Uvsl. Hitherto these wrctchri hivo beco claisr according to the length of tine, far which they were convicted. C4fB Of SfCCTlLtL ILLUSION, Mr. Appcrt hnueenicnt by the Mio 'uter, to vttit U tbe teaporti, to exam, ine tod feel the head of all the gal ley atavet, and to data them according to the analogy found to cs'ut between .. . rif rv - . 1 V V i 4TIMj err. f I th:,h0p heretofore oe.i. in brsnehee. at to "" - i ..... ,f ... hj aDU vu-"---t ..tabled PerUHr. ttercLof the ingiiiRc -KSeh the i iM fkrAAlnmeal Journl. by iu trincev Dll wiui v.6 i bvuy a , . ,- mitratre t conscloat right ioipirei, etrned lithor, ft mcmDer oi int e. 11. continues to re .the U Pr onpsr.Melled.pr.. utail 1. state re the Uu' .Ui IhrmiirhnCt U Wat. !L" t -uJl-rl fut forcbodioff Mto w ! December. 1128, A. w coo- the bum pa aod protaberancee found .t tt,: k.. .i... - .i tfl.-., An on mcir aftuni. vi ...-. ..ic. CM urn - . fun Uv elal 4 dfjo.l ti rhltutt, Ut rfLISLS h-s-mx H to ii M uVoot .1 "7 rw be " the Pr" " - ....1 w na mr IT 7 riM W. .' : Cutting oui. " Hattim tee system work win " -..ftrmontr. hiepaaeltl?. Wndt aT.GMWMUt.-4aM t&tn bv sxirawro pnfm. our cin MM dshv gathered ? -vet we M bunsUn? T" " A hhenomenon had occurred be tweca Torre.Laguna. nd ..Uteda, at r- i . w v j a ;-t.i ..v in them Return to the kej . - female Beare, which he imme. ,y,rnMtn mnit prail'ftt aodfconomtcalhabtta f yu d-,attly recontied to be Jhat 01 peritiliool inhibitarta.loto great con. v it... mm . AmrrA loreirn iua,on i "itoun uot. wno uiu .: , hrnkn-nut r tk - . , j xinrmiion I iaii. t - s i . i - - r ' . - 1 ncr ubvivm ..... .m. !:.S;eni . th. c!mln fani 0 er fabricate youracT , inJ pcrMp, a inue a.prm, "---i ,mot. whch communicating to tbe tahibitbut w-wVllj7aie Diior-, inuiacture your ww vw.. m . V eombuatibie matenaia arouua, aet are ., kjh, W.S5yB Suuhold ioaoatry make your ojrn wtth tht mpWMiM he put h.i head J on nmoui lhe oolitic! nm tutiona, ano which YtxV VftAoii V !r.M5V!3L. foe lBea amlCe .1 "rtm fUlioi- tve bee- mor. rn- "rZrtis. tf.a any hitheno TtCtt' , -ttmet. . Hvl , Al-unc. i'J! be than.- - " - .wwrdlni' w a but i.7., . dui. upon ta promin. L ' , .r n ri ..kWta'afhttfnal PoUcY whletl WiB !. r , f . -.-.,1- capitaliat r." ""i' " .HMiLk Mrmit me o awn nor ." " t aw atmnn. in wuivii ' wk I .. . '.I ...ikuniiM of the na. any act m int cmwHu - - r MB M BMUTC TDK 1 a iri... B nj;. Tm4 executed tome aaD totbe Ww b,,,1"' . .t tha d weK-aW of Mk-I IUi fid. lowinf property, ti One valuable tract of Land, STK Rowan County, on the Tkh -"J 2L to Rowan Contrty. i th dk'n f1!"' - ?T .boTemf (-zrrftveheNegroei, . Sen, Women, and Children, all to? Hkeff- ' a Uvwl ' stock of CaWe andlltf - - , FarmInfUenil'I- . BUKtHT Cbatt and Harneat, HZZH Ter.m.kownon?ec JNWlftm. M-oo' Yo11 wUl ua; wr we oea cioim, " ' ' neighbourhood. Mooki were to be wd your profiU will cot ia.ti0t,0 aleept aaiteit oi ineaouua. - Madrid to -explain to tbe be aa great a if you had ft free trade oef hia mind, hi peopl. that it w.a ft naturalennt. vou win. at leiBi, p long vv.