1 a1 t) ft i i in I...' m "at TIIF. NT-XT I.MISLATHtK jt f th Memhcri ttrd, nrxf Vtnera Juem&fy AVfl fWrf, jr.J(.tnHr.l'm,nMi And-raon Mitch til l.mrs Ctlloway, common. .-aii.-ttement IUrhall, aenatei Jun , fcm'i'h, Willmm A Morf commons. fure.--HerrrU Riirin, t DvUI New Wt Mark tlriltain, commune. JfdiwW. Jamet t). K. Williama, ' i 'Thomn W. Black lodj-r, ami Tbomai Utham, commona. ' ' ri.-(ofpr O. Akew, senate William ' vefo-d and WillUm Mha, commons. Jg;fl,f,.--.M..Mnia senate Jbn J. M'Mil Jan, Alfred Wiileil, common. " - Jlrvwirk.JCcA) lMri, ltawe Thomaa . .JL f-mUVttilliani L, IWH.ommon. JfKi4. Atban A. MDowelT, teWei . . . - tH'.J L. Swain, Jobytotucanurooi, Jhli- C. Rarnharf, Wimii-rtm common - t -V . ... . .. . . L rfltrrw.--. Lawton II. Alexander, wnaiw Camden-UVta neil, aena im afimauon m Tnxt mw wa. ..- -.-tVaUta-, Tir Dosier, cowm-of. . ' . ,-M StaBieo. rt.t Ma Rurna. arnatet n. W. HotV rrn. 1 w llallen. commons. , JWtleit Yanrer natr i Charlei ILDonoho, Jimrt Rofin, conmoua. ...... ' C7rrtJbSK'TUmr;trna'rt'jo "T rooks KaHtfthict O. mlib, Otmimona. C'Awfl. William Walton, aeoate j Williian Syrum. 3at ah M'Keel, comreona. Cauf !. Jamea D'lrney, tenatei Luke R. Clmmofit, tJaleh 'i'eBliena, eommon. . . CroM.t-Rich,d I). 8feit;hf, annate Chtrlea "J. NeUon. John M. Rryan, eommrwii ' . CWerWArchibaW M'l)iermaid,lenate i loaeph Hod Alertmler M Neille, eommona. rrrWwr. Samuel Selyear, aenate i Knock ttall. Benjamin Rimmone, enmmoai. Jwiai,Jo?in at. 'mttii, aenae t inomaa Damnton. A bailor Williamt. eo.nmoni. DupH- Hi-fibe Millrr, oenatt . WilKam "tVrtght, Joieph Gilletpie, common". 'T..!gtrm&. Louit D. Wltgim.lenafr j - lien mm Hharpe, rWnjmln Wilkiwon. commom, Ftfmklin.H- J. O. Jt tiffin, ornate William Dra'nch, Richard Wafl, ennnmm. . -Gatet. Abraham HarreR, ' ornate i , W. W. ttedman, Lemoel RicMiek, eommoni. Qntniltt Thomai T. Hunt, tennte i Robert jpotier, aml'Jamee Wyche, anmmony. - . m J.i a . a UwiAni. jooaman raracr, vcmjrt rranc- -.17'."...;..i.....j - . AlSaoa. Joaenk M. Bocle. eommoni. Jthrut. Uavid ruompton, aenatei UiUary .Xrikler, Joaiah O. Waiaon. commona. Jmn. Riadrn M'Daiiiet, teoate 0en 0. Coxa, C Jannan, eominona. ienafr. H. 0. Croom, aenate C TbhfleH, w. B. Kilpatrkk, eomanooa. - . Xart(n. Michael Rin barat, aenate i Bartlett , Chip. Andrew It Loretz, commona. JVania. Joieph J. WiHUroa, tvnate t David . tatham, Jeitc Cooper, commona Mtvklenbvrg. William Davidaon. aenate j William 1. Akiaoder, and Joaeph Blackwood, Vbmmtina. ,i Mwgvmtrf E!iHiml . Deberry,. aenate lteubea Kendan, Jamea Liner, common. JSfaon.. Alexander MKill,-Joaiah Traon, WilTiam Wadiworth, commona. JVA. Willia W. Boddie, aenatei Frederick "Cattle-, Xiderni Baas; eommon.i;i AVw-J?oTr. WilHam TJ. Meareii aenate j John Kerr, William 8, Larlina, commona. L ' .VariAoaia. John II. Patterton, aenate t i lLJLBudgera, Roderick B. Gar) . commona. Ofcaaw. Cward Ward, aenate; F. Poy, E. XTiHiama, commons. Orunrt. Jamea Mrbane, aenate ; Hngh Wad' UaSxx laham Matthewa, aenatei Rice BT tMmlort-Moke of wrt;e . - 9j4 Tftf f53 K.,M tmfAri rim-.tl- orgeC.Sprullt.cominonf. reter For wy; of Lincoln. ietare '. - -M . . , or public Import. .- OiywaodL-ThomM Loe, aenate NlnUn h iPA,?amS'0 l 1.rTland . . . 491 . . . . 