1 Y v I r V yc? lei diol'i f ""' ' 11 Ml ceprnnlfn'tn que let lr S ..j lemur pithm in dcrhirgeroie n une panie, P CUns uron - i.t ,.iuejei national "cft1,,',, V' ues droits ""ul'i'.VQ'C ' v.. . . .... jificti ': ''V "; - -, . ..i- Aulie d'enire v.t. .... kM AiMt e place! de eon Of I u i Irens de Commerce, flit Jrvmt .-L" i- ...iun. i recovront touie rM..nc. neeei.alre ronr rernpnr due fnnrllnfltl inis ll CM ex . rf.elare nnl dam U f d U(V1VIII im ....... ' - r . . ., l..,,Fnnii fhiiri lei 1ol od le eoofernemf n lu Pl a,n 1irfni CJonul, ife M"iui' . iKen. d Commrrrr, rfiirterwciu ii. twurront etre pouruM el punU conrr in,mtnt eui loU l prir 'e elmrt fowimt pr c Couerncmem ff'-tl.e qui fn eonnoiirf l'uife AotiN pour iToir iRl lwi.tien en.cngu optndtni tfur If rrhirft r dotttmeM tyl.;if -tf .ITilree lu ContuUt criiii . Wl de tute rrch.rchf, e de? roni tut oi(?DeufTne conwr'f ou le )et fon.uli, Viff CnuU. ou Ajten oinmtitUut, ei de Tiutonta de Un tfroli on 111 rrUdcroieni : lt Cooul. Tico Consul, el A'". OommetcliUt. oi reu qui eroirni due weM .tttoriw le. wppleer M'oni I ' 6fnitommrttK do mi- l Ju" r.' quipe. dei hnimem de Ij n.-ion dont vfii ol?nenf W herei que.irs pu-oti-r I'vilet puiwen 7 ememnir, "teoli quf li eondurtf 1ei quipKou u ' cpiinnr ne iroubln -fordr ou le ir.n quilli., du pi- ou qff ConMiK . Vire ComoK ott Ageni Commerciiux e -Vequieunt itur. lrrfniion Pr !" trruter ou miniMi 1-uri tfer1Mon 1eniendaue telle tpe-e l Re men oa dlirlltr-jre ne rii pourr..,! pHter lee prtif coniendinn do droll i..r.iu n. ilwir reiour de rccoutlr d atoniei Judi-T 'ir Inif n'rie. TH.r lit. Lei din C -u' V..e Con.uli. ou Aeeni, Commerci -ux n-ront eulonei tequrrif Cinimn'r d. uutori.e lor.U. poo' rrrriliion dnemion, a Ttm tttonnemenMe drierteun de mv.ire. . gr (W'n s . w . . ' t SU drrisr rom, lHir f et obj-f, u 'n- ! ....itcUmrrons pVeffUJee detrie i . oi'-n'kinnei. en prouhl. pir h rm.im I " :r if'ion de ffiie dei'uiTiret, u olei requi.-k'S Pf u'r,, niH u men nml.-qut de .H? inoiio Nr4MdlaA.sauipeej. et reile r -... nrnurrc rfxtradlnoTi t- . .. iui' v" r , - ... . j i ... :j. ... ! irint refuee De fell deserteursJoMqu'ils -uronl e'r krrTa-.i i..j..LL..ili-PQM ion dr- tflu rnnmilv tire tonkul, oil aRrni mm- Pill Hi wv ' . oerr'uux, et pourronl eirr enferrm- d-n-:Ji:jeVprio.i puhlhnr a U lequuitjoii ejm-fraud ceux quf ie reclaoienr. pwf rfe en?of ei aux iilrei'auiqufl T port potent, ou a d'autrei de 1 1 meme iu M.ie ril ne ioni pas reoToyn fjvini JVipace de deux moil, a compter !.i rju jwr de leur arreitation, Us aeiotu nrn r liberie, ri ne teront ptni arretei pour t meme cauie. . ll dt entrni'u, touiefoH. qne si le de Sfrteur e trouvoii afoir cnmmMquelque crime ou delit, il pourr etre sum a ion X'radi!ton juque a ce que le tribunal Ointi dr PrTdit . ura rendu a sentence, et que rlle i 1 ""on sfn nerution- AXTlClr IT i Dsns le e ' Hii--q!'' b-Miment de X-une des HU" Pa.-.u'- Contrartante, CUra chou, fair, rmiOat;, ou soulTtn iguflqu' ure i!ommi?e sur lei totei de ;Ta dominstion de lutre, il iera donne tout tide et issiitsnce aux pcrsonnes, nu frjfre, ou qui le troDTersieni en danger e il leur patrie Les bimens et les --n,ei,odiei.imu.fj-at!?.i opjiur.produin vHinr :et.re. :;ndus. Ctnt witu'e a liirs pt(lpriellrerbu afant- iu a'lla' ipt: reofame-idansran et joven pa?nt i. r- .ia a (HiivriairA n'lie navrroient les r 'I1 t 1 1 ,.1 r "n.ri .n nx dajs les memrt e.ui. --fcT Er-te comp dt Mt-tR' ne pourtont . .rrmiM ltir smvirei cue dan les .'