I MWW t4 taMhMt. MM ALlHlUIRY,:.V.C.'MMTCIKRI)AY,-NOVKMnKK 25, 1828. VOL. IX.4m.mNO. 442. MMI VI TTI.. tk.t !-. --i mum HjirAVJUTf, V'UUfTJ X lMt-f5 Tfiar..JL ci,uw.jmij! Tt e?rj-f wjljUfiiul tfan.l'i ji-are.ord,Ior.wariJ. m ! . . .... j 1 n mibriat an-I will faithf.il'y . cdIjti receive! foe W' In lH- U-. 5XLAS TCTLHTOW -Vf VING -" a d rm 'it II Md im-vf, repectf.iHr .nfitrmt hi- old .-. wd Pl'''e r--f""r. tht h r-tunird Home, and ret-imrd hunts .irh hH.tmM- w canducied tjr bn (vrti-f, Mrt!jr2hnt al th- Anp Rirmer orcipird f,T a. rrnpl-'-iM "d ire f'irn,.l,-d vlh il PtrU Imdo" w it 1 m fa.hloM htv b-'n wire fn. nd -l.Uoicli H rtyurt 'ti .,ul .kill rihrf tfrStf hwmAt Mir.r rt-f f thrm thM not b Mriw" d ,n the I- ...m. U-- H.b'm tnd Ptli-,. "d ('. emea .ii.i-f. if miMle up pr-ff ,owr' ;,,,,B i .rfr m eer h-f etofore done, in Ofl-r to lbfrm o tbt n-Mmptfd prew.re f the Ord-r for work from litnc'. tl be thnr. fin. record, ."d pMv.Uy ytrM c. BENJAMIN ra!.F.V, STILL cirri' on the Hoe bu'm-n, Jn ill brmnchet.at the -Lop b-retofor- ro. Died hf him, on Mtin ttrret. t few door. et f Itr, R!tui!tr 1 WW the town oi 9,lubury. He eomlrMiet to rereie the Undon. Pw ind Pbilid-ltb'u rai-. rrKiiUHy at they 'efanireT b1ch wi tnMe- Him to ."-romrnu. , Ate Udiee nd Gntlrmen iih b mod Utfe fhl tnd eler kindiof r.wmentt. nde up hh m much " be hopet. m hit neighbor, c.n ttthtfaBi Hv eUiti to....of whirh, howeTer, be K not dwpd lo bont oermuch, levin)f it o & irood ene of hii cottomen to be tbem-t-lve the j'idjtt of bti i fl la- be Mnnlov the br of Mr-rv'". ntl bt no a-;rrnfr--, he think be h rfcta- to y hie L.w ,: well done i and tn -ra- it to ft wK J iCMc.ty ofrnqney. A-ipnej of pmlu-r, ev n ' duo n oth -Hiiorin thii ptrt of tW cwirrtry, ho'wilfd'ajrw'."b dr-. Cuttle put. -f t1 kind of r.rment, done m the h'' '- He H offt-rt t..tecH War4 JNtent Prntrc 'ftniem of TrhwiirKhidLUrLiilJV nil the rihionble t.itorl in the t'nsied Sute-. u- .,,-ctfuHv ..licit -h.re of 'he public irirSt: tnd tioiiei to merMt hy wfcn thee K.n hv tTtraiJittnl prvfrnhnt.- -jfi " NnUrr. m !AT on the ?5th of October !, I l.t or Tl i.iA tK JaRnwiniraote-. x : uo mile " nn . - Tih l iiiie, fr the Mimlif 810 mdepay ... f-..nrr Ijinir. iii (lie mnmh i H or June, IB: oi'e do. on Fdiw I'reidv, for g (K), villi wv!" credit. ; one ditto on Jonathan W'-on. f' nbout 19 or f 20 1 Two do. onJohn Pnrd,0" of tid noe for nr-thr rcubdiim, And the o'h-r for hxtt g4 ; one note on Ilirnm Umwn. I'K .bout i ne do. on EUm McLel. lind, fr ebiHit g6j one rrctipt on" John Hu- diirefor about S6i one ceonnt on weeiiom U'bitlev.fur bonr 6i cent! one note on Dnl. b-.KMH-it4K- fo-ijoui..8ii. oue j ugment on A iron To Art-end. for 15 or RiO. or there- ejiout-; one receipt on Green II. Swuringen two or three receipu on John ford, contiiDie, one receipt on Jno. H!ck i one receipt on Jamet CL Sne.m. Anv rcreon ho return the nhove Bioeri to the tufttftiber two iniTel i'Hith fif Concord, Cbrrut county, thatl be liberlly Wr,,.Vw.ltf, im -1(4.' rt t Th Knnxville linouirer. nd Nashville BepiiMican, will please give tht- above adver. jnent three inbertiont. and lorwaru tneif ac countt to me, at Concoid, N. C. for payment. T. KUJTTS. aMUs .ftu iauma. atltshi.