jfTU ' n:.r(r.t ft numeral md - of the cituent or (,awrli county, on the i llth i nirt. James lUinry in the chair, Jas. W. t ilro-yn serretary, it was resolved to wear crape ' 30 davVin testimony of th ir esteem and rrapect for thrir K'e distinguished fcllow-cillen, liiirt- lest Vancy, Esq 5rnV 0." Miller, Esq. senator in the South Carolina legislature, from Bumpier d'mtrkt, wai complimented wtyh a dinner there on the 11th inst i at; which he wai nominated at a candidate for Governor of that atate, when the present in cumbent's term shall lave expired j and lie will probably be elected. ' ' , : Extend' daroags has bee h lustaifieil on the .borders of Connecticut tiver, by a greet flood .t., huIm !m ilia kartrtnin if tliia mtintli in uia "-o n - ....,.. - Oreat nomSm of bridges, mille and other buiU iC.iim.(N tWrnt away and destroyed i farms roVeriIowed3n.f ry irnowbleetfcae wwnt war. ' In an estimate of tin damage sustained. byb.l..rf milUen ..Wtorewootd not make good the Wf - - Fremeture amrialk yunp lady tn Philadef. ...nhia, aged About 19,.br1g ya isipppted,, .V-J .iniMil fn lh an- 1 kilt Whit tit grave was filling lip. groan waeheard, Jhe ' rnffin wiMaken iipi aml bpenedTind'H' was found that the unfortunate girl had turned over, and blood had oozed out of her mouth and none i every effort was used to rcsusitate her, but with, out effect. Premature burials should be guarded against, particularly in warm seasons. XWiift .- The Boston, Massachusetts, In. euranct company, have declared a dividend of "urper cent, on tneir capital noca:,.a ne pro,. its of that concern for the last six months. In. ' suraace companies, we have noticed, almost in. variably declare larger dividends than bunking corporations. , .VtrfWy 7Ver. At the present time, wben Our citiscnt are beginning to turn their attc n. tion towards the rearing of tt rmt, and the manufacturing tf Fiix, the following hint as to raising the mulberry tree, on the leaves of which the worm It fed, tomes very opportunely : Tk jittlr ltal and mmt certain nuulnjif raiting the fnulbetrr tree, t from cut- u-' ... jd-'.-' w .ft. Ai-m'-iijMw-ft'ii K ft. in in momn m pisreni: a or-y-ieeL-Hi . . . ft r length; plant It half its length in any Rood soil, nd it wTll succeed .o "admiration, producing fniit the following spriiif. James toyi, 1 tesrtectable ynnng manfd 18 years, was thrown from his horse in returning from the race cwtt in Wsrrenton. in this state, un the 15th intt. and killed. An eteemd ejti.; zca of this town, a few daya sihee, very narrow.' ft escaped the fate of young Mr. Iloyd, in aim iia wsy ' be was seriously injured, but lias near. Ty recovered. . . In frmn. Mr Crsfts, .late member of Con greas, has been elected Governor; and Mr. Olin Xieut. Gov. In the 3d district, there were a number of candidates for congress, and accor. dingly no choice was effected, it requiring, by the constitution of that atate, a majority of the whole number of votes given in, to elect. Meant, Mallary, Hunt, and Swift, are re-elected. Prom-this election, it would appear that the Jackson' men are very strong in some parti of Vermont;. - - ; -' . tattle f Kinrfi .MoiTiro.. Several inilitia companies of Lincoln county, in this state, and York district:. In. Jouth. Carolina, contemplau etebratlng- the Mhiverairy of the battle of King Mountain on the. spot, which is on the lorden of the two itatea. Jleirne9anraell. Pullen, Esq. cashier tf ftiM FiVntnn hranrh nf Ilk Ranlr. rum.