1 1 m Ii 1 V r Y.t ill r'i ' ii rOETRf. Jm .a, IV elding number of fron' Herald " wd the Mtoeing poetio eTuaion, Kicb b rplcte ith correct ifnitmrnl. fttUafOt! Wf M Iff fit to g church bdv, T tak il'ii a I f'rtv And rn irwnnrrow't ton r down . Re dealing iciivUI through Ihe town. ftot evert ttnctimoniou face, JffVM tht Certain Mi(T f aw A nhii. that eeeme K K.nf I at Tft veils hypocrity within. M la not fa mark our dutr'i walk, - Or a our t to rood A4li to. pr'if secret e rime, -Ti n-w for sect or creed to WW Ami cn ear irl toe ruia m ngm . Whra ill we ith it. at the bew. . .1 . V - - 1 It., .... . TW not to wtr the Christian's' drees, ""And bve H nvtnkina! pruf' . TS tee v; And fat apln.ttjtoj;sji "r 4oor AH not religion mean, not tint, Itt fruit far tweeler, hrt r ia, la heavenlvtoil alone it thrive. Ami more than bloaaoma where it Ere. IteRginn ! Vi the rule of Ufe, The W of love, the of atnfe, IU precept! thie, " to others do At you would have then do to st." It jfae to hear an ill report, Ami $cmi with hnman woe to spiwt t Of others' deed it apeak m ', JJut utle of food, or elte ie oU Am! doee Retiti it.'. Import J Oh ! mav our eoura he influence court ' Wavte, liule. Hie brich itie rtiiiful Uy, Vfbcu the kU eo-tk t1itl own in f i- t U iTrJ Tieilet f Whoi i I Kni let I , L no i soxa. l&udl weHtned ptr!ot be firjt'i. Who tiiente ortifn ir r. fluff we trot to mnr efV4 u ooi.. Wi.vwJr?L: Jjo, Jeckton it the nun. my itit. The mat of fifted irind. MTell ke for our president, T Avid kmg Sjruf -- - Then let ut drink to Jackwn'e hcillh terrrd ui well "n l"nf. hit oeme from eery !,, frtejo eve org. fn Jaekton til the people find A her brave irtd inir, And ene who wi'ff '.h'tr righlt defend- Not M With Johnny Q. t'et, Jt -ktnn it the mn, iry deir, i Th man of noble mi ni, 1 tThotl be the ffl' president. In eighteen twenty nine. tlie noble, wiee, the jrrett tnd rod, In Jackon tre cotebin'd, The man of common trnie tnd truth And one of generao mind : Then Adamt moat five up, my dear, -An4.ueoncilehia.mind, .. "Te Ve V fuller did . .. -: - dtp ff ianj Syiu. C. -ft b t iMM eooiohng.promite, that If we ieek firat the kingdom of Hearen and iu rijt- tjmwtja, ail other (h'mgt iiutl be added.unto a. Fear Hha ye uin and you will then Jlae nothing elte to tear 1 Make jron hit terietyoir delight, Yor wanU tliall be bit care. P. S. I tnmk U crtl.arJ gri( an Iruler'l every kintl, U more certain W lit oq gray Un l than any other. ri rifet't ' airtiw. - Tht TanLct.K Yankee i 4t kee over the j;W tod you might v.. a - Kim. If vim met him oo the " ------ , mountain of the m on 10 tie min utei, by hi natl maliijr. U'e love and honor him for ir where It U not car. ricd to 1 Minding; prejudice. He re. member . hii chnol houef the pecU. liar diiciplioe in "whichhe w reared, the place where he played, tlatrd, aod bk the d Inr ie Withe morning of, l fe, where Tre Wiihei of W? .fowfMhtfiJ and where he wm baptiard, and mar. ricd. ...Wnerever he tradei and tr. fica,' on dlatant icai, nveri, r moun. taioiplje'trill only forget hta .native accents and. hit natal tpot. when hit which he baa aurh jnur)4rwjredcey lebrny. Ftint'i Wmiern Review. IT Rtaa iUKMOMO. , rilllll tirgart eetablwhrnrnt, ailiiated ffrrtl 1 at the np-th rumer of the Court ," I l.llowte. hatba recently repaired and fitteifuji In a new an i wperior aiyle, for the re eeption of Company. He freatett paint