1 i 1 n Vli ate tans. Th far sM bttillinn J.W I other particular-, lT"r of rMT. n part lp-r. Wa or MUUUA, , I A.ork tf the Mat Ii.nk of Ntmh Cam. 4 T.m, "f- tht ref1 of which. PI ,Proprft time, J0. f. lur.HW.... TMtMl'S SHOP. " "ICtl 1R sobae-iber Tptfuli M J X. gt..in4 , and tht f nblir, that he hai ii n...i Bi pwi-nwiiJfcLj'''-V'iiJHr--. i ii i n-j i y ay"1'" a it the tnrn of SklUbtiry, in Uic -Vw Ik rro rreet Mil d -w to Mr. Miff hi' .Vwre, ) wear Mr. Torrance's Stlore, ind convenient to Ibe "mainesa part of the town i where be w pre. lreHo eiecule !l kim!f of oris ii l.'n Ui of llr reeivsthe fashions frmn Philadelphia and Jjew-York regularly ihey cha-ijre, which ) emsMe him " make j Ctw, te iu ihe oa fashionable and vVrtnt at vie. Owing to j Bo hardness of tha time, ill aftrk c'leapcr 1 ' flian heretoftee. II hpes bis aequa-ntaocei , j nd he politic will gut him t trial, a hi feeb 1 rffrtain lit can fir- them, bo'h ! bi wi k and j &-,. WADE II. IHMPiON. ' WAIiONKItSj , 7)r.vo ro r.irKmrit.Lr., 'Vf TILL 8 nil i tbrlr w!'", t. .top f I the IMOaV r.i, whcrr rv con tniene U proWe4 f.r Mtn nd II rr, to mkr ihtm co'nf'truble, hi th? mwJera'e charge of 2J ?ht a d d irtg-ht. for the j)rnik?p or mr artl, thr tif if a Hd lion-, firr. wiirr, n1 44 rher. Attafhrd to hr Va-d. are a tirocery L vt fWinion Htore. Brral Mm ami Confix- ! , gotsry. Bt Howe f Hoarder a-nl lnltrrr, j,! " " a p'a'-n, cheap, wholrimr: a-'T 'rmniorf To tioVA .Minv 1 and for ir b K MM.f.Y b t o. Utitiy, htnf 10ff l2 TpQlih una ' Clock Mnk'ri md JrHellert n1. F. Jnnt rrcrivrd an rlfant awrtmenl o articlea In their line I ahtch thty yill aell, erjf low for rnh, or to punc tual cuttomera on a crtd it. 3 Ml kimla of IValchet repaired, and war ntf ! prtform well. Jw 14. 182S. 23 Want t A o Vttft8e, SE or twa likelv NEiK WHME.V, who ar rnotl Hou Semnrai ndvwi come . - ' : WM. II. i suuohter; 3(43 Cotton XtiTiw IJIOR alet aabaoZr ad rttaiLSrv Corr"5, Kumber to (515rihcluaie, at thr Facton Once, from ravetteifie. Applv to 5 . MURPHT..V. ON Tnradar. thr 25'Y if .Vorrmber neit, till boM,- ir-"ite lateTridrne of Dr JhfrT "VtwtTT dccd. in the Jeriny bettleawnt, lA Iikolv AVm man, womc d and children Ptwal t k-lv foair BOO or 1000 biiifUnf rjro J j cgoo i ji.o uu.f mrrox A valuable libnni. Mftricaland Nriacellane oua fft; Sprfht, H. H Fxld"r( mwhol'l and KUch-n Furniture, fcc. fh fle will cot Unur fromdav to day, till com. rictrd vt rm made known on thr dn of i!e. F.BEMKCF.H MOOKE, teiuu'. Jtrtan rtunff, Ort. Vtt, 8 8. 5tJ , j?-- , At Pf rao'i indebn-d to the etate ol tjtr. Moire, are d aird o make payment imme tlia'c'v, w no lnnjrr ind'i'irrnce ran br i'ien. CommWVA to tAe 3Vi o 1 W. v '-ihiirir r.onntv. nn tin- iv nf tht "am, a nero man. who avt hn t t i 'ha-!t, and that he belong t a 3tn Ik Thr nmif of Jacob Aattin, of Montjotnery rjunt. North Carolina. ' ' JO!j SLOAN, Slrijf . Oet. 17, 1328. 39 cf.Vnklenhmg toun f. UommUtftd to Ja fN Saliitirv. N. C. on the 6th inst. a negro man, who aa hia name n John, that he ran yeeki w;icfe in Clubio 8. C. i says he former- (ZZ. ..TTE&KsSi-i'ate of'KeDzlv'ateCaHllc; " of Smwr'x county, Virjr. t he about 6 feet high, 4 X' v an otd, itraight nuitt, black complected. OTcOlie-righLeye I beiTltao lino of VWgUrtlMrtghhaeda thehtef r o ner in desired to prove property, pav charrrs. and tnke him away. F. SLATEH. Shff. I8S8- 31 TactoTage aiu Vomnusaion BUSINESS IS "continued by the lubacriber in Charlrtton, 8 C. Edmonaton'a wharfs where his aervi- . vtoaq .w'lQpoipimi , pusmcw 10 nu (jare. tortne coiivfnienry of hia x;utnTneTJ he his hiaJe'Vr- "Kitmetrte with the futlowin (rrnttemen. to recfire and forward I'ttttn