1 t- MXUJIIIY 20, 1823. ams. jackson. In our last, we announced 'the death jcnei Jackson, tri e of the Fres- 5tlentVtec t of the United States ; we have tincc rece ived the Nashville Republican i ult. from which we conv-the cf the C6U rawing l 10t'ce of that distinguished la ity's exit tc another and a better world. Died on t he 22d inst. at the Ilermitaee Sin-the- 624 year -of her a gey-MRS iACHEti rUCKSO wife of Andrew ef 't)f ilthhtcfc hadior sotnij months been-mjre.aciicaiiJ inan uuai, pecame nicked iit,B'SPMj?Jtbjt5,1J' jj-jjr fcw days iwisoairatisftrrd to the heart, iiod in moment r apparent convilei; ence, termlnd: without ri groan: or Vejm&k hrrweW pent life. '- . 9. ThU ynelanciibli event, . which hsi vlsi llferJamiJjritht3?iakahle sorrow; nd clothed our community in sadnesj. will excuse the folbhg faint snd brief notice. whic tnougn ur inenor to ine wig1'? ;'of h'ear'Virturiiis the best offering Ve r;an"mfte eWesanrye n era ted memory. The ?listory0f ftlcs Jack on from her early. years is - hsely and fconsidennff her sex remark ibty con . .... .L . t;,.i r netted wyn ine "ip' tt , m our tuuuiry. Her father Col Joh'ii D inelson, who was a jrentlcmin of fortune,; probity and enterprise,- removed with his family, while he was Vet a child from Pittsylvania eoyntfr ytthepUc.of he? biU ,,io the Western country f anaseuiM tnwnerRtt Whood on the banks pf the Cumberland heave moneers naa 10 cngoumrr.- ne was tilted In the -hrirne of manhortd and ihe flash of success by the Indians in Ken mck T? At t he- i im e-G-n re I Jan k son first came o this country, ahe tvss real ding, with hct widowed mother, and in Antra 175 lsh'e became hi wife.- - Hh wctfVfidW'ttara . . "... 4 " , . 1. . . . Indian and fctrcitsn wars, nis aistant ana dangerous campaigns, his frequent hat ties and triomphsr made her a silent- but anxious sharer in the dangers and glories of the potion ; and msny of her relatives following the standard ot ner martial hus band, jjsve her a more painful interest In -our struggles. Gcrieral Coffer, the husband of her neice. was always in the front of the battle and her nephew, Ale inder Donclson, fell gloriously fighting br his side. .tdjhe';t,e,ceftt;poi;Uc3j9ntcst in terminated ao fortunatelj: forjheinitjL tutiona of our; coqntryrand honorably the4Hwatte the same connexion subsisted. In order ,io obstruct .hu course jo just popularity, i and rightful power, she wis made tho ob oerous sivstes couia mmci." - Ana rro- i videtice, sfterpermuting her to witness the downfall and confusion' of those wbo cbmmTtTed' "these atrbcluesVt:entlr with I dre w ber,wounded spirit to the mansions K f tcrnn ".wherctbe. wicked ceake I from trmtblinjj, and the wcarr are at ret." II' n afttr death the course of public feel '.tig is hlended with her name. The hon Icrs with which it wis intended to com Imrmoritte. on the same day a national vie Urr, bnd the triumphant election of Gen. -sckHon, were suspended by her fte, id lacliinged by a patriotic neople for nub I lit espressions of respect for hrr virues, pnd rfcrctwri.herdep rturci And those hho in the evening had eipccted to salu'e r i'h joy and drulation, hurried next Iwnmr? to look for the last lime on hei -isii naie countcnasae, and to follow hci pd remains to the tornh. Piny nd nee, pocenre and childhood, the brute and 't fir. the humMe and the exalted. uncled their ttars and blessings around ftrpravc, and attested, in accents of Vep f i spontaneous sorrow, in sobs rf after- t converted into agony by the awful Tt!tce..pf death, her endearing merits, r1 her rxemnlarT life. " la the chauctcr of this excellent and la- . Nntcd lady, feminine charms, domestic rues and christian perfections were 'fd. Htr person In youth was beautt ' her manr.er was always engaging, her 'per cheerful, her sensibility delicate mild. Sbe was a tender wife, an af -tnoste-frteiwlt anignant