9 0: 8AU8llUltYttft.CT VOL. IX ...0. j '.9 m r m - : v-r '. i V. I A. I : I " wjiliiiiiiifMiaHiinl . T au laitWH""""" w If. K MX W t4M, att Ml ara n m fcnr 1 .,. M M - m m ntt '" mmf M' m mm fmXmm Wr. a W la Wf M ' "ft tlttt ftcoor;; TTr "eofnprii' fVrqx'Ht oflcitatuKW Vsv."t resrrJabltf'ta.aifiesIa lliif place, 15r.l.' T7IIiTnr tiM U4 -induced I -opii a kI VM for t?ie r? ruction of Young ladiM, tn the Mwful awl raanienlal brancbc f,. . , R4p'5fter. "1 Arithmetic, English Orainmar, Geagrs phy. History, and Ubntoric, toff iter '" f wiili lh above, ' fcl P quwitr. Q. Drawing and Painting, on Papur and Sat in l Tlieortnil'aiiitiBK.oa VoUct end Paper i and open and oraaAien . ul Needle Work, on Uce, Cambric, and Uu Jin, glO per. quarter. These who feel disposed to eneourag e the albov Rchool, mar be assured that lb ulmoet tear will be paid to the morale and matnrra, a Veil ai the Kieatile poreuite, of web as my be tdaced under hr charge. J,.W. Oil 3tS, 8?8. 37 Uoach and Olg .MaVng. F11I1K Subriber return I. hie lineere ibtnk to .. the public tor the liberal rffiX J LT" e(V eriL and Imvinr en V, .Ay- - r, ' . WI1IJ U UC jaattriaU, la nnw rrrarrd to nake all kinds el vok in hi line at the iliortrtt notice. -on? eueh tctaie iW- kardneea-of - the timet will jiiatifi and a iow u M In pur- eJueed any wbere in the gut. All oe work rrantod lor twelve toathe v and ail kinda of CereC! f T'reJ ' ahortett notice.. Order from a distance Ui'nkfully received eiad punctually ticmlsl to. M'.NJAMIN OVF.KMAN. iOrtnhWSept. X '828. fit to , ":VnltttaUVfcul. THE vibtcriber hu removed from the k .. r .. L...i k .. 'J:2 ?ier V, dee'd. to the Uou lately oocupied bv Mr. David Porter, in the eaat end f the town r where be witl continue bit TAV ZRX. He aincerely thanka ..bit friend and the public for the patronage heretofore eaten, jed to Mm j and h tolkiu the coutinuanco of their favora. He pledgee bit enrmittini; attention (o hit , tdeaaed to call vnoa him. V. kfcUK. , jUrtwffe, fivJrU w. rV. r. Jlfril 14. 12 UTtlt at tC TftTert aVntdtut ; r . " - . . HIS lately Opened a Iroaae .Enter llalnmtni, 5 miki from oafifbary, Itowao county. N.C, on the rreat road air irom inn Diace, j on " kjk the Yadkin, to ftalem, Uamtlie, Uiltoo, UilUbo- 'Mu'th.' Rstriptl. LC - - - '- - Hit house generally known by the name of the' WUu Uwtm) n delnrbtfully aturel, aoui J of a Vile aoulh of the tortdw v bh avr are good, and well provided ; and he will Ipare no " nractkblc-wean nIe"iiiiiC , Bit !eaVTib-. -pent, tn every rciprxt. comfortable and pit ant to traveller and viaitera, and deterring a tbare of pub.ic patronage. flt43 MaiioVon Uousc. fft.li: "iuWriber uaVml' moved from ffrV JL Cimden to thi place, respectfully jyX...t'r'ii the public, that he has taken the Vtfl kin aund, adjoining the Caurr thuit Sjumn, rucemly occupied by Mr. John W. Clark, tend usually known as CUrk't Utttl, where he bat opened, u. Mouse of -Enter lainmeat binder the above title. ' The premiaraare tpa cious, and well adapted to the busTotsts the Wta Idea are large and supplied with careful hos tlerat and traveller will find every convenience tstomary in theorat houaesof the kiod. 1 o profenional Gentlemen and others bavioe; Dus'mem in this place connected with the Cour, this Ratabliahment offer advantages aupcrior to sjny other. t'uraona travelling with their families can be tcnmmodted with private apartments, nd every attentioii will be given to insure the coin Jprt of ibote who may call. Membere of the approaching Legislature would b accommodated in the best manner. ' Town boarder can be accomniod ed at the Arm usual in this placer v JOHN M COLL. ...(Wifln4i&l4eAt'9, lS28.wAtjgr HOW OP TUB OOLDEN BALL THR aubacriber respectfully in form hia frienda andthe pub' .lie generally, that be has-opened a 1 2'uwrnin the house lately occunied oy Mr. M. M. McCutioch or thta town,.Mor:t West corner of Broad and King streets, and im. .mediately opposite the Court House.. 