, A rovi:miji:u 23, inn. rrjiict, 'umhni'l m F jmt'Ul kanit.,.. . Jaraaot, yur,thiirr, hni irlumfth'dVn' ll ttiiutl , Uy lH li it!v ." ff ctivrd rreat aod chreiingncws from thr ,orth ari'I Writ. decisive, w a the Intelligence from . Nr;w-Y rk, Ohi", K' ntuckv,' fee. In favor o thv ctuie of Jackson and the people, th.t lh? Adam folks hereabout were roou vof ilIv cai down and chnp.fallenj puJ 'gave up the ship i they bit theii 'through hfcrr-diappommm i Clirfd Jo. Galct t(?4Plcii0!yr dr. ctivng t1 em with false hpea ( rir MkltLJiltV thi- Peonle. and t.-.rn;B Jlind.h 1 that rtrrnain. ij UUf .1 . . IT. I - -.11 l. - -- eu On ruuu' pectfu! let m of Gen. Jacks-n! P .i locn 1 , could notj for our life, but .romDassiotiate them. 4Now, (said the?) it i no " contend any I p.f.,we tuppoie the Peoplr mut Iv fight we give It up." Well, we'll furtive thrm. We won t aggravuf 1heir grief by exulting over their W len condition. We will try to learn .majr.t-anim.ty and forbearanc from their defeat j white we ill enjoy our victory with temperabre and moder ation. '- . ftJ Editor of tS'u paper, ei. fee.ttt'j " he abtcnt from home, -.fter jhia wtek, for a ahort time, ban rn-i gaged a (lentlrmn of literary nrquirr. j tnentt to attend to the r.CUOrul depirt- . ...:i k!. .... r t,u. k',. IJirul Ulllll iviui viiviii iii.v'h- noffiQptptiTmlf not eshibtf-qiftr ma decided tfofiltcal cat aa ihfjtiitfthr Editor were at home j bt our reader -tjfiay expect an improvement tn its lit ttary and niicnareouVrharacter. . Duttfmg A a-cittv haa been formed in Camdeo, S. C. fr tle tip presaion of the mur Jerous practice of dutMng; it ia called the-anti-dueli ng atsoc'uti m. Now ia far. rable time " to form auch a aocrety in S-libury, while the atnaibilitiea of the citizen ire alive on the subject. JVrffipe Silk. akeio of beautiful tjativr Saving Sitt, the product of trorma reared thia auanmer, by Mra, Ci Fuhert of this to'aro, ; has beeo pre Rented to o and can be inspected at - our, .office, by thoie wtw'may have "i . curbsity to aee and hear to what per. " lection the culture of the ailkworm . may br-.broughtii this climite. Mrs. - T. with a laudable 2eal, ha bv per evering effrttf aucceeoVd in rearing ' consider ble number of worms the ' fast summer, on the coTnmo n Tn ulbri jy j a dhas manufactured, from there .'"'Jiro'dact;'" aorne- pouada.ol beautiful -Sewing: Stlki - We r-4ope-- that Mra. Fiaher'a eoterprise in an useful and delightful a vocation, will be emulated by other ladies-1 more especially, as it van be done without any considerable Snterlerence with their ordinary duties. "rrr.--A-ki chen in the outskirts of his town, was burnt ertirelv to the ground, on Wednesday night last. The dwelling to which it was an upp'ndagrt wss trved, principally hy the exertions of Mr. Van Eaton, 4 Revolutionary soldier, and a worthy citiaen of Rowan. The loss wms tri fling and wc hope it will be more than counterbalanced, by the renewed Vigilance it will induce among our cit 4 rf j t: ' " JzensTwhanrecreTlsTmrtb their dormanr. inergirs; and y aketi them to a sense of their insecurity iVntbtrihgi!lt?menr. : 3!!!Jing.trt anrror in the man ner of publishing some of the public treaties, we have bee t obliged to re publishrthem t they will so crowd rur columns this and next " week, that .we deem it necessary :.toaaavthejaduU gence of our reaaerir for these twn iM;tiJWiiiiiUii!S,i.,. - 