or Roods, to or from hia ndilreta, without delay, and with the least . possible expense 1 namely : Jo. IL l owoca, at CheW -vAmv. 3. ShaiinOii,. CiimdenV and M. Antonio, of Columbia - 1 1 EN BY W. CONNER. (karteiion, Ik. n .62 I3t5- .' are b"f!i c ' i-jr, live com - plaiutD ij and die disappoiutcej Kl'M. lt,e folUnrUir P"1", cop'.rd from he U. h.m Crt. i" no r.r pr.M,f of the rtch f Pf,w:rfiri of our, U"iT"8' " Leation In philologr, hnher ai many !f.a ".M end .piUprtai. phraar. f an b. ted eninrplra.in...hJrctorMn? tI.Jeef. If not the reawi may b m futmde-l It nature, that. o thii wUe worM. we need the hiruar of re prehemlon more than that of commmlatlon. Tlir writer of the Mbwlog VVt Vy i. w:tt:.M RMyfn. fo.ina? Bntlrmao of Mal.len, whom Uttnt are MeeeWu'ly m.4oa-l la lha Jnatnieimr 1 af . . t I -. '. a n taw I af InrUI VOHh,- "O, tJol inviauur nrn m- - had'tt no B.me by ahich to know thee, ae would cH thee llevil. WaiaraAKa, Ami thy wooa'rou irtue aum, Rut the wont of nmr I'll call thee " (I, thou hvdra. iwArter HI' Ml , . . . . ... 11..... 4lhbomptfc.Mlf ft ... '., Credi-iih r, devil'i bait. , 41mhmi.buiWe pauper-makef, TruM4elra) er, aorrow'i aotirce 1 Pockrtmpiler, Pabbathbrraker, ('ontrlt-ncr aiifler, fuiU'i recminf. Nervenf ebler, ay.fm-ahatterer, Ihirat incrraaer, vagrant tlilrf 1 C!ouxh-m.htcer, trraeheroua Oattercr, lud-he(laubrr, mock rrli' f. Buaiiif-a-hitsderer. apleen.inrtitlcP, tVoe heHlcr, friem!iUil' ba-18 A nrrt.ucuter, Bride w II flUr r, liebi-involvcr, tuper'a chain. Memorv-drown-r, honor wrrckfr, Ju lrfiBcn' arpe''. blue-factd quncki Feod brjfin' t-r, rt(-trdrckrr, Strife rnkmdl r, fortunr'a wreck. Suitmcri coler. winter'a warmer, Dlood w!lutor, pi-ciou nare j Mob-col'rntur, ittan-trimfornM-r, lloud-undtirr, jcmbltr' fare. , Uperch bewranrlr-, hi-adlong-brinpf, Viuti burnrr, dem'.lv firr j Hint mover, fl eh-anil flmrr, jioewa-rolbee, ikwihdeprircr, : smiiKih-auliJuer. hMi ona f.ic 1 Reafn-lUwarter, fraud cor.'rivtj", VI'nr)-itrr, nation's woe. TiTei.lufr, j;iy d.ipe!Lr, 1 Pece ilU urbrr. bUkuard gueat Sli tlM.nplau'er, liver iwrher. Itrain diftracttr. hateful h t. ruefancc-bofftfler. aiencUmittf, Strong ian tpraaler, fal dop t I omult rairr, vcPum-noit'er, UtAth-inpirer, cowanlV dtxip. ... Pin.iiif!icter, e) tr.limt r, . Ht-art-cornipter, foll' nurae j Serrrt-babbler, bo(!y.mimer 11irift-defater, laotlimo curev Wtt-detroyer, fiyimpairer, ScandaUlealcr, foulmoMthed aeourjt Senaea-blunter, youth ennarer, Crime-invtntor, ruin'a erge. Tirtuc-blaMer, baae deejtiver, Kagefuplayer, fit dclight'i Talachaod apreader, acorpwo'a bitt tuarrel plotter, e-idicbarjrerj tiiant-conqueror, waatet'ul away 1 iXin-CArauneler, lonijue-enlargef, -j- -WaUce venter, dra.h'a broad way. ' 7 " Temperrj .wimlowa-ama-heft Death Jorejunner he U'a dire brink; .. . .' Ravenou reurxU rer, wimlpi;ie tlmticT Drunkard' Udging. m A aod ' fT-. tm- m:v t The Bcatltitul aoJ unfonunate Mry Stuart, ilihougn not a n ive ol France, wa fonkidertd 4- woriby of. J'tinic (t-amotT Frenrh'poet'sri-Trrr tnllowtnaj giveoas specimen of her poeiry j ... ... Dr'ifhrful france--! bid i::Jnrrmli'lli:'u'' I o my Ik art di arer than oiv" tongue can tell." Sornt ofm eartg youth and infaol .p'aii,.. Dtar FrandV, fart weli fai ewx-ii my haiy date ! The b'k 'hat hear me f om thy clirrinh'dahore I iviJn wii" lovea.- bnt it oho do no more ; One half still jWy Krtgeri there, nd I O'jUk' '0 thy tender care The ofAer, forced o memory, dwclli with mo, And dedicates iuelf to thoughts on th ' The following linrs on -he late turn out (or better fecit b the siudrnts of Yla Colir, arc fi-ora the Vilhge t coH : HaillddsofYalel young peniuati just budding, Mach Ii-m intent on Plutarch than on pudding, What cultivated tantea do you exhibit I Unmatched you stand, in epicurean merit. To can vata-backathan canvasa books more prone, Preferring Bacchus' tonl to Helicon. Live like Lycurgus! 