i it 1 A' t- r.f - .. . - a' i t It t J. i ttK mum r.u " rrif. ye.trr . - - f nip . e .ii- ,.nt. Mary, irom irr. irum . l-.H (It .nd Liverpool to .M '5i . J ' Ci e w... .nil ins 'unf i ll.tre. we Pre e tapers totbI ' Enauirtr.Ulh ult. things r.empr.u..ly nuict. .nd mie . nf nenner. St Msiaccs, ;:: r ' PL ...,,. h.in- about Usoo rlUld llO WBW ,. les. than W WP?u.!fV"".;,...-,,,: lenched. l was MinwwiBw v- : . r -ft 5 t Adam, and cUy we , . Nittt mea are advancing 1.! Jekeed-Hbrra u cpmmg'.,. Yrttmta, lo lWoUV t.rr' hi ' I'll'""-' n.!iirtl I UIM ' B r".... . she tumbled down indhurt her knee. Ti. 1 tk ranitol I . :, , ". .4 wr. ChaumU, on te i7 ' France in evert rtrecuon, ind uing . themselves to the people. ; It 1 decided thai tbe French troops ere r . . n j! : . TO QUIl viol" " '' ". T" v.-- f n il ..i tka rrttitr hoDti oi me wnmnM-itivelf titninea. V 7 p . Ki,k,.Ui t exptcteJ r irne - ? ... j f , " h U wid th Kichol.i intend to c.rry , -.fcw w..if oo4Ab B,"..ro,-U,, Jl IQ Ul! ---- , ,1. 'Tk Trkt 01 cnouini make eaUf upon IW vaiiwo-, 1 . . . .... rftn,Untlnotle, d.ted the .. JlKt Bll'vm . 4B . fli Utfe Aueut, wye. ' 1 UI" ri :.f..- nd 60.000 Abuc . . v , ..,n.inir rouod hecpitel - t.ttnir rm. U U W tne ' i. u .t4 tk.i Lrd He tebunrt U. ' JBhlUh minister, he. recetfed tb we mo . ...Irene., of NkhoU., that 1 b. do no we.B to nuke war upon the Turk, for the . , m.kinr conaueata. i e .Totfwnctof .v. omttA of the monef ma ... m no i ' v - . . :.;.: :: bu edited rttt-mWw,wj--- - ' - S DepatieirDriyinK for e repeUr their i. Mttrelr under mo cwiir. " lJrjrcapU.U.t.o.pectil.tetn com . ' .ff..rHlnit aor aid- - " Somo few Jinmaierial cbangea lit. ; bieoWeinJbeJJniiilLCiQinei; 1 i j ! i. j ,: liixxl t ncUto ...St tl.rn enter into ; r "'"" -com. d k Uai" la th, if Ihr.r o tuil mc" ilti''! rfmircf, Una d.mcul i it vi. t Wbr all are dwl In homMjKio, bf tna J' 'I iMiH'""""'! himj, ! L!f.e(ntl.-iolkl re to N dnwa from the rcunataiwe vt a chiitfte trmn t finer toenwt eoiarc'"tl. EertUti!y hlnUwd inuendMd'f F" mM M w " M w . . .1,. .1., if di-ti o efl'iiricaan okhiw m ik 4b.nl I V worth, will Iom thrVf efwit, tfM UtJ'l VUoloua, kk therawWee. ,Tha twikiiii unMUulmr end amnreaviit la auA- cknteipIK' " Wtiiia. iawfT. e-rw. cmen oi t.V aoclliona will I tact be a mWo to (harrUe of thoae who foretat that that mhmI haki the curtail Dent or ,do., vwae, ., i i J .ill k ih meant of labttitnUnK a nuiw lV tkt pruk liiA fM!tbbMW tU.", Lt on thee, befiii.the wok cif Coooomy, ' . L ' t.k!MM r t t. .L . I- a L nMii ekA U em. m&nt tKal fl. a . ai. nth irm. im ciccuvn vniui Tnera iitci uvub ee ipa- J?J!riM tAe. Hue i elin. letfeid rf1flti pJk fpeita one county, .ill cruly be f.ltj Sup-VWJ2-Jlr Ltbilto hundred eitUen. of Boil eurcwe r.i. 7 Li.- u K.Kit of bavin th- f aotwe Aniirflttf JaCltSOn - Mf.,K.lrttritoior.ntorherraoluti of nee-..'Kl . I confining themaelvea to the ftbrkk. of their mm MS TTftTTTf I Man r.milirl Mid th BeltfhbOMfhOOd I 01 raMnt . ., .rTeeiaau-a. , I w,,, of the county tV .r.fhocaidid.teof tne rw v. :J' nih loinX rtlemeii kett beeaj i-id hme purchKi wotitd tv mre 100 per an- nuoi, let tti take W0 wna eonantmo to -ua 7ZT JobaC Celboun., to will ' , . t ttX.1lnbm !e, bf IIw oounty 24 1 Montfort toee, m "' 3d -T- reter Foreey, ee wiwn.. 4,w l.UnCil..f Rowao. . John M. Moffhe.il. of (iuilford. W.her F. Uake. of Kichmoml. Willie P. Mnpoi, of Ora.nje. Jomm flrndap, of Wke. John Halt, of Werreo.