jH,VA7fO. A letter from Wrt Crut dit- (1 the Utter part of Sep f mbcr, ii uUiifinl lot the National G7.ette of VVedoeaclay-, giving the particular! of cert in neurrect5nar movrmcntt un Act the direction of Gen. St. Ads, This chief, it will be recollected, de. clared hit intention f effecting a re volution In case bis favorite, Cuer. tero, should not be elected President, That event did not take phcr, and St. with JOOQ men, look potitMion of the tart Prote, . A force 7f 000 under Gen. Hlncon, as not tore duce him which, at the last datei, liadi Hanred withrnr ieep lerues nf JPerotc.1 U 1 ihougbi ithat '-:Ssty;ro will Immediately surrender. ; V 4 " , r2i. The American citizens at 'Montevideo, hare transmitted to Mr. TudiffY nnnrtal similar t.,t hat sd. "tfreisetlwCaptr Hoffman which w published on Thursday, respecting the Jigreiiioos committed by the naval officers )t Braiil, nd,th, iojuatice practised by the Admiralty court of that empie, upon American commerce with particular reference to the caae of the scb. Tell Tale. Thia docu ment ia couched In very Indignaai tertni, ."d sigoed by twenty eight per. ooa, pt toclpally shipmasters and mer. eoanw."'-- - , ' Spain has been visited ib divers physical calamities. At Madrid, in the latter part of September, the num. bet of sick was extrsord'mar.ly gre at ' ht disease which prevailed, and which was augmented by cootioed heat and "(drbiwht, was extremely malignant, nd m most casea fatal. In the neigh, "tttritc&i tf Morclav- towards the Iwr: - dert of the Mediterranean, aeveral tremendous earthqtuker were felt on the lSth and two 'following dys- of September. I o aome of the towns ev "cry hoOse as prostrated in others "many were entirely dem- Jiahed of ir.; remediably injured. The inh.bitanta of JMurcia were preparing to leave that city; and the utmosta coosterna. tioQ prevailed in that quarter of the tto&dom. TheSkilie$. A targe naval armament .. is 40 be fitted out at Naples ta cruise against the Tripolitans. Meantime, a quadron has been detached to keep in check the Corsairs of Tripoli, who rf nrevinir unon the commerce of Vii majesty the king or the two Sicilies. . Crew. The Egyptian troops are ..evacuating ..the Morca with all . posai Me disDatctu Ibrahim declared that ir the least hinArance wasr interposed by:thV"aliiei: W'3lf!r?ei ' tioos would be considered broken and ;'that : heiwould not leave' the 5 Morea alive. In consequence of shift declar atioo. Gen. Maiaon, who had Invea- - ted Coron, immediately retired -witb Ms forces to Calamata t and the em barkation of the Egyptians proceeded . mno had already sailed. It ia atated that the Porte waa exceedingly displeased with the arrangements made hr Ibrahtttti whn ; excuaed himself by aj-tng.tiwt heacompeUe4 theretOf "by the English Admiral's threat to blockade air the Egyptian ports, and to bombard Alexandria. It ia atated in a Lyons paper, that the Hvdriois have stirred a memorial, Wavinft that their island may be taken under toe protection 01 inc. rrrocu . . . . .1 . . 1 government, it is aduea, mat tne in habitants of other islands have exprea Bed a similar wiah 1 and that the peo- "jpleTol the oreCir desirous of com inir under the dominion of Husaia. Ir " Is difficult to believe that Greece," at the vtrv ' moment of becomiotr indepen dent, should thus voluntarily resilve on her own dismemberment, and total dissolution as a nation. Ruitia and Turkey. There was a report by way of Hamburg, that Var 11a had aurrendered. This arose pro bably from the circumstance that the -oiiMraearoof one- of -the- basttons "Tiad.'beeo HoilWoWlhe-Tlth-Sept Husa'ians summoned the carriaon to rreftderan!aring'thegiation4 hich ensued, th -TuWi repairce-tne wUikSf and refused to submit. The Russians then recommenced, cannon adingon the 17th, the date of the last dvice from Varna. It ii nrobablethat the Emperor !Nichola will spare no sacrifice to oh. tain possession ot. V atna. oeiore huh e -neriod bfthr season Arrive; at which not capitulate, and an attempt be made to rarrv. it he atorm. trie camatre wh be dreadful 1 fr it is stated in pri vate letters, written by Russian offi otrs serving with the besieging army that the garrison, 25,000 strong, was resolved to defend the daCO to the DF.CKMDKIl 2, 1823. - mm . . inn 11 linn 1 11 1 in m m t ICy la coitw. rf the ero4J state of , ear tciuma, f ha? a ben uiwler the neeeaiity mt pm'tlt'inr , for, twa wttka, atftral tdcrtiaa menu fur which wa nRer thU u aa apokr, to our aJyertUinf cuatomert. . .". , , , Py referenca to tba j-oceIinr of tUa Can era! Aacmbl, h will be Men that Mr. FaUar ba introduced a bill into the Houaa of Commont, to reduea th salaries and feaa of aeveral puMic oflUara, Th prennt aalarlet ara not iar thaa an9cktrt tola joeamenaf the first erdetofulcflta t aarva h a pubCe eapaehy wltne Cut frt qiient rtsignaiiona nf jutijrea of tha Superior Court, aad their raturq to tba hair." Though frieada of reform ebere H U needed, atill ws Jeievff that pbri paiwjL W paor econor. . Oa our touHk page, will ba found a part, of tne Governors nevage. wa sun puiuwa ipe remainder In our next paper ' Retrenchment of private expenditure, aa raoommanded by Gov. Iicdell, is without q-wrtion, the remedy for the rtpreaibn Under which wa labour, at tha pre sent time. A remark made 2000 years ago, is nviat emphatically true, ami applicable to our present condition. . Oil DiUmmortileilaoainteUigunt bominet, otiam magnum vectigal sit pamiroonia. tWORTUWATE STAGE ACCIDEKT. As the Rmi'.hern Stage ss returning to this to w n, from Concord i the hore were frightened, by the basking of the dtwbleree, and ran sway. Mr. John L. Graham of thil town, in leaping from the ngr, broke his kg, By the presence of mind of the drirr (Mr.v Mitchell) nd one of the passengers,' the homes wen: soot stopped and fonbfl accidanUreret'teA Jbew were several passengers, in ne wage i time, none of whom, escept Atr. Graham, recei. j eed anv injury; This is one of many hstsnees proring that it is much isfer to remain in the fttare, than to attempt an escape. TVe are Imp- pj to learn that Mr. Graham is doing well ... Dirtrtttinj Calamity. The mot ettensive re, prohsblv ever known in this town, occur red on Friday last In 5 minutes alter the a'.srm waa giren, eolumm of flamewere seen bursting from the windowi and door" of the Apothecary's Shop of Dr. K. Willey h Cj. Notwithstanding our citisent repaired to the spot with their won tad alacrity snd made eitraordinsry eiertiont, all efibr's to extinguish the (ire were unavailing. The flames soon communicated to the dwrlfmg bouses of De. Willey and Mr. A. Torrence sue crsmely and in two hours from the first atsrm the three building were in ruin. 1 he wore oi Mr. A. Torrere and dwelling of Rev. Mr. Ran. kill wera saej " withlmich difficultr. both. hav. inf been on flre Verrssrious-iieara were en. tartatned 'for .'.the safety or tBe town,-. The nre oririnated ia the store of Dr. B, WiDey k Co. where aome Spts.of Turpentine heen spilt. nSer'aapoof of' ''whtcS oommiwcatiiig with, the flr W'-vh'rtli 'a:e-tie--ata. with flames. Jlo rapid and so violent was the confls. Mt'.nn that It was irnnoMible to save even the hooks of Dr. WilW It Co. 1 heir lots, inclu rTmr that of their accounts has been estimated at S4 000, Most of the household Furniture of Dr. Willey (who n absent at the Nortn) aivo oi u. Torrence waa tsved. 