hart been taken to procfit for thit eitablwhnMnt new furniture of evtt ileacription, necetMry for the comfort of Trarellen 1 the mot ap proved arrvanta havbcea aelected with grea'. care 1 the bar ateckcl with choice liquora, and the atablet attended If obliging and attentive ho ten. The eonrftience of thit tituatioo it equal to any in the pkee. The bouae contain I number of private noma, ami oat-boueea, well e Irritated fir theaeMmoiUtuHi 0 Travcllert M rToerdere Attacbel M tllich, Jllvere, ie a Urv Uoodt an4 rok tor. to tho h ay ptcaae to eal) on bin ho eeirt the at that no junt .will be epare! to render thWr ttt'cemiortable ami plraaing. m EZRA;ALLEMp.Va. Sat'ibury, Srfl If. II2T. . t3 """' 1 N01 anhtcriber baa jual returnrd In mi the rili, with at good an a wort mi-nt of Jewelry , Watchet, Sher-Ware Ur. at waa eer itTrred fur aale in thit plare 1 hit Jewelry of the tatrat Importationt, tnd the moet raaliionablo and elrgant kinda to be had in any of the Northern Citirt 1 elrgant Gold and Silver lricKf plain Do. 1 lie, tie. And in 1 few dart, he will receive a very elegant aaaori ment of MHlart 'b. Alafl, all kindt of Sil- eewM'aw, krpt constantly on hand, or made to order on abort notka. A II of which will be told lower than auch goodt wrre ever diapoeed of before In thie place. The public are respectfully Invited to call and examine Ihete goot their rkhnraa, elrganoe, and cheapneee, cannot fail 0 pleating tboae who with to buy. All kinda of n'tnhft RrfuirtJ. ami warranted to keep timer the altop i. t0 U.joni bctotr ttf eoart-hooae. wa Main-eirt. . . . . KOBERT WylNX." . 1 1 K aubKnber hu removed from the houae formerly owned by Capt. J occupied by Mr. David Porter, in the eaet end of the town 1 where be will continue hit TAV' EHX. Me einctrcly tbankt hit frienda and the public for the patronage heretofore eaten- ded to him 1 and be tuliciu the coutinuance of their favor. He pledget hit unremitting attention to hit bnaiooa. ami ki'idiitaato tboae who may be Dlraaed to eU upon turn. 13 The Southerner. 'The Southerner it auch over the whole globe. You may know him by hia olive or brovt complexion, on which the tun hat looked in hit wrath. You may tec tn hit countenance the tinge of bil. iout impretl, and that he hat inhaled: m'taima, and breathed morning and 1 WHITFIELD KERR evening fogt. You mjy note in hit j S.'ainulle, Irtdtile. .V. C.,ifil A. 1828 . , lift peculiar gate, ana in ni tree anu 101 ty port, tha he haa compared himaelf with ao infcri ir race of human bcingi, a. ihi.ii km, mitrn nrinre niffl in . . I ., . ... . , ; 1tA. 'IHtK tobeenber rea'i)ectfully in their daily tak. Ilia generoui ois- mji. I frA.Ki. fnawfbla mewl haw axttk rrgird of expense and ccon mv as he ?jf i'? fM-Nyf that (, bu opeiudt travel! i hit ftpirit, adeni and vet gen ' r., m ... a. - . - ' n WING been abent on a ira'anrvTa.Trne paat tummer, reanectfully Inform bit old aaert V, dee'd. to the bouae lately i niatomere and the public generany, that be haa Good maris Hotel, sian or the golosh ball. a ia . h a a . a . . V l- "- V etir.W.Tirjiiitangy.reeand Order for work from a d atanee, will be thaok tr a) the houae lately occupied niiiv receiveo, and puciuaiiy a'temieu to, ac. . . a j ...1 ... b 1 1 a a rvuuff a-arvatr ment, and yet "difficult to- devrib-, iyt ae kept ready, ft mrk him even to an un jhservant ee, ai Southerner, in the ttrcett of New