V V Ty 7.0 WNITK. J JL w YOIVIX N0. 438. r l. Uw,tM ,- bM, . M .. mnHmt mwt N'wti M. la mt.mm.. mm r' . " IM ml 4iM. " fll a. XI ! W ' himmI t I w ikj mm mmi F . --.---""" . , 4 .... - . fTW.iubcriWrMWwdfri!itl TrtCrTr" JL1' ' tow1 foewnv ty rownod. y-. ' I l I U . i- ll. . I H0CUpW Py IMTHf rwiv m " cm; of the I I Hr bt will continue bit TAT. jzr f, H9 tly shank hli JrliMKlVand nuLKc for Uw'ttroft heretofore tale. 'dad in Mm I end eolkitt the toiitiswance ef - a pledgr In anrtrmttinf fttfcntion 1o rt tHism, ad kimlna to thoM who way be tUKi t j call upon Mm. W. KEAIL JftaeiW. re. A". C. 14. 1 W8.-V-1? PrtofiU ViMtrtalumtnt. WILLIAM HOWARD H,S latejv opened Bm fare UiinmnO, H mflcf fram 8liUiry, m m county, v. n itm """i i ll. tr a that d!w. br Dcvd'i BriV over tk Yi Ikin, t UtL Dttrillf, Uilton, llitltbo- nurti. Rlr!Hi. Le. llitrHMtM (jffnmtly krii ljr ' th iwm of tbe ITMo m tUlictiifuiiy i iwiiea, wm 4 of mile cwtb of h brulM I rv good, and well protMcd i aiui be ill pari' no practicable oieani of rtixiVrinir liU ettabliih. mint. In eirrt reraect. comfortable od nlra- anttn travrlfen ami iit and dfeervdii jiaf nf pejbbo patronafre. " " OrtM, rw. - 8(41 bteo Wtofltr therc.dere brief ikeich of I looked. . ' ' ; I tome 6f th !ftiern. !m?rrrontnti lo . Th Quiricr flail Ro.d tla bea a eon ',re Te lumiu atrfiueur. ' ' To make fine tight Bit cult. To two . J. .r i our eountr., It U from Hi. Vmt Or tlderablniln. i .p.,; Bni f.P . Km 5k ' "f". xeite. nd coQUlm Hit, prepared wi.h coed, gelation. Itl ti .tioi I. .boot f bu"Cf 4 te C0P ful1 f betn? mufbc.rlef the C.n.U sad H.l floade rniUi fron Hoaton, miles a " . our maU te ,?000 'WLof lAlibod, commtoocd or Inieorfcd io tke Tfct Miocfc Chunk lUil lu-abiel P1" "h mk them at at no, Uittteu 5iMi.j:r'v l:r Jhfen flAi.h',' i....k u muIm I wwe. tott crr thio. cut fr.?'ii.i.!. I. Midd!re Can.l. TbU'liai beeb Tbe SchorlkiU We.t Branch Rail Road bak W:ttr!7W'T'l',Rii baea bogua Mu fcdijUi I tolUiT Ji Cesi- f ftetfil rtin. Mara j Its fcCKth Ii 11 1 3 mitee .U Jim addiiloo to tbew, projecu baa beeo oa tre'far aupcrlor to outet the whole pro- mindtci'iuciicikei 0timpi A hiKi mah am I flr Ifl 9 ail mvIav tjt 'K tA MaM L . J ua feet of lockage. Ii rum from Dot- foot, ind mim ..tanr. m. A...l.n -m k.i tor aarftor tj PMrmford UAtuchoMtf .J Rwdi from Pof lm lo Proel- troths mtlu f-jf .k. v. 3. iumoa Vanal,Thia undana. deoca. 4i mil... fm n. - ill" 7,,W'wy tkK h not . , BoUbed, but lo rapid pro- aop, AlbaoV. T.lk.Tfr. ! " f1.-: JdcrtJible Barbarity. ,;...Wood wa formerly ao acarte in rtagonia. in J ' c io plentiful," that aherp wea drlreq iota the fai"nce of linekIos ' io oriir le flniwVr the earooae of fuel, i W ekonld not haver dared ta if a delree of the kiatf of Spain, pro- bibiubs the: b'arbiroua x'tutoM;ciSIr oot still preienred la the archirei, of -- - , Buenoa Ayrea, ' - , . irmaita lenr 41 m.lea, from Worca4 te3cbeneetadfTtKml!at3 ter, M. to Troirldence. R. I.1 3. Farmlflr-on Cnel TbU ( unfin h'.iedw . Lena-ih If milei, from Norih amotoo, Miii. to e ILv-n.Ci. , 4. Hodwoand V.rk Cnl. Tbia l In oprreiion; . Unrth 3(3 mile, from Alba ny to Purrloe, iN. y. 5; Chitnplain CnaI.Complettd t lenfftn 03 milei, from Albany to White- il0 ' the Cirnpden and Amboy -lbe Dini!l- and rotavillet the Colombia and Philadelphia! and the Baltimore and Ohio Hail Koadi all untr mf. j nerr art r .r i i-r . -t.r' l ' : :t. -izrr-. at: j Vm : . . . . HiuiiiiM R'o rauaic un iiici""K awmc ucmvu ui mr, ivanooipa g . a.v aocoSt or nic mbrnaid. TrmlitattJrtm $Ju With Minting Ar Jaw. Io the month of July 1816, a f4r mcr, of4he parish of Llaa e enhaearo, a a .'I ear of the philanthropist. , P. S. Would it pot, be conducive to the (general health to eat less warm bread 7- It certainly would contribute to the comfort of the poor blacks to allow them to make hoe light bread c.a i i ..