11ie pub JW may rely on his strenuous exertions to render Ttkiw entertainment utiafactnry in every particu-Jar:- lis i wishes tbe tiavetler to call and jiidga ' bvbimlf, rnvater al-' r wa:tM':kt6td frdt"ie'te josEHit eocmwxur' Camrfen, 3. C. M. 9, 1828. 8t40 A Ten YlaU Stove, UlTEARLT new. admirably calculated for cook JVi "mg, with pipes, 8tc for sale very low, and terma of paymu.t made eaay. It is an elegant Jieee of I umiture, being beautifully ornamen. ted. Anv person disposed to purchase, can ap K jutt rceerved, and k aoa opening ai hie Arw C'ah Sitrt In Concord, (jabarrue Coua. ty, a clkoiae and aplendid aaortweet a ' . ' AVatr uvl Fathionnble GOODS. , lidi were arlecti.-d wftti much eare and at tea tUm. U tniiladelphia, by turn If, and bought e xclueively ft tmk. . . -TU ptvorMnf brlnjf eware of the ecarcky of noner, aon low etate of pnMiice, InUnJa nurk. Hf .bi CtiMl ccorUnryr lie tWrefure ra apectnitiy latrteibti Ciwikimti ita frienda to cau ana examine U uenclva. T7rh f e-wdeT'ivetoitlns' i fiv uiiiif twee and dnnptitfrie. VrW "erta'M , MKCKLCNIIUUU County to ir. ?ationa, 1823 1 tLe Governor to tlie u of h. and A. Iluyle, u. Andrew Clark. Hntt Alexander,. ajid the Kaocutorof Wm. Aliiton, decd' la iIi'm eaan, it appearinr to the aatisTr.. lion of the court, that Joerph Allieon. John Alii. tmaiM Andrew AUiton, hir at law of Willm. Allium, deftl. er not inhabitant! of this atate, it r orderot by the emirt. that publication be nade tix week lo tUe WriUrn Carolinian, that the partiee aforrteid appear at our next November county court, xk1 llini plead or.rrplr ry, other, wiae judcewnt wiUbn riitredui t 'U. 6t39 HA4C ALVXtanra M.fl ' - -i fc .A .. . Mm a ft f KCKLCNUUHG County Court ; Aegust if. aesMona, ISJoY. Governor, to the ik of Irwin and Norwood, t. the hoir at law of Wm. Alliym , sci. fa. Ordered by court that publica tion be mad all week in thf settero Caroli nian, for Joseph Altitun, Juhn Allionn, and An. drew Al)tiOn,hetR at law of WUliaa AUiton, deceaaed, that they anprar and saawer to said scire facias, otlierwuk: judmeut e ill be entered up againattnem. 1 6(39 tiA aLrxtinr.) t m t'- Sw 'rtk-l 'u alMy i i MKt-II.KNBUMti c.fn." i o-.r; : . (j tultrtri 3IuM ; end from stclt'orderrilt the wona,'i8Cfl." Covero'V'to tfie use ofiremasi 7'6r rie rnberi'tithj hirb'iiei JoI.ii Irwin v. the heir at law of Wm. Allisuii. deed, i aci. fa. Ordered by court that pubiic. '.ion be made sit week in the Western l.siuli nian, for Joseph Allison, John tllison, a.id An drew Atnon,lieirarUw of WX&m AIlisQ-idu ceased, that they appeir anrwer to said dre facias, otlierwise judgrm?nt will be entered up against them, 439 Isaac ALrXAKnv. r n r. Stale f y'ikJ'urUna t MKCKLENUUKG County CHirt : August eeaaiona Governor, tn the use M Cooper L M'Uinn, v. the heir at la of u. AUUoa i scda. Ordered by the cwurt that pub. licatioti be made six weeks in u'le Wcs em - ' ' n flir llllfcl hlUm .lattit. 4 1.. ...J Andrew Ainamuuctn at law of WilUam Allison. deceased, ttat tbev appear and anawer to said scire raciaa, otLerwise jivlgmeht wtit be enterefl up against them. . , - 6'39 - isAAe aiaiXA'nv i-e-ai rw Oft f XtrtA-CmfUna r MECKLENBURG County tJmirv r -sessions, 1328. Jarow McCorob. tibe lieira at la of John Cox, drcd. y ci. fa. Or dered that publication be made six weeks in the Western Carohuian, tof George yvngnn quartet Wrifht," Shanick" Wright; Mary T. Cox, Betsy Cox, and' James Cox. the heirs at law-of John Coivdccdjo appear at our neat NovemV. eoun. tv court. nd answer the scire facias, otherwise fcdfmettt according to scire iaciat will be taken T VTOSOV County" Crmrt, Angus UF 1823 1, Jacob.Janer w,. John: Matthews j wigrnai attachment levied on 4X) acres