'4 A'. uiGisuTin:. TUc f dicing item will show what were the "list d in;s of the General Assembly of ibis state, at its recent session : ; ," , . , ' COMMON'?. . - -v Wcdtieifay, hn. 7. Mr. Kccles presented a resolution in favor of John MacUae, altering the time of repay. State, one Tear TooEerTThlPlf: ewa t ion- passed! the: . I lousejof 'Commons, Kccles; from the committee oftnterhal tioti was f calve J 'from' the Secretary of the Treasury. and along time was spent in cbnsideratioaof the bill rela tive to the public lands in Tennessee. . Fri'lay, Jan. 2. In the Bsnate, Mr. Dickersoo laid on the table a state ment, showing when the national debt would be extinguished under the pre sent system of paying it. oflT, and the the buckle cf his belt which he were round birnj added to these wounds. he is aiHictcd with a spitting of blood. So that the visitations of Providence are manifol.!, and from the known in firm state of his constitution, serious apprehensions are entertained for his f ' I lionCortcuTred in; -Tnelill toTpFS? vide for thenal settlement of execu " Mors anil administrators, nitpostponedl - pidennttciy. ... . " i. it-fspbursday, Jan. 8. -.ThehUrallowihg ' comnensation to patrollers the. bill V more effectually to punish persons who :ettm'njtaedisoa others--the bill to anil 'dthe practice of courts of equity 7thebfll for -the purpose of Collecting Information relative to a penitentiary 'system and lunatic asylum-the bill "repulating the appointment of . clerks of coilnty courts and county attorniei within this Statethe bill to amend the 12th section of an act passed in 1811. supplementary to an ct concern- cerning Internal Improvemeritsan3 the resolution feaaesting the1 President yxwrrtff a rfetf hmcm of the 1 J. a. corps r . 1 . . lie. ' v - . ) der the system propose dktubuliiiz a portion of the revenue states) a resolution or Mr. Chandler i WaSTfrircerd tm-4ok tion of the military road from Mars- hill to the mouth, of the Madawascqw . r- ' r . -Li- 111 thrmiffh territOtV tMma W W lint- - r - . . 4 ishs the bill to aUow an additional ' a ww drawback on sugar refined mrthe u. S; and exported, was passed j the biU for the continuation of the t;umb?riand road was passed j MtvXJhandler's resoi lution for changingMhe law on the suhiect of. Breed commissions in the armvland !olishinff the office olMaj Gen. in the army, was agreed to the senate adjourned to Monday. SUMMARY OP FOREIGN NBV -Fram thr IT. S. i'elerrabh, ... By the srrif al atNew Xork, of lU Ships ColombWi from London, and tne Pharle magne from Havre, English and French naners to the 1st of Dvrember from lion- have been received bf the Editors of the ua per iKat c it ir . T h e n e w s f urcl she & - of-Engineersj to4urvevv route Jor-a ;-Railnadt were wlefiriitchj postponed. . :Pridatfi J ah 9 The 'ei'grai5ed-tll:t- carrr into . enect jicoiHraci entered inig by R. M'. SundersrcomihliMbner on the part of the State, with certain Cherokee Indians, was i ejected on its first reading Saturday, Jin. 10 On motion of Mr. A'yche. the bill to carry into effect the contract entered into by R. M. baunders with certain Cherokee Indians," wis re considered; when it passed its second reading, and was again rejected 46 to 43. A resolution of thanks to ihe Spea ker for the maqner in which he had pre tided w adopted, and the House ad- -Toarrred. Wit di. ' SENATE. January 6th. The bill to regulate the feci of clerks and ahenlT,-was.re- Jtae3?hi. hill la :.i eyiye n act-pas ineTection held by the Philadelphia on the 5th and 6ih instant, the folloin centlerneh weie elected uirector lorme prcnoni year, viz t wkb j ir.- .VtdnJ cf-pii;Um?nu.---Ttt friends of tie ! Administration show a ood deal of impatience . ! because the Senate of the U. S. are dilatory n acting upon tome of the nominations of Mr. Adams. The Prea'dent certainly has the right, ' and no doubt will eiercise it to itsfullest es- Cant. Taylor, of thrprWateer Ftderil, cap-! enl,,T m."'