-rv f , . - The phenomenon waa aacnoea to tug. avtna a tax impoeeu on you i uhvaical reaaootnr. ui" ( of the maun. i r . . iixiam . ---- - nut andaaw the aame ngurc ZtXn, LeTr h'dly it may bear k' eral welfare, ind if i doe aot Infrwea the njt Wi "h-rt brme-,'wrthf)ut -mum.innf.'1 the prim-one Imputed by th ambarfoi i t'J bate eonWiboted-towarda the prttWHn 4 war, otir ha' of treawra ana m ttidt and eon4anet, wt kTt annually, for ma-. eati. paid int Ui natmnai w-rj, . - ." The. thin hart dona, not beet'it wa i i--.:.ra hr n nmnta. war w-vt - beRetrd the weMart of tha Cnwn required our . i.m. k. iMiimed (he principle. lhat" hey naJi-porf e it mould an rttfeet na- duatry of the natioa any araurt, which -i.:. tritmtirv to tht which they . ..' t...k:. may ebooit to teleM. uy an a P... uJ mmimtmi in.iol called-Hie TardT Act, Tti. . .? I .....Li. .n .L .A..i.tia nnuiiciBD. iu una aitiixiiun ailtl uuiiikmii or tnu .Prv- rr . " . . randla P wealthy manufacturer wiu a tire, ouj " V Jul J.. by for his tributaries tnd the very or ourae in the. room. A atict was -k'.h urired him to tbe enact- fc,ntbv his side, to knock for the nunt . rn.c .. o ... . i r--. . ... I.... I Iment of this lawf will flrltt aim w when he - reouirea , ner mam enaan . - . i In.; V mne hit bodf. he I aeek lor its repcu. i uciujj w ... w . . V e .e-A- tTitem is to be .-,WAred to touch the figure with Peon. in . i k.. thia cousola-k:. .irV. but. oa ft real object being tree, which He hd I ' ?r0m WD-e1 w" ,uPP0,e nurcoua oaygen uiu ween kaublutu the interne heat and drought. What la Mtphareotn oiyrtn i Carbmrted aulphuretteti hy drogan eooftitute tha bulk of thm. that w.' Carolina a aute Jt the union Salem, Mais, ia a pear was planted about 30 yeart is as capable iiL, up00 the chair, the Imaginary one tg0, and has oeer beeo grafted or a. of aubiiitioff 5:..L.,red. and waa not vliible agaia inoculated, yet yields two aorta of fruit " . . j. - rr;-- - i . . . .... Um urio her ot a resdurcea, independent th.t ight. . - ; ; : , - unlike iu size, shape and appearance, of ore'Mrrac mmercr0r Lcommerc He a.ya thit the impresiioha.oo orowiDg9othe same branches, aad with" bYr sler aute.-With'raoil bis mind were atwiya pteaiiog, as tbe from blossoms of Hhf-aamebucu hipp4y 4ircyfied..witbiAcJimatAcor "'"yiJLIjeiaJ"- Kc ,- lJ responding with the richness aod irariel) ,Sj regard. He- neer suppoi iv of her aoil with oesrly all the use- re,i , but was unable fo account for It ger kind ai are mentioned as fit for cat- - a a s a iul mioerala bedded io her mouo-L,ntny philb..phical principles within nBgt while the otners wouia not Do tain., with tfexHaustibU: pastures, hi$ ko0wledge. ' - I ripe foraeferftl week, with Vardy kod industrious popuia-1 - . jhe next day ne tnougnt w . jswn . . ... ttonMhereUbotftnarticlethatnecc- VAnL7TER. litv demandi, Ksrceiy one tnat wm- ,thout alarm, anu wiu r.- . . IJ. U.. rra.l. I I ... k-fir-. antl he e Rial Bit lit I llTVia w. . . r'J" l 1 i-.l.' roduce. or hef induitr) fabricate with- he ,hat his eyes, or turned dis neaa, nc u tioued till about 13. . Had the earth CYH, " I, tk'.. m.,'.m . ' n... I .nnni vet j ... .k fiifiir. br interooaioff oeen prepareu w fcMel ! .pwT de' -e.e and iuV.ce of our fell w citi.cn. it wa, ,hown like a mere m.tertal suo; WHf throughout the United State, I l.tame, by the rays ol the ore wn.cn ... ur a confidence, arising from my belief fell upon, and were reflected from it. " V. A a. L. 1 . mm 1 1 ! f- j a. a A 1 4 A opl, " " -M7P"" .-"".: .!, . ... i ,! tr.Bei.dou, mor.l ef- . 