mistrest a rous relation, 1 kind neighbor and an e christian. . Her pure and gentle tut, In which 1 selfuh, guileful or Vicious thought never found entraoce. n throne . of benevolence ; aod un ' ttobhr influence Iter faculties anfl tTe"eofTstaht1y detbteavt6tt1ie'ea 01 hoipitahtf , and to sets of kind - 0 feed the hungry, to clothe the to suddIv the lodleertt, to raise the Me. to notice the friendless, and to ort the unfortunate, were her favor- occupations; nor could the kindness r soul be repressed bv distress or Perity j but 4ike those fountains KN using in deep and secluded al V Oow on In the frost of winter and KH summer's heat, it maintained -arnj tad refreshing current. Thus she Uc3; en jjtfst. rr l preached, her patience 'and resirr.siion'i ': were equal 10 her goodness not aa inv patient gesture, not a vexatious look, not a frt fill nor'ant Aaomii'l kaai Kul I... 1..I a fretful accent escaped her ; but her last breath was charged with an expression of tenderness for the man whom she loved more than her life, and honored next to her God. , tDITOIWAL SUMMARY. THE LEGISLATURE, Oftbia atale, adjourned on Saturday, the lC.th mat. after a teuumjA JfiJij'iveDai)i4 pubUc and, 1 19 private ac(cand :,7 .rttoluHtnt, were passed,- - . . ' - , : .- tit will he aeenby oiir exfracta from the Rat egh panera, thnt the BANKS were left ist wnerc ,titieywxre..4aiodtyt, Perhaps it is well for tbe peijplf, that they- are (f aW; but we still tfiink ttmetUng pughrto nava wen uon-on in iubject.'- Let us aubmit. hoeverjaothe.yearMiLtruat to timerand, .The aeaaion baa xeea ivcmlong one t but the w tne ttme ana money cnsumed. But lew im. pbrtanfactf haV e bc'r.n pmed : the act erectinir ihe County of Mucin t the one in relation to relation to Constables leviei, arek pertapir three of the most important pasted. 7.A list of aU the public,. amLiucloMliSL pmMs. acta.it are im mediately interesting to this section of the atate, will be foundln-today'a t'aper.. We shall here after give a lynopsUof the last doings of both Houses, in ortfer to show what disposition was made of the mass of business before them. I!nt chin G. Burton, Esq. late Covernor cf this state, baa been appointed Gov. of the Ark ansas Territory, in place of Gen. George Iiard, deceased. Fifteen Hundred dollars, we believe, is the salary. . . The Dank tf Cape Fear has declared a divi dend ofiva per cent, for the last 6 months. SNpvVV We mentioned in our last, the com meneement of cold weather j Saturday. Sun day, and Monday; the 10th, lttb, and 12th, wer acvwely ;old- days. Ow: .Monday, night there. Was a M of raow... Tuesday morning pre. sented a sight which had not been witnessed for. twayear,4hc gMUmTm .as frigid, and some rain has fallen. Thf Public lln'uls We have beer, favored twill. l.,Kr 11 t. V' ' if?W.iba AtaJhaiilepMafrom-the Commis sioner 01 me. ueneral Land nflice, showing the qusntity and quality of. ui belonging to the . United Sute, -uns-4l. 30i h Jmr, 1828; the ?een in mariter : and !Ue lune ! :... wa,;-, u was subj-jct to be disposed of by forrign sover eigns, bet'ore it ccme under the dominTim of the United-Slates, f hia is a vatiit,! VTdcu rhent, containing much useful and interesting matterin relation to t!ie puljlic land". Sucli of cur inends as are dei"ns of ,eing it, can have tlwe privi lege by calling at o.ir office. Littl-ton Tazeweil has bc:n re-electeil Sena tor in Congress from Virginia, without opposi tion.. The appointment of William Clara, of Penn sylvania, as Treasurer . of the- IJniied States, which was madj by the President during the recess of Cohgrew has ben confirmed by the ,F-if'-J)a, reference- ta'h bat f nrta) NamitI I. T T .la ta SB S i uvil Engineer, out at the state's employ. We fear internal improvement will progress slowly with us. How ive ire deprired of his wluable ferice!'