- mitted suioMWwfi the anerninref Hhe- l,ith insi. by shooting himself thro' the head with a pistol. Tor several days , previously, he' bad exhibited, symptoms of mental aberration. He was a widower, and left two helnlcaa children.. He wrore a letter just previou to committing the desp-rjte a(ue.TrriWrKwch: his aftlnwith the bank verrprrt'ry straight t and from hia character wf probity, there was no doubt oa that score. This is the second calami- ty which has befcl that institution, withm short .T r - II i it i . Time since I aa u win oe recouecira a jtre oroae out in the bank on the 23d ult. which did consid erable damage. , Fncfri It is mentioned in the Yorlrville Pioneer, that. Col. Ureithaupt, of Rdgefieid dis. trict, 8; C. baa just returned from the north, vhithet he hat been for the purpose of gaining Information' relative to the manufacturing busi ness! and that he has determined forthw ith to build a factory in Edgefield. It also state, that gentleman of Spartanburg- district bas arone north, for the purpose of procuring machinery, wiin wnicn to start a Factory in that district success to their enterpnie.....this is the kind of opposition to the tariff. The President of the United Statet'returned to Washington City on the 13th inst. from a vifit to Massachusetts. His friends in New York bad prepared to give him a dinner on his pas ture thmnch that rilv Kilt the 'ill hallh nf Id Prrtilenttu. ru Adam$. who it seems remained n Wsshington, induced Mr. A. to decline the dinner, and hasten on. to the f g"ernment. to see-afer nil family, and the affairs of the tiai Man. He took care not to travel on the Sab. bath in returning, having been, very roughly 1i...l..l m. l I I .r. 1 t ' I . r """m uver inc ooais oy tin isnacc inrnus lor committing that wickednesa in j-Waj, as our readers will have seen from divers srticlea re- ently in our paper on the subject ,-Tsr,..Our reader are alrealy advised, that JudgeXhompann and Francis Granger, have been nominated as the administration candidates Governor and ticut. Gorrof New-Tork. udge Thompson has given a kind of negative 6fpml,yt we may thus speak, of the nomina te on i But Mr. Granger, having been nominated Qovenur by an anll-masonlc :onyention at "ca, nas, hi a letter published in toe papers, dlihedtbe lafferonorrBut say b Haajlitth.' 7W, wittier accepted hot declined his nomin" tioii by the Adama party aa Lieut. Gov. id Kemtto be grestly perplexed what to do about it. The anti-maxona. however, have relieved Mr. Q. from all difficulty in relation to' themselves, by relinquishing all claims on him, and nomina ting Svlvwh Southwiek, Esq. Editor of the Na uonsl Observer, and ring-leader of the crusaders ?SHHt mtsonrT, as their jsandidale for Governor Ct the grtil falt'lt New-York. All tfrcSc d In, it will be re collected, are the work of the Adams people the friends of Jackson have not yet made their nomination; their convention will meet at Herkimer the last of this month. when their candidates will be nominated, who win doubtics be such men as the republican party will unite on, and secure their triumph, by a handsome majority. We have received $primen ilnt of a Rel'l. gious Newspaper, etyled Hie Kvangelical Port Folio, bvthe Iter. Colin M'lvef, or Fayetteville i It is in the folio, or newspaper form, on full demi sheet. , Mr. M'lver proniea, should he meet with sufficient encouragement, to continue the publication of a paper like it, once, a week, at RI.90 per annunV4 We hope the paper may be encrfuragedi such a perloincaj Is needed iq North Carolina. Wew all those in, this state who support 'papWtf a similar charaoter from abroad, o. tike Jhia,, U would be well supported. oe wf, cuiior it so wen Known to our rea. deit, as gentleman of respectable literary and ,hy hi llMy eauie of his Divine Lord aivl mi and of untiring industry in whatever he under' takes, thai U would be entirely nnM,i,i. far us ta say one woed.ii. hie comaaendation, for l A . . a . .... v " we-couitunw aou a jomrttle to bit Veil-dc. icnred cmiotnctjU. wa4or ' adrirotir Christian friends to take hie paper. Col. Ratlif BteH, thorough-going Jackson, ite, ia elected to Congress from the 1st congres. ional dirtriet in the state of Indiana, over Col. Wake, the sitting member, and an Adama man, by a m: jority of 77 votes : this fact lias been announced by Mr. It lake