Vim" miTlir cklen- Jthce a. lothar. i Cure-Pdi6S- V. i.e 4 I imllrV't iior'H ! ( r n, i noh of l.ictrr .,0 rtiilrl court hoow. 8, T, 3 i nul. wuth of lirittf, N. C!. hunted vtaat K .iiu :rr-l', on nt an I q isrtrr of Hit" MkhMVo- 'UtmphW (Western dittrlct ofTennettee) Advocate, ofth iJtti uU. that the Cror,t of Cotton, and Corn, are unuull tin lint, ami llm, i niilc from where idaMt In this locll n of lite Dknirl VV ilkr btK.n" .. Informed Hullhr,IKhu, ,ba Coun A short tlma since, I wu written to by a gen- il.t r.f If .-1 T.-.. ,lrm. In Cincinnati, f.,r eert",r,c.. In rJ . i r,.fW' "J"1'"1'"' Isuon to Uvn. J-rkaWablruvpU and paren.l "m ,n "" "'OURM Will b mora I ewpphrl them, and rtptct the? will nu, (? cropt made. rotn th coun aob publWhtdi and I hofM thv will putitlet of Paycttt and Hardeman, accounts dowaMsMoftli bast slanders against the Gen. af also flallerlii.r t anr in ih, r . i .... J . . . ' ""'TM'ur piawcrt cniiuucntiy calculate '. jam em n. CR.UU. ' t.Llim , tall... 17. ...... I t..l.l.. ..... . ..rr., n-wiuuir Wl"l k I ' eoofi eonvtne. I beg U-avt id suggest an iitm of I ' -nant "up tr rorn. um to" vm. I itavf ifjama ilm had I - ') upon making a general avert of 1000 pound of cotton to the acre, and an equal tn J, t & , cv 1, J.I , yj rtu rfiilma lank bills, J to 6 1 er e. M. I.W.rif, bill', 24 s rf " i 1 1 . t . A an t'i itnjn. iftMtii. mportaii iMjfwaa of At the Ute communion near the eo. diaowiiii i ncorpeVk u to 2. air cmul m lio much lmnll. aiul ih. i rn . . ... . ' : .. M.ttMtMHiMlitiir.nLNntounqM;: r?rF ward, 15 were! r''J.,B, 2 to J ptr cenl. d ,arint. , Bll all nroni i, jrbt-d him. lo lMf- 9 to y bacon, "!!. httr acmnta by I ha lat day of N'im. ioiii nmir, j a per Hrrel, rorn, ibrr, or (U jr may rt aurrd Kit Pacn bramiy t 4i Ji. 30 1 3ij wl.Ukry 30 He4 a l 4t Ka(tr l? la IS, Ulk. eoffct, irtl9 tinr, 10 U 12 1 It-Md,r0. ' Cotton com't In frtrl.4 and rtady aal, at our quotation corn, little bominj i market ami food alt i bacon, but a (until qiuotity in etore od eomsiandi rtadir alfi I! air, ararctly any in narkrl and incoiidrnilt dcnumL Vthmhia, H. V. (kffr S.-Cmon: I a 01 corn i') ail i wheat 621 iKfti flour 41 ail, ; bcm y to 10, barna 1 J t 14 ( hkey j to 4J t , w .uin.-.,Srviiia ran VMM, 3 0 I bef Mt J'.- - t - ' 1 a I . itifirN I will ba bUccd in tba hndi 1 nil Irctlon, without fail 1 for money, or lit equira. Irnt, I muat have, and bare. I am vary thankful for the palrooajrt I have received from my former cutomert i but am firry to ay. now I no lonjfrr carry on the boaincia mytclf. they term (0 be at ahy of me aa ihouh I would biu rtiemi whereat when I kept them in ahoet,tbey were very freient viaitcra indeed. Halithurv, Ikt. 8, I82H. - rr eort. iU JHtioar.tuaeaaM.of AfTravt Aa. r;4,t'r(, t(J lfte hurclir - - aaauteaoA OMierirt. julrtrant arcnr B F.N J AMI M 1'RALr.V, QTIl.t carriet on the ahdt buaineaa, in all K7 Ht brancltea. at the ahou heretofore occu- woava offload, 40 ao.1 r wwtki iwniwwe - ea an be paatml by tltelerUlur, K'lvinf Juatiee of trie let way the free. tar dav. on Court, lie. ka. It U enenettlv t.rk..l I - the leeHattiro may laka lii mb et imo an4iti ooMid'.rat'KM, at tbrir irnt ari tn, an I do xnrir. thin; la the premiera. taaatii caoati. nJSmlr (PiiI4mT by the Domestic and ory;.e do.H to '0 per cant dnooui , Alaltama . ft tO.l3t.buiter.J2 to tottoa, to i com"4 Mro vtrrct.