34, ! . . , -Tflmonetoav Brnjaiaiii . Brittahi ennMMMa. -: Sib , . . . . Abranaj rtultot. ot ltektnglan. . r rgJ . a V . 3.U81 In Amhertt and aome of '.he neighbour ntrtf4-D. 5. Aakear. aenate , D. J. Mont-; 6h . Virginia 4 - . '--57 . . . 10,872 ! In'g CounUet of Virginia, the late drought ffmery, , a WDeewr. eommow. - -n J- - vrofOrm " 1 Nonh f 4l 3-ui 1 betll eitenaiy, that torcat trcea of dzzz"' "rsi ffnypr !oi;r.r.-. : : : :,,rtbhi,slet Theo,d"; rii.fliti.. pnwiu. aMata. PicharJ lOih John ftall, of Warren. i:-! i , . . . inhabitant! do not rccol.ect i teaion of . ! . ' Cell. John Stock. rd. commona. - Rress Irom lbeStatc of orih. .Carolina... - r tjb---4tfl0tobn'' WT.:- - - . alt-Jit ;: Si) Tool, William Crejrory, commona. ' " I hereby cerlify that in a conversation i a TW-r,.urvn-aiiiiviH.a:uijx iuuiua. we no, fciiun nearer, eommont;' '-' nairwWiHJ, Riddick, aewtev xV Ubyv.aois thomaa Wilaon, commona. Voionei uui r in me weti, i oosenrea tnat yw.John Joiner, lenatei Uanhal Dicke the rumor or the lay waai that Gen. An pn, Alfivd Move, commona. drew Jackton had joined Burr Not to. 'i?''' JenVson. for I this Tvalker, Thomas Hancock, commona. j . j . i.... r-T uT in i t. ?;cW.-Try.m McFarl,Kl, aenate, Nl., dceived a letter from him (Gen. Jack fhan Cibaon, NeiU Nicbolaon, commom. f n'V inlormmg me that he had seen Burr, J?.won. Archibald McEachen, aenate; MJ. and that Burr said his enterprize wa. sane Cbm Pure, II, Warren' Alford, commona. lioned by the government, and he Jackon JIwhAcm.-Mward t. llrodnax, aenatei bad been tendered a high command bv TTiomaa Settle, w ilham Betlicll. commona. p.,,, j r i. i.tr .u. .AWa.-John Sootu Knt Hamilton C. Tl 'nd "ked f Mf ,ne ,.,ewl ttbnea. John Clement, commona.. . . . 0 ,ne government, tendering bis services, Rutherford. Martin sbi'for.1, aenate j Jamea if wanted, to make a descent pon Mexico, Graham, Jamei Webb, con.mom. as stated by Burr, but if Burr was not au- .Vom-nardy Royal, aenatei David In- ttarwood. IhotDuBoykin, commona. . rotw. Emanuel Shober, aenatei Henry A. aVartin. Gabriel T. Moore, commona. .... fturrji. Mehack Franklin, wnate i Mordecai Jleminft Alfred Moore, common. TyrrL' John B. Beaaley, aenatei Daniel Bateman, Frederick Davenport, commom. Waie Charlei L. H in ton, aenate i Wesley ffbnea. Samuel Whitaker, commom. Wcuhington. Samuel Davenport, senate i Ab. t N. Vail, v. ; Sanderwn, commom.' "' 1 " H amm. Richard Davia, aenate; William G. Jonea, Ramom Walker, conmona. n"nywe. Gabriel Sherrerd.'ienate j John W. :-Saiwr;.j.Bmci':Rtfode:iiv jcu(stMn"i:':;::'7; . IVilket. Jamea Wellborn, aenate Nathaniel Cirdon, John Saihtclair, con.mpna. ... " BOHOUGH MEMBERS. Trmn tf 5oiAry Charlen Fiaher. - Tiwa .e?tfi5erj'A..Tr PwderickNaabt Tawn tf FaycttevtUe.)on D. Fxclea. Tntrn of Himmion. John Walker. Tawn if Xewbern. William Gaston. Tawn f F.drnitn Jomea Bozman. 7to HaUfax.-itK A. Bynum, Died since the ehrtioh.- . V oman. e uhttJuvca or hate, j her flections know no medium. . OAm Jobn W. Campbell it the Jack--ston candidate for Governor, in Ohio, and fTrimble,' the 'coalition. Mr. Cam'pbell, e are assured by good judges, will be elected. The recent western efeciiona hive shaken ill (he Adams men in Ohio jt.f their eenses. jfoth. t i : ft 111' ' eJhf tkDplfl Jiomfaato. va riniT, Andrew Jackson M . t , ' (or hp"'! ' v . II . .rr.lilil.L- 1(1 itlft BIn.lM fillud the mcaaure of hia country I rory Jaraeaaaa. 