-JoM-pb J. WiriaaH, of Mart.n. KdrBJ!ard,ef GMM. Louie D. Wibwn, of Edjeeomb. Rkkord a 'palRbt, of Cren, Xlwd. B. Oudley. of Honotetv. r. a i:ro Vrer (. ) if. t!ie f ' , - T " " I Lb I.UlW f.:'.y errn.r.1 t- la tlif l"iin 0 luf tbe t.M. hfat. but the S'U rn""J "s,-" An and .v(r.A. At tb wor.l, olf ,t!iev wnt, Arab tnd Jenny eontendinp, nsjiRing on ce in roarket, tiu.M k K30.000 at one earea o wo voumj, that would otberwWe bare left It, Beret to re turn. That aum kept in tbe couety In atau mI mMHtiatinf. mU bo felt bv tbe community j it woU autfee 1e pay the etate. eouwy ana net tasee for ire yeem while tHo wltbdiawal of it would, on the other band, add to tbe ex- iatiiw diitreaa in a realty incww pnjpwn. Theii W acareely e larmer u ww worth 82,000. but fright, by Judioioua re. trenchtneM In hi expeneea, eare, at the leaat calculation, $50. eay there are 1500 whwe oa- tatf. ortr tnt aumi ih aum ofVeeBty4re thouaand dollar, kept amonrat u-4 money aetoaliy oae wunoui any ..,;() ni nrWimfort or eonvenlence. That aura u,4 jmhyrVOuM.in fcw leva, be aonV iilnne p.AhedHrteof ewy tbofmav I . av I.. 1.. ijb atl'iM at, I Va erf tea M Nfbfih. .i mm m nmi man aaai mmwi uuui,i aw ihw ener v - - 4u - r.n-w'. U tka niuvwlmt ticket. Mmicu i j, kl. . , iIL.. .Kort tint a we would br the Adminiatration anrtocrata, at a eeesiej e tettverj ,freit etote of thinM: The oney -.. w.ut.k . a rut ho are pte JKed to rote for .. . .Xwjuce of our farms the hard "'-.. - T . ... , Wn.k. and I " - v 1 . fj..4 v John Quincr aaaroa ann i..r.. ; tirninn Win If 'w w wr w titravtraat adauniitretion n Pw fr, X" no other ?iipe than io reward the indua longer, to opj-rea and rind the poor into The , . rf WouU now be .i..- ' k.,ki hipi iam ntariet. and laid out in tne - . , . i t ap. of Burkf. I..nt nrrMirlebta. cxDenueain tne i'nproe- Abiws r'ranklin. of Iredell, men, of our fjLt, or in thoee rrrat worka of j Rubert II. Burton, of Lincoln, jrnproyement, f hich North Carolina atanoa Wmuml Deberry. of Montgom y. i( mucll In which ahe t eo tar be- Ja r.Morehead.ofHockmfham, h the other Italrtta the Union.. . We ahouUl AleiienaVf Gray, of R.nJolj.b, ,Ue(, hetr , ir. f tbe hardahipa generated RcMjn. Rubinaon, of Cumberland, h lh balaace of Me beinf agaloet , and i of thie article propoaee to bejtow 5th 6th fth 8th fth" 0h tlth I3ta Hth Uih l t -t a a 1. .'.nr tit, rrt f.tt,!, tat. 1 tl.ua f-r aut' .lin ed, by ipilivlljjil emerpihe, M !$ flr ii become source of prof.t to it. enieiprl alnz proprietor. Siiuated upon one of their rear eotf Alei.ndcr feelimr hi. ..; b- the beat .trc.m. I In . country-ln eoo himl, um1r a he.y rein. The flrat routHl w of tb moit commercial town. In this one of the fcanclaome pma wa "p "-"! Kate, ana aounoanny auncu wim iqo the four borne running UdmiWe file orere part fW m,Urj ypm the beat terrp., it can- of the rround, Arab taking the haMeimy eo- ,ucceeling under proper roan- ' cond, Scribe Ihitd, ana Ale""'"' '" " . nt Th work! now. nrid hertn ae before. wlh the eteetxion of Jenny, who ajjeroent. IM worm now, met nert0' . irtohafeoettheeonftdenc(fherbwkera, fore, In operation, ere not a. eilenalre, u