1 he other principal hadmentrrpwrchsd the two buildir.gs first burned. Great credit W due o the citiiena for their conduct, on this melancholy iccamoo. v n n.ir anvine did rood service on tins . v. m occasion. A Stare lately upset near Albany, Kew-York and, psssenger kilUd. The dnver was careleas. or the rotees nodoubt A society has been formed in Boston for tie detection of Thieves. ; fcnmwfLTCo president Monroe, is appoin'ed post master of New-York city. It is said that the Grand Sultan is atmrti rie his subjects with reports of victories gained over the Rnssisns. He is not singulsr in this respect. It reorftaT that the Turks and Russians have discontinued operations before Shumls; untH af. ....-,.- -w--a-"ir'"-.""'!' tee the deeisron of the -Tftamenuai wmea i - . . n thkeounlryTArvaw.Vswprc : - ;"lll.fl"., wrhsye"Tev'ampt addressed To our female tnencls ot powsn ana iraricinitv." As we would not wilUnglfnyuret tfiryoung liuCno'we"Tsteem-oin-V we must decline pubHshing it. from some ecrapa of Latin written on the margin, we pre- sume wa may witheutoflence, quote a hoc how Uorace.. . .-.:.(..,. Aan eaato &fittfot faata dutna annas. The second sUnaa which ia aa loiiows : VdTnni.w hop,or akip or Jit, (f) . - And t'en perhaps, Td gatfjr - . , . It yoa ouM oe .tuvrrnu. ,.. . Reminds us of the following parody. "When a young dandy stoops to folly. And finds to late, that girla betray, What charms can aooth hie melanclioly t What art can drive his carea away r The only way bia (pief to cover. To hide his shame from every eye, to act the hero, and the lover, Toethsfidrone-uhtodi VX V. tOtn-lr U iinf !n4 tla . Pil Cfiiiflign!l.m ..f rriJ.y tt. nd Rowing tltt liiilctruclivd cfTeda ht n&btd Lima vtua ! ble citiien of their ml!, wUhrf toippmprUtt tut proceeds of mothlay remnf I rfornunoa f" P?Tlx??!!r: ,hf hoftor ftumbarinr amamr la rraonal frianda.) will direct. PANL. HF.NAN JtMLo BNF.ki' AJIIIir.LfMITll KZRA A1XF.M0NO 8.1 fi WAND. It will be seen by tha above cii that Mr. Dumillru with Ilia liberslity ehaoKbrWtie of his asiion, has volume red his ttititn t' repair the calamitUa af the unfortunate. No na, whsU ever msybabla objections to thettraa.eM bsve any scruples sboiil vitneing e tiTkirdinary and inatructive philosophical sxpsrimapu f thb gtntlemaa. Our duty is plain, Mfuiwtl iiattManveti lowing returns from this State. Sampson . hew Hanover m 668 Bfwnswiak . U9 aVaka, Randolph Duplin . . 417 . . ' 544 . . 313 . .353 . 301 . . 571 . . rot . . 461 . . 476 . 339 273 . 3IS 347 ." . 335 . 1,491 . . 515 . 843 . . 436 . 396 Jones . Lenoir Perauimona Bertta lUlifai Murtin . Oatlow Pitt Tvrrell " . Washingtoo "r.. Chowan Lincoln Moore (iranvilla . Currituck 2I Si' 61 H :rmlen . i'ssquotank . - 373 293 a L ELECTION RF.TCflS. OVs. Offirinl Kn i.ns from )is ftste, give the folkiwirvg wit of the Preudrntial P.ti-rtion. -a5ksv9.7nJ97Adn! flM Jack-vole t-. j'ltity 4,101. Trimble's oajoi for C ov mur -.17 Ptmaylvania.Xn this slatri uackson received 101 65J Adams, 50.848, lest ig a majority of 50,804 for Jscksoo, . AV.rr- In the electoral College. Jackson will rrceive 30 and Adams' ll vo'es. In the 1 doubtful. 