-a fewdnorteaarof . a fuvtl' auWriber tavine; JL Camdrn to thit fttace, f Jinif'irma the public, that l.o well known aiaixL t Mtnaon Altmst. moved fmti reirtfuJI haa tskao tlf ' Ijiiiiiinc the Cturt .mi. Aawore, recently occupied by Mr. John W. Clark and uwiilly knoo u C7uf-' where be b' opened a Ihuie of Entertainment, unIer lha above title. The nremiaea are eoiv cioua, ana well ailiiitleU to tlie buMitetfi tbe tttai blcf are large and tupplied Willi Careful boa. tlera, and travellera will find every eonvenieuc cuv'omarr i;i the let houtci of ike kind. To profeatiiinal O i'u turn fend utlii r barlnr buttnrillit thW il,"., ,.i, . itd with the Cvurie tun Katabliiliiuent often edtantak'cttupenor any other. Peraona travrllinf with thfir Jimillei eatl bet . vfrif,t v . ...... . r uu. au t v irviiiia nil. ai inajw r. .. k , ci inp i wniro will ainKriia. mm in reaee lurunicuon over tha.a iMiia eaa. " 'r" "h"iwuit uuticiv 01 inr ...f ... ." ' 1 . ' . k-.a. JtM. mA Prnt,.i..t P..:.' l- rcr'L.' "P nwii.w oi a, tiicri art 'it lo '"'r ieniirmcn wnn me , .,., ..... mm--, iinri. ! wv-m buinuui iinurcn. itrenr , ti i ... n . . .. 11.1 ..1.1 . i.- j. .m a.-.i- ! ... I .1 ... . :. . I . . .1 . . r, '"vi i .iinau, iiuiaini,ina i, m.Im ' ui anu ri-rn inu ui irmcni made "H . . . . . ""T .rUi ttiUI vjait 4tree, t-ltMih re? Intn -; l" " -T "tw: i.ii: -U knMk!.- UrtxW, nf wrtrtr, !4-wVn.-r tr rettgw-rmbt :iml rtirTrirrr-- SWhTTit ?!:- ujffBv,vu..if'wiwiiuwifc; At the auperior ooiirt lor Kowan county, hel l in thi town Uat week, a vote tuktu o.t the Ijreaidency, bv tbe Grand Jury 1 1 4' roae for Jackxin 1 4 at etilL...and taut, that if they k'irw which waa 'he fi mm, they would vote tixn the dipoaition nf the people for rcctiv 1 tf'dr,r'ug?jU." 'he in Miati tnic,' of Hut church. , P' VifT Fl f7 wt .utwiiii, iirci tort fwn it.... he ia open am) aboveoornJ in bit pre. Terence of tli Tentieaar raritir. . UtTKrr FHOM EUltOPF.. By he arrival of tbe parket hlp Flori dia, t New Norkt the editor of the New York Ertquirer hat received Lnliih pa pert lathe let Sept. The Rattian and Tur'aith war t till wieinf and it in doubtful tutp'ente. The HuiUn armr'ita'ia? the lea Vr, hat lutuf'V dljn')V-lm.rnnt: checkJelare-ihe valla of Choumli. Report are even very prevalent, thai thev have been dv feated. At all eventt, there?' hit heen -fcomehard fijfhtlng. A month hat elap1 ed ' ainre the lai Ruaaian Bulletin. Portugal ia iu the time atate at ever. The crop, in Europe appear not to be 90 bad aa waa anticipated The Stendird,of the 30'.h A05UIN atyt, (ba emtentt of the detpatchet received etterday, are kept a profound terret. fit Continual to rrxoita lha LmuLmu