himself, in a let ter to hi friend in Washington. He admits that many friends of Jackson voted for blRi and is compelled to giv it tip, that Indiana ia decidedly for Jackson. Maine It the recent state elections in this State, it appears thst the Jackson candidates for the legislature had a majority of votes over their Adams opponents in the Cumberland Klertoral District. If this election is any test of the I'reti ientiat strength there, Jackson will get one vote in Maine. About 1.5th of the members of the legislature are Jacksoniana. Hather squally for fc pwet (Sal bt f- paper of thejgdinff: the ppre henaionjif a gang ol counterfeiters in Guilford county, who had spurious g 10 bills on the branch of the United States Dank a Mobile s it appoara ome of the tame con cern had tn establishment irr Monttfome' rv county, at the house of a mm by the name of Joel Hurlrj-. Some fchort time tince, three of tr,ercf)rr.pliceil, by the namet of Lewi, lilakeiy, and Griffin, were taken up, and examined in Law renrerille ; various implements for coun terfeiting were found on them, but as they had no spurious money witlt them then, having probubly hid it, they were very improperly discharged. Soon after wards, however, further light having been shed on their transactions, a warrant was issued for their apprehension again ; hut in the mean time they had,, (with the ex ception of Griffin, who was taken, and is now in- jiiil) very- prudently for their own safety, fled ; young William Hurley, who hed been detected in passing some of their money, esckped with them. They left behind I considerable quantity orvheir paper, unbtamped, end various other im plemenls for counterfeiting and altering bsnk notrs. Besides the U. S. notes aborementioncd, the j had made and put into circulation gl notes on. the Slate Bank of North Carolina. The public should be on their guard against taking this spurious emission of money. Miij. M lute : At a mii'trr, in I.incolnton, on regiment. xomnrshded by CoCTeTeT llokej it linipoitra ana sgreea o.ascenain tne scmi ments of th'e officerf pre ser.t, on the pending presidential election: the result of the vote was, For Jackson, 42 Adams, 15 On the succeeding dsy, at a review of Col. Reinhardt's regiment of cavalry, the vote was also taken, whicb stood, for Jsckson, 59 Adams, 23 " On the fence," 2 The above officers and troopers are citizens from every section of Lincoln county 1 and the vote was fairly taken, without any preliminary remarks to (he prejudice or in favour of either idulate. It is therefore . reduced almost to a rtainty, that Gen. Jackwn will receive, in this nty, at the Nov. election, at lea it two-thirdi of the rotes. One who was lAfrc I-iTF.ST FROM EUROPE. By the arrival of the ship John Jay, at New York, from Liverpool, London papers to the 7th August have been received. There is a report of an engagement between the Russians and Turks, between Shumla and Verna, having turned out very unfavorably to.j the former. Ireland. A paragraph "frbrt T'SUgqT August 1st, says 1 Mr. O'Connell left this at two o'clock to-day for Boyle. I have just had au thentic intelligence of the organisation of a plan in that town, for the purpose of assassina ting that gentleman. Particulars hereafter." Jia imilrrw.Ltteri from Buchircst state, that, at a council of war Ijcld at Karassu, it waa resolved to employ all means to peneuwt to the capital of the Turkish empire, as soon as possible, irt consequence of the serious prepara tions making by the Turks. The Forte continues obstinate, or, at least, shows little signs of coming to terms, Greece much the same as usual. , Austria is beginning 1st move a liule. Portugal Uin amdst adeplora. blesate indeeJ. v J , The inquisition V cipected locSe restored.' In' practice, indeed, it' hat: been rettored, and with all itt horrors. r The London Courier ridicules the French ex pedition to the Mores. The