. -v', . i..- f 1 ' . ' A' 7 6 ' ' " ' ' ' , , ".. '.'"-' 1 - ' ." - V.'-'- jruif'"1' anei'Hi.y rrw, STarrs.! yutluttrof tldwrc;rM. J ' ligjj-jgggRy- ROWAN COUNTY, N. C TUESDFEBimARY Vl VOL. JX.....NO. 4.V2 a- utT. tl r , ii if.1' r e; I. Kmvg ...........At in rlr im nnny or out pm r,m, n-wi w Junta !"' ' " wa'.f plUle. '(" luvbolu e ltrtf, v; ir.; .ft F-inr- ' ..rk rrt f'TT are ciumx)tte, N;c;; f oi articles ui their dute which the will Sell very 'Ifi low for cash, or to nunc ''Jl tuat customers, im a ered- rl" Alt kinds of VVatebea repaired, ahdwar- noted to perform wcll.v . ! ' - JWv SV 1838.; - -.23-. : .n :..TJWmVUtJh .. wjr.SPKCTFULLY Informi h 3!, iVhavinff purohaedMri f -drn. iHckitn'i Boot And Shoe eitablisnmentin the to of Sliibnrv, and em ployed tlwt f eotlemn m Fore nan of the hop4 lie w prepared t fc $11 ortl-r for makinjf EQtm and. SHOES,' : of every deicH ptioL on short notice, and tut ie. -H-t.(rt ftr.j;awjy -to ecp a supayf ofihe mot wperior Northern I ther, and to employ -rorn 45 x-80-,firTte rorkmi-n r t.ieh7wl!Ti iu!le hirri to iSaScthcrfrtdltfe Booti Md Shoes for Ladies and Gemlf men, and f the irery heaLintteriab Jle .also, keepa.&n assorinneot cf ftoots and Shor canst sntly on hand, manufactured ht'his o-vn ah op, for the lafttnmodat.o'n'of vthrwe'-whi' tnt Vih lTJfi' suppliod on a sudden enu-rg-eney. Owinff to the prewure of Hie time-, !, i'luw a liberal inuuleence to 'ic ft .fv: l iji truitini .j.,l)'i5 " ID Btmott effrtt shn'f brwi trt rke rntire jaMfsriiTi n H eviHt.)mM, and lie hopea tliefebv to T?f f-ir thftr trntrnn(?d confidence rnp oat vi -Jl'l?- IMOSCrih.- ail) Stl tWO iVjfti '''"idi-ed ndtcitv five thou. ), -ami id Acre of LND, lvinj in the counties ' of , Buncombe and liar fool.l .1 :M taA 't ..rlI!arwaJ.QnJthejvca. : tew of Swannanj, French Board, Tuckascife tnA Oconaluftv Riv.rs. TliehcalthineM of this i sKn ofctttt CafoSiarii ; til known. rThe : i lml is of a jrood qualitr, and for jtratln, sur taed by none, evrn in the mare west em states, b it iceoeTalk So large bodies ; but will be mU I uwrtjtws-to-iurte- w-ronremr ffcr "Or llK" thw except one Tract. jL. alt v tnounnd Wing'-on ' both" V1 of i the French Bttwd IUvr, partly 14 Buncombe anl partly in Hsveood couniies, on which larre and rich Bsnks of truf fkr hvr Tecrmly ben - diffiov. mi. Tenna will be made accommodating, by the sent, who tnny generally be found in Ah Title. ' J A 3. COOK', ..?r(. -J-JUJSTflPX-SJlLR. - Z, BtTtftne.of tro Drtdi oTfni tn trie etel catcd, by John Klutts, I will sell at his I home on Wednrnlar the 4th day of February M It, the following traos of land, viz ; One trsct orlsndlvmr one mile Smith. Hast of lloncorO, it bfins; the tract whereon !e said Mutts now livrt, adjoining th lands of John xanan, undrew lomne, nnd othrrs, con luioin by estimation ninety two and a half acres. "tie tract, ronvcrrd to the S11J Jnhn Klutts lj Tobias Klutts, adjoiuintc the fjrcjfiiuir tiact. t the laaaa ol Joliu fc,. Mahan and o'.bcn, con- taimnjj seventy acre, more or leu." Oat tract convrvf d to hr a'nl Klutts bv Taul 8r ,.,grr, alio!ninp' the FrmHon tract, the ar.JtufPetr t-v ti L-.rj- l.vtak. r and others. au'wij J u. hu l.tre.l 'ri iiliin. ,irlfu. A1ie (rther tract ofl-ni! ninrvnl to the Kit 's bv John Corji.rt-.i.lj -unmr the lands la .St Cni'.ne. Sil r i,ne ln.l nth" -rs, con. timiij toriy crev m.-rc rr Icm. at th? sum? time a id i-c, n I bv s ir l'il 't 9 Decdiuf l -uit aforesaid, I will kII is nej r, Kxekif !, John, Ju'y, Jude, Uetvy id Jill! fiijnt hesd of htifv hnit muni' ":h are Ihre' flrr:nt vimn inimal, ..f tKf rssri' Ho-iirl brf . d the other five are y'STnTho, t road wairron and ears, and and Kitchen furniture. 3; 12 f f above mentioned prarerty be sold. r-wmaae known on the dav of aa.e, hv r - .a.,,uic "li B'lil l.f VA - formerly the propcrtv of ..eo. JX V ''.rr, dced.-afe oreretf for iaTe v l IV thfi 11 nurvhueM. 1hi land j;"i lHi;ca oait'itretk.imiUaeastof Mks. jswsjtwo Mnmrord tract, and it 10 Uoi ut Itow aa county, with a Urge, T'lion of s-incrine msado 1 tin? Milla ire .1 ... 'i.'wiuuk,4im Have- 4tw aTaT I and iner;,,. ... ..r ..... . 1. . ... Jtaaj very ronrenientlv be mde to drive tm.! of u.ri.;. r .l . ..1 'i trrm , . i , f Proprietors, oa the premlar llf THO WAS D. Ginil3, JOSRPII HANKS, PF.rr.W A NF.lt, JhOm SsNF.R, tll t rtr4Ht "fin f pi13 Tia " ej1 t? Vmt'fKTjrfmit'MtRi 'iita rV. ii , 1 : htf Iract, bel.wpnr to PeUr Sa " ll. ji 1.JOiw, ,k eoniaimnif 22J seres, IItJu m tol"",iM vi W,e N. HsRriN SVNEIl. UvT"1 oeat suit the purchaser, which wis Km t. 1 )ttlt n'a k oM- ,n Mi-sininc town ,P... Ki" " w,h out houses, and an Al"de,,,,hU rrty w.ll be sold T AUTMOULTY. a,- - j . t. - ; - :KBEM emeted'M tfu ., Senate "ank'llouse ofUtfiremtativet of the Urjtei State '':of .ioifrittine.u.at.lCi4adKftr1.iama..:ftre hereby, ' respet'jveljt.jippropriatec!, JTor the 5ery.ee ttf the Crsrnuanrof tho year opejhouswxl.tht hundridrand tweutyd nine i mat it to. say J. .;;,; .j. ;J.,.y ' For corripensatiorv to .the Senators and ftlemberi of trie House of .Represena tlvefr iheir-OIficcrsadd.Gerks,.iitd for the contingent expenses of both Houses of Congress, 4$5,99S dollars; For ex penses of the Librrv-of Corvurw,, ind'K ding he salary of tho Librar(.vn," 487 dol lars and fifty cenjs ; For compensation to lh President of the United States, 6,250 dollars; For iQinpensation to the Vice President of the United States,, 1,250 dollars : t or compensation to trie Secre tarjr of State,7 MOO dollars ; 7 For compeh rmrrthbttsand tlcrtt"hanilrecr an ititiTeen 397S dollars ; For eonfpenat.on to 1 he of second March, one thousand eight hun tt and twenty seten, 1,100 dollars ; For compensation to the messcntrer in h Department of- Statrr4Hltrdmt!f the' messenger in thr-Pa'ent OITk c, in full of all allowances, 362 and 50 cents ; F'r fompens'ion o one machinist in the P.i cm Offi-r, p?r act of twen-r sixth of Jliv. one thousdnd eight hundred and twenty four, 175 dollars j For the inci dent.il nnd contingent expenses of prin ting and distributing the laws, and for ex tra copying of pjpers, 671 dollars ; For compensation to the S cietary of the Treasury, 1. 500 dollars ; For co npensa tion to the clerks in the office if t'.e Sec retary of the Treiiry per act of twen tieth-Mif ,Api iU one- -ihuutvuhj.-, a;vi, bun dred and eighteen, 2.600 do'hrs ; For cetrtpensaiiaii to, clcrlts ia id iiffic T act of tWehty-Hixth nT"'Mj'J' jna7snQsanrj eight hundred and tweity lour. 237 tr neris in sstd oflice, per act of second Jforcb, .one thotismd cigot hundred ani twenty scrcn, 3jQ dollars; for coaiocaJtionary fuel, printing,, books, and. alt sfcttdn lo the'mcssenger in said office, and assistant, tn fulf of ill alhjwtnec, 263 dollars 50 cents j For compe ih to tre First Comptroller of the Treasn y 67S dollars For compensation to .he ctcrks in the offi:e of the First Comi) thousand etght hundred and eichiern, 4.100 hundrrd n1 6? dollars and SO- rents: Fo additional compensation to me clerk per set of second of Mirch, 1,800 hundred and 27, and 50 dolUrs; Fur compensation o messenger-, in sid offi'-e, in full of ll illosocrs. 