Extraordinary IVtatUrh it wyr as warm and pleasant as April; there has been no anow, and but few frosty nights. The following U from the Charleston City Gazette, of 37th Dec. from which it would aeem that the Charlestonians, as well as the Salisburians, bate had no winter. Among. the extraordinary evidences of the mildness of the season,-the Savan nah Georgian noticea that excellent Water Aroni wet e picked frptn gcco iltit at Mulberry O rove, about 13 miles from that ..cir arube :15th insu At the- same plice Sjuathet were in a high state of c Vii meritiorieil ihe abe TacVTar" igen tlemaalast evening, who informed us he . Hoard of .jWcttrr. .The Board of On Saturday night, 27kh ult. at his residence, in Cabarrus county, John F. Phifer, Eaq. in the 41d vrar of his age. His illness was abort, but p.iinful, fend accompanied, from the 3d day, with a i lOfnust continual delirium, which prevented liiui from bearing his dying testimony to the power of that Religion, in ihe profession of which he bad long lived. Aa a professor of religion, his views were clear, and strictly evangelical j his conduct was exemplary, and he seemed usu ally to enjoy a strong hope of happiness beyond thi grave. lie left a large circle of respectable relation, ' td lament,' not Ai' but their lost i put thev have no cauie to mouru as those who nave no nope, j Ctmmnnicated, TtnCbncrd,'3h1iuIt7llrrRitaHM,Ree(ageir' about 36 yean. . Also, in the ncurbbothood of Agriculture of this State met in the Capi tal, on Tuesday evening last. Charles Fisher, Esq. was re-appointed President, James Mebane, Vice President, and Jo. Gales, Secretary.' Reg. Kentucky. The Senate 'of Kentucky have rejected, by a vote of 17 to 21, t he bill for calliog a Convention in that State. '. -t JANUARYS, 1829. J . EDITORIAL SUMMARY. ' ; Jlucthnt.- Tbere seems to be a simultaneous movement among the citizens of the Urge town t the "north, against the auction system. ', Hie different petitioni and memorials on the subject from the citv.rf New.York alone are signed by upwirdmf '23,000 people . t'lirflwr. Account from Gibrittur to 28th Octoter, aflor l the melancholy Intelligence that. the ravage oT.tha Fever till continued at that place i and that the inhabitants still remained JwplW10?0ar;Bw:ra fio. Iredell, the new Senator from thii state, arrived t Washiwyton,, anil took hit seat In the SeMte, on the 23d ult. ' Both Houses of CowrrVss ndinurned on Wed- St. Dom'nct. The latest intelligence from tbiv Rfiublict received at rcw Yaik n states thaf President Boyer had left that placeauth,e - head of alL his disposable Coneord, oft.tbe tm.4XiMx. Oeflffe- Ws.nhirr force for Aux Csyesf which port, it was mrr, ageu aixnii j ear. - In Philadelphia, on the 1 7th ult. at art advan ced age, Maj. William Jackson, dis'inguished as an officer during the Revolution, and highly re garded a a scholar and jtocnmplished gen t lefflar said, was blockaded by a Spanish fleet chanic of the.city of , New York, for a duty f Kss ripe Straw Hcrritt the present .time!. from Ilavanna. The erent had caused good deal of sensation in the island, and 10 per cent on sales at auction i a similar pe tition wss presented from the, city of liichmond, yirtrmrBThe Hcruieirdjmiwd T8r5Tordiv; J)ec. 2'J. In Senate, Mr. Smith presented a in his garuett irr'tnionT)OfouBh. The - -tiesday-, 3f h, ovj till MHly 39trr--ifr order to wasatt has4ruly4)eeir Tnoit extrordnirjq it was feared BeriooixonsequMices might Jeep t,iiiitmas, we presume. result. was filled with gK790, and ordered, to be en. grossed i the bill relative to printers to congress, was passed and the bills to authorise the President to sell certain salt springs and lead mines, were ordered t a third reading. In the House, a reiolution aiking information from the President, relative to frauds committed on the revenue at Buffalo N. York, was agreed to Gem Smyth's resolutions for amending the Constitu tiori, were some time under consideration Mr. Barney presented a petition from about 3000 eitiaeni of Baltimore, with Charles Carroll at their head, against the auction sytem. Dec. 19. The flenste did not sir thii day. In the Hom, not much of public interest was transacted! jfeneral appropriation bill lor the lr quarter of 1829, was pasedvaiid ordered to be eniro4edt-,tU-er.