York. - returned home, and returned hutine. ehich during hiaabtence waa conducted by bit partner, Mr. Uwry rhey continue at the ahop formerly occupied by R. Templeton 1 and are fumiahrd with the Tarit and London Pa.bion, for Iilirt and Gen. tlemca. Tbete fa.hiont have been more ren erally admired and adopted by the But Tan of the Northern Citiea, tl.an any hitherto received 1 and hbourh it require more than uaual akill ami loaf to give tnemitir eject, yet the tub- amber pledge themaelvea that their rircution of them ahall not be aurpatNtl in the Union. Ladie llabitaand Pclircea, and fientlemen't Clothinr, will be made up at price lower than tuck warir wat ever heretofore done, in order to . 1 0 . . I comorrn 10 ine unrumpicu irrurc of ine Bk umea. , r '11 Ut reel. fi. ate ,4 Ln .l4,r, , j. . L Mock of the Mat. l.k ut N,,rtB hnai f.r the renewal of which, eppUV.ij,,,',,:,. be made "o the D.reetorv of a.,,) u,, ,, ' appropriate lime. JNO. L lir..M)F.KtO AnfuttWih, tens. jjij ' Trolttr k UunUnxton, Watch and Clock Maker anJJnveUm CHARLOTTE, N. C. ' n.VE luat received an elegant aaaortment of anklet In their linet which they will tell very low for caah, or to punctual euatomefj ' a credit, ay All kindt of W'atchee repairtiL tnd wtrranted lo perform Well. M 34 1828. jj r j raviiBBUMcriotrretumt "rS'.'" - bio oineere trtankr fo ' k - PM'lie for the liberal ' vT"ehcoiiraeeminr I.. k.. ... iMW. aViLeelvetLind havinr enl. f V - -Nr'f hit Shop, and mjar . i..'.-iiT3 r fcMd Pewoureda' ' ' larre aint)l nf it.. 1 . mafrrlala. It now prrpared to mt all kintla and on aucb terme at the banlneea of tb timet will Juatifyi and ae low aa tu K. chaaed any where in the State. All arranted for twelve monthn and all klt. -e Cerhogae. repaired at the abort eat notice. Order from a diatanco tbankfull and punctually attended to. BKXJAMrN OVERMAN. Creentkwet' Sept 13, 1828. 6t40 cording to directiona. invt'-. RII.AS TF.MPl.f. ION, KQL'IKR LOWItY. hi pr jud preference of hi own coun- me.l.a'eiy oppoeite til Court llouae. I he rvHiC,y' trv, hi, peculiar dialect, hu reclTesiTTrc may "rely on hti:imteaertMnlofe4ei .u T , diarcgard of consequences, and a va. hi' 'nt'n.mrnerrt eat rf.eory , every particu.1 UT I UOtAM 1. JQ.tllMOtlf g , " , lar. lie wiabea the 1 atelier to call and judge 1 0 "I f N VINti tlTiCted the object I rtcty f miaed uaus, aeen in a mo. fbi,r. Pri,e wm, fofCuniBet ff U . i.icl, he declined hi. prof To tlold .Mlntrs. (l(TVTi b, f"" WtHhtr, jut received, UslALf and for aale, bv fc. fu.F.V k C?. . ufwy, jvnf 19 TIIK Mbecribera having qualified aa Adminit. tratoraontheeaiate oi Amlrew Daird, dec'A late of Hurke county, deeire ad peraooe indebt. ed to taid eatate to make payment with at littU delay aa poaeiblei and tH beraon harinr rl.lr. tgainH the eftate, will preaent them legally an. tltenticated, within the time limited by not of Aaienbly, other ir. Ibia notice win k. nu.j bar of their recovery. - '. : ; ftf ' Septmhe, 1828. W M. L UAlnD,' Vrr' aiahed. JOSEPH GOOD it AN. Camin, 8. C. VAJ9. 1828. tit40 ri llrL.l...kl. am9a s. ' aillKiVtluabU Mill, .rwt t.A. W Vi tner,7 P'operty of o. ljaner, lec'il. are offered for tab profri State f riJ arbita 1 oijkl butine. team mrp hia aer- vieee to the citizen of Charlotte 1 adjacent country, in the practice of Medicine and Surgery. , . Jled.u'y cooaider the preaaure of the timet, ami will make hie charge accordingly. .Sei. IIT28. 