1 cUre io whitance, that the conaumera of toeae manuftcturrt. incTudmc tne maw w our ,n,-nitr-incltidint e ariciilturwH, and Mrm. Dioved in eommrrce in . other purtuittthan thoM of manuf.cturet. ahall pav an enhanced price for article of prime oe. fcetiitT What U thibut a tat, whether Ifca en- huec T price ia paid into th ftatlonai treasury or ; h htpe of abountyto tha domette mau. fcctorer , And whence i derieed the power of tha reneral gwrarwnenV to lery a Ux njz one portion of tha community for tbe eiclua.ee benefit of mother. Deeoutfy a. the Uioawu .h-M U the State that would hareror. rendered any pan of it. etere-.rntj,:tf it had be. Kered that the rerutation of iU Uulustry, oi ine cboaeo ptirontta ol citiien. the mn iWe BorUoa of its internal economy wat tobe included inth eeiHon rNofth Carolina. I am wre, wwU HKrhMlitMl famwwewt w ne-a eoH eewton-of befTirhta. " OppaaaV'HBlfii. iyi the American Ryatem," to an the mo .jiwd maiiaw of ecieice, it tf no leai opoaeed W the efintaf owe Con. ttiwron and t w of the uad-mental pnnei. plea on which Tree rernmenuart . ""i . a a t a -'. aaeai tea rKaana-A afUl pnnanaj oojeci - - - extend wiw foreifil commerce. Thu rantl tern ia to deatroy U. Our union w. to protect one SUte from the unjurt ami illiheral commer cial rreulatione of another. Tbi. "Amencto .a 1 la S faaiaa taritK. wit reeard to the riehti or intereit of particulir State, the power to bettow bounties on one see tio o' our country, and to impute eepon. dine burthr m upon another. Equality of right. r...t nartuariation of benefit! .nd burtbenij eiemption from taxation, except when the een. erat rood to to be promoted r the hberty-ef ad. wtii.e.unmoleated,any purauit w profeadon not tLv.AA.m. Cn- re a ton! of public policytbete, we hare been taarht to beheveraw emonf the kl nm aeoured or a repuoucan roTcm. L..t am not all these aet at nourhi by the Tariff lyttem i the bendta which it confer, are anKfiarl In S few i the burthent it impoaet are borne bf the many. The weelthy manubc . ttt ...n nrnfiL becanae br the einu- ion of foreien competition, he will obtain a hif ler tv. k;. manufacture. The aenculturiit, whether rich or poor, the owner of larre plan- ni nnt lonfextSt."" t ne-. M" tblf . " A Slrnuar puv - r - v. ....... - -iVaa h- nnnalatlon. will notlong sabmit to !-. perceptible and its visits le.s fre. .mJ-JJA ..,u " r-i ' a . l. the population, win noiwng a. v un perccpuow inu r- ;'nn an VncTosed vard attached. tuoatetletoaiOiiVcr?tt , nd n-nl bw the arte of design- t0 the autumn of 1 821, A a health tne pun ic iy P"r W"J " IT..-:.. s tiaa heen anrcau vvcu... nerieetiv re.rarcu. . .uu m-i ------ . - ... biiwiwmh - , I r"-- ' i... 22&,000 acres of liAJS'B FOR SALE!! QfTXWZ aubacriber altl aell two X hundred and twenty five thmi nd Acrea of LAND. Wing w the " J rmintice of Buncombe and Ily .oX"heatate of North tiarolina on the wa TTTi ...: rr-..r.h Board. Tuckaaeire r..j f . .ol oualitv. and for craalntf, wif ed by none, eeen in the more western .-.tea. EeVnerally in lwre bodie. . but will be wld ihn convenience of pur- one Tract of tr thond SretTlvine on both .ides of the French Broad IW, partly in Buncombe and partly in IIyood counties, on wo. . .rv B.nksOfr Or. bate recently been .liwoe. tenl 'who Z 7Z? in Ash- equally with the hardy yeoman wba .. Jfel&Jth07- ut mm jfaUNL L.;k..-i mn.t to the solid wealth ofhtaeoun. v 1 1, i B2R. " imifi6 ttr,-rttmm- whuw arm. that BOtrntryafle. for L7' J.Vi.i. !. mJta,l .t .he tame moment . I T UCICIIV.C, I- i r-vm TVrMt iarf 61 r counuy. - ea "; been tree troro ny waiu ww ,-y,i i - M ,k c:.,.. 1.gre,!?5" ft-m.. nn.henart of I !...... .;wht,en month.. Some cir- State, an example everr other State time, uiM tu..w.., w- - r . - - - , , ukt t fol rw- K. 1. Amer. SSOCCarrcu wuivu puMfcv, i -- : t m-l??!1!?. . . . . ' . I . .. ' anrll it t. and -x.tun, aided by government bounties, I ..-......l riw Tmvernmcut taXati may purue tn f otion w t.uu nc ia directedbv hjs talents,4iis interest, or his inclination. (AieCWtKWMtir iexi.j - will reauicitate them if they be worm rhich atood .bv his side, in an angry posture POETRY. nnt six weeks its visits were mces&ant, and the sensation which they produced. An Ode. written by Lord Byron, on tbe anrd. were invariably horrible. Some years ... . . . ... j.. . r. ..Vakrorel L.f k. kl attended the dia.eCtlOO versary ol nit awt pvui.", 1 wcivrc, uv of ft woman in a . v rapiv uswvm. IV imj t : , , , . SanerTffec'oTare oRa rtJrieiiue manufacture, can be most k- ih lata niircnase n. I WH . . . .n KaXetrlimiie v . . ..J I. . inm. (trrrtb tor IN NW which wno F " ritaiiienaauatainsbr tbe wealth which an- w v . . -e . a a. - . aa.Saai other acquire ui m im w .knaa inlreats are CC-emiauT aimcuuiiiw, u injury infiicted aa no lenitWabalaanutbe op. r . i a Ml HAa atMa.ew.t Ma Hit aall bed to inw taarw win " p" -L "ille, adjoining the Gile. Mumford tract, and i IS tonyndinWoancounty, proporUon ot aunerior mcayw- if inperior construction, and have now a fery WaulmireaaTni run of jeuitomi the water. - Sower can ery conveniently be msde to drive - and term, TW t0. ' . 1 1 ,i .t, nr.mnive effect, which Its opera. . JOtEfM BASKS, I SittaiWiWf ff.,iTO? ' trVwTr ipr. land lust indirflat ion in the mind, of our Cituteni, JACOB 8ANKR, .. . a'!.. IMS ' MARTIN SANER. May " k-ln5n tn Peter Sa. n inMher traet. belonrlne' i.er,idjmninff the above, containing 225 acres, t.-'-.M .nn-'.nn with the above, ortep- Will DC WUWmi lis -w .-- - . , arately asmsy best suit tbe purchaaeri which - Kwffl kT wK S hi .djoining the .own of .. . -.1. i-n ar.res of land, with a iKCE ;itl, outW'and an Objection.. his death 1 . , . 0 Am atai temple tAfntywaJrf eef laaoLoatn. fax- 23, 1821. afiia'ttttlwirmoo'd be unmoved,--Since ether, it ha. eeaaed to move t Vet though I cannot be beloved, - StiH let aae lover- - Mr days are In the yellow leaf i The flower, and fruit, of love arejone i The worm, tbe canker, and the grief, Are mine alone. The Are that en my bosom prey. la done a. tome volcanic isle i V torch it kindled at it. Mat A fonerel pile 1 The hope, the fear, the Jealoua care, The exalted Dortiok of the pain And power f love 1 cannot ahare, BllTwrunMiMu ut tit not iAim, and Ua not Aer thouehts BliduirihakrW'i Were glory decks the hero', bier, r Or bindt hit brewi jrhVor4iba L it.. . DS.B'V.--;'- .k enr-ior tha -war it at the toilet, w.tn me io i-"- . - . -trm0 ma u, -.reful hand. He rushed out o bed, ana " "r-.-Z Hot water in radish and other vegetable beds. Scald the earth before .owing the seeds, by which means you will des troy the larvae of the insects, which are ipt to be very plenty b rich soil. m 1- ...L J!. ...,.4 a noaition. 1 nouen routn uiuu - r . a a Bl the time, the aubject naci oeen .oog j,. waterman talking one foTgolten union oi US putrescrru u, , w - r of them couI1 apccirt not con! of ,t. Plr"ca 1 Vere -indow, and as neither of them could eVIea-urei, mfined to the night, but frequent n"u"up" . ... rni,,ntlr re- ,ly, occurred, while several P-o0.j- 'why you $ay ; a a - - - BvaaM' aaa mwb w - - - were m tne same room. v , -. . . . . . was. that it froze repeated at intervals AtZ me, and in the morn- . k... k-waaahle tn ret rid of them C' ' . ..l k.. naw iror ter i but be was able to get rid ef them by moving or sitting in an erect posi tion. Though wen, mi po.se . hard, and cenerally from 90 to !0Q. .iiAia a pejson; of good educatioo and literary habits. I have not the lligstaouoroi n. nnny. never aupposed" peira1abr' m-nt.ATieri -otner-man iiiubjodb. ass I have tnougni n myouir -.vwiuhh as the representativea of the people, as the tineU on the watch tower mat you roigm ii any constitutional mean, presented themselves inter- nnaathemhetweenvourcoTiHtituentaanuinetnrea tened mischief. I ill candidly eonfese that no plan of effectual resistance, on tne pan w w. Btat fvilature. which I have yet beard tug. rested, appear, to me tree irom lnsunaouniauic obiecliont. A dissolution of the Union is not to good awciiinK:u. . v ... I k thmivht of. If vou believe, however, as l do icel ent trarrten : tnis proper. ... - " --JL.t- .k. tk. m5i f th- Idw, on accbramodsttng terms. Apply as aDore, on vuc prCuV -r niw aiut Rraeee around me, ielf The Sfartan borne Upon hi. shield ? Wa not tnore free. . awake t (art Greew-theU awake!) Awake my spirit t thing through wftm thy Ufeilood iracka itl parent lakei- T r And thee strike home ! ;. !-.vTead-thoi.iVwg,J Unworthy omnhood I Unto thee ; tme wr irvw v- - If thoii i regrett thy youth, wAf Uvt t The bead of honourably death It here up to the field, nd give Away thy breath t Seek out, leas often sought than found, A aoldier'. grave for thee the best t Then look around, and chooee thy ground, And take thy rest. has alwaya had a propensity towards ,ni .iinernaturaT. WHHOUt any nener to itiind he ascribes these effects of im-J agination to the perusal of the I ales of Wonder,' and other ghost stories a, hen i I bovF H elrill not allow me to t... k.fnre the Societv an account of V ww.w. . . . . J. . . ...a .C .LT- ..... his head as conneciea wua uiis bhw ment. as he would not like 'to be call 'M ft dealer in the marvellmis, I may hbweverr-. aaVa thac ideality ia large, . . M . f. ... I.! nrt and the reuecuve lacuu.c yciy jjwu ing the wall was covered with "what do you says n in ice. The following ridiculou. diteovery U go'T the roundofnewapaper.t' nobody of eommott tense beBevea it-hut ai caterer, for th. p? Appetite, we print ifi.to show. what hJC in the world." t7rant00y. The study of Crinio loW has become quite a mania in France. The Gazette de France states that the Minister of Marine, Hyde de Lord Byron was Bneally descended, through 1 veuvjlle. has become a convert tOthe h motberv tha Lady Catbartue uccoobv irom - . . m.dc U Ac fomiz. theKinf orscpuane, declare., that In the course of decom to the earth ; and lhat In tha expe"oc of S3 year. In his .itustion, ha naa new known one inatance to tne contrary- There have been (sayaTtlbe WeM rillerJiromthirtysM million of bricks made in Cincinnati! fOhi0 thiaseaso'n. hesrly aiUf whh are now to be seen in the walls of fcaou- some buildings. , u The cow cabbage, produced in ka Vendee France, growa to the h,eg of from 13 to 15 leet. awy r are sufficient provender for cow a whole year, and they last four ye.tJ without rephntingi , f,.

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