r f subscriber has just Vth,' wi'h as good an M aortmcnt of Jeivelry, tilil , SiherAVarr. fV. "tsViisever niurcl for ?a!c in this place hi Jewelry h of the nnn .d the Yi-ffm T' Inokl kJnunahla .ml SS Z . ,aV- i - :.. - Wfu tnttlWswwnanViharer - Moil humiinatile and elegant kinds to be had in any of the Northern Citieu elegant Gold ami Jew clays, be will receive a verf elctrsni assort i ment of MUita.ru death. A!n. nil t inla nf . - - - J --- j W tl.v,t vl Wl Tower thM ,iuchgoo& were .ever disnoseTbT ymiFi giH prnuT: Can tcarce be called perceptible. -In U the female. race i appear, Hypocrisy, deceit, and pride, Truth dilriini of a heart tinrprf .Z4!lww?y t employ; The public are resDectfcRv mvil&l to eH n jSJLSsJfcyi1, hi1! elegance; AH kinds of Wdtc htt Repaired, and rnrranted u .eej jinje s me snop is two doors below jthe V9u",nousc,on la-n-street. num. wiiNflE ' SalUhtn-frMMjtd. 1823. ' 20 ; JSaitoftMndfof Tares. IflTjE following traetsof land will be told, for vuau ai me couri-nouse m Salisbury, on thondaV.the lth of Fehruarv 1S-JO . nrm m.ml. I Mereof as will tttisfy theTaxea dae thereon for , me year iow. . . 120 Acres, belonging tb.the estate cf Valen ' R!nt tM , MWW , - 1 Hotise and Lot belonging to Abram Facofo. - -t ouse ana uk, givco w by UAipl.tteiJcr. 1.15 Acres, given in by Daniel Hough. .132 Acrer, given in by John Trexler j 100 acres, given in by Henry Knup, 299 acres, given in by Nicholas Rvmer. . 100 acres, given in by John Sheppard. , 104 acres, given in by Enoch Philips. 330 acres, given in bv Ceorge llitchcy. 305 acres, given in by Philip Shive, 120 acres, givpn in y Andrew; Setrer; Alscv X J louse arid . l$t 'by' .the same i . and Cot Tftwn Ta. for 1R7JI. r Ihe y-ar 1826, Tax 63 cents. ' 6l',l :' . imcli t . SfATKK, Sh J. Dec. 29, 1828. TIK Ipocfordgeml ftommwlon flfflriess I -nntifltird b.y the subscriber In Charleston, 8; C. Ednvmaton's.wjiarf i where bis scrvi- Ce will as Usual h& (If voted In Iho infr.t nf 'thoBwhtimmriit fctisifj -his-eaTtK for the convr-ntency ot nis Cus'orncrs, he Jias nu le ar rangements with the following gentlemrn, to rec-i e and forward 1'itton or goods, to or from liia address, without delay,, and with the least Jtowible e S)ense : namely: Jos. H. Townes, at Che,rw Chss. J. Shannon, Camden j and M. Antorio, of Columbia. IIF.NUV W. