voteta proviaioq of the conetitution of that state requiring that the twt hlghett eandidafet should be returned to the.lefialaturw, to be there ballotted fort Mr. Hobertton had received from the people more votes than Mr. Derbijrny the latter accordingly, in a spirit of magnanimity, declined atanding a poll before the legislature, conceiving that the people had fairly eiprettcd a preference in fa. vor of Mr. Robert aon't being their Governor i and according to hia view of our republican in ititution. he could not content to act contrary to their withee. This raited Mr. Derbigny birh in the t-ttimation of, his fellow-citixem , anj . among hia warmett tuppvrtert at the late elec tion, were many friendt of CenV JtclapnT " They " could not think thtt r inuring the eaute of the CeneriL Lr tiiliUp Ii" the rlmlnn n- m. ' v - t m aateassi which Mr. Adam to unjustly came into office. 2d. Ai to the choice oi members of con(rrea. In the lit district, the opposition waa not gotten Up - airaiiist MK. f ivinjttos purely on ptrty grottntU. The rentleman who oppoaed him, Judfre White, long resided in the district ( where he had riaen from aroongat the. people, and wa.emphatically,ae ffpltj for he . had retided with them from an eatly ajre, and a large portion of them had grown up with him i and, from early aawciationa, they felt a deep in. terett in hit advancement. He wa accordingly voted fur by numbers of Jackaon men, who un. der other circumetances would have bern found in favor of Mr. Iingttoo. And again: Mr. Livingston'a absence from the state caused the estrangement of many of his friends. 1 will not now positively assert, Ahat the 1st congret tinnal district is in favor of Gen. Jackaon : on tho contrary, I believe it ftcttibU the administration may be the strongest there j but if they have a majority, it ia m meagre one indeed, The 2d enngressionsl istrict is ntuat decidedly in favue . of Gen-. Jack; the party oppoaed to him-ad-mit this. Htt we may be afcked why Mr.Gurley is re-elected - Because he is a man of urvetcep-, tionable private eharseter, of great prraonal popularity, and highly esteemed t and hia oppo nent, Mr. Saundcia, labored under the dtcad. . vantsjfe of abort residence In the district, am . having cowefjuentry but a limited acquaintancs with the people. In the 3d congressional dis. trlct, Walter H. Ovetton, who defended Tort Saint Philip, before New-Orleans, m the inw " sion of 18U-'15, wa elected" over Mr. Brent, purely on party grounder True it ia, Mr, Brent's absence may have operated something to his" disadvantage, but jot an much as many seem to, tb4nki theaHminiUrili9nr!v were renerallr ' hTOerjBnhEtTTr all 'considers. ' ttone. -"-' r:St: Aa- to ihelrnernbert tf i'ih6rLegitarurei From information which I think may be relied on, a malortty of the members may be set down' aa the fnemls of Jackaon t but this majority it -smsll.......not more, pcrhapi, tha4 four. Of the Senator elected this year, j are for the admin irtration, and 4 for Jackson i and the other half, of which the legislature is composed, who were elected in 1326, stand 5 for the administration, for Jackson t the hotie of representatives cos sins of 50 members, elected annually i of these, 23 are for the administration, and 27 fer Jack, son : So that in both branches of the legislature, there are 35 members for Jackaon, and 33 for the administration i leaving a clear majority of rw in favor of Jackion. 1 hia ia not fntitivtht asserted to be the state of the parties j but the error, if any, is as likely to be en one side as the . otliee. Again : I Intra this election did not, n all tbfl par'uhes, turn on party grounds t for many of the friends of Jackaon voted for the administn tion candidates. And besides this, I will, in conclusion, remark, that in all Mr. Gurleys con. gressional district there waa but one administra tion member of assembly elected..-. and he front the parish of East lUton Rouee, a decidedly Jackson parish. " From this it re conclusive that. . that diftlrict is strong for Jackaon : and it is rroof thatr even slMwW thC: amidst rtwn bo strongest in the other two congressional li-:" tricts, the Jackson majority in this ia sufficient to counterbalance their superiority. -"' I am therefore satisfied, in my own mind, that the five electoral votes of Louisiana will be given to Jackson. A LOUISIANIAN. sp s,kt 1MB.- "SOS" Bacon. We are it stated in the Tuscaloosay Alabama, Serrtlnet, of the 30th lilt, that the nei ceesary article of Adrift has again become ver? Karee in that place r its sellina; price ia from 1 .. to 16 cents per lh. lor hamsi 12J for middli"(T aod 1Q Jo J ? for ahgulders. Bacon sella in Sal buryrat 8centaer readilj boJht "at 15 cVpfa per huslicir' -r Col. James Monroe, late president of the vttt ted fitatea. and Albert Galtatin, Esq. fate minis ter to England, are apoken of to fill the officer Postmaster of the city of New.York, to. fill the vacancy occasioned by tbe death of Gen. Bsilff. Col. Monroe needi the- office, and Mr. GalJatm does not i and both are well qualified to charge its duties: we hope, therefore, the w mer may be appointed the salJTy RWO pe? ewnm.