7 T.'MriiMs':.7",Si" tier our paper more tnteresung Rcrtcd reader. The rancor of the Prwidentiai discussion will, in a gov 4 decree, have passed bv: Jacks n -ti,; w a Rrejidsot i, the colerrtns of news - ih ic uisuiirc.cr.cti or UfSifu P 'liitCal dis'tuinlt'ions, and ptriia-ni eased nf mu h Ulti in J harmony and plenty will be restore to the people and country. " , hlectioS nnruriKs. U'g have been f-tenrrd. by tr friend ami ewfifwimlpiiu, with ttics following return of tht I'l' Mtr Ortiott n thi ttr, J.rksoVt majority In the t ate mil, in ail probability, be apwa'u i (weary iMMmlto'rii Rowan, . . . . . . 1'J7 r.brnj , . ... . . 4i8 Mecklenburg . . . . .1191 Davidson" . . . . " Cidilf.l 544 371 , 376 371 970 (rariff ,.r,T--'7-ioji--;j:i4oa. nunrombt ...... 76J - I I j. Vii IMrVt . . . . . ., . M4 r. T:;'" HlfcH'lHM - m . - . I. ' - .-.x-t: . Mont imery Ricbmond 1i8 . 6 V 1!0 . m CVJ 33J. . 5ft 14 524 IW . 90 . ".00 4U . .179 . 3?2 418 . 591 '.'84 ?t rii'ham . Htnkrf . Koekintiartr It'iWwin . . i'ral tin Warren fWenr . t'.raen . . Wayne. . . rumbrlanil Fifccoit'be Oilumbui . . S . . ff-rfol . Northampton Johnson ' Peraon Bladen M Ujofi:y, '.'H3 4,8 in i 7,m Jarkon'i mjority 15,283, in thirty ihr e counliri only, bu: liul more than half f1 i ae. rrt i ftiikiW."' ' - JOB TB WT Ah I mtiat we. then, believe tbe doom Whoae wbi.pered bo(ringoO we hear 1 hmijrh waiTI tMt r- eem to blQorn? . The irrave't dirk angel hover near. And thott art like the .hort.lired 8'ier. That aprinfri in an'urnn' Irvarhrro'i rty, While ehillinj; 'orm already lower, To bid.it brifjh'enin; tin'a decay. Twere vain to dmiht ilia tern'drcree Which reain trlf nt mtiif he oothr Thv dv'i, at' will never .c Beyoi.d the earlint bound of youth. That airy -moulded f irm ne'er Fored'icmrd toilli iA lenplhefi'd ycr; Nor long the ptrit lemiiif Hie.e To linear in thi val-- of tear : But thy pure omi vm lrt, hiV, Tojrladnt with it tentlfr li;ht, Then vni i 'ike tlu fl- tii,f milo Of ntoon-hearn on n wi i'r) nigtit. Still thou art j:i u a the lark, -: That hi -:b 'ptr'4 mite the daTtt,. ... Ntrdertni hirfre!t'the dein'.J mark Of 're'ly drawn. Smile n7, Jhert, -rrth thyfever'd eye, . . - AmI Jdi check, ad p illiil brnvr, Nor heed the coming aliau ; for why ' ShwiM one o inmcnt a tliuu? ... The d'-w-drop uptrklm, thot;lt th beam .That ligh a eihlm it In the 'kt'' : Smile on, ttien. ti the la, nor r)reanr"- -fTt.t nthrn with tearful eye. (Ala! all hope are jjone. i.wioi r AiTLr.iy. We have been lucky enotiph to lv one handt on the to'loWTncommnnicafi. m -u.hu.. tion to the nunitrfeitcri in . Montgomery eoun-, reapectahle cftiavu eI u'h. that Mr. Speigfct li..hreo clwaenKpeakcj ty, wba:h jotmislal- setei-jt. n". feel, a f iui.nfthe Senate Mr. Macon b.e reined hi .t among the wthlern of patera with which wu,.lnm. M .h.,M bi ih.t f shm .r-,?,t in the C S. Srnatei and Oov. Iredell I a can- rffice i filled and we now mot rrad lv pub., h.hoil it., .trow narti iitarfv at !hA tame mmtrr ei (we think) lit publiohed a communication the Joarnal- of th'. town, in which he i.quite broail in hit iruintiatian: aod not vm fas' .. I. ut in hi choice of term, But here the piece. ra TBI viitim caaLi.tia. Mr. White: Vour 6aper l tne 30h ultimo, contains a short notice of the apprehension and examination of three . . . . persons, name y, Lewis.- U akeiy, and , . 