. Jt does appear to n, .tjjjv, lQRUVCatf. tma gtrcJ tO'-ork left Landed ajout aU her ptib- lie iraprovementi.- Th Boar4 of fMf nal lm-J provements cannot make judicious expenditures of monev, ilhoi:t the instniction of some one skiTTe'T 1n6pograi)1iya'nd3ivll IcnpncerWgr ! ht .ray. are lui effurta of the atate para lysed, and her fcsourcra wated. jTaXa JJ.iixr. It will bereeollectedthatsoine time last seavMi, a man by the above name, a citizen of Maine, was arrested by British officers near the borders of that state, (where the boundary line between the U. States and the Uritiih proince of Ne.Bnirtwick is in dispute) taken before British authorities, tried for reM 0Nf conduct toieardi Idt Majniy' f$vtrnmenl, and imprisoned some months in British jailav. For this rmtrsge on the rights of a Free Man of this Republic, the Administration have, as yet, rieglcced to obtain any redrera. We notice, however, that Mr. Anderson, a Jackson member ffiin Maine, has brouglit forward resolutions in th tat? of RjMmtatWev tailing- i the Trr s'xlenr for information relative to the srrest arH Mnpiismment f Baker. Justice will no doubt be done that injured citizen, b) the new adm'nist st'on. 8A if J t nft-T ball wm given at Guion's flotel. Kst'tjn, in ommemoration of the c!sy. .ffii'i, nick it the m. ' he rtaire between Va,hingnn rity sr.d Alexandria, waa run away with on the lit ins'. The driver, and a number of ladies who jumped out, were severely injured tlioe who remained in the stage were unhurt ! " Ur ft. -"mfr, The -Katitmal Castte, aya Iterf srtft b-W tbe ewrte, fer the- Mh of March neat. C5 Jrkin, and 23 Adam mem bers. We are inclind o think the fUzette has made a wrong eHtimste : th- re will 'probably be at If atf ;g Jirsnn to .timi mn In that hikt. Freth Skatl were caught, and offered for sale in Savannah, Georgia, on the 15th January. Cmatlr ite-tVm, B. Tockhr, of Northampton enootvt XI,tt,.JeiTeya. t Ca welli Alexander Gray, nrRsndotphi Archibald U'DryjIe, of Moore; Thomas L, Kenan, of Da plint Nathan B. Whitfield, of Lenoir and Gide on Abton. of Warren, have been elected Coun. cillors of State for the present year. L. Trusters s ji Univtrjty John Giles, John M. MarbeaJL John li . Jaitey- llogla-WaiMeai and William si. Mhows, have cmrw eteeted Tra. tees of the University of this state, to supply va cancies. - ,V.rrJv. The Legislature of New.Vork as sembled at Albsnv on Tuesday, the 6th inst. Peter Robinson, of Broome county, was elected Speaker of the lower house i the vote was foe Robinson ICS, Mr. Norton, of Monroe county, 16: the Lieut. Gov. presides in the Senate. The N. York Enquirerof the 9th, which we re ceived on Fridsy morning, which hat been only dsvs in rearhing us, contains Gov." Van Buren's Inaugural message t it is a long anj able iicument, such an one as might be esrtted fena its diitinjuialied author. i c r-. tlcC (io u raryTanJ,,Mi,'plice t-T lii'0 Kent 10e connitutioml term expired, J cSirV E- MitChe" ' .Connterfeitt. The Favetteville Obsenrer. of me cm inst. aayj a g50 counterfeit Cape Fear bank note was detected in that town a lew days since. It was badly executed, the narte of P. Andmm ma atifllywritten.' ' : " -,' Hon. Gabriel Moore, (a native of Stokes coun ty, in this state) will, it is expected, be the next Governor of Alabama. - The first. Kit. of that atate, Israel Pickens, and the prtsent, John Murphy, are also nativea of thiajtatt. e received the followlnr tibn by mkil, from Ralefffh varid it also appear ed in thC Joumal,lof,thia . place, of ibChJOlb ultimo: . . -,l,?;"tf:,:,lf'';f . 'irf1;'-.;'-' ed P. W. and dated. Oct, I Q, last, bee-a leaTtrrespectrallyT present his thanks to JLvtruserrjwns you noticed bis cpmmunlcasicfi. 'of. that ' t 'i'L'-i- -Tt- m. ,, - . . . V Jx'- . tue wuqerness ot papera vh.whichyour office ia filled' (Telegraphs, rio doubt,) . s e tj . t . 1 f toe couniy eaitpnai remarks accompa nyingits publication mate full amends for- sucl.delay.J-....