-pctkioi were presented against traniportiiiif tU mail on-Sony "a pV tition was presented fnm 3 lo 4 thousand me- :fAeMNM! ' lor 5t'CortreM,'fir!t teari:' County' of Macon . The bill to erect a new County from Ihvwood, by the name of MA. CON, has passed the Commons, by a vote of 61 fur, and 61 against it : it i t therefore a law. tih tf January. Preparationi are making in New-York for a splendid celebration of this im portant era ; the day it t conclude with a great military ball. They do things on a large scale if) New-York. North Carolina money it 8 to JO per cent d'n count In Nashville. Tennessee j while' jit tsjonlv 3 per cent, in the Northern cities. Ilow is this ? The Hon. John C. Calhoun, Vice Pretident iif the United States, arrived in Washington, and took bii aeat a 'resident of the Senate, on the 22d ult ttnneitee. IacVon 44.191, Adami ?,?49 ; Jackson's majority 41,191! In Massachusetts, ' Jackaon received upward of 8,000. Webtter'i Dictionary. .U. Convene, pub lisher of thia work, give notice to the public, in :.-a Card, that alrhotifh the book 'n printed, s'ill soma delay in Ita JeUrerj. to subscribers will -ska place owing to the time reVjuiffd to hind it.kc.4 and asks, the Indulgence of Subscriber a little longer." John ii'f..ean bas been elected ena'or in Congress from Illinois, in place cf Jesse H. 'f bomaa, whose term ey'irirf 4(h of Marcb neit. , Col. Thomas Boykin, of Jsampsoo countv. wai, on the 24th ult. elected by the legislature Brig adier General of the 4th brigade, in place of uen. reraon, aecu. or Moore countv. Christopher Ttuehes, American ehara-e de af. fairs to Holland, has been nominated by the t rresuieni lo tne senate, as Tull Minister to that cmlntry. . Another Invention. Portuguese merchant in London haa invented a new Jire, by means of which a Whole home cm be warmed, and the .necessary cooking done, for one penny sterling per day. Datmuk TuA'e linen. An enterprising gen. tleman in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, (Hamilton Stewart) hat commenced the manufacture of Damask Table Linen. He makrs extremely neat, durable, and cheap Table Cloths. In weaving, almost any figure, name, or letters, can be made to appear in full view on the surface. . fiueitihfK law ha pi-r-rr rrssswl hv th l. gisJature of New. York, making it wiiroVr to kill a person in a duel, wjietber fought in thai or any ower state Mendum arid Whiteford. Two murderers eon. fined in the j til of Chesterfield rotintv, Virginia, have cut their throats, , to aypid the "disgrace of a fmbUc erecution. Yermtnt Coittn Mr. Isaac llranch has raised some cotton this year in the sate of Vermont, the firs thafr-vgTrfcMhaf-yyy, - It wa planted about the first of May, ami gathered the lut of November. ' ' Two negro frl.ows roShed the mail cir kw sT,....Aa....k I r t . . . s : r : . , wiail bag.,.. If lkeAAlie.k!umId lie Ud.. We hityebeen favored by the IPm. John fang, member in eongre. IVom this diMiict, iili a volume it documents thut arri'npn:ed the President's message to Congress ; for which, he will please arcept .mr acknowledgments. We have duplicate copies of this and some other documents; which are at ttie service of such of our friends as may desire to exnm'me them. South ( "arolinn. William Harper, Esq. has been appointed (;lisnc-ll.r; ami On. John B. O'Nea'e, and Daniel R. Il iger, Law Judges, of tins slate, to f,!l vacanries. The Legislature of that state adjourned on the rotL uit J Bethel Academy, H miles from Voi-kviJU, -S.. was burnt on the 12 h ult. A pair of glo'jes, and a number of Imok, belonging to Rev. James S. Adams, were de.'tmyed. Kentucky Pork sells in South Carolina at C.jO grpss, 3.50 neai, per hundred. The mail stage brtu een ColumHia and Lin colnton, was run a tav with bv the horses, I . miles from Yorkvilie, 22.1 u!t. ' The driver wa, thrown our, and ran over bv the stnge: he was a good deal injured, but not dangerously. CONGRESS. fore, itj In .SKhitj;, Mr. tLSte.JnirndediaeiaanA'lucU..-wighe! -tmlve puwh-md-lhrrg o buls to pension certain soldiers and widows; "Ir. ll.trnard presented a memorial from a con. fit'inn in TtnltTmore. nravinu- that sluverv nw.v be abolished in the District of Columbia. In 'he House, a resolution was olTered for redu ting the duty on coffee, but was rejected, 70 to 4 1 several petition were offered for duties on auctions; the bill nllowing an additional draw back ori sugar refined in the U. S. was ordered be engrossed, tir to ft; Af. 17. In Senate, after the presentation of "various petitions, resolutions, Jtc. a long discus sion took place on Mr. Eaton's joint resolution, to make a majority of votes necessary in the election of Printer to the Senate, the resolu. -ewrrwaS 6ntJtvlbnieiL, Jin .the House, the f. "d -ira!iuiionai power 01 congress 10 rry on a general svstem of internal improve, jnents, were owlered to be u'f an ihe table , the bill to allow additional drawbacks on sugar re fined in the VrS. passed by a large ''majority two petitions were presented against running the mail on the Sabbath day, Dte. 13. In Senate, a memorial was rresen d, 40 feet in length, of about 2000 citizens of Baltimore, for a duty on public sales at auction ( Mr. Dickerson'a bill for (Uttribnting t portion of toe national revenues amongst the several states, ai 1 twice read, and laid on the tablei the bill - ''nimg tne printing of the military tactics, Ui mttwcnhe to the noes oTne? uanfthore' and niiio Itail Road company i a bi'l was pawed to arrange Col. Daniel llisull to the 2d regt. of artillery. In the House, a resolution was agreed to, for an inquiry into the price of printing for congress the bill edablishing the Territory of Huron, was some time under consideration, some amendment were made to it, but the houe adjourned bef-'T the rjuMtinn .on the engrossment of the bill was taken ; nine peti. tiona again tnnnportirg the mail On iu'idjy, were thu day presented. StiP'tme Court at Satiihuri: 7e regre'fex Sl'bn. tautllort KS semioo of Hie, supreme court at Salisbury, was reiecteo in the Commons on the 29lh, 60 to 57, We had indulged a hope, that this sheer act of justice to the v est, would have met wiih some favor in the eyes of the Legislature i but it seems we need not expect any thing at their hands : for all that thev are benefitted thereby, the West might as welt be unrepresented in the Legislature. -"'",": s)e 3r shall nett week pay .our.muccJj to P, HV.a ia reUtwn to-wir article snme time "stnceVj exposing, and enwtMmo'4he pwlvlie gms, a neat, of counierfcitera recently broken up in Montgomery county. - THE BANK. An unexampled pecuniary pressure is, at this time, bearing down the people of this ttr. I'he Bankf have (Uhouwl we believe, wrong fully) to bear the burden of mainly cauing these hard limt. Thrv are certainly e'larreartle witrt aiAnreot tlie mischief; but the peonle ought to take some blame to themselves, for they had no business to run heels over head in debt to the hanks.' Hut after thus getting the people j involved, and alter having Jul- a long time mad,- j fat profits off from them, ,t was eapected the i i. 1 1 r i e ... 'tis said crtoifioit have no s mis mr con-1 '' Pursued them into the city of Oaxaca, sciences) be ss lenient tt possib'r towards their j which j lace was occupied by both parties creditors. This would seem to be particularly j "a" ' called fdr now, as it is believed there is not i Gen. George Inrd, Governor of the KKSC banU iSsuT Z i nsasTerrhory, died on the d. Nov. and a half millions 'owing tVMlie bauVs irrtiifs state;- to the branch in-Salisbury, upwards of ,300,000 dollars.! And by a late resolution of 1 . . , . i r i --.