I! f i , u - Win ... j. ?4! r I 'J HI i-1 ri m i r i ! r 1 l:f '. 1 1 3 ill it'1 POETRY. OM.YISCIF.XCE. Where shall ! hide ma from '" Whose glsnee turns darkness Inte light, Whose eyes wn eesselcss to and fro This esrth, snd worlds of bliss and 0 f If darkness dense as midnight gloom, I Or raylrss ss the ebon tomb, BurTounu mv head from finite gsie, Still clear ss in the iwnntida blaze, stand rsvealM, think diagnfo ,. Cn veil me from his flaming eyes i His dread Ommnn acam my soul. Heaey thougtoml.ff!Jne 'bo' HU narnr. hit naturr. and hi wordr ivmjH, neWni,timaJproiicient God. . iomo. Ot fortune'! sumptuous neir Ah, why doe secret, woe infest, And anguish canker there T A It fame T-ber empty breatb,..: Inconstant M the brerie, ?Hm Wart anon-tbw Wnrel wreath, : . .. , That late it formed to please.. ft it In friendship, or in love Abu"! thev quick decsy i The team of bspless sorrow prove How frail their boaited tay. Ta not all that here excels Til not in folly's round Put with Immanuel' love it dwells, And there alone is found. . wootnrit. rsox Ma iosto sTiTisxar. myaumt. tty anrit ba many queer notions She never buttrrs her bread i And declares that Sir Walter's novels . An things not fit to be read : ' She thinks that In kiss is a crime, And especially with youth j , And she thinks thst the Paradbe Lort" Is nearer ( lie than the truth rflrwOT f inectacle. ... r. Though witmiut them shirseea well enoUgtu., --BhVs a very great politician. And thinks modern poetry.' wnff.---" She declares that General Jackson Is a monster with cloven feet And she knows that he killed the militiamen Because be was out of meat, . '"'Stetm'nls Uiat Major Russell - la ss wise as wise can be t She think that Pope is a poet And4hershe agrees with me. - She thinks that opera dancing Is a burning shame and sin ; And she prays with all her might and main That Adams may get in. She thinks she can tell the mark that's left, On my cousin's lip, by a kiss : And of all her antiquate theories I'm sure not to meddle with this. She mig'it tell the track of a bird through the air, Or the track of a ship in the sea t On the yiewlets heart not the visible lie The tump of a kiss ill be ! ' Mr. Printer : Did you ever teach school!' If you ever have, I gufs as how -you had a - little rather set types', for it is a solemn fact that the schoolmaster of a country village is the most miserable being on earth.' Though fi-l.Xicver had the misfortune to be en. gaged in that profession, I not long since visited the school of a friend of Siine in the country, and if ever any thing Could approach a des- - criptioui.1 ue(jiam, irwar inirtcnooi I hud just got fairly seated, when Cpjomprsr-young -jBedlamiteslwith ' Marstcr, Jo House keeps er pinchin jne.' Jo, did you pinch him No, I say I didn't, so now come, 'twas Bill Crimes, for I seed him when he did it.' 4 Bill, whatd'you pinch him fo?' ' Kw. he keeps er crowdin. Then follows a severe flagellation. Soon ' Class of little ones is called op to read, and by the way, be it understood, my friend the Yi aster, was in the habit of fquinting. What is that ?' Thath Aer.' Very well, what is the next ?' ' I'deno thir.' That is B you bl.ck. head.' 1 B-er.' 4 What is tha.t ?' I'deno thir.' What do I do when I look at you?' Thquint-ef.' 'Master, Tom Bogues keep makin me laugh, he-he he.' 1 Tom come here did you make him laugh V No-sir.' Well, take your seat M aster, maint I gwout ' to get . drink.' No, you will all go but directly 1 he class in the spelling book stands up to read. Zekiel be gin.' B-a-k r Baker.'' The next.' S-u-g-a-r.' What does that spell r IMen air J!llAVh-tdovour mother Dut in vour tea V Lasses-er.' The next.' Marster. maint I trwout tn cetsm' ice, to put In my trowsis. to keep my nose from . bleeding ?' Yes, but come right in J. w S-tra- i-r-s, Wha.sjha81U,. 