-l..-.-..-...-j.l-;V,.:7. The srrtter of tVWutterly denies end disclaims the authorship of the publica tion fa the Journal of your town, which you have been pleased to charge to him in your paper of the 23th Nov. and on whtchyott-hive-rremarkediTin "terms evincive of the atate of refinement and morality to which the press has arrived, (your press, at least ) He is, therefore, as well as the individual to whom your remarks were no doubt intended to apply unfortunately bereaved of all the enviable distinction which they were intended to confer- , .. . .. Ah Editor of such chaste morals, such hke'and refined feelings,, and of tucb ex quisitelr tender sensibilities for rtcjeel- theyiafWhlrtfltKf matters," have given no offence but in support of truth, cannot fail to meet with a ampie encouragement in a community wiiosc cuiracieri may ce assimlliteq 10 Ms. . P. WT did not see the remarks in vosr past, or they would have been sooner at tended to. P. V. Dec 18. 1828. - - Iliit fevr of our readers will probably under stand the drift of the above, unaccompanied by explanation j we. will therefore give a brief bis tor of hat has elicited thia itarch'd effusion from u P. W.M Some time last fall, we were advised by a very respectable cilixen of Montgomery, that a gang of counterfeiters had temporarily quartered themselves on that county t that spurious U. States and State banknotes had, in a number of instances, been palmed on the ctttaena t and it was the general tpinion in. the. neighborhood, That TTiey were manufactured; 6r" at feait ftrei put afl,nat by, these suspected persons iliSt ac. rordinelv, three men, Lewis, Blakely. and Grif fin, were arrested, taken before twemtgrstrarer in Lawrtneevilie, and examined; but as proof, poritivf iu not forthcoming against them, they were, as onr informant thought, and, as it seems, the Judge and Solicitor of the last Superior Cmrff 'Ttromrhr," toov-ve charzed." These facts had also reached 11a through other channels r we therefore rctt m - duty bound to make a publication on tlie sub. jeej- not nnly q put the teopb; on their guard ag-tinst receiving the bills, but to induce them to be vigilant In bringing the guiltv fabricators nf-ihem twcV-tojitstieey ihrvHh whvte-jtnfm they had unfortuna'ely slipped. -One of the magistrates above montioned, on seeing our publics" ion, and miconceiv,ng its object, (which wss alone in'nded 10 caution Iht psolic against the counterfeiters, snd their emissions of base money) wrote us reply, complainisg that their conduct had been wrongfully centured : We published the reply, and accompanied it with an explanation, that no cetuure of the magistrates was meant to be conveyed) that the terms " improperly dischsrjed," were hastily used, and only intended to convey the idea that the cul prits were sinsrtunuirfy (for the eids of justice) let looe on the community without a more thorough exammstion. fn these renwtts, we used no harsh language towards the au'hnr of P. VV.;" we called the counterfeiters rilUano and m.ikr, W did not apply a single oppro bioua epithet t " P. VV." We did express an opinion, (in courteous language, however) that he waa the author of a piece in the ' Journal,' (of imilsr.importso the one originally sent us) the style V which was coarse and unmannerly 1 but we arel satisfied with his diidmmer of its authorship. With theee few word of explanation, we would ask the dispassionate reader if he thinks we have -given P.