-atdt. 1 formerly the property of G-6. 3-:fr airi:frr.J'irsrr.uiii"' ianrr, ace n. ' - vu.it. l!hv the lite purchasers. I hii land liri on thitchmin' creek, 4 miles east of M.xka. ville, adjoining tTieGilei Vlumtord tract, ana il qui1 to any land in Rowan county, with a large proportion of superior meadow tle Mills are ofiuoeriorconitniction, and have now very o jndincreiiaiiJig nin cf ei.toir (b wtfr power can rery ".conveniently "be msde to drive Miy kind of Machinery. For other particular-, ml -terms, apply to Thomaa D. Gibbs, one of tile prtiprteors, oni premises- 16t? TUOM AS D. GIBBS, ' JOSKFIt IIANRS. PEI FH SASEljt, .?:"-r,r--':.v.;..;J&Cm. -N. fi. Another ttaetr belonging to Peter Sa ner, sdjo'ining'the above, containing- 22J acres, iriil be-aoid m connexion wun tne aooyc, in- srae!y u may betuit the purchaaer! which il liltewiio first rate land.' Mto. will be wild, a lot ljr 1- k' 'be to-vn of loir. ille, contttiningj-rt cn t "and, wr.h a food dwelling-hou. 'with mjtto'j-, and i flxctiient garden : this pr-pcrt) will be iki 5ij aesQjwuodSrtuH te,rrjon. Apply a above, .fr-.te.!.ft M im.t.d with H, r nn inr ..-rr.. .r.., ... I rnaiiMiri.U ....I ..it..'....... i. tl r.r mn pnr.sior.VT or the united states 'or amrmca, I, . A PKOCLAMATION. A MrttAi Treat? of Commerce 5'ifr"f America and Ilia Majratr, the King of Sweden n J 'Nrajr, Jo fthr with i njrat" irt. I thrrrto were corifludVd nd lip.rjf, by their lifM)trntiri-w(-t 6tft kHolmv rn ibe- fourtH day f Jwb-4WWm'.ajf.ui 4wrd, ne thousand right hundred rie- retpeeii'., -t mira'nii que re but ne Mnrait etre mieoV rrrorit'', qn'rn l- placant fir iii bM d'une paHaite e!ite el reciprocite aont 5.enut, etl eonwiien. , d'entrer en nf oia- tinn ooiir un nriiivf i I rite. Je I'omwrct et de Nii-t'nn, et nni nnn,mr, a ret efiV, d Ple-'ipoteniini-e., tttr-iir : le fpr.ident del F.taii Uni d' tme-'fi-te, Jnhn Jium pplpton, Oimjti d'ffire de.li Kta't a lacoiirdeS Vtije.tri le Ri di Soedr t de Norv-re i et R Mjitt. le Km de uede et d-r vrvgr. le Hienr Gu- te,t;omte el? Wrtteratntt. m W ninre d'Kt.t et dei AfT4iTei Ffraniro"'-, ftievuher rommit 'dene de lei Onlrei riieie de fM.r iii little, de M. nr d' 'Kt. lextflre Ntwtki, rl de S'e. 4nne de 'a p'-mier cliwe, Che. lire de I'Ordre le IMigin K'Mie de Pniic de la pre mere rl.Me, lrjnj Vrmt de I'Ordre de Lenpol(i(rutnetie,,'in iii i nn.bint -le r ele mie iedie. le-ei ftlt, unrn irnle echingo eu" f I. ini twtvtrtL imu' en.honni et da forme, out arrcti- lei si ! uivan. full rtoweei, found hi good wid iue farm, have Kri' ti i. agreed opon thr fwilnwiiig f)icla IjH citnyeni et nj-rti de cMcnne dei detix tiririi i Hi'ite Partiei Contmctatte"r, p mrfont ivec Hie riiizm ind wbjern of eadi of the two i mite rire'e. pii'ir ti-un fieripnnei, vaia aui et high conflicting pirtie. m . vih ill leciirit cirgion, aborder libreirent dim li p"rt, for their pe lorn, veitrlt, i d firgoei, freelv flje"tftMTm:V6mti TatV.r'W-th pmli.'fVitsfiTlM iffjrajof the tefru partout on le comnvce etnnger e.t 7ermi. toriri of the other, whrreve foreign commerce