of- laod, a:'Kjinmsr the lands oJna Clemmons and other,. It appearing m tne eoun tnai wa cuienuaiu is beyond the Kmha of the state, it ia ordered that publication beftade in the Western Carolinian ... . . a . -a . a . ... ! ttx weeks successively, tor sua aeienaam to ap Detr at the next term of said court, to be holden in Lcx'mgton, the second Monday in November next, then and there to replevy and plead, other wise judgment witl be taken apaimt bin by de fault; 6to lA ii w DAVIHSON County Court, August eaion 188 : John Cemmons tw. John' Mathews i original attachment! levied on 40 acres of land. adjoining (Tie lands. Or John viemmons ana WD era. It appearing to the court that the defen drnit in this rase is not an inhabitant of this state. it is ordered that publication be made in the W enters Caroliitian six week succrsaivety, for said di't'MidMtit to appear at the next term' of said court, to be held in ljexnu;lon, the second Mod day in November next, then and there to replevy and plead, otherwise judgment Will be taken acaiust Litft bv default. 6t4U DAVID MOCK. e. A. e. State af jXwth Carolina i T A V.IDSUN Coiintv.Court, Auguet session if 1828: Itenton Clemmons t. John Mat tbcwattfigiDaL attachtnent, levied on 40 acres of land, adjoining the land of Jno. Clemmons ami others. It appearing to the court that the defendantia heyoodtheJimils of-the.slatc, itii ordered that publication be made in the We tenr Carolinian six weeke mcceasrvely, for said defendant to appear at. the next term of said court, lobe holden in Lexington., th aecond Monday in November next, then and there to replevy and plead, otherwise judgment will be taken against him by -default. ntt'j . DAVID MOCK, c. . r. WAGONERS, um mi v. a v. a"i c a avr-iMPr.-"' WTtt Briairf meiradvaiftage; to vtopat tKrtrC.AtFIA,wbertje.v.ejry con- yenience is provided for Man and Horse, to make them comfortable, at the moderate charge of 25 cents a day and night, for the privilege of the Yardtbe use of a good house, fire, water, and shelter. Attached to the Yard, are a Grocery and Provision Store, Bread Shop and Confec tionary, and House for Boarder and Lodger in a pU'ti, cheap. wUoiewmc aud eomtort ahle st vie'. We htvt received the fclrd Camber of tne forelKii Keview erriuae; bther aril clci.li H. one on m TUEKETMe CUrgy nd hfilUary Retourtn?hi -oHiit informeiion on the subject o( ebUh it treati, which we ' have not ,v Uh elacwkerc, and erfclcfc at the pretnttlrae, U morel ban crdloarUf Interettim. , To give e preclM idee of the CionUn tlertfy. thev begin olth the MahonoHan in elllne impeiiar rootuuet at Cokdml. nop!rr"Alrtafl0pteaftl-feailrin Bithynla. None but clerical MuauI- inn, whatever its rank or condition nay ;" it entitled to admUkion amirtj their. Tlirr vtudy (t'rammar, and Arabic ani Persian poctrr. When coni(krbly id - ' .'. w f vi. ,nj iviu ll v mmw in. and it coratnentaiora, and boa on the civil law ; and finally, !bcy stsklv loic, natural piiU'J-ophr, and meUpUtlcs, in Araoic woraa, written by tne racen They entirely neglect metherrtilct, but atucy judicial aktrolorr. Iliorr and Iteojfrapht are totally Mfjlecfcd. The most learned Turks are very k nor ant of hese subject. Suck ii thehmount of information possessed by trie cletical students. They come cbicl; lnj Sy ris and Asia Minor, and are ike roost sa'vje, fanatical, t'urbolent, snathe worst tub ject imontc the Turks Their number JarpeonaQt jnol" alone pont.a,inn ten thousand of them- They perforin the service ia the mo tes, their suite nance it furnished fro the -revenueof these temples, and they ire lodged la tiiu ' cells annexed to them. rbir chief l the tftil must be drafted, Iro the deirret of profjissor, to that of sfsnt'jMuftl Fi of them ever reach thejiigitetl dignities It "requires eminent rti trit.'end very fi vorable circumstsnces, to