- W. cause "for writing such a " production- ai the above agalnvt us-- "tre had not spoken of him in terms of bitter irony, and bitinsr sarcasm, si be has made a tame at tempt to do of us 1 nsy, we had used nothing but hat. lander anJ filth, 'We the reople and Pmns' rress.' Thxw who know us intiaxateh, can readily appreciate the ill grace witt Wtch an insinuation about our " morals, . comss.troro -" wn arre uink's-ia of hs east. It floe no? necome emnginonais in. ,oo 01 1 confidenc of, lbe rectitude of thriftwk to., duett fw .their purest actions are but pins In the sight or te reat Autftor 01 tne r exis tence: But we wish no concealment la selatloq to swr morality, ws are ready to submit our "morals" to the test of the severest serstinyi and if "JP. VV." has mrl nerve enoagh.to suf. fer bim to do the same, we will then ate who U entitled to throw the first stone." I A letter from Bogota, expresses an ei- pectstioo that Vice ("resident baetander, instead of being executed, will be permit ted to coree) to the United Ar.nf wTSeeurn! tie Iwh u, wS . Ca J. 10-1 ..Cotton 9 to 10 ewta, being welTslpplied with T4rras, we pe.d 5 guilty with fa bold face, we eoS.fe we wel bMfI'"f '.'J,: bonnredbj an txchsng, with that able adveate 'J W"-? ''r! "k oftherio?", anddowrwrwlitintheewn- 3 M tent, sc6un , Ofofg.a. I fit W . vTT ' j .1. ..r Remark. The sales of tha waek in Lpland 01 our nai. at hw rH(i uv uivt ,cuh.iei u, 1 tn triJajr, Cadwallader Jones. Mars- den Campbell and Andrew ovner. were elected a Board for Internal Improve" rnents, during the present year. On the same day, the bill to provide fcr the gradual diminution of the capital stock of. the Banks of this State. bV the purchase and . extinguishment of ahares, and the biil to compel the Cinks'to fe deem their notes with tfieeie, w.ere inde finitely loatjioned. - - as . The Season;? A gentleman ent to our office last evening, two rip apples, with a irancb of .the tree attached, several sprigt of the peach- tree, and the wild ieiamine,alUo blossom, .laken from a .firjiy4tt6l wnero iney grew tntftcopen ,atr, exposed 9 ice weamer. - rr . . OUSe of ReDretentatlvea nremW nA resolution on .the subject ot the traffic in slaves carried on in the District of Colum bia, and referring it to the Commitree of tnftjJijtrtct to inquire into the eipedien cjeflre vising and amending - the la w on the subject, as well as the. propriety of abolishing the Slate Trade in the Diatrict. . r Nat, Journal, 7th imt. "e 9t wsw..ij iJleaolutioni have been introduced into the Senate of Maryland, by Mr. Nelson, in favour of amending the Cohsiitution pf toe United states, so as to prevent the election of the President from devolving on the II. of R. 4r providing an uniform. mode of election by general Ticket in all the states; of abolishing the intervention ur electors; and or limiting the ehgiiiili ty of the President to one term. ' 1h The Ac Torifc Commercial Jdvertiier, ofhVSd instrw? s-naesffisriTie' on Wednesday it was yer.y .cold, clear, anri bcautHul j yesterday it was wet and r . t . . . . . uncumiortaDie ; in me evening it wat bright star-light i'and now it snoti fuH- ously." Cahe Fear ' flank. The notes of this BankTlaynfeTFaeevife Qbserver,'are completely at par with those of the United States Bank, and that Ihc Branch lnthat (own ptomptly redeems all notes present ed, of whoever Branch, with specie . or United States Bank Notes, at the option of the holder. Gov. Owen. The following merited compliment to our new Governor, is from a correspondent of the Elizabeth City Stan I was partirularlv pleased with the Manner an whkb Gov. O weri wa elected. He was ninety , ihiles from , the cenejof action attanding to the cultivation of his farraTSt5o'" n joytrig "alt lho,e " Wsarngs which domestic life is calculated to be stow j an without solicitation orV his part', he was elected Chief Magistrate of the ;sifSuter:This :wai" li'innoiifd be iPwaV honorable to him, it was honorable'lo" those who alectert him. Porr ssirrp;- as thoJe" wboalecterr be does every j fiuality.pUtllsted J9. please united with well cultivated mind. I have no doubt the people will ratify the choice which their representative -bare madtN Finanett 0 Virginia -The available li'erary fund of Virginia is