3t36 and 1 if I arawtwa,- 1B2S Governor, to the uae e 5 Cents "UewtittA. y the ht purchaeer. 1 bii land lie on lu ili'iian'a creek, 4milet ea4t of Mocka. ' vine, adjoining ine O.K Murotord tract, and it g Bov, br the name of Andrew Kee.hr, on equal to any land f Hoaan county, witb a Urge j Sunday the 28th "mat. The taid apprentice i Stale f Vrtk.( urUna , pnipomon ui wjpfrn.r mrwio , uc na are tDnut 17 )ean of age, atout made, ruddy com. Tl .K a ay from the tubacriber an apprentice Irwin and Vorwood. "re. the helrf at law tif Wm. AlHaoni aci. fa. Ordered by court that pubhea. tion he madr ait week in the We. tern Carofi. nian, for Joaeph Alliai.n, John AlTiann, and An. drew Alllon,heir at law of Willianl Atliaon, deceatrd, that they appear ami anawer 'o aaid tcire facias othenriae judgment will be entered up araiiiet them. c-'jy imac atrxaaora f r. i-Jf en i norirte n4 aaa et iiva . m nil taaatean avamaaw aa eakaaa ' ejn nfi viviua.uuit' "'ru aaca hw at e J giKd and increaaing run of cuvtomi the water, pow er can very conveniently be nude to drive any kind of Machinery. For other particular, ami tr rnn Apply lo fhowiat D tiibba, unt of tbe proprietor, on At preraiae. i - - . at t" . Turk if It r nana f KCKLEVBUHO Cotintv Court 1 Auruat fieiion, witn black hair. He it tiippoted to Iff. anaiona, IMJS. tiovrrnor to the uae of are gone to Lrxiegton, or Linculnton i and John Irwin tf the beiet at la of Wm. Alhton, the above reward will be riven to any one wffr decd.i aci. fa. Ordered bv court that nuhhr. tt 'l.. a a . inr ij irutct irofB on- '.ion d mtvic mx eat in Mm I '""ITnih! hungry Bona lack their prey, I Tl Lwi tbaJifuwljrojridc 1 For inch as put their tmrt in him, I . And ae. tjieir need tupplied." i 1 i ...j . . I J JlISCELLAN:oi!S.' FVAB orria. We are authoriacd to tar that an. other Presbyterian Clergvm m in thit St.ite, Virgini , haa offered ihr Miina gers of the Am. Colonization Society, all his slaves to be transported to I.i. beria, as ion as their fundi will ena ble them. The estate of this Clergy man consistt almost entirely in hit slaves which arc estimated t be worth t - .i - t . . l j r if irorn inrcc in lour mousana uonart, i He ii laborinf without a aalarv. in Vine of our wide moral wastes, t make' PE rCR M XF.R known to ihe ignorant and the thought-i ' JACOB 8 AN ER. la th iin.rrliKU rlrl.-. r f PKrl.r ' f , 1J i UAHHN kVtt -rL .r t . , , ,. . fc .. . . . -, - -v'fial a'taebmnrtl levied on 40 acre of MnitJW. .JVfk.r-r.a'iMr-Thia larnhre nl nrnnrrlv nA A,Ur- K It - Anntkee tract, bclnnsnnr to Petri fii ' ........ . 7"" vu J mi' olfl . . r. ; - - nV. ;wqioining ine aanua,oi ,onn uiemroonaano otn-B f-i-KI.KXBLkD. rtjnt Cotirt . : A.i tion Of himself to the coae of .K. a o the ejour, that .he;defc.: AlS? 'J deemer, i, worthy of imitati... Such """'ZZe ?5& ! "2.? l?!!"!? ftw k JRmj, t at law .of Wmr Aiiiaon tcira. tiraereo oy me court lhat pub- licmlion be martM kic in ah. !:.. appear at the next term of taid ! Carolinian, for Joaeph Alliton, John Alliaon and will deliver him 'o me, living ' iebury, on tbe water of Hack Creek. DAVID I'I'RIGHT. ; Oct. 4. ra, 3u7 StaMf-'4h-Carlima i eaion John Cemmont t r. John Mathewtit ...an a . 1 rVIDSO County Court, Angiiat I r is.