-ii n otiuraiy io mi uu monaay. mm , a r n.- h i n , j . . , ' . m --! tiannru ana roitici.A very seosible , C. niwrroCinil.Comnleter'i Unfrtk ! about three milea frnnt AkrvtrtL I . , . vt ., 1 7 t A it f ? It I - ... . ' . 'I Goodman's JIoicf aan ov tsb ooldsn sall. THftiihfctther tricrtfully in, form bia frienda and the pub lic generally, thai be baa opened a otter in tlieboiwe lately oociifiI by Mr, M. tf-Met altoch of thie town, Nor:b wrat corner of BriJ and Kin(r streeu. and im. laedia'elr oprioMle tbe Court Home. 1 he pub I Be maT rely on hi itrenuoue exertioni to render btijrj!iertointnrnl.H.itraciorjj,.iU. tsttj. pamup far. He w tahra the tiavellrr tn call and jixlge for M nelf. I'rivate rootna for familiea will l vavt be kpt ready fumUbed. ... :. .::.: nm.VU COODUAN. J Cam'lnu S. C. Ttb. 9. 1 828. 8i40 M(iuot VVousc. jhlltltuUMielf ItaWTOovtd from V1" JL-Canvien to Uui p'ace, renpeetfiiiiy Mi H tftrmf the mtblio,that be hi taken the "wTSMi ioa n ttand. edloinlnf " ttie' Ottrf Uu fywtre.recen'h' ereiipHrd by AJr.Joba W.CUrk, ad nwiaJly knoan aiCe--'tfe, where be Itai - opened. a..,... limit cf Entertainment, "undef'-lne above trrte. Wie nremiaea are rta elou, an i well adapted to the bneioceei tbe bta bjea e-e Urea and eupplied with careful boa. tl eri and travelled will find every convenience uunnary iaJbe be houaeof the k'uxL To profeaaional tierrtlement and otlier having btuinraa in thie place connected with tbe Court, hia ftrabhabment ofTera advanUft auperior to any o-Jwr. Persona travelling with their fimiliee can be Sceomn'ilated with private aMrtmcnta, and every attention will be fiven to inture the com. fbrt of thoae who may call.. Members of the approaching Ijfirlature erautd be aoeonunodated in tbe belt manner. Town boarders can le aceommoda ed at tbe terme ntuaJ is thii place. JOHN MTOI.I.. va w aavaiTVll v si i VlllWIOfl T t..Z ,k. I? i a r r CTl ,ell,.8 r"" " W,thia three ,n'1 rest juatlrt i ' nerl.ntf the Iludwo and Ene Caoal wuh hundred yard, of the aea shore, went At to the uproar in the Stat. ofN Y. V ' 't' n ' i j t' dawn lH rockl heB W-onro baa, io reality ea little to do with . nl.'h 5o u lnJ 1 t Vi f :$ ri'Dff,a.dder.gStfollr beaming on the ss it bad with the late eaHhau.ka. at rdKC.vUL! oceaS, and saw femle fa. he C.r.cca. and Lima. Tb. m.terf.1, com and Ctvuw Lakf., Jtb Hudson and Erie lK-0L) .' if , L noib, ih-.nonulatior, f that Sf.iL 8 Delaware andJ ucW, canal - whin a .toe throw oMm.eS! At TiTTi.r1" Delaware anciiiduton canal ,i,,..k JL J matenala of Central America, a.id as con Lenelh 61 milet. from th lliw.re in lr "f, through . mqiletty, retired. political career, he had the ill fortune to offend a coieombish younir fellow who determined to areoge himself by ; insulting the Koaooke orator oo thet' first opportunity that occurred. At lenirth the ODDortunitv nreaented it.' . self, when the young sprig, meeting Randolph on the pavement, walked ut to him very impudently an3 said never gife the way to a dn-i-'l aa- cal." Mn