II. frO"-rnt i'v arretee t rewder dim quehpi t permitted. I Hey iltill b a; liberty to uo narVit ot'e"f e oit deKfii Irerit'olrei, et jimiront,"" tnu'rn ami rrtitll in all pin e!atioeee of nid genertlemei't de li iltm eotiere wciirite et pro. lection pour lei a&iireidi leariegoce. a charge, de le loiimmrt're nix loii ct ordonnincet dei pay rripectifi. iiTiei.E ir. ' bitimen. Siii'(l'i et Norvejpcni n cut de pile rie St; Hirthelrmv qui irriveront ur leaf leit ou cl .ri'et dam lei port! dei P.titi Unis e'Ameriqiic, de O'lelque lieu quill viennent, eront tnilei leur entree, pendnnt leur, neioiir el a leur lortie, mr le mrme pied que lm bii- meni naUoniut renjuit dti meme Jieiw par rip- port lux droit l de tonnige, de finmi, de pilot- ige, tt de port, aint qu'mi vacation. de ofH. gtffv tt fle port, aini ffi n liuni'ini tir. uui cien piblici, et a tout autre droit ou charge, dei quelque eipece our denom'mtion queer oit, percui U n m on in profit du (Government del adminiit ratiin I'tcalea, ou d'ctablinemem Mrtieulieri oneleonooea. 1 . 1 . , n . F.t recipriKjUement, If. nitimen urs i.ni' Uiiis dlAracriQ'ie qui arriveront inr leur leit our charge! dam el ribrti de Hoyiitmei Ie Suede - I uf J. Mt.tita v.intil eront, tra'uei a leur entree, pendant leur lejour et a leur iurtit, tur le tneme "pled ijue Jei batJ-" mem nationam venant du meme lieu, par rap- nort ini "tltvMt'4 A tonnare. de tanaui, de tiloW .ceetde Tort.ainit nn'aut vieitiom del offi- - ri-r. rmblic. i t a tout autre dinit nu chirre de qnrlque eiiece on' ilenomhatidn que er ioit, " mge, light horaei, pilotige. and port ctmnrei, percui nornTTHnrnTn-onVdit Gauv-enemenW-a nvdt-a in. the . yerquilites of jiihcffiMri, dei idminiitratio'i locaKi, ou d'rtUbllfsemeni and all "'h- r dutiei or charfea, of wiiat-'ver partioiilieri quiLaiwqu. kind uflcuumination, levied in the tumc, op lo iMTieii nt. the profh of the Government, the local nuthori. ':ipJmT!Hiiwrmin importe tit,r oAany privaie-f lUblnhmmti whatioever 'dan. lei LU' ' ''Winf .Wrnynmr-batimTtii Anwcta.ui. ridiH FatiK .wuiriacgaiemciit y etre importe . All that maybe larullv imported into the par biitimrni Suedoii et Norvcgiem, on de I'Ue bnited Statei of America, in vei-ela of the nid de Sir Barihelcmv, de quelque lieu qu'ik vien- tiitci, may. alio b.e thereinto imported in Swe nunt'iani crtvef "rfautrri otrht"- hitrtf dro't'i - tfnh or Norweman venelv and in thovc of the ,..r.inrirr.'de mietd Ve einecetm detrwmnation auece wit, percu- an nom, on au pnifit du . . , . . : l I ... (iotivrinement, ne nimuimmiioiw i.airs on d'ettiblincineni particnlien qu-lconqnei, q ie i Pimpotition irait Heu en btimu "utionaui. Et reciproquement.tmit ce qui pourr I. gale, ment etre importe dain ei Rmhhhim de Su. de et de Norvege, pr hatimeni Su d iii ou Nor- vegi-ii. ou de File de St. rUfheWm), pourra egilement y etre intorU pie bitimen dea F.titi I ni d'Amerique, de quelque lien qu'ils vVnnent. ami paver d'autrei u plui haiits droits on charres, de quelque emece ou lie- ;ntir,n ouelniie eioece ou deDominition nomi uece ioit, percm au nom, ou au pwnt au 1 ' rt. . ouvernement. de admimitrationi locales on