4 I'deno sir.' I What doTou owp to 'ytniHhambeVl nwhen ym are t hjame j1 Lardar; ; f No, youatupit) fellpwsufrs 6ter, maint the boys go out ?' 1 No. . The first class stand up to sptll. Spell Dictionary.' Dick die t-i-o-u-gh-n diction r-e-i-g-h.r-y,dirtionary.' 4 The next. MarsteV, Jim Stokes keeps nil the time squirtin spit at me.' Well, Jim, you must stop after school. Spell Phthisik.' P-p-p-i-p-t-t-h-i-s.i--c-k tifick.' Mmier, ntaint 1 speak V What for?' JCoa I want to uorry iTut arc tlttt ruler", what Tony Lumpkins Cot.' No, keep your seat. Thus my, friend, and rus pack of noisy urchins whited a way. the time until the uiual intermission all had gone out but one, who had as 1 supposed, something of great jmpor. tance to communicate to mv friend, the Master he astends the desk with all the gravity of preacher i Mars ter, laid'hef-iTirnStro'jt keeps all the lime writing love letters -to -the ga!s I cotild contain myself no Ion. ger, I seizeTrny Kat and rjrshed out of rthedoor t gUi Ml ,f ri?XJ stiUnesa of a country tillage; ' taoK ins toinnVkscisatct itaeiinrt Arabian $ubttitutefor gluc. I nstead with a little Water id ataurtar. till the wheyey matter is washed out. When this is done, they pound it again with a small quantity of fine lime j and apply it afterwards, as quick4 as possible, to such boards as are to be joined togeth er, which, after the cement becomes dry, cannot afterwards be separated without the greatest difficulty, Andrew Ferrata.-f "ormerly no man in G. Britain knew .how to temper a nword in such a way that it would bend no that the point should touch the heel, and spring back again uninjured, ex cept one Aodrew Fcrrara, who resid ed in the Highlands of Scotland. The J demand which this mail had foi his j swords was so ,reat that he employed or r. f t tVi fVI tr' tnTIT iKim'j'kriil ilietrt tilt? . w . j j 0 time, to work in a d.rk cellar, that he might be the better able to observe the progress of the, heat, and that the dark ness of hW workshop might favour him in the nicety of the operation. The flrajfi. This organ is larger in man than to any other" known -animal. Its General weicht is, acordine to SofmTintr. from 2lb. 5 1-2 oz. to 3lb. 3 3-4 oz. I have weighed sever al at 4.1b. The brain of the late Lord Byn.n (withouttts membranes) weigh ed 6lbs., and contained more medul lary substance than ordinary. Inttinctof Rats. A farmer's wife in Cheshire lately caught a rat, and being determined to make an example with which her house was much infested, she took the' following bar barous method. She put it Vmo a cov ered iron pot which she placed over a brisk fire ; she then went into a place of concealment from whence she could observe the vessel that contained the martyr. The cries of the suffrrer soon brought into the room, a nume rous assemblage of rats. Each testi fied its rage and distress; five or six actuaUy clbed ibej)pt lid, and tried evety means "within the"jwer"Tf "in stinct to relieve the poor victim. Vh?rrtrnrsciTBms of the sufferer ceas-J , , . .4 i i . ed. the rats dispersed, and si ran re to S ' V add, not the least vestige of these ver min has ever since been seen in the house. We cannot help thinking, that the rats on this occasion displayed infinitely more of human feeling than the wretch, their torturer. Manchester-HeraU.