, l . ... t 4 jif i' mm wuitk J 8 VLI8HUJIY, N. C.....TUICSIIAY, DLCKMIIKR-16, 1828. Hp W tM l.ilr lU .,...,.... " . ,M ,M X wn t fiUlM tax Mm4, m4 i . .. . Ml - - - lk ... k .tW JiTi. -N " K U Um. W mf art i jnilSt BUc of Bookso band, belonging lo J. lb tetate of Hiram Tomer, 4L Co. la Salisbury, I "w oflWred site sale l Um ikw lislf "the ffry retail price, ta'tl, Il tlo , k. IimM theeetel. Those Wtfti'mf .lo k... will da well to eB early a eon. ACKltTAI.V Cute for li.tGray tTiuce. T: 1 u StcrUW bat discovered I certain ree. , edy for those who am unfortunately addic ted I that moat wretched of all vie, the loo free m of aroW spirit", itj(1 trial of II emcrifHto id prove l efficacy Iwters ad dressed to the subscriber pat paid enclosing le dollar will be promptly attended lo, by remittal of lh sedicin and direction. 1VM. L. AUTlrf. - mi, raW. C. 3mtJa h. D. PrSmm fwnJly to tho eauto of ibe afijHunato drunkard, w'dl p!ao t(i tliit an 'fwrfttO!' - '"- - - y "i . . . .NoUte. s !IE tulMcrlbfr faket Ibt mctliod lo Mtm I... ftBJ nJ er, I teal cjilinuc to ma boata front Cbcnv to Gouryetoara, anl will Irriyhi tot too, m IbotMualtariMi ha hat large am cow- ytodjova atnrt a4 warcboutvf t aaourky ffouda eomigcd to tiii cirr, aa wrti aa iortbo pwtecliDBjfjPonjjiml w3m cryHof. at (of cottoo eontijrried to tirra tt joT. Jim oaraj Doala. 1 n greatest Uit and puuciual tj y bo expected. - JOS. II. TOWNM. ar;T7tk On. I83S. -44J raKsmi'AT'g mkhsagk. to r - J f ic. COWAN & KICKVF.S HAVR jut rrcrWed, from NVw-York and Philadelphia, at llirir Htore at Wrtod Orvre, Ilowai munty, iveive miiei vett ot tm Ubury, a ftneral aprtment of freah Dry Goodi, Cutlery, IlurJyvarc, Grocrritt, Off. Which they are determined to fll iioumwIIv tow for VJISM or CO rUV or on a ahoii oredlt to pnnctual cttiinmpri. At thry will re- JlcnUb their atnek ot ah'irt inirnraia. from the Northern markets, and keep thr newt and Mat approved kind, ot ltoda. they a con Vic ace In inviting their friend and the public to call, eaamiDe, and judge fnr themc-lvr cow as k itr.r.vp.s. Wi Craw. Sept. In, 18.8. 6mS7 fill aMVUa and -LaiiAa. . r 1 H R valuable Jfi77 and lmlt I formerly the property of o. Maner. 'dee'J. are offered fhf aale ke fKaa tfaa miawkaaiai "lllt Imnvf Set on l)uic!imaiSerek,4milrMof JlKka. . ville, adjoining the Git. a Vumford tract, and ta qua! to any land In TtoM an count ft wittn ftrge proportion of auperior mt adn' the Milla are of auperior construction, and have now a very "raninroTgwfiiit mu uf C'liiu'ni the attr- "warffTaTy -cwnTementry be made to dn4 any kind of Machinery, fnr otlwr particumra, and erniv apply to 1'homa D. Gitba, one of the proprietor, am the pramiaea.- - ... i6if THOMAS n. Ginos, JOSEPH HANKS, FEI'RR. A2.ER;W JACOB SANKR. .VaylL.182JU MARIIS.8A.,R. N. B. Another tmct, belcinng to Peter Sa ner, adjoining the above, containing 225 acrra, will be anld in connexion with the above, orp ralely at may bet Miit the purchaaer which Ik likewise first rate land. - '.!, witl be sold, a lot adjoining the town nf Mockatille, containing ten acres of land, with a good dwelling-bouse, with out -bouse, and an excellent garden t this property will be sold low, on accommodating terms. Apply as aoovr. 1. Loot au SUoe oMaUlug. THOMAS MULL, Jr. 1 The Mowiig tsaa;a ( the f (t aula nt of the Uifiird itafet, w rommnnieatcd ie both lloosea of Cmigrea. oa TaUy, the 2d December, it being ilia 2d acsuoq of the .tX Congress. TV rAe 6Vsfe lUpmtiit JU .fcMiMM w IL iM,,Mi ti n aWiV itrtmSHi r If thi tnHtfornt r profwiion of the hptiUi pi.ff 9ldenct form auitahle laieri bf mvtgslrrstuUtion and gietefu acknowledgment, t are aJmoniibed at iW retorn of. the fnin.