a 1 " (J DiX'nMiiKrt in, iim. r . fti'e .VoXif. Wt have been favored with inleretit.g eitracti from the Till annual report or the Iredell County Bible Hociety i but regret wr inability to pubii.li itiem tbi week i tkf y aliall f In our nest pspcr. . Orf A correspondent ' In Lsncseler, Olttm b Mat the P-litor of tb V, S, TeW. graph tpecimen of Oil Hone, found In lick. county, in that which alone ii Mid lo be wtprrior to celebrated Turkey Oil Stones foe eharpenlnir Bator, HiinpcaJ Instrument, ke- - Ine iuii of till ire ery-nrnrilty proud of . lb resources or tbtir interesting and prosper. out ante. , r-: CD!(f'3F.W,-.rh l - of tba ,30tb 'fiimtrrttU commenced at Washington Citf, an. Mnml,tba If At 13 '".lock, 31 ten. . tor r4 nl too their sestsi when Gen gTutb,f Baltimore, Preidrnt r leu.' In the absencs of the Vie- President of the L'. fttafee, 'i-fmk 4he chair.. .Olivet Ji. Prince, a new k 7 tor from ueor-Ma, in plre of Mr. Cobb, resign. . : transacting mmo preliminary buainc, 11m ten gte sdjnumrd. , ., t . In the House of Representative, the ftpesk i er. Mr Iteveiwon, took the ehslr at 13 o clock 167 asenlbefi appeared i and 4 new members. " IdeMes. Taber, of N. York, in place uf Oskly, ap. . pointed Judge f ftinneckaon, end Mattdulph, from N. Jersey tn place of ILAwmbe, and ' Tbomptun, dreM.i sod Chambers, ftwn Ken tucky, in place of ttrtcatf, elected Governor, were anaMed, ami took seats. H uemi res olutions were psed,fof the appointment of . Chaplains, ordering newspapers and Bung ihe daily hour of meeting it u O'clock. com. . .' snittce vm appointed, to join committee from the senate, to inform the Preaiden- of the V. tta'H of Ih4 orjranintinn of both Motieet, and nf their resdlncM te receive any communication from hits. After some other unimportant bust- ' Bew, thf llotite adlmirnrd. On Taeadav.tbe H at 13 o'clock, the PreaU 1 dent of the United Htatee eommnnicated to birth ' I!ooea. hie Meetf e pari of which will be ' Ibund on the lift page of (hie week'i Carolinian, the balance In our wit The Preilirot ie mk :Z.an lhe wblrct of in beln InnttHLont of eIRnes Hia rniibiKtiee were, no doubt, tn tender on" i)1l",.,,1,Jreti n " fd to trutf hie tent- per in ')( an iuin n wi ii,. : .Although moat of l!e JLlam C At nAmit la their defeat with prettr fo irrtc, . t om of them "die hard." One of their Editor rare CooUitireackaaviy occur to irert the dreaded Calamity of Jackwn'i election i and until we read hi Inaugnral perch, we ehall not better , ha will be our net Pretidmt." Poor fellow ! Uire hin vim catnip tea. &midik.-We leara tU.t Col Samuel Veil), cif Mecklenburg onuMv, bnntrhimeclfon be Slat nit He wae in alBuent circufttrtaoce, hirhly Ceteemed and reepected, and an eirmplnry member of the church : but dunnr a temporary alienation of mind, h hurried him If out of esiftene. Hi, melancholy eiit will be moH deeply deplored, by hi relatives and acquain tance Benj. F. Ilawkinis F.q. of franklin eminty, cut hi throat on the I'.'th ult..MMjdto in a tUte f mental derangement. rraf. rrvi.T. Till f.jiti ing it!i- i,T,cn Vnri.t tt t!ir f.lfrtnr! ntr lur I'm. I. nt end Vke Preti ilnut of the Uuilrd t)Ut t, in Ilia different hijlvi of Ihe Ifiiluni rr (.Vn. Jack-n. Maine 1. Ntw-ITo.k SO, Pennsylvania 'i MiryUud, 5, irjfini U, North Carolina u, H'Hilh Larulma II, (iiir(ia 9, AU nam 5, renncitee II, MiewMippi 3, Ohio 10. Kentucky 14, lllinoi J, !imH 3, livUa i, IMiiuin 5, rota I 17. Ftr.Mr, .Uumt. dalno 8. New Ifampthire 3, MtMachutctt 15, Ithode Uik 5, Connctl. cut ft, Vermont 7, New York 10, New-Jcncy 8, Delaware 3, Mland Total BJ. 1'ur Oen. Jackton, 178 Mr. AiUmt, 83 - - Majority for Gen. iackton, (J -The (ulWliig are the vote of each atate, at Ctr ea we have re& ivrdi wa will give the whole, whea Itum-came te band, . nrgiMa.-Jrlaon, 1WS2k A Jmv V I JacbeWetnajarHy. U.fcl.- - . Vr t trie f.-l Ait, 23,820 1 Jaciaon, 31,. Pjli Adm majority, 1.875. ' eiA 'nna .ieVm, .17.85? t A dame, 13.918 1 ieckwm'a .trtjimnf, 21,9 W, fuee. A lam. 19,73; Adam majority, 7,370 37j ;k on, .13.461, ! '. n. Iv,. t,!4 Vi,',.'. C'n, j.lr,.-f,r. i. k, !. i I ; ,;',t. J. kUrtin.Jun. Tim. tJ.'nlk. J. Mun liv. M. Cbamhor. M. Itrown, Tl.r el.ulti, K. Ia. vi laon, i. M'Knit Aletander, ATorrenre, John till-, and ltmc Hargrivei . f, CalJeell, rrrt'irtit, - . A CMnmittre wai appointed rv the rtockhol den, of wltkh Mr. f. DrOa ehalrmaa, to inriirt the account, indemire into the i'uitlnnoflheBankl wborrtHed favoral)! U m rrendr rin the charter of the J nk, and windi ng np It concern rvj a meetintof the etockhol. B 4 ... I a. T . . .a. oer ii to taie piaca in iune.M decide ea :aai quecti'Mi. II w will puhliih thie report lrfitr next There neea oe a alarm. However, to,' relation to the Rank i for It W abandantlv bU to redeem all He note. , ..,- - Thcjra bulweavM .! i.aid bat tittle told weather, here, vet and lra era entrrtkined that weVnll be vIi(rdbyM warn a" winder I (he la(. Wne of oor ciiiMn hae killed their pork, and many other would o a, were they net afraid ihe weather ie Ion m to saet it Pork eella at R3.J0 per hundrec KIT The leg'ttetf of thietat, ind the Trmmt Ait.ml Irtl . J u-Vana 11 . i Coftrr of tka L'aitrd llatM. Lfin mnm la .1. ;..; j: I - Itl " 'J '? ' " 1 77 -- z m 1 A'ta-M majmry,' S,0 ,.Kw I pWifrrWy;mft'n'iifir- . . ar. . . ..i.'tia .a a a - -i : o-(,i. jcon, 19,304 1 Adams 03 1 Jack tot i majontv, I8.7? A rnt-y. j4ckoi 33,071 1 Adam 31,157 . r.m' mHl orit 7.904 , OV.-JcUmC7.J97, Adam 63.395 1 Jack. ton'amorit), 4,301, Ceaefnr;-tdjin 'J43l Jackaon i.440 1 Adamt majority, 8.837. AI,uti(kHeitt. ditM -.9,800i Jackton, S,')00 Adam majontC. T3.H00. XEW OOVF.UV t-0 , M indiV, the t'H Init. SfJ."A Qiprn,o1 BU'tn eoun t? elected novrrif of thu atatr, in place of Jamei IrrHell. rler'ed U. S en ator. There were lt hiIlnttioKi on the lift, Owen recrived 00. fl D. Spalght 92, Mattering 3. Orti. Stoke, mid Mer. i, Mrhine and Willi AM on. ere alio randldaT'-a. will give a tatement uf 'he htllo'tim; in our nezi. - THE ELECTORAL COU.EGB Of lhiatite, ewrrened e fhe nil l Ha- Wgh m ;-MVdiM-iliiy, th 3d inl. to. re for Preidetit and Vice Preaident of the""Vn'ted htatee. All the Elector were precent i many of (hem had itumbered three tea" year and tea , ami prearntea sm. tucn a we aeldom ever beheld, that could not but cl vlden the tieart of the lover of liii coun'r) . To.Kf ff oenMe ge. wialom and patnntxm, conmrated for the purpnae of giving effect tn the act nf the Peo ple, in elevating to the Chirf Uagietracy of the Nation, that esalted Patriot and Hrro who bad Bled the mcartre nf hit cuintry glore, t- cited lit u. ( whoe fortune it w to itnea the intereeting ecene) a U doubtlca did in every American boaom preaent, ernttmrnt of the mot pMfound repet and admiration i On motion of (an. 9tokea Jamr W. Clark, Principal Clerk of the Senate, wa requered to act a ecretary of the meeting t and ftenl. Rtokr wa called to the Chair, on motion of idge Hall, of U'arren. The 8ecrtrv havine called over the lift of Clretm, they amwercd to their niffie a follow: Robert l.nve, Peter For nev, Montfurt Btoke, Abram I'hilipa, John Gile, J. M. Morehead, W. P. ilriiriirTU Louh D. VTilrm. Jo. John Wil. liam. John nlt, VValter P Leake, Rdward B. Dttdley, y. Spaight. Kedar UaUaixU Jowah will be drvnted, ftr eome week, a I inimanr of their proceeding i eceirouently, during ibi perio'l, our mircllaiieoM MiectioM will be lew and abort .....hut eurh at will, however, we hope, aerve aaki-d of pepper and aalt, to tea the other matter, r - ', Th 37th of Oeeember, being the Annivenary f 8t. John the F.ntrli. will be eelebra'ed Sy the Brethren of lxlge,, in Concord. There HI be, on the neeion, Prnceadon, end Dinner, , Member of adjoining odgei are re pec'fullv invited to attend. i 2a4 JlhfX. I. M'RBE, 8ee. Wjlie P. Mnguni. B,q. N In nomin. tioti for Judur, 'o fill the place of Judge liufrm. remaned The Virginia E'rcpr guve their o ei unantmouily to Andrew J4rkon end John C. Clh'Min, forrreiident and Vice Preident. r,iv::.rrr.isa.c,Ciit Our 2!.irtet.'t hae ' I.' m or never ait. nrwd period of frrtrr arimatinn tl.an the lawt lo moiiil,, Frixliire i comiog in, in la'k' rjuantiiie. and though one artii le, wheat, h Urtli ted little, it yet command what every (a me aOI call a gool price, Rl to SI 05. I Wj ie Cotton aell freelv at 1 50 to 71. PW la Ooeton, Mi, 7.10 to 8. JO. r-, D. i : un, 8 to 9 i bacon, I to XQt flour, 4) a 3 per barrel eora, i peach brandy 40 to 45 1 tpple do, 30 to 35 whiakey 30 a 37 J, beer, 3 to 4 butter 10 to If 1 tallow, 8 1 eofTce, 17 to 19 1 augar, 10 to li flailed. 70. CiM cornea freely, and ready le. Con lit lie eominr to mark and good al. finen but a email quantity ia atore and cum mantli rea.lv aale. ' avi, acarcely any k mukeUwl In conejder. able demand. " thir marked fie rhe 1at aeek ha been eery briak, Floor, hnkey, Tobaoco. fcc are brought to market M coot iderablc quae ti tie, aaU told at good price. ' - Fba trade from lh ek country, In Cotton, continue without any din-.inutioa. The price given IT all lime by the jterehanta' of ttiu nJaca are becominr Known at a diaranca. ami win, a II on the city tu (fiaanc ' t-fKuIalinz un or tallanrrv lie Senate of the The bill lo form lie "cininty, by the $tmt of VrrvtAe. from parti of Harfce lod Buncombe, . K ' tl B a a a i . . a .a ,-wai a;ui;a,sn m noie w iL.iirnmon.pn tutatti j ; lnaf,.oy .yx pt oi tor, ami oj againe). it Mr, , Cnidup. orofthe;. : . The Dcctora. Ihcn procreded to haHot for ..tilli and MrlNewland, and other. ed ever jr . p, ttl6 United State. 1 CoL Love xeMionlo inipreiaponthf tfrnite-the jntic nomin.,wt f a.M- of Tenneee. J. f thameawrat but the Carter numbers with1 j. Mnreh-ad a l R. IK' Spaiirhl having leea tr. Bvnum a their momh.pleee, and with a appointed te!c.r, took nd counted the mtev clanni pertiniaty. went tn a oMlmaiarM net-which -weee .,.-,SmmM nar.l Ja-V.n ahia, a they hare 8 other aimilar bill. - t jl ll tiavinjr nominated -Un C. Calh,n, . a , of South Cam'-. i. for Vice President of the D. i . I IK llS ..iair, iiiv Twin cre fa'Mnvti e tix B;w" f irti. . i,.n.i..i,..u n i tleman. al Da.linid:c iora Ruid- ,. - uii : ri, m.i.A .,r r. p i! i iT,iiri.rni: -. rtiTef,"prung aleak. oppoute et Tnint, iinthe . A B'H'on editor t - - - - - - thorite to put an o the aUe of bdrinetaV wou'd rather have pupated to widen the l reeta Mr S )U'hird, (tho preirnt Serreture - . . . . . or the .ay) It mentioned a Mr. Vv k rrvn lucceiior, in United Sate. F ' Krw Junot.wW'e lmieys the Al bany Daily Alr'Uer.O)at W.'ii L Mr T, Comptroller, hai brf n nominated a Jiidg of tho Supremti Cturt, of New York, in place of Jude Woodwo'rtb, re signed. ' Vife fir Cirrne. TW Albany Argwgive the following atatemeni of vote polled in the late election, in the tvte of New-Tork, from which the official canvas wil ant vary materially, ror Van Buren . VWS Thompson - 10&4I5 Rmi'hwicV - - 3.7335 total 370,535. IIWi it a name f At the late election in Ohio, the MMnty of A jmt give a majority for Jaekkon, and the county ot Jarkin rave-1 ma- jorijrT'Jt Adaitf,:,,-.;: ...jf'V tt'hrrtrr. " FfrrifH ',Vft.-Ktylil'i date to the ?3ih Oc have twer rreeited it Krw York. Wheat had aratn taken a rje in rhe English market, md i quoted at 9d i s . - . . per quarter nigner. vner articles of Ameri -an produce fimained per last tfivi' e. - Brazil and Bn'toi furr. An arrival Janeiro, hriutrs felervUef, Dt. i Cotton, 9 to 10) i tC bacca, g3 50 a 7 85i com, l a $7 1 baron. 61 a 7 1 lard, S a el i apple brandy, 39 40 1 peach 45 to 75....!Vortb Carorina bank hill, 3 to 4 per e nt dicounti Georgia bill, 3 3 1 South Carolina bills, lj to 3 per cent disconnt CkarUtm, Dec 27. Upland cotton 0 l0 j whi.key, 31 to 33 1 bagging, 43 inch. 33 to 4 augir, 8 to y i " moiaaaea, - Mi to Sl-eenUt barxm, 6 to 7 1 apple brandy, 37 to 38 1 bees wis.fj eoflea, 13 to 13 1 hyson tea, 100 to 105 j Jamaica rum, 110 to 115 West India do. 75 to'80.....rVortb Carolina bill. 3 to 34 per cent di. i Georria do. II to 14 oer cent. de Remarki . The demand for Uupland Cotton continue ( some few ealee of the Boer qualities hive been effecti-d above our quotations but he bulk of the ealel of good M are etTected at 10 to 10J cents. Arw trk. ner.'U -Wheat dour, g7,73 lo R8.34-ryada W.50 tog4i wheat 1.50 1 r a, M.rc' OU.carMM )o0(lj oat, ..M i . Port. V barrel, glO to in the horj, 4f to 4 but ter, 10 to 13 eta. i lard 6 to 7 e i. eiavfen. "Dee. tC Colt.i.i. 9iTT6Ttneat' Jti 12) i Flour 9j5.50, out of the wigoni corn 40 1 Silt 75 cenUi. Pls 5P- . . .ci.v-.rxv.f Ko tuitneif of toiutrjuence wai J -i. In n'ther loui rf Conren on Tueujy, : Inst The Menage vtcJ, ;,4 nr.'rtad lo be printed. 'J' he Ni ion I Journal itstrt that the memberi nf Congren from South Caro- : v . I " i: r --t.lv' -i-'i-ii.i-.J -.i....-..-w"' J'll nit. anu waa uunirru 111 nm mi aouix, n . t.e ; i. -. itl .u . orirt " wave nrr irore nna,inr, ah nt pawnrcr, ,iw ectoral Col rgt." were, voted to the Senate, rorT p , , ni . TT . T, e kind use of their room't a-.d to Col. Clark. tt:n Dr'1 Mvl But Ar h"a although General Scutt is not ygFttis. In-rmmben-and lwr-baggige, iWfra aafely "'landed;- --r --: -.r.v- ?r In Ihe Knoiville dinrict Tennee, claimed 1 - by the Adamaite. Jackwn received 4,001 votes, and Adam only 354. The Legtalature of Virginia armbled on Monday, 1st inst. All the former officer re. elected, except aerg-ant at arm of the Hour of Uelegitei i Peter Frncieco wa elected over Maj. Wintton, the former aergeant. Thii offi. . cer ta anknowa ia oar legislature. Iti umored thit Mr. Van Buren is to be appointed Mininter to England. Maj. Gen. Scott, has, by an order from the ft,.,J aw rvi . t v --.i. :-ate, tor nt service at secretarv oi me uoueirr. On nvrtioit if lrf Mangnm, an irknowledgment; wa tn ide tn (.en. Stnket, for the able an I im partial manner in which he presided over the meeting. Cpt. A. J. Lwrence of Raleigh, a choen a Airent nf the College, to carry the Elrctoral i same as vote to Washington. The linn, biuletitn IV Pule!!, senator in Congre from Virginia, Henry' Bilttmn, Eq nf Pittoiirg, renn. ana tn linn. Martin Van Burnt, tiovernor elect of the tae of New-Tork are poken of a Gen. Jackon's Seeretafy of We doubt whether ;he latter would w -r . i r.Z , - .. -taie.- ""'I.' J r a .r"penueu ,ro:n ",e leave Vew-Vork. were he to have the offer of f" a.i,: 1 i , ,na U"S- the Serretarvahip. M 1 P?,nle? hJ? TA' i . 4-afdba C4. E. formerlv a d1.tinjg.ii4a. Wjp rV ,TT-mUnt 'he cd member of Congee., trom South Caroli lleved from duty at that nl.ee , and Capt. Ethan , Bank ,m, ow nnt phiUlphia, win Hitchcock, appomted in Ins place. doubtle. have the ofTer of the Treaa.irv D e- xedirin.n....Tbe President's mee-age waa partment j and we hope he may accept it it in conveyed from Washington City to Baltimore, a conceded, on all hands that he i among the distance of thirtgtvrn eufo.'In the almost incre. ablest financier, and moat uncompromiting and dible short time of two hours forty-five minutes! incorruptible noliticiani in the Union. The Legislative Council of Florida mrt at Tanahsssee, on the 13th ult : Peter Alba, was . unsnimously elected President i Thomas Mon tf, derk, ff(rjThe rep that tlu friend of JBtBt: cotintry, snd benefactor of the human race, wa about to vilt the United State, in contradicted. From hit age and infirmity, and his engagement in the tyunri' of his own country, the proband- My is against his ever again visiting the land be contributed, so ewefitially, to free tront the thraldom of the mother monarchy. We can only pray that the .evening of his life may be as serene and hppra the morning of it wa bois- teroui and useful. United state Bank Note can be had in Fy ettevUIe, in eichange for N Carolina money, - lny amount, at li per cent, premium. North CirollnrnLfc Hill are 10 to 13 per nt discount, b Nahvillet.TeBncssee i j South :;Cn 4 to$i!e Price in Nashville, 22d nltrCotton, 8 j flour, fcMf hiskey,.25. to 37 tallow, 6 1 beeswax, -J8-to 20. V The Hon. JA C. Calhrtuir Vicav Prei!ent STATE BANK. The stockholders of this monied institution met in Raleigh, on Monday, the 1st inst : Col. Wmr Polk, 14 .Hie cbVtf, JvGJ: eccftary. Mr. Boylan, the Preident, laid before the meeting"! general atement of the iffnir of the principal bank and each of its branches; and informed tha-meetlng-he had .determined to reign hi situation a President of tlip institution j stating it as his opinion that the peculiar situation of the bank, required some gentlemsn of distin guished legal acquirements at. the head ot it. MrV Pv-Browar and judge. Cameron and Don. nell, made a few observation, concurring in opinion wan Mr. noytan. ine latter tnen nominated jiidce 700 Rnffin, a President of tlte Bank, with j lalary of g 500 per armam. Ho is also to act "" attorney for the bank, in all law matters- Aavhe will hive the privilege of practicing in the Supreme and other courts at Wcig3WVii.i:tuw I he folio ing Directors -ere appointed at this meeting, for the Principal Bank, and the Branch at Salisbury : ' ': :- Primittal Bank.- Thomas Muffin. William of the United States, pasted through Salisbury j Bnylan, William Polk, Duncan Cameron, Wil Thursday laat.on his way to Washington City lism Peace, Theophilue Hunter John Ikdl, T. D. The Vice President was accompanied by his : Bennehan, Peter Browne, Alfred Jonc, Jot-ph Ody, and One ahild..al) bt excellent health. I Gales, H.M. Miller, William Hill, William Mc- ratifl'ri, nnd t h t hoitii ie nad therclore cea&rd b'twerrt lho-e i-werf . European- Market Ki improvement has ag'in tak'0 Ijcein the grain mar ket in England Cofon, wa ibout the last advi. es. r l )U , 43 t 45 ahtl'ixi sterlitiit, pet barrel; Upl.iui Cofon. 5 ! 3 -71 3 pence 'erling London, Oct. 23 bVi ted VVhrai my be rjtio ed t jjilltna:t ierqurier high er than list MmiiLiy. . The larmeri com plain much f Hie new Wbeit yielding little under the fl-'il. - liverpot, Oct. IX. There h been les doing in r t 'ti tins week, rhe sales amount to about 980J bai Prices of Bo red. Alabama, 8tc. 6d i 7 7-d per lb. .ttwk-rn, A'ev. 29.Cotton, 8 to 8 ; flour. 7 to 8 ; braadv, p ach 50 to 60; apple 40 to 45 1 Whidcev, 30 to 35 ; butter, 3D to 35; wheat 75 to 1 00; 'corn. 30; bacon, 8 to 10; lard, 8 to 9 j l.l,. O ftn III. alt ll In Tl Tallahauee, .Ver. 25. Tlie Legislative Coun cil cUsed their labors after a bu eion of an weeks. Many . important meaauree have been enicted dunnr that time, and among others sn act incorporating tne uanx oi rionaa wtm i capital of 500,000 dollars. Medical Board. M:. Nicholson hii in troduceda bill in the House ot i ommonv to establish a Medical Board, for exmin FayHteviUt Dec. 4 Cotton, 8 60 a 8 85 1 Reef. frh ia mat kfct, 3a fl Cent ( Bacon. 6 m 8 1 peach brandy, 50 to 60 appir do. 37 to 40 1 flour, 4) a 6i whiakey, 39 a 30. -.Unired Slate bank note. 1 1 i oer cent premium ; The Army. 1'nc rp-.rt that Gen eml Sc:t, has been stricken from the roll ol the army, U, we are rather in. dined to thifk, without foundation. Il is well ndert d by those conver sant with army attain, that the I'rm. dent has bad, for some time pait, the Conduct "f General Scon under con sidrra'ion, and we are iuforcned, that. on Saturday last hr made the following rem rk " GrJncral 5cbtt hai k ft ine no alternative but to dismis him. I did hope that he woutd have seen the necessity of yieldinij obedience to or.t den issued - tnrougn tne ueneraiin Chief, bit he still continues hii Insub ordination, and if I suffer it longer to past unnoticed, it wjll be questioning! the authority ot General Maxornb" Una ind Georgl appeared in their places, clothed In tomniuH. , ... - In the Sin.iie, Wednesday, Ihe 3I, Wr. Johnson, of Kentucky, gsva notice that ha would Introduce a bill lo morrow for tbe preservation of tha Cumberlsnd Koad, a portion of which ha represented being In a ruinous rond . - Tr IVesidenC ra ea. itied, In reply tp a question put b Mr. Johnson, or Kentucky, that ipec tators would hereafir r ba excluded from ft Boo? of tha Senter-r;rr zrr:Tmrr."i fn'the ITmne'of BeBrriii'nftWa;Tww aatloi - f If. r till. iKa vaelnna (!aunmiltaa Wera or... . dered to b appointed.TOJ'in'ee-o thwj r Cmnmitlees will, tberefora, W"announce5 to." ' ' day. On motion of Mr. Tsvlor, the several , point In the MeMgaif tbe President ware fa-.. f..J tm a Mi.Klina m !vrUr Committer. The subject of tha organization of th miUtia. WhkJvJ4Jken. no jt lhtU vt aeinn, wu alao . referred to a Select Committeai ami rwirBew lions were, sent ta tha Committee on Military Pensions, to Inoulr Into tbe efpedioney of r. vising and amending tbe eling laws on that Subject . . JtmrmJ. MARBIEP, ' , At Brooklyn, N. York, the Hon. Lemuel Saw- ' ai a aw S . . II WXt ' !. . yer, of Wortn tannine, to aira tnana eiaowr, ai a a n . a . Wa . . daughter ofthe lata oarrei iwpay ie, i.q. In Lincoln county, on the 37th f November, h tha Rev. Ilenrv N. Pharr. Doet. Pen t am in - tnkiMnn. nl L'inr Oorre. Ta. lo M in Sarah A. ' Johnarm, daugater of Robert Joliiiaon, of tho former place. OBITCABT. Deoarted this life, on the 1 7th ult. at his real. dence in Lincoln county, .fare iArrW4 Ceq. It is perhaps too common to rulog.je thr eiar. aders and conduct of thoae whom death, (itbt aH-conuerinf? enemy, hi taken from a i yet honor ought to ba rmdered unto those t whom k I due. Nor is it anvmr he least now. erful incentives to the practise of virtue wb3o a ara hV4ng,.i cae ,inmrmMZW'l. unrirhl tondtiet shaTI be beM m-tmembmioa- when we are dead. All who knew tbe sub-. jrct.of tV obitusey, Will concede him a pnrtioaj aellnea artiirh TalW thr lot Of irW. -i - llumbtb and nnaawiming, yet affable ia bis de portment and c-Kn)laiant In his manners, bat was a good neighbor; i kind ' psreit, onmpa innate o the poor, and sn ornament to soeiety, . Hut la( Death arreeted bim, a he i he baljut oast tbe merld'nn of life.- Ite wibmitiedwrtb. aMtta .murmur, to. tlie at-yrni . wiH.sC. ! I , with whom, limit, lie now live aftd rcignv foreverriMre. I-t bis friend" be emulous l copy h'ri good rismple, snd bis bereaved wiffl and afflicted children be Imluceo toseea is j obtain an interest in the Divine favor, resting; adored, that pOMeaaed of this, their separation shall be short, their meeting rapturous, and their subseqU'-nt felicity uninterrupted and end'r. One wA r.iuW Aim Jutl htfirt A Aei, a aaaMaaaw Vj;Toea for ftiile. TW !F. auhacriber will ell for calu to tha hlifheat bidder, at the court, house in Saliaw ..- i hurv, on MiurnUv. the first da- f f 3i,ar,aeata Ii or.w. ..Hkah; jsxvwn.:retk,wi)wu;it; atstj,; . ehiWren. . E. M. KLLLi. - - Dee IprA. 18?. zzzzxz. missed, there can be but little doubt that,;heltfkn ,;MH';JP. " hehas ,'ot only refused to tdwy the GencraUin Chicf,but has addressed a letter to the President declaring his intention not to obey any order which does ant em- inatefrom the President ot the United Sta'es ! Y. T. Morning Courier. Ilisve a H man ad ait Uf tAt'Jreau which . I wish tn :dipne nf to aome aeraon- wbev- airi keep them for bil AWa tase, hnTYO go aot of this state, or out of (be count oT-Bowaav The negme can be seen at the hoae of William P. Stoekton, nrar Hoer. John Scott's. . Part caab, and credit a rtrasnnabTe time."' An person," wil.i.ngr.to purchaaet will know myj price . by A1.KX.VV. BEAN DON. Wn.tbr Tiet. 9th, 1823. 4-49 ing and gunting licenses to such i persons Lr0Vernment had taken very liberal view 'c""WNtofcneotrraging-Tornm ereter-aHterpt wavjetgin,. jironsMhe-wrid eatataHo-eeaent the it may be desirtras-of practising , COLOMBIA. There is a rumour that application will be made- taBedia-loaccpt--ihe lmper 1 ial Crown as the only mode to secure tranquility I and it Is farther said that he will accept it. The Ides, is, that the Ta- pire f -BH is, oe t h Ern?ir4pf theuAar des, Orders have been receired from bi1ttt'eflwli men for campaign against Peru, to be rinder lhe com mand of Gen.: Sue ra, Boli var joining him with hia forces. - The navy is fitting for active service, and efi fna are making to pay tha, interest on the national debt. n. t. ExaviRER. i Crn. Jachon. It is mentioned in the N.. Y. Statesman, as on authority, that Gen. Jackson, to avoid the fatigue a a and inconveniences ot a lournev to Washington in mid winter, has made arrangements for taking up his resi dence at Philadelphia till the 4th of March, and that he is soon expected in that city. It is not improbable, re. murks the same paper, that in the in. terim, he may go to New England, which he has never visited, and whith er it is understood he wilt be iovited by his political friends. in the. general JurmoM of European poll tics. According to tne last accounts, ine " V.si at e nf amutA (1 113. HVVINU qualified. at the last ronr of pleia aud ntiarter sesaiMPS for Ire lell eoaoty. -. a dminitratoron the estate of KAMI' EL UUY at. of amid county, dee'd. I deiire all persona indebted to said crtate to make settlement with , me ss speedily a possible i thoae having claime againat the estate, will bring them In, legally authenticated, as by act of assembly provided, otherwise this notice will be plead in bar of their reenrerv. RIT'LS RCID, ,ldm'r. - Dee. Sth, 1828. . St49 .' AmiMstratoT1 ttae 1 OV Hiurtday, tbe 15U day of January next, will be sold, at ihe late dwelling ef SAM. I tl. GUY, iles'd. in Irdell county, near Sp.ing Grove, Twelvt likely Aegrae 1L$Ot - na,. Cattle, and ther Sink i tarminf Uttntih llmKMd nnd Kitchen Ftirniturt Grain. May, Fttlilcr, Uc. tic. A credit of twelve mvith will be riven, on the purchaser executing bonda, with approved security, isle to continue, till all the property, ia sold. - - RIFUS KEID, Adir, Dec. 3th, 1828. - Jt49 Arrangements were making In) the cus torn duties, of such a nature, ns hold out temp" si ion to foreign trade was expected to become thexonseqtrencetf these-rnewt- ures. '" Tafttateof eemVai Utarn. fsTttB subcriHer havrnj maTifird, at Januanr " BT - (,' t f llllll(iMmf-MIIMiriliiil"1"- I a Administrator on the the Aetata of Nehemiah If earn, dee'd. give notice to alt those holding 1 fter lhe : rear 1 830, if any B ratillian is taken, while engVgecl In i the slave trade; V Vtriis t rested iri brrater TB'aBoye' ii, one tfJteWHM. , be". tween the tmperor uon rearoranuTne Briiiah.goyernment. A vbunc countei in Vrmcti has been convicted, of stealing from two shops, and sentenced to a year's Imprisonment, legally authetiticated, aa prescribed by act of ruc.nbly, otherwise this notice will he plead in bar of tbeir recovery. . 3t57 , EBENTZER HKAKN, Kxr. ; : NAKcf UEAll. KWn$f; Dec.Sih, 1838. VsHtate of Dudley Vufveat. " T?:"nrT.twtrtnt,-tr:Ther.-laniwi5r rncM ef,Oulloy J'orrj-At. latf Jjf .lontgom, try county," dee'd. qualified at last April term of " r Uacourt'f r aidcouaty.i.a5d no v jye notice v fb Ihbse hbulihg deceased, to preaent them within the time pr ' iciibed by acttrt sssemblv, lejilji tlK'dka.tej.'.V otherwise tin notice tut tie pirwi -r vv their recovery. KHKNF.ZF.K 1IKARN, ftw. EVY Pi?HEST, 'rT. 7tl7

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