4 Tli. -aenttwilnrl of the wbfifl relatione in -l:.4. i wvl fA nitnf JcktAtr biW FN dent.-and tbe ynft. Vywitfty iga , t I'LL .. t. I. 1 Ktf m.. " If f rirul.h n for r.en-ral Jncxaon, ami me i itronir naooik of coiifi.lrnce aJ regard I ha ritrnni - naooth of eoiib.lr-tiee ana rerani I narr riven h m. wWU Preaident. (.irbifla my Uku any piiri in the' eniuitif wprfrJefitrnrflctmv Cetwwt Jaakaaaj'a . acea, iaiaia. Jariyjf.gbl tMe him t thcil rnwiva-A rvw Am rn aiKnalixe.l by the purett inttftiona, (n Uie treat derated p.trnoae." ' . Jaia Qciwer A'tM Towirda thit diaiinipinhcd Capiat (An. 'ATew Jackwn) h hai ihc't much tiltrg n ,r ttumrg, vhn rvnaiax ttnttitute m great a ; n f . irrtj,, I lerct haJ, I nr Can ha any Other teehnn than tljuae of the mnat profound aiaracr, and of the utmoat kind. neta. Ilaiaf Ciat. fGefleral jackon ii a clear-hvadeil, atroiur- mind'td man, and h roo-c of ike N rnian in him, than any man now living " .'. Taunta Jirnaioa JOHN 0. CALHOUN, ( aoiT caaoiraa.) The diotinguialied Statean.an. and patriotic ! Advocate; of tke Peopled Rig v . """ " i ti'rttinf ill trv Joatrph f 12ttt 13th 1 1 l'h I Kedar Ballard, of Gate. Louia U. Wibon, of KJgernfhb. UicUar.l II. paight. of traven. Edad. n. Il-iillcy, of New Hanover. JACKMN AND BURR. The attempt oa the pat t i the rttklf tt tool of the Coalition, to fix upon 0r. J act; son. "he character of a Traitor 10 hi coun.ry. ni lo connect him with the But Conifiiracy. hai become a tubject ol ridi cule thioughout the land, and we verily be lieve the political knarea, who trumped it up, regret the day laey did it, and would now witungiy nun 11 up; oui we nsve jnt en. them to the wall, and now we shall pin tbero there. Now teatimony to the integ rity of Gen Jackson, upon that occasion, is daily coming out, and not the least con'clu live that we have acen. i the foflowing, from The venerable Willi Jliton who wai in 1806 7, and now is a member of Con wlln Bir. JHrnnn. l ien nrairinl nl ,h I vfrt'fi' '"f.i,,,;: .'rZiT--- . t ihorised by the government to carry on his enterprise as ttated, then he, Jackaon. wat ready to arrest him- WILLIS ALSTON. Chamber of the It. of Refiretentativtt 1 Ftbuuary II, 1828 3 raox t vmitib aTiTai TiLiaaara. Will 1 hey give them up? GiYe op whom ? Adams Clay St Co ? Why is Mr. Adam like a Brick maker f . Because he moulds Clay to his wither Why is Mr Adams on ticklish grounds I Became he stands .on ilififlery Clay, leana on a fiiuh, and hopea something from the Smthard. Why has Mr. Adams an aversion to the PiTjnjirerjGroeTit Because he has a dislike to viake clean McLean) the Augean Stables. Why is Mr. Adamt like a carpenter? Because be is not a Mason. What will Mr. Adams do on the 4th of March? : ' , Eclia, MARCH I . . Yours, Billt BtaCfc. Jr faoaf"1!! ' ilabtI4'lwTOt;,'' The imiou:ncy. oi the attacks which have been made upon Gen: Jacksoni dur ing the last' three, years, by the Adams party, remind us of an anecdote which we found some time since in a country paper, not Here it in :. a "Good Society paper :r: T . i,Jrt ftIW fx.mnml laa..,...'"' - w-wMooa. wuti. .......... ...-.....