-' Captain Clapperton's Journal. t is said in the London Quarterly Review, for July, that the whole of this enter, prising a. d unfortunate traveller's jour, nals were saved and brought back by his servant, and that they are now in the course of publication. They con tain minute and interesting account of his journey from Ba Jagry to Sncca too,. by the . mute across the Kong moutains, through Katunga, Wa wa, Berghoo, fioossa where Pari" was wrecked or drowned-Nyfe, or Noofe, Youn, and Kanot in the course of which the geographical position of se veril hundred cities, towns and vil I ,a8" oeerrirscertaroetf &)Mbrv. at,on of the,r latitude and longitude : thus completing the geography of the central part of Africa, from Tripoli to the bight ot brnin. True happiness is not .the g-rowth'of eiih The. sp5j,ifruitless if yoii'seek it Kent And never blooms.'buT Irt" cetiktiitl air? ''" ' ' ! 9 weefr plant of Paradise T the seed Is sown, An 1 tnfy sown in mind of Heavenly mould ; It ritei slow, and btidt t and ne'er was known To blouom here ; the climate is loo c!J. TO Tns LIBF1LIRS or AHBKIW JTACKSOB. Poor Worthless reptiles! still go on Rject your venom vent your spite i . Yyu did the same to Washington, Then sank in infamy snd night. JWfin Jturd-lZV), nfwMiiob.gla3 :.JoiCTt. ot;!Jfn,,' oW..ol trials prove r. oendrin Tripoli; tit. . (K.neVa; practKe t1)rfifcxt8al k(t aafar fcia inn f cheese, which iITrirpeOtided discovery- wiU. probablybe the most - m on the mh of March, made a com. munication to the Itoyal Academy of the Sciences at Paris, of his success in the treatment of the Gouti lie em. ploys' Jodine, both externally and in. ternally, and prescribes it during; the paroxysm. Its effects are speedy in removing the symptoms oui in oraer to produce permanent cure, it is ne cessary to continue its use for two or three mnntns. lie mentions a oumoer of cases of corotTete succeislb twdof which thcrt hzi been no return of the disease, durinr the lastToui 1 y earsT Pbyiciauswtll knowt-thi jodine Is a verv active article, which requires close waxniAC,- ana, peculiar, cauuon 10 Its administration I but if a sufficient imprunt of JUijwhichiajtoJbe found in rhe medical annals of the present century. The Gout has aU ays baffled the skill of the most distinguished phy. siciaos. and though it is somewhat pal liated by colcbicum and several other articles, and by some peculiar modes of treatment, wc believe that hitherto, n method of practice, previous to the employment of Jodine, haa ever prom. iseu mucn towaras euecung a perma nent and radical cure. Patient CQurtthip,l knew a man that went courting his aweetheart the jance of three miles every evening fn fourteen years, besides dodging her home after church on Sunday-after "Z'x'T 7 Ml'at.nA .khir tf W porch the remaining period he venturedfwhat a liberty after a septennial attachment !) to hang his bat on a pin in the passage and sit on the kitchen settle, The wedding, a consummation devoutly to be wished, was solemnized when Rob ert and Hannah wert in their scar and yellow leaf. Song of the Kitty Didet.-' It is the male Kitv Didet that sings (as it is improperly called,) its love song to attract the females. The noise is made by fbt transparent plates, one on each wing, very swiftly rubbed together. When they first sing they arc only heard in the evening and nights but after the severe white frwsta ia Owtpber, and I the weather has become cold, they sing onhjf in wrra sunshiny days. They usually appear in the month of August." . .. . Paterton InteUigencer." Yankee, Mr, Cooper, in his new Novel, The Notions of the Ameri ca'ns." savsi "The six Easterfi SMes of this Union comprise what is called New England. The inhabitants are known here bv" the" familiar appella lauon.oL.ef.'" ;Thrs word-is most commenhr supposed to be aT tor? ruption of M Yangeese, the manner in J..,, ,r;k-l c,unmn,. whiehtha iuuvtfjrADssLhrst known to the colonists, pronounced 44 English? Opposing die Tariff. We are plcjs ed to hear, that a Kc tucky Drover with 30 or 40 very fine Horses and excellent Mules, has been, for full ten days, at Stateburg, and such is the spirit orihdepcndcnee -and opposition to unconstitutional and inexpedient legis