J'ciubliuemcus prt'iculi ri quelconques, que si Fintpurtation ivait lieu en batimem nationaux. AMTIVLI IV. Tout ce qui pourra legaleincnt etre exporte te Ktata Onii d'Amerique, par baiimeni des- d ti F.Utt, pourra egilement en etre rxpone par itimens Suedots et Norvegien. ou de I'ile de bat St. Barthelemy, nam payer d'amraa ou plus h.,.ia rlmii. mi eharirei. de rriulane espece ou J.nnminstion oire le ioit Derctii iu mm. ou iu profit, du Ciomernement, de idmi'iUtration Incajef, ou d'etabliwrnensparticnliersqufelcon- que ..que n "exportation avait eti lieu an bati- :mm;i.ito:r:: Et reciproquement, tout cr qui pourra legale- .,, .... .,.nr tr rovaiimei de tiuede et de Norvere. oar batimena Suedois et Norve- "S.,.. "ni. U iwrfo- Str'BarTKrelfivrBourt'i r ' - - . egalement en etre exporte par oaumcni aes F.tati l!nii d'Amerique, nni paver d'autrcs ou . . . s . - . t ... U denomination q.iej!e ioit. percus j npm, ou " IZltu . a;. r.r- .HmiWi(on hicalei, ou d'etablissemeni particuliers quelcon- .que, que ii I'cxportatiou tvait lieu en batimeni .L.;,,.. mm-w--- " aXTKIS T. I ne mpuiauuna wuiaurew i" nio uiice rt stipttla'-iotis des Arnui iirjicks ptRCedenU.,ceU ant toute leur plenitude, spplicabiei aux cable to the vesselt ofthe United SWerbf Afrier. aVTIClB T. i M am aIoua dei trail uticJet wcdeiuVix&Hitit-WKae.a sont dan "baiinUnsdfirF.ta loi4' ront iharge Vu noil, clurgi Gi ll.,ulKMlm,. atlY lilftrA ,u.i. Airm rnv.iimrB le Bnede el "! Norvetre L:. a t.u.t .iitM Km niielrjtnnue. on nni aorti. mm .Ir la dit a colonie. charares ou non charees. pour ae rendre, ioit en Suede ou en Norvege, oit en tout autre lieu quelcoiique. tnriri . VI. Hestexpresiement.enteft'1'iqiie less articles ,l.i. imli. et rinaire. ne mnt noint app)it!)leA a U wvigation de, cpi on dc etfbcrt BttoMqjaiiJBeo4w -iul Navigation, between the tinned and tent?et f hiwlreffr'iind ALia.iiwjLi. MnlJ(tAtl limmVf trin'Jf. J rm Of Amr,c n4 HU Majet. it.!ien tnt Nor.iy, rtiinily the desire f eitendrnt ano con. com nercial reUtiui tnbeiftinff between their retpeetire Trrn ra;l, and con- vinced that thi r.bject cannot bet'tr be acoom- pli.hed th.n btr placing them on tin bate of perfect equality and reciprocity, hnfe in con. aequence, agreed to enter into negftlatioo for a New Treaty of Commerce and Natriiation i and, to 'hi effect, hate appointed. Pleniiitentiirie, to wit i The Preddtnt of tht Uni ed Statu of meiica, John Jimet Apfiletnn, dnrge d'At fgiee. of th- laid "'tale it the Court if 1 fits Ma Je.t ti e Kiag of Sweden and Norwaj i atd lln 'aiety the Kmr or nwerten a I the Slrv. the Sieip(iuita mint de W-iUrVedi. Iti Mm. inter of Htite and of Pore;gn ArT.in. Iniht and Commander of hit order, Knigh) f the Orderi of Bt. Andrew, "t. Aleiandef Vrw.ky, HI Ann. of the flrtt eUi, of Runia K itght of the Order of the Red Krlr, of the ff-t dw-. of Primili Grand Croiy of the nler Sf Lt opold, of AuMrtai one of the F.ighteen o.'ihe "wedinh cidemy, who, after hiving eichanred their territorial i to rent ind cupy hotiv ind waeehuuiei for their comtiJc j and thev itiU cijoy. generally, the mot knt ri lecuriiy ami pM'-crioii in the mercanlp traniactioni, on