-"r win! r ii i Imo -! m . .. . lr!,i cnt t' " my t,a lit!..." MYcJI. i latch It then." I lure, tut It rprI i'aij wrttched," ( M '('Ur Mr. Cljr,' crSei out two fntrd Unite Tolif " Jckion' Coming Jackie's iolin.,, Well then," uyi CUf '.kntl tarijfh'm In lh Journal. I h4e, but he, wont' tray imt UrlfTed." Mr CUjf hl out Alderman Blunt, " th )ld lar'nif r'l tomlng-a coming." "We , lltcn . Harry, M (offin hand' bill bin.. 1 hate," ty Binnt but ha wnt iay tfi hand tlUed.H MMr. Adarr . Mr. Alimi," ttjri John H. ?! ant,lM.tht llero'l tomlnR actually comtrr Welti then," Mr. Adatnt Dut butW htm and traitor, blm." " I hart Wont itaf IHrrrod nof Hrallortd. m Mr. Mr Cli;r ityi Chariot Hjrti.ubr.d. " Jackaon it" ! comi'na. . WSfcii.tltsft'ClfTi i Prde him an "tduf teWrt mil I tjero trader. i nater . a a a. ' . aa ia Uhariet. ut M wont tftfy an aoui trr nor a he5TQ trtder.,i " Mr.. Clayt rClaiLawU out the full Ari.mt tboderin gchonii, M wa hart called a'ack-j (Tailor, an ignoraraua, a ioui, crwa, waca, . and pretender, kc kc. kc,but he won't tay ny of theie nra" M He wont 1. 1 t 1 1"Z 1L t' !."' ayt Clay, ' why then 1 ahtn't Hay At Waihington that't all Ancle .Toby, .. up mv forrf and pUtolt and let Ut b jjff w h.,e Deen long enouXb here-.M And thot will the Coalition end itt reift. fit of ticknen. The c flee tt of t bete tuferingt on hit epiritt, were titible du BAKK OP THE UXrrtD STATES. ' ring hit late lait to the eattward. It it lr a irport made at the Meeting of the probable that fever wat the immediate JSuKHikoldert of tbit ioituution, at Phila-1 deliiia, on the Od inttant, il appeara that ill clock it divided at pretent aa followat fCamn. Shorn. i Mure in 5H New-namjajre 31 587 Kentucky 26 1'eoneaaee . 5 . 1 2 23 1 2U 1 Indiana ' lllinoia, Lou i nana, Alabama, foreifo. tf.' Dir" k Co ; BUtei of Atnenca, 3818 350,000 1 A gentle van irom ra. uarouna, ar- . i r . ' riyeaai Dammore iaai rnuay vcniog in the stage fruro Waahiogton, had hit ... . k. i .Mt O aAfW. . J 1 iruna coniuqjug covaa in guiu uui ; lioo, and about J5140O in. bank nates, put Into the , entry iof the hotel, from whence it was altnott i m mediately' t to len, carried "fevr'aqaarta, the hasp pried off, and the top cut open The bank n- trs were extracted, but the thief left the gold Untouched and de camped for Philadelphia, where he was arretted last Monday t and R720 6f the money found upon him. lie was a stage driver." - N; Tt Evt, Pott - A water melon seed warecently ex; tracted from the wind pipe of a grandson of John Drown, South Carolina, by incis ion."" The child toon recovered. A plum weighing two ounces and a half grew in the garden of Mr. Curtis Holmes, New York, last teaaon. The Lynn, Matt, piper advertisea for about 200 journeymen ehoemakert, who it it thought, might find employment in that town. A cucumber in Portland, Maine, atill at tached to the vine, it it taid to be seven teen inches long, fifteen in circumference and auppoaed to weigh eight pounds. The late freshett ate said to have in jured, very considerably, the Congress fountain at Saratoga. The'Cow Cabbage attains, in La Ven dee, the height of from twelve to upwards of sixteen feet. Sixty plants are sufficient provender for one cow during a year ; and they last, four yeara without re plan ting.: : mrmr We wonder if that was'nt a cow cab iaer that erew mat feel high in Tus- t.mbia, Alabama, of which the paper in ttrsT S..Spi.off..t.ttat- - count Hoith A man by the name of ifacoa, for a trifling wager7, lately ate, at a sitting 3 Ibt of tripe, and washed It down with 4;qta;ttol.atritf ale.