j i ,1 r ! U ! IMF, v !: - lh i I l i i , s . . 1 i r ' 8AL!SUay, NOr.TUll)AYf OCTOBKR Yl, 1828. VOL. IX.......NO. 430. , ..Jl Ik. V M."--. ! J,, InMWWi - Ml aal T mwm i.4. u. - ,,1 ftt 4m an fa By. Moninmli mm &uu' Udo U,W It Wtn a tk$ 20th Cfrrm ,n Act lo establish c Main Poat Roads and lo Ciaeonnnue mnert. II F. it enacted by the tenate and htuie oft rfirrirntatw J the Untiel Htatrt f (m,rira m eonrreii auemo'ra. I llil mc knowing b establish- t w Post lUds lit MAINE From Damamroti Mills, by West Jef- lerton and Windsoi, o Palermo j .from !Vatrville, by Minion. Aioion na r ec bm. lo litlhttl from Kurrford Twin'. b ii6elJ, Canioot Nor'h Utsrmore, F)m ,ivcrmore Wfnend WJnthrop to Au ;uit i nd that m touch of the route rom.KedGel1 to Rumfon) rot.inier fere ib this roiiit, be dicortinurd j Irom" Aueut, ihrouRh Snuih V-SM;txv nd lerroo. Montvillct North rimont. r clmuni. to relfi J fiom Oreen to Fr- aiiun l from Statidiih. thrower lUft ldin. Sebto. BridjttoB Dm rk," io'rfireburin Irom linonficld-, hroujjh Porter, nd the wewerlf pr of lowiififld, to rrftburR; Irom Ag ruiti, inroufth nigrjaci u-jmc, 7e hr'oh." Industry. nH cw inirid, to e rorilsnd; from Mi-w shi'on, through odustrr. Nc Vinevsrd, and New Pott tnd. to Kin field ; from the (Jrei IWh n the State of New ILmpuhire, to the ittle FIIs. in lirbanon. Maine- I vkw tuursHinE From Milfri, thruii DunstMe, to rrr t frm Frmint!ton to Duver ; from onrord, br hc'rr, I infield, ann .Mid urt. to Doter; from Wnlnole, by Hrews illc. Lvngdon, and Alted to Mjrlow ; rom Lower BanletttthrouKh Adam's ind 1r.khama OriM."- ttf Rjitiolph; from Userhilh throueh Cath and Lyman, to .jtaaa Bridget thence to the Lower Vjl tgt. in Bimet Vermont ; from GtenvilU. jr Bethlehem nl Vhit5rJJ (o l.incuter . IX NisiACBUVltTTS '. From Tju''n ti ProiJente by Rsho xth yilUer ; from Neliur;Hrt, by Sil ibory," Amehory, lUverhill. iuetriuen. and Dracut, tolowell; from Canton, by Sluron and" FoxborouglvJ!Jeetinij ho)e, to Ejst Auleboroufrh Irom Greenfield ihrbujjrf Shelburne, Buckhnd; end JIw ley, to Svoy : from Ware, throueh Ihrd wtck Pcic r lb itrfi" A 2fJ on 'fsVaf hottiandRkhmift'lMS itj. in New IIimp-irr, to Keene. lir cojiwecTicrt From SprinufHd, MiJjchutt, by Somers, Connectiru', on the Pxirhank Korfd," Toll.nd, Mjnsfirld. Beardl:y'i Store, and Windh.Mii, to Nurwich : from ptmron, through Sjlisbury, Great fhllow. ihe ?al!er of the liounonic. and : all's at a TuiaRe. to xsortfi Uanatn ; trom uvm'- through the village of llmbnri, Com stock'a Ferry, East Iladdm Lindinir, Ieslle, Middle ILddim, 0avenbur and East Hartford, to the city of Hartford; from FarminRtop, by Sunburr -Meeting House, to uranny ; Irom llobin's Inn, in r'' hintowb, by Griswold's Meeting House, to Jeett City; from Windham Old Court House, through Mansfield, and Wellington) to Stafford Springs. IK VERMONT. From R'llow's F.lis, throueh Saxon's rtref Vitlaee nd'AtheflT loTownahend.; from Arlington, through Sandgatc, to Sj lmi Nesir York f fronv Chelsea, traujjh rnhire, by -Porismills. to Thetlord Meetinc house : from Guildhall, through r BuTkffrSuTTonT BaTtom-fHMfb4jrgbjr the Episcopal Church, in Berkshire, to St Albans : from Richfordb Berkshire, FrinkirhTinJTdett " FaH, in HiRh- ?ate, to the village of St. Albans; from BafeersReTd, throueh Fairficid, tO'-St.