said to amount to 1,200,855 dols. the fund for internal improvement to 1,604,400 dots, of pro uu. tive stock, and 465.128 iols. of un productive stock. The Jmes River Co-nps'iv his raptndro 1.260,000 dols. t a revenue of 29,673, Dols. and pays 71.673 do!s. interest ho difference be tween the revenue and the interest being charged on the fund for internal improve menu Evander, is ree- ived, and shall be attem'.ed to. THE MARKETS. SaUilttrii' Pricto. Jan. 17 Cotton in seed 1 to 3 oent. corn iU to 5, pork 3.50 to 4, but ter 8 lo 12, flour 3.50 to 4 per barret, wheat 4J to 60, Irish potatoes 43 to 50, sweet do. 25 to V), brown sutrsr 12 to 15, coffee 20 to 25, salt l.-.'S to ! 50, lins').woolsey cloth 30 lo M cents. FayeuevMe, stia8iA-Oottnn t.Sti "to" 9. hsron 6 to 8, peach brandy j0 applo do 40 to 45, nMt li t 20, or 35 U40, flaxseed 5a, fleur 5.75 to 6.50, lard 7$. molas.es 39, sugar 10 j to 1 1 salt 1.25 to 1.50, tallow 8. wheat 1.20, whiskey 25 to 30 U. 8. bank notes 14 a 3 per cent pre- (Cotton have been fair at the rangeW our rj'iota- tiuna, but principally fair to good ean lots, V a 9 1 prime, 9 a 10 ets. Home lne" brarUs have told as high as 10, a lOj-theV latter de-B-nntuni ta warce. " " ' 1 - - , .,. . . a. f t.tmjlf a fJamden tn,..K wheat M corn 40. oatl 30. ult 87 i Baltim, Jan. I flour 8.00 to 10 00, eot ton 10 to 13, whiskey 24 to 25. bacon 10 to 12. hichmond, Hrf. Jan. 9. Cotton 9 to 10. flour 7.62 to 8. wheat 1 JO to 1.60, crn 45 to M, ba eon 6 lo 7, appla branrly 30 to 37, old peach do 90, whbkey 29 to 30, leaf tobacco 2 to 9, North Carolina bank b'.Ca3 discount, S. Caro lina 3Georgia 3). feteibvrr, Flry. in. 9. Cotton 7 to 10, flour 7 to "7.50. annle brandy 40, peach do. 44 to 75. salt L" tobacco ? 50 to. 7 85, wheat 1.40, whiskey il to 35; N. ( Jto4, ?.Csrna ! i V't'c ... -,- - ... , ' 1 . 1 1 Carolina nans puis 1 r A' 11 . A llata rWi-, Jut. C... Cotioi SI fa lll.f 6.50 to 8.53, cotton bstrjing made of bemo 13 t- "1. wheat 1.C2 to 1.7a. oalc tann't! nil. I3tf) . u er C9 to 26, hemlock do. 18 to 23. hams 9 to 10 s itf id Sd, apple brandy 58 to 40, whiskey 2? t') S, leaf tobacco 3 to 12, yellow beeswax 23 to v;...,....rsorth-Carollna bank billa J percent. dicount. South Carolina 2J, Georgia 4 Vir ginia lper cent .do. t . , Columbia. S. C. Het. 2j.Cotton 8 to 91, flour 5 to 6 j, whiskey 37 to i5, bacon 8 td 10, ' wheat 75 to 100, com 40 to 4J, salt 87. . . mimngtm, Jan, 7,-!--Cotton 8.50 to 9.-torn 40 a 45, beeswax 22, bacon 8 to 10, salt 40 to 50. AVwAem, Jan. 1 0...Cotton 8.60 a 8.75, floiir 7 to 7.50, wheat gl, bacon 6 to 8. rait 45 to 10, - peacfTlrrandyfiQappleio, 5QrwhiHkey t3: - Botton, Jafi. 3...Cotton 10 J tol 11. flax 9 tolf), flour 84S to JZ;ofCiS&:4'fi4;'Uee 3 to 5r annle" brandvt7. tallow 8. , LsIt ?ien: Dee. Sfi.-Cotton'o, Aour 650 . -. Hri W 7v-wUlccT.2i.ta-3?rrattow 6.' "North T" Carolina :Tank bills Uto "l8per cent.discmint. - AWOreans, Decs 6.-4jnislaria cotloa S Cl. "" 13 fl 7.55 to 7;30i whiskey ,25. . . MARRIED vill Holland to Miss Harriet Holland, daughter Of Basil Holland, all of Iredell eounty. 41o, on the same day, by Wlfiam Harbin, Esq. Mr. Jeremiah Moore to Miss Emilia Moore, daugb. ter of Guthrie lloorcall gopd frse h'Mel Jacksomans. - tCamfBtmfcateo. , " , DIED, ( At Washington Furnace, n jLincola eounfjr; 1 . ' on Saturday morning, the 10th January, after a. severe attack of fever, ,Mr. Caleb Connelly, of . -Burke county, JThe- deceased was a young than ' ' r " . . of unblemished ihoral pliaracter, who combined manly virtue With a suavity of manners that en dearcdhim to all who knew him. But a few months ago, he waa the picture of health, and judging from his unual cheerfulness, might bo supposed to be the last of his associates destined . for the gravel , yet , death, without respect, comes upon alt, and " the hour no man know eih t" and his shaft, when once