English papers are full of speculations ami remarks on O'Connell and the Clare elec tion. The following are said by a London Morning f apcr to be the secret articles tf iU Trfstr cf TihU. If fri,,n wl te seen that Russia is now : '.rj ia ct upon the first article. ; ' Art. I. Russia shall take potsetsion of huropein Turkeji and lhall eitend her conquers irf Asia to whatever extent ahe may think lit. ? "Art. B. The reigri of the dynasty of tne oourbons in spam, ana or the house of Briganza in Portugalrisball cease. A Prince of the family of Buonaparte shall reign. Rome and its dependencies shall be re united to the Kingdom of Italy. . Art. 4. Russia, unlertakei to assist France in her baval iorctin the itonquest of Gibraltar:' . 1, v Art. 5. France shall; fake potsetsion c'the f Wei"iiu , TunitvoAlgjcfft k&L avi 4 too general peace all the conquest which France may havo been able to effect In Africa, shall beT'givi'n ai indemnltieTfo' Sardinia and of Sicily. Art, 6.'FrancehaIl take possesion -of thwlWMm$W-wptKrViilX Jab3ogJip4 hive ceded that llaod r--', : " Art. y. France shall taki possession of Egypt. " Art. 8. The eavigationof the Mediter ranean shall be permited only to French, Russian, Spanisf), and Italian vesseli all the other nations shall be excluded frem it. 14 Ait. 9. Denmark shall be indemnified in the North of Germany, by the Itanse Towns, on condition, however, that she will consent to place her squadron in the hands of France. " Art 10. . Their Majesties the Em peror of Russia and of Fnnce thai) agree between themselves upon a regulation by which no o'her Power shall be prrmit ted for the future to send merchant ves sels 19 tea, unless that power keep up a certain number of vettrltof war " . ...v According to the French papers, a con t;rtU of a4j the Le?wri:::to:beld.'.t.' pi)ort Mlgtiet had fotrdaliy leclareb hisi accepfunce of the Crown, and on the 7ih July took the o.th.dt the Ptlirr of Ajuria, in conformity with what done in the Crtrtes held in jrie yer 1641. FA I CTTK VILLIi SZFT 18. . X&V Cottcn.-.Wt le.m iht 13 bjles cf new cotton have been, brought to this markit wi'iiin a few daya past, and sold readily at 9 3-4 to 10 cents. The quality is very good. Obterver. (iRE.iT Jf.lTURAL VOMER f The following ii a copy of a handbill publish ed in Liverpool, England the gemleman who brotight it to the United State, declares that he w. himself, in the eyeaof the child, the let. ten and figures described in the handbill : Xutural Wm4r Jttot arrived in this town, under the patronage of the nobility of Scotland, one of the greateM Wonders of the World, in the detection of .human guilt. The-tnirrelloute vvorfc of divine providence is strikingly rtisplaved in this wonderful boy, which the nobility and gentry are respectfully invued to behold. A womsn residing in the Spring Holme, in the parish of Urr, in the county of Kirkcudbright, became pregnant, and the father of the child repeatedly declared that he would not own it, unless God tent it into the world with its father's name on its forehead. To the istonishtrteot and won der f all, it . arts born wih its father's name, John Wood, in his right eye, and tear tj rJi.bltrh (if ryVitr his left eye.'"' ' The Boy has been visited by the nobll ity and gentry, and also by the College of Physicians of the cities of Ldinburgb and Glasgow, and also by a great number of Medical Men in other parts of the King dom, who allow him to be the Greatest Wonder ever beheld, and a warning to the guilty, to beware of rash vows. The Boy cannot walk, but has a very good address, and being afflicted with the Water in the Head, was recommended by the Faculty to travel, to endeavor to improve his health- The Lieut. Governor of Lpper Canada has expressed his intention to put a stop to all distilleries in that province, for a time, in consequence of the disastrous results of the grain harvest this season. Wheat is