-Ar- bmi Greens- horotfgllr, Bariort, and nBrofiingtt)rir to uerby. ' Cato Four Corners i from Um. its' FowiersWIU and Bradley's Four Corners, .A I' k. . -I. - : I V :n. i. n iw viiiwohc irom nrrTiiie, via i on Kent, lo ButliuK'on, In Vet'mot.ti from IMhi, by the mot direct route, to Coo furstownx from Waterowm tla Evan's i n.Ila, Philadelphiff Antwerp, Governeur, Vt Kilb, I leu vine, toOgdenburf j from PotirarnTvla Ndrfolli Missenirand Mo- tjansbwr, lo ike Canada line. alSt.Jlctfli; from Mj(jno, la Tiangori Moirt, Brasher. and Stockholm, lot'ctsdam J faom Ithaca, on the most direct foute, via the head of Dffteca l ake, snd Joseph Tomktn's, to Hamtnoudsport; from rcuth Soma, via LJbrrrttCryrnrrr, ferVot W'P4 4 . . la - m mm t ' I leney, to Wayne iiorrtf from Hornby, ra Mead r rrck, F.rwin, Addison, Wood' hull, and Javper, to Independence j from Bath,' ii Trattsburgh, Cool't Corner, nd Tenyann. to Orid : from Liberty, vi Samuel Taggan's and Vanfasnin's mills, to Lima; from Geneva, via Seneca and Bethr.l, toKuthvillr ; from Kichmond, by Sprinfj Wiier, to Danville; from North Almond to ueiti'a valley i from Al mondr U North. Almond Allen. Huut'i ll'illow, and Pottage, to Pike; from Northarpton tn Northville post ofTre. thenre through the towns of Hope, We lies, and L.ke Pleasant. o Sr'h Wit more'aj from the Village of Oajo, via pccdvillei to Hlatervillc; (mn Ccvtr Pot Oflire. via the village of Sug,i Iul lo Warwick; from CanatidaigU' to Gi't Minvire ; ironi I'ooi i win e, via SeeUsSurg atH Hand ilpb, to ' Jamev vn ; from Chenantro Point, via Kuirg'j, Edy. OatwiftsortnaJlwfillalcJT settlementi to HactrviUe from Salem to Uni'in vilbge ; from Miniicello, vi.i FalUburgh and NcversinU to the I'oit of Cce near the old Dutch rhircn, in the tor of Wawghing ; com PoUijhkcrMc. via Fish kill Plin, Stormville, Pat'ervm.i Elm, Million, and Millnl aim, to DjnbiiryJ count i in the uonner.'icut; Irom niawiiie, bv .'Jintt neater, and Ofeenoeld, toth town of Kne Pennsylvania; from Hamm'jndport, via South Pulteney,Eas' Whseler, Wesillj Wet creek, and Tond Senlement, to Uathbone Settlement; from Geneva, via Marengo, Clyde, Metvin Mills, and Ser line, to the village of Oswego; from Charlotteville, via South Woodier, to Dj venport. is vcw J Et'KY. From Maurice own to Por: Elizabeth from Philadelphia, by Camden, Woid bury, Mullico Hill, Woodstown, Alloavs t9wn.and Hoadstown, to. -G-eenwir b ; from Hacketstown to Hope, Warren "County jp from Netrtom r S?itKater, lo the Store of smith and Brtsiolr on the Delaware, near the mouth of Flitbrook. thence to Dingman't Ferry .and b Bales ville, ioNewtori : frona th city of-Bur lington, in the county of Durlington, by Mount Horir, Pemberton, Vincentown, Med ford, to Swain's tavern, in Eversham. in