Pana. and Philadelphia fmuont, retrularly at they -I L:t- !ll II II. . V ' fcommo. moat tarta- ud with irhbort can however, he wit.iUJta. cihmI kenie or hiaeuatomeia to be them. J ilulU. lU UvtA tU. judrf U w hat t footi- twf. A he rancra I ickt tt. emo l the brat r.f imurnnmen. and haa no a. Irl-ei'rJ breniitn. r 1 1, ink l,e li a r'u'lil in hi. In Jirf entinft . tut it... .it. Km k. . .... t. .. i, .. . j i 1 . . '.. . e.i tii lit . . .... m... nr., i run IM wen nmir inn nf aominfl It to l t .C rmladeJpliia I rsatl Society have ! Imw Hhere r, Mr. John H to Mi s4llv I fit well. Owing to the rr' rclty of money. he will nork Uwrr part of the country, Mrr aa he rinr. by the H, v Jolin rtobn.,n, Mr Uwfr W. , t:utiing mit, of all kind of Garmeota, dont Speaul i Mia. Carotin- Kliiabcth. daughter of on ttiej thorlv at notice. A. Arta, 1A all of that rttaee. I ll .a . tl nfTrratn taanh tVard'i P.tmt Pmi. In tbe Fork of the Yadkin, Rowan coumv, on ,' tor nt'em of Tailoring, which i prac'iaed bv no uu. dt i.. n IUM -. Llri Mr. flenm . Ihr Lal.MwK . n ah la h. 'n,l ll.l.. I H". re cttu'ly aolicita a ahare of the public i ntrimafa. mnA hnriri tu meeil it bv .a.t-. mihp i'tnmtmclitJ Uh fit' avfanl prtfrfiont. 36 rajt of I (., t UI:,7. . .. . . . . . ... . y,.,m wnmij HHYc ; - .,-.,. .nn n' iiiui u' i runv 1 hi wen , taing to tie great reolvtd that tliry will proceed wiilnu ' B"'r' 'Bb,r of U" B"lf"' "" "' ' chea:ntta ..f produce, fce. I lcla , to place within the reach of every j 'TSU c.barru. cnty. on ,h. 7-h ,, I S tZ? I imuv in inc Lacy ana autnirot tome ju.lici'Mis Tract, whoae object shall be ' nromote the nantifir-jtinn nf th fort of tboaw who may call: vr'".- - Membera of tho approaching' Lrgllatur would U aeoomraodatad in Ute brat manwer Town boarder can he aceommodred at tl terma tnoil in thii placer" 'JOIIJt M'COIX, Chtmhia, S. i Srpt. $, 1828. 4J9 the niif mi n thru urn Sir votl acarrelw aver aa .. . a an whu ta f..r Old Itirkorv. that i afr.i.l In i)''''' 'l I'luUdtlphia rwbitertf. In thii t Uua u 'tikr. f rtabvtrrv there are 0,743 com muni. cantt, 42 churcet, 30 miniitert, 13 I'lcent'utri, aaJ 10 cndiddtct fur li Crnure. IVettern ! litohgical Stm'tnartj. The Spectator aavatna' the Kev. Dr Jane way, Profcaanr ..of Palemic nd Didactic Theology in the VVette'rn TilogiciLSUuiuiryf ". ht arctttU to. Dcjarted lhi life, on tui? 4 I of Kept, et hit (t'ibrr liH ... .. .1 .. : . ,1 , . ... ..-.i-.ii.r in iiuwan, aiicr a i iiip aou vere ill-1 n t 4 i 4 a 1 . neftMr. .f.U,i '.rier.aitdsfve.r. llea.J lTlVtMe ViUlettftlniUtm. an hone and well.poael mani a kind but. ) W ILLIAM HOWARD banu, t tender and aflecti.aate parent, and - j WW i4,rv opened a V,m Enter- leemedby allwho knew bin. Hi. death iadeep. l MM. luinmmi, 5) milet from Halitbury, ly. ttmentrd by a large Cine of friend and c j tt wan mnt.. C. on tlta great road quaintanrea. lie left a wilr tud 13 Children 10 , leading from that place, by Beard'a Bridge over bemoan bia deitartttrauttml 0 whom hra-trolf wrtbe-TadUtt:ro"iaC awarrwiiaraWr a-tit-ti hue.