- he Weaiern CaroH. nian, for Joaeph Alliaon, Jihn .lliaon. and An drew Alliaon, heirta' law of William AUiaon.de. ceaaed, that they appear and anawer lo aaid acire (aciaaolherwiK judgment will be entered up tgainat them. 639 iiAic AlrXtvDta c af.f. r i e j i . T r . i oruerca mai puuncanun DC mane in me All ma i acifk. -acta Ol henehcenrr. nrnmh pd hv ..ir W k Ana rt buxL . . ... nmaoni aciia. ORCHARD GRASS, TheToilongtt"l1etwfrot QT Virginia, to bi friend in South-Carolina. Dear Friend: In reply to thy in quires respecting my experience i:i the cultivution of Orchard Grass, I can atate that I have had it fur sev eral yeara and 'tis my decided opinion that it it the most valuable gfass 1 have Been, bettcr-for our dry cliinatc. than any other specie. It keeps green, and of course affords pasturage, and that of excellent quality, during the whole summer. I have a variety of soil on mt f.rm some being gray, tome of chocolate colour, some ret), and some dark. My land is generally pretty etiiT, and on this kind the or chard grass, and indeed every other, succeeds beat. It is not ttpt to live un M'JjijSm" c'ucumitance of its being more liable to be thrown up by the frost in the winter. On the light land- it is more-apt to perish by the drought during the first summer but wherever irrurptvej thefirst eas0njjt . will continue to live through all -weather and all grating" The aubaoit or fourdatir-n r.f mv land U mostly a stiff, tenacious red clay the rest is a mulatto clay which is gtntr IIv under the gray land I have usu- aratety a may pen u tne purcnaaert a men ; r,1i..j n iiKcwiae nrw raie mnu. n-.w.r. r.mlini.n ..k. .rr. Mi.tf f.' to. ennst, shall not t0 unrewarded AU ul ba whla lot adlnmnr the town of aaid defendant to anoear at the next term of taid ' Thrr are reeistfted in the annuls ,f , M'kaulle, wntaining ten areaof land, with a eoqrt, to be behl in Leiington, the second Man. j Andrew Alliaon, heir af.frw of William AIHi Heaven antl will b tcMtoteh anainrrttorrpiev, , deeewed, tbar theX appear and anawer to a.) " , , .... Triwmmv ii.rucn u i.im iimucnj ...w or wu i and piean, omrniK juuemcm w ill nw- laacn . that A.v uLn ( -,, .k.ll ik. n.... i-.- - . . . " .t.'.h::'L i i r - i.1' .v ..... . jui(j. mt i iow, o.i iccomniixijiiiijf leina. ippijBaaouTe.iagaiaBOimoyoei.uii. otv secreta-of-alt heart bv-JeeuS-Chria. I r : i DAVID MOCK, e. f. e. aeire taetaa uhera ie jmlment will be entered up tftainttihem 6'39 ISAAC AtVXAKDta.C AT f. Nh roatoaTie br rat. irait tocr. The folkwme frls whiclv we pu -f St tV atafAVa.a,l CnrJitm AVl'a.quaUted nlovember conrtJa,-t yDSoN iJuMwuimlj ujuminiiL'tri w .c w -j. i, Benton tnemmont rt. John Mat- David Craige. Ue of Rowan county, dee'd. we" to time this lew hours, and what remain rnnaiata - "-allrcnriMh'aemm :alt!aayer fe and indeed only trial is on the young plants , during the first summer. 1 cannot entertain my doubt that it would do well if sown in the fall in Sou'n Carolina, because their winters are si mild as seldom to suspend the pro gress of vegetation j and the plan would thereby get sufficient rot to withstand the drought.. 3t3f JukW 1828. THOs Roar. CRAK.R. h. crk;e. Aibninulratmn. fttonts, Cut Vlock, &c. X S'OCir PHILIPS k JOHN HOLSHOUSER, E i .L- e i iw tr Hampshire Gaaettc, afford n answer mke pavment with aa little delay aa poeaiblej t tht inquiries of a correspondent on and all oeraont having claim again! tbe ettate, thu subject. 