the county aforrsaid 1 s ai aia DOttom, lo Tori county fism Dsmburf;, in Betk'a county, throurh McKisnburg, ocnuvimi county, to CatttwUf, In Uo lurooia emintyj from ih' IkaVoogli of utadinij, ny John Clyne's. lo BfoD, U Berki county from AllenroKla U high county, ihrougb llellaraloam I(KJ Quakaruwn, to . CbarJeatonh .Buck'i eounty t-frwfn Foglevlletn,.LeMnh counfy( ihrorjeh fleajersville, to M tunrh Cbunckv'io Jvortturnploa '( our!y i trnm Cojtsville, through Cochranville. Mr?il liamsiown,' and-Doe run, to Cinga'i Po4t-Ofn'c in Chester couoty j :froi W.tmtreet, h Horttingion county, bi waiCI luojiugdual J'uiuaXtZLWarlQt Mark, -n l Bald Eigle Furoace, to Phllios burg, in Centre rounty; from Franklin tnrough Ueorgttown, to Ureenvilte, in Mercer county i from Upoer Dublin, in , . , . - . ... Montgomery county, by uynnedd, and Towam-ncing to Sumneytown ; fiom Sumnevt'n in Montgomery county, by Millrr-.town, and Triler'en. to Fnoles ville. in Lcnigii county .' fram hr Tra;p, in motitg mery c untt. ly Sbippacl, To-ame..i in. j-i I L. idyVfior- to Linr LfSingTOD, ii BurkN county from Na -riatown, in Montgomery cosnty by toe Bird in band. Tarn-nce'v Tjyrrn. "'he Buck, the General Wavne ani the Wid im Grow' T.ven. to Mar.ituns. in PniU lolpnij roun y ; from the hmv oi John Blair, ont:!r Tut .,jike in Hunting d in county, to McConciiburgb in Bed lord county ; from Faston. in Nnthami)- ton cointv". by "rrgah'. Heasi' Siout'wi .md'Simttcl LriV, to Hfllrtownl 29t hm;on lownsryp,' lojCtfntfVrliTR,' i'i the Sia'f of .Maryland Iron Mount Pleasant, in Wjyue rouiity, by ne nou or Gerabom Vinlams. and the'allmao's Mill, jhro'jj(h the (oarni of A irat nd Scott, to the 'own ol Vnpoait.tn )elawre e State c-l VcrVok; from pr. hi (i ihm. FmlL ami in King o I 'uiju, to Nornstowi: from Mon!rof.c, the most direct route to Bing bampton, in the State ol New Yrk. ! XAKTLAKD. Frorn IfereforJ, m Baltimore .ounty, by Slade Tavern, anr? Upper Cros Koads. to f'dle Air, jn Harford rounty ; from Prcderickstown, to Wolfnlle, in Frederick rounty ; from Prince Frederick lo Benrdict ; t.om lljr'ord, by Port De posit BiitJg--, :j Nurb E. I VIRCU'IA. F rom Miliboroug i lo Siitlingtoos on Bull Pastu e, to iniersact the route from S:aumon tpBeverl jf from Scottsville to Li t i tfi YorTtT i n' Kibem J fie cou nf 'y'f " f bW Travejlet' Htsposaj io PochinoouaCourt hou. ; J9m L:Xiaton( up Buffalo! to Ko Furnace, up Jaciiaon'a river, to Cov- , mm ... tngtott ; Iron, "heeling to Mixviile: - J . . V, , . a. vamncn countyi in ueuertewt io laid ta uuaaia. county. From McCUneburough by Carni, ( ti muii. IV w Harmony, in tJ.. Si.ie f Indiana. " From Fort Wayne to Cart Missionary Frm Sbawneetovn I . t e Seats of Jua- Establivhment. From Green Castle. Pui lice f UalUtln.'Fianklin. and Wnhinr lordssi'le. From fredonla to rvtmmum 1 r andatla. t rom Danville, In Vermillion 1 rom UiMhvlllc, by bhelbtville, to Win cW"f. Jaforl VHrrrm Sawive burgb. fonL J"obtciilJ lo Crawfordi- o iiiihi. villa. eonnrlin a tv.at rnula (mm Cn.l """ f twaar. tresUUTWiy