now one dollar and a half per bushel, and will probably soob be raised. Benjamin Bailey, John Targee, and Stephen, Allen,- Esquires, are nominated by the friends of General Jackspnr for Presidential Electors, from the District composed of New Tork city and cotnty'. ' So perfectly transparent was the at mosphere after the late rains ilf New. York, that the Moon and the planet Venus were seen as distinctly aa it 4wilight, at 9 o'clock, A. M. notwithstanding tlte blaze of the morning son. The communication of G on,, thsubjea Assault and Pattery cases in the codbty courts, shall be attended liU Wtal!;X-.' '"uthe'eommum relative to C'e.' Jackson's birtb.ptaci thaH tp ptar in out next. The ateamboat Grampus burst her seven boilers lately, near New Orleans and" was rnmrdeK l wrectcd. Seven peraonawere Killed and five are naming, who are pro lably drowrre Of fU.irJtfts. FaytHevifie, Srptrmbrr H. -Cotton, to 9 Beef, fresh in market, 3 cents) bacon, f to 8( peach brandy, JO to 60 1 apple do. 35 to 40 Dour, 3 t 4f 1 whiskey, '35 a 30... United States bank notes, 3 to 5 per cent, premium 1 Bills on the North, 60 days, 4 J to 5 per ct pre. CkarUtttn, HeM. JO. Upland cotton 9 a II 1 whiskey, 26 to 37 1 bagging. 42 inch, 53 to ?4 sugar, 8 to 9 1 molasses, JO to 33 cents 1 bacon, 6 to 7 1 apple brandy, 25 to 28 1 bees- wai, 4 1 con ee, 1 J 10 1 o 1 n aon xea, iuv 10 iuj 1 Jamaica rum, 110 to 115 West India do. 75 to 80. North Carolina bills, 8 to 9 per cent, dis 1 Ceorria do. 11 to 14 per cent, ditto. Camden, Sept. 30. Cotton, 9 a 10 1 wheal 62 C Money 1 Flour 3 a 4 00, out of the waroii com 371 1 Salt 70 cents. -Tettnktirt, Jitftm. ll) Cotton,. 9.1a 10 r to. baceo, 9,1 5 a 71 -refuted, 11 a ffl corn, lj a .bcii 4 .4.lrdr 4-is..f,,i anpWi brandy, 94 s35 peach 45 a 74 crnts.....Nort h ' orth' Carolina bank bills, 5 1 to 64 per e- nt, discount j 3 to 24 per cent, discount . I . . .. CAsrww. Septmber l7Cotton. 8 to 104, lfnT!.?' J. . bacon; 7 to 8 ffo,.r. 3 J a 4 per barrel , eom,3l , f KCKLKSBUKO County Court K Augutt , -peach -brandy 40 to 4$ appkd 3to SU'-- whiskey 30 beef; J 'to 4, butrer1?l ! N ".f'JW tallc8t-fre;7toi9al543s: t!lu- :. m -ftiow b'iadsii weeks intbo Wawters) Carob. nax-seea, iv. , 1 . . . . , ... .... Columbia. 5. C. SeMember 12. Cotton. 91 1 corn 45 a 50 1 wheat 6il a 874 1 flour 44 a 51 bacon 7 to 10, hams 1) to 14 1 hikey 4J to 45 1 salt 75 1 North-Carolina bank bills, 3 to 4 per cent, discount 1 Georgia do. 1 to 3. - Aew-fsrir, Sept. 19.Cotton, upland, 9 to 11 1 1 cotton bagging, hemp 20 to 21, flsx 16 to 18 1 hides, 11 to 17 1 North Carolina bank bills 9 per cent, discount t S. Carolina dot 8 1 Vir. gima 1 1 Georgia 4, except Darien, which afe 30 per cent. Ltveipto! CeUon Market, Aug. 7. -The Sales during the week, 15.000 bales. Imports (5,200. There hat been a brisk sale the last two days. IHarrfri. At the residence nf Mr. Wm, Boat, on 1 1th inst. by Jonas Boat, Fsq. Mr. Jac ob Tsrbaugh to Miss Eliza, daughter of Mr. William Hon, all of Lincoln county, - ' In Iredell county, by' the Rev; S; M. Inrin, on the 1 1th int. Mr. Charlei Churchill, formerly of LTqtitale'of C4nnectmtrr;tp Mist Manldi; jllttgw tet of James Johntto'i. Esq. of thst county. to. on the tame dan Hs Young, FattmTieyntfaeredtlutTibblicatloebeTnadesIx weeks ta tbo I . n . . . l it . ,, , 1 L . . . . . . . . . ... law, of South Carolina, to Miss Lucy, daucbter of Capt. John Young, of that county. . szxa). In Ajitoo county, on Rocky jiver, near Aus tin's Gold tine, on the Ifth. intt. Mr. Green Debcrry Austin, eldeit son of Col Jacob Aui'in, aired 25 vean. Also, in Montgrumery couo'v. fon b same dv, Mrt.- Chelafv Austin, wife of CM. Jamh Anatin. n.H AA vrara --holh ill, 1 .. , ' . ' ... ir.. ate husband, and nine children, to bemoan her wdden d,p.rture from this file , and Mr. Green D Atirtin has left .bereaved wife and one child. 