.-pij-.-rrr..T.,... ewf"e$TeTapreTfc'Weliie riclar qi trunl-.iccorde .wx rapiuine et s.ux equipageioationaux Les Gouvernemi ns, repeOifsteilieroni d'l.iHeuna re qjir res Ca'rop1tnief-Tfr w pennc e L. point tie Tl ti rnvenu uue le luiimens qui ar j . liveiorii dirc-i'mefit des Luk UrH n un norl dr la dominj'ion de Sa M-jnte le Roi dr Soeile; d.'. Nr teRe, ou de tcrritotrM de t di'e M-jeste en Europe, a un port de- Et .ii Lrnit et qV,i ieroie,nt poorvu .I'uncertiflca lie aante donne par I officier impetent rc' epaid duport d'ou In baiimenii sont or tia, ei upsurani qu'aOcurie maladie maligne ou ton-aKi' u't nVxhiajt dan re poit, ne ..rr.'th.l du'iea, !.!;, or charges hiU'trw, .which '! rhirgeahle upon the n tn nm.", .hill hreA ulk. or unlade pari or Ihtlr nwn but lhai nodutie., Impwi. or rhargea.nf the ' ,'"M '"N U demanded .n.w i p7 o country, whkh such e "lights "ur wards wl.h enter, u"le ,l,,n,, ?f sell he, h limllsf cwh aubjeil to "me Ulterior duties St If IS sui f.ntio ihe.tHHtr.ibt pntiwR- w r.. . f.n.it!. Vice Conu'e, nl votn mere W wWVutt prieujull ficij00i.fo!v rtcrW H the er Jheif fiioelioirti W H b tprely dfclwe.l. I, In e of HW-ffO. or l".prr wmluct. i.L t. ik. t.n f:ofmmi,nl of fouMrt tiTWch wiJ Cwwta. Vice Con-.it. or !. Jenrire-J of the of ih-lr rune. .-.... k ih ..ir.-n.!..!? niHrirnnrn. Inch anail arquaint Hie other wiih it mmifea ft httng lhu acedi h be'nif nilrtiol liowaver. thai Ihe afchiw '.ml die'iment rltie to the ar. ,ir of ibeconauUte ihn baciewpted from .11 .rh. nl ahall be Wu'H prerrea un drr'he fitr iheCcinwk Vhj tonu., r romrwrciJ Areitaj l "t of ine auimwrj . .... .i... i timv m rtide. l h t nnwrtt. rce eoiMiiW. or emmercial arenii. er tb fM-rt-ws dyly authoriied lo af.ply Iheir pl.ee rliaJI hae the ngux, a wen, " aj'idfaaii.larlitral..rin aiirb ditlrencn a mar ariae beieen the cr'a'n anl erewa of Hie frauds Wlmiinjj n Ihe nv'nn mhe inirr. es's am enmmiiteit th'ir elurjre. without the inlrWi-rrnni of the rrrilir. ilnleaa the eomluei of the erS ir of the captain, ahouM disturb tS or.W of tr4nmili of Ihe co-in'ryt or III mid r 'inauta. lee ei'iul. or comme r-ial CrnU thoi!d require their assi-tance l came heir deeiai-" he f aniril i""i efeet r awn uidx'Sri hM...MiwUrttwkL I'll at this rvrelerj'ida4rhUtaiinjlw priro Ihe conte'wliii parlies ni me ngm mrj bare to reiort. onjhcir Miiru, to tte judicial authority of their tmntrr-7 -.:m.-'. aamia if. The tuid emHta, ic .iu!i,.or commcfciil a;rnis,are aulliuriaed to r-j'iire the M-ittnce nf ihi-ir Ijral atubiirilies for Ihe arrcat, drlrr'. tiuiuam! inipriwiBirr.t, of th draerter fi-nm the sSirw of r an I merchant rsH or tVir (IVPri, ev, rrv qiii p- uven. a?oir lieu, wrr an-U for this piM-oae. t'.ev a'.ii aP ly u ron?fnM, ., rttlmrnl marchand la thectmpf ei intiunala, juJt.aiivl i-lflcfM, . . .ml .hall. In .nti . d -...a..d sail K triers. phaHcmnt 1 lune HVllei q..l ae Iron prnrmp. b the rs'ubiii . of the roisters ot j veri ;!rtim pur un port Uppoa bio the yewls, ihr ro!! f tHr t re; o hv oilier (jUe j(j momtn' do depart de ce bailment nfH- at docmiW. 