ronditinn rf their iuhmittinio "he lawi ind or. dinnncei of 'h repec'ive carririei iiticli B. Srediih ind -Noregiia fetil, iml thoie of iKe I,Unl of Si. RirtholorteWi arriving either liidcn or in biiW, in'o the korw of the United Suteio." Americi, from wkattr. r place 'hey miy come, luiu be treileil on, their entrance. during their itay, i the lame footing ai and at tlelr departure, upon mr nine i'kiu.ii mniiinnufrTtri, cwnin iruin the mint place( with rerfct to the dutiei of tonnige. light huira, pilotage, ajid port chirgei, well lo 'he perquiaitf of public nflireri, a i l all other dutiei. or chirgeiM whatever kind or d-nomination, levied in the nime. or to the r.L. r ih. i i :.. from, m ioc wtnimciii, iw: iuqu imi'iiniin, or of any private eatiblithment whatioever. And, reciprocally 0e- iewew. of the -tinted CtAtnf A miiea. arriving etthrr Itupn ' nr tt bmrit, in the porta of the kinfdomi of Sweden and' Norway,, from whatever place, t'.iey .nay rome, ihall be treated on th. ir entrance, during their tav, and at their Uepar'jire, upon the aame fwting ai rtati.wal irMehi comtn8rfr(n the tame place with repect to the dutle of ton :lg!and of itt, .Bartholomew, from whatever pticc-j they miy come, without paying m her or higher J...'. ru,.iu..l',iJ ... uuiim. ur .uu ri, nm ,.i r.,.i.n- ination, levied in the nime, nr to the profit, of the (iovemment, the l.icil autboritiec, or of any private eitabliihmenti whatsoever, than if im- ported in na!i-nl veseK And, r rWr.ically. all thai may be lawfully im- ported in- tiie Ki igdomt of. Sweden ind Nor. way, iu aeiiihand Norwegian veuelt, or in thoe of ttie Wand of 8t Bartholomew, mav alio be ih. reiotp imported in veweUofthe United statei or nmenca, m wnatcrer pi.ee mey mav come, without paying other or higiin du- L .r -.l - i . tis or cnirirei, ot wnaicver khui ur unmnima-1 tion, levied in wie name, or .o lue proui oi me , liovernme!, .'". 10cm auinuiiuc., or pi any private eitabliihment whatsoever, than if i . it ported in national' vesaula ITICtS IT. All that miv he wfully exported from t!ic United State of America, in vessel! ot the iiift S'atci mav alio be exported therefrom in Swe- diah and Norwegian veiieti, or in tnoie ot tuo Inhtnd of St. Bartholomew, without navinir other or hieher dutiei, or chirgei, of whatever kind or denomination, levied in the name, or o the profit, of the Government, the local authorities or of any private establishments wliataoevej, And reciprocally, ill that may be lawfully ex- ported from the k'medomi of Sweden ami Nor- wav, in Swedish and Norwegian vessels, or in ihosroTThe Island nf Bartholomew, ma; .1 r ; I. f ,L ii-;,.J ce exported .ucrcinim i wc vcU Statei of America, without paying other or high- J.,!avj nw iriawrra.4 nf favKsitaarsi aTtllfl AI fla. nomination, levied in the name, or : to the prlcart.me ou proprteu re e of the e-overnme'-t. the locaT udiorme or ofW pourront s en allc libremept a any private establishment whatsoever than if exported in national vesseia. ABTlCtl t. .t..AJA--. I ne Stipuiiwoni couiaineu iir mre-c jjrr. den and Norway, or from any otbetphtce wWat soever i or oroceedinr