1 In Lincolnlon. on Saturday, the 13th inst. ' Lemuel Moorman, F., a native of Virginia but forveral years put a citiaen of the firmer ,. . bly industrious in his vocation, and strictly ex- J emplary in his deportment, Mr. Moormsn uni ted all the CMntial qualification of a good and useful citizen. In the tender relations of hus band. and father j no man was more endeared, The community of which he waa a member, most deeply sympathised with the sorrows of his afflicted companion and bereaved offspring. His loss to them1 is indeed irreparable i but may lit who tempereththe wind to the thorn lamb," sustain them under this distressing vii. tation of bit providence, and may they be con. soled, even In the bitterness of their grlrf, with the cheerinr hope that his dying visions were brightened with (he dawning proipect .of that unclouded existence beyond the grave, " where the wicked cease from troubling, and the weary are at rest " roMeoiicAtta. In Statesville, on Tuesday, 9th inst. Mr. Abram Lowrance, aged about 80 years, after a lingering illneia, of five or six weeks. Mr. Low. ranee was an eminently pious man ; his head bad groa n gray, in the aervice of his God, into whose cause he embarked early in bis youth. Tle"wjis"a memoes or the PresfcyTeTUirchnrch t and died in the full hope that he was about to depart, only " to be with Jesus which is, far bet ter. "He was a good citizen, and an honest man. In England, Mrs. Mary Saunders, aged 63. She died with fright during a thunder storm. Dr. Towas 1. 3onaon, HAVING effeced the object for hk he declined his profes fiional bttsine,', again ofien his ser vices to the citizens of Charlotte and adjacent country, in the practice of Medicine and Surgery. lie dnly considers the pressure of the times, and will mske his charges accordingly. Sept. 1828. 3t3fl SILAS TEMPLETON H AMNG been absent on a distant visit the oast summer, respectfully informs his old customers and the public generally, that he has returned hme, and resumed busiiwe, - hich during his absence was conducted by his partnet, Thev continue at the abop formerly occupied by 8. templet on and ire furnished with the Fans and tmoon raiarom. lor Ajuuea ana uen. tlemen. These fabiont have been mpre gen erally admired and adopted by the Bon Ten of the Northern Cities, than any hitherto received t and although it requires more than usual skill i acribers pledge themselves thst .their eaecution of them thsll not De surpssseu in we union. Ladies Habits and Pelieeee, ana uentlemen'i 1 ruk-..,. U1 be made un at prices tower man I each werk waa ever heretofore done, in order to conform to the unexampiea. pressure Qi we limsi. Orders fbf work from a (Dtancewu huhi fully received, and punctually attended to, ae carding W" direetiew-fM LAS' TBMPLETON, S46ry, Sept. 30, 1 828. Cotton t. OR tale, wheleeale andretatU 9tvn toTM, V Number to 615, inclusive, ai xot raciory prices, from Fayetteville. Apply to P- . J. MURPHY, Arent, PBVCE BfcWARDM..Ranawsr fron the vli subscriber, on tlx l.tth day of ufy hurt, ail sppf-ntire to the blacksmith's business, named H'arren Bum aged 19 years, common aiaed, freckled faced, and bas an impediment in hit speech. All persona are forewarned against, trusting him on my account, as I shall pay no debut of his contracting. Whoever apprehends him, shall receive the above reward 1 but no charges. JAMK9 ORTE.t. ! freMny frf. 724, S2H. , , Iw Stnief.Vrik-CarHnai ' If KCKLBNBUKG County Court 1 August ill aesslntui, 1828. Governor, to the use of Irwin and Norwood, vi, the heirs at law nf M m. Allison 1 acl.fa. ihU red by Court that publica tion be madu tlx rt. m thr Western Caroli nian, fur George Wrigh', Charles Wright, Shan- ick Wrirbtr Mar Trotr rU(f Cos, and Jamet Cox, the heirs at law of John' Cox deceased that tisrv appear and facia. otherwise judgment will be entered up fgaiifS( I them. '"r V'! " nK." aum. ick Wright, Mary F. Ci, Detsey Cox, and James Cox, jhe heirs