levelled, nonet ' . can evade. In the bitterness of their grief, it ' . must be a happy consolation to those endeared by the tender ties of re " " ZZZ- he died as he lived, respected and beloved by" 211 1 ZZZ all whffkneW'himreiTeemedby Ihem as one of" ' of uod, ' an honest man." Lommuntcated. . Salisbury Light Infantry Blues. - OlT.ar? n-rjulred to appear in fill Uniform, at the rourt-'ffotise in Salisbury, m Satur day, the 28th day of February next, tho last .Saturday In the month. As Capt. Lcaily in tends resigning, having been appointed Adjti tant of the rogime&tr you will bV-reotitred to elect, on that day, Home suitable gentleman a your Commander It is particularly deniruble therefore, that et.ery member of the company stoutd'-beneTyatlnWaitenitahre: , " Bv order. JOHN II. 1IRDIE. AVc'y. January 19 A. 1828. 6t55 TRUSTEE'S SALE. B' Y virtue of ta-o Deeds of Trust to me ere cuted, by John Klutts, I will aell at his house on Wednesday the 4th dsy of February next, the following tracts of land, viz : One tract of land lying one mile flnuth-East of Concord, it being the tract whereon the aaid KluttS now ht, adjoining the lauds of John E, Mahan, Andrea? Corame, -shJ othere, coa taimng hy esthjiartoft rrthety two aftij a wairiftre." ' One tract cnnVtyed to ib snild John ..HuUi.; liy Tobias Klutts, adjoining the foregoing tract, and thftlanda of JofaX..Mahan.and othats,cnn ta'minir aeveitfv acrea. more or less. One trett eoneyed to the aaid Klutts by Paut Bsrrii-ger. adjoining ' the Ferguson tract, the lands or refer Dry, tienrge Lytaier aiKi otners. eontatntng one hunrlretT acres; mure or Teas. .-AUo, one othcrtract f land, conveyed to the said KhiMS by John Conine, adjoining the tandr of Abel Conine, Sits, Conine and others, con taining forty cra, more or leas. . -T - Also, at tlie sarnie time'amt place'and Vf vTr" tue of the Deeds of Trust aforesaid, 1 will aell the. .fa'! in.pr wnal jPPtrty, rU ftii tiegroet, Ktekiel, John, July, Jude, Betsey snd Jim 1 eight head of hore beasts, among; hich are three elegant young animals of tho Dion and Florizel breeds, the o'hrr five aro good hrm horles j about twenty head of cattle, a stock of hogs, a road waggon, and gears, ana I louse -hold and Kitrhea furniture. The aSle ill continue from day to day, until a'l the above mentioned property be sold. Ttrma made known on the day of sale, by JAB. McRfcL, TrsMsre. Jan. 18. . 3t5J NOTICE. A LI. persons are forewarned from trading for Im. a hftte of hind," for one hundred dollars, given by me to Timothy Haney of South Caro lina, Union District, dated in August, 1327, pur porting to be due the first day of May 1828, as 1 am determined no: to pay aaid note, it being; obtained from me fmuduleMlv. 3153 WILLIAM WlSF.MAN, Sen. Davidton ftunfv, J. C. Jan. it, IH?8. ""11 JVkWlU.r.Y hing reumed tlie duties of If Jt Uer ScKtt,' rtqueVT tha slaairuus jtf sending this quarter. 10 sdvlse her, si soonest rn,Merf WsiW U4 aK- - Tha-vr-ous branches, useful and ornamental, in which he gives instruction, as well as her tertr, havo heretofore been publialied. SaHt'mrt. Jan1. Pi. 18. Ml tux ftftVc. ON the 2il Ttmrwisy ot reoniary neat, at Oi Uta dwsdlioK iX tUiabth. i'kkaaa. dee'd. of MeokUnberg, 1 shall UTev &x asie Several likely J ecracio Of the estate of W m. Pickens, dec d. Also, if the same time and place, the Plantation snll be rented. R. PlrKI.JSS, .foir. , . v. tf irm, Pieken taVV. ...jAitnnn, 1 s.t 829. , All -CciVon (vTn, IJOa sale, w. We nf rti?, 8rt Cott. 1 Number 6 lo 15, inclusive, at the Factory prices, fmm FsyetteTiH. Apr'r to Sahtury,Ma,5, ir8. 111 Im!, or Jlislat'l, rpllF. certinVate f two !' Capital 1. Stock of the State Hnk cf North Caro lina: for the renewal of which, ai)nicikn will b made to the Directory of iid Ha ik at tta snnronnats t.rae. JU. 1.. iir..uc,i.. .firssrSfH. "V3; 33 isfiK9iBSeS!!3S. rt-urvi:ii;:,'SNiSr I - .A -f.