exalt simple students to the posts of Kutiaseerca an-l of Mufti. The greater ouber rach only the ranks of simple cifdi'i or jujgi in the towns and villigts. sfter nuny examinations, during foortera years, the students become ptofesott, and the eldest are promoted to thrk of molls, or sorperior judges. The posts ol the fVnlla "'a 0 ilaia snd &ailt)iirru ot Constantinople, bcu'aia. amyrrj, I nesJ tonkas Larissa (the i-i'tl of Thoaaly,) llaieb in Syria, and J cruller. Thcii function lasts a lunar yeir ' Afcr four veers the? are promid iBEai!i, when they obtain, by seniority, the focr supe- not degrees ot. moiia, wnicn arc innsc t Adrunop'e, Uroussa, Uamss, Ind who. Of thrseVfoury the wo senior-becoro miilh of Mecca and Medina i arid of these one is promoted lo the rank of lsramh-d erTe.nnv, or master of the poltca at Loo sishttnoplcr He -ht the lapeclL ofj t .a I therjrovistons, nxts, tneirprices, acc. t Toe step from lhj rahk Is tathlt of kasi j sskrr of ltoiTaTihTn to that afkasi j k rf of uomcJu, or xucopean 1 uUey,aind .atlof two of si o. the ranx ot.uranq u"t. .ine r a tat A fit. (3 rand Mufti,- bests the- ti lef of Dean of Islamism. lic it genrllly gsHed- Maa er of thi flracer, artrt hls postMhr Sane usnr l Sentences. When the Dean of IstamWm presents himself tothe sultan in his Seraglio, he is always accompanied by the Grand Vizier. 1 he Saltan it to receive them, makes them lit on car pett and tbey are seryrd'witb coffee in his presence. Un the death ol the sul r .t. r i t 1 . an. he periorms too -iuniorai -- i'to- hammedan priest, and recites pmyers fur the dead on his death bed; simple st udtfntTcannnt arrive the -post of Mufti, nnrer twenty-five years ; but tbe sons of vixiers, rich lords, and grand ulernas, by means of their credit and influence, pro cure lir tneir cnuurcn, irora iscir mnn, varioui degrees, without ihdr baying ever filled them. The Sultan alto orders diplomas to be given to favoritts. Thus the greater number of the ulerflas have no personal merit, and tbetr presonrption rs equal to their ignorance. Having passed their youth in indolenr e" and excesses they retain their vi es to advanced age. Balog surrounded froro their youth by flsttercrs, they become audacJousiy vain a a ana' ift-th-n4 plat tersr and fomentxeycdJuU-siegfiJnJulrlilJrUbeJlaca utions umler the banner of reacion. M All the revolts of the Janissaries, without ex Dtion, were the work of the ulemss. All the dethroned Sultan owe their mis fortunes to the intrigues of the high Cler gy, Sucb are the institutions, tbe. func lions, the influence and the abusea of the Ulemas " Jr. T. Dail AihcrtUer. If would' appear from ih4okiwihMy 4icletwhjchwe copy from the Washington V. L. vbrooicie, :nat a second cra voi bum nat spiun up in that city Singular Mental Endowment. A lad in nurcitv. (Ldrd Urd, son ol James Ord.) now in 'h 19th year of bis ap;e nossesses the unromraon faculty of max ins calculations and answering difficult or ma mind, without the aid tt figure. lie nas oecn repeaieaiw e tamlned bv Cil ferenl persons, and uniformly exriied the adintration aud surprise oft bo who have itoe jseei jlh radineta uk eorfsjctn wtm which be answer! qtMsUooa tbe ra proposed to mm. un a recent occasion hsppanlnj id b in company with s4era! rent lemeit who bad heard of bit wisest ing ibjt lingular talent Cor Jh , purpose of exercising it, the following question was submitted to him for solution i , Tn'fvTawavT i,T:Ci:4sn3 Tiof a boshetrwhft win I titrritlMtiwi wb es from which I made diitribution t After a few moments ha answered cor ectly, 4340th of a bushel. A f a An arimmetician wno was present when the question was tuhmitted, un dertook lo solve it by tbe use of figures, k."