'twere to be undone: iVack broth! 0 Stys! like Acheron you shun: Sup like Lucullus in th' Apollo ? ' Ve. Methinkst hear you cry" Sure that were bliss." Yon tare not halJLso jnuciiAi-wbaHhef aia-t Too ciEIhat roasta the wild-boae ta a turn. tor him what raptures in your bosomi burn ! Much voti preier to scan a loin of beef, tri. . 1 r v .-i .j., 1 . 1 A pint ol ale to point of epigram, ham : To smoke dried authors choose a smoke dried Yotideom it wiser to lteu ronat pooe, t han gravest problem tophia'a. can produce t Ora' ions leu than Ortolans admire, Prefer the acullion'a to the poe' Bret No ancient study deem you so divine. As Lucrine oyitera and Falernian wins You better like the digests of tit-bits, Than tMdtfjgmwwAmiiufo p5ii Receipt f cooking to rescripts prefer Phivrake to paidctS-irof the Emperor 1 ' A comptiahed youths! above despotic rules," " ' ITie bane of Uollee joys the curse of schools . Oeteatcd like old ferula or birch Arouse and leave vour teacher in the lurch, : And on your flagi iemblaion from this date, " A full cram'd bellytlioiigh an empty pate." Who has D' 't a u.juu tOitarue. oupht . to have goods nnds. 1 tWUsqaa moka a fool s?em wiycj r.nviv An Id rcuin? rk of km- e I, m mrnrerf,Ut hope It the ttt ttt Washing tort, lo ho fin rrrsHyierim church. 1 from Coiretpoodrrtt that We leark four dap meeting of an onusualtf In tereetlne) cliiracteft a cloeiI there n Manila f.b wH The Ssbbatrt afternoon ap4it in the communion service. Upward or iweotf were added to the The se. son w sole mo end iiieretiing Some farther ae rhurrh, derplf count I this work, may bo expected hereafter I A preieol It Is lot thought id visible to) iat nsoreJ ' TUiter. . flumiil Jfe. k tsrie't of curlou cUrtirttola-iave ''' IateU' bcei' rnarlo Tii Fianr,''wtiVrVtper.i lo Ihe tf rse dura lion of humen Hfs, Ac, In Perls, during the eiihteenth ctkture.. It appeal that TttMrwveeate wRe fiaerrat-aaaf IU- fir nrl three qurier, and that the sversire R of Prnts, it I he birth of a ion, wn for women, about Ihitt three yeri and 1 quarter for men, about thlrit three rei' ind a qirter I follows that there wne nearls three geaeratians In Paris durine the last rentorr. It II a remarks biff fact that this eitiroate coincides with bit of ihe Greeks in their chronological Remarit by an Amateur and a JuJgt. It It remarkable thtt person who writes' generally "nth accura y (Law ! renre .on'the Horse) should commit such a blunder as to say that Chilurrs in running 3 mire aod 1413 vards in 6 minutes and 40 cC"ods m -vnl ti li feet in a tetondof tme, r near hat the rate of one mile m a mtnute. lie mo vrl on!v at "nr rote fit JO fret 2 inchci and 37100 parts of an inch, in a ciind, hti n mi q jil to 1003 v"li ae ana 05 tOO tf- W tntnoTf-r tnlr 123 yircla nnd OJilOO mire than half a vttle a mmi.tr, 14 Ftretail wd Pumpliiii'rn.-.miU in 1 minute 4 itcoods ,od a half (which is hardly crcfiH'-) they ran m-i h fan tc than Chilrfcti in the races mention' cd in this hook. "Allowance, hjwevrr, mt be madt for the difference of speed in ruoninij 4 long and a thort coiirae and ta allojnce ahxil.l or made for the advantage of measuring a itraight crurr, at was t1,e rsce be tweeti Firctail and Pimpkin. ChiU ders at the r. r before mcnti-ned would have run 4 milea in 7 minutes in Irsi th.n a ice nd, which is near ly half a mile fitter than our best horea, ' Hi race :ef the -Deacorn tourae 4, mile and 358 varda in T. 11 minutes, was l the rate of 49 feet iochea and Sl-3 of an inch io a.ieco d of time. At the rate ol 4 4iilei 10 f minute S scctmd and 223810000 of a second. Weight not memroned: pr-mably 10 stooe Fnm tht Ltndon Jtechaniet' JUagaxiae. . . Sir rf not in consistent with the plan of your work, mis I ask the nature of thr com rwsit lortr if b h a composition, of tre common inarblei which bovs play wi'f f Itiira-wtr thu' sneh ttirWe. ov-the are-termed, are sctUdlty itonea puked up. on a shioU bear h. and pTaceif in loose bR rut elv to the "trtws of windmill sai' in nollan'l, wberef by the eorratanl rotary motion, of the nails the stones obtain, by this at trition, the nerfect spherivu rorm, in which they are sold Dtre.h toys Some assert that the white ones, which the boTH term !!r?s aid b?n, are ac ui1lv" m rble, and turnetlfno lathe Others suppose they are made of els, and baked brick ; but the require a blow to fracture them greater than any EiiRirsh pottm or "hruli could heir. They are impervious, besides, to water, without bcint? gluted, which no brickiare that I ver saw, if modern dsys Wht ever may be the pro ess by which they are maoufartured. it is known to so few of your readers that its description wjll assuredly entertsin them, generally, and particularly, your humble servant. A -The-New-Tork- Evening Post fe ports,. 1. case in the superior court of that cit y, f wh!chth? fellowifig is the H4erra4-paai4 Cornell and Wing vs. Xeorff. Lo veil, in.ih?JfgularxourM..flusinessf but after bank hours, drew and passed a check of glOOO. The next day, be tween ten a d eleven o'clock, the bank on which the check was dra wn "stopped payment, and thje above suit was after-, wards-brought; Ort the trial; it wa proved that Lovett had ample funds i bitnkf-and-that if the. check had.bejcn presented, io time it would have been ! paid, The counsel otLoyetl moved j for a nonsuit, on the ground that '"not present irion of the check had been pro-1 ved j.but tne coirt denied the motion, and ruled that under the circumstances of the case, proof pf pTeserntarion was ootneBrrjgi tion tif this dittinguuhed In.IiriJual, 1 1 the ltomm Church, has been rapid though well merited. He came to tha country, from Engla-.d," after the Eight of the French priests fmrri re volutlonary France, and performed thr dude of pastor of the Caih lie church at B oston, with unostentatious fidelity and diligence. lie received the appointment nf fint Bishop of tha dioceie, and hi cxemplirlncii, learn ing, and Catholicism, gate evidence that h- wa eminently. qualified fir for the poi and w.i, even capable, of td"Wing a till higher station, We had the feinm M htsvqnce for aeyeralVtarV, ind1 ifwiyi' regret, ted that man of hia capacity, knowl f Iibcralityi and independence, ihoulif rrt0t hmlew ' oambere5"wUh thrProteitlnt thurclr.-" Ih anodated with Protcstactn, and seemed to be devoid of all narrow sectarian preju dicre. When peraon once enquired of him how he could conscientiously cultivate intimacy with those hit church li uallv deemed heretics, he replied, " do you think I would form 00 many friendships among Protestant on fart" if I thought they would be dissolved by death f The health of Bishop Chevero being oomewnat unpaired, and residence in a milder climate having bem recomnttnded, the King havnjr leen recon of JSt the livVol tte Frn the suggestion, we be nch minister 10 this country, appointed mm mnnop 01 Montauban. The Protestants, who a a art. , It re numerous in this dioeese, felt no jealousy t at a prelate nf so much mildness and liberality should be ap- can panshoners, aud tne many warm 'iTirtiWotihelSi 1 . - Tt - t at nis