RandolDh immedlitefr pulling off hia hat aod making a dtr bow, replied. " Well air. I atwavi do i and gave him the pavement. sait, one of the moat fashionable phy- sicians of Paris, pretends to cure all diseases by means of bleeding aod e'eches. One of his patients, how- A felt than by beine thrdwo into the scale of the party the lct prominenily mi chievout 1 he convultion retpectmt; matonry, now aounriing ita confuMon ol tongues through the country, la nothing more or'leit than an erUptlon'6f one Of 1 mee near the head of Lake- Erie. CoaeVi nuA liS aMftkg. TjtB Subacriber return hit aincere thank to the public for the liberal ifvf!-I""neourae'pnM'nt hp ha. i. ceivrd, and having enlar ged hi Mhop, and number iiit tif band, and procured a large wipply of the be' njatrrials, it now prepared to make all kind of work in bia line at the hortet notice, and on auch term at tire bartlnee of the timet will justify ; and aa low at can be pur chited any where in the State. All new work warranted for twelve montht; and all kind of Carriage, repaired at the shorteit notice. Order from a difance thankfully received and punctually attended to. BBVMMIN OVF.RMAN. Grfenihf.' Sept. 13, 1828. 6tl0 crs. bouvaii. In peraou the president is about 5 feet 7 inches in height ; but his body J ikt nikn1. m mm. mm ai w A lanVAMAV hs . .a- I atUU 1119 4IJ iCUUAKCS ll UH IU' WI" ile the farmer was calling his wife . . ... .. .? , c Lj; ....a.. . . . a iidiiru uiai. iubi c4lb t a &.uiii taaaa uviiiih 15T Uhighc.n.l.-Unnnished; length and his younger-chrid. - When his e,Dec, he' Id oerhana. if -seeo io 4mllea, from "roddartivltltfroo the Pii came idrvara me nm not f 1...,;, r.r. .iflrh. tA l.mitk ut ih. D.Unn - IH.iWfi - lh ntnrc hart nln. hull ' 16. Little Schuylkill canal -Its length talked 'forward in tbe . sight of the S5 mile, Irom the- mouth of Little creature. But as t oi as the Mer. maid saw her, she sank into tbe water and swam away, till s.te was about the same distance from the land as she Was uii arcn aii iuj uic w iuio laiuiiy,!- it . , .L . J -U It. J .U. l:i U" uu uaia, ou, puitA!u piercing t but they more naturally excite ristoimy. ma head is exceedingly large, with a pro fusion of coaraecurliog very dark hair; and his features which are. rough and manly are then obscured by a supera bundance of whiskers. His eyes are when directed Schuylkill rver to the coal mines. 1". Conesla eo canal. Length 18 miles, from Lancaster to the mouth of Concta- go creek IB. Schuylkill ctnal. Finished ; length 108 miles, from PhiladeTpnTaf o m oun! Carbon. .." ana women, aervants,! ,7. 19. Uniop canal.-Fini.hcd; length who in all were twelve in number, ran . a,lnc " . th ' he is con tr .... ii -.u- - a a . i ir i r d rr" " " r 79 m.lesrlrom Heading to Middletown.. aiong cne tnorc ,9r more .uan osiia -. - . h h .urr,UBdej LV..i CiUl9TITi'l .niif inuuicsa i i 'lmvr ssuu iwi uvwi w . mviv wi. a,asai it having beer, commenced at both ei- ( time, saw her in the sea, and some tremiues; length 396 miles, Irom mid times her enure head and ahoulders dletown to Pittsburg. were qu;.e ubove the water fCr 1 he three last mentioned csnals There was in the sea a great stone ''tHa-),',.,,.. . a a B . a ever, was u n con scionaoicenou ... .... lr l .Li.v. t . t. Uxeoyfjtjjjrpjht) j ? intflH.DO Km minerals and fo.ila oi Uose regions of " r-?."Vc 6w wiB WJFwr-w sea, our continent-abakaa...lo.lti .centrj. --.