from the taid colony either laden or not laden, whether bound tor S-veden or Norway, or for any other j whatsoever. ASTietB VI. iace It is expresily onderstood that the forego'utg ncond. third, and fourth articles: are not apph- aUfc to the cWirwbe. navhjation from one pert ttlblwrne'dpsfp Occidentalei. ioit dei whether from the Sort of weKingAomt of Swe- iRe d'un port del Ctli Unii d'Amerique, un iQire port deiditt hull, ni a la rwi guion d'un port dei rof aumet de Surde ru i No-vege, on atitremu a eelle en tr cei deux demiera pr, Million 'oniiCUhiai,-,' . ji'-li 7Z" -t-- - .,ATicta .tu... ...'.Clwrune d i'-ieui tliu e Partlrt Oon trainee tfehft'iitt-1- mr d ontt tfaiiaci achaii, ou dana ceua qui aenient f.iti par 4fCffjmpiKiei a det ajje n tfiatanrfB' on nom uu tout ton auiorlte aucune prn ftrence aux importlliona faitea par lea bitimeni ou par fat d'une nation lierm, tur rellei fiiifi dans lea biiimena da I'autri Pirtle Con'ricinte. aiTiLk fin. "I-ei deua II tutei Tiriies Conlrsclsnies Vngigent a ne .pn eialdir sur Is nivifei ion entre leur leirltoires reipeciifi, par leu bitimeni de I'une ou de ('autre, dei droit de tonnage on autree, de quelque eipece mi denomination que ce aoi:t plua hautson mtrci que reus qui leront es tahl'ii lur louts autre navistim, etrepte -r lie qu'ellci se sont reiprctiement re -trvee pir le lixieme article du present riite. AUTICtt IT. Il ne pourra i -"e cshti ditis les F.i4ts Unit d'Amerique, sur les produc tion! du ml our- l irkliu rie del royaumei d.- Suede ei de Korvge. ei de I'ile d Sr. Brihrlemr, .iticunc prshihition nu re uric tion il'importatiun ou d'exportaiiun, nf auctina dnd'i. de Quelque epece ou res prohibition, res reiirictloni et ce droiti tcr.irnt egalement etablii mr les nbjet de 'meme riatute provenant de totlte autre rotittee. Et rfripmqurment, il rc pmirra pa etre. rMihli 'Jons les royiumci ne ruror et de N'oi lege, ni dans Tile dr St Bar th-'emv. lur lei prodnr'ioni itu ol ou de I'itidmttie de Etats Unis d'Amerique, .iiirum prohiliition ou rei'ric'ion dlmpor jtion ou d'egportstton', ni sut uni droits, le qu-lqur espece ou denomin.vion qm ce M)it.qa'dUt ir.t que ccs piohrbitioni, rei rrstrinioni et ces droiti, lenient egale ment etablis sur les objeti de meme ne lure provenant, dins le r.s on l'imorta lion ou t'eiportation aunit lieu (Un ou hors dei rotnimo de Suede et de !fnr vege, de File de St. Barihelemy ou d' tout autre endrnit ; et dam leesi on I'im poitjtiun ou rcapori2tio.u.rnit. lieu dans, ou hori P'rle de SirBrtfielemj,des r'iiums ife Sufe el de N'oriepe ou da tout autre xndroi . '.. ancLE jc Toqte ficnl'e VnrrrpH t4oute primes et rembouiiemeiii de droit qui teroient ircordei dans lc lemtoirei d'une des Hautcs Parties Contractantei, . I'im wr7aTr6irou'i' reaportstl'ifi de ijur.lque objet que ee-soitr er ont egalerttent- c awdci -auiJ0ljet de,meme-n.ture-r0" duifs dii lot ou de Findustrte de 1' autre Partie Contrartante. ct aux impartationi et exporiaiions filte's' d ihs ies bi'imeni , . ; A Jt TIC LB 51 . . Le ritnven ou uie tie Tune dei Hautes Pariits Contnc'tantes, arrlvlni ivec leurs hstimr ns I tine dei rotes ap nartemnt it I