.S nm'r.iona tu midnigiit of the i th rf f k tum. hu r.nt. ! " day oi nia term j dui we tninic ne na no ... r . -J i p ... , ;r,., .,. i , r Turner of the U. 8. aloop of war Erie, Snnotineea t r,6ur ""."p '"' mvmc e i.!- . ix':i-:-4 : 4. i iiuiiiiiiaiiuna via ujc. oucai 1111 isict sec wiiPinpi February, 3, m at Cane- Fear Recorder.-with th View f .ma king a representation of the taseto our govern ment; We perceivfc'the, sailinjc master, of the. privateer iiaa . arriyed at.ISew.York, and pro ceeded on to Washington. The privateer haa been carried, as a prize, into Pensacola. " We shall now sooa hear what these privateeramen, who are cnargru whm pimwnFn i uuk) tawu- , Jr. Lewis t.ifmpier-j l nomas r.ecn amnnwi, mi wwr jm n olas mddl,Tbdm8s Cad waHader Richard van, John Hemphill, Manuel Lyre, raul Large Tumipt.-TSey are bragging m- ui Beck LCopc. wonnrcMnTfows-ww..ouia.vM"K olina, George Hoffman of Maryland, Hose- three quartcrt I S3 inche.s in circumference ; 13 well L. Uoli of Marvland, Uobert Lenox iinchea in diameter. Hho can Dealitr olriew lorn, uiiam o. Avar otew York, ' Nathaniel Silhbee of Msssacha setts. ; .-. ... . -. ;; , ';. And at a meeting on the evefiing of the 6(h. N. Biddle, Esq. was unanimously re elected President for the same period. ; the new President will not make Lathers more to their liktflg-i e have no desire to see the -present ntastersoftheTeastliekr the platter be. fore they leave the table. , 77 . South Pof. The bill to provide foran' tfr ploring Expedition to the South Pole, passed 4bft,Hwse.of jri?PJ'eentatives on the I6h ult, j The probability s, that it will become a lw. - : TcculaVioo of the town of Mo'rganton in Burke CQunty-thc birtscribroj the manner in which bastard children lhallbe legitimated ; the bill regarding guardian bonds to be made payable to e uovjcjniiTiciTarTesotutionMiM feet) ocr in a particular manner, were ifidvfinUcly postponed. Wednesday Jan". 7. Mr. Iteinhardt weTentcd iibUl tare peI i a "a c t passe d in 182Gr to repeal an act in 1830, to order the payment of fees to certain officers therein named, so far as res pects the county of Lincoln. Thursday Jan. 8. Received from the II mse of Commons, - A large company of citizens of Ilar risburgh. nd pauphiq county (Penn sylvania) partook of a sumptuous din ner in comtDemoratioQ of the glorious 8ih January. 1815, The follewiog we End amoog the regular toasts ; The Memory of Ms. Jackson the am'uble wife of the slandered hero. remains, but her ' virtaei will shine m 'ii- i l.. .1.4 iW-SLWi nearlv . rhonth ,!tr Dn'"MI Put" wuco ' V '. . . - l. 1 .l'i.ii-M--ar-IaattQ the mirnnrv o man that OT toe late rnntucitjLz:zi z " jfairi of the ar. The story of 30, OOa Turks bein j killed before ShumWis hot confirmed. - .r--.....p. , The Emneror Nicholas arrived at St. Petersburgh on the 23th October, and was received with great parade. iThe'ictitrnH--fTOm-'Ctanuaople. are 16 the tsr. of November. ,1 he most- ac tive preparations were making for a rig orous prosecution of tho war, Accounts from Alexandria mention, that 100,000 ardeles of corn had been purchased in Egypt, for the service of ihe Sultan, and were tone forwarded with all possible ex pediiion to Constantinople. Owing to the blockade of the Djrdanella by the rvussfans, the corn was to be forwarded in transports to omyrna. The Circular of the Russia. Admirat Harden, announcing tbe blockade, is da ted VtMUaf4)c4eberl Th on of-Iteahlnf Fach has arrived in ram. r RuuiaLht nipprejts'Motherof Rus sia, died suddenly at Su-Peteraburgb, in the beginning ol November.-Uer muu ence ovef the Russian cibinet was said to be verr-rat,-and she irasrit is ftho said. la-XiVor nf pcace Some ibe European I man. " - n..X.iumpop4c P.jTHtii relates that a vouncr man who was in torture from havioc thrust his hand twice into a bed of coals ex perieftced immediate relief f rom plun g irig them" into a pot of tan -His hands healed free frorri scars. There is a famous burn salve made in Philadcl phia" which"hals without leaving scar, one ingredient of which is be licved to be tar. Central Sank 6 Georgia. This institu tion, incorporated at the late session ol the Georgia legislature, to a foe concern, to all -intents and -purposes. Many, very man? of the people thought it was to bring relief, lo them to remedy the hard times -buk it seems they are mistaken ; for the editor of.the ueorgia Journal, mr. Camaky who is President of the Bank, tells his, subscribers; not to flatter thenv selves with any such, vain hone, for the bank will be very circumspect in making discounts. The AliUedgeville Statesman says there was much difficulty in making choke of a f resident of the uank t the directors balloted teveral day$ i during which'irtrsi self, without making an election -finally, thev 'drew ttraxu i and the office fell ffpWjMTrOamaky Uoraa aforesaid. Journajk hint that she-was poisoned The Ctar arrived at St. Petersburg on the 3WOctJ'-:j-.-.i A leiter from Frankford mentioni the 'exlsience of a Treaty of alliance' between- Russia and rrossn aa no longc doubtful, and adds, that according to the Stipulations of said treaty, 100 000 Prussians will en- I ter the kingdom of Poland upon the first movement of the Polish armv to nroceed a message, bevQ. the from. proposing to appoint a select joint ; Ruitia and SveJen.-Tbc Crar and committee of three persons oo the part Bernadotte have resolved to form a new of each House, immediately to confer 1 convent io-f miyt-4(o. 4oont the From Hit Boston Statesman. A few davs since we mentioned fact, 1 that sedistiftguVshedfedejal ger.tlemen, Mr. H. 0. O is, and others had written to Jfji n Q. Adams, res TMxUBff hiaxharge. again st .the federa , . - . i Tirrtv- At lew-4;nBlana oi a oesip;n xo Tmrtta--long letter in -reply, to sub- stantte his charge; - The public; cu riosity. will be much excited on this subject Weu. long uaceLloe.cpnres poinfJulilJagarthat it will sooo be published. upon the subject of the Finances of the State which was concurred in. Mess Spaiijht, Davidson, and Thompson from tne senate, were name'd as this committee. The bill for the re lief of Insolvent debtors under State prosecutions, was indefinitely postpon ed, v motion of Mr. Meares. J-riJay, Jan 9. M. Wellhorn presen treaty of Frederichamm shall be made. Greece. The last Cstle of the Morea, was evacuated by the Turks. But noth ing iid ofihe return of ihe. French troops on the contrary, it was reported, the army was to be increased to 35,000. Siai. The. fever still prevaila at and neir Go altar. Portugal The usurper Miguel is by no means secure in his ill gotten powe . - j ..lit ....... n . a t r aaa :.. T . -yny parts cfhi, k.ngdom, and even ble, without day; as was also the bill o wi.hinTen leiguos of Uboo.The coVn Wrr,te (he notes of the several bank, , u io tlirn)t Dj 0 he Cabj f iq inia ataie. a no dui io reserve a ccr pur) j- tain portion ooe.enaant s lands :rom ;Por f mtichtmt ,re said to be exe.unon. was mdefinurly poMp .ncd. 1 prur) t Madeira. Qtiruraay, j. iw mr crenite met; t. the sublect in Congress, have reported thai it is . Inexpedient to interfere, by legislative enact ment, ith the present arrangement of Irani. pojl.ttgsmji!v Wm. Gad, of Montgomery tounty MrTCuf. peper olTered a reaolution in Congrea 20tt uH. for placing Wm. Gad, of Montgomery county, ttevoiuuonary loiuier, oii.uie pension list. ; -Maine.' Peleg Sprague, Bo win the House of Representatives, -has been elected by the legiilt. tare if Maine a Senator in tongreas from that state, for six .yeara from the 4th March next, when Mr. Chandler's term w!l expire. John Holmes baa Beta elected to the aanse HBce,1ii place of Judge Tarivrestghedi Supreme. Ceurt U. S.On Monday, 19th ult. Judge Duval having arrived, jh supreme conn formed a Quorum, and opened court. Monday, the 12th, was the constitutional time of opening the court i but owing to the absence of a major-; ity of the Judged, those , preaent had to atljouni from day to day, till the 19th. ; Js. sheet iron steam boat has commenced run. ftingbelwee thJClibfoot and tlarlpw's Creek. Canal j she is 60 feet tong, 15 feet wide, anoTaraws oiilf nk f -The - antUluelliDg !iiw;iuUuii if SavanMh THE BANKS. Tn4be House of Commoni, Jan.:.th, the bill j , duel, ner Auguataa few days directing a prosecution against the Stole Bank r-;"" have rerjueated Gov. Forsvth to demand the person of zviaj. iiopxtn, who killed CpL Nixuu aince. number of in for the purpose of ratifying' the bills ,1.1 seems too that Don Miguel Is In bad health he has a constant fever, vomits c had been ordered ta be enrolled, , bUod..nd ft!U int0 pm,. H- u Md, alter bdopting the usual resolu'.lori of thanks to the Speaker lor the manner in which be had presided, adjauioed aiaa die. been thrown, his thigh brolen, and Mr ribs damaged. Frm i &r.-Tha first etnediuon of Turkish trmsports from the Morea, has reached Alexandria. In the Mores it self, all is quiet, with the exception of s fe w Hiafaudert who harass the straggling FreiKkaueo..,. - W A vessel of TO gunV.'uirf al Vmiee for the PK of Egypt, has ull ed from tbstfor Alexandria, accompanied by twoaloops of war that came from Egypt io serve as a convy to her. raTrti. The Usurper Miguel has broken his thigh the Portuguese Liberals per. haps regret that it wss not his neck. Jsmdon, Yav. 26 Dpaichcs were received y esterday from Lisbon, aaieu we 13th mst. t regret to hnd that Don Miguel is much worse than the first accounts led us to expect WednrrhfrDrr ii-. In Senate J robweapagLl4fttnfrsl inter est was Jone this day. In the ifoiise alter prcssnianon ol petitions, raports from committees, and the receipt ol coramooications from the Departments, the b,ill Tor the occupation ol the Ore gon territory was taken up, and occu pied the attention of the house till its adjournment. Monday, Jan, 5. The Senate was engaged, with closed doors of course. re uly all day in the consideration of Executive business divers petitions, memorials, reports of committees, Ic. were received, and acted on mosuy oi a iocbi anu pnvaie uatarerl several or his ribs are broken, the In the House, a large number of peti- fracture rf his thigh is a compound one ttonvFtrc prscf.tedt a cemmuntca-jand his body has been wounded byj 'Afaifin fare.Qii the rrivs! a! Doyles town (PennSvlvshiaT of the ay mail from PhUadeTphta to Emtomit-waadiscovercd to be on fire. It was unlocked iramedi atelv and the fire extinguished. Some of the letter packages were nearly con sumed, so much so as make it impossibli io decvDher their contenta. It it believed the fire was communicated from a sega rhilst the mail was changing at the Hor sham post office. Penn. Intel. The Market Letters from New York, since the last arrivals from Ku npe, in the Carolina Observer, say that Fayeteville Wheat was worth 8 1 70, and though the market was unset tled, it was expected that there would be a gradual rise in Wheat and Flour. N. C. Cott m was 9 1-4 to 10 1-4 cents at New York, and a slight decline ex pected, in consequence of the unfavor ahle accouqts f r o m Eu ropje . Iq England, in consequence of the high prices, the duty on wheat was (for the'time) doTy" f shitting per" quari ter of 8 bushels ; and on flour 7 1-2 pence per bbl. Flour was 49 to 52s. perbbl. equal to gll a gll 5Q.- The heavy stock on hand would soon re ducc prices. only, and regulating the proceeding therein, and to restore and preaerve the character of the circulating medium of the State, waa rejected oaiUtMrd Xfadinjj s those who voted in fav6f of the biin-were- - Mesxra. Alexander, Allison, Bass, Battle, Hate- man, Blackwood, Bogle, Boykin. Branch, B. 8. Brittain, M. Brittain, Brooks, Bvnum. Bvrum, Clement,, toaper. Davenport, Dozier, F.dmon aton, Fisher, Fleming, Gary, Uamplon, lludgea. Jasper, D. Latham, Lijly, Martin, Montgomery, G. T. Moore, A-C. Moore, Mhoonr Morns, M'Neill, M'Lane, Pierce, Pool, Potter, Kiddick, Rogers, Rogerson, Saintclair, Shipp, N. O. Smith. T. B- Smitlu J. Smith, Stedman, Stock- ard. Stvron. Underwood, Vail, Wadaworth, Wat- i .ju.LL.ii;.i..i.. in..l.. a v;u:.. ion, 4, lTcroinw"mw,J. ihmwii,. Wilkinaon. and Wilson 59. Those who voted against the bill, were Messrs. Alford, Barnhardt, Betbell, Blackledge, Borden, RoxiwuuJDrvaiV Callaway, Clavton, Cox, Dick insOn, Foy, Gastoc, GUle?ie; CaKaitirGfegoTr, HancocK, iUrper, I tester, w. n. jones, ii. -u: Jonea, . W. rjonca, hendaimerp, lju-kma. T. Utham. MendenhallUhelrrMoTer-Miltarr M'Neill, - Nash, I Nelwn, NewlamU : Nicholson, Pureell, RaineV, Khodaa, Ru ma, Sharped L. TL Simmons, Simpson, Spruill, Stephens, .Swain, TysonrKr VVarMeH, A.. WadJelL J. Walker, B. WalkaivILWalker Ward, T.Webbt Wh'ttakef, Wilder, B. WiHiamt, Wright and Wyche 58. The Speaker voting in the minority, the question, of cpurte, was decided in the negative. So the bill was rejected. " . -Next dsr, the lame bill, or one umiTar to it, was introduced in the Sena'e by Mr. Alexin- der; which was Tejeicted on l ftm reading 29 to 28. Those who voted for the passage of the bill, are Messrs. Alexander, Askew of Bertie, Askew of Hertford, Beaslv, Belt, Burgin. Croom, Da venoort. Franklin of IredflU Franklin of Surry. Ilarrell. Uonard, M'srland, M'lnnia, M'Neill. Marshall. Matthewa, Parker, Pattenon, Ramsey, Rrinbarflt, RiA'.ick. RoyaL Scott, Smith or Da vidaoo, Shulurd, Walton and Williams of Martin. Those who voted against ita passage, are llesri. Bsilv, Boddie, Brodnax, Burney, Uu-n., Darklun. Davit, Debet ry, Gray, llinton. Hunt, Jiner, Ive, M'Daniel, M'Dearmid. M'Dowell, Mearet, Mebane. Milljcr, Pugh. Ituffin. Smith of Peraon, Smiber. Rpaiirht, lhomron, narvl. Wellborn, William of Be'ifnrt and Wbon It is predicted thaLDanicLYYcbster will be one of the new Cabinet t about three months ago we heard from the same qimter-thav lr. Adams would b ! lciident.Dget Jaxkswrcgulsrfe.hja own affairs, , . J A voman residing' in " Elbridge street New-York, fell into the fire, in a stale of intoxication, on Friday eve ning, and was burnt to death. It appeari that the member! of the legislature of Ohio, belong to the fol lowing occupations : 34 farmers, 23 attorneys, 9 merchants, 5 physicians, 3 printers, 3 manufacturers, 3 inn keepers, 2 tanners and curriers, S me chanics, 1 founder, 1 watch maker, 1 Cutler, 1 drover, 1 carpenter, 1 distil ler, 1 druggist, and 1 blank. Vi e nnderaishd tht 4 he dwelling house orThos. B. Wright, Esq. Sheriff of Surry county, was entirely destroyed by fire a fe w-ibia .airkc JWxdjh s.lD.QthtPK..?tl5. saved from the flames but. a bureau and desk, containing some of Mr. Wright's papers t evea the wearing apparel of the occupant waa lost.- How the fire origin' ated we did not learo - Salem Gleaner. Col. Mxon. The Augusta Courier of the 19th ult. says: " We are informed, that measures are in preparation to bring the actors in a late tragic scene in our victriityTwTthi suited laws. Our Governor will be called upon to demand the delinquents of the Executive of South Carolina." The du el between ixon and i ropklns J Yew-JV. Charles F Diidley has been elee. ted by the legislature of this state a senator in Congress, in place cf Gov. Van Buren. William L Marcy, Comptroller of the State, wss elected a Judge of the Supreme Court, in place of Judge Wood worth, resigned. And Daniel Motcly, Esq. of Onondaga county, has been elerted a Judge of -the CircuftCmirt, in place of Coos T. Throop, elected l.jeut,Uov. V- a-- ' AVwTiirl-. Ull veurls arrived in the port of New Yorkr from foreign