Alexander waa withdrawn i ena on leaoma; . mint Oa.uy oe carneu onto BOTantage, to the poWa,forihe eeeond trial, Arab aga.ii took wi(h h(J Mm(J Wiler power f end the wi the track, closely followed by Jenny, who el- mltht be increaaed, with but H?JJl lUr eiTurt. otade puah M the quar. let tnmkU'T' C J"t. ter etwcUjTind came trr bwlkmf the4uhy I -tfte Arab the black coming in, w gwa pyir, .? . rjtjm hf (mmeron. waa lately per. . atmnimngjrd ...r Z'n Threo ce.ler.Eo.rUnd. The rite waa idminW- aeemed to fee the wrigtit or me rac, Bnuiterea Df tne "er. v. iwKt uor mo rroMt tne i,.un wn. J. 'z IxureCMO" oi Jijie vtnu( wi "-". r ana irnica ne. inaimeiwii 7- S i caM had not pecurreo peioro in trM " brought to hlfl many of the "knowing oea. U. . . tedffof lw0 centurtee. Twenty minutes oewr wm Y w. v . , called to heanAanaiindreanatart,tbej ; . . ' A . dMb7d olT-LArab gng for the purae, end - Further ipecimena oLfujfier mannfic- Scrih contending tur tbe beet, toe uibi on turej j,om Ryt Strov, con'inui 10 oe the Ural stretch wa. beautiful, end wheo they Droxjucej, Th, p,pr U .aid td be truck the Tond that bad been cowed by the . ,MtQ. ritln na. heavy rain, etUI faUing, aoone borae eouiu.be dietingtllihed by the rich plumage of tbe ruler. . . " .1. . tin .k. l.i.nu lntrat waa escited by the noble eiTorte of Scribe and Jenny . m .a tl A L. J.ai a II aatf m 1.1 to break Uowo meir jraMam kwwh not dot he could not be put op. And we now ay, that the horse that hereafter beate bin, ' i I al. l..aulai aVaa taatai aw aiaa saay reat aecurety onaer io wi - X fo.AWJlA, 1WL.. O. rriday evening, I Ball waa gWeo at tbe Ktmmimm lll.l. WheN 100 UdlCO had 00- portunity of participating in the amu meats of 'a?L tk. m..v dance Dartakinr of Adam., end we carry New Jersey. If we aa eloeUent eupper, fce. ain only JOO rote v la tbe electoral elec-, ea . lion, the Jackson ticket goes In. Corn- TI1CATKES. raon policyi prudence and gorxi aenwt .JHraXVMfi Itappefro-UteB-toapa. "W.t .I... .1 kfru-i armiaermniff or imni flTtvamo ip wwa. .., perm, u .-.tl j'.- at- per now used. rnESIDENTlAL ITEMS. All haitffev Jertry 3o we e.f, tod to we will maintain On e careful com parison of the return, we find that the ottual Adam, majority In New Jersey, le f 20 ! and further, that Jackson, in 1131, stand. 4361, rote, better than he did la 1136. ' Lei our friend, turn out on tbe tole and dividing quc.tloo of Jackson or TTUrrf, Fwrth, funk. Eighth, " TtHiK, RUvtHth, TwxhtK Thi'lrftX, fwtrteenlk, Cn the James 6. iUt., of Orange, WiUiaoi Hin'on, nf wake, Rdwa dHaU, of Franklin, Samuel Hrman, of Martin, Isaac N. tan.b, .f Paaquotahk, William Clark. f ritt. Win. S Blacklede. . Craree. oeoole of -North Carolina, wiinney, by the Tari The writ city are tfncofflmonty atttwtwratca o,a and HamWi.nd she Panauan corps aic -t , , .ongubem,-0( Jlte Utter, U .aid B Tk-' American, of last i . .. ., . . I i. . l r. ...... a.nk.nr wrrn.. If ia our readers with the following account, extrac now Brao.t reduced to a certainty, thai bo ted friMB tUe Doatoo Dulleiin i -eUo majority of tbe electoral totes . He makea hi. onet in the dres. of a 0f thu state will be the President." It laree wooden ihoe.t l,,nulre. no .upernatural acency to tcu and commence, danclnu on me cora, who lhat man win oe. avhich reaches from the farther extremtty I of the atage, orer the pit, to tbe centre of ajr Wood., one of ihe Adam$ member. oT the lower tier ol botes. Alter many ex- lhg ate Congre.., for unto, na. oeen lurn iraordinary feata, e. clap of thunder ia eo wK Dy a Jocktonlan, by ITOO tote, ma heard, and tbe entire scenery inatonune- ioritt." The Cincinnati Adrertlwr lo' ously change., a. by magic i at tbe aame i0hounclng it, .ays Here It another ibid. aome turtheijattention to these aubjecte, ir ni moment wilh the teloclty of thought, the poo, John Woods' .hot to death by other arocaiin. will V',!?" costume of the dancer I. conrerted Into UuiiU ballota.w IIAMILTON "'The Emperor Nicbolaa ba.refuied the "inrJiation if EnRTind,in the .ffr. of a.. nrltm f . I1 '..... lury . v. The wiU go to the poa on invrauay, fn, -Jrew Jottian, bartish pnde eomiptl.n from therouneila of the nation, main Uln the' cause of iMt UbeHy, ad Bar a t. a.p rcaucl hoetru.tic cap and tunic and the whole a Connecticut paper state, that the effect i. brilliant beyond conception. The Rulun bare ioreated Odessa. In a scenery represent, an enchsntlng ana hof, tmt, they will tell u that tbe orkt important mat era. 5.rhl ther.toliesiWetoriTMmtiewm ' " . . t vc.. itw nnrax i . . . a- . . I r 1 " . . - a.. a---- a- . between toefe. -,JC !'jlv' and ki - ne Hcea ethe BaiiaiwiT tterr ciine lul (htf "area2alrt JickMnin wonnecO They w U go to thee, on T Ik. M. .PI U IIIK. VW UM ia law . . . ... 1 Vimmmmmnm iWr": ESS wntry numerouaaoa reapeewme-, ------ i tuuiuni-.:: Tk. tirm taa race, two mile beats, waa eon. 1 aKl- B.hen-1 state that hi. atlitude. be- tended for by Mr. West's Horae JTeAaWa-, aired J C0Qa graceful, and bla dancing a. ele- jTj-br.8haw.ir Wbat:iJ iSeTmatter- wUhale-Iaad Seaton, of tbe National Intelligencer r make calculation, on' the preu- seror. ami entered Jn tb- turn. of Jo.h Tur. TtQtmtTi In the .rt, notwlih- ind era.,a . beliVf th.t thet ere der.oged. rraeiaeiV Bl It. e nunc, wnw iw . ...... lul 11 . .. r T li livircij a. ..... .r. I j. k. t. I!.if.t ii. mn nna InrB 1 P . . I . I. it..!, n.iu. M Fridiv. track I the i-aawtnr Oflenng in 1, on ve- aianuina; in "" - -r' r i S 9Z9mia'"!!pui?.in't ' 11 T.1aMma We a .NarfA Carahaa. . ill..-. I nmnme to addrcaa my fellow. ejtuenaoOtartb rolrr much of their intereat aa ind.v.d.iala, aa h , At .fce Up of ,he dram, wetteaan MMlrp-rvdent sorerrgty , and eaaw ,n hlBdJome rtyle, Air Balloon ta- , "J"ne ,hUoountry ..v. mmur iiiuininju or ma 111 w.11- i . . i .. r.ni k. w.k.., iii. . . . Iiwmmi"!""- 7 . . ..v. cal good Sense of theccmmunRy,l shall be rery """"TurkeT.- r j'or.--We Date pi?" ...S .latins, that Mr. Nash, the tbe timet deplorably hard, we .rem . . . , M.- .Tl nfi that e-- -witntno aiKiim r..r.m-.r...-.T.j .k. ..t a tk tan Of the drum. I . - . ....!. ...t.l.l nn ....... .!.!.. kim N..k.nrUn(l. I. ul u m4 lnt " . ii - "i a taare lorineaincaiaipuacmciuj i-vcni..i m yoica, "" " .a w.auiaajiia a via, air nannian ia. a . . . . a ia. . i.. i... i . a a tney araneu m - rrv '.r, increaaing in truseouniry. a new i ninr ii iiuna, Kentucar, i king the lestj, ew-eiy louoweu ?7 Utely been erected n Bortoa M' heH,f-VJer.oV-.ml ObWbut not letllog WoJ, whole-orerarrounrl, ontil wo the back r,. f Bowery Theatre erelinguJi.r,V7T. -ln iiHnrJrnd 34 rotet l. -a.k a miu ha madfl a roroui I . .i- r..k j!L -f thet.. add VirgtnU, .lltoqt.,.ana 3a .row HrrV.1. r na wwww - " .. ltl'lMtOllirin WIIIMW iwuit "vii , . vl i . I...I i.iMiK.iMHiif aaroraarr.