o2wunff ;Mkln rf :New Um.Ne.w. MacfId, i ihe.tari ft Caatla.Hrnrarminla.lo Nr.lM.llla B.fwani In Hirkmknr' i KeMMckv. an lira., rrom Vincennea, by Fetersborgb, Jtm.,he-e' okt h Totteirt walla, ia' " Unsrceaf ' ' royps uyersburgr Teone-- t,:j-r -, . .l ' n I ace. , f rom the Louri hniiu In ik. a .uiKwi.iiiuuiMa.uk lut.JUUUI4.yc,(lt.,I. . ... " - ,- u.iu,, . reoreskrio-WlinamMoiriir in - Grant ' or,f t"."' fJ tcZZ coun-y. om Ureensville to 0jirt,r ... . ' J coun.,y- ra borough. Prum Greenville io Elktn, oni"v " hooper county, to Ewioga. vine, inane aame r.nunry. l MiMiHirn. Fiom Wjrfhes'tr, r, Gieene C. If ' and Mr Maiius', lo Motffle. FromJark. F rom Frnnklin, Himpson coun'y. to L banon Tennessee, by the way nf Gall, tin rrom Knoiville, in the State ol Ti-nnes See. D'aivin? Jar lirwrniipf. in Camnhall countr, hrnce by the Sail Works tfbr vfiH anX Ja,n-sville, to "iiiiam ourg rrom Ton Oion ta Galialin. From Jarkinn Cnuri hnm. - " - "wiih Iv lnbile r iom Mradville. be Nurmm',. II. ... .r. iioimesuiie, inr r ranklin. to Uovhrion. If. w .. . . zw tn Louisiana, t mm natchei. bvibeOM Court' bouse, to Kingston. Brafy Jt Co on fhc Bie South folk of tumrierland river, to Mon-irrllo. in "ayne rounty, in the State ol Kentucky t rom Jladijonvik. and WiKun'a mi l, l: . r. r' . . rirircitin. r ii m rirfjtion, fy rir 11 j It 1... . :.. . M , ' !.. na.ru anu i ioncr"iiir, 10 'I'ltilori'vll r, in Man coiimy Fiom the Yellow Banks, it) KrntU'ky, to Rotkport. in lndi.na. io II , ia auatMa. From Gunter'i landing to Blountvlll. W a a a I k It v . S a. on r.iit.iM.bitan. in i ,1,1,1 muni. '"" arc n go voun nouic io tlaibornau Uv II . gmville, 'oGreinntiu g. in Green P" Monroe r"un'y Fiwm D.,IOWi,' by coun 1 I 10m Uuilingion, in Keniucky, vireanviiie. a I . .a, I o Aui 'f4. tn litdun.t I1 rom Moriran i M iwciinii. . - n I M a. . Held, bV Crfotrd Creek p-t r.fn'e, to from Natrhiioche. by Contonroent an-l i.init.ham'a Mia. to Hickman, at nvtr- r ranklin to Clinton. From Aii.t'...l '-Vk-.at''...I.t,tL. ll:.i. iN'mK-kilrkaa Ia lka f.AA t man ',nTv. r rom nonkmivillertrhm-l -Ji iuuai. tian ( v by the Cerulean Siiiinn, Tnuir Fiom TalUhaviee to St. Marks. From ciiuniy. and MilJvii, Caldwell county, l,o fn.?'l.(:.V'a' D 'kc Court house, in Ala rnufcton. From the town of Monror, in "am, to Fort Mitchell,' ln Oeorel."' . - . - m mm T f 4 AT " the rounty ol Mail, lo lHH l, at the I hrer j ro" U:iua vouH'fiouic, u oUclc . rorks, in the county of Barren I torn Urcek. to Jacksonville. From St. John tir lbvville 10 the mouth of Six milr town, 01 niuff. lo bi. Augustine. creek, and from thenre to Theobald's. it aicaiaia. rrom -Kuskelnillej.b. Logan .county, to ' om Monroe, by way of Raisinvilley Franklin, in Simpson Vounty ; thence to Kif'fr Grove, and Adrian, to TerumaeV. 'sr a a . 