- i.ipe uiMfctors, dealers are oouirea to pay one tenth onitcjr original debt ai each renewal-,, j people have'nt got it, nor do we believe they ca get it within the time requircdt two years ami a half.- (.loom and despondency hanij over Our' people and couutrv, a'd we have nothing out distress ami ruin in prospect, rrom my- , , ,, , c I, i . n . tuc in "int. vi i'im .11 I. vi wui aM.n r Thpv Intilr u-i:li intf.mt intpr.t to tlitMP l.po'i lature. torime measare which wiM -mr the t progress of that .besam of destruction, v,lucli, in 1 i. , .way 1 their s-uwarce. - Tte f.illivl'rtjf r frnm tire' t P.dei jH- Ilegift'T. U lln: last information w Imvo re ceived, of wlut tlu- l.rgiiilat'.re it iioii:g on tile subject of the Hanks. We h-arn frnm s ge'--tleman who left Holeijrh this day week, that tin subject was under debate in th Commons on Monday, and Tuesday when he left ; and would probably continue to engross their time for a number of days. What fould be the result, no one could divine. Our Currency. We are glad to find that nur Legislature ha, at length, enter ed upon this important subject. The Reports of the B;mk Committee are be fore them, and Mr,. Fisher ha, called up his bill proposing to consolidate the pre sent Banks in a ncv Hank, to be founded on the funds of the State, and the profits of which are to pjo into the Public Trea sury. Tlie 2d reading r.f the bill is made the order of the day for Tuesday, when no doubt, the subject will be fully discussed. .-,lfemirfV-rtrrm- A Turnip grew in the earden .of Mr. Ahram Area, of Cncord..t.his I quarter) ! it measured 3J inches in circumter fiicc, and ) indiamrtter. There were a preat manv others in the same patcTtTieTirty asTarge - , - : as this. Turnips have not, generally, turned out well thia season; but in patches where they have done so, the root is fouud to -be remarkably larffe; We" learn, sayTthe" 'tThileU"Slate's'tjaz-' otte, that a new work from, our country man Washington Irving, will thortlf ap pear from the press of Messrs. Carer, .Lea. and Urefcwpo have purchased the bfihfe-Cin'qui lafa Tr T .1 Avful shooting to death J From all ac counts of ihe Election in this and other States, it appears that Gen. Jackson and his friends have been puilty of shooting, ahead of Mr. Adams and his friends, inso much that no hope remains pf their re covery. The coalition have now some grounds to charge the General with mur der ! because he has actuallv hft a head of Mr. Adams! JV. York fiafier- one. latin and Preble are now in this ci.ty, pre paring the argument and evidence in the caseoftlie difference between this country and ureat Britain, relative to our north eastern boundary line, which is to be sub milted' to the umpirage of the King of the Netherlands. U. S. Telegrafih, 27th. ...efje Uui'irMe Munificence. VI t learn that Klislia Lee, .Esq.. of Sheffield, Mass. from the avails of lands to be sold as soon as practicable, has determined to make the Mdon.,i,.s and ha, signified th same to the Societies concerned To the American Education Society, for a per manent Scholarship, . . glO)0 American Board of Foreign Uissions, ' 600 . Americsn Home Missionary Society, 600 American Kible Wiety, - . . VK) American Tract Society, . . . 400 . Total. . Zm Tie wUhes to see these purposes ac complished white he livet. ' -3 iidge s Oiifslc y and Mills of the Court of Appeals far Kentockr hsvrn? resi'trhe'. were nominated again for. the same office pyj.be UoVerrlor. .. I he. Senate. refused. ro consent to the reappointment of the old Judges, 20 to 18. .,A Jet :cr from Mexico received at New York states, that the Senate had refused to ratify the Treaty with the United States negotiated by Mr. Poinsett but that this decision was to be reconsidered, and it was hoped would be reversed. The same letter states, that Gen ,nn KH nrlcH ,h. fr... f St. Rin Annai Treaty itiih flrozi'aA letter from a respectable American gentleman, dated at Rio Janeiro oei a im, so oousa tn lw- ork, says'Mr: Tudor has lust fcohclud- ment. Thomss AV. Cobb', lute a Senator, in Congress from Georgia, haa been elected Jude oftbe Ocmulgee circuit, in that , r i ci..,., t state, :n piace ol Judge snorter, resigned Cay a Candidate. The partisan f Mr; Clay have Ircadyplaced.him to the field as a candidate. They think they j foresee that Gen. Jackson will be com ! ,U.tU.I'.