7 --ISrl'yd' v i ! "J v J' 'v J! ill tV-4 t-bi 111 iX- 1 1 ! 1 " " -- - ' . ... jriiiiciiUpwiAa, k.krpm'.o irirri:, PiUlUhrr of tbfl Lftwt nft'onrru,' ""nrHf Al f rii"t of man, itf r ,itria, u4 Mi litrri of ih vrruur il Ui (law., cfctumw f rrUtvw. T4Ui . 4 hf w tmim i r t 4nll nntr. If f avaa Kn paprr iU cicef t at th lv.r.. n I Editor, until all iltlr. r uu4 a,. Jirtlr( ulJtt Jiuetjrr4t uuii tbt t!M. farC" Jrit vt-a.jilC' tr.ntt Mch vtc iny ar. wiMihi4 Jh'waffc'f Po(ir 'tt idkl MU1UmOirHHltftln t4ilr, nf Ibtj ay at tw4e In. ' THE BANKS. "v tanks ollhe state, Set!, irurpdiircfj by Mjr ishe of thJaJiowa, belnjr put on its first readuie. on thn iyin "u!t." Mr Ar os, ' t " n . l p ' f i 4. " jl lanks was one en became uso See our way perfectly clear before we attempted to icf. N - r . . . .'.'' J" ... I .1 .1 . whether it u xpWim for the ; Legis hturej Yl this tine, to act at all on the subject of i the-Banksl If, on exaoiina don. we come to the conclusion that it is exrxdieot to act, then the next enquity is ..J.Ji.fh!ljweof lie laid, 'that at pre'ent he would conTtno Ftmielf elcnj siveiy.'fo the firt branch of '.he subject, that Urjihall -we tnterfere wirfs rile fifitter . at all fand when the bill cms up'on its second .reading, he nould attempt o,j show, that the plan oured by this bill is the best one we can adapt under existing circumstance. -In. entering on the. Tint enquiry, he set atlout proytntr -hat ie?: r enouch to deny. Ve are too recently from the boom of the people not to know that tfietrauuation is linprecedentefTin the history br thc Slate. Their diffinjl .ties hav already been jjrea ; bu, unlesi something is done to ameliorate their.con- dition, rest assured, thaUthe-dramaii bul opened. How cart it be otherwi4e ? In all countries, and in all time?, the rapi l reduction Fine xuaiTiiinlS; me nurn ts Iwav been atiended hy distress,' bank' rupicv, and ruin amouR ihe pEoile U'e havp seen its cfTects in Grent Biitiin, nn aeyr rt occasions, when the Bank of Eng land contracted its circulation ; and we have aeen its effects but. a short time " since, in several of our Northern Cities. The same causes, under similar circum stances, will always produce the same consequences. Hence the p;rat darker of giving; the control of the currency of the codntry to large banking Institutions. Unfortunately 'for- Nortb. Carolina, our -redewi"wwtti3iis eniiuh in :':li4.thi; pwriwUr. ot4-wc:-wieel Jifr o? jiitenaences'. of fcitrrir.---."-'' Butrsiiw" lef iis draw a little nearer to 7?tRe"T?ioinrrend'see-what arctho facts as to the Banks of this Stats? He believed it wji in the year 1819 ...... JUal the Bjnks haltlie hreat anwunt oi iofMr4fr-etrcu1atbf,:,n statements of the Banks, however, ure frornThe year f$3 tote"presei')T irmeT , - --- From these it spprini-that irv-1834,-he . UaioOud ino.itvJrtjtlrjLflfei;ia,j !?i mount ot R2,972,276. And a tMs time. they have in circulation, 81,309,283: thus having, in the upace of f ur years, reduced the circulation 51,152,988, near ly one half of the whojc amount, cr ne ir- Jy at the rate of $300,000 a year, and du ring: the last two years, at a still more ra pid rate. If, in a commercial community, where tho medium circulates ouick.lv. and alt classes, at short periods, receive the pro fits of t heir industry, distress would M low such a rapiJ diminution of the am'nt of money in circulation, what rnusi be the situation of a community purely asj ricultural, where the farmer can realize the results of his industry only once a year? But, said Mr. F. I call your attention to another part closely connected wi'h ilie subject. While the notes have been tn.j rapidly withdrawn from circulation, the debts to the Bink hive been reduced in - murh' smaflc' "rauo'."'" rn"T825, of debts due the Bjnks. was V?5.583,709. io 