mi: TAiiii-. ... MB- ! r ik aaiii uli. con .Mihe following t.rr7dldl Mderlu editorial fcead. . . t ... n. Mend. little Tom, hit J VHA from the bMk coutilff) t,. iMftt two or We!!. Tona, that whcrt ?ommr news do . . - . a Wbritii?- lrd you ,hnr nI,.h,"K .; ...mintf 2n 0 yet. s'r XH 0r V n,.."F r - - the -.Mtorc. ibe Tariff heo'tego iwn, w- nuit(r money Mav--,TrS1 m k.IotLii to ret eight 01 11 there ere afraid oUu indieep Wf lni Toadcd." ' - , . o Maud of the Courier. lm. onr or two about Ibis kn.hAA. ihfritr. worth of VPHIV VVfee - An bonett farmer, In the wett or the tmplre of New Tork, called on hit repre- t.. aAM. rt hit retorn from Cf" 1 WW . . - - other thing, en feulred what the Tariff was-" I f e , tort 01 raacoioe. or a wra- t Whaih the Rtrniaiite " Jified hiitdnttltuem, that the Tariff we. -..:.!,.. . iAI V machine, nor a ear rf ftf.eilltbl as vi " ' ti'fiir, this deponent knoweth not. - In thje Wetted town of Milledgeville, ibme tnonth or two egd, a mn enquired mA enxlou!? of hit neighbor, what the Tariff we, boot which io much noise Vae made Afier receiving a full explena "iw ha hrirst forth, etldehilr very muih -:riuiir apnrehensioniof tome ton 'T.otDtf tnjne loiwwin .... W;tl" U metTt rtlfh f Good (rerulletjU: Whti blew TOiir fcoul of -you, u I did'nt think it tit wmi ton 01 owe, cold pl.jtu, that would carry Wkt off in 'm whipt.it' h. Do mr c.t. if wrbod, ViifnMallmf ih.i anmr Ken'ucky folk. jtd come IntoGeorgU and brought il.e TTffith Hm.)dv!hit jf we did ni look ah.rp we would allotch it. "etr, eU, I'm Rlad ilt ni oTe." wlufdoit Svr" A more ,roe ,nd ,tr tini fowmrnt upnn the modern trttem r ulet by auction, wit nerer wihien, Minn that whi- h we reel below from , tj,e Sngb'$M QotrterU Renew, li i in- -deed mott true, that before thl. ruinoui 'itittm bid .tnonopolUed ou- trade, 'Mmmeiat ififtulotiotu ani .competition chr' connlirnrrt thould tke the .., ihir t in ini''- Iniiited thai tn ood, which ne rau 10 do wnen o . declaring thai he would o.er pw for .l,. the m.tr lJ,lef.to.rb.r..lo?,.nlofjou,t adecV d-d au.intt the auclUeer. if .h! matmholf eik'enc.,-not otof Brhlah ttattnent below, bu alw ?eterior.aon of mercantile r h.r.c.er pro doted by meant of auctiont F lerlf reviewer, when commwaJpctt,: letiooaad romjtiilon were kept wubio .k- kMil. f irudencd"ind 'probilt . out fnianrtnmtt eownieiUhCJ3!!ilih ,h certain proEii of.ueuled trade, annww care neerto lut the foreign' wtrkett- A market it now no tooner ppeneo in bbf prt of the world, llun adeoturel pod' in their jrooda ia tucb profusion, tbt it it Inttanily orerttocked. i ney run rr rtf ruin iih etch cxher tuch at we ometimei lee-atiRe coach proprletort ,nKKe In to the brnefii of ibe trelleV pocket and riik of bit limb end life. For teitonHna manuuciuren r m .m emnloV.tbe turn of eiportt mount 1 up. there it a ereai'lncreate in the cuitomt for the Quarter, trde ia elite erer? wherfi and we congratulate ourret upon the of 1 h eoun'rv. Then cornea the cold fit 1 reiorna are looked for in rain ; billt art dUnon'wed ; the Roode are un n.Si r,.rJl i a loit. damred. waited. tpoiled, or perhapt re-thipped for Eot; land, like property viatched from the raet ol Br md l4t 'k ari eee the lit ol bankrupte If nutheot, and lofiy fafickt of -credit' Ml ik chiUTa hmiM ofcardi; .Xricr awhile, what with weTl0itrend4ptdaMtheioodt, ke the raiv,r in the aioff , behe made for tale and not far tervice,) tbe loreiRn wartbooaet begin to be cleared 1 tber i an opening t trade reweij tbe"pufe of our prosperity