transition, incy pciiiioncu the Fre ch moinrch earnestly that ire migtir rem-rmrba in yain. Biabop Chcverus considered it his duty to ofv-v the wdl of hi sovereign', and prt pared ! take a vl ictani aod nrpba. ly fi tdl leave of h.s Catholic and Pro . -at. .. u-a(iit mends m ine unitru oiate. I he day previous to hi departure the vntcr of this overtook trim, a he was walking several mile into trie country to bid adieu to a beloved parishoner, and invited him to take 1 sot 1 his gig. On intimating n him tHat soon m- would have greater means at rom mand than the poverty of toe Homan church in this country allowed, he re plied, I shall return im if ranee yerj pd tr j 'wlth "only o,.e servant and single Louis d"or, I shall go to Paris j I shall throw myself at the feet ol my King t he has insisted upin my re tun.ing, and he must take care ui me." He bade, farewell to America, where he had 'lived Upward of thirty years, with unaffected griefe' and hi depar tnre WrtS cc-mpanted wtththe tegrrtsi and tear of numerous friends. " On the coast of France he came ncr be 1 at St Wi . s ing aoipwrccteq. When tne pas sengers and crew were in consTerr,. ttoti at the prospect of Speedy death, Uuhi p: t-hevcr ts was; ;rJmiTrisitering consolation, aod preparing -them for ti.e worn.' And 'when providence graciously interposed, and brought trtetn safe to land, they followed the Bishop to the church, where he affec tionately addressed them, and offered thanksgiving to G'l. . After being favora'iy received by the King, and tuated in his diocese, a vacancy occur rrd, ind the Bishnp of Montauban was promoted to be Archbishop of Bordeaux, and was at the same time created .i Peer of France. He has continued a correspondence with many friends in this country, and speaks of our institutions, improvements, and privileges with deep interest. The last report respecting htm is that the Pope has given him a Cardinal's hat. 11 a- preiate oisucuani:mtgnieoea mind, of such a cctholic disposition, and of so much apostolical meekness r . ' e ' ' ' "' - ..... yeu4ive-to-wear-lhe-tiara. . Wc-do not ' believe there has been his superi-' OC.in the pmce!Of.the. Holy. Secaioce the days of Gangannelli. In contrast ing the poor and humble duties of a parish priest with faithfulness, with the station, eloquence, aod grandeur of His Emioence,',naw in his nat'rye land', loaded " with honors,, and exert ing wide liifiueoc -ooe' cannoi but - hcafu.c.k ih..lhc.mjuj?bilityj. pf.hu man things, and the course nf that Providence who in his o wn good plea sure,''' "liftetli "up i the (meek, rind cast eth the kicked down to the ground," AVw York Journal of Commerce. Who looks not before, find himself beAma in;:. John .lay, ! Ne -Vork, is tV -nly surviving member of the first Amer'u can Conjrei, that of 1774. Charlco Carroll, of HryUnd, is ihe oril4 ne remaining of the Cogrns ot ifyg that.adopted the Declaraiin of Me! 1 pendenee. .lame Madison, f Virl giuia, is (it is believed) ihe only survi. yjng m.nber of the Natt tn t Conven tion of 1787, which formed t e Con t'ituti n of the United Scare. The Ihn Jsmra Kenr, ht J,'P 4 justly eelebrsled Chancellor of ihf Stfs of Now York, has puMUhed volums 84 of;ihU.iiicUlentjoiW4,o eoo'isf."