1 J Griffin, in LawrcnceviUe, Montgomr-i ry COUnty,. Some . ahort time past j roed ith counterfeiting ; and , . ' t ;ts, that "various implements for -' C I . l chae; statt- counterfeitinn were found on them : but as thev hsd n i spurious money a . . ' with them then, having prob.bly hid it, they were very improperly dis charged. ' From what source vou derived your information, I know o4 LnwrencevHle inow, mat tne. .aooye statements are not facts, and I suspect must have been communicated for ... . I V" r - pMtcatton- tekh. view of re fleeting censure improperly on the magistrates before whom tbe trial and examination were had. " The" writer of" these re marks was present, and heard the whole of the examination and testi mony and avers, that the facta were as follows t Those three persons were bj-oughtT.ibeforet LarcbceVille4 dporra ''waan"'-"chafi vimr them -ei!4aaa,oJilaeevti g'tH B'1" 11 f "nu v"u"i-i in. ting., ..They ere searched and ex rn- ined, ith the utmost Hcriii vn--( -nil irrc tvas no testimony educed io yjp- ptut cither charge. It wns not proved that the ha,4 ever paMed. or had inthroujji the finger of ustiow, id too lon their pnte5iu'a, a tl-t cT c-i'.;Tch " money, thaihry bad berti cniagcd in "'".,,. 11 u n..t u,r imn i .i t -i ii fTrP " 'aw my ! r ri ihc- In their j-amhl.ng, or lUt their cnda bad f.wtU anJ r.v prrr. ,4 ur.ty been auth ,i could lubject tiem io to be .mrnunity.J , the opcraiton of the Ua ag.mt fa.; . t t,rnrv . " ur U' fiomtliii ititt.arr 5 ttl I if th I3thlrat. - Thr Nrw.Voik :.Mi.ilr if Iherewai not found fn tlem any Mhat dte,ira authentic return of lb elation ImplemenU for COUnierfclti"f' hieh ''r'"" lelioj Mcctora, wiibat;nwtchanct Could berecgniard i auch. There! ' ', J iTm' 19 b'cn , i . . . " lby "' r.l'etwal evill. ft, will nf . rwmr were found in trunk belonging t certain, with a wbabiliiy fax Vm nurm l Onf of them, by the cflicer hi arret-' eted im'r. If from to 25'iW majority . , ... i ted thero, a am all atrel puivh, twi piece of ir- n or atcel of conic form. without Ictteri or imnrclibfa, about i three inches tc and abojt three-1'""? ? iht Jack wn party, t Mr. r .r J ! . . Aii, a JrkHi man, wa elrcied. ?iJ. Nuah fourths of jn, inch m diametr at the ? WM the ,w tvU ,h, eiU,c of Jtcbn In large end a m all bottle of mk, and a that Halt and h battled with Ihenrmy moat matt Catling tatrumeat, tome what i0tnr.fiHy.aml dnarvet tobt rewarled Now v.. t ,r r.'" I rn"nc tht co-ild be identified by . any -12.lt: ' 53'pmon breaent, -or bf the maoittratei, 591 m40tJroit.Pj'yg..Og" l)ct(c'' k lied in the art of counterfeiting than the ,mw atraiea or anr other Deraon Dre. ! 110 I w."f v " 1 "''i Jiw a4 n.'tmce th-m implcmenta for ctso, $'tet truing." With ill hlnumeo,be i mi(ht bm'e is pr'iperly conaiderrd 599 ! 'htm intrumenta uied by a gun-mith r any oiher artut, 4 bv a Counter- feitrr. Neither ai there aoy proof 7 r c Jcul vv il - a rrn mat inrta r j. ailtKJt. ei ""T IFIVU'MBiailWVt iituiltvtl r.7 f tr rrotluce auch a conviction f their H7guilf, at would have justified their ommjtmttiti urlctt.the roaglitrtei 24 ; had assumed powers hot given them l!l 'bylaw, and which would have; been pauitcd only for the exert i- of Span ' j ish court f ioquiatti'.ii lonsrque aly the magittratea could not have done otherwiae th4n dicharge them. There wa no proof pf the existent r of such an establishment in Mont- 1 R'W v, a me.nu it 'aya t p pc. l$ Uht 30th nit