4 antim.nieVsa Buren's ma- Jurity for Oovernor, upwards 2U.0O0. CeioiTftrul. For the Administration, 13.086, for Jarkfo 4.486. ' 1 'Mtiry'antl, 6 Adsmi ar4 5 Jickson elt-ctors. InMaha it ia probable thi Jsckaon tiekei hs prevailed. In Gemjia, the the 7stf ticket bss mall probability succeeded. Vowore. The legislature of jbis ttr eon- venedonthe 10th ult On chposine .siilrn. tial Electors, those in favor of the Ad ainiiira. j tion received 19 votes, aud those for Jackson 11 votes. -we'---; :;.-;--" rerntwr Stat PWson Tho prisoners in tbi institu' ion , n the, ) u Oitobtr, were )33. All the expenses "te pt year had. been. paid,-.e3tfepi.,-g 800, for which there wsa on hsnd a iarKqnaflti ty of manufactured artifles -The con victs are employed chiefly ift weaving. 180,000 yards of cloth wer woven tha Ust yesr, 10 000 of which were double or twilled Rood The improvements wmcn nare oeen e nec.cu ' li ' Is nl si, aatthiai tKa La at 9(1 fo i l . . a t l l JT-.l : years, must bsottrc-fgraiiScioJ philsn broplst tnstesd ofi numbers beimrbud.; .lied' together in crowded dsmp; ill-ventiUted dungeons i where 'he confined' and eoneentrs ted effluvia, bred the pestitenlisl jail fever win posing in malignitj the plague i in mell con ducted priwns at the present time, each pri soner is confined in a solitsry well ventilsted cell, which conduo S equally to his health snd a degree of comfort itesl of presenting a sqtial. lid, sickly wreck of what wa once a . But tbeph)ticsl improvement in the condition of prisoner!, is altogether of secondary importance compared with the moral eflecta of modem dis cipline. l he novice in iniquity, doomed by the law. of his country to a temporary abridgment of bis liberty, for having in an evil moment been nwrinitaied into the commission of a crime (for in rrutin fiw,imsss a - - aome such are t be found in every . extensive. prison, notwithstanding the acknowledges grad ual progress of offenders are not returned to the world debased by intercourse with sc. complished villains. Now are the latter render ed tenfold worse, and enabled to do ten times the injury to society on their return to it, by compsring notes with their compeers. Nsy wants aiirh have been moVcoreclaimed. These meliorations of the condition of atste criminsls, A not .11 interfere with the objects of imprison- ment far from iwthey adac,Jtb.ese ends. hss r.ot been found by tbe experience oi owo years that severity prevenU the commission ot crime or reclaims the offender-nothing subdues tlvet s eaetaaadm confinement comigning the wretch to raiinvofhis own bitter reflections. . On the score ot economy, wo, mutu..-. "v.. (rained .wpfjajbaad.. oX.be.lnf an eesae of se- O ... , ....It M.htf VMM veral tnouaanns annuauy, ' - v since was the case; in several etates, prisons have been even a source of raveanea melan choly considerktion but swty,,aon,..reJtarn fot the depredations on society, ought if possible to be gotten froni those who hsv jahown Aenif serves to oe tne common nww During the sis morons enainrsTCV1""H aYA.s. Aia.. Al J :onnar.Licul r uwii lUa in number) aflbfded a revenue oi more tbanR10lXbeVdeiraywrlHhw J ... i , U l .... (Kan w. - This article aireaay muui, - .n.1 mitrlit otoUact h coniiderably u... Ami.what into the details of a sys- tern of prison discipline which hu mf. ,hf most favourable ensnge. in - i-v---cal condition of a class of wretcbea, whom the i k.. ,nAmA it necessary to exclude from the participation of the cmone and a.. human enioyment-hbenv but who, gevertheleiiB are our brethren. Cars, ' . : A (IZO. - " - Mt. Aastla labthitfeJ Mr. V. ilVyasJ fttnl. 