'Mi wh indiIdiata formrd nf ,fr re,)tf)0nt pal Capture oa COP- j.srt orms ewa, ana .minis reci'iijiin ocmg thus iu!iantitl, the terreuder tlill mit be ie- ftl"c-i Sich dese rte". hni srrestrd. lall he p'aced at ihe !ispoal of the id roimiK vicr consul', or en n nrfial ifi. ml av h eimfired in ihf public. pri.ini, a' Ihf request and cost of ihoe ho elirn them, i i or:r lo be ertt to Ihe repack t. wtiich thev belonjsr .1, or to other of the Sam ' ennntrjr. - Hut, tiur sent back itlun th ipnee'Y:1rr rirmtths, -:itkwug- fii-h dav vf tliti' arrest, -her almH it sei t librrlv; and shall not be ajrain amited for the same caue. It is iii'lerstnod. hnwerer, fhst, If the dcaer er aliail be found have commiue.d any crime or oAWe, liia surrender may be drlavd ntnil the Tribunal brfite which tlierj.se. shall lie de. nendinr. shaU ha -pronouncer". i semeoce, and jweb Jenteoceaball hare been carried imo ef- fecU...- I " - aXTICLC xt. tn case an vrsl of one of the Inuh runt rae i i" g paie-Juli J,-.TC .been, v jan ed or shipwrecked, or shall have niffer rt arte ather djmiire on the coas'.s of the .-lomioiohs of the other,- everyiid ni uilincell?H je R' ,ne Prwn, nhipwrecked or In dan(jefrn'(l pliiprms h-M be Rranted to ihem lo return to their rpuntrv The ihipwrecked vessels and merchandise, or Iheir proceed- if the me shall have been aold, shall be res !ored to 'heir owners, or to those entitled thereto, if cljimcd within a vesr and a day. upon pavinif auch costs of alvaK a. -'-woii-Jd be paid bf national veiseli in ihe lanne circumsiaitcei and the ialvage companies shall not compel the acrep lance of their services, except in ihe same esses, and after the same delays, a shall be granted to the captains and crews of national vessels. Moreover, the rei pective uuvcrnmenii will take care thai these companies do not commit any vex atious or arbitrary-n't. ARTICLE XTl. It is BRrerd t -at v .-i anivint? direct ly from the L'mtec otatta ol Amrrira, t a nori wiihui the dominions of liis miiesty the King of Sweden andJS'orwaylk or from tbetetntonea of hn nid iuiesiy in Europe, at a pott of the United Mates, and provided with a bill of health granted rfir - Juving - Coaiaetent power to thM effect, at the port whence auch Ves iris shall have exiled, letting forth that no malignant or cootagiqus disf Bieapre vailed in that port, shall be subjected to no other quarantine 4ban auch as may be necrsianior l he vjsil of the health officer of the port where lUfh vessel shall have affivtq v .after whie aaM. eessels, man De thir ,cBl provided i hi.:rfstt'hejrm.rboaTdTr duiiiif he . iu4 ahull have beep K t ackert- , -tt any malignant Of cpnlaKious diseacs ; that such vessels ih'all not. dur ing their passage, have communicated witt ant vessel lirb'.e, itself, to undergo a quarantine ; and that the country hmce hey came shall not, at thai time, hr so far infected or uipected, th.'f I.H'.ire iheir anit.d, an order had be -iMie!, ifl'fjDnicjpence of which etj Teasels con- Uiee i,1 Iri IhiItji eerfieftt errltei, iprei l ni-llJ il T pr,m' tr biiTPM dVft itrr Imrrai4 nienM e um ucmimi leurt rirK nni bSen entendu. loutrfoi. c i'il n f 'I penonno leur oora qu il ill tlUP prmim MKi ? md iliw MU rn'Kieu.f, que m biilmtn flh p"oint rommunique dini Irur trjf fer evec an bitlmem put terolt lui raeme Mini le ce de iutif une quir nuHf, en qui I con1 re d'.'u ilr vien Irole nt neu Pi. '' epiniiie l een fnlrmfnl Vtfecie oa lUptcte qu'un il rendu. Iru' errireerto ordmnmce, d'jpre lqilk h leiwtimttir eM j cooyquence.MioJeJUii ilTIU tTlt. ;' Let lJJlktiq..Hi wjjji