nenSeriaa it proved on trt -1 that there hadtbeeti any more than to auch bills pjjaed to theci un ty i which, apperaH in. evidence, htd bren passed bv Viliam-Hurl y, 1 'v bo bud previously i that time re- ' a w " I ia moved, let, stranjsto ten, a gen-tli-m-n of the bar, i ft w days after this, in our superior lourt, on the trul of (priflin, for art rsault, stated ii his pLce, that IotJt mery county wa. inundated with raunterfeit mo ney? We back-wods-rnen of M ''t- gomery, who seem sr. shsre so brgely borm.gh wheat ha rien to gl a buhel ia in the avmpathies of certain offiri us j Favetteiille Jackwrn got every vote m Flu gentry, have no koosrlcdge of the ex- rrn' cwn'',vvi7,ni' "T ery . . ,r . it in Hvwo wt, N. t ar,1 Sdamt hrt in f.al:. istence of such facts. On the contr. b hiv ,,rpr mo .j.ly diatended... . ry, we oelieve, and I is believed oy gentlemen who are acquainted with our circulating mediu n', and tht M other ""coanHiea,""t'6oV'ihar' there ta as ! little cmi iterfrit passing in Montgom lery a any .'ther Cotf tV.lQ the state, j It is submitted to your; cnd". to ide decide whether thi communication l hou!d not receive publicity - through , vir paper, and thereby do an ie f iju i;."- J men whose conduct hs be-en iroiarepi rented. r- P W, . ! .McnHromen, Oct. 10, 1828. , 2M ,1,e above ve w ill remark, that tbe article "r '"m .Mjii r of the 3JtkSritJeiaUvcJ!lhe . . . . nj-. , - I pt rm.i countrneitera, uvm, urimn, and' p.. . . ... .T . K ' ., , ' ' T I R. . . . .. ''. that tomebmlfi btaid'S tbe Editor u the author ; ,,,. , writP ,. pifee frm ,,,eer ..A' .... . nm .nil th.t Ih.t mmwI-uIh ! l Aakuliie tTwnllarnan,ai fatt e rtianra . uood interrcre Wlh h;t (Mr, ,s,me. bedii'i) "devo'ed wiMie" m relation to the Preaiileno, to doubt. Now to Uiaburthen the mind of thia gentleman (who thinlet he ' poate. et in a high degree" tbe confidence of the peo- pie or the wptrwr which hang around it, t i 1 L..I . J UI. ..,1 nc 9"a '"-r, ' ' ' weighty matter, we will ataure him, that no o brtt the Editor and hi workmen, raw the article in quettion, till it publtthed in t'tTwnin-' A to the eprcion in our ancle, an much compiined Df ; that the counterfeiter wrrei.. 1 . .... rAer.' dinhnrttd by the examining mafri trate, we will repeat what we have before .aid, 1 tk.t la nt aw ma) m a k nlntitn atr that nf ma an. lliail Ii IIWS. VUl lllttlilvit IWI llt v formant, to catt centurt on the jutice for li charging the villiana, fjr it wa the opinion of most of those we convened with on the utjert. that the evidence waa defective ; but o ' rong and general were the Jtitpiciont abroad againtt tbeae men. and ao well utisfied ia their own "riimctrere-The pewple-of hnibborhQOuV Yharther wer-counterfeitera andwindlers... and 'aomS people had Suffered from thw vibunv': of the rascal. tbat it waa the. opinion of moat of the respectable citiaena in tht neigh Krh66dTanrert ar of the Solieitor, and tht pre, tiding Judge of the tope nor court, that it waa unfortunate, for the end of justice, that thee depredators on the boneat part -of community. were let loose again or, which i the me thing, that they were " improperly ditcharged." It i notorious new, that, thtjr ,cre, and had been tor tome time, en(pigtd in the nefarioui buainea of counterfeiting bank notes on various bank, particularly the U. Bank, and the stat- ank of ?L C. With the exception of ftriffim-whowertherin areJhJeCJ pa'inamWi paper on which they print tueir ,uriou T'ii. was left behind : we' have teen .ve of it. n well as manV of the bill . they '-nuinufact and from it And we would here "again ratrro-i utr f-!inw.r.itixtfn abroad, to' beware ( lUeta vil. lain and awindlers: tiiev have too oikmlipped rT3 cn O.r c-eJ-iX! i.fi!. Krzt 3 tiM rr juugt i nornpaon. 