lation, that he has not been able to sell one. We also understand, he has sold but four since he. crossed the Moun. 4ains. There is another drove similar, ly situated. Hogs (shoats) have met with the same reception. Heretofore, an early drove of horses and mules would have been sold out in ten days at Stateburg. Camden Journal. .. -U Msssa - Onions. One of our neighbors showed us, the other day, ome. On ions, .from one of which, planted in the springt he has got the astonishing predict of 28 fine Onions. Seneca Republican, Departed Joy A man named Francis Joy fell down and expired in the Itteet, in Norwich, Connecticut, on Monday morning. He had been addicted to habits of intemperate drink ing, rFopaui ces ot the Ked JJeet, narTnto a oarTi of musty :vciderw1tt':'aeprive"'it f:;Ua disagreeable taste and smell, as well as prevent its becoming vapid and acid. . Calumny crosses oceans, scales moun tains, and' traverses deserts, with greater ease than, the Scythian Abaits, and like him rides tpoo a poisoned arretf - Cart Cot ttu'GoLt.ur: Ce MANSION HOTIiL, SALISBURY, WIITII CJtROLWA, BY KZRA AILEMOXO. . FTIIIIS elrgsrt establishment, situated W. at the north corner of the Court Jij JJ louse, has beeij recently repaired and fitted up In a new and superior style, for the re ception of Company.. Tiff peatest pains bare been taken to procure for this establishment new furniture of every description, necesisry for the comfort of Travellers the mo1 ap proved servants have been selected with great care i the bar stocked with choice liquors, and the stahles attended by obliging and attentive hosUcrsr The convenience of thii Situation ll equal to any in the place. The house contains a number of prtvaJle rooms, and out-bouses, well calculated for the accommodation oTTrmllers aa441orders. . Attsched to which, there is a Dry Goods and Book Store; 5 To those wh may please to call on In'nx ha assures them that no pains- will b praL to real,., their stay comfortable and pleasinr tZKA ALLbiuUiMi. ::&'buvix&'ptji 1827.; ; ? m fll" B suberiber hts removal fromlhtf ii 1. bouie fortmeriy owned by Cant, Uohert Work, dee'd. to th kouie lately l i"sC occupied by Mr. David Porter, in the east end : of the town i theft he will continue bis TAV. I ER.Y. lie sincerely thanks his friends and the public for tha patronage heretofore cat en ded to him i and 'ue solicits the continuance of their favors. lie pledges his unremitting attention to his business, and kindness to those who may be pleased to-call upon him. 13 WHITFIELD KERR. StatenlUe, Indtlin.X. C. Sprit 14, 182S. Goodman's Hotel, SIGN Or TXXTJ GOLDEN SALT. THE subscriber respectfully in forms his friends and he pub lie generally, thst he hss opened a TWwmin the house lately adcupied by Mr, M. McCulloch of this (own. North West jcorncf of Kruad and Kinr street, and im mediately opposite the Court Ifouse."" T he pub. lie maf.rtly on bis strenuous exertions to render hi entertainment satisfactory in""ever-particu.-lar. He wihes the traveller to rail and judge for hrmtelf. - Private rooms for families will al ways be kept ready furnished. JOSEPH CnOTIMAN. " foWen, A CrVA. 9. 18.'8 8U0 M& tvnvA LantAs. VIK valualle MM ami Undi T 1 formerly the rmyrrtynf aner, dee'd. are offered for sale SJKy the late purchasers. This land lies on Ilu'chman' creek, miles east of Mocks- ville, adjoinins; tlie Giles Mumford tract, and is equal to any bind in Mow an county, with a large proportion of superior meadow j the Mitts are of superior construction, ami have now a very good smt incressing run of custom ; the water power can very conveniently be made to drive any kind of Machinery. For qthrr particulars, and trrtns, apply to Thomas D. Gibbs, one of the proprietors, on the premises. lGtf THOMAS I). GIBB3, JOHEPII IIANP.9, PETP.R