'ft (be pK-ier kisnsc If being t.nt,) tenders l. sincere acknowledgements to tha Citisent ' Sstishury, forthrlr gtnriwii tttitf a in W -r n much of the furniture ss wss presertfil ! li.e firs, on Friday and for bitslf, wouU n n.. k, that much is due to tU Ladies, for thei' ra. enca and personal eicrtions ia a time of need. 1 hey ware frequentl seen mskiog efforts to secure property, that would have done honour even to the, hardier set. Caamptra such aa were exhibited on thai trying occasion een In tba midst of danger, are too praiseworthy not to be noticed. t . , ,; And it msy be added tkst it baa several timet fstleo to the lot of the writer of thiaj to w'ttneas scenes of a aimilar nature but never en any oo cshoo bss be observed so much personal energy and untiring efforts M a era displayed by the Citiaens gene rally and tba fire Company partk. 'AB that could be. waa donwMore apparent, ly, could not have bees done without additional means which will probably hereafter suggest themselves to the Citiaens by the want of them on this occasion,' - - t ;t ' trangats, taay-w ha hU-Uaaf to Jooaaa. gain ware seen, mingling in the strife, with an energy snd a generous sympathy alike honouns. ble to themselves and the csue in which tley were engsged. The servants alau bore a moat conspicuous part Insbort their exertion, to save property and arreet the progress of the flame, were indefstirabla and no doubt deeply and sensibly felt by those who were personslly inter ested. I ne stair pie is wonny or an prawc. THE MARKETS. Fayritevint, Asw. 19 Cotton, Ij a 8, 90 1 Reef, fresh in market, 3 a I cente Bacon, 7 to 8 1 neach brnndv. 50 to 60 1 snole do. 38 to 40 1 flour. Ii . whiakev.-ao n 33 United Hiates bank notes, 3 to 3 per cent premium i t be Msrkrt is very bvelv . hrat in large Quantities arils readilv at Rl '0 to ftl 15. We have received, by asy of New York, ei- n ii front F.njtii pa,cr oC the ! (Ww, The importations of flour snd gram, naa been hesvv. the price bad consid rably declined, and a yrt falling, and large quantities were ship ping fir the north of Spam &c. TJius we fear end eh hii nine hundred snd ninety ninth llr'rtish bubble, extending itself into the ery interior oi nut country snd Hurinr auav innocent persons. FupiKrf aJvicsa, however, should be' sited for to determine the real state of things, As spec ulation mi (Ted -on the price, so apeculstion mss have effect to reduce it, too sudddenly or to too great an ertent MU. S cert at 0 ure Tor INTK.M i'K U A N CK. IF. uScrirtr hs discovered s certain rem. . j.. r .i i. .. r-...-...)u .jj:. " l" free use of ardent Ppirifs, a single trta' ot the prescription will prove its efficacy : letters ad drrsaed to the subscriber post psid enclosirur two dollars will be promptly attended to, by a remittance of the medicine and directions. WM. L. AfSTIN. Jrfrrnn. Mhe cvnt, ff. C. 3mt36 N. H. Printers friendly to the rsuse of the i unfortunate drunkards, will please give this an insertion. i m(i- A'sriA ( urWfns DWIDSON County, Equity : October Term, I 838 : Itaac Heats John llcate and John ! Ohadairk w W illiam B. Toomey and Oeo. W. MoiitgomeryIt apptsrihg.to the court that beorge W, Montgomery one ol rle driendants in this case i U not an inhabitant of this state It is therefore ordered, thst publication be made for six .weeks rucceasivelv jn (be Western Care- linisn, for the aaid tieorge W. Montgomery, to appear at the next term of this couri and plead, answer, or demur. - Otherwtse the bill in this cs will be tsken pro eonfesao agsinst him and heard ex psrte. BJCH'D. ALJIOBSON. e.sa.. JvV. 38(A 1828. St49 SintrifNmk Vurutinm .