at law of John Cox, de. crssed, that tbey appear and answer te said cire facia, otherwise judgmeitt will be entered up against them. 639 isa at Aitxnudtk.c. ar.c. of.Ytirth-l 'arelinn t Mf i Kf.ENBUHU County Court t August -sessions, lt)2t. Governor, to the iim of CtKipi r k M'Ginn, vt. the heirs at law of Wnj. Allison i scifa. ifrdered by the court that pub lication be made aix weeks in the Weaken Carolinian, for George Wright, Charles Wright, Shanick Wright, Mary t. Cox. Betty Cot, and Jamds Cox, the heirs at law of John Cox, de. cean1, that thev appear and answer to laid scire facias, otherwise judgment will be enterejf Op aeainitt them. - 6'39 Isaac AtixawpiR.f if f. Stole ef VenK-CurektkaT ' - - " ff KOKLENHUKG County Court i Aogqtf T iTl' 'aJaaioTMi' Jamas McO s tb:: Al-lt..:.. ... i- -r tK. Ami-A . -i fa., Or Western Carolinian, for teorge Wright, Charles' Wriirht. Shanick Wrirh't, Mary T. Cox, Betsy Cox, and James Cux. tbe heirs at lav of John . Cot, deed to appear at our next NovcmV. coun ... 'V fourt,' and answer the scire facias, otherwise judgment according to scire facias will be taken i against them, 6'39 isaac AtrtAHoxa.f ar. f. : . " .August 1 v I a-ssinns. 1828 : the Governor to the use ", ,;, H. ' ""fn' KfiT A,'" tr nd Kutor of W m. Allotj, , 'n thU " "fr 1 t,on nf hf c,ourt bV Joseph Allison, John Am. . w Alhson. heir, at law of W llm. A""?"' .V' n '"th,' b,' 'Tr, is ordered bvthe court, that publication be made pani'-s aibrcMid appear at our next November? county court, and ilien plead or replew, other wise judgment ill be entered op againt thes 639 ISAAC ALKjt ANbRK C It C. . to Tin: p un u c. COWAN & BEEVE8 HAVE just received, froni New-York and Pbiladetohia. at theiltrStoi ooa jDrove; Itowan county, twelve miles west of isbury, a general assorunent ot trosft , . ,. v Dry Goodly Cutlery llurcbvartt Vroceriei&r;z Which they are determined to tell unusual low .for VASR or COTrojtt or on atqr credit to punctual customers. As they will re pleniob their stock at abort Intervals, from tint Northern markets, snd keep the newest and most approved kinds of. Guodti they feel a cojj . fideace in inviting their friends and the pubQr to caU, cxatr-ineand judge be themselvea...--r- COWAN A: UEEVCSL V wssw-- w w-- O. ILI1U sIa8s1C . iVeY, Store. . JT MOCL'SVII.LE. JtORTH CAROLlXJf, tyy'. siibtcribcrs having entered into roparl J. nership in the Mercantile Buiineee, tX Mocksville, Rowan county, N. C. under the firm of HARQRAVE U .ftAYT. are now re ceiving, direct from New-York aad Ilade phia, an entirely new stock of Dry Goods, Crockery Hardware, Gnccries, fcfc. (3ft Cutlery, Selected tnd bought by one of the firm, fifr eor which they will sell low for CASH, or COTTOX, or on a short credit to punctual dealers. Persons wishing to purchase, are respectfully invited to call and examine Cr themselves ROBERT L. HARGKAVE. ANDREW HUNT. Auevrt 25rA. 1828. 6t37 AvmViiftitaUon Xolice. THE subscribers having qnalified as Adminla tratora on the estate of Andre w Baird, dee'd, late of fltirke county, desire all persona indebt ed te said MUM to make payment with a Kttl delay as possible t and all persons tun-tug claimt against the estate, will present them legally au tbeoticatcoV within the time limited by act rf Asaembly, otherwin- this notice will be plead Us bar of their recovery. 8t3 M. I1A1KD, Admit. Srttemher. 1828. WM. L. BAtRD, (H Monday, the 10th of November next, at J Raira's Forge, Durke county, tne ute res j.bm, nf Andrew Daird. dee'd. on credit t -. twelve months, will be told &eru likety Aegreei Three Wagene and Harneut ' . . . 'lftret, Mvtee, " t'itttfe, Ihg'i SAee, ' '"'-''' u.lieuetMld and Kitchen F urniM-e, Idt m: baird," ?Ti:5r WM. L. UA1UU, sr- Seft. 12.. 18 8. 6t 9 - To VioU Miners. j srvTvlbs. of ture Quickiilvee, lust received, ilJJ and for sale, bv E. VYiLLFlY h m 9 -----

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