-..: v The ami masonic excitement it said to be spreading into parts of Michigan Ter ritory. " f - - -' -HW CneintiatlrOhiof thkre is - ,a"?Mr. Adams, exhibiting fire workt. To pre vent mistakes, we mention that this it not Mr. Adamt who proposed building light houses in the skies. ' It is said the Adams men in Maine, in- tend to tend Joho lolroea to the U. S. J . .Va . . . . e-jS.Mlo-HioiNjeiiiireif . n . . - a . . . oat. 1.1. .f r- - lUill lVVie'et- 'VtwiiaiiiL .iw " ' . . vr.liilaaa it i:IMAlnr in i.ifUTrww.j . ,11 nreeenttnr to the tnouitinr n n m 9 - .'ai iU M'1-,'ul - - - - mm T . . M . " . ... 607 timuar teverity. . . 30 310 154 iO 40,412 5,610 70.000 UUI 11JI i t x tract i ,i,f,.r',s r.r.rr I f ' cf a kittr, date J i. J;,i t!e Cuba, Auj 20,w which etate, that the govtrnore f that , int and Torto Klro, he recelted orderi Irom the KinR, their mailer, to hare til the, bort found In the colltjrei of the United Sutti brought home, leit they Imbibe the. principles of liberty end of bereiy, which ere In oppo.lilon to the throne end the titer t tnd the governor tre rot to permit, for the future, any boyt being tent from the lilandt, to b eductted in the United State.. M Mr. V. nd Mr. Cf hit e been directed to ernd for their torn from college t In thlt coun try r-The writer feelingly eddt thli Si the grettett ol oar tnitfortunei. Wt bae BO-goodtetcbert here, t hut our tont rnty grow up like be a it t. Thlt it neret- Itrf, beciuie' i man that looi oothtng tcanhot" know hit rightt; tnd nay be la- ally made to kitt the band that oppretiei Mm. Happy you, who lire among the torn of Wa.hlngton. Philadelphia Junta. - Remarking upon the deatJi of Don Pablo '.-Hi . ; . a. t ii. i nil it iruiy f moti umrniauie tUKine. The deevteed waa a man Ol great worth, about forty yeart of age, and had been e dlatinguiahed towier. tic lott an eye from Inflammation produced by a cold, a ..a a . b ..a m twelte'mohth or more ag;o, and in the month of June Wet eiperler loerienced a tetere cauae of bit derangement;- Meiart. Alfred Bynum aud D. E. Swee ny of Columbie have ittued propotalt for the publicttloo-of a new paper in thit place, to be called the Herald The new neutral in Its no party but mind Pure Teptrtent Faitla and Turliy. Letter from Bucharest ttate, that, at a council of wr held at Karawu, it wat resolved to employ all meant to penetrate to the capital of the Turkish empire, aa toon at possible, in consequence of the serious preparations making by the Turks. TV. 4 .a. P.. CT. 1- 1-.,. i c niiucriiiMi fi.Ti me Kvn.ni iuui m) h For NiiK,ril immcdiey lo K,rri,one by our companiet of the !ecoiM. regiment of United Sutet infan- . . . t . . ' I. iry ana report eayi inai inn ion win oe made head quarters of the frontier line of posts. " raoM Tit xtsr-yoat Mansita coraita. Turkith Literature. Do those who are prating abour the Ignorance of the Turks know -that there are upwards of twelve hundred public schools supportedby the trovernment, in the two sreat cities of Constantinople and Adrianople-J . Do