111 trie 1 errttorv ol Mich. van. imm Scotiville, in Allen ounty 1 onto Detroit, through Mount Clemena. to Far From P!mra, b Parisr to Parkman. Giatiot Fiom Manniee, in Olib, tb rough om Canton, in S a-k county, to Drer BlisaRrld, Tecumvrh, Saline, and Ann Aibor, to I oniiac t rom Deiroit to Aon Arbor, r rom neia, in roriage couniy rrom c Lisbon, bv Unity, 10 Uf(rhurgh. in the State of Pmnstlvama Fmm New Lon don. in Huron county, to Lifxye'te Fiom Marion, by Big Island, 10 Bfllefon tains. From Hardin, by W.,pUlikoii netta and Fort Brown, to Defiince F iom Olaikivil.e, by 'Rochester an-l Hopkins Jllf.Si.to, Twenty mile Stand. From F air field, in the Coun'f of Green, b. Monroe, lo Troy.. From Wilmington, by JameV town, io SptirieficM From Nemarket, by Georgetown and lligginyport, tn Au guva, in the Sre of Kentucky. From - - - IS. riNNSTtTAKI. From Buckwdfter'a, oy Charleston, to Wet Ches'er I from BnMer to Free port ; fi-om Philadelphia, by Providence .Mce tintiiouse, Ciincortf Village', Chadsforrt, few London Croii Kai-ts, KrRk Meermgi HuUte, Pon Deposit Bridge, and Belle Air, to Baliimare; from Columbus, in Luzerne county, througi Jickson. Suar loaf, by I less' Mijlt, ihi ongh Franklin. o Hughesburg, in lycoming county j from Watsoitown, in Northumberland county, through tugar and urush valleys to Beilefonte, in Centre county ; from Pottaville in Schuylkill county, ...through Danville, in Columbia county, to renm borouirh, in Lycoming county ; from Bur lington, by way of 1'cri ih Pratt's, John rratt's, ScoviHileys. Levi i jy-lor s, and David Ross's, to the Post Office in Alba. Bradford county: from Cattawiisa to Blotitnlturg, in Columbia ounty, thence through Jerseytown and White Hall, to Pennsborniigh, in Lvcoming county; from Stroudsburg, in Northampton coun IV, through ISianhope, m I ike county. Cnvinirtoti and Abinitton, in Luzerne I count v, to the Great Bend, in Susqtiehan nan county; from ueerfield, lit"'" J toga county, throurih Wes field ,: to 1 larrison , in Potter county ; from Harvey orn well's, on Ciooked creek, through Close's SaitUmenf. tn Peerfield. in Tioga COUH- from Muncey, by Hugh Donley s, ' ; outi:y of Poruge t .1 D .l. f M 1 K1 irom .'iarunaourgn ioiui. irum mon.H,,,.,, k I'a,,.r.K..rK . n,.. Court-house, via Lick creek, to lb. Falls .fie(J From El ja, in ,he coumy o( of Gieai Ken haw a river, Ihencs- to umi;.. . k. r.' r-i s. ;n. . . .0 i i D a s-j'ii -nit i j 'mjiia uiuiiiu'ios s I vilkC rot yimcc at uawity a nriuwi irom , D ., D.;,t . iu ;n ' r l' r ' jiiuiis 'i ivntviiu y tu i'iiuii- m hit; urceauutv.vuipicu iuuu ) ti t crrci store, Hr!Udale' iore,and Mcatjvillc.o af-1 . fit .ali i . Mania oort-iii-aaa-aroin:--iuBin... .ad Columbia, to Liver Loudoun county, to Wairemon, fauquie; , 0 w county :. Irom uiie V'. House to tare 1444- y See. 2. And be it further enacted, That the following routes be, and the same are hereby, dicontinuee ia iw BiKnarav. From WBlpole, .by Alstead, to Ac wntth ;-and so .much of the route from Acworth, by Lempster, and Unity, tel Newport ; aa lies between Acworth and Unity. - - - - " '"' ' mm ny Mt'i.;-iWii From ChatlotirviuV, via Jefferaon, to Harpersfield. Fiom Waterloo to Clyde. eca county, to ureenheld IpOTt, 1 pool. t? raaaatLVaiiu. So murh of the route from Sunbury. bv Liberty pole and Catawissa, to Nescopeck, rsiublishcd by the act of the third March. rrom I iflin, in en eignteen nunnred and twenty aeven, et rom Rork eliLourtt.ouic.TtjTnoub.sttiTer irom .