-Mfjrri en. Thi iWerg!ultCi art many great,, good- acid Usleingtntrrollesitronr Ljstoo-toi'ttw was alsoxertatathatthe-wster was aitjaodndwbitHily-ikii W 1 ucep at tne puce se saw ner atan tne moi'itwie oi numan oeing mine iat i cation of 1800 leeches. . iu. wnetapcaaeano ueiaware canai-. jiog. On so thiokind. he fell on his or .New York, vet their influence Is com Completed t length 14 miles, from Dela- j fKe an crcpl forwarito the brink of jwativeVy small and cannot be otberwits 1 1 r . n r Tr r i . 4 lhe P"Cipice v from kbich he had a II. I ort weposite cjnal. Completed: i . r l Tr l length 10 miles, from iVt Depoiit. on jP1 V,eW of he Vor more lha0 the Sotquehannah to the Maryland line, "all an hour. 13. Chesapeake and Ohio canal. This . Aflcr ufficiendy look ng at her was begun on the 4th of July last, when bitnself, he went bacli again, tnd ran . Ji I ...... . . . r . I -r - ground was liroV en br 'he President 0f 10 Call nis family to set tail wonaerlul these political volcanoes, in which the the United States. Length 360 mile., sight. Having tild them what he had agent areas little governed by moral from C.torgetown, 1). C. to near Pitta seen, he directed them fromhe door- principle, or the true political welfare of ourg. i rim. j stead whither to go, and te creep to the bme or nation, as are tbe bellowing -1 Sr Ohio Su-.e can.!. Unfinished ; the edge of tne rock as he hid himclf of "ccU or Vesuvius " engih 305 miles, rom Weaveland on donc. Some of thc(n mtt but half SciotC. eOhit the mouth of the dr5cdt f )r WM etr;ff -and they U-'MiimicanalUnfiniahed: lenirth wcrcjast riscn ? nd . OB reaching the 6S miles, from Cinelnnjt! to tne M Pa" thv har.lwUtteB mmutea, - isi-i r at fjrm a line from Philadelphia 'o the I morc than a yard high, oo which she wnuld stand when she was first seen. She st'iod out of the water from her waist upwards. And the whole fami ly tes.it'v that she was exactly such' an one, in respect of shape and size as a younrj woman would be of about eighteen years of age. Her hair pret ty short, and in colour ctarkj her face extremely handsome, her neck and arms were as usual, her breast moaer. Watch & Clock lc vairln-. JAMES B. H AMPTON, CONTINUES at tbe old ahop, occupied iti for mer year by hi father, on .Mam-Mreet," iTeV5SooMt toiitb of the Conrt-ltousc, in the - town --of - Salisbury j a here he i prepared to ciite all kind of work in Aulineofbunneia. Watche. Clods, and Jervelrv. "reryeacnpTlbliTpaTrednnhOR mi warranted. - (0" He earnestly request all pertona indebt. M to him, to cume forward and mnke Settle, 'tent, eithet' with cash, orbv giving their notes. iJdMwy, Oct. ft, 1828. " . 36 - Vajiiculav .VoUcc. RENEZEtt J)1CKS0N xequettt i all neraont indebted' to him. to ettte their aocotints by the tit day of Novem- II bepia5ed Inhi iiahdlbf in1 affeer for cot lection, without fail ; for money, or itaeqniva ent, I mutt have, and will have." I am very thankful for tht natronace 1 have received from Wy former cuitomer j but am aorry to ay, now no Iqngcr carry on the buaineM mytelf, they seem to be at thy of me aa though I would bite tuemi whereas when I kept them in shoei, tbty wwe very frequent visiters indeed, Wffiftury, CA'f..8lt8W. Onio, at Pit'sburg, and may be consider ed parts of the tame great enterprise. 21. Ohio and Drie canal. Its length a 1 3 miles, from Pittsburg to Erie, on Lake Erie. v . a ear . 