262 -lol I rs and 50 cents ; For compensation thr Second Comptroller of Hie Tretsury, 750 dollars; For enmpens itimt to he clerks in the olTi -e of the Scfof! Comp roller, per act of twentieth of April, one totisipd eight hundred and eigh'een. 2.437 dollars and 50 cents For ro pensa'ion to the messenger in said office, in full of all allowances, 171 dollars; For compensation to the First Audit v of the Treasury, TJOdoIlats ; For c ripen sationioihe clerks in the office -if the Firt Auilitor of the Treasury, per i f twentieth of April, one thousand ei,nt hundred and ei,h:etn, 3,300 dollars ; r ir comoensstton to the messenirer i' the aaid -o&c.r4fwlrVd-sikwanreri 175 dollars ; r or comprnt!ion to the r-:ofid Auditor of'lhe Treasury. 760 doifars;' F"or compensation to the clerks in the ; offi:e of the Second Auditor of the 1 rca surv, per set of twenneth of Apriff one' thousand eight hundred and eighteen, 4300 atid 50 do'tan; For compcniitlin to the clerks in the offico of the Second Auditor of the Treasury per act of iwcn tieth of April, one thotand right hun dred snd eighteen, 4,400 and JO dollarsT For compahsatldo. lo tie .fficsserrgcr tn said offtce in -full of i-lloancer.l7A dollars ; For comri'cnuUan,tQ,tlhird lAu'ditor oTVhe Treasury, yi6 dollars ; For compensa.ion to the clerks in the of fice of the third Auditor of the Treasury, per act of twentieth of April, ooe thou sand eight hundred and eighteen 5,200 nd 2J dollars; For rornpensation to the messenger in vaid ofTicr, and assistant, in full of all allowances, 262 dollars snd 50 cents; For compensation lothe Fourth Auditor of the Treasury, 730 dollars; For compensation to the clerks in the of fice ef the Fourth Auditor, per act of twentieth of April, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, 3.700 and 62 dollirs and 50 cents; For Compensation to clerks in said office, per act or second of March, one thousand eight handred and twenty seven,' 500 '4a fafs ; For com erjsatlon. to allowances, ITJolIars Fc crnpensa-tion-tt 4be Fifol kadUolf ibVTxeasar . tY-JuMUAta j: or com penitai lotv-to -Hft 6Irm'ii of-thSFifthlsaditor. per net vi weottetrrof Apritr onenhoa i auu eign nunareq ana eighteen, 3,600 and 2 do! hr Fot : compensation to 4he clerk in said office, her set of. twentr1 .sjsXiMJij(air ana twenty-four, 925 dollars ; For addt tional salary of one clerk, per act ?f ae coftd of March, one ..thousand eight hun dreL and twentyr-seven, 50 dollar ; For compensation to 'the. messenger in said office, in full of all allowances, 475 dol lars; For compensatbn to the. Treasurer of the United States f 50 dollars i For compensation to the clerks in the office, of the Treasurer tf the United States, per act of twentieth of April, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, 1,300 and 12 dollars and 50 cents; For compensa tion to the clerks in said office, per act of twenty sixth of May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four, 300 dollars; For compensation to the metseogir in said ofticr,. In tull of all allowances 175 The Trustify, 750,ddlaftr For compensattoni of the Register .if the Tresunr. oef act of twtieth of April, mu-ibouaaod eijjbirseten, 25.0 dollars For compensation to hundred and eighteen, 5,500 and 87 dol lars and 50 rents ; For additional alary of four clerks, per act of second of Marth rSrJ'irr t rioaiinrf " f ijht " FtmdfecT'ini3 t weniy" seven, '200 Hollars ; For comrpensd'ion to messengers in said '.Rice, including the dlowance for stamping ships' registers in full of all allowances. 287 dollars. jnd-i3 cents ; Fop compensation to the Commis- nner of jhe licner.!! LsikI Ufhce, 750 dollars ; Frir rompensition to the clerks in the ofFVr of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, per act of second of March, one thousand eight hundred and tvenir-sRven, 4,800 and 62 dollars and 50 cents ; Fiir comenaibn to the musen tcri in said office In full of all allowances 96? irdlara ancf50 -ent-Fr-tompn- t'loti to the Secretary of the tommis M-jMers of the-Smking Fundf 62 dollars am) 50-cc4UFotallowince.s to the per vjh ciiifjlu'cj In 11 aiiButiuStl paSSpbrtS afrd--s)Hetters ;-for-ttxpene; of transta line foreicn languages, in the office of the-fefiretary of ahe-Treaaury ; for ata other incidental and contingent expenses H the Tressury Department-and-the several offices therein ; including the ex nenses of advertising notices in relation to he reimbursement of certain portions of he nublic debt, 7,500 and 37 dollars and tendent and four wstchmen, employed hr the security of the State ind Treasury briildintrs. and for the repairs of two fire engines and buckets, 47$ dollars ; For compensation to the Secretary of War I. SCO d libra ; For compensation to the r!rrits in the offirc of the Secretary of W -. per act of twentieth of April, one in i-tI riijht hundred and eighteen, 5,600 ,nd 50 dollars ; For one clerk in "ic Hu -e-.u of Indian Affair, per act of second March, one thousand arid eight hundred and 1 weity seven, 2S.0 dol Itrs; For cnmrensaiou to the messen gers tn til '.Iftre. in Tull of all allowan ccn. -61 doll it sand 50 cent; For con 'ii-rmt L-xpenses of the offn.e of Secretiry )fV ,r, 750 dollars; For books, mips, ,t d obm. for tho War Department, 2 50 lollars; F-ir compensation to the rlerks in the office of the Paymaster Genersl, per set of twentieth of April, one thou sand eight hundred and eighteen, 975 frhjttsrs ; For rrrnpe nsstiorr o The mrsscT gcr in said office io full of all allowances 173 dolbrs; ror contingent expenses of sii l ofli e, 75 dollars; For compensation to the clerks in the ofTic- of the Commis sary Oeneral o? Purchsses per cl of twenty sixth of May, one thousand eight hundred' ind twenty fmirr F5 rlqiUfS)-r4 For compensation to the messenger in said office, to full of all allowances, US dollars t 'For cootingaat expenses of ssij office, 200 and 7 dollars aod SO cents; For -compensation, to the clerks lis the office, of the Adjutant General, per act of Wtmieth of.Aril,..OAa.l&ouaao(l eight hundred snd eighteen, 537 dollars and SO a i- ccnta; r or compensation 10 one cieri in i J office, per act of second Mirch, one thousand eight hundred snd twenty-ses en, 200 "dollars 1 For contingent expenses of said office, 350 dolUrs ; For compensa tion 10 tha clerks io the office of the