11111 amxin vy triumph, ant anccet tf ihr cauae of Jackaon anJ Reform, in that irtate, we irrrt thl Mr, Au ihmiUI bae been defeated fue MberilT of the it i ow tTp,M, mn hop h wax Brenbei4. . , Me, c.i:. Cwbrt-lmi, . c. TeniUnci;. a1"! . Ps White, h ben elected member of .Vnr ha r WsjtfnViia by a eon.idera- t?t hiajoTtrrrtTmmiw trie anta oea by the AJi..n.triMn, , earrv thetr tteket. W aiw aorrr to hear it. Cor we lud expected befer thiMjr of her. Hut h will r-pent it and, w hope, do better neat time. - ' .Maryland. Wt bate rmi i.if.irmation of the ele.'ion oCt K!e,eton ki thiaatatei and eipect ott or to more, (hi, beyoml all dispute, bat friven ber vote to the people' candidate. Frn the Richmond Whir; ut: "From the nioM prob able MMiice, we think the t'.ekaon ticket hut pre ail' d t"t Otiio) by 4 WO majuril)." So tbe e of ibat dale r rtild. I.i k'rMiitkn, at Ur a beard from, the Jackton gain over that Karry, the 4acknm candi dale Hr (Avernor, receivrd, if. ao larf e, there ia no longer any douht b'lt what f len. Jarkaon will receive tbe electoral vol of that Male, by about 5'XW majority. Httiden, the Kicbtuoiid VVrnjf it up rAnf rta'r too. Front thJia:a, we have only partiiil return, which arc very favourable- there i but little ueaiion ahotit ber vote : die will go aith ail ihe r at of the western ttttta f.r Hie li!d Hero. lAt.iinanit ha voted, but we have no intt Hi. genre of the reault : we hope, and Ac ere, how frr,4tM ktiWl keiugtvuiiitd. Lt Lt him- 1t o, Jackaon will receive, 7 oi, tu Deliverer, lv ftviir, Iter lectorai vgle to AdaTl'l 8). .1 Star in the Kail. Well done Maii.e! Mr. ('Itiireliii. the Jarkv ctmlidote tor laVqtor in tlie l.'umbedanddt'strict.fiate .f Uior, hat bee elrcte l over hi Adam opponent, by a major of ITj vpte '. Tlii i poaehinp; on Ihe Ko-i Manor it ii rebellion in king John own hotitehold ! -ew HamptM'-r. Thi- vote of thit ttte, it a very cloe one, antl yet doub'l'ul-. r'turnt from 1S4 tonhirt, give Aftimtabmit 20,000, and Jackton 18 or 19,0O, l.-vinj Adan.i about l'KI ahead. (- r. r Jee lio Ua been, bum; in Greet. all within a few Uy paat ! Among the other pi' aaing Intellig nee which readied us bv the U.1 mail, t the ermtrailietion of the death of the Horf. Mm!: t InghanvT- he hen paaard tb CriaU of bis diteate) nd i tlywly reeoverinj. ,eP,i on th Zd mm Mr. stork welected peaker f iKe testate i and . Mr.Jludwn, apeakrr of the lower hoie. ' Ur. C'obb hit resigned bit seat In the U. S. senate : O. II. Prince, V.lt has been rleeted to Mtoply Mr. Cobb ui.rxpired term, till 'he 4lh March neat i and We We Uw. Jw. at. ha been elected for tin year from and after I 4tli of March nest. r0ST?CRjrT We I. am verbally from Ra .it. rtl k mmi I I - I a di'Jate to fill the vaeancrr We hav heard of no opposition to fiov'r. Imnch't relecion to the lT. S. Senate-, hia prt' e term axpiring on! the. 4th of March next .Mr. Dew it relioen one of the F.ngro"ing CK-rk' in thr l.egilature. ffferrP m THE MAKKKTS. rayettninr, Av. 12. Cotton, SJ a 8 90 1 Oeef. fresh in market, 3a 3 centa ; llacoti. 