-wbcn the Ker ren:aivr tT1heNa'Ioifsrrrrrii'(rd 4 drflbr rate tipon their corrcernto offer up the trhuto ol urvenl and grsicful rietn tor the nerer fallfiitf mercies of f iirn wh ruleth overall.. He hs agin fasorrd ut with beilthful Miont and aSondint harvests. He h tattsioed us io perce wiih forttga countries,' and in tranquility within our border. He hat preiei red u h I he quiet and undit 'Urbcd ixRcssimi oi iivii ami religious iueriv. He has crowned ll.r ye ir with bis good orai, tmpotini; on u no other rndiiKna tnsn ul improiing for nur own happiness thet!c1nir drs'owed by hi hands, and, in the fruition, of all hi favor, of devoting the limine wnh whirh we have been en dowed br him id Ms tfnn end to our own temporal and eternal wrlfVe. In the .relation of our Federal Union wiib our brethren of tht hunun rsee, the rhange which have ocrurred tinre the close of your Un tessinn. have crnrraUr ilMfefUi,pfjceTyi'ion of Tec. end ttL if e. f ! tt w . o f h r moo y. Before jrour I"f e prtinn ; i war'had unhppil been kindled bctfvrmthe n'npire of ia. one of those with which nor inter eoiHtc ha been no oiltor than a conatan: rxchange of cood o(7i-es, and that of the TJitbman Potie, e nirinnfromrhictiireo graphic si distance, rel'iftoui opinions, tod maxirn of government on their part little wtHcd4 tio fwrmatioa of those bond of mutual benevolence which result from i he benrfit of commerce, had kept Us In a sts'e, perhaps t.V) much prolonged, of coldness and alienation. The exiemire. ferule, and opulotis dominions of the Surtsn. belong rather o the Aniaticj than the European division of thr humsn fm Hv, They enter but partially into the svstrin of Europe I nor have th-ir war with Riiia' and Austria, the European Siate ut"n which thry 'torder, for more than a century ps, dUiuibtd the paufit rrUtlont ol IhOM o.tste ' with Ine -otter Grel Piwt rif En rope. Neither Frince, or Prui nor Ureal Britain, has evr taktn.'p' in ihtm j -nor i- it- to bo ex pected thur they will -a inn lime. I rt decltrstinnf-wr by Ilusu tus received the jmprbbatton ot ; afoitiewenro of her alliei, and e ntjy induigr the hope that it progres and termination will he ait;" jftr-t r,hw " ""d fiiriira nt eTTinr 1rw rtin' by the enrrirr- of 'tie Emperor NkIioUs and thut It will afford theopportunitv forsurii collateral acenry in behalf of theVufrerincc 'flreek, a will secure "to them liimtelvtne triumph of humanity and of.Aerdom.. Thr'atale of oor" particulsr relations' of more recent date of the Brih Patli mcnt. Tne effect of the mt fiction ol direct trade commsnced by Qrnt Britain and reciprocated by the U. S(e, hat been, as waa to be foreseen, o jy to bub stiiute difTerent thanoelt far iniicbange of commoditlendiipenat)!e ktbe colo iiicBs nd profitable 10 a Aurhcr clast of it ft ' sT ' ' ' " 1 our leiiow-cniten. .iae exports, tise eresue, (be navigation of the' United 5utee. .hsve-auDTcred no dmlnunort br our exclusion from direct scrts to the Uritish tallies. The Coknie pay WI.! "e neccturiei of lfe, hu;h their Uovernmenl bTJrdcffrTrteh (he chsrge of douM Toytbei; freltftit insurance and commission, and tht profit of our export are aomewhM i.ip'frcd, nd mire iiiiunouslr transferred from one portion of.. ur cuitent to aootbei The resumption of this old and otherwise ex ploded system of Colonial eX;luwoo has not serured to the ahiooiiie interest of Ureal lriistn the relief wmch, at the ei tens of the distant colonies, nll nt the Uni'ed Slatea, ii ws expected aflTird. uoer measures have been resorted to more poin'edly liearine; upon thi oavitri lion of me United Slate, and which, tin let modified by lb C wistrjciwo given io ihe recent Act of Parliament, will be manifestly incompatible with ibe positive stipuljuona of the commercial ronven tion existing between ia.3 (we countrie Thai convention, however, may be ler minated, wi'h me twelve m-intht notice, kiinliun nfrilher nvti- ..r r -rv ... . L A.Jieatr of - Amite, 3utgibo and -r u..li;r '.LtT't-i- o. ma ins 'i esiy ne rinperir oi Aunria. Kibe of Hungary and Bnemia, bat been prepared Tor signature lr 'he Secretary of Sue, and by the Rjtpe de Lederer, tiimsietl with full p)erofth Ausman Gorernment. 