countries, beides great numbers of coaMing vessels, dtinng the year 1328: the veuela brought 19,01) for. eigrters as paaengera Mr, ft. K. Mue, na published, in the Greemboro' paper i ('e lI n accOjnt of an attempt to rob and murder him, while tra. veiling frora.TcnneeeAthrough the mountains in A die county, in this stated near New River". Just at twilight, in the evening, he was tWried by a footman, polled down from Lis horsed and slabbed with dirk, he at the same- moment drawW Wdlrfcand stabbing ,tb robber io the TnE'rosT arncrr Hie following. later ii from the Post-Mater Ornrral to post master hi Connecticut i it msy be of use to mail epmraetonr r trathington, Dee. 10, 1828. " Sir ; The metl muu noiin any ca whatever be in ihe cuslooTrrTpriJ person. If a co!oed person is employed toJifl.tbe mail from the stage into the posf office, "it docs not passT.ttb his custo dy;but the labor is peVrormed in -lot rpresetice and nvder-Uieammedialediret- tions' of the white person who has it n custody ; but if a colored person takes i! from a tavern and carries :t himself to the post office, it is contrary to thrliv I sm very respectfully, ynur ohef servsnt, JOHN M'LEAN" A Maalcliosetti paper, mt nti msaman who" name rea'ls the wm backwards and forrardi It is ESUOM MORSE. We know a ladv who name reads in the same way. Carnkn '. And we know a man (and well may e knot bim, lor he was the companion of our lovhiod whose name w KLADS1T Tl3D4LE...wliM-b al reads the same either wav. Wheo the imp tant business of naming the child rameon h' diacuasioi in the family, it wss fmind the fath and mother d.lTerrd w'nlelv i" their choice of conoroen....tlie liu-baml initt-d it s'iool.1 t tXtiittr and the wife declared it should r without a name, unless it was cal.rn n I'-nf Here ma'ters rested for many monthi; alien familiar relative in the family, rather than in bUlould- grow tip itnbleed Willi a na-w and thriatening, throtigb the obIiiicy mrenta. nronnsrd a Cjmiromt. bv i i i . neither nartr would vicld any Ihine a' to ian; it waa thin that no tie nt): t'tM ? given the boy, but that he should be cs1rT his patrommick, rend back-teaiJi : ti '' '3 partis mtaeoledi aui the c.hild. Wit ever i'f bowewho feRrlwauAwWtken,CnL 1001 ; il -oniBv-.. iltuiliyr.r rrs-m- wr wmhwahr 4iwt married - in A ottbXaCoi UU lAM. mounted bis Wse,'"ahJViff,1-wTnB pries) flke.Jtcenje. Jjlte, qr K' mornine. he, with a number of the reighbov. repaired to the spot where they discovered blood, and other signi which Indicated that the robber had been killed, anJ carried o(T. -a rhilantrtpie Liberahtg.Tht Rev. Thomas P. Hunt, lite of Virginia, but now Pastor of the Preibyter'ian church in Raleigh, is ah ut libera ting, with the view cf aending them to the America colony of free- blacks, in Africa, 18 alma, all the property of that description be owns. OrrfM. Mr. Floyd's project of etahlili'mg a colony at the mouth of tne Coljmbia, or Oregon river, has been rejected in tit House of Repi-e-eentatives, aer an s Jpia? l ts-usi!on of arnie tejctb, . The I ranklio (I'enOiylratiia,) Hej lican says: "They have to pay fourK Iirs for - the liberi y of ctiing marrtf i 'r Maryland; in Bjliimore, lone, ll e,r thik tax amounted to R3.376. by n. fleece the " dear lambs" little for eourim toor"flt Wts onlr-eighv ceras. Ui' nnir rr i thino liut a smack at the brLf . ii rrr tA savKal iaVsy KaK It disn-f d ,l drink -eie- F.l Cars A leiter, received st Philadelphia fro? Vihinglon, dated the 1 1th instant, sjt' 1 -L . - t ! ...nfff-t for tnf i icarn mat a Becoming iy -recent melancholy affliction of the 1 rf dent elect, has Induced Mrs. Adam su$pend mtnic and dancira at Jier ingroom." ee A miser wss litetv found (If jl 1Vl' on a Elthy led, still grasping ' u his ceffers; he bad hoarded W ", 103,000 of which were eencealcJ . fererit kitchen utsmil

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