autre, mils n vuulaiit p entrcr dam le port, ou, aprcs v etre en trcs. re vonlmt dtte hsrger tf nne jiirtie de leur c.rgaison, suront la liberie de partir f. de poursuivre leur voyage, sans payer d'autrcs 4roit, impots oa charge auelconpuei, pour le oatimeni ou la car i.isun, que le droits de pilot ajje,- dc aur.vaef. tl d'en'rc'ien de fanaux, qusnd ' . .. rf (r0i mnt percus sur ics nauonaux , e memes CM. ,en entendu, cc- pfndnr qa'ils se conformeront toujoori aux reilemens et ordonnsni.es concernanl la navikrati m ct les nhecs ou ports dao lesquels il- pourront aborder, qui sont, ou scrotit en visneur pour les nitionaux, et qu'il sera pertnis aux ofJiciers des douanes de les visiter, de rester a bord, et de prendre telles precautions, qui pourraient elre neoessines pour prevenir tout com merce illicite, pendant que les batimens tion. ARTICLE XII. Il est ausst convctiu ine les balimens da I'une des Hautes Parties Coutractantes e nlrte s"d irrTe T-porr d e-f atin-rrt nourrant se borner a ne decharger qu unc n.rtie de leur carciison, selon que ie - - e qu'ils pourront s en allelioremept vec le reste, sans payer e ureiis, imiwi m charaes quelconques. que pour a partie qui aura etc mist: a terrfi.ej jm sen mar citiee et bitfee sur le manuestci uun con baument.etait chr, leouel m miles rln iirn mi 1c batimeot aura b.-irdr. II ner ricn paye pour Ja paVue d Id gaison qua la oatimeni remponcra -avec l.i quelle l'l iou r continuer s ibii pour un ou pliisieurs iutrr-s port meme pays, et v OWpos' iu rc c !e cargaison, i elle est coui.j imsc a'uoje dam I'irnnartBttsrt cm rje-rr-isej en pa nnt of the United Stales of Ameriri, to ano ther port of the said S ales t nor 19 tnt 1 ntjtion Srom oo jki of (tic kingdordw rSwedco or t hs rt -f i nther, no , . . to I hit bilwet tn W'o fitter CounrSa fihkvLA filch.. coniracuuK (Kir.w ,-,tt Lu luelf.,,. .At, , . .r AtTtcU yu : -.; "Each or the two h,uh ontrtr.iing pit or In those whir.fi might be m.ds by com- under its eMhnritf, any preference lo im portations msde in Its own vessels, or Io those of a third Power, over those madav ' in the vessels of the other contracting party. , , ' , ' AITICLE tut. ! The two hig.i rou'rtrttnr; pstties erf gige not to Im.ioie upon the iMvistioa between; their respective) territories, in th I vtiiets of either my tonnage or other du ties of any kind or denomination, whlcfl ball be? higher; or other than those whictt "" ", shill be imposed on even other naviga tion, eiccpt that which they hav-rrervetl lo themselves, respenively , bj the aixtl article of the preient treatv, AITICLE A , There shall n ,t br t - Hi,hed. in tha) United' States of Amerira, upjn the prtl ducts of the soil or iiidunrv "I the kinte doms ol Sweden and Nom y, .,r of (ha itland of IWirtnlnmewi, my prohiut lion or rt I'm Hon of impoi i.m.,n or ear poilstiun nor any dutiei of -r kind oa ileiiomiriiiinii sthatsoever, utdrti sucb ' like wine, be established ujion artidos of like nature, the uroartb, of any othtr touia- trr." - ,t And recipror .llr. there ahall not be t tablished in the Kingdoms of Sweden ind '" Norwsr, tior in ihe Inland of St. K.rtho lomews, on the