-The -pretbr"oli)mo''wa" found Insuffirlent to complete his orlgn. ilplan,' which It Is now Intended to Cr tompHsh-ln- fourthrwTiTrelSThTdoc. trlM'of rest estate Will 1e fully treated r TWersTIrtde r 1ol he wboITwJ' included. This continuation of the Is hour of the able jurist It distinguished by ihe same amplitude of research, nice discrimination. . clears of development nd intrinsic force of authority, which recommend th antecedent part of his tatensivo enterprise. Div.overy Ship. VTe learn from the Few Tork American, that the sloop of i l f--ir.L . . . .. K r 1 r wi, wnicn na necn rebuilt for the purpose of being employed under the cnmtn.nd nf some on of our dis'inguish ed Vavel olRcers, as a discovery ship 9 the Sou'N Seas, Is now ready! waiting far hre oflUers and men. ft is remarkable, that while frost a peered in South Carolina as early as the f th Oct. there was none at Quebec until the ith. At the latter place, apple tree h.d blossomed second lime there had been a second crop of strawberries, and second crop of raspberries wt re near! hV7-n-ihe Utff m 1 rive're,Vr 4 it una 01 now. We received Ibis morning, by mail, w know not from whom a sheet of wrapping paper, mnuf4Ctured from rye arrow. i teems ouiie equsl In Itreogth and pe;. rior in flexibility, to the paper commonly used for the same purpose. As the roe terial 'ta abundant and in no great demaos!) the price, we suppose, ilo Philadelphia Chnn. Wrapping papr r and Pastcboarw from Oat straw, are made at the p. per mill of Mr. Shyrock of Cham bcrsburgi Pa. which are represented to be very superior in quality. The Court of Kin's Bench (L. C.) havo decided, that a Canadian of Frrnch ei iraciion, has a right to be sued in the) French Language The last New England F armer ttatety thltwes)fT)Otatoe wr4 tiyer oTabun dant in that part of the tountry at ihs have been this season. :. Some ol thcro which grew,, from slips, purchased at the seed store, in Boston, have" yielded one bushel to 6ve hilis, while the common potatoe- planted aidehy side, jrlrded onlf one 6uhel t thirty hills. - - ' A letter from Al.cher, Florida, to the edhoriif the St.Augtisnnr tlerTd,7hieb' tions :he dicovr y of one of the u great ct Mineral Springs thai ever was een, j not exit tuing the S.ntoga Springs in th state of ar-Yora;. '- -- v wA"turriip-masurlnf'ihree'Teerthwt" and a half inches ia circumference, an4 w'tghlngt: exclusive of - topai ' nlneteea pounds, was recently eahiUited at Daily Maine. A Buck wcil.ing IfO pounds nett, wit shot in Washington county, Mrt., few davs since. This is the largest Deer ever hot in these parts, so ssys the Torc tight. It has been agreed says the N. T. Jour nal of Com me rcr t hat 4 he- m pee to cidr the question respecting the boundary line between Maine and New Brunswick ahull be the King nf Netherlands. K&traot 'dinar y "rcitrffy. Accordinp) to naturalists, the queen bee Up about 12,000 eggs in two months, and in five generations one aphis may he the pro genitor of 5.904,900 descendants. But even this fecundity is nothing to t hit of the white ant, which lays 311,449,6010 eggs in a year 1 From a siatistical actotintjdrawn up by or3e 'Scot! If" ap'jfears tl? Tn tie CotirT"'" of ' lllifX;; there are . 46,523 inhabitants'? 9C,7rS acres of land in rul'ivation ; 6t, tfit 'MShrtTjHrteTiT 194,957 bushels of otKee yrsinj r-SSS bosheht nf potatoes-rO 479-tons of ' wry there are in the coun v 4529 horsies t 39, 466 horned cattle; 32.600 sheep 4 24,033 swine. . AJetferfrom Kingston Jamaica, dated Sepx 21; states t bat "on th'e.diireviousj. .t.3 ojicloek. A... Ma. violent nhor.k; pf w earthquake was felt iMhutptoce , 1 , , , .Tortite, SheUTb Jitmih Jilafwicrl are said to suipend the live torVlse over a fire, kindled imTqpditely after Jit is t ken, until the heat loosens ther K'II that it can be easily removed.. Thv ni' ml, thus stripped and defenceless, fv set st libtrty to re eliTrtrrTiative elf menf;, If caught afterwards it is said to He sub jected to the same processi buj thjtU prodeftes a very thin ahelta 1 "l

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