- iiere j : , . .1, wk k. aurf. 1 from this itate. aucu Cll'll v- ... r , I nC plTdlM WHIWI, .IW Hivn T ..r.i -s, v.. .. Ik race wia hiehly intereatingi both horsea ,.Kr. -aaw- A Thuatw now buildine-at from men knowine better, are made a.- Engineer, i. now engaged in au- ,V W ing active ""'.""iUnkai the banka are indebted totbe ur s. c-:Kill. 3 miles below mv. ,k not ire very much, below pari State perintend lie aii.. " I a ' . . ... .. ,k.t h conhcently ex mi. .own, T)ccta to remove the aand ao aa to open a channel for pole bot. in the preaent low w e of the water, in the courw of ' m i. ft .kn..lil aUn be stated. tear aavs. . ... ,t.. will not brini any think like ita itluein market t and worse than all, 'here ia hat little hope of umes oecommu ucwr. . .... ....... ihat have brousrht aboat the prent atate of 'hinge, continue to Operate: opon the MMtul of reaaon. then.' we are to look for a worte condition for all klnda of huaifteta or trade. In addition to iheaeeauaei, another, and a fearful on-! for the Southern rarmer, naa laieiv c.rtrrtau lant thtv nromPtficommenoeditPperatioa.meaa? kSatorday. J7u,, rt mean to .dtsouaa, on thia occasion, the L to avail thernseWes of ;jHilkw,.udoift L.H .k"..ke. 1 V W va a i v m . j. -f.U- Vaairration Com to tne crecm m ; I r .u . -.w- . mi.tinar called for the ' 1 i J ... purpee on. j..;,i.t r vv,,,w I ' Jimiwv. ..... ; ' r tt. N.ih. who was then ' . t.w r ih'u country t and,u good citi rill n hi.' w.v to Wilmington, 'SS iu i-i y . , aawecaik BUI on an iianua n i- nnd to nlace the necesaary umui c. a u-. . a. itJ operm,lotl Wll be . . . a aj-.k. i. .inn .. . .1 oi.. n VU'III'IJ, I of great i certainly i..i.a,i in taa our patience to me awermoat i i viu. - - - ...... . it ia well Calculated to can lonn renrowuanca tier hie direction. :vi r. unfavourable to tne souwern .aie .... .l -. .:.k.. rnmmencedi.. ,kia nr calamity doea at a, period OCcedCO to tncir 1.. id . ea. and oecuniary difficulty, it i, the worx on mnwj --0 p. S.-Ju.t as our p iper w prepar , r.. ....a avf learn tnai inc vi . n ... j ..,-ti A.r.rtrA exertions ol Sir. Nash rbivc Tbeen already auecewi SDnngbiU .hoala, sufficient for the pa- of any boat which C g p to that placeTTtW present low-waterr --Oui &e wnionly permit to con. ora ulate the cittaens on this cheering result, and to offer their thanks to him whoaTcffected it. , : JPayetteviUe OSaervtr. ialf In diameter hhit calcule aTrnOam. wiM receive If him New-t-nglsnd. II . 10 fYom Marrland.ew could hareeen covered with a blanket Tor nail gt je, tB increaaing tare for theae ,icne(JJr to deceir e. . :u . ikna MwttiniMH until they anproacn-1 . ........ ., .w. i.a.iiiuU.. ..ulaau ' 111.1 I ealllllHI1'!!.. ll at s wmiiix. . ' - . and h-th horaea.cne to the atana unaer wmp, - on 'Thursday night, 30th uh; The Air Ballooa k9ff "SI erlnced much twte and was highly ored of t JeBuraon, aecaat(JCkNBeex ibird.t rt i ,. .w . v.... diataneed. tne utter evi-i " : . . " "... .. we make an effort to chang Lourposure. J J - B hflt, Atr Bal- JZZE!tt A Tntnlatnre iww.paper-on page .of, y inches by 5, of very .ma iy , f . V A... ..l,Med tatbe. taste and . . capacitie. of children of eary am . K . ..rf! at Boston, ro be pub- . fished- weekly, a the miniature price of 30 cents per annum Kn more wheat 'U now produced it W rained there 40 year. .j'Ttncw ----- - - ' Tk. nnmilaPion 'WHft then 9 HllU .a . W. 1 . . and complaint i it hu haa tnai enew, aimoat to an unbecoming degree of violence, But, my iviL.-ia-ia.. what. wul.imonstraoce pfxom- '-""- - . j r. v j plaint Brail us r we may gnevB T!l'Tr !. . .... ..... .k. k.irtk.-n: tike the ntrtt-niare. is still upon us i ana hit w... i...n. rmind tne arreai oueaiion. - iirrc men. q u hat '-to be done rHow are werta-rene i k Uail of distressf What are we to do to make our wdti'tdttsl lot more xom c,.ui. .d add to the respectability of the stite? Its. not my Intention M jwaaat th! picture merely to saroe you. ro ; about to auggeM aome propoaiUons, in the i Seat place, "to avoid the further pressure of the timea-to alleviate ouf present bard condition , Trd,ttnUfft-ator.m ty aa individuals, and our cominonwealtbjo lu nrooet rank in tll.rjni.0ife..aiiWw.. r -. .u. k . Iv.lom nr Kmumh 'iiM n.)TH. ITH.a. ...... rrAmi la our fmilii and for thit fft)rmin?DubriC nsociationi for the eocouragemeni wi huuk. ...,,. vast importance. Custom is a tyrant that can not be reaiated aingle-handedi but of aU eua. toma,the hardest to wtthsUnd are thoae that Z . f the aride of the human heart. The . .ivt. nf flnm ia one of the latter indi LI Xitm ... -a r. . " -11 ela. lhaU eaaiihKa ed the Isst stretch, where the aorrel was com- of he M Me f .rapire rolling wertwartl" The oelledto yield to the superior keeli and weU ... . theatrical eatabliahmenH in larffc citiea, ! . .1 I I.SSl- IVahaavk I w - . . . know tne iwnc.i .. w...- - .f ghat doubttul. To many uiey atioro a NenberrftheborseBreardistreaaeli beta, tlonaiMXxnr ,nii Instructive amunement. as beforet and on starting for the second hes., 0tUen enjn.red in thoae ap-iemUges of Wehawk took me w, runrana; m -"""-"'" vic. kni iroinorality which theatres almost al style. With "clear day light" before AirBalloon, Anw ,henu That they tffor(J ntsi val. The struggle was short, ana Cleany proven bis inability to take tne neai. Time .let beat. o. 2d do. 4, W. PHdofi 7ar,0pened by leading to . the i boles Addiaon J. Kelly'a sorrel mare, i iinuia, oy ri- am Vv I a.B. I.vaaatat lATa nancierj Henry n. uusmoerry ""- - wn.br Napoleon, CoL Tarbrougn-s Air nai. loon, by Conqueror , Thomae muu s nor-e f m objection ia, Who, by the draw, ws entitled to the track, . a' a .a - ..!ail Am,m f at a a aoon lost it, by tne fupen-r s're" Ballton, who maintained bis right to the track undisputed, tntil he approached the ejusrter stretct, where Jeiteraonrnaos aicaii . .m.a, and hath horsea came to the atand under whip, tittliey came to the third turn, where " ' . ... jeaforacauirinr a knowledge of the rrel made a desperate enart to pasa bis n- . . fc C1,cd, is certain i But it is not much less certain, that mis snowieoge cannot be acquired in any manner except at the expense of that nice delicacy of feeling and aim- . . . k .. -l. . . u pltcity ot manners wnicu mmw buuu vu.i about those who never 'wandered beyond the pale of virtuous and Indulgent parrnta. Aside from other things. In all our best plays there are . a a at . ft. waA.aaaaW Bx.AA Some Indelicate aiiunona. me rrciin hv but very many weir H""" i" , , , n.ii whatever obiections msy be raised against theatres in general, we are sure that his reli. and morality are far overstrained, who can discover aught Improper in exhibitions by ama ,.r.. and .uch an exhibition, we are happy to uy.WBtgotup"? wts'itlemen amateurs J . m i'-.j . la.lv a 0fTkaH m -''TWaa, ajuuUietfoinaPsOim .