22. Delaware canal. l his win run from Philadelphia to meet the Delaware and Hudson canal. It has already been begun. 33. Jme and fdnawha canal Thi will run froni Hichmond to Kanawha. 24- Dismal Sw.imp canal. Finished ; length 33 miles, from near the mouth o! James river to Albemdrie bound. 25. Louisville canal In progress ; length 2 miles, to pass tbe rapids near Louisville, Kentucky. 26.Jiuce.CiMa. n progress ; length 150 miles, from Columbia by "the-1 road and Saluda rivers to Cambridge, and from the Santee to Charleston 27. Savannah and Altamaha canal Length 66 miles, from Savannah to Alia maht. The preceding . statement, gives the namea of ten canals, which have been completed by our enterprising country . men. These ten traverse a apace of 747 miles. Eleven other canals have been commenced, some of which will probably be finished before the year closes. The whole distance which the aeveral csnals now in - progress towards - completion are remaining seven, whose names, anu in tended location are given in the above list, are calculated to reach 4S0 miles. The total extent which all these will reach, is 2821 miles, nearly equal to (be distance from this place to London. The subject of Rail Roads hat attracted 'msch less attention than Canals. But by; and he - seldom looks directly at even" an inanimate object turning his head on one side like a hare, rrom his shoulders to his waist his frame is ia good proportion to his height, but his legs are excessively thin aJ shape lets, and his hips narrow : and the inequality of the former to the support of his wii body, is upon most ucca sions, made the more conspicuous by his wearing very tight scarlet panta loons, profusely decorated with gold lace, and large dragoon boots, which are scarcely half filled. His conver sation too was nut equal to what I had been prepared to expect j and his con- nitrirfitm ."In flari MlMer'a arrotinr ftr " hit travels through the plains of outi America, be makes tbe following mention of the Ostriches which are there found i "In riding through the Pampss of South America,, ibe Ottriches ar soraov, times seen in convoys of twenty or thirty,1 gliding elegantly along tbe gentle undul ation of the plaio; at half pistol shot dis tance from each other, like skirmishers. The young are easily domesticated, and toon become attached to those who caress them ; but they sre troublesome Inmates for, stalking aty.Ut tbe house, they wills when full growo, swallow coin, shirt-pint. and every small article o! metal wuniri reach Their utUal food, in a wild state. is aeeds, herbage, and insects; the flesb i a Teddisbhrown And, . jf voung not.of bad flavour. A great many eggs art laid in tbe same nest, which is lined with dry grass. Some accounts are given which) exoneratcs the ostrlrh from the chaVgo r 'z of being the most iinpid bird in the crea- -- lion. For example, tie hen counts her eggs every oay. i nis nss oeen proves by the experiment ol taking an egg away, or by putting one in addition. In either . Cse; she destroyed the whole by smaslv ing t hero with ber led- ate.WJ ner sain wnitey tnan mat oi dccoson io rendering himself the any person they had ever seen before. otcr and appljuder of obscene Hrr face was towards tke land. She Y wcrc inconsistcnt wilh the idet , often bent as if she was taking up formcd (,f h;. character. vj water, and then she held her hand be- the M therefore, the impression for' hcr fa" f aboiuthlffam,n'Vc- made upon me bv