'lndrpendci'ly of the new and frleodlr reliH tns whjcimiv be thus commenced wi hon; of lie most eminent and powerful itons of lie Esrtn, the occa4'n has been taken in it, a in other "Cent Trei'ie conrluded iy the United States, to extend (hose prlrtlple of liber intercourse and of'fjr reciprocity which intertwine wnh the exchanges ot commerce, the principle f justice, nd the fcelin.: of mutual j benevolence. Thissyst. m.Grst pro laimot) to the world in the first cnmmercisl Trtiir ever con clutiedbytb - U lited Siaiea, that of 6'h Fatrujv( ITTt, itH Fr4. ha been rn4iiMv tne cherihel policv of our Union.' " It i bv treilief of 'commerce al-ine that it can he -msde uliimuely lo (srrwail at the esiitUie4 atiem of all tyV..',;:".W;ll ' principle aur father' extenJeJlht hand of frleni- hip to every nation of-the globe and to her cotonlet and other nation, though, 1 anil eleven dollar and tixty three rente by audden and acarcelv explained rrvul- end leave In the Treasury on the first of lion, the iplrit of exclusion hit been re- nurjr next, the mm of 6e million . vived for operation upon the United State oo hundred an J thlr eight doliart, four lone. iteeneeme. , , -- Tht conclusion of our Utt Treaty of I The receipt of the present year hero- Peaco ith Ort Britsin wa ihortly af amounted to neariwo million more that , lerwarda followed by Commercial Con I wai amic,ipwtcd at the commencement of vehltoll pldnil-sjroel UtercAurse be I ibe Utt ielonpfCongret. ' , tweeo the two countrie tipon e footing of . The emount of dntieeeerwJoH'IirjV y more enutl reriprocity than baa ever be-1 portaiiont from Ihe Crt of anoiry to tLo " forebeen"ldmlit(!rThe amrprlnel'l 30th of September. wa boutlentj:to....,,, pje haince been much farther extended I million woo huodredeod olpety-sevtri by Trestles with Krancei 8ecTen, Den llhoutand, and that of the estimated a frmfcrtbtHvM eeitvo million, ioawine i ' Miroper end wHa)-4huputic oi uoi j an, aggregsie lor tne yrfrrei nfr-isrtftjr . ombia, and of Central America, In ijhUleljjhi miilionik'TTUa la one million met' bemuphere. The mutual abolaion of than the oallmate made Iait December ' ditcrimiasting dutieaand charges, upon for the accruing revenue, of the preaent Ibe navieaiion and commercial I er ear, which, with' allowance for draw- , course between the pirties, I the gener back and cootingettt deficieoclev was I mjiina which cbsractcritea them alt. etpecleJ to produce an eciual rtVenao of t There i re n to expect that ti will, ai twenty-two million three hundred lhot ni dittsni p'riod. be adopted by other na- nd dollar. Had theao only been real- ., tion both of Europe and America, and to Iced, ihe expenditure of Ibo year would hope th it by it univerttl prevalence, one have been also proportionally reduced. . of the fruitful inurcet of war of commer For of Itjeae twenty (bur milliona re- ill competition will l) extinguished. Iceived, upward of nine million . have Amon ihe nstiom upon whose do? - PP? ,0 tiuonion of pobjle .' ernmeni many of our fellow tj,, dw. bearing an lnteret of six per ent , h... h tn rlal.ua of indent fear, " l course reducing iheburdeo ni-y for depredation upon ibeir properly K ,D,e,, nnvtWj payable io future, bf during a period when the rihi of neu ouw "0 ' hjiUioo, ; traj commerce were disregarded, was Tbt pay mentaoo account of interest da that of Denmark. They were, eoon ar finr the current year exceeded three mil. te- the event occurred, the ubjert of a ,Ion of preentigao eggrefcat ' " snrrl.l minion from thr Unhed States. of mort ,hn ''! mllliona applied dq- aubo cloe pf which the' assurance was vtn;he year to Ihe dlcharge.of the pub- , given by Ms Danish Mtty-ihif, L: a Uc tlebi, tb..wbole , of which rrroin(nt period of roore rinquiltivl knd