1838 they were J&5, 179.51 7. . S'iewin(; a reduction of oolv S40t l92, or at the We ol a8poop pereir-while the cir culation diminished at the rate of S30u, 000 per year. We do not stop here : the operation of csllintj io the notes is . still gointr on. From the Report of the Com.Taittce r.f ' Siockholders, we see thit the avowed in tention of the State Bank Is to wind up the concern as speedily as possible ; and n'pursaance'cf tnat pHff - 'at I - their now-TTTOro5s,ljTscL-;(m..tbj!ir da'y,of i'-IOthof the whole debt, tht'whoie to be paid in ten instalments. If the State Bank persists in this policy, we must ex pact the other two Banks to do the same. Then let us look at the practical opera tion of this rule: The people owe the Banks, 85, 179,5 m At the end of 90 day, one-tenth of this is required say 8517,95 1; at the end of six months, as much more ; and at the end of nine months a like turn j making in nine KyMtoj B1:?J)8;5 To this must be aded 250 or 300,000 dollars for interest Say the first ium--theh you have, 8 1 ,800,- 853.- -J eolation only 8 ,309,000 lit fid, they cr.qot have that mount for we must iupppse tharshjce they went inw tpera tion, large smount of the note issued MoA.4ue..HjloanC)B'fiirsV( als an allowance for what wilt be. brouffht in by the U ni'ted States Bank, and by DrokerS, " 1 ' ' of Norin Carolina will stand .indebted to (he Banks, in v sum not. less than 4 1-3 rniliion of dallar " Now," can anrcommtinityrmucli' tess an agricultural community, withstand this operation? If ibis process were practi cable, what distress an calamity would not fall on the rmntry i But, sir, it is nof practicable it is not possible: the BinkYmay adherato their rule requtrini it, but the people -cannot comply j and Stupid must ho any set of men who could expeci n. uuf, sir, annouRn n u noi practicable for the Banks to call in as fast a$ Ihey desire, still, the opeation is oin on, and .will continue to go on. Le' us iavhat it has gone on so far as to have taken from circulation all et notes wht rth.? . Afjer, every. vt'iHewSert'aW4r CTer.'GaJTear. note is paid in, still the people will st --? indebted, to these Banks in about g5,500, 000rThisisTiotalt. bsirdeTtTTe BTnks, they owe to merchants, o u?i)Ters, Hnd. note shavers those vultures of society aiul-to ana auotfiar as much, more ny ii all, 8 orJL-ittillians of dQllaxi Kqw, sir, where is tne mmey ta com; Irom f piv hes debts? 'I ne loral Cinks have wiTfidVjpwn winjs t nd flown -iwav ho Are they to p;ry ? He asK-vl h.)sr ;v,iosrl !t L e i h -tivt in'.erfer:nr s to iiihwj'i hc question. But certain pers'wvHr- avtre of this di lemna, have thrown out ihe idea 'hat our surplus pro(lu".c of the preseai crop will not only entble the' people to piy a jood portion of their dilns, .iut will brin rno ney enough into His State to v.;-)p!y the vacuum occasioned by withdrawing fom Circulation the tn:al noten. Thy have, ever, goos so far as to tell us that the surplus ptoiurp will brifijj into the Stste, atbaAt. ifamjttign of dollar. For one, he boWly . kuid L ani c bajlefied: :f thetrr to prove Ahev aisenmnr-IIcirpd-on bnvto nut theif finder on thts -items, and to V)pw us how six millions will come. L us look, sai l Mr. I'. at lh charac ter of our surnttjs, and the direction and j ntrtn rfr hf nrrr t r sdr. T-ttr-le alin' st anle Lumorr, naval stores of every desciption 7. ' tini a lew otner arucie. onon is our mnsr valuahle,rtT(.-nvtrrf-'mo3pros ptroui crup y caf it was. Jje.ver ,;e jtim a ted that the State exported more than 80,000 bales of 300 wt. each. Last 53ason, toere was not as much Cotton put up as during ome former years, and the crop itself was not a very heavy one. It is therefore, a liberal allowance to put the export of this article, down at 60,000 bales, which at 8 cents per lb. would yield & 1,4 10,000. The article of Uice, had ncen estimated in a rep'n of the other House, at from 10 to 1 1 .000 casks, wl.ich according to a cal culation, would yield about 551jO,000 Mr. r. here enumerated othtr articles, i rtl i rvcir probable product, and summed I up. o,' al"K ,n,, :nc VTnolc anconje mr our surplus produce would fall short of R4,O0O.0UQ ; but he was willing to set it down to 4 millions, md asked what then? Will all this com- into the Sutc ? Will vou not alio s'tni: of it to rt miin out, to pay the del)t against us, occasioned by the .i . .i . i . . balance of trad - heretofore Or, will i i - . . you not pirmit some ol it to go lor the: purtrtflse ot arnries inarnnre rec rcto us necrssarie- of life ? However much we may choose ,to economize, we cannot ston buying all at once. But what is this dfbt outof-rne State? W-ho-ows ilt and! how contracted ? ' Tt is owed principally, by our merchants, and by the Banks- Owing to the state of things produced by the high ptice ef Cotton several years since, and by the excessive Issues of our banks, our merchants were encouraged to purchase'lrgly at the North, more than they could pay cash for, nd consequent- ri.-entin debtr Thexlebt thus eonirac td, wathon ubt, ha betfr reducdbtit ; I a por uon oi j j. j suu , oc n inou... j. 9 f.i i). . r!.;. ia a. J II I . to t palo f Ltther by produce or in notes of the local banks. We know that the greater number, even of our country merchants do buy up the articles of Cot ton, for the purpose of remitting to the North. The Cotton thus bought either goes to pay their debts, or to purchase new supplies, or for both, and in either case, the Cotton thus sept off, brings ba,ck no money. The same may be said as to other articles besides cot'on. As to the Banks, how come they indebted tt'th! north? First, their notes are taken di rect to the north by rtiercharitJ and by visiters ; enct Sdjrjhey; rejeh jhe, north thrbTiihTnTwesTtrri county, They ate carried t6 the 'wesCV i mule and horae drovers, an j by imrarAs who fly 4- 1 Vl .... m: . v tl... . . v'i naraumcs Dcre, inpprmir ot oener .S!?'!!&rliff:l9.9 thfse oo'tes reach imtotAertsiitcsv fey i&iit i jtctas a circuUnor? fiftrtu; d-are; bougbt Ihd iold like any other 'comrnbhy 'in-mVrket'; l -v --.w "uiy vi k.vi fi , lutv u II1UHIT V uue iiuib. oi inu ycji) mcy UU mostly I L? r pa rt of t fi e bu m m e r the y a re receive A piinwse ot sending to the uuth to buy produce. This accounts fof the fact. that la the Spriug antf Summer out Jiotes n the northern markers arf-more deprff 'i a ,1 I. .. r. i . t . r . II . J '. . m. via.vu mail 111 i.ic mm itiiij winicn 1 ne notes thus collected by the merchants at the north, are sent out 10 their ajpnts nere, who expend them 10 the purchase of cotton and other produce. Now that portion of our surplus produce thus pur- chaed, certainly will not bring any new circulating, medium into the State. It goes simply to pay a debt existing against the State. It is true, it brings home the local notes, but we have already seen the operation by which thesa will soon dis appear, never again to come forth. - But, I foresee that ft will be objected tpjftiMhat.it is not the whole View t that a4rHci-jrjm:$me;;t)a' Mtfirid :p6es:iw ii piy tne aent a' trie north, yt In tb ar place, the fannir recewes his price for it. This is true, and it is jo-m source of re lief; but unfortunately- the farmers are generally indebted to the merchants who buy their cotton &nd o.tfier produce. Yet if they wert -not indexed at all but re &tjxci all inmih, thk.QttIdjaLgx. the argument. The noies of the loci banks' are the only citcula'ing medium w hvc! we sec that this m niunrt is ra pidly dinppnring, d.id we h'av. bren told that the surplus produc will s,upplv us with new one. VVhat I assert is, tht the surplus prudure will not brin into 'ie Sta'e a ne medium in place of pre sent one at, least in time to save the coun i y-from ruin. Mr F. fur her remarked-that he mitjht strena'ripn these views, by many Additional facts, but air present, he would proceed tio farther. F.romthe statements and facts already submitted, we are driven in arlmit certain cnncltlslniitt : : Flitt. Tiiat the Banks arc, rspidly calling in tde'iV wi, and thai toon U wilt b withdrawn friin circulation . . - - SecomUy. Thtt thii will not only deprive the State of , cVcuUtiajj meJiu.u a groat evil irt itself Ixit t!.at, aOer every note is called in, the peojile will itill owe the Hanks 4 millions of dolkrsvaad aauch motc.tp other peroni- 'f'l.-.f.. rk ....mi I. nn. imit.ni..l ThirJtu. That owin? to circiimstancel already a; iteJaraurplui. produce. jlfill.JiQt hringiotQ, tin. State 4 sufneienry of money to roet lucsc dcW and swpply wedittm- - ...Jd.lbUQns.e.quentJj.bct two alter natives ure now presented to the Legisla " ! tnre. Either to stand by and see thou vind of its citizens ruined or to step in ! an, j0terpoe the arm of protection. Which of the two shall wa adopt ? Shall we sit here with folded arms, and see ruin sweep over the land ? Shall we cilmly witness an operation going 'n, that will in the end, break up and drive from our Siale. thousands of our most valuable, though unfortunate citizens ? lie honed not; he orlicved that the pjo-jig 0f North Carolim looked with rr., anxielv to. this Legislature, for some relief, and if we adjourned without adopting measures to givo that rebel, wc would merit their eternal execration. Mr. F. concluded by saying, when the bill came up on its second reading, he would endeavor to shew to the Mouse that the plan there presented, would go far to wards ameliorating the condition of the State. Prevention of Colds. "Perhaps," says Doct.'BeJdoes, " therr would be hardly auch a thing as a bad cold, il people when they find it coming ..on were to keep cool, to avoid wine and strong drinks, and to confine them selves, forabhorttime to a simple diet, as potatoes and other vegfiabtesf with toast and water. I have known in stances, of heat in the nostrils, difRcul ty, of breathing, with a short tickling rowgny ' Jtrrd y mptomsr'-thrtateatng; k vt6lent'C0Wjr;'offn.!E:?.BKi'. quence of this platx being; pu rsue d . I have found the pulse beat from twelve to twenty strokes in a minute, less af ter a person at the onset of a cold ha3 continued quite three quarters of an hour in a cold room. It is not only warmth suddenly applied, that wilt throw any part of the body, after it his been starved or beoumbed, into violent action, and briog on inflamma tion j strong liquors will doth: camr.n Mr, Xoah's Bek?-Wc rjerceive by the Congressional proceedings, that Mr Jdhnsotv-has presented -th-Aw5- iiuuwu memorial,-; wnicn ,l saiu to have been 250 yards long," 'During putWyjoliitionary war Sir George J3ac, ville presented to the House of Com. ejems; a.ptiTO saio'stiKci-mwilcao, war, fromsib totjotr of York, He yiorolled trj mcmotiar,Tand"leaTog part;of itbutsidrthedoorrTTrrsersted ttfrarriorc .head ftf ;,iLMtltiQa jroin mr,;,.ronntima, thtif 4gaTn4t Uie- American -warthe end ot it is in the county of ork. Mr. Johnson . should" have done the sajnesiy wgrilMr..?peaker here, is the head of a memorial, to put down Auctions the tail of it is in Pearl Street!" and then we should have all said, " What a long tail our puss has Kotv:" TftFctKcr Stde'.We related a da or twp'ago an account of a London beau, who wore a wig, a false eye, false, teeth and false calves. . Walking t!D Broadway. we saw broadly exposed to vitw, fn a store window, corsets,.false hips, pads, bishops, Or. l hese are secrets of the tof- lette, and never should be exposed to public view. If ladies are to be made un not be led Into the aecrct. wTeoA. , Lorenzo -J5owjabouti?ublkliiDga strance s rt of Book, entitled Omni farious Law Exemplified, how to Curse and Swear, Lie, Cheat and Kill, aecording to Law." The cast i a a of in: JJl-oL-5i'I2 politico, smd if put into a library, would make every other volume jump out. All of ymi knew Lorenzo Dow, a man that tu-ver bought a Razor m his life, and hose chin bv this time w.