- DWIDSON County, Equity, October Term, 1828 ; John lieate and John Chadwick ts. ! W m. H. Toomev ami Geo W. Monteomery. It in. , lhe e011rt ,ht, Geo. W. Montgome rt m i . . . . trf-rr: Vtr. .'Tl J, 7 that wiUicatwo be . made for aeij in..ii.B.cen, v..-.., ,.-. w. Montgomery to sppesr ai mc nr imn w. tin court, and n ead answer or flrmur. inn- erwiae the hill in thi ca.e ill be taken pro coiil'csso sgainst him, snd heard ex parte. IUCH D. M. HOBSON. C. At. E. S-iv. 28A 1S28. 6t49 Tt otter & WuntingUm, Watch and Clock Makrr and JmelUtt, CHARLOTTE. N.C. fTAVE Just received sn MM. elegant sssortment ol srticles in their line j which they will sell very .low for cash, or Jo punc tual customers on a cred it. a3 All kinds of Watches repaired, and war ranted to perform well. Juiff U M8. S3 'fo Vmicaii9. err. I-JOn Sale, the be.t country aitustion for altionary, snd s House for Boarders snd Lodgers, PhMtMam in tbe Western psrt of North P ,n' cb"P- wholesome and comfort. (Wins. The farm and buildings STe email, but remarkably neat, comfortable, and n.,n.r.t . ; ind isaitued in an excellent t" further purticalsrs, inquire of the Editor of this - ami'. rw:' MMSV- . iiinmniiimi.iw.ir! Xev. 10M,1828, mw THE ftibscnber respectfully informs his se qnsintances, and the public, that he has commenced the Tailoring Buttnett In the town of alisbnry, in the Ne Shop on the cross street next door to Mr. Murphy i more, near Mr. Torrence's Store, and convenient to h knvneu oart of the town i where he is pre pared to execute .all kinds of work In his line of . He receivrsthe fashions from nriiadeiptna arm New.lfork regularly as they change, which will enable him to make un fine Coats, tie. in the most fashionable and elegant style, uwmg to tbe hardnes of the times, he will work cheaper than heretofore. He .hopes his scquaintances and 'he public will give him a trial, as he feel certain he can please tbem, both in his work and prices. WAPE H. HAMPTON. As 14j 1S28 , 4V Wiitditft, 3emrjfe Fc. , f rjtilE subscriber has ju ? M. returned from th y5s '"rth, with as good an a yt - ' ) sortmmt of t ;, Javclry, SihtrlVaretWc. aa wsa er offered for ssbj in ibis placet l2 Jewelry la of the latest importations, and tbv most fashionsbla and elegsnt kinds to be had lit ' anv of the Northern Cities i elegant Gold and Sifver tfmuhut plain Do. Ice. eta. And in few day. will receive a very elegant eort mant of MHivf ! Alio, all kiwi ol StU ver-W'v, kept constantly on hsml, or msle to order on abort notice. . AHof nhicb will be soli lower than such goods wrre ever diiposrd of before In ibis place,-:.--..:-...--.- - - ... . .Ihe pttbtieera rpedfollv Invi!e4l4itJ an4.. ctamine these goodsi thrir richness, etrgsnee and cheapness; cannot fail of pleasing those a bo) Wish tO buy." r .-r- Ah kinds of Wattle Frpatrtd, and wsrrsnted to keep time i the attop is two doors below tha ' , eoort-bwrsi -an 4l'wt m rasi... ... iJZ ". ',' . ' .. '. .....'r -.-,.-,miiit.Ua," iiib. , . ....... 5af.twry,sy 36. 1828. 17 ; Boot tim Alio wMalclng. , B lltlMAO J aJB-m swaa.j-mxsallt) ft- ik. Mm. M THOMAS MULL, Jr. RSPECTFILLT informa tO acquaintances and the pub- it, having parehsseq nr Dickfn't Boot and 8 boo establishment in the town of Salisbury, and tm ployed that gentleman aa Foreman of the hop, be ia prepared to eiecu'r all orders for making Boots and Shod, of every description, on short notice, and for rS9 1 sonskle prices. . He Intends constantly to keep a supply of tbd movt superior Northern Leather, and to empkrw from 15 to 30 first rate workmen j which will eruut him m.kc th nrast elegant kind of Boots and Short fot Ladirtand Gentlemen, and of the very best materistt. He also keeps aa assortment of Bor,a and Shoes constantly wa bsnd, manufactured nt bit own shop, for thej accommodation of those who may wish to bo supplift on s sudden emergency. . OwiVV t the pressure of tho time, he will ; allow a liberal indulgence to those he feels sofa in trusting. 