(A aMhtnir a .hiiut. To retain in oiuce tne retainers ana expect ants, who having a taste of office, look to Mr. Clay for further promotion, or else, give great ofTence to those who are dis charged, and also to a host; of disappoin ted expectants. It is to recruit odds and ends of parties that Mr. Clay now throws himself in the foreground. His views have been distinctly announced in Ken tucky, 'Rhode Island, New York and Richmond. V. S. Td. "sea When the Tennessee Electors put in their votes at Aashviiie, lor Oen. Jackson, the event was announced by the discharge of 100 camon, and in the evening the town was illuminated. Greece. A despatch frnm the Mjrrj'iii de Mrfison, commanner of the French cx pedition to the Morea,4Qth November, an nounces the surrender of all the for- VxT ... f t tresses left in the hands of the Turks and Fs CTPtwnssfter the departure .oObrah3mjJ5.-Kej..hawa a :.ch'if"--The VorM In those" fortresses ;f apple do. 37; wl..sW 19 to Su; tallow 7; tobw- SaaT a F . t l . 1 1:0 8 to 3 cents per lo. V....,; M.wW Pnwwi. P.fr,.. n,t lhelto8,oSCr""'I,tr I.. . f.urea caaue, aiu not, in Uy aiwauut to 6000 men, a force totally inadequate to anv lengthened or effectual resistance. The governor of Navarin, the first place against which the Fiench arms were dir ecttd, said "that the Forte was not at warwi'th the French . or the' Engllsh--n act of hostility will be committed but ihe place will not be given up." It was given up, however, without resistance, a well as the other fortresses, add probably b ... fpeth TovkBovwimveot.k . . a Turk nd tgypttans, na tne snaepen dence of Greece may be dated from the period of the surrender of the fortress. A writer in a London paper says, " Sp homely and economical are some of the American Legislators, that a Member of Congress from the Middle States will send home his dirty linen and worn out pantaloons, franked by the mail, to be re turned to Washington by the same con- versnce wherrwnhed and mended." Home Drfiarnr.ent. Since thePresiden tiai contest wasovci, aeveral newspapers have started tbo project of establishing a hew department at Washington! to be called the Home fepartment. We be lieve this to be required by the public at large. Traveller. -- A Connecticut Editor, speaking of the 20ih Congress, now in session, says : " If the members neglect the business of the nation, as in times, past, to throw mud at each other, like so many scavan gers, we snail occasionally pull their hon orable noses with our editorial tongs.'' A Smyrna paper states, that upon the departure of the Egyptians under Ibrahim from Navarino, the Greek slaves, whose liberation was provided by 4hc treaty of evacuation, refused to accept their liberty, and insisted on accompanying their mas ters to Egypt.- Uut tt ix f,MHlred slaves in the power of ih.s,pRy.P!twpionly ,f?f woitTd accept their freedom, pdtwlthfctun ding the exertions of the English Admiral to persUitle -them to a difTerent course. The Smyrna Editor sayi they prefer kind ness, luxury, and comfort, though ac companied by dependence in Egypt, to harsh treatment, famine, and starvation with frcedoM in their own country. The. fishermen of Muss ichusetts take four miilior. of dollars of fish annually. wjwr THE .M.1RKETS. SaXdury Piicet, Ian. X Cotton in seed 1 j to 2 cents, corn 18 to 25, pork 3.501O 4, but ter 8 to 12, flour 3.50 to 4 per barrel, wheat 50 to 75, Irish potatoes 40 to 50, sweet do. 25 to 30, brown sugar 12 to 15, coffee 20 to 25, salt I'JS o 1.50, domestic cloth 30 to 50 cents. FdyettlviUe, Dec. 25.. Cotton 8.75 to 9.25, bacon 6 to 8, peach brandy M to CO, apple do 45 butter 15 to 20, corn 35 to iO, Aaxieed 9i, flour LsWKt wO .Jtv ftMsi. CtiuvUtacjO,: -iHgat tn w li.. salt 90 to ViS, tallow 8. wheat 1 JO, hukey VJ to, 30...U?S. bank notes 2. pet cnU prenuum, Cape Fear, "ditto. ' CbaHnton, Dec 2",.. Cotton 9. 50 to 10.50, flour 9. whiskey 27 to 29, bacon 6 to 7, haras 11 best kind of bagging 22 to 24, salt 40 to 50, corn 32, coffee 11 to 15 North Carolina bank bills f per cent, discount ; Oorgia, 1 ditto. Peterttmrg, Dee. 2?. Wheat has remained stationary since our list, ""ami nayBe quoted at Ri.10 a 5tr.40TCrtfMrr 9-a 10ct. t obaeet-, ?awd 8 1.75 w i : remsed- gii a S;?j . - t wo hogsheads of tobacco, from Person county, N. etM .on Fy-"" of winch brought O' ' J IT fl.mr 5 to 6, whiskey 37 to 45, bacon 8 to 10, wheat 75 to lUO, corn 40 to 45. salt 7. CnwiZrn, Dec. 27. Cotton 8 to 9, flour 5 7J for that made at Camden mills, wheat 5, corn 4. oats 30, salt H". From 1st Sept. last to this date, l'.',9J0 bales of cotton were purchased in Camden ; and it i still arriving, in large quantities. Baltimore, life. 26 Flour 7.50 to 8.50. cot. ton 10 to 11, whi.key 23 to 26, bacon 10 to 12. nr aififton, lire. 24. Cotton 8.50 lo 9, corn 40, beeswax 22, bacon 8 to 10. sail 40 to 50. .Vevbern, Dec. 27. Cotton 8..1O, flour 6.50 to 7, wheat gl, bacon 8 to 10, sialt 45 to 80, peach brandy 60, apple do. 50, whiskey .U Mutton. Dc. 16. Cotton 10 to II, flax 7 to 10, flour 8.23 to 8.74, corn 60 to 64, cheese 3 to 5, apple bramlv 37, tallow H. Xai!,vill,Ten. li-c. 1". Cotton 8. flour 6.50, lard to 7, whiskev 25 to 37, tallow 6. North Carolina bank bills 3 la 10 per cent, discount. Mfmjilai. I'ei.t. -Vr Cacon 7 to 8, cot-to-i 7 ! 8, butter IJtult, flour 5.50 to 6, corn u: to. 10, peach brandy C2 to 75, apple do. 25 to JJ, whiskey 2.V to 2R. Cincinnati. O.'.io. Ihe. Cotton 124, fes- thers 24 cents, flaxseed :i7 to 40, tiour .1.50 to -mMW MARRIED, In Mecklenburg county, on the Hlhult. by the Ilev. John Williamson, Major Itufiis Reid, of Uowan county, to Miss Nancy Latta, daughter of James Latta, fcsq. of Mecklenburg county. In Stokes countv, 18th ult. Mr. John Null to Miss Frances HenneL Qn - the 35th nil. Mr haae Oakes of Stokes county, to us Elizabeth Parish of Guilford county. - 1 u . . j UIKO, I .- s a I ait 1 In this countv. on the VBU Lit. M;aan nea-, . vtwrs . As'the sweet flow'r that acents tne mora, . But withers in the rising day ; Thus lovely was this infant's dawn, Thus swiftly fled its life away. It died ere its expanding soul Had ever burnt with wrong desires, Had ever spurn'd at Heaven's controul, Or ever quench'd its sacred fires. It died to sin, it died to cares, But for a momci.t felt the rod : 0 mourner V auch, the Lord declares. Such are th ; 'J.ildreii of our God. fCammtiurj''.' T absent from Wilkesboro for a Tew months, has employed the '''"nev:'Mr'.'"AnderWnrrr1dU'."""''J',1' ale of one of the colleges of Pennsylvania, to take charge of the Academy, during Ins absence. Mr. Anderson is well qualified for the perform, ance of the dudes of an instructor 1 and it ia confidently hoped that the cheapnesa of board and tuition, combined with the well known local -. advantages -of the situation, will secure to this Institution a full share of public patronage. 350 A. W. GAV, Principal lTiUcthoroi?h, Dee. 27, 18:8. FOR SALE. PURSUANT to the stipulations of a deed of trust, executed by Henry C. Kern. I will sell'at public Auction, on Thursday, the 22d of this month, the tract of land on which said Kern resides, containing 260 acres. This tract lies about 3 miles esst of Salisbury, on the road leading to Salem, Danville, Miltbn, Raleigh, Sic. l'here are on it a good dwelling-bouse and other houses, directly on the road, and well sit uated for entertaining travellers. Teems will be - made known on the day of sale, which will be at the dwelllnj-house on the premises. .JOHN BEAltlV Jr. :Truttti.. . .. - Saliiiury,Jan.id, 1829. " ----- -- At the same time and place-wiU be sold, by , . virtue of another Peed of Trust, executed to Jacob Hiblen, sen; one waggon, fotjr homes and , gears, and.twn stills. . Likewise, at the same time and place, the sub scriber will sell his stock of cattle and hogs, hif crop of grain, Sic. farming utensils and house hold furniture. HENUV C. KF.RN January 2,1. 