SsNP.R, JACOB SANfcft, MayiUim. MARTIN SANER. N. B. Another tract, belonjpng to Peter Sa ner; "adjoining the above, containing 22.5aeres, mill be sold in connexion with the above, or sep arately as may best tutMhe purchaser i hich is likewise first rate lam). -1hi will be rakl. a lot adjoininr the town of Mocksiile, containing ten acres of land, with a lxtd dwcHing.hou.se, with nut-bouses, and an excellent garden i. this property wilt he' sold low, on accommodating terma. Apply as above. fpHE. Race over the Satis- JL-. bury f'urfr will., cooi menee on-Thursdav, the 30tb October, and continue three FrrsTlhrVTTwtr mile hettSj free for amt-harie: mare, or griding t Soiod days mile heats, free for any thing except the winning horse of preceding day : Third day; county purse, three best in five, free for sny horse, male, or gelding, raised and ewned in the county of Rowan. HY. CILK, 3 Sefit. 2828. 4i.H UegimentaV ineT. Head Quarter $U Re fnt. A". C '.Milidd,1 Salithury, Sept t, 1828. N THE officer, non-commissioned officers ami privates, composing the 1 st Rowan (or 6 id Sute) Regiment of N. C. Militia, are ordered to appear in tjie town of SiiBshury, on IVednetdav, the 22d day of October nexl. at 10 o'clock a. n. armed and equipped, as the law directs, for regimental muster and review. It is strictly en joined on officers to appear completely ajmpped, or the law will be enforced agninst them. The commissioned officers are ordered to ap pear at the same place, at 9 o'clock , on Tues day, the 2tst, with fire-arm, for drill, EDWARD YAKBRO, Col. Comdt. . ,Sept.U, 1828. rt .6 Wfttclies, 3feNyery, &c. THE subscriber -has just returned from the North, with as good an assortment of Jewelry, Watches, Silver-Ware, fcfr. as wss evererforsle-4 this-places. his Jewelry is of the latest importations, and the most fashionable and elegant kinds to be had in anv of the Northern Cities : elegant Gold and t Sif-- fTtnchr t- plain Do. t tic. , And in a few dsvs. he-will receive a very elegant assort ment of Military Good. Also, all kinds of .Vi7- noficer "All of which wttlbe sold lower thin" ichSes beforw in this place. The t5vrthe tefn 4n4td to call and examine these goodst -their richness, elegnnce, and cheapness, cannot fail of pleasing those who wish to buy, All kinds of JVatchu Refmred, and Warranted to keep time : the shop is two doors below the court-house; on Main-street. ROBERT WYNNE. SdKtfmry, Jlfi?6. 18m 17 SHERIFFS DEEDS. F OR land sold by order of writs of venditjoni exponas, for sale at thjl office. St. tr T- da. AT FAYKTTKVILLE, N. CAHOLINA. ON Tucsilsy, Sept. 23d. will ba soil, by the. subscribers, at their Auction Store, a largo and valuable assortment of freshly imported Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Consistins; in part, of Superftiu, Jim U esmmsn Cloth U Catilmtrfe Sattineltu, Vonaitici, Ue. tit. ALSO, Groceries, . Ilsrdware, Cutlery, and Crockery Ware, Terms liberal, and made known at sale. WILKINCS fc Co. AurUonttri. Fafttteviltt, Srpt. 4a, 1873. 3t34 rosTPOirERnan'. AStha vessel by which fffo' Goods adveruied fr sala on 'he 23d int. were Shrpped,-"' did smt sail from New-York is soon as was txpeetetttht aboviv' sala h unavoidably postponed am.i!s.k tUt Thudar, Sift. 30 r when it - will rosiTivstr take ptaee. " " " WII.KINC9 & Co. Actionem. fetimitle,M. 12. 1823. ' ; I INTEND removing from 8fiii6ury in"aDoiir twp months from this time i those Indebted to me by wte, will please call and pay the same and those that have open accounts, will also please to rail and close the same at or be. lore the Octoher court neat i tbose that fail to comply with tba above requests, may expect te find their papers without discrimination, ia thft hands of an Officer for collection. GEO. McCONNAlT.HET. Sef. M, 1828. sV34 TToittr &uuincton, Watch and Clock Mains ondJemeUtrt, CHARLOTTE. N C. . HAVE Just received an elegant assortment of articles in their line i which they will sell very low fur cash, or to punctual customers' on a credit. OCT" All kinds of Watches repaired, and warranted to perform well. July W 1828, 72 : WAGONEKS, DRirfw WILL find It to their advantage, to stop at -ther MCaV TRH, where every eon. venience is provided for Msn and Horse, to mako there comfnrtshle, at the moderate charge of 25 cents a day and night, tor the privilege of the Yard, Ike use of a good boose, ire, wstsr, and -alio Iter. Attached to the Yard, are a Grocery and ProvTsion' Ktorr, Bread Shop andGonfec tionary, ami a House for Hoarders and Lodger in a pbin, cheap, wholesome and ewtubc. able style. .... , W Fayttmitle, rt ,t T828.' XoUcfc to 8laVe-oveT8. 7' s committed to the jsil in Salisbury, f f Rowan county, K. C. on the 18th init a negro boy, aged about 34 ; and has a scar on hie foirhra'il, and also on one foot. . He says his name is H.1RRY, and belongs to Henri!! Weathers, York District, S. 0. 12 miles from the Court-llwisr, snd was bought of John Springs., The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay chsrgrt, and take him awsv. FIELDING SLATER, .VU9.1828. 3S . t. " i . i'owwUtev to te-3aU- OF ."'Oiitgomery cKintv, N. i". on tlie3doT September. 18Ma negro man, ha snrs his name is Lt'MHk and- belongs to a Mr.. Bel-. cher of Cohtmhia, .C, H is $ feet ? inches highj somewhat effected whh.;rmins in his thighs! says he is between Zi and 40 years old: The oaner is requcted to come forward, prove property, pay Charges, and tike him sway. 4146 A. FOREST, Jailor. TO the jail in Lincoln. county, N, C, nji the 22d .lii'y, s negro fellow who says his name is 41.' HH YtsuL that he ran away from Mr. Wm. WortTiy; f-Ajhibarea,- who was-teawying him. to . that state for aJe ; says he wss ntirchiued from" Mr. Austin in this stste, by Mr. Worthy. He i feet 6 inches high, his countenance rather ir regiirarind a'smsll scar oft- hi fbrehesd: hr; had with him, when committed, a blue cloth coa i a'sn, a blue homespun coat, and Illicit negro-cloth pantsloons The owner is reques ted to come forward, prove property, py charges, and take him awiv. JOHN ZIMMERMAN, oi7r. Sept. 8th, 1 828. 33 Commuted to flits JaA OF Mecklenburg . county, on the 22d day o: April, 18.'8, a nerr wnan named 'nyf who mvs she belongs to a nwn by the nsme ot John Herren, who lives in Duplin county, N. C. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her asy. . . JOHN SI. O AN, Sheriff May 12, 18123. 24tf of Mtcklenhwg tout!?. ' CommUe& to Ja IN Palisbury. N. C. on the 6th inst. a nepw man, who savs his name is John, thst he ran swav fram his master, John Pegro, sbout tw weeks since, in Columbia 9. C. ; says he fornix ly belonged to the estate of Gen; Nat. CsrtfV of Sussex county, Virg. i he ia about 6 feet hirlj. 32 years "old, st rJght built, black compleeT4" with a small scar above the right eye. The owner ?s desired to prove property, pay cjr and take hinvaway. F. SLATER. Sept. 8th, 1833. . 31 -CommUtedto te-JaiW OF Wilkes county, a negro Bov, who ssv '' name is HILL, belongs to Ezekiel Trff man, of Alabama, and ran away below Fayette- ville. He M S feet 8 of 9 Inettea WiBJ made, rather light complerted, between 25 years old: no particular marks perceptiw ori! h?m? ia;terJestfd BrowJyj Py charges, and take lu aW . fellow a hj namiw)nW and th . JJr longs to Willwm in.w oT-lfiimond-J'; 'V.Carolma. - CHARLES PHELrs, " WiikeAoroKMiy 30.T MoT"-l --v .-M lost ot iSVisaA, THE certificate of -two shares in !"ici?' , Stock of the State Bank of North ( liriat for the renewal of which, applies-' - be made to the Directory of aaid to ' anoronriate time. JNO. Ti, liri't";" 1'- ii 4 , . -4