of let due on faMierf ftext elfl amount distreis, rhey would be considered, ex- on,T rM muiiona tnrrf hundred- mined, and decided upon, in spirit of "fu ,ww nunureo ana defermined purpose fo th. ditpentetloii H""! oara. wventy elght ccnta. . r . of justice. I have much pleasure in in , ,h of the eo'uinif tear r .L.B, k. r..tc f will not fall short of that received in that ... f I nn fftfiv .ffhlnn.. IKa ' kh ' "lAjtl -lUw " I tnts honoiaoie promise la now in p ogress " . ......v. wmtn can srarceiy prove oeceptivo il our country, an uniform experience oC ' forte yeare baa abowo ibat.f alevj.r 'Jhjer'" ' tarin oi oumcb upon articles imponea that a smill portion of the claims has al ready been settled to the aatiefaction of the claimmt! and that we have reason to hope that the remainder will shortly be placed in a train of equitable adjust ment. This result h alweya been con from abroad haa been, the amount often" porraiioti ha alw.y borne an average) , . , , . A :i.n,t. rvo.eieft from the character ollT",U0 n""j approacning to mat oi in) oeror.j inteeritr and of benevolence eP'",' though xcaiionally differing ii which the Sovereign ofthe UanUh Um "e neo. sonieiimea oemg more, ana ioion h. throueh everv vicissitude ol ometime let, n is. Indeed, general ri.,n... maintained. law of properou commerce, that lh r i i . i . . t . j .. . . c . . e rrai vaiue oi iBiniiia snouiu iti email The eenersi aspect of the affair of I . . ' . ; . . ' our nciEhtrortnc Anvrtonn Nmioti final RESPECTFULLY infnrms Iks scqtiaintancet and the pub lie, that, having purchitied Mr. tlben. JHchn' Boot and Shoe ettabUshment in the town of Hal'mburv, and mi. ployed that gentleman as Foreman of" the ihon, ie is prepared to execute all orders for making Boots and Shoes, of every description, on short notice, and for rra onakle prices. He intend constantly to keen a supply of the mort superior Northern Leather, and ti emloy i ...Jrom tato,2U .firrate worxinrn wh en will enable bim to make the most elegant kin of Boot ant) Shoer torladie and nMciM and of the very best materials. He aim keeps an ataortmanl nr Hnnta and hnfS contantl hand, manufactured at bis o aeeommodatHMs those wha.nay to be I auppnea on a tutuien emergency, v Owing-to the pressure of the timer, he will "aJJow a liberal indulgence to those he feeUsaf; triistin?. . . 13154 His utmost ; efforts sIiaTI be usedto give entire istisfaction to all his customers, ami he hopes thereby to secure their continued confidenoe JMfttUKr;Jfi, J a 1823, : with Frsnce, ha scarcely variid in the course of the present year. The com mercial intercourse between the two countries ha continued to increase lor the mutual benefit of both. The claims of indemnity to numbers of our fellow ( I uens for depredations upon their prop erty heretofore committed, during the Revolutionary Governments, still remain unadjusted, end still form the subject of esrnesl representation and remonstrance. Recent advices from the Minister of the Uohcdiitatei at. Pari encourage the ex pectation that ihe appeal to (he justice of the French Government will ere long re ceive a favorable consideration. The last friendly expedient ha been resorted to for the decision of the contro versy with Great Britain, relating to the North Eastern boundary of the United Slate. Bran agreement with the British Government, carrying into effect the provisions of ihcfiflb article pf the Treaty of-Ghen'., nd the convention of 29th Netherlands has by common consent ilnstsnuywii. 