-Wttrnr:lf Wols'h: Br,r,,tr i;-'T . Pittaburg with hit family, and that he J ' f ln I w he paron ofevrryibing i . JJia lWw -(aeral.y known by-the tiameof will probibly tooa enter on hit official k- " . Tl1 tVr2'S?' . ?m' 1 he " Ve ih) it delightfully butted, .bout j . 1 hmgdomj but specially of Sm!ay School tnd of a nile tou'.h of the bridge bi MoWe are i V e ' 'ti 1 rwt HAciclirc. One remirkable trait in his j good, and well provided, and he will apare no The ChmttanT Of Glatipir, (8roU!c,''r waa, thaV healvaya manifertcd the': prartirabte meant U rendering hit ettablitli. land.l haveemploycd twenty' MTt-Tfre,tc,t reverence for, and th tjhefett atten- ( mcnl, In every retpect, eomforttble and plea- tionariet in their city during the p'as WILL aiaitd the RJf conmienoeAf) in Saliartury on Vondtyt. .Tueailayta tnd Wednrtdayai tnd at the plantation if the late -Dr. Moore, tbe other day - of the arae kr. until ttia 1 HV- ffov. when the ifuosirlM nAA juat rcidy and U now ofieoinf at fyt -.Vr Cati Sun in Concord, Cabarrut eoar ty, a choice Md aplendid aaort(tient of Xcw and Fathionalle GOODS, which were aelected with much rare tnd atterf lion,' in' Philadelphia, by l.imaclf, and bought eiclu-ivelv for totk. 1 he proprietor being aware of the tcre.ityf money, and low Mate of produc, bitcntla mark ing hit itoixi accordingly. He therefor ft, tpecifully mtitea hi4 eovtomert and frtendr tT call and e famine for tbemtelvet. P. S. A lo for alr. tnd on hfod it tbe aboea atore, a I ILL and TINftARE, of farioU tin' Ind detcriptiontt. ryr-Ae-iA, 1828. 3i The Vorou-A ttred UoxUtt jERONAUT, Son of Out imported hone EUiglc. M 1 '0'ltfM. year. French tUothers.The lait report of the pari Mihlr S'K.ety ttatrt, that tevrral mothrrt of familiei had been induced to ettablith family prayer, and read the Bible t their children, by re- A. . A I. . - I .1 ... I , . .. i his luurmi tnkntwr, n waa wunoui a inare oi puulic patronage. ;o.emitli. lie filled the offiCt of an Elder in the On. 8A, I8JH. - 8t4l i ' f-m ' wnv Mn.i.iunt--t:: uiu.crwi amuauM. uunna uia proiracieo hi. . vv nivit at, nctiniitiu. lar to inture. rtt: i.ciBi'a. S. L. t'r.RHANU. ..tVLHQWIim... 3t IT Tkaa are helieed In rta immninil Tha military movement! of th- Turkt are lflectin8 that they ought not to neglect believed to b- Important. The rumours j b themnelvet while they asstatcd othera of the tuceett of the Turkt are beginning i to read it. - to be credited. There had been ninr (Liu$' hard fighting under the walla of Ohnuml. Tbe report it that : he Rut siant had fallen back with a lot of 40, 00O men. It ia aald by aome thht it wat "jtottlble for (ne RuUn lo be' Vepiilsed. one?, twice, or thrice, and.atill to renew the attetk till they lucceeded. It wit deemed certain, that the; Russian had ; aaSerrd a reveVaet at leatV A jeat rtjri : otity en expressed to know what liic e cret Intelligence waw Re port a were in circulation, in London, on the 38th, that tome unpleaaant ditcut tiont had taken plare between France and .Dngland, on the Toulon expedition. . - It wat. taid. inSmyrnt on the Ulh -Kj I y jt h it Ibrahim had received positive ordert from hit rather, not to evacuate the The- French papert arr-itrrmtirttf the JJitjIiih, and the Duke of Wellincton t lor -the eonduc? of tht eountrv tn-no-tffttt of t he East. The London Courier ia very sensitive, and wolds a little. The London Courier hat given up Dan iel O'Connell, et an incurable. They have written hit epitaph, and consigned bins to contempt. Daniel will rite again. it appears that the Sultan has a much more Tiumerous armynhan any one in" Burope expected he possessed. The. Emperor Nicholaa had.. gone to Odesu, till his preparations for the siege of Schumla could be completed. It sur prised many. It ia believed in England, that on the opening of tbe next session of Parliament the Dukr of Wellington will recommend some arrangment to be made with tbe Cat holiet of Ireland. - The Turks publish bulletin of their own, and claim victories in proportion as the lose ground. "The c rops in En glan d will a mou n t , I t is - nid to JuUy au average crop. Potatoes and such kinds of vegetables will be most abundant. Lrjrdchrime-is abrnit-tatjotr-Parit and return to Greece. The potatoe crop in Irelitrtd wlll b most Ibandantr"" The Bnglish papera are still speculating on tbe conduct of Don Miguel. ' . -. There are now four thousand bible so cie'iet orgtnited and in operation through out the world. Afcxie: The Congrett of -"Mexlco1J0i, " "Airy hive passed a ! aw, which hat uecn com municitcd to our governmenr, repealing the law (hit prohibited the exportation of gold ind iilrer bullion; The dude im posed are, out CfiV at the minetf and teven per Cent; on the" cosr. Thit change will be creatly advaougeoui to .those who are interested in mining speculations in that country. A 4 - ToT the latelv for very ele brndtV ;ther yet but imtvll, awl the general ittipreaaion t. that " ' We re happy to team that another Gentleman ha become a subscriber to nfnrm .4V . "Th iirorV must cede to 9 1-2 to 10 U . Old Lplands be done. Let every friend of Zion loolc this way, and Kelp." When Chris tiana are convinced that any thine, mutt Bb done, it h easily accomplis ied. Vhitrr Rafiid Growth .A grupe vine, 0 t ears old in thegardflnof J.-Pm, PhiUdclpntrt, wbkb-wvbJi.ftUW4p4t frcah start, and bt since attained a .new height of thirty five feel. "at Birth.- The annual Income rTTJmhoD of Carterbu rvTwho died in England, waa no less than 25,000 sterling or gl 11.000. Thit is equ ! t the compensation that we allow to our President and Vice President, the four Secretaries of the great Departments, the Postmaster General, - the Chief- Justice, and the six associate Judges of the Supreme Court, and the support of our Minister at London into the bargain. The Bishop of London succeeds to this golden manger of " the Church." neat, he evinced tba utmor tubmiaaion to the divine will, and bore aD will a reference to the 1 glory of God. And in the aolrirn hour of dissolu tion, the rrbVifin he poteetaed m health tuppor. ted him in ail hi triala, enabled bim to meet the " king f T rrrtrtn with calmnrw and coniMure, and to entertain a cheering aid well-gruuudrd hope of blitsful immortality. " ore in vhal I'ettc 4 C'Antfaan tan tbe." , atoitoR. 