they know that the Public library in the for mer -ctty it actually the- best in-Europe comDritina all the standard authors in ancient and motfeftrfitcrarurg rtha Edinburgh, Quarterly,' arid Nnrttr Amerl can Reviews, with the periodicals and and leading new spa pert of the duy, are recularly received there, and eagerly re ceived there, and eairerly perused ? Do they know that the present Sultan is a most accomplished scholar I that he speaks and writes French with the ease and accuracy of a Parisian I Do they know that the Statesmen and Professors amohirst the Tuiks are intimately verser! in languages, the arts and sciences i If not, we can refer them to a gentleman who passed some years at Constantinople and who knowa such to be the fact. , To the foregoing the New-York Com mercial Advertiser adds,- that Matek Sat-, sulamman Muggins, adjunct provost and professor of belles lettres in the University of Adrianople, who is travelling for bis improvement in modern languages, (and who - received the degree of L L. D. a! Cambrige, though it is not yet announ ced, called yesterday and subcribed for two- copies of the Commercial, ooe or the Sultan. " These t we admit, are our first subscribers in the East : but the pro fessor tells us the prospect is good, par- MsSSs: are, also very Interesting to the Torks. Abraham Jacobs, the great Jew Booksel ler near St. Sophia's, has lately got 920 iMbscribera for the American" Qusrttrryi and a Complete set of - Dr; McIIehry's novels-""and" plays' is now";repliblishing by the same enterprising bookseller. They ate much admired in Turkey. . David Goodriehr a young man in Clas tenburv, Ct. on the 21st ult. while enga ged in wrestling, (a common practice with theatheltic yeomanry of New En gland) was thrown so severely as to break hia neck and occasion his death the next r.it r r.. , . NesrYoiJt o!'i: J ; crt to th rn'iu.rtr tcttiu J I 22d Au?. At length, the fate of Greece Is di a ate mined. She becomes, in some measursr an independent nation. The Turks ,ni the Egyptians, under Ibrahim, have corf- tented to evacuate the Mores toon, and'a convention it to be held between the Porto and the three powers, io settle her de mI- ny under ibe tretty ol July. The frlendt of Greece throughout thlt Continent, svill bear thlt Intelligence with much pleasure. The war lo the East It still hot. The, Turks present considerable resistanee. The fate pf Constantinople it arretted fh Vf the slip Cf.twri. a thort time. The Turkt, it It said, carry"""" .Li. Jilt I t t they ever had with the Rutileni.- Aa the lancr ajproaco ine a uraisn viiiagti, they-, find every thing quiet and orderly) but all the' inhabitant gofi.'T The obstinacy of the Porte having been subdued, in rela tion lo the Greeks, suiurs favorabl r iion io concentrate . an Ma power to battle tMRoksl!ifttr',The iffaii-sbf Eg tope' U": " create In Interest. The Duke of Clarence, Lord High Admiral of England, hat resigned bit office. Capo d'ltttla. and the European Admi rali, had an Interview with Ibr-nim. Tbey have made a convention to supply him with provision!, if be will evacuate Greece- He has consented, and will de part as soon at the transport! arrive The Turks st Smyrna do not consider the present star as national. They have not displayed the standard of the prophet. The Turks sre transferring their proper ty to Austria, by Bills of Exchange. . The French government intends )o demand tbe restoration of the Greek capdvet. car ried from the Morea to Egypt. A naval force it to be despatched for that purpose. -The English government has ordered an embarkation of-8000 man. to.Llsboo.. XheMiaHpifoef iT w Tenths.