-4. I -IT 1 I . . a . . I t . . wnitn n vtivcicu, uui poi unui alter tne inswer had been given by the boy For tbe purpose of besting him con verse, whim hi does with considerable readiness for so young a boy, be then asked was If a pair of boots cost six dollirs, what will a bat cost f He answered different prices and. In hi turn, submitted to tbe gentleman with whom ha was speaking, tbe following t ii a ouanci oi coaia cost o I a rents, whst will a cord or wood mme to f The gentleman answered I don't boy- . The following was then propounded lo htm r- -" If 7 13th of s yard of rsssimere cost 83 15, whst will I yard and s quarter com f lie: "inswcrert, with hfs usual precision. ST ii cent's and 13 88th of a cent;" Sanasa. S,m- :aniculara respecting Shurulu 'or Choumla) and the Ealkan Mou"'tsin, where sanguinary battle have douotl'-ss taken pi ce, ere this, may he in teresting to our readers- The following xoum is derived .chiefly from Dr Walsh's Journey from Constantinople The BUai Mountains (or Mount lltCmus) exvnJ from the Gulf of Vcuire io the Black. Sea, a distance of 500 miles. To the South of bhumla, " the vast ridc runs Hlonr the horiton, like a vast wall nvrdwflritogn fito'fljw" i.TKV.,''.hci9-i ter titusted on esch.side of the . former. The whole breadth of the chalo, from Sbumla on the north to Fakih on tbe south, is 96 miles, hut the breadth of tbe, tofty ridgta is only IT miles. v The coun try north of ShumU and eouth of , Fakih is all a level plain. Sbumla is 44 mile frorn the nearest point of the Danube, about the same et'mance from the Black Scj," more tbtn 100 miles of the lower nn of the Danube where trie Russians first erosedV and ebout'SOO mites north - -mm s ' rf. . I! oj. V.oostenunopie i ne town uca wraj miles nnh of the high ridges of the Ba'lkalC the lower, ridges, . .The moun tains form a semicircle about Shurola, and the ctrdens and the - farms and plantations extend to the summit The Turn :ive tn tne tipper pen ot me lenrn, whith is filled with mosques, whose domes and minarets, covered with tin plates, glitter in the sun with dazzling splendor Mere the Turks have a town- clock and hell to tell the hours, which is t aid to be the only t own chxK lit the Turkish dominions. 1 he lower town. whfrh extends into the -plain, is inhabited bv Jews. Armenians end Greeks, who have each a place of worship.. The pop Hlation of the upper and lower town is 60,000. The fortifications of Sbumla contiat of ramparts of earth, and brick walls, stretching three miles in length sod one in breadth. Here tbe .Turks form their entrenched camp in their con tests, and the Russians in the last war found h to be impregnable they were wice repulsed here. The Cossacks once pushed across a part ol the mountains, but were oldiged to retreat. All the roadt feonrthe fortresses on the- Danube meet at Shumls, and the two eastern passes of the Daikan diverge froirn this town. Varna tto wnicn tne nuasians about SO miles soum-east or anumu The Kussians haVe the command of this Sea, and transport troops, provisions, am munition, tic. without obstruction from the Turks; v ! Binrinit Coc. The Editor of the American Farmer has received from Mr. WrighrJbe acting Consul at RioJfDeJrc two wrn? torn" oi -in- apecies called by the Portuguese, Canta Qaila, or HifitffnrCott fti "name is demed from one of its faculues. . It spins out lis crow, it is said, in the new style of singing -like fine ladies who drawl and lengthen out their chromatics, till one begins to fear that she will spin out all the breath m her bodyi npt leaving enough to iccove t ..,f JMTIOXJL punt. ., t ' The Christian Alntan-c iur IB2? cootaina a t unusoat variety vf instrue tie tod interesii .e, riatlet , ft cmboe diet 4 lar yi.,mtnf r r,f f,cte OUI SUDjCCIt O pmtlCMl tew tym fmmmmmt - ia ail tonditiorte of life.- New: th .