fnii t enr. dili oof. oukt trelie, qiurtor quircf , . dii'iet.dit huludix neuf. ifia, duTrd'e d'Amlne el de Commerce M.nelu e herli le troii Ivril. mil eepf cent qijiire ( troii, pir.lei Plenipo'entW e dee Bile Unit ri'A'it'riqu't ri de Si M.j'Me le Roi de Sued", atml que lee .r-i'-k rprei an reux. quinre'c rmq qui Turerl liijnce le meme jour pir lei nfrnet fiemiKiieniiMreii ioni remii en toeuret rendui nnllcible i 'oui let piy vH Ii domination dee fluei Per tin, iciiullemrnt Conlrecieii e. et'io roni U'mrme force ft rileur que, I'ili etaifninert iexiuellement'iiii le pre tent tmiie. Bien entendu tu- lei nipu Uii4uron(iUridnilrlkr;irle prerltei, ifront ujouri, cenifi ne mn rhinjfei tux r omentum concluf de pin el d tu (re, aver ouirei nmioni ran i inirrvauc eroule fntr? I'expiration doijil Traile de nil 'pi rent uietre virifr troia, el la re mne. en 'ruur, dee dita anirlei br le M f . II . Ttiite ite pKrynwce- t .d. JJiullw. fTiFra 1rr Haniet z P4tHrtt-!)e--nifi' Conif irj.nirf. i Stock nol-n. If qua jtimi mri Va IVtoi? i t- -jvtlreipeciia dn' deux Ulilfi Pnie Contractanieif ljnm ii utt q'li en reiul'f IUr lei iUmrr-xiur avoir essaye une premiere fois d'enlrer latii lertii port, a moini quH ne puie etre prouve qce ledit baiiment avjit qu ft du ipprendre eo route que I'ei.n le blorui le la place en ques ton duroit encore i mail lea batimens qui aprri avoir tie rtnvoyes one foil, essay eroie nt peMant le meme voyage d'entrer pr,eero4iUs'Jm"JVnJeW blo qif, durani la continunion de ce blorus, e trouvemnt alors luje'a etre detenus e' coniJamhea - ." v . . " Aertett xrrr Li present; traite sef en s-lftueut pen. dni dii "annefsre partir du jour de recanije df s Vatificaiiona,' et, si avant iVxpiiation des" neuf ptemieret snneea, runeiTuT tirjTferdes HaePie-CQn tract jntes n'vaii paa nn.untf'a fatltrc psr une noiirTcalion odiritllc, son inten 4suiin.ae fairawcessec-l'tffrt. ce traite, restera obligatoirr tine annee au dele ct '. r''.i a- Jainsi.de.. SlU'f lUqu;.. f iripirauon ties rt'wc,riTtois ' TJTri -miveont- one. e mblabJc no'ifi ration, v qiW'queerquii . quelle ait lienT niBtlTLX"CT . Le present n . i n. c r- ifi par le President des El its Uniad'Amrrique, par ct aver l'.,vi n le ronsentement du Sanat. et par Sa Mjrste le Roi de Suede ct de Norvege, et lei ratificotions en seront echanicees a Washington, dans IVspate de neuf moia aprfs la signature, ou ltl tot. si faire.sepeul. Dn 'ol d tyuol lea Plenipotentiaire respectifs ont siftne le present tra tie en duplicata, et y ont appose le rate et de leurs armes. Pait a t ot k hoi rm le qu art re J uillet , Paa le Giare m l Suit cent vingt-sept. J. J. APPLETOK, ft.e.1 0. COMTE DE WETTERSTEDT, s. a. ARTICLE 6EFARE. Dei rapports de proxiniie et d'ancien nes relations ayant latf regler Timporta tion des productions des Rovaumes des Suede et de Norvcgo dansle O'and Duche Finlande. et celle des productions de Finlande en Buede et en Norvege sot lee bnme siipnlations specirles dun troite encore en ricueur, el dont le renouvellement forme un OrfeeBwiaticjitetueileTlh,.,,! of tallow entre les course de Suede et de Russic, aans que lesdiles stipulations soient liees aux" reglomens eiisfeflis poor le com merce, etranger en general, les deux Hautel Parties Centractantrw voulant ecarter.de leurs relations commercbles toute'espece rl'equivoque oa be mortif de diwusston soot tombeee craccojrq que le alwsysrlhiM imo'ndVtneirom ni . l"naviga"' rl r r . -. mt iraiiWftjmercOT pair consequent aux exceptions dan les tatifa generaux de -dooanes etrdarrs M reglemens'de navigation qui en resultent, ni adx avantages speciaux qui sont ou pourront etre donnes a I'importalion du Buife' d- chandrl es de Russie, motives psi de r..ntagcs cqoivalrns sccordes en d i.a u ips.d'importBrio'n do XTtde et de Jfprvejjei In? from Ibst c-.inf J --.,;J le c. & nJcf-J sub ed as impeded, aint consrqtlrn ly jeel to q'lirsn'in. t axTtcta mi. The ierii., filto, ith, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, 'aventh, Iwellih, thirteenth, fifieenth. siitienth, seven' leenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twenty Aral, iwentf second, iwenty ihl'd, md Iwenty 6fth articles of the Treaty f Ami ly end commerce concluded st Paris on the third of April, one thousand seven hundred fl,T,htv three, oy me rirnipoten llaries of the United States of Arnerics, ami of His Majesty the Kins of Sweden, logether wli h "tfil flrstr second,, fourth, end OTih je Dsrste inlrlri. ilcned on the same day bf the iame 1'lenipotsnflarleS. are revived, and made applicable to all ;ne countries under1 Ihe dominion of the pre sent hlewrfsci&ITpir here the same force jnd lue as II they "srefe Inserted frtrre-eoienis of-lhARr. sent treiff I It prlnu understood ihsi the stiDulstioneconiilne d In Ihe articles sbove riled, shall always be contidfrrd il io no manner affectmsj the conventions eon rhided by either party with other nations. daring the interval between me expira tion ol Ihe eald treaty of one thousand seven hundred elehtv three, and there (at of laid aril, lei bt the Treaty of Commerce and Savigation, conrloded al Stockholm, bf the present hlh contract in parties, on the fourth of September, one ihoussnd eieh' hiid'ed and alitren. abticlb irur Considering iu remu'eness of lh rei penive count ries of the two high contrict ihR paniei, and the uncertainly resulting therefrom with respect lo Ihe tarioui evenu which may take place, it is agreed that a merchant vessel belonging to either of them, which may be bound to a port supposed, at the time of its departure, to be blockaded, shall not, however, be cap jured. or condemned for hiving attempt gcVa frst' inne, to enTer i'alJ pVW." orlless it can be prove tflnaf said weiselswiW. and ought to hive learned, during in vov agethat the blockade of the pUc e io quet lion still continue But all vessels which after ha ving been warned off once, shwH during Ihe aame voyage, at'emt a second lime .lo enter the isme blockade, shall then subject themselves te be detained nd condemned. ilTtftS xit. The present treaty ehatl continue in force for ten years, counting from the day of Ihe firit nine years, neither of Ihe high contracting partir "Hall have announced, by an official notification, to the other, its intention to arreit the operation of said ireity, it ihsll remain b'mdintf for one year beyond that time, and eo on Until expiration of Ihe twelve months which will follow a similar notification, what ever ihe time at which ii may take place. -. r SRTrCtB XX- ' .'