-.uld defv old Hodge, and call aloud for the operation of a chisel. A tfood Toat Tne following toes' was given at a Jackson dinner in Balti mor- .. ...'M Tiit. fair?. The. only endurable Aris tocrnrv who elect without votes gov eru without law decide without appeal and are never in the wrong." , " : JjQN DON Y A R AG 11A PHS; ; f At OUsg-nw, a man- having iie a performance, in which a I'DiavoTo An tonio wis concerned, was redely turned out of ihe theatre, and taken into custody. Tho nibis'ratca, on the case being 20 guineas, and l 6. 7. expenses. This as -appealed from,-by-t-bill -of -uprn- slaOiJiuLih hrraed ov the Uoril Urdinary, wun a auui- iol ots. , . , A French soldier, exiled to Siberia forty years ago, has just discovered a diamond mine, and is appointed Inspector General by the Russian government. It is said that the officer who is second in command in the Turkish Artillery is a Frenchman, named Dalhoiisie, formerly a sergeant in t'.ii French service, and the same who, in I&I5, assumed the com mand of Strasbiirg at the time of the in surrenion of the garrison of that city. The Viceroy of Fgypt has presented one of Cleopitra's Needles to ihe Kirlg f France. Champoflion, one of the French savans, in a letter from Alexan dria to some of his colleague .in "Paris, expresses a ho;c that meant may be con tiised to remove this monument of anti quity to France. The other obelisk be !oncs to F.ngland. Ex flirtation nf Gold.- The fact is pret -ty well established, (taysthe London i Ob server; 2 Jrh Oct.) thar a large rxprrrtation of gold to the North of Furope is now going on, lo wha. amount it is extremely difficult to ascertain, but we.ahould not think the quantity already sent, oyer esti- mated at cTih; mlillon sterlinfr.- Part of thin hasccn sent to effect pur chases of grain, in which employment its use is indispensable, as the farmers in the interior will only accept specie in ex change for their torn : but another por tion and that probably the most consider able, has been remitted for the supply ol the Russian army in Turkey. The price ofeoM has'iseTt6:aTl"n'43uWwt!r at tbe standard of 17s to 10 V.fl the ounce. There is at this moment In the coffers of the bank of England, gold to the amount of 13,000,000 pounds. Ouiter Bank A "York Bank Oys ter Company" is about being formed in New-York, with a capital ot about buy thousand dollars. The objects are to un- firove the brctd of Oyiteri, and secure i plentiful supply Ptr tire ft's Tf the me jtrnnon'' VOL. IX.....NO. 450. Watch and Clock pairing t&C. , JAMES B. II.VMPTON. ' V7"!iop; occupied in for" rears by hi father, on :.l.''.n sfrret. m JVw tlnnr ' A Muth of the Ccnirt-ltouse, inj I T c i to n of Salisbury a i ,. fStt utft all kinds of work la - J-i -... . Ml I IVS. V !&MMiMjmS9mw&J make-Jettle,: Troitet '& Uuntittgion, WatehanlClack.Male.ra, and JemUmi, CrlAKLO T TE, N.C. HA V E Just received ara elegant assortment of articles in their line a which they will Sell very low for cash, or to piine tutl cuitomcra on a crcd- 03 Xffkiiida of Watches renaired. and war rented to perfHrm well. JtityUt 1828. 23 " Twenty. Eire. Dollars Reward ! 