-ew uia.g w, ,,c count , from-M Minnville. in Warren county, h l.ka.Ha a. . Sinai i .-I rv a ! avurn. r (( ar ' . ""-- ,r." . Lavia' Mills, to ShelbyviIIt, in Hedford Mills, Wauhg's ferry, and Wharton . ... . . ' , ,. ,m. ... TW-WBW-TOR. mprontockalM roton, to Ithaca f from Hillsdale post office, down the valley bf-the Taghlianic, by the Copakd and Anc.ram post offices, to the post road from Poughkeepsie to alisbury ; from the village of Mew Ark, by the most direct route, to the village of fWidge; from Verona viji Cicero lo Moses f oreman's, to Jersey Shore, Ly coming county j from-Jeraey Shorcin Lyoming county, through Nippe Itfoae, Sugar and R"uth, valleys, to Aaronsburg, in Centre county from WiUiamsport, by neooBttUteyV :-vQrpe:otetWs, John Marshall's', Wyessel's MillsTRoss vallev. to Trout Run, in Lvcoming coun- . ---tv iL"r,"-rnviiiei-:am.-:w t oiintyio" Merceir count '&Z$tittFQnffi;. v1tlrnTOcercou6tyTt61ia Roads, in Crawford county ; from VVar ren to Sugarstown, in .Butler county ; from the mouth of Anderson's creek, in Clearfield county, along the State road, to Kittabning, in Armstrong county ; from 6hrewsbury, by Mechanicsburg, to Petch- Milte, to Liberty, in i ne county ol Bedford IJJ NORTH CAROLINA. Krom Smi'hlieicJ, nv Hai ford's bridge, S iintn,ist)uri? : Irom Beaufort, via Shackl'ford's t)ai)k, to Portsmouth, in CuVtetett tounty t from Waynesville to Sviervill:, Tennessee: from Currituck Court houS"- to S'anrl. an'l N'liih'l Fnrk PiiMf From Rogrrsvillr to Tazewell tt nr "inre t tvm Jarkon to .Mount Tinson, thence to Put by's Office, thenre to Lexington, thence to Perry ville, I erry county - from Springfield,, in Robertson couniy, via Cross Plains, to Gallatin, in Sumner From Harpcth Post Office, in Poplar Branch I from! county. Pitsborough to May a: thence to Lvaiis Williamson county, by. the way ol Old- Biilirc. to cross deep River; thence to fermrsville, civil Order Post Office, Fishing Buffalo Meeting House : Thence to Fay- j ford, Farming'on, New Hope Pom Office, .1.1. I ..an ku . rt. I 1 rVA . fl , . I... .......... .11.. .... H I. . in If I In ku llink (fit VlllC-rCIUI ! VJ .IJ,3IHL ll) I v.i, (j r JVCIIOIINV. I I will . i an. llll, WW ..li.ll- toer s Store' Hurts' Cross Koads, Cedar Soiing Post Office, to Robertson Post Of- fi. e in Giles county. From Dyersburg io Jolmsville, n'l 1 errel r ei ry, :o I roy. F romChota in Montoe county, to Frank lina: from Ashville, North Carolina, by flin, in Haywood county, North Carolina ; Norihinton's rerry: thence to H.y wood i thence to Pittsborougb : fron StitenvilL' to Lincolnton, to cross the Ca- m. a t tawba river at J nomas lerry : irom R u-kinfbam to Cheraw, in south Caro- in James Allen's, to Check's cross roads Tennessee..... - " i ioimi- faa'uta. From Walterborouh, bv Miy'a Ferry, r, . i t: I? i. P.. . ... on