---Saa "rryinr CMSL tkA rtirtiUa alnrw JJtfsAainriwundoveTbis weight, and an un ..A wa At th. tan of the drum, they went off in the order, abovetha sorrel hon. holding ,k. ,rir ,hrmiii hmit the heat. Flirtilla, making every effort; came IB iecono mb wnos w tBjieed,.'. . 1st beat, . 4-5. board of Nr Vorlt w Phila4Ul . - a . . aa n .1 ph'uu nie. piece aeiecteu, was me uurew u Heart. hh i and for our part, we confett we were highly entertained. thumb. time.. 3d do. SaMWi Hm ." l Aootato weighing 81ba. and a turnip 61bs.' TV(aii,w'",i''mi'''ll''M"'" ika i..a.j.Mkoiisvtiiini Attorn. , Tne I , . .r.d unusually heirs; ty the! J.,, JsVawfsMs,'fia(t. nf f hiladrlphia, has . ... k. kad (Men tat the last 10 1 u, annointed by the President of tbe U. 9 to hours. At the sound of the drum, they were D, Judge of the U. 8. for the Eastern District of led to the goal in the following order : vtrofl, a i Pennsylvania, in place of mcbara reters, aec a, bay horse colt, bt Little Dion, out 01 sn Arcuy ' ' a, a W 1V.I1.. . I-' aa - aa ....a tha tawa.w4 a-at A. J. iwciiv I rfxnaya eai . . lZ:Z.mo( Mr.Caublr.siredby . The Macon (Geo.) Bank, has deepen adv A well grown, perfectly ripe PwK of the vrowth. was nulled from the tree in a O w ' ...M . k..J. I.., v' garden at J ayenevuie, weea uoorc w. -.4.,.t. im iinwillins" that tneir The cnlBn handbill men in Pennsyl vania are quite busy in erecting mono mental inscriptionaM to tbe defeated coali tionist.. It i said Binn. I. going to re ceive a full and splendid funeral proces- Stocki looking uh I k Mrfc Adam., of Jefferson county ,Virgini., bad three eons at a birth, about I . moath aince. r We auppose tbe coalition will now nave right to talk of reactions in yirginia.v Extract ao eMsr.-art riesff 0c. 4. The present contest, for President, involve, some of the most imporiam principles of our constitution. I bare no doubt a. to the reauit tne cau people will be triumphant j and Andrew Jackson will bs our nexi president. saw the great and good man at hi. 00 house, thi. week, and 1 am nappy 10 .V.. k. wa in better healthv nor in tuB3MeJikop howcr. w tthout oeing prejuuiceu Sa..... . at . .. . t i. .afe ta Mp. Ad.mi 1 da rea r oeueve jbcbso"1" thrrwettwaifH eRooddeal0f!bePArto snd much ol toe Aicenwww hw. 1. 1. ..u 'that nn the mornine after the late election in Philadelphia, Binn't print inW office exhibited one of the most e"rt i;a. and a, n aame-nine, .,"---- pear. thi, on tbe evening of the election. Urge number of Cinh'S voj?iv and pasted them all over his office, that not a particle of ihe house a$ w aeen the next rooming. eWftern. AW.t..w.Cotton 9 tc ijii Bjft to 8 1 bacon, 7 to 81 peach brandy, 50 j apple do, 45 to 50 . nin Wm W$ mr 9m f w bxldea of iWTtcent pco. rr .... j U b now 3? millioBv Aotjld oot-dress thcp ox oflt vie uco ia nj