-r cloae, an article tntrtltd, the Cott oi, intemperance,'; prrptretT by Mau' 9. u,.Morae or New-York, Tho "jL9L5liJllP.rtstiJfiiej ma auoject, wm ue teen let thf JollotfA mg appaW.ng U,U Chr8e. . , , tZ Tie Pemtfe iL V. X. u .a..' To S6,000,0(n ralloft of spirit atfiO -7 eta per gall. .,, . , . M,tX)0,fjfJ Te 1J44.000LOOO hours of tta Wasted by drunkard, at 4 eta per hour. ' . . .. ... iT.nvs Te the support of 130.000 oauners ?T made so by Intemneranee. . T WO flfrt To losatw by depravky of 45,000 . -T eiminals do, . . snJrawM ai lmmmtJ To tbetliigrac sad miseTf of IOtL. -" WW persona, (rsUUves ot drunk- Srda.) .... lmtaLlmkS l a the rum of at least 30.000 and - probably 4j,0W svule annually Te loss by premature death of 30 . 000 persons ia the prime of lit. MfMOfyi To iossee from the carelatwneai and -. aiiakanagemat of UutapcAte teamen, agents, i.e. fce. .. . SsnA-aawsk Ssst warw natr Certain pecuniary lota, (iu round numbara.) . . . gt20,000,0fth Loser whkb catmot. be tit;mt'idt-'J- -r . uyirsji. thus U appears, that; tiidejrndentljf t itcins Which cannot 6e estimated. uur cuumry pays or loaea at the rata) ot One. Hundred and Twenty JilUG'tnti--of Doikrt;per mtm?bf lnirmfcr ance: 1 hit sum at five timet aa larres ss the Revenue of the United States . m verrsmem it wouia pay nil pur Bt tuiul debt lo tlx months it. would., build twelve tdeh canals at the Grand hnc and Hudson CaoaL every WOr-m it would support a navy four time aj arge at that bl Great DnUio iti sixty timet as much at the afftrrerate nco ne f all the principal rcliciouxi chariuble Xoctettex in Eurooe asxi . Americait would supply every fam ily. on earth with a.Uible in eiht fy or teacher among every two thouS. ' sand Boult on'trve "glotje ! - ojtftt'Z pcrous . mighnhis . cpuotry be, WliiC.JI; blesstng mightiH :ctnfcr'; upon Hthot world, if it were onJy tcliet cfl irojg", the aairtiass ani f a tea m nrealtt " alB w-Mfc4usMtjfa flUELTT AMD FOLLY OP INHDIXS.- la meir endeavors to discredit th " Bible, they attempt nothing leu than ;.;r to hbt out lhe.Sun: oL outmoraf 4ytw"'V' tern"." Bat Messed be God; thtir cf forci it 'last ax vahrw woulrj- be-irji- " ! tempi-ta blot4iu the J.ttn whjehhinev ; in the firmament of heaven. Bota . are the wbrlt v.f the lamr Godind- both rqually fieVbrid the'iscK of ihtun:" jry front puny moruls. The ,7.ZniXXK Tjartlattr ttrUTTeOT:lflr .he:r eur, a tjUt their founain 'fet. maius unimpaired, aod will shine on, and illumine the rest of the world, ia despite of all the rage, and all the c ortf of those ho " hate the light" 1 teuTehelrderiiriTerevtr. Could the wishes and attemptt- of - infidel aucceed, they would throw tbe whole human race back into all tho darkness and horrort of heathen idol atry into an utter ignorance Tof . tho" true God, arid of the worthip which' hefequiretj and an utter uncertainty of a future state of existence. Thcrb is io these attempts a wanton cruelty, whicn it ia out eaty lo characterize X it deserves. Wretched and hard-hear- . ted men! VVhy will you aeek to rob the miserable, of every name, of the bett -alleirra'tioo at-their suFriog i- - Whyw.ill V ettempt to deprive aomo of the excellent of the earth" of "ihtt--1 which constitutes their highest happi- oeirtlnfidelagcrally ivold our isr semblies, and io tpcaking at -1 do, t am perfectly aware that what I aayia not likely to strike the ear of one oB v their order. Nor do I aeek. Christianr brethren, to ttir you up to hate or per- , tecutc these men. No, verily t but t would ttir you up tcr pity the ui, to pray J9F4. t5e.wu,.Aoa ,vnlvhrtfttiaT mingicu wnn me.ixncss, to uoor, jra - sion and 1 -would stir you up to ' . guard the young aud " the un wary - against ihr jirts and their delusions, ' -as ag.'iVt amoral pestilence,, prison ous to the very vitah of social happi. f nea, and leading tui J ttje hotrgjs rjat 'o me euitor ot tnia paper. 9

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