my first introduc- VV hen she so bent herself something tj()n tQ thU distinguished individual black was. seen, as ir It had been a WM attended with vcry considerable short tail, turning up behind her. She fce,. of ji, ,pp3intme,lt. often made a sort of noiae like snee- , aiog, which made the rock resound. A dandy oncc went t0 t doctor t0 -tryt m- t 1 I . J a nej-rmcriio jaamppon of beholding her lace bo long a time, and trouble, succeeded in drawing said, that he saw out very lew women Wobd (toai his tremblini Although she does not attend to secrecy in selecting a situation for her nest, sho will fortake.lt if the eggs have been band" Lied. .IL is also said that she . rolls a few , . a f. . eggs thirty yarns distant trom tne neac and cracks the shells, which by the lion her young come forth, being filled with, maggots, and covered with insect, form the best repast of 4ier infant brood. Ths male bird is said to take upon himself tht) rearing of the young, and to attach mora importance to paternal authority than to the favours of his mate. If two cock birds meet, each wilh j family, tbey figbt for the supremacy over both j for which reason an ostrich has sometimes under his tutelage broods of different ages. Another breach of tiromite.- Another esse of this kind was decided a few days ago at Rutland, in Vermont. Sally Oims- tead and Isasc Uickinson were the names of the parties. About a year ago, tho aame case underwent a trial ; but front some cause or snot her, it was re tried at tbe recent term. The jury found a ver dict in favor of Sally for 8612 50 In thia ckse, tbe jury appears to have been extxt .. measurers ot tbe extent oi violated love. The odd dollars and cents are given, as if it had been a contract for flour, pork, or molasses, ; Cbh.t so tai The whom living. , ttiat ne saw out very lew wemcn bIobd froin his trembling arm ir to look upon as this Mermaid. whexeupon, the dandy, after a little of whole family, the youngest of hU ffar had 8Ub,ided, raised up his n is eleven yesrs of age, is now head and exclaimed, " Doctor, I think J had this account, 9re . CTeat butcher !" " Aye.M WOTU IDl 1UIU 9 I" K1VI, And we woi from themselves within the last month. Afeionwiiio rwaV'JuTt'o&epoiht of being turned off, asked the haogi man, if he had any message to send to the place he was gung. "I will trouble you With a line, replied the finisher of the law, placing the cord around his left ear. said the doctor, " apd 1 haTe just been sticking a great calf!" Artel. AlowitrC&ebrt overturn the corner stone of the New Eichange in that place, which had just been laid with m tsonic cerem -rues, a d steil tbe coins, &e. deposi ted beneath, amounting to the irvxense ! sum of two dollars. There seems to have oeen no founda tion whatever for the rumors of reveries said to have overtaken the Russian arms before Choomla. CITT OP CHARLF.STO.V, 8. C. " The ezpentea 'of the city of ChirlcWOTI ftfi tbe past year amounted ta about &12i).U0Q t of wtrirtwotlJ-we theJiiterest andjwkig liinoX $(. mJtaaE- ' yio,ivv on account oi the four liouac ana m. rine HMiul, 21,634 far the City Guav 14,; 171 for Lamp and lighting, $JU,77.I f )t treet Pavements, drains, Itc. , &4.6J6 for Fire Mast-1 ersytfc, 8'i,l53or Prinuiiff, HUtio mYy, Fuel. be., l'),8l3fur aalari-s ol city officers, and R'2.000 for tbe fii-t inst!me.nt of 200 hars OtT . r l rosd stock, I ' i- a ,i .if V-,. .V ...:: l'-W Ij.- Jf- 1-..