--. About 10,000 rorttiguet have tone Into"' Spain Many towns have been abandoned. The accounts from Constantinople are contradictory Troops are arriving (tally from Asia. -Part of the Turkish fleet baa mured the Black 6ca. Formal negotiations for the evacuation ol-Grtece, end for the settlement of it limits, were to be opened as sJbo as the three ministers reached Corfu. Thlt it with the knowledge and consent of the Porte The French expedition from Toulon, was expected to tail notwithstanding tbe settlement of Greece. -The general battle between the Rot tiana and tbe Turkt, which wtt expected to take place at the foot of the Balkan mountaint, . hat not yet been fosght. There it every probability of a moat des perate straggle- France and England appear 'to e toquettrn g" with each other on the Greek question. The London. Courier begins to talk about the modera tion of Nicholas-! the " abT)fime reodera tlon of the Emperor of Russia,', as ibe North American Review has it. In .En gland the affaire are at usuaL Ireland continues to bo agitated Lord Sirsngford, wae to embark at Portsmouth, tin the 2 1st, on. bit . mission . to the Brazils. Hussein Pacha hat caused Ejoud Pacha to be beheaded-- because he did not deead -himself on the Danube. -The - lerytng-tcaUM-iaoeis.xori dered severe by the Tarks. A public dinner bsd been given to RanieLO'Connel. He made an eloquent speech on the occasion. Admiral Greig had aailed from Odessa towards Varna. Three hundred thousand have been assembled, east an Odessa pa per, on an extent of 80 leagues, to be marched on the -first signal. Capo D'lttria had visited the7 head quarters of General Churchy wrho had 4r 000 under hiscommmd Ibrahim Pacha was to evacuate the Morea in three weeks. The. cabinet Jaurnala of France and England are laboring to convince the pub lic, that those two countries are perfectly agreed In their policy respecting Greece. Tne Toulon expedition had not sailed on the '9th August. There waa much mystery about its movements. it is now said that the English are in great danger in Portugal. The cabinet of Don Miguel is beginning to" threatea ' them. Lord Aberdeen has withdrawn se.-M?.f!lHBMl The Standard of tbe prophet had not yet been displayed, and it was tbe gen eral opinion that it would not, till the Sul tan deDtrted from the capital. " mr t:. . r:' . a i j I i na racaa naa auiuen AarianoDici encamped under the .walls of. the old paI- ace. All the chiefs of tbe civil govern-' ment accomDsnied the army- Tartara were nockuigThTolhe irniy; Half of the qity was deserted- The -editor of the National Gatette has seen a letter from Gen. La Favettet dated Jolv 13. from which it appears that be ... '44tnrTpwrrt lie strongly recommends tbe young u of Montebello, (son of Marshal Lenne-J who will soon arrive in this country in the-, character of a tourist. ANson of Marshal Ney is now in New York with the same object, a