1 istter. Iu M.y last M. J. Fontenelle read in the Academy of Sciences at Pans, a memoir on the spontaneous combus tion of the humm body. M, F, et ublished-inaintestibly..thc reality of the phenomenon, and rclites fifteen observations of spontunrous human combustion. Most of the 15 persons who took fire spontaneously and were consumed, were women immoderately addicted to the use vf spirituous li quors. In all cases the body and vis cera were burot, while the feet, hands, and top of the head escaped: tbe com bustion takes place in those who are the prey of a wbleni interoal heat the presence of a twrniog body.is not. ne cessary to produce spontaneous com bastion, and water, so far from extin giiishing the fl tme, seems to render it more activr the-fire does-oot-buniH combustible objects placed near it two persons were consumed at" the same time, in the same apartment, without burning the furniture or the iptrttneot the body consumes in a Vote f ytrih-l'arKna : Ifc 1 TU U.VBIHG Cwin'y Coetrt : Aoinan UmLaljOM.,ng .-IU Jade.af Jno. Clcmmon. , fe w defendant ia bevond the limit of the state, it i i acuiaint the public, that they make, of the bcit of rock, and of a superior grit, AIM Stonrs, Window and Door Si7 Steps, fcrc. j Of every description, worked in the neatest i manner, and afforded on the loweat poasible tenm pav ment. Ail orders for levied - . . . r i ri ii v. yiiiiiBii. .in 1 1 i r . r r rirm. I H.rwi - - - . - a - r w nght, tay V. Vox, Hetay Cox, tike heirv at law of John near at our next Novem'r. coun- appear at the next term ol aaul . , , .. .i . ' ,. . r..- . emirt, to be holder,, n Lesmgton. the tecoml ji(,trrBen, ,ccorJillg ,0 Klre f.ei.a will be Uken Monday in November next, then and there to "ngt xt.m replevy and plead. other iae judgment will be s' fi ...,,,. taken againat him by default.. Ml 39 AtEXAWPta. f. M e. DAVID MOCK, e. d c. 1 s, tf XenK-i nrbna :"" 'CKLF.NRUHG Cctjnty Cirt Augutl Muloh08?8tthe'3ovevwto-.tbe.uie.. ... ... ..... -I,--- uricniiam 11 ucvonn me umna or me aiatr, n ia I tvmirli ik,i,!,l. preient them, legally atteatecl, within the I ordered that publication be made in the Wea. i 2 . e prewibed by act of aajenihly. otberwt ern CkronM six weeka aucccnivcly. for aaid r ' ,TJ notice wdl plead In bar of their recovery. dl.(erHtnt to ippf ,r the nMt ,crm cf .j ". CJ PPe Sinte tf Xnh Carolina . D .iS ? Y rt'. Uff.'. vWonof A. and A.lloyle, t. Andrew Clark, Sample) , 1828 , Jacob Saner re. John f" f Alexander, and the Executor of m. Allium, original attarhment, lev.ed on 40 acrea of knd, , rfcCd , ,hU it ippe,rinF to the aatiafac a,o.n.ng the UmUof Jno. Clemmona and other., m ftf ,he cor1f Jl)ftffh Allien. John Alfi. It appearing to the court that the defendant ia beyond the limit of the atate, it ia ordered that publication be made in the Western Carolinian aix week' (UTcrwircly, tor aaid defendant to ap- and mod trade, at eah prices, taken in i pe,,r at tin next term of laid court, lobe Itolden 7. " . - .a .-.. cut or pick'd nick, will l in Lexington, me second Monday in Ko' be thankfully received, and faithfully attended to, on application to as, 7 mik aouth of naliwury. - ENOCH PHILIPS, JOHN HOLSHOUSER. Sept. 30r1838. " 357- WAGONERS, DRiriXtS TO FA TETTF. Ft LIE, T ILL find it to their advanUge7trT0nat -ft. -the W4QW TARD, where every eon- frTeTMvFvnwerfelvi spontan'eo'us co" body originate from a degeneration of muscles, tendons, viscera, &c. which gives rise to new products of a ighly combustible nature, the reacti-n of which determines the combustion vf the body. Alcohol contributes with other causes to prodoce this degener. ation. , -.- - - ... i venience ia provided for Man and Florae, to make them comfortable, at the moderate charge of 25 cent a day and night, for the privilege of tbe Yard, the ute of a good house, fire, water, and shelter. . Attached tot the Yard, are a Grocery and ProviaTon Store, bread Shop and Confec tWury.anil lloute for Doardera and Lodgers, iti "a ' plain, cae'tiVleMmilm able tryle. . . - : .. 09. CommUteA to e JftU AkF Monteomery county. N. 0. on the 3d of September, 1828, 'a negro man, wbo tayt hit name ia LEWIS, and belonga to a Mr. Bel chef of Columbia, 8. C. He ia 5 feet ?j inchet hiirh: aomewhat afueted with paint in tn thic-hs : aayt he is between 35 and 40 year old The nv ner i requested to come forward, prove property, pay charge, and take him away. A, FOREST, Jtftff. November next, then and there to replevy and plead, other. wise judgment will be taken agauwt him by ue fault 6t40 . DAVID MOCK, c. d. c. BOOK- Bl N J)IN6 .. THE aubacriber reipcctfulljr informs the cit Isena of ftaFisbury,' and the surrounding country, that he hu eatabliibed a Beth Bindery braid town, on Main Streeta few iloors south of the Court-IIouie where he will be thankful to receive any kind of work in hia Kite of buaineas. From a number of year experience, in Europe and America, he feela confident of being able to give entire satisfaction to all those who may fa. vor him with any description of Binding. Blank Bk made to order, after any pattern furnished, on ahort notice, and at price which no one jM-jprmpwyyr&iZzZ uut 7eaJr icebound, eitner plain or ornamen tali ;n the moslnw)deneTreiTAl;eer fedWl'diraiwefa'itbfn)ttearie4a ronage of the public it repectfully aoticited, by their obt servt JOHN H. DE CARTERET. SaKibiir9t Aprjl MA, 1827. 62 Cotton "Xorii. ' i j fiOR sale, whaleeale md retail Srrv Corrnx, 1: JL Number to 615, inclusive, at the Factory prices, from Fayetteville. Apply to J. MURPHY, .'fenf. SoUtbaj, Jlay 5, 182B. 14 ton, and Andrew Alliaon, heir at law of Willnv Alliaon, deed, are not inhabitanta of Una itate. tt ia ordered by (lie court, that publication be made lix week in tbe Western Carolinian, that the partiei aforesaid tppear at nur next November county court, knd then plead or replevy, other wiee idgment will be entered up against them. 6r39 ISAAC ALEXANDFB CMC. " ComtnUteA to te 3aV OF Meckltuborg county, on the 22d day ot "A pril, 18311, a tiejrt wamnn tiamed vthanav- who taya the behMg to a man by. the name of John Herren, who live in Dnplin-cownty, N. C. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, piTargero4 take-bar Atav.- CommUttA to ti Ja OF Wilket county, a negro Itoy, who tayt hit name it RILL, belongt'tn F.iekiel Trot man, of Alabama, aiid n sway below -Fayette. v'tUe... He-is JiceL8jpr.ch ,,ifJhv"re' made'i rathrrllght eoirMttd. between 2? and;; 9 v- nlil t un Trtlfiiitur mark nerceptibfe . . I . 1 lsl . property, pay pnarjecs, ami ic -- N. ft. Since the above wa published, the fellow aavt his name i Daniel, and that n Pe long to William Fowel, of Kichmond connt.v, N Carolina. CMARLF.S PHELPS,- Wilkethort', May 30, 1828. 19 SHERIFFS DEEDS, IjjiOR land sold by order of writ of renfltHpfn ciponnSj for ssu"l at" tVu effir.. r. I-

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