quicken a new race of merchant adrcniuiere (in the modern. fepuUoo.fif4hal.ford) cornet forward to peculate, or rather, to Kmiie tun me fortunes of dthera; the eame detperate rame it aalri rlaed with the tame ruin oui but certain conwquencet, and thua the burfilnfand thirrmiK Bit alternate UTElLiTriiE OF THE TITUTS, The following; eitract, from the eerond of aerxa of L-ttera on- Turtejr, puouaneci in we tlretCf Li it ttcc-i-.i.i. theM li'irlet'r,''in rn? anncm t!nmtnucr,ttif Rreat t.lue to u inquired ( reral tlmei, Iftlu were to. but we re cite! no,oiher ner than acowlinj o kt ptd angry klaet-from hlch we p eturtedithtt fpr tome reawn, tha librerW t were not permitted to r.lte hhrmatio. on shit tubjaet. , . In the r Jgbftorhoed of eome of thete librariet.iB aatlced eereral Building which we er told were Collefcet, Tr public lnt uctlon, end that Ihef. were y ery aocieh u To erar? principal .7ar we efiereataacertainea mere waia nun t. and CJaeeattiched. Thete CoVeet .ra di.l,Uinteclataet,ii whkhae Uttb gfaauitrtharwletof tbe three hfljfnae of the crttry, hi w, meaicinn, c. no obterVelnr mr rn letter thex'ent ol baltoeniJn thete tblngt .cannot be e ornree to ourt. rJ Tiiikt are'boweter-ieren-lhe J .f iu.t tinnrartt nf niOIVniHfllncl Wl m".. Ik"-" iJoar aliBDla contiiffancet lor la I IIV . n Tirk of blch rank with wnom 1 d becorie acquainted, callrd 00 roe one bet mi table wat coveieu who bookt oftariottt klndt amonj tbe re it e ort.larie diciionarT. He could apeak our lanfna lolerabljr, and be iikeol,ne what tM largo book wnt-i-whether it wttmttoran. I gave him ti underitaiid that it m dktlooarfe bk In whkb all the wjfdt of oor language were to be found wh their tereral meanloge end pronuncieion. Upon ibie he tld, with a amite rfcormlout euperiotltr, that be had nerer heard of a people who needed och aboaa; from which to learn their ; anfl lat it waa tery etrangd we could not lean their Ungate, end that jj wat very ai ange we could not leare oa're Ironi heah otir parente apeak, iu', If thlt b oaf way thai language are Uog'WU-TtaTkffitH probabla that the' floor tpeak thelanguaje correctlf it ine nth. Skn arier.be atked me il we bad manei Lrge librariet in our coun- iry 1 replied that the U'ge library at paaae eo'ntaiijeC about goO.000 rolomet lie illert ask dme with an air or great ttontamaol lifaJUha wordt aaed in ao manjr oootiera 10 oe iounu m iuy ilonarir f 84 bnocen't end childiab a r(lMM"Nf "I "M. I Antfr-- .'"i- -' ." (if wie uf i i M.. J-mm.:, rig tx irtjf if one of bri(Mi'e" of f t nt nu mj in that circlet into gylikh ! but Utc! Inlrfxlucrd, a thum la mi.la wlu h tmnot ba f.i.'e l. Lung miy aha lire ia iba mentor of th BMociatea, Utitr. no nater caa tber craaa to mourn (tie lota of her aocictjr, ber eumpte and bcr pray, era. It tM bard, oHI it waa hard to flv ber up. Would that tha manlla of ber virtue may bate flee 00 aoma 01a of them, iouiitua mournful and gloomy diirantUn, but wa would drtira to aay from the heart. "Thy will La dona i"remembarinf Uod bat laid, "what I do thou knowcet not now 1 but thou lia't know hereafter that " ad tbint aliall work toretb' r for good to them that lote Uod 1" and Uiatf Ultaed are tb dead that die ie tbe Lord." . . btircAtf. , Died, la tiii CMti'ty, w Wrdnradit, llih ln.t. after an ill.f ia of two wrf k, Mr. Msn . Wfd, wife of VT-n. B. Woo.1, Y.. lata Mni KtUa I. (kxll, of Dtvutt. M-a.. axed 3J yrar. eld'fn doait Wl t the lot of any one to par form ao me laeholr a tart at that wow alrnd ue, In recording the deatb of