13.'9. , 3t50 Sale of Land for Taxes. T IF. following tracts of land will be sold, for cash, at the court house in Salisbury, on Uouday, the lolli of l'chruary, 1829 or aa much taereof as will satisfy the Tuxet due thereon for the year 1827 ' 120 Acres, belonging to the estate of Valen tine Bird, dee'd. 1 Ht'tise and Lot belonging to Vbram lacobj. 1 I louse and Lot( given in by Ralph Kesler. 350 Acres, given in by Joseph M'Connaughey. 340 do du Jos. M'Connaughey for Betsy Locke. . 135 Acres, given in by Daniel Rough. 332 Acres, given in by John Trexlcr j Also, 1 House and Lot by the same ; and for Town Tax. for 18'28. :.im,. Acres, giv.en.ia 4y . Ilanry ILiruaan,. .lor.. .w. the year 1828, T 68 cents. 1ST ofLetters tn the postirrlce Lexington, MJ.X'- Carbtiiia, on the 1st of January, 132. John Addcrton, E Albright, John Beckudite, Dcnj Billingi, Caspar Hrinkle, Richard llrigrs, James W. Biysn, Teler Clodft-ltcr, Jeremiah Comba, John Cooper James VmU WiUflL Iarii . Jacob Evans, Sulumon Ferringtou, Solomon Fouls Will A Oallamore, Amey flrrrson, JohnGrrgson . George Had on, JaneHadeii. tvilliam I laden, Jes se Harris,' Henry llepler, llrnrytllill, Reuben Holmes, Oershom Hunt,. 7.ehu!on Hunt, Susan'h Jones, Jultu Ktut, KJijah Lauior, Willi Lethco, WilHam Ledford, John I.ivrreood, Seveter Liv ergnod, John Loflin, Alexander Miller, Daniel Noah, Armistead Owen, Nat Peebles, Rachael Pickett, Reuben Pickett, John Hickard, Nathan Riley, Jacob Rotliruck, William Rough, Jacob Slinaf, John Simpson, llichncl Sowers, Philip Sowers, Vslentint- Sowers, Robert Spcnce, James Strain, Caty Tarr, Fred Thompson, I bos I'wid well, Lewis TS're, Joseph Waggoner, Isaac W'd. smi, Frani.is Williams WiMam Wooalry. 3tiO !). I. RH'NSVILLR, P.M. Twenty Five Dollars Reward ! STOLEN from my stable in (iuil- ford county, N. C on TncIity :ght, 6th instv a sorrel -heavy with foal, abiiil 15 or t'J years old; there ia,on one other hind ff ' s ime white spot, snd undo r her msne close to her head a white streak, the hair or, hrr breast .al together turned upwards to her neck, .'-he acks and trots. I'he per'n which is pippiwd to have tak(i htr, is a tll nparr madf man, bis nameislrry Heter, about ,jj or 41) teais ofiigej a man of this dfscriptioti was seen on the mare without any saddle, his dir.s was common home spun. The shove reard will be givrn for the detection of the lliirf. JOHN PARISH. ryiheember mi.:.::::' v: V. -3tS0 - . One Cent Reward. n VNAWAY from the mbcribcr, on the 17lh JltanTrsirtndr:mripprrrittce, by the name of John Ytunts; hriVecn 16 and 17 years of age. I a ill give (be nbove reward for his apprehension a'lJcl .livery to me in Lexington, North-Carolir.a. JHN M. THOMAS. Decemher l34,mX 3t50 IIGOKS, al Half Trice. . TUB Stock of Books on hand, belonging to the estate of Hiram t'nrner, & r.'il. k Co. in Nlibry, is now offered for sale at the one Iwlf of the customary retail price, cash, to elope the business of the estate. Those wishing 10 purchased wiflfftf :weir roctrtr rtrty -a "ew;r: 'v'ehTehlT l .V uhV.s X- -j ' . !" " ovembertC 1828, Notice, ' THAT we, Peter- Jfrrton, and Kthrnrd Ma'. Crai,"have ienteied into copartneratiip in their mechanical business of Plaittering, Brick Laying, Painting, fjf.:. lincolnton, Dec.5th, 1823. 26 Almanacks,, for 18'2'J. - I"l')It eale at thit office, price 10 cents each, i the Farme. 't and r'un'er't Almanack, for tlir vear W). "ec- . ' . f - V' ... i Y? 4 .1 -ft ; a 4' r, .:, IT' v, t m tw v n .'.fsy.i , f . y -V e : n .. ., Ji. ... -., "'""""T'V".- -t l "'St;'. I . it 1 l .4 Vf i k. X a; tss .4 i 1! a '..::.-!' I.J 1 1 sV-j-'".;. " " : 'I .... 1 : j ! J-

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