5K---J GiT0LEN f"m my stable in GulT ford county, N. C. on Tuesday fYT "iK,,t I6,h it. a sorrel mare. . t aOSVnavy with r0i about 15 iff years old i ther rs. ob n of her himt Pm, : wMr'il 'under bVr miritf '"Wn'fj- f liead a white ffeuK,tlid liaif "orl.hef hrtait'ii," y- RfiiT froT;1T.V"WtMrn tflitwr wkhii c-'V havelakta-LcAaa a tall spare made maiyJuY name is Irry Heter, about 35 or 40 years of age j a ruau ui uu. ut'criHiun wks aecu un me mare without any saddle bis dress was common bme spun. The above re ard will be given For tho tleteclio 4 ibe llikf. ....PARISH,. rcrmher 23. 1 8?8. 3t50 FOIl SALE! lirr stihscriber will sell tw linndred and twenty five thou- aiid Acres of LAND, Ivina; in the) countiei of Duncombe and Hay wikxI, i4 ihe Hints of North Caroliua cm the wa- ter of Swamtnno, French Heartl, Tu'-kasef and Oconnlulty Kivprn. The healthiness uf thi section of North Carolina is well known. Th Lan.l i ot a good quality, and (or grazing, sum pss'ed by none, even in the more western states. It liei generally in Urge hodiea i but will be sold in (liinntities to suite the convenience of pur chaser!, t ept ewe; I ract; (if ;fifr rhouwml - ; acres, . Iviug . on both sides of tne Freneta Itrond It iver, partly in Buncombe and partly ha Haywo-nl -Mimtieic on whkli large and ricla nanka'ofiR;it" (WUave-.recftntl bt'Cu diacov-red..- -I'erma will rnadp apeommodaimg, bfjii ag-entf U wv geiierallv bo . found. In Ash .. . viile. '- - -.. .-- JAS. COOKr.lfMr. Vt. I4lh. 1 828. 6flif sj litma. riVIV. valuable Milli and Land liurmetly;liie:fftjirl Ahm ?vnr, die'd. are ofl'ercd for salo tiy the lute nurchHwc. Inic la nil I!.. ... I In t K i na r'. itftr A mitj.B mi fV Kt nrlr- rnual to :mv lanl m Howau countv. with a urira prriTxirtion of miuerior meadow i the Mill are of miperlcir "consY nictToTti '"arid hiV superior construction, ana nave-no -a -very - good nml increjiiiK run of custom; the wstcr po: can very conveniently be made to drive any Kind of Machinery. For other particulars, and trrms, apply to Tliomat I), liibba, one of ihe proprietor, on the premises. I7ir thomah n fiinus, JflsKH! MANKS, 't. IT.lt SSNF.R, JACOB SANKK. Sf.iy 1829. M Alt I'lN SAKR. N. H. Another tract, belonging to leter Sl wr, sdjc'inlntr ihe shove, nnttimng 2 35 crea, will he K'tld in connsxion with the above, or ip aratfly as mny 1irt mit the purehaaert hicb ia likewise firU rale laud. , ,fa, will be told, a lot adjoining the" town of llocki!illr, containing ten acres ot land, with good dwi lling honie, w ith ont-house, a:id art excellent garilen : this proprrty will h- flil low, i.i iircornmoiUting terms. Apply as above, Til OV. IS .MVU, Jr. If 1 l.-il'I.CTn i.l.V informs his I ." " ii - ?Tr,'!,",',M?n4l the pub. 'I jflie, t!if, hnvliig pureliiiiwd sir. fc-Ow 'Am. llirkian't Hoot and Shoo establiitimcnt in the town of Slibirvi and em- tloyed tlmt gentleman as Forrma i of the ihop. e if prepared to evrco'e ail orders for making Fit HITS ttn-r SUOKSj of every descTtrrtion, or ahort tiotiee, ami for rei HonaMe prices. It intend conUntly to keen a aopply of the? r superior N'orttu rn Leather, aoJ to cmplaw e ... .. a . l ...W.-U irom 3 io u him rair wuriiiicn ; winwii wiii enable him to mile the most elegant kinds of- Boots ajid-Shm-ii fm Ladies and Cintlemen, ana of the very best materials. He ai keeps ail . assortment of Hoots an.l 9hoes constantly or hand, manufactured at hi on shoo, lor thfl JBS-W kTrmtrlaiiw of th wbo-wav wU..tl. ba,. -. - 'f 1" . . .'T t '. -.-.-.-....-' - ...-(..Ml-.n auiiuei pn ,li;4v.!LVlucrBc"r'v . )mg 10 uie ureworo oi me nine, no wnt allow a bberal inauljjence to tliwa he teeUsafj in touting. tJ1 Mi ntmott efforts ha!l be used to give entire intif.ietion to all hi customers, and ha hopea thereby to secure their continued confidence and rmtm tae. .V(i.Vry, .Vor. 18, I8J8, .Volicts. THlH NT Vfcr .Vnua, and fjwitnl M-tc JL 0 uiH, luv! cnteied into coisjrtnersliip in iheir mechanical busintfa. of I'taottrinf, flrkk Lavinf, t'ainth,, is X f t:. rc . V 1 51b, ' VX U'J