7 to 8 j peach brandy. 50 to 60; apple do. 36 to 40: flour, 4 a 4i: whiakey, 30 a 35......X'iiited Matt bank' note, 2 to 2 per cent, premium i Ckurleitnn, Aon. 15. Upland cotton 9 a 10 1 whi'key, 6 to 27 . bagging. 42 inch. 22 to l24; anpr, 8 to 9: molastra, 30 to 31 cents ( bacon, 6 to 7 ; apple hrandyj -27 to 28 r be wx. 11 1 coffee, 13 to I") i hy arm tea, 100 to 105 ; Jamaica rum, 110 lo 113 Wert India do. 73 to Hi) Nor'h Carolina bills, 3 to 4 per cent. (lit. i f.eorgis !o. 1 to 1 per cent. do. Hrmarh. Within three day past oiore than 4000 hales of Cotton have reached this market i and the impression It that the price may be a little depressed. LiVkHpnot, Oct. 4 f.'off The import". hia week h 19,504 bage, aod the sale 12,'T0 bags at steady and improving price. vi. New Or. Tcani'Cir a 8 t-?d7 "WO Armmai- 3a.63-4d " -f VBirr.-:l'het-wa' qtute a bwMlein-iht New- York Grain and rttur market on i tuiiy. Ii,h i t., 8 a 10,000 bushel nf Virginia Wheat were tuld at S1.14 a I.t7. Sale of Wettem' Canal Flour r Trtjrwt-rnri A nnr.i. f... nihuiikiii .l.i;.r,. I" ao ' ' i ew-Farit, AVw. 7 Cotton-, llplantt 9J to 11 j cotton bagging, hemp 20 to 21, cotton lfl a 14; hides, 11 to 17; North Carolina bank bill 10 per cent, discpunt r S. Carolina do, 3 Vir ginia 1 : Georgia, 4....Darien, aame. tint I iiiLsiuess '.of." the eiTte. Tb'Jte wwhitig to uurchas.!, will do. veil to call it early " at con ve-iient. F.ZltA M.K i, .10. t nKlWa-;oi Vnlf ttWtk TIilJjjtk:vOjJ.OTS,WVJinh the estate of Hiram t urner, d-e.d. k Co. Broad Kiver, partlv in Buncombe ami partly j-""' .n ditbury, t now offered for sale at the one Haywood couniieM, on whn:h large and "rxfa h jit of the cutomry rt ail price, eah, to close Hanks of hun re Uave riTchttw1 h. n l.Mw,: In i('ikra eonn'r, nn t!i i ir.t. bv' t'iA !te. Jolm Mmi'e, nf J li'f.mf rrwintr, Kri ufi It. Dfirinf, f Rf kiit'tiim, t' R.ith) M. B'vlrr tlai)cntnr of Hie Widow li"r of Stiikr eotinty. . In Ilia Fiirka, Wowin eounty, on thf lt inrt bvl. R, Koc, Mr. Jm- Fr t. Oi Mi Mary Co)k, datigbtrr vf Capt. John Ck. fJird. on the eniit(r of ffnmlay, the 16 h ll'. Mia M. Try, fi"J IS yrara ami 1 , m'vnth. IItrdieae at,eonitiijtlimi a-id ! anff'errd miirh during Ut three r f'' month of, her )if i liich rn'tuertf with rat fitieiK ri d rtiunle. t ka r- tnrwed, about .1 rmntb bef.it-e her death, from PLIUltlpliM, wbere he had been ntiraninr hee Mwlir; with rret tureet. fin the two pre ... dinf year. Her irmiiremenf wart, wirh i4 are rarely attained at her asr. Dut neither ac qtiirementai.fo'ine, the fTi-rion of parent, nor the power nf twrdUiwr, m hw arrrr:" f drain, fc tlteirtf t inWd jrfO(r tTerrt.": Meliflon lot Can trtitmpH over death. It wilf , b f ratifying to all Iter tfienda to know t1.t tht ejjpret a hop In tbe Banmir. and nfa wilu MlttMMlrtw, ttooi ant rVoc"Mttrrinin" THOMAS MULL, Jrr ffl .. TFlj F.HPETTFt' lA-V J-a acejiialntan I5 m . ' i, hvinr Va ' en IHctm'l 11 J.V In.rm KS ancetaml the pub arin; frurchatred Mf. . Root and HhOW ' eMablialiment in the town of Palitburv. and era- ployed tba' fentlnman a Foreman of the bop he ii prepared to execife all order f r roakinp . Hoot and .Shoo, ' j of every deaciption, on bort riotice, and for rta aona'jle priced. He intemU con)ntly to keep a supply of llie ... mot mtperior Northern Letter, and t" emploj from 15 to 20 flrt rate workmen , which wi.l enable him to make the moat elegant kind of -Bool and hltoet for Idie nd Gentlemen, ami of the very let material. )l alo keeps at fcoriment of ftoola atid Shoe ennantly on hid, manufaclurid at hi on chop, for th ac e.om modal ion of I hone who may with to be auwplietl on a widdcn emtrjreney. Owing lo ihe prertairc of the time, he wilt allow a liberal Indulgence, lo those he feel afa iureVutiinr 13' 54 Ilia ntmot rflTort aba'l he uaed u give etitirw miafactiiiw w'U ka .ritvtrvard be. hflpt)...' thereby lo aecurr their continued eonfidencst - an! patronage .Va4a6wrnttv 18. 1828. , Mis)uri .MttWcfvV & Wrig " MOkK . TJI W1M,KV k iO. haLr.: J ceived from New.VotV, a very ii. ble addition to their furmew ick in MF.DiriNF.S, which tbey rfl'rr for sale, W holeaale and EeUiL low lor ra h, or approvrd credit. The follawing aie aome of the article jftflft ' received : ' ' Sit'fihatr Quint' t . J thi Cxirfntt i " " A'ulmrfi ' " Vli, " It"tt, " U intrrgt " Criion , I'ruulf JnJ ftutTl 1'nmn i Hnflrp'i tin. , Stftholm'i .MaraDv Vnw,. Scttch .Vni'jf 'ft. i A.reenre J MiUtafJ f jury ftmjf H;xt .1 frrth ti'pplj SnOffn V W ;'rWt 9 , If intrr-ttruinrH h,mh '.', (ff. Ift. ti. B. fiiote persor,!' whoti" aeoxint hav been aorrre time taHiiff, will please to call and ettle tlie ame. a aooit us may be convenient.- aa-,.Vv.?2. Wn. 42 Couch MiV;r2 sg lis in? formed a co- prherFiip tn the " above bua'uirts, r.ejpeCtfuJlyi m LZZZ form ihe eitiaetia f tb . - -l eattt i aV .'.l U aTJI iota ri tf Salubttry anfl th urroumling country, that thev have removed thelp fyWt""yeifa'ylis0yt hnTlding formerly occupied by Jacob Knder, F.aq a a f'fre. thret doraeat of the C.'ourt llmie, on Main ptreet i where they are prepared lo ext--""" cutt ail kinda of work in iTttlr .line tif biirtnew,-"; In a style eettl if nutupttior to aiiy.Kte donm::. in tbe place. Toey have onjiardnowill eon llliue ot maar. Carriage, Gigt, and Sulirtji, of all dnwnptiuns, to order i or aell on accotn mo!ating term to any pirson wishing to pur. chase. From somewhat long experience in their Knew and nSt' itrict attention to biiaineis, they latter themelvea they wHI be enabled to give entirw MHitftjction to those w ho may patronist them. - HEPA1RS, of every description, will be dons" on the shortest notice, and most rratonablo term. NATHAN UROWN, CEO. M. HARRIS. Wtlvry, AW 17, 1828. 42 N. B. Wantetl, as an "apprentTc'e To the botft businrts, a Boy that can come well recommen ded, not under 16, nor exceeding 18 yesr lf age. HltoWN & HARRIS. W.l.Vllil THI i)R the balaoce of the vetr, f rmft't Stim JL vani, beiween the agf of 12 and 15 year. To one that can come wolf recommended, lib eral price will be given. Apply to the K litor of thit paper. .Vm. 24rA, 1828. 2t4J sOvWticTtitr'ii" K I K - 8AI.KIj.t rys lV. ,hL- .ill ..it ail1 1 ' ' ",,,,Troer will sell two),, il., . J . . mi iwrmr btcth crer,rif LAND, lying in tht sataaaw. 'ouius ,j; riiiucombe and Hay. Ml, tne State. jf NohIi I'.rnl.na in iK J r tera ot hwannM.no. Fresieh Hoanl, Tu'Wgv and Oconalnfty R,ver. The htallhi.iea nf i,ia I arcnon 1.1 m.rtn Uarttlma is well known. - Th Iautd is of -.ood quality, nd tor graaing, aiir pawed by none, evenin the more weste-rtstateia. It lies g-nerally in futge bmlits t but will be rokl in quantities to suite tbe convenience of pur-j td. I'eroi will be made ai c Wtji-tUting, jjw the agent,-who may genm!l"he fowd in Ah a.' ... , n !.j-