thre loeatimable womaa. It la ao natural fr to aoun.l a pano rerlo over tbe gratet of eor deparud friend, and pralao la then giten with auch inl, acnm.ru tingliberaUty, that we are led to eipeel It at matter of eoure. rbe writer, howoter, it aa. aorod, from thormirh aod intimate arjti.in lanee of cooaulerable lennH, that he oka what he d know, whee ha aaya Mr. Wod .... . m.i ku wku nthrra are brt im tbilmirt thurarWhoi-trrjt)f.hMdia A general Bleetinif, of the SUthodlit We iva:.T ha abe, waa, a moat temur 1 Churth, took place at Union Meetioe eticnaeu naa .luruiaoau iur uuuitvaiiuii the Mlbwlnjp intelligenca' reipecting hi .M ft,t.nt Intbw agHMrtiotw that 1 all that guniatHutet female worth and etcoUeace, IhU Mf baa W'mWN 'IM'IP ra4r.awe.Mtt.$e5 90 end 100 teot who would tet. wff.r- rgon Her M.W5MsvM& 1 .ni gtnl bar biUmate aatoctetee wae were able fully to tppraeiaie ber ttlue. endowed by Mture with much more than aa ordinary there 4.1..1. aivt hivinw enlotad la her earlier data the beat advantage! in the (emale Inatlte. tiona at the .forth, the we able to think with an in Meinit with a power, and act witb Jtorether tincomnwd. foi'"pd of . jr.-.'.r.nA and weD balanced awlertUndinr, e brilOaot lmaginatiom an nwuual eommand of Wnruare. low of apinia, ana oceunMo ih dro of btiinae nature, the waa aglmirablt Btled to become the tery toul of every aocul elrclgj Im .hU-h aha waa throw. She ahM aotaeed aa ardour of leeHng, which oiaJ.lfd her, wbee ie tbe eociety of a klndrea tpini, tor mu e Buroon of tout which gitet the blgheet en, . f .h.h mtr nature b enaoeptible. W aavw tow rw w , - 7 . -. . a aj abe wu anaatumlng. she neiiaer court ea ik. :.- rJ .ha ru-h. nor aourbl the apnlaiiae of the vulgar t but with that tme female lelie ey which forma the glory wf ibe act, Ut in onob. truaive way, which we cannot explain, the atole opooth-hcaruofll. 'put to waa ao aautuco m mlableneta, with intellectual aouncuce, or bier, .r. ..;.maBi 1 aba eariv fh that ber heart Eke a&othcrawa naturally alienated from Oodi and became convinced of the reality, Importeiwe and necmity of vital religion- During a revival ut Bradford academy, ia 1812. whilei a member of that ituUotv tbe eilriencd that eating change, bt which tbo aoul ia united to Ctarwt, gutaotMi into tbe family of Ood, and made pv- taker of tbe peace and conaoUUona of the got bcJ." from that time until ber -death, tbe ap pear to liattf enjoyed m ar-rwewkaule.ikgree tlM ligtlt Of tne Qltine couwonnrrc. w n fiw different description. A deep reliKtou excitement pervaded the congregatlona from day to day. At e time when iba greatett concern wi rnanifctted by tba People, opwardt of 300 pertoot were teen profited on tbe grouod crying for mer tyfand in tbe courto of tbe meeiing about TO were happily Converted 10 God. Tne utmott batraooy end good order prevailed! Twenty mioivtertof tba Cbri. lain Church attended- Tbe preachei were uiiood at followi, for tbe enduing year 1 JeA Men 10 Staunton river Cir cu'u. V. Lewlt Craven 16 NotoWjy, Va 5rrfif IK. AWrrto UiW K,ler, N C and Tiamat J. Fooler to Neuto River. -The nrti General meeting will ba held in Halifax cou ity, Virginia, on tbo titb September, 1139." Star, , quettion, f ery naturaUy eicKea a tmtic cofmrn.v Ta "'TIT ' f-hirh Knai.gr tanco and to be able at all time to gir a re, on ray countenance, (which bowater , rf lb hoptlha, .wtaherf at no time w. made him epMrebtlv very angry J and I hrM1..,n.llC4!0,.ripread with that forbidding w.hufartiirer contented themtrlvet with - 'the certln profit! of a settled trade, and Iatm never to clut our marfcet.' cut I-Tfwi toober 1i theaoetion tvttemfommrn eed bv whkb thtyan tJitposa of their f. a fa'at at Ther-trnter- than -"erf- "VRfarrr pour in imnr gwai in .inn prv - - - fu0on that ear market i immediately aver- - -r- etfW ".and all th evilt of a wlotted mrkeK a ttagnited trade, deprecluted v Jlgfryr1" bankrtrpt jnerchant, era the ontequenee. ab tnetergooot arwtoio, ivbkh'anbe EngKtb-wrUerjemarkt,.ire too often 41 meda fqr ale and not for aer itt,n the woney ia.lnttinlly rerouted to jfjrigland, and tbe extent of thete flrittt scarcity of money and comrnerciirrnv jbrranment under which we are now auf " fcring. The practice which the manufac lorrirt of England have purtued towards . ' ilew Tork, from the facility of diapoatnc xgaf good In tuch quantity that they come iWrJovn upon 0 like n avalanehe, hat in- ; ducel.ha tne extratagant tbipment elsewhere- The South American ' mr ' Jieta have groaned under their conign- vxftentv end when "the cold W baa come "on and flie good have bee - damaged, ' ' wat'ed, or tpoiled ind reahipped for Eng V land," they have been tent to the free and nospitfble port of New-York, because tbey could there be instantly told at aome : fVcr. and tbe money obtained. Glatt 4er are current coin amonR lavages. and .ny thing good enough for America We will illuttrate thin by a tingle in tiance. An auctioneer recently old a lot df -cpodof.wWCh the loiiowlng 1 a htitory. ' Shier Had bWnMhromngMotfd Lmerica three years ao; had '1bunJ bad mrIeT?beeTr-bipped.to Jggjand, and damaged on the return voy 1 V vrmnz or aer Ilea- endeavore4 10 mike-hint underttana now .dom ncr mapnert with that roreea and it w.a. lit latt quettion waa, ' whether moroae aolemnltt. which au-y eeem to eomider eterv boV read all thoe bookti end aa tbe eaeenee of rebgton. Never m b mwW Re W England Weakly Review.' may not beuo- .hetber thVy were all .. mr dktionary. ' -fe iat?r. interettinc at thi time, wben Turkey abaorb it m, that the life of a Wan n " ' g. wufem. .rn.Mi. ba. MMUchir7aiat. Tbevare written by a Frrnch ' .. '. ' " ,K 1o ,, ... ,he w lne ''JTjIZZ 1 , I gi nui """S" 1 nevoience, ana aruem v'" ntKleman, who waa tacbed to the Frroch le- m.ixA . , me were fooll to HZZnt ,rta in ber cbarweter. Her uW tirw wrTrtfirrwutjtiirtjrpneat iatr.tait.1iMffy-wK iiii-wwgaiair wi gm o aije fataliatl frorh rha nma.or kd Umi ilietrfi trnl ivgiU I unn! i4uat rrninV in tonora'riire of ai I from bolt confldenee mine Tote thecatalogoa of ao mnivorom' Gbriry; h con- I.,,. k.f ihlclt oDilhr to b known ; or I en'f Whr. nd a firm beReTiirat b woold by Uined in the Whether read all tboae book," . Id. Car. -7 Tr.:?iZT:- ' ' 1 fr arTletoliea -waa.. aUiaw.ia r i , ' 1' 'iwBico we am nmjc-iu. uv m. ku 1 w ahei, or bv DraVnr "tny ximraom come r On arriving in ComtantinOple we were .,,,..,;.. Tk.-v.alT.SLLi.ft.:-JrfK.l invited to our no email aalonHhment, to - . ,.s. . nnl ...Ufi-rl. hntrmittrn? endeavour to oromote iha dedar. visit the public librariet Of the City. At . - ..k nnl. Ki. ..m. tive rlorv of her aavioor t Her benevoleoo waa firtt we thought our friendi were btlnexTJ,r'.. 'iJtt- -m--mniAM'rtV t-ba- destitute.." be but when they insisted thai the li.T . ' - .... I re 1 ton ID? lie DITst DOC to 109 tUCO Drt I i.i:... ai;Aw. ff kiwuiftni-at kk - " ; 4 . -. 4J w a ajAota W BeietJl lgwfj rwta tawi aewaatf wvuvi aa v gre'U Jn JhOcIence,erta, kc. a we I condition and advance tbe beat intereata of all have.' Thtf are contented wltb'whal Ihet j inrjndi Her affetioabraged..witbout diatioe- l"yK!i-ltniTt..aH.i-i.Bloi..radI a Omily, and heir, of the raWtfreeTniww inc. the last thi we hOgld eiDfCt to find ' .', . ' V--'ZV wlQiwmBBnpi g-.T, ana otn,. . -. ior-eTtr-una Ira pnnteui except ie w u. t0 exhibit tbeir eventy ftgwreioifta caee among r people av -unlearned ea. we 1 . , . ,K i;,, Atnot nermil to be I ful tfa. and nmeetol deatb ef 4bia dtatloeuiahed were worth a viU,. we concluded that they were nothirrg more ihn collections of ancient Ureek and Koman menu scripts, gsthered and kept as "curiosittee ; .li. a T i . rw - - m . 71novVrUlxintf;cpu ' - . i " - . 1 L r. l.tK..ri. F A TJt fnnnT ,f .11...... . I W- most ill the large cities of European Tnr key. In Constantinople there are, if I remember right, from thirty to thirty five public libraries, of which the mealiest Containt nearly 1 100 manutcriptt very rare and Valuable, and a few printed work. after. .I. I 1 J .. ft , . . L . . .. PCT 1 nev were tncn irrrorc mu- deduction per piece, for eome tight tyfierfection," and sent out to thl city to , houte ol great re.peciaoiuiy, woo couia Beter -have Varrf private eale to countenance auch a deception. By them they were tbiJ af auction. They were represented to be recently landed from the eOnd lold tubtct to a mgMJmfier. 2 foe wbicb,UsHk piece" wu l- lowed in Enebnd This of courte et tblished the Upinianaaif 'wakaouwwst intended to dof In tha mind ol . the pur chaser, that the deduction was made by the, manufacturer inEigl.nd for alight imperfection in printing the goods, at such deductions are common- It could be for nothing else, at t was, of courte, made before the voyage j for the South Amer ican adventure wit carefully kept out of $ew. The good were printed in chemi cal colon, end their value had been total Tor somber f tearl ahe had devoted her elf to the hmaioe irfiMtructkwi. SUc wai'enh Inendy trual 44 for tbigk. both by ber natural a . . ... I . - - - AW The Uoited State, frigete Known Brmdvwine, sloop of war Vinc.nnet, and l "t.i ' ZZ schooner Dolphin, were ell in the port Ofl sha endeared herself to ber ouoila in Lima about the -95th of June. Tbe for-1 an uneommoo desreet and we bate never aeen mer had iutl returned Jrom Panama, via a young lady who baa enjoyed the benefit of - . .. .. .. !... a . m It.. -;.a..-g,: -aguaV. A-. angt avaw mJf Ka In thesb librariet nothing can exceed ravia, and the Vincennei irom a cruiae .T.?4 .ZjZZZTZ?,C.Z.Z -l- -i- . . j I . i -J Tk. It..k ... k.,..J I urn cmukv. kihv m- . w ........ VI me nenness oi erroiemeni ana care io fee -org. y,F. w.. WuuU .v flcc,;on. ghe Ked them much, ind loved taken to preserve them. 1 he re are libra Uuiyadutl " "''"""-'-.Ithemto theend. Herayetemof instructioo wu riane attached to them, as wnb us. who 1 he, united states tngate uaceaoman, I not auch a was calculate to-darn kI- arg reVnonaible fonfse books. ..At Drat a ICantaia Biddle. waa at Rio Janeiro on tbe I lead i but aocb aa to bnng Into eierciee the r. .kilt. k.A ..... U4 .1 ' l..iti-M til fng ha Cniiit nxMt important faculiie of the mind, and pre ed a libr.ry-.il around ,h. ball be obr- St.te. jn . lew day.. X fStjf ia evident. But ahe wu eapecially anxioua for W Cane in Sown Carolina.-ko ex- apntu.uf "I ner ' periroent in the culture of this valuable ;.. r.-;... 1 .nWg. hm nftkir nrodurtion, hat been made this year by AAnrr whilst out of Chriat and to persuade Thnmak Lanr. Esfl of Camden and cer. I them to make him their friend. In theae effort ! I t I- tainlv laay be considered a successful one the wu greatly blessed, and we doubt not her fU" :..!"?,!f under the circumstance!. It wee planted PM!!i!.wji' IT very latl, about the 1st of April.) end ai nin nn nuiEr Lira uoiiuwcu uuuii ii uiimi...:. tk i.ht tu etamirw .E'USS '-2Li?l .5!!:. V. merely to keep the ground clear of Weedst in the deth of tti. lady :we'bsw a :Mttrl wen m on iuo ui3gaowr-shaui., i w i. " .t..i ..!::tjUi..:ii..-.:. f.h. ..:, .,..;n r Tha tn.nurint. arw mueeOJur. learwtmawyw M vhirtrrtbiclt-pgjperT each page is vet nothing but large square leather ca ses, placed aide by aide and above each other, hiving several characters written or printed on the outside to distinguish them from each other, and probibly to denote their content! 1 be tain teteful srna! contain manuscript , superbly bound in morocco leather, with tbeir tide ,gLia tfjna(ieture.'--l9 Have Ions woiw'ered why the njanufigCiurerf of t hie ' country hite not turned tbeir attention more effectually to tba rtaaking oMiaea gooda. It is well known that flax can be a well raited in thlt at In any other couo ry. Ja , abort,, thlt mtterial might be come one of the chief staple commodities of the northern it ate. We learn by e late New-Tork psper however, that ibU fabric 4rhktyoo etcite. a greet de:. gree of interest j a machinery bat been invented In tbtt city, whereby the finest linen yarnt miy be tpun, on principle iltogetber new, and the cloth itself Lht'u catcd from the raw material at a price not exceeding, the . manufacture of cotton clothe of timilar texture. Tbe Dublin Evening Tott, In ipetking of the subject of the Catholic claims, sgrs, ultr mtmt Wa MMk4ity, avt aty contridiction, that the Duke of IVellington bar 'succeeded lb snaking an impression inba highest quarter on thcsubjecl of t fie Cat hoile xlai m t.i.r crr:.r : A letter from London tiyl MI bavo beeA informed bat all the clerk of the llouter of Common are ordered to be in tttendance In .November at It it lit cos- . templitijn for the ParfiamenMo ilt In tha: month, lor tbe purpose of eppointtig a committee who are to Inquire into the me n aid" "relieving tbe disabllitiet-of the Roman Catholkt, and to report thereon when' Ibe house rrgnU rfy meett-4n 1'eb- - ruary. " uther circunutance nave oc- curred loxorroooraiw bialejf thint. miDUScnpia are written ... - ,!.., . ... all earthly propec. mostly on very and a few on parchment, surrounded by a beautifuf coloured or giii vignette and at tbe head of every Chapter or book js another apparently embodying the urst letter, at In the anciently printed elastics with usr-In every library is e catalogue of the titles, containing brief .Ti:.j:j:-fnkt-a,sugi'rfi.-ir..fi.-...-t-. aoruKcutaiu im lug voiuciii u oi.u dwi and-1 ritteabcvJRerian. aril Turkish, for the accommodation of read e rs '"using1 these different languages. 1 ho' these libraries are opened only to Mahometans, the Frank! are admitted now and then by special favour, but are not allowed to touch any thing-and bard- dare to ask, what the eases contain. The librarians however bad the politeness to sbow ut many of tbe manuscripts which treated, at the Interpreter told us, of Lav, Rchsriort, Mediiir.e, Poetry and Juar foumomht pretT' HQ IB muus vi UHuimiw aim yri - . . . . t , ..... -r -Ir-.t,l i....:., ..j out she wu married to the manor her choice. TBowlbpiirbeeii-luxuri.0tnd-s nnr1iuccthiuUM hu- reached at least feet jn he average. -We b,dher extemat'eireumataneeam evenRKHf have lately visit ea mis miniature augarun that h cwild uk-rptoced in the nudstofjt plantatlo oft few square roda, end were I little circle of friends In whom she had great P9tvgai. The" dTairactlorf of thit un- foriunste country "grew out of a dipuei Snes'ion of aurcestioo to the cfuio'." Tne tnperor of Brazil and Don Miguel are brothers. The Miguel party r.on'enii that though the Emperor of Brjiil would be the legitimate beir, were he io Portu gal, yet being, in virtue of hit crowo as Emperor of " Brsxil, an alien-and foreign er, as to PorturrsI-end an actual reeidcot of another country, be cannot succeed to the throne and that consequently Uod Miguel is the legl'im-ite heir. The par tisans of tha Braxil Emperor deny tha correctness of tbeii ddttrinctg and insist that his right of succession to the crown of Portugal 1 not affected by his reti- rtnrn in and rlnmininn over Braxil. It is purely a question of international law, which the Portuguese thould be left io settle amongst themselves. Other na tions ought not to interfere. attonithed at the penection to which it had arrived. The ttockt bate already er rived to Aaturltf and are cut. They are as futlof theucharine matter as the West India Cane and wd bave ho" doubt would 3roduceUtTr good a quality. Lanj; intends to plant a 'H'ieruanUf ne'Xf year" '-iwrMu confidence and to whom ahe wu indeed dear. all that earth could rite wu already hers, or in ) promise. noon, u -u aooa jQ5wa torn .way ! . But,- ' jt con atath em 1, him wW, w it ft ra die t we know it wu ber unapeakabje iav During her lai illoes by the peculiar nature of ber" dit. ease ibe wu permitted to coiiverse but rittle-- ttras leaving ua without -communicating ,je rt ligtoua eiercwe of ber mind j but there wu constant composure, and calm reiigiution mani. The brig Jane, Capt. Atwater, erritef at New-ork,on,JIandav night Irom mo Janeiro, bringing paper to lhe"23(rAo 5ri5repay?ram ceived at this port, ir It slated that w fffttTOmiasioneraJiailxjmcloded a fieace,w - - ii i that infnrmatinn of lha result Wa 10 w officially "cbm government by a fast tailing yettel pro"' ded br ibe British minitter. -VVeareu"- table to lay wbat crtdiLjiught to be gen to this siatemcnl. The treaty Is saw boavorablt to both nations, which 0" fiirl gi ii ftnnnmaUhiU.it ihiist be an 00t tQrtofa treaty... Imflroted TrarfWflr.--However ttringe it nut have eDDeared a few years since, the distance between N. York and Detroit,! blood of our Saviour. The but struggle wu 1 JoAnTO --A l iha ..te,.r. .irwsn WlIMaliTI tvIJlllfaTU ill Ills? umiailV Mirwn V " n a. tested,' wltieb-wtlawly-eprlna; , .from. a well; fcaB oluntarily returned to Rocbestefr groupded hope of an Interest in the redeeming , . ,, ... . ..nbe 6f eaf I- 750 miles, is now performed in four day od a half, vis from Detroit to Buffalo, 230 miles, in 48 noura ; Buffalo to Albany, 353 miles, 43 i.ours ; and from Albany toJSt W' CXI COIOrS, ana tneir value oiiu uccii iviiai- ...-.j..., , y , mivui.i "igu kuiu'.iu. y i&iytij an4 lei a nia 9r?C( s written 140 tbreo Uo&tuiyor, f$0 ft two year. ' easy, for the soul wu in peace, and gave to ber Kf Jess features the loveliness of christian set eri- ty. tier countenance assumed the most heaven iv.nnear.nce. Surely ahe must h ite realiaed tha irloriga of tha uriner world ! TflV bj bCf dejtpi fccj.bewand has jiuavi " 'n nd The Philadelohia Aurora recomme tbe formation of companies for V pose of insuring Icitew or money mclo? , ..-(' -

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