13t5A .... - His almost tforta shall be used to give entirar Satisfaction to all bis customers, and he hope thereby to secure their continued confidences sac pet towage. UnHtbttry, Ave. la,lff. T1R0WN k HARRIS havipr formed a ee partnerabip in the above) dlf m Miainess, respecuuiiy j- P form the dtiteaa of the nrd town of Salisbury and 'bet mtC&3 surrounding country, taat they have removed theit Ctoch MuHitf f HablithmeiJ in the building formerly occiiprd bv Jacob Krider,' Esq.' as' Store, three doors esst of the Court House, oat Main street i where they are prersred io tit cute all kinds of work in their line of business in s Myle equsl if not superior to anye er dona I in the place. 1 bey have on bard, and will easy. Carnage , Of, and Sulityt. of all dewirintions, to order i or sell on sccom Tflwdnting; terms to any person- whhitig t0"puM m euase. . From somewhat long eiperienee In their tint and moat atrict attention to business, they la' lot themselves they will be enabled to jgive entires re 's 'wtisfacGon''.1o those wlfiu'imtrtmiae' tKeniC! REPAlHJi,tw every description, will be done :;; on tli sliortest notice, snd most reasonably terms. - ----NATHAN -BROWrtr;riiv , tiLO. M. Saliibury, AW 17, 1828. 43 ? IN, B. w anted, ss an apprentice to the above business, a Bov that caii come a ell rcCommeh , unde'r n-or r e ' BR r xceeding 18 vsre of BROWN & HARRIS. hrKJiiockirf.JJooluoi.. iaiuL Wluoii.ta-- W -lisburf, is Howliffrred fo sale af the bnst f thecuat. customary retsil price, cash, to cloee the business Of the estate. Those wishmf t- pirchaae, will do w ell to cull as early as coo-) venient. EZRA AUXMOMG, ,1H. A'mrfr.lin8. 647 ' We.VVVi ITIOR the balance of the year, t Female . vani, between the see of 12 and 15 Veara. To one that can come well recommended, a lib. eral price will be given, Apply to the Editor ot this paptr. Aro. 24M, 1878. 3)43 WAOllNiSKS, DRirtXQ TO F.I YF.TTK tltLt, WILL find it to their advantage, to stop of the (?aVTJl, where every con. venience is provided for Man snd Horse, to make them comfortable, at the moderate charge of 25" cents a day snd night, for the privilege of the Yard, tbe ose of a good house, fire, water, and shelter. Attached to the Yard, are a Grocery . and Provision Store, Oread Shop and Confee- M,e '.j,, lrf Mt, ,fl-. fnawieesge. XttApnU 1828. UottOtt ftT II. FOR safe, wMeeale mid retail, 6rvn CoTTwnv " ''"' Number to 815. inclusive, at the rsetonr.,jr prices, from Fsyette.yille. Apply to J.MURPIfT.rfgen. astiryrfay5.-t(K8. "Jl " ";" VomwttteA to-iielii OF Mecklenburg county, on the lth day of this instant, a negro man. who aayS h'nj name is t'harlet, and that he belong to a ,nan by the name of Jacob Austin, of Montgomery county. North CaroHna. - --i- . WBirtt 6m-s Arr Oe. 17,1828. 39 s M,;Hn hurt csnrX Committed Vo JfklV flisbujy..A'ljJiei, nwlss: jbat berau awav from hia masvor, John Pegro, about twov. weeas aince, in ooiumoia s. u. i says he former. Ty belonged to the estate of Gen. Nat. Cardie, of Sussex county,. Virg. t he isaboot 6 feet high. 32 years old, straight built, black complected with n small acar above the rgh,t eye. ,1be oner is desired to prove property, pav eharjret. snd take him sway. r, K.VTKR, AAjr, fm, ni IWt "1 trt exiremit,