'J..MF.S h. HAMFTDN, aOONTINUKS at the old i HOD, fJOCUtlied IH for- ?. tonn I j- "HwiaTiTffr v, iirni w JOIO. MaiV aOee J'fS Y.- rWtnraJ officer, andf ":;thJtbTcour,,:J ,, . t b i- u i Mr) Hyimrnt of N. C. Mihtia, are ordered U Ih J t .. I T, ' P-f l" ,0 "f 3li.bury7o0 WriJjZ all kntda of work In MrmtA ,1M, ' lVWA.le law jireetV f JJST OF LETTERS W EMA1MNG in the Post Office at Salitbury, j and warranted .Jiorth Cfplina, rhe lat of October, I C8. (flit line of bu-iiiei fl'atchei, Clock, and Jewelry, of every description, repaired on tliort notice, or the law will be enforced araintl them. I he commissioned ofllcer are ordered to afljv- : regimental muater and review, ft It Mrictly ep ; joinrd on nincert to appear completely ro-rfitA at i -it a.r.a Important to Katt and Mice ! A Lon don Journal coinmunir.dtet he intelligence that white cats with h!ue eyes are alwayt deaf. t . FaytmHtle, October 2(. Cotton, S J to 9J , Bef, fi-etdt in market, 3-entt Bacon, 7 4o 8 1 peach brandy. 50 to, 60 1 apple do. 35 to 40 1 flour,-3 a 4t whiakey, 25 a 30.....United States bank note," to 5 per cent premium j Dills on the North, 60 davt, 4J to 5 per et pre. tf"a r-m J tT I-.1 antlMW O t 111. whnkev, 26 to 27 1 bagging. 42 inch, 22 to 24 j h" l,0'e" . wjrtr8...to9 tinolaaset. 3Q. tQ.33 -..ceMkv Hrtc bacon, 6 to 7 j apple brandy, 23 to 28 , beea-, v ' "P wax.?;, coffee. 13 to 16 j hyaontea, 100 to 105; Arthur Hi" Jamaica rum, 110 to 115-Weat India do. 75 J'""0" "c to 80...:;.North Carolina bills. 4 tw 5 per cent, fy Howel dia. I Ceorgiado. 1 to 1J per cent, ditto. , ; !Iunl iremora-t. J nere naa een a nne nemirai ior , iftW-UoIand Cottan-bf prim ouUty, twltTs "" Itouaon. 11 hat4.eeo obtaineaVbut tbe latter prio. only alTtr aif-rf i,n.t.. tK.Viii.nVii awivm ia fArt-nti nan Jolui Andrew (ivt. Andtewa Nancy Anderon A. V. lirandon. ... Ale. Bord - William Beiuard JohiiO. Brownell John Bryan John blackwell Jurat a Brown AlklrtW Uoataio Thus Howie Joll.l lllillllp" Daniel Uihr -tVm'. Hur ler Kttaa Katbrr Julio Ba.-i.nger VVo. Brojya '2 A ndfe'w TJnrtiaa" " H. C. Burk JSb.Jicj,iet Iavid Cooper 'Sarah Cooper Jiimr ''htmiut Max. Cuthril 2 Jame Cunningham John Comeleaon Hu. Cmft Joaeib Carr Junie Cauble Henry-f-sirpcrS David Clary John P. Carter 3 3. P. Church 2 Jno. R. Dunn 2 Solomon Dickaou Janu-a Dun rtaomi Dobbins James Dougherty John Elliott Kinchen Elliott John Elliion James Everett Win. Everett James F.Ilia . John Fow EIRsSrCJeno -Hy. 8. Oorman 9 T." S. Greepleaf Mary A. Glander . Rich'd. GiDeqite 9t orge I looper 3 Dr. Geo. Jonra SamL Jetet Dr. J. a Jonrt Elizabeth M .loh:iton SamL Jcaey . Barbary Jar b.i F-J. Krbn RlLKilpStnck U.)bt. I.inater HctitI.ion LlixaOeth Locke Jacob Liiely Jamtt l.innter Jo'.iii Ijtanon m." tawtko'i Maigiiret I.rn-ke Cd-Hf earneitly requett all persona indebt: i pear at the tame pbtcc, t .o'clock a. auoo Tuv ea to mm, to come iorwra ana maae euie. ,uav,Ui m, wh tira-anrx, toe drill. ; ment, either with cah, nrby giving their note. , KDWAUO YAItDRO, Cal. Ctmult. SaKihwit, fV. .h, 1828. 