40,aeleci erLa ilhe umpire between the n shop, tor the - ; Tk.. " h'm : roan, who says his name is John, that he ran awy-frimi -hie 'master, John fegro,"aboitf,"twi weeks since, in Columbia S. C. i aays he former ly belonged to the estate of Gen. Nat. Cardie, of Sussex county, Virg. , he is about 6 feet high, year old, straight built, black complected, with a small afar above the tight eye. The owner is desired to prove property, pay charges,' uk mm away. r. SLAT EH, .31 The proposal to him to accept Iherdwgtrarion foe-be -ptxtmSL? this friendly office will be made at an early day, and the United States, relying tipoo the justice of their cause, will cheer fully commit the arbitrament of it to a Priiico-equaliy distinguished for the inde pendence of his spirit, tus indefatigable assiauity to ino oaucs ui ma uiii KflaHsbnryift liritain will deserve the erioucooiaer ation of Congress,- end the exercise joi conciliatory and forbearing spirit in the bolicv of both Governments. The state of them has been materially changed byl the Act of Congress passed at their Ut Session, in alteration of the several Act imposing duiic, on inspostsi and by Acts the piJicf ouf c'ou itrf ha ever since ad hered whatever of regulation in our laws hssever been adopted unfavorable lo Tjlirjinetrst jf any fidU-JUUatUJul been essentially defensive and" counter acting to similar regulation of I heir' i oper itinii gainst u: Immediately after ihe eloeT)f the wir of" independence. CnmmtwoneN-'were inpointed bv Ihe Coorcsa of the Confed em'l'itii authorised io conclude treaties i.h every n i'foo of Europe disposed to adopt them. Ik-fore the wsrs of th French revolution, suchtreaties had been consummated with the United Nether lands, Sweden snd PrusiU. Duringihose W4rs, trcdties with Grest Britain an) Spiin had been rffitcted, and those with Frusta and France renewed In all these, some concession lo the liberal principle f intercourse proposed, by .the United State had been obtained ; but as, in all the negotiations, ihey came occa sionally in collision wiih previou .inte.in.il regulations, or exclusive and excluding compacts of monopoly, with which the other parties hjd been trammelled, the advance made in them towards the free dom of trade were partial and imperfect. Colonial establishment, chartered com panies and ship building influence, per vaded and encumoered the legislation of all the great commercial States ; and the United States, to offering free., trade and ecpiat privilege io alV were compelled to J irquiesco in many...exceptbos..wUb..:ch of the parties to their trestles, accommo dated rrthatr exUtinzJawiind anterior engagements. The -colonial .ayatem..by which this whole hemisphere was bound haa ullen m 1 1 i i! . L . J I I .. into ruins, aotaiiy aoonsuaa uy ryiu flbn converting colonies into indepen dent nations, throughout thejwo Ameri can Continents, excepting poriipn of tritrr chieflr at the. northern extremi Ity. otoutpfn, and cop fined to the rem " t Vi ainaif flr&At Rrh-'' nan; wi swim -.uw airotef tbeinsular-Awbip phicaliy the appendages of,!bur prl of the globe. With all the;ret we have free tradeeven with the insular colon ie of all the European nations, excepi Great Briuin. Her Governmenmlso had manifeated approaches to th edopuon ol free and liberal intercore between South bu been, rather of approaching than of settled tranquillity, iclernal dlt uir'jances have been more frequent a mone them than their common frirndsl &uld".tifc;;'.drsired. Our intercourse with all liaVconiihued to be t hat of friend ship, and of muiuit-good will Treaties of Commerce and of Boundaries with the I United Mexican States have been negotia red, but, form various successive obstacles and only a small balance bring a perman ent addition to the wealth ofthe nation. The extent .of the prosperous commerce) of the nation must be regulated ! by Ibo amount of its export and an important adduion o the value of these will . dra sfter it a corresponding incretso of im- - portslion. " H hss happened, intho vicis situdes of the seison, that tho harvcttaof .Il Europe have in the late Jummer and J. Autumn, fallen short of their usual ivtr ' Aak M aila.ttullr.ls B ll. I a - . .! . a- tr , a ILCi rm I v I Afj lU