.V The present ireatv shall he rstlfied by the President ol Ihe United States of Am ericap)f and with the sdvice and conaeot of the Senate, and by His Majesty the Klnjr of Sweden end; Norw.y, and the ratificationiihnbe exchanged at Washinjf ton within the space of nine months from the ign'urei" br sooner, if possible.' ; - In faith wliereoClhe re speetlve l"eitfpo1ent'a - and have afflied thereto the seala of their arroa. IJiaJBtockhQlin, the fourth of Julv, in the year of Oraee, oae tboowiiTj'Uritiiwired'aJid twenty '.Ctu'l'l" t j. - crDioiiT ai?tii'Y r - --. niwt i n tv-nw Certain rrlations'of proximity and an cient connexions having led to regulations for ihe importation of the products of the Kinedonis ofSvteden snd Norway into the Grand DuH.y of Finland, and that of the products of Finland into Sweden and Norwav,in vessels of the respective roun tries, by special stipulations of a treaty still In force, and whose renewal forms, at this time, the su'iject of a negotiation between the Courts of Sweden and Nor way and Ruasia, and stipulations being, in no manner, , connected with the exist ing regulations for foreign commerce in general, the two high contracting parties, anxious to remove from their commer cial relations all kinds of ambiguity or motives of disscussion, have agreed that the eighth, ninth, tenth articles of the . , a i present treaty hnll not be vppiicanie either to the navigation and commerce above mentioned, nor consequently, to the exceptions itr the general Jlarifl . oXcite-tomTiouseirties-ajt of navigation resulting therefrom, nor to the special ndvantages which are, or may snd candles from Russia, founded upon equivalent advantages granted by Russia on "certain arrrcies of importation from Sweden and Norway. ' '. . The present Separate Article shall hsve the same force and value as if it were in 1 serted in the treaty signed this day, and shall be.. ratified at the name time -Iq faSlli vVfieTeoCwe "the tmderaigned,1)y- tir,; mi -wiKsaisa JujELe We ra, have atened the Beals'WbW'BtniaKstoi ' Done at Stockholm, the fourth of .Inly, one thousand eight bttndred and twenty aeven. .... O. COl'NT DE WETTEnSTEDT, Tt i 1 J. J. APPLETON, . It- a And wherea the aaid Treaty and Separate Ar ticle have beeo duly ratified on both parte, and the respective ratification of the name were I exchantredat Washmgton,on the eignteentn uy , of January, one tlmus-ind eiirht hii!'i.red a id tent-ciiM, by Hasar; CiTj Secretary efl Va prt V Xr'ldt "'epjre s .'a U t,.i ,AJ : f rce at vsldii' qua M iii irner m-.l danile Irsite llgne aujourd'uul, et srr ritile en ins me ten?, F.n M d qn'H, nM)i iouslgne, en veriu de noi plelni pouvolrs rr spec I'lfs, svoni signs le present Ankle Sepire, ft ? dvnns sppose le rathcy de nos armes. Fall s Stockholn, Is ' qtiatre Julllet, mil l.ult cent vlnr-t sept. j. j. APpr.EToy, rt a-i o. cosirE de wmErmr.p r, t. j State of the United "tales, and ft a a ay n Itrtccataaaa, Col mrl, K.iirHl of the Orrfar et the ttoM,andrhar;i1'4nairesof Mil Majratv. the a,mf ot aweuen asu Noray, hear laa aUI . Uuited JtatV .Oj .llie part of lhia feaptrjtl JrmikmIHt Ball Inotn. that I. Joha Q:. eyAama, PiwdeiH of the failed testes of Aasericai)ite.jraiied the salj Treaty and ge. pirate Anicle lobe made public, lo'the ead that 'tHaa)i.. and every, diu nJ .hi.i. thwtW, aay b uiW rastlXiul fy !B I l.rd vjtb goolZl inereof. ii witness where jf, I have bereunio K my hand, and eaased the Real of the United Suits lobaeftxed. Done at the City of Washington, this nine, teentfi day of January, in the year of m lmlone tbooaMtd eiphl hundred sd (s.1.) tweatyiirht