36. f sW. !. 1828. 7t". vyh nivr.R. fWy I K tubacribert having wen appointed Agem . a ...... k . ti . Ctrnftan, ni; nonce to the vlerchanta in the interior that the Hcam Boat it in fine order, ih IJghtert te good and aufficient, and always ' k pt ready in case of low water j Ware-llouea at Campbrlton COWAN 8t KKKVE8 TT AVE jun" "received, 'from New-York aniY .11 . 1'lMiJuJelohm, at ..their Wore .it.VVocL Gr. e, Kowan county, twelve milea west of tji ! iMjurj, a general aaonmtnt 01 irean aOry Coeds, Uurd-'vare, Cutlery t " Grocerlei ife .... W, Martin Levi Mire Jrrov'or J.; March Thoa. MTii-ely UauiaouJdcCW are provided for the twoeo"m1 bey-rrrTlrefTniftW o well onuttially' atoraM"yrCottoni.llie aature ,.tow..t"r i J,S" or I'OWaV, or on a ahoA Rev. Miiml'ord Drjemet j produce, of C.nnU mid tb - bo-taTorded to render theae boatt woediy of Pj'nNh .Uieifc SUM.aiMittiavfi.ilM ! then patronage -" , ,.. nwacuw. nu aeep .. um- cweat ana rr: 1 aukar.i:Uun a. ill .MnH In tho r,iinl. moat apIlTOVcd kind ol tMaJa, tbet feel a COO. . and forwarding of Goods to any purl of the wvntng ueir irtendt MltLiM. Jtlhllf iut OHntrn and the? mrrmnrr-rirrmrind-riie eiaione, ana ju.ipe ior tiiemteKret. Win. Mason George Milter Henry Miller Hu. Slorgan Wm. McGuir Jerry Miller Forr'eat Monroe James Ndaon Mr. oliTer Robert Porter Jtme Pattersoa Nathanl. Peebles H'm. A.Phelpa J. II. Flea-ants Alrt. Pinkston II. J. Pariin Jacob Rough IVm, Roark Daniel RatL-dge Leml. Robardt Sandi Johnson Geo. Rufy 2 Martin Kengle . Mary Rou(f ft - --JilijahRatlief....-Jo. Robinton JameaRob'mcoa JohnSimnons U'm. Sherrel Benj. Miotsle n x - Fnwtteiille, A". C. Ort WILKINGS St Co. 1H2H. 4.1'J rc neg lected, and our quotations ar merely nominal. CttitHiVn, Vet. 4. Cotton, 8 a ; wheat ,y S. C. Money ; Flour 4 a 44 , out of the wagon com 371 s't r0 cenU. Pettrtbvrtt, fieptm 30 itun, 9 'o lO, to bacco, R2 50 a 7f -refused, 1) n g2. corn, 1 a g2t bacon, 6 j a 7 lard, 67; apple Thoa. ttaii Ik n y Hill jr. Dani Hendricks Duvid rioln uter Jano Hugh, a . Thoa, C. Junes Jofio. Jones Hy. bToari T Thoa. Sawyer TElt Smith "' Jacob Stitxer Mlcfia.-! Switik Thoj. T. Sweeny P. S. Swink Dr. Wm. H. Trent 3 Jacob.Treslr. . BediiegO Volunttrte rhWWniiams "Nathan' Wade 3 V4livVwrr Janiief WiBtams Fanny VViUson David WoolwortU John Young Ann I. Young T. Young. . T CARdMNt. !lE Annual twit Jsrturtt, in thia fnsti. tution will commence on the second Mon day in November nejt. On Anatomy, by John Edward llolbrook.ld. D. On Surgeryfly James Ramsay, M. D. On obitetrict and diseases of women and Children By I homat G. Prioleau, M. II. On Institute and Practice of Medicine By Samuel Henry Dickson, M. D. On Chemi-try and Pharmacy Dy