Com missary General of Subsistence, per act of twentr sixth of May, one thousand eieht hundred and twenty-four, 537 dol tats and JQ cents 1 For compensation to one clerk in said office, per act of second of March, ooe tboesand eight hundred and twenty-seven, lOO dollars; For con tingent expenses of siiJ office, including printing advertisements, 650 dollars; For compentyi?n to ths .ierk in U.e crv of the Chief Engineer, ber act of twetitv iithof ilayvone thousand eight hundred and twenty-four, $37 dollafs and 50 cents: FcpaMUon tone cUrk In Gee, Pr-act- of- second -of -Ma rehr-one thousand eight huhddimd tWefttfw veh; 4v aouara xor coniingenrtxpenserot saiq ottice, w dollars ; t or compensa tion to the derks in the Ordnance office per act of twentieth. 01 April, one thou w4fchv-kttndr4 douari tid 50 tents r? of contingent pensea of .said office, 200 dollars ; For compensation to the Clerk In the office of the Surgepn General, per act of the twen ty sixth of My, one thousand eighf hun dred and wenty four, 287 dollar and 50 cents t For compensation to the clerks in the-officeorthe Qiiartermaster General, 53f dollars and 50 cents For contin gent expenses of said office, 157 dollars ; For compensation to 'the- Secretary of the Navy, 1,100 dollars; For compensation to tho clerks in the office of the Secretary ofthe $ay, per act of the twentieth of April," pne tfioirsand eight hundred and eighteen, 2000 and 50 dollars; For cora pensation to the clerk in said office, per act oftwenty sijcth of May? onr thousand 5l4d3iBimnfY-fbiir dol- iirwj ur compensation 10 tas ciers in saltTbfficerpcl1 aft of tn'KcbMofMarc'lt, one thousand eight hundred and twenty- the messengers in said office, in full of all allowances, 262 dollars and 50, cents'; For contingent expenses, of said office, 750 doHarsT For Commissioners of the Navy Board, 2,600 and 25 dollars ; For compensation to the clerks in the office of the Commissioners of the Navy Board, per act of the twen tieth of April, onr thousand eight hun dred and eighteen 887 dollars nnd 50 cents; For compensation to the clerks and draftsman in said office, per act of twenty-sixth ol Mv, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four, 1000 dollars; For additional compensation to one clerk in said office, per act of tho seconJ of March, one thousand eight hundred and t went y-ae van, 50 dollars t For compcRia- -tion to the messenger in said office, in lull of sll allowances, 17$ dollars ; For con tingent expenses of said office. 450 dol lars; ror allowance to the upennien denrandfoiritehTncniefflplayed1or the security of the War and Navy Build ings, and for the Incidental.; and contin gent expenses,, including oil, candles, fuel, labor, &c. 537 dollars "and JO cents j For compensation io the PoiJmaster Gen eral, 1,500 dollars j For compensation 10 the two Assistant Postmasters General, 1,200 hundred and 50 dollars ; For com pensation to the clerks in the office of the Posfmaitctp.cncril Tt..cj. pfrtejcfi;. tieth or April, one thbiiund'eight hun dred and eighteen, 5,600 and 75 dolUrs ; For compensation to the clerks in saic office, per set of the twenty sixth of May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty four, 1,400 dollars ; For compensition to the clerks in said office, per act of the se cond of March, one thousand eight hun dred and twenty seven, 1.600 dollar; For compensation to the messengers in ssid office, in full or all allowances, 362 dollars aud 50 cents ; For compensation to one additional assistant messenger, 87 dollar and 50 cents; For contingent exprnses of said offire( 1, 2 JO dollar ; For compensation o the Surveyor Orn eral. in Ohm, Indiana and Michigan, 500 dolUrs; Fir compensation to tho rlerks in th. officr of said Si-vtyor, 500 dol lars; For compensation to the Survevor south of Tennessee, 500 dollars ; For compensation 10 the clerks in the office of sai l Surveyor, 425 dollars; For compen- srhn rrrhr trrTrror-tn-'ttftnors, sirs souri, anJ Arkansas, 500 dollars; tor compensation to the clerks In tne ohm. of said Surveyor 500 dollars ; For com - at a . pensation to the :urveyor in Alabama, 500 .dolUrs ; tor compensation to the clerks in the office of said Surveyor, 375 or in r loriaa, jwu uouar , ,- r tuunu ssthn to the clerks in the office ol said Surveyor, 500 dollars ; For compensation to the Commissioner of the Public BuilJ r-. I .nr. I . It . I - - n ings In Washington City, 500 dollars For ' tornDCnJation'to the offkeri tnd clerk of ttje" Mr?i1Wjr7Watw f or compensation fo the persons employed in the different operations of the .Mint, 2.500 snd 75 dollars; lor incidental and con tingent expenses, and repairs, cost of machinery; for allowmce for wastage io gold and silver coinage of she Mint, 5.300 snd 23 dollsrs ; For compensation to the Governor, Judges, and Secretary of a as . . . rST . S aSi - a. .ft the Michigan territory, iwwanu aw dollara ; tor tne conungeni eniinas ( prescription will pne Us ellicacv t tetters an the Michigan Territory, 17 dollars snd 50 drd ta the ribcfber p,,t pail enclosing cents : Far compensation and mileage lo two dotU-s witt be prompdy attended la, by a . - ' the members of the Legislative .Council, snd printing the laws, and the contingent and incidental eapenstscf said Council, 1 ,400 and SO dollars; For cnmptniation t the 0vrn5'. -Vs?- i"i rtre,s7 of theTArkinsaf Territory;" tOC ahd 5d doilaroniingiMexpen Arkansas Territow. fi? doll. r . and ' AfS Ae?"lMftffei -fc4---ft, .i.pw v U m Vl t .1 I erruory, .2,100 and -25 . dollars ; Fof lory, er qouars ana cents ( for com , t , v pensation and mileage to'themembers cf . the XegTsritiVe pouhcat, indprintta iBsMjidetbTrtinr ckpehses ofiald Council, 1,600 nuodrt'd)' and 65 dollars. For compensation to thei i ; Chief Justice, the Associate (Judges, and ' District Judges of the United Siaterf, C chiding the Chief Justice and Associate Judges of the Disrict of Columbia, 19,603 dollars ; ,t or compensation to the Attor ney General df the -JJnited Staeji 75 dolla rs ; For com pe n sa tion to t h 0 c I erb " in the office of the Attorney General, 20.01 dollars J Forcompensaticrn to the JReporf. er. of tbt decisions bf the Supretfte Court. 350 dollars; For compensation ta sundry District Attorneys and Marshats1,ras gran ted by la w, including those in the several Territories, f3,T0O and 35 dollars For defraying the expenses of tho Supreme Circuit, and District Cohs of rhe United . . Stat eii includin. tho District iOotawh biaVaM p Jurorsa ibiTfiwi'fiririaiftg' fr6m tttt penaUlesi and forfeitures, incurred in the first quar ter bf the year one thousand efgbt- bun- dred and ' twenty pine, 7nd precedlntr years , ana, iivwiac, .ior ,.orirsyjn5..tns) expenses of prosecutions for off. nce c 6m miited agalnal tb e'Unifed Sialtsvsnd for the safe keeping of .prisoners, 37.56fl " dollars; ror the payment of sundry pen sions granted by the late and present Government, 512 rpHars and 5CT"cehti i For the support of light houses, fl'Mting: lights, and other objects, for tho protec tion of navigation-. 42B00 dollari. For surveying the public landa of the United States, 10 000 dollars ; For station.irr snd Jiooks for the offices of Commissioners of Loans, 400 dolUrs; For the salaries of the two keepers of the Puojir ' Ar hive in Florida Territory, 250 dojlars ; For the. salaries .at 3Iuusteta.-ol,ibe -Uuiied. States a)Xondon, Paris, Msdrid. Si. ?e- trrsburgllexlco and Coluaibi i ; ,f ,r (he tVmffVe $ex&e r Tsns'Tfetm'arkLisborii"' jus'emslarPwkUCTios-'AnTfrftT'QT" and Chili ; for the salaries of the Secre taries oMiegation sod for ihe contingent expenses of all Ihe mtoldn 600 nd 35 dollars j For the SaUriew oT the Agents of Claims at London nd Paris, 1000 tJollars Fnr the relief ind protection of distressed AmeMcan icameO in foreign countries, 6,200 and 50 d-silirs. Sec. 2. Andbtit Jurthtr tnacted, That the -several - sums - hereoy spprtsnriated -aWrbepVIdoTf snv' -mmsrsr in- tho Treasury not otherwise apprnprU' rrt." " A. STKVKNSN, fpealer of the House of Hep -eentativei. J. C. CU.HOl N, Vice I'res'ulent of the Uni'eil States, anJ Pre sident of the Senate, A (proved : 6th Jan. '8.'0. JDIIV QflNCY ADAMS. Salisbury Linfif Ittfantrj libtrs. YOV, are rrquired to ifpear in full uniforTt, -at the Court-House in Salisbury, on Satur day, the 2?.th day of February next, the fast Sttnrday iwlhe nwrHh. As Capt. Iemty In, tends rcaigning, ha.ing been appointed A Iju rant of the -reirmri4, yua viU bo. aaiuuLd- la elect, on that day, omr iith!e i;eitleman s your Commander i it is particularly de-iuble. f therefore, that erery menbrr of the company should be punctual in hi a'temlince. By order. Ji'HN II. II KDIF, Wy. wary t9r&. IBC8. 6t5.t CtiUon ftTiu l JSOFl sale, A"eiae ami rtmit, Sei-w Cormw, price, fem Fyeit--iU Aiv J. SH UIMl Y, . 'foif. f 11 T,IF. certifirat of ln hsret In the Capital Stork of tl.e 1tte Hank of Njrth Caro. iinai f lb rcnel of which, application will be maJe o the Dirertory of "hI Bank at the .rrHt,,U;e time JV. 1.. HRMIF.KSnsj. b,ttt )th, I83S 10 FMatc of Mosrs llwlgrrt, iked. , T'.W, subscriber having nuiiiAed, at the Jan uary court of )! and t)uarter aeaions fur the county uf Csharnts. N. C, as executor if the laat wiU-ofU'JKS lUhliKS, ,dec'4, H jper-oh J nlehtd SKwte.ssiUswoKS tarwad xa wi Uma3aCa.' )) aitr f att tbe wV have demands will rent their scemts for settlement within the tirrte pretcrihtd by law, or this notice will We pW In har of their recv ery CARSON It m;FRS, Kx'r. ln. P. 18. 3H3 .7 certain Cure for t at r iterance. rjlilF. suSacriber ha Jicoverei a certalo rem fdy for those who see unfortunately addic ted to that most wretched of all vice, the too free use of ardent p.rit, a single trial of the 1 aawsc . rtmitunea uf the medicine and directions. wM. l. At sriv. fjttrrn, .liSe rvit'y, .Y. t'. "mtiT N. It Prin'eri f-en 'Jv to Ihe cause ff t?if onfoHutute df j- la- ! p'cs'e give tbis n rnsevkn. - ... -' xv. ' ::1.x.l Hit-' a. fS-'-i ..ll. lei X. ...... Mi itMMhi ,s, .. . tva - " w4 -W a, U 4

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