fjMisto, ana i inc mhih-h '"u-i iu OrangebuTfT-frmn From Kingston, in Rosns county, by the mouth uf PaiiH. Rock.creek.'Pine creek, and.. Philadelphia to Tellico, in Monroe county", r rom Athenfin MeMmn coun ty, bv Cowan's Ferry, on the Hiwassee lrvwsville.Jforii.CarJ river, to Hamilton Court house. From Memphis, in Shelby coUfUr, 5v Summer-f yille, in Fayette county, uolivar, in llardi man-errant y jPttrdy r in -M.cN.airy. couiuy . Hardinsville, fri Hardin county, to Flor encer in Lauderdale .cau.ntylJUabma. Ftoro Morgan Court-bouse, by the Stan ding Stone, to Hillham,InOveTion coun" ty ffom:SiMVifiomiti1riMC-f-tQtB Showns Cross Roads, Tennessee, to A liniriou, in Virginia From Lindon, in county maoain ... c.iuiu wmmuiu ii n . cox county, to Greenville Butler county, Ar.lyam a - From K.sUynlt, by Cnarbti e, SmrthvHle, Horuburgjr's' Gray's. Ferry, Paris, and Dresden, to Hickman, cm the Kjft bank cftbe MissrwippL olina, to Spartanburg Coart House : from VYaltcrsoorgugh to Orangeburn : thence to Columbia. IX QIORRU. Frorn Micon, via Thomaston. Pike eouiitr,' Talbot Court' house end Colunn WWitt Mofltgom f r y in MbpmAlJwn Lawrenceville, Gwjnnet Court House, via Gates ferry, ori Chatahoochie. river Phil BeMet sVift inf M -woiai m. Columbus by Fort Mitchell, via rort Gain?s. Early Court iuse, to Decatur Com.-' house : frorn Madison Morgan : luot' , ia Covington, to Monroe, Walton Court-house t from Athens to Monroe, Walton Court-housa from Jeftereoni in ties between Crtawissa and Neeopeck ;- - a. s i evenson, ftprsker of iha Houaa.oj KpreMt.tatira J. C; CALHOUN, Tice President of rbe United StitM, tod jTVSTac nTpf Jbe Sen te. -- Approved r 24 Miv, Ui8. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. The young Napoleon. h would ap pear from the follow ir,g account io German paper that the young Nttpo leon promises to prove a chip of tbe old block. The young Duke af Re ichstact, the eon, of Napoleon, went through his last examination in every branch oi his studies to the perfect satisfaction of their Imperial Majes ties, and of his mother vhb wa pre sent on the occasion. His grandfather told htm, after the examination had been concluded, that within a year he should enter the army upon which the voung prince is said to have ex claimed--- Thank God t then nv ate is fixed !" There is a rumor cur rent, that Austria means. to procure for him the throne. of, Portugal, by negotiating a marriage between him and the young queen Maria de Gloria, all title to whose hand her hopeful tmele liguel-ls lorftitejVVeaia- not know what truth there is in the; rumor.- Sot-Chill and Fever '.Half an ounce PX-Cloyeejd). Crim, Tartar, one ounce Peruvian bark wcIfuTveriseda J'.Wiiiwjlv..t. ..'X. . .1 n . . Ilf! - p. 1 1 nun h uuiuc or-guou rn-y ioe v take the decoction on well davs as fast as the stomach will bear it. Thia has many cases. Ti venerable Charles CorroN, of Cajf- rrili;on,'.entcred upon the 92d year nf iape, on the 2P:n v!t. 4"

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