Edmund Ravenel, M. It' On M'eria Medica Bv Henry n. Frort, M. D. On Natural Hittory and Botany By Stephen Elliott. L. L. O. On Patliolog'tcal and Surgical Anatomy By John Wagner, "M. D. Demonatratoi of Anatomy, John Wagner, M.D. 1 he Faculty take pleaaure in ttating that tbe ettablishmcnt of an Infirmary for Surgical catet, In connection with the College, ha been atten ded wirh ihe mrhrarrrsget arrricrpirted. tt afTor ded tn the students during the Islt course of in struction, the opportunity of witnessing a varie ty of operations -amongsT ' these ' Were moit of the capital operations in Surgery : JnabteeJrJraii jojronLP COWAN k URF.VES. Teerf Ortvt, Sept. lit, 1828. - 6mt55 VeYf Store, AT MOCXSriLLK. XORTU C.WOLIXM fpllfc nibacf.bcra having entered into copar.c X nenliip in the Mercantile JJuannt, at .. Mocksville, Rowan county, N. C, under thai firm of MARGRAVE (J UUMTr ore-wow- a eeiving, direct from New-York ssd - PhiladclJ phia, an entirely new stock of Dry Ceodt, Crockery, Hardware, Grocer 'tet, UcZfce T Cutlery, Selected and bought by one of the firm,- fur rata wmcn tney win ten low lor tVf Sa, or .. COTTOA; or on a ihort credit to punctuif dealer. Perwint wishing to purchase, aro respectfully invited to call and examine for themselvet. ROBERT L. II ARCH A YE. ,. ANDREW HUNT, fuewi lit A. 1828. 6t37 itiet which our tituation afford for the atudy of Practical w and ...extentiye rooms have been erected and provided with every thing neceatary for the purpose. The valuable Anatomical Museum of th Col lege, ha been improved by new preparation received from France and I'alv, last summer. It affords" the Faculty additional aatitfaction to. state, that b v. an tUTangenentmdt.the Ifati lacy ajtdJ'felosophical.SocieVf.Soujh troliii, rvtensite and valuaDle collection in natural careful v arranred. o at to anora to tnoe inter ested in the i'ttudy of Nature, ample opportunity of acquiring information, not only in the depart ment connected with Medicine, but through tU whole range of Natural H'utory. The rich collection of mineral, partioularU, must be considered very important to the Insti tution, kwmlisu n.t , LlsiI., un September ft ON Xfandsv," tbe 1 0th of Novenlber next, at tlaird't Forge, Burke county, tbe late reji- ' dence of Andrew Biiisl, dee'd. on a credit t J twelve months, will be sold Several likely Xryraea Three fVartni anTTIurneteiy- Oig, und Sulk-eg t Also, BtmMaoi- ' r 'utile, llof, Sh'stfa -Uoutehld and. Kitchen Furniture, &c M. BAIKD, ?a im WM. L. BAIRD, Sept. tart, 18-8. : 8t?5S i; IN.Saliiburjr, N. C.jun thefitli jat, wegjffc. 'maii'wlio tay n1inTaoie""rsTS'i, thirBe rati sy .hrB, fail jmaater Jobo JPti.'ro,.aliout tWa-'-4 weeka aince, in Columbia H. C. i uya he fbrmei;. ly belonged to the i atate of Gen. Nat. Cardlr of Soaa, i county, A'irg. he ia about 6 feet high, 32 v ars olil, atraight built, black complected; vith a snwll scar above the right eye. Thet ,t r isdesired to prove property, py charyrn ml lake him awav. V. SLATER, Sjtfi ieft.'. 8!MrT8 '