and of the IndepeUn of the United Ktatea the tVtyeeoivi JOHN QUI.VC V IDAkQ By the Pasainsvvi II. CLAY, Xtrrrlitry tf Stat. CONSriR At 1MN COLOMBf A IJy an arrivel from Carthagena, wo If am that on the SJihSept; aconibiraj. cy broke oyl at Mogotij in which ao attempt wii made 6a the life of Bo livar. It appeara that Gen. Santander, ihe vice president, was at the head of the Conspiracy, and had brought over to hie views a corpa of artillery, .nd, with a gang of followers, they first made an attack on the prison, killed Col. " Bolivar, and released Admiral PidillarllieTebels theo-proceedf d late at night to the palace, where they rushed and uncouotercd first a young eneign, who defended himself, when Col. Fergui .n, an Gngliahman, rush ing to his aid, was sh.it on the spot. Bolivar hearing the noise, being then in his cabinet, rushed forward, but finding himself surrounded by enemies, retreated hastily M his cabinet, jam. ped out of a window and made his way to the bridge, plunged in the wstei and concealed himself for two hours, heo the rebels aupposing him drowned, re turned shouting through the streets, s Death to the tyrant and Ions lire Caen. Santander." Bolivar released himself from his unpleasant ituati-.n, threw himself into the barrack, head d the trnopi ; and attack ed the. rebel force, and completely routed them Armed peasants entered the town and order was soon restored." T '""r " -CiL Guerre five been alresdv hanp ed. Santander end Padilla are in pri son. preparing for the name f .'te,- the judicial tribunal are active, and sever - - al -ol the- ringleaders iiavc-brcix.tj'ied ,. , . . nonvar nsum a pni.i3ipuon taking- Jj3to htir own-amls tbe-.eoure.l rr,n" f government, jnd,. the couatry -t. - e.v."-riv---t.v-.- asl i mucn i ineir irouoica io uamanocr. Brft ftoof. At a dinner lately given bf the town of Amiens to the Ring of France, there was placed on Ihe table opposite his Majesty, an immense column composed of ttigar manufactured from the beet root at Vranviliers, neur that town. Tho column coniisted of four different quali ties of tefmed sugar ; crystals of raw it gar formed the pedestal. When one will not, two cannot quiT rtl. , " ; .; . uag - u0Taisi Ttual ftoe B vimir of a Drtdin 7,rwreiceuted tome by Michael Hane. of Itowan County, fr purposes therein expressed, I ahall procied to sell to the highest bidder, on Wednesday, the 21f of January ncrf, ;st tj,e dweirmjr.hnuse of Michael Hanet, the IVP lotting property, via : Mniaininp Fire Numbed nnd fflv Jcret, more ef less, Iving in 'RovTaiT TOimr7 wthe-Vadki . .. we? Ira 'liver, aitjiifung ueorje tianea, j. Samuel Jonea. he. --- Likewise; Ms-TmdmrW tMeerJejJigfir. third of a Five Ihmhtdiin,lfort9 Jcre wci,'i iog in Rowan County, on the Yadkin river, the""pfbperTynf Hajrmrl--JoiB,. adjoining. ..Jl!?. lands above mentioned. , -Also, an undivided interest lit a Tract of Lan known by the name of Hetfn'e Flacf adjiHma,. the landi of Haynes MorRan, in Rowan County ' Txvtlve Kegroef, ,Me Wom'eiv and Children, all very lef .pjrk of Cattle and liopi" """ " I Mill and i ud. r HoumiIiaM and Eitcbeo Fomittce 0 f".-: deaenption, i-rf The Jaie loeommenre nciwccnn . twelve and two on the' above mentioned c rie mi iww uu nc "'.i . t: and continue from day to day until an ierms maae mown on mc Trutttt AVruiOrfi,

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