products cf the aoil or la duitry of the United States of Americe, any prohibition or resirictioo rf impon- - un ur catmnstion, nor any du lei or any .ind or denomination whitmerer, unless urh prohibitions, res'rirtinns, said duties, be likewise e.iablimed upon Miclea ol ke nsturp, the growth of the Island of nsrtholome w, or of any other Dlaess in cue su'-.h importation le mid into, o mm, the kingdo.Tts if Sweden and Nor- iy; or of the Ki igdoms of Sweden ind Nnri or of am o'her idr. in umm. ' , ... ,uw& urh importaiion or xiior itlon ne made) ln!t .OT. (!.!: I.-.L ft:l jjI t... Barlholo : mew. AiTlOLE All pri'ifiiege j i:i,Si, nd ill hoarv- irVind drswharks wfif h tviliV be allowaxlir: within the territories of une of. the bigbl t-ontr actios; patties, upon the tinporuiiutv : . .: or eXKrtation of any arilrle wbslsncvcr hall likewise, be allowed on the inkle of like nature, the prodtii'ia of the soil o " -industry ol rtvr 6thereoTffractioK" partpi nd on the impiiinii,us sod eiportatioBaY made in iti"iraTi, . - AHTUtE XI Tne ciut ii r sii'm is of one of th 1 pafiies, arriving with ' high comrattt their vessels tin ti.o xoau hekoiein lo the ' other, but noi wishing to enter the ' portT'" - tier-navtnr eotemf ttirrrtn. Tint whnft "" i ing to unload any pait nf their cargo, shall be at liberty to !tp.-rf sod toot inuat thrir voyarre, without ptying any ohe duties, imports, or charge, whatsoever. or the vessel and cargo, than thrno of oi- 1 lote, wharfage, and for the aupport of light houses, when urh- duties shall bo levied on national vese!s in similar eases." t is understood fntweveri that they "al-" "" ways ronform to such regulations and or dinances concerning navigation, and the places and ports which they may enter, as srci or ehul! be, infurce withrgsrd to national vessels: and that the custom. house officers shall be permitted lo visit hem, to remain on board, and to take all such precautions as may be necessary to prevent till unlawful commerce, as long as the vessels shall remain within the limits of tUeir jurisdiction. ARTICLE JPlf. It is further agieed Hist the vessels' ht oneigh contretttop psrttcsv having en terea into tne pons oi the other, will bo permitted to confine themselves to iin- loadiii such part only of their cargoes, 19 rhrr C apta m-omvmeryhi V tsh.'ihiT Ilia 9" they may freely depart with the remain der, without paying any duties, imposts. or charges, wjiatoevs!!:1l.CiccpLjQCiht part which shall have been landed, and which shall be marked upon, and erased from, the .manifest exhibiting - the aim-, - niera'ion of the articles wnh which tba vessel was .laden; which nasuufeat. shall., fe presented en(ite"' hc Custom HoOSe""c:is ol the place wnere thn vessel slu',1 nave eured;Aiomrihrffr'de 'pi'fit o "t1at; put of lb curgo whicu tlic vessel analT carry awny, and ivhlVwuicli t aviy .coa tinue its voyage, to one, or seveiai'ott, lorisot' i it; couKitry, iAer.0 dia- ' i.x.1.- ui t ne remainder ! carirr. if .np;isc(l ot ar-.. 1 i w, 4 ; tuina-uMi is t).. nBitieu, on payir i. t.i i charj;ea- ble ttpun it ; or Vi5o4 t nf

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