VI tllQ IllirruiC ULIQII 1 fcl.ll W.I WHH.H II'"M,,.,V., ! .l..l , .n.,.. . wi". im ,n,uv m uiuuiikiui ill.) t has been opened io the granaries of our Couolry ;ToJ a naw7protpect of reward Z presented lo ihe labors ol (Be "husband man. which, -.for aeveral years baa . bceO denied,Thi4accetsion to the profit of agriculture in me miaoie ana western portion of our Union is accidental and ttmpomry it may continue only for a single ycr. I' may be, as has been of ten experienced in ihe revolution of lima, but the first of several scanty bar vests in succession. We may consider it certain that, for the approaching year it has added an item of large amount to the value of our exports, and that it will produce a corresponding increase of im portations. It may, therefore, confident ly be foreseen that the revenue of' 2839 will equal, and probably exceed that of 1131, snd wiu afford the mesnstf extin guishing ten millions more of th princt pal of the public debt Thi new element of prosperity to that part of our agricultural industry which If occupied in producing the first article pf human subsistence, is of the moat cheer Is . r- r i .! c... r f l..i. rlu. of the mg character to ine leeiing oi parnoiism . .a d.r ,k. Ovn.r ntiw, of Proceeding from a cause which humanity iiiuiicr isw,"- M-v. v- i ... . . , . 0 1 3ib November,'1J36,-WUbgreat .... c... m;ns. .;hi hundred .ml .in. scarcity in aistam lanas, 11 yieias a con one thousand nine hundred and seventy Uolatory reBecibn, ilut tWi Wf rci iv.hi . j ii... ..a .;,.k. iKr rni Th no respect attributaoTe to us Tbat.it receipts intotaeTrMsQTrtronrtbe-hrst I HcvarmH...p u.....w. w.,u. prevails in the Republic of Central Amf rl CJ, ,,has.been Mnpfopiiou to the cultiva tion of our commercial relations with them and the dissensions and revolu aionary changes in the Republics of Col nmbi and Peru, have been seen wllh cordial regret by us, who would gladly rnntrihute to the hunoiness of both. It is with great satisfaction, however, ihai we have witnessed the recent conclusion of a Peace between the Governmenta ol Bur nos Ayes and of Biiil : and il hi equally gratifying to ob.crve that indem nity has been obt lined for some of :he in juries which our fellow ci'ixens had sus tained . in. the latter of those countries. The rest are in a train of negotiation, which we hope may terminate to mutual satisfaction, and that it may be succeeded ry a Treaty of Commerce and Navigation! upon liberal principles, propitious to a great and growing commerce, aireaqy important to the interest of our country. The condition and prospects ol the Revenue are more favorable than our most sanguine expectations had anticipat es). The balance in the 1 reasury on the ordain all in wisdom and goodness, aoT r I. ....... in th trtth nf Smtrmhrr latl. ui ....... 7 ... - r --- ... ,,. .r . so Tares ther -have been -ascertained tol w,,u " -- r k-.U ...iffi.i. .mom,, ,n I nieftTwf Bfood r Tliat, f .teoi.ooirilMi- igrra i" " i , - :ik t . t :n:n. .:. h.,nArA . .kt.i. I tine io mis acarwiy, our aucut-y ,w uw , eicniccn iim""""" .vw .w .in. - , . - dollar end twenty even-cents, which, ' "na In pk -xsyr'i- . .ki .ui. r ,h- rbundance of our own garners, the sup Willi I IIC l;sill w nisi uistavui 1 u . . - , eitimated-iini ... A lVaAasil ksan4tal AftH .r,j ri,i,M-.j1, i .,lk. --Lnrice of our own brehu, so as rn ome oe ... an aeerejrate ofeceip1il ourwr " ewr ftf .. ..iJ;imffiMa--SJld- 10 P-"'Ctpaio in mo w.oi. ss ' ..... " " ' rii'.'" o thoMwhoato thousand eight hundred and sixty-three dollars and MXty-even cent, ihe ex penditure of the year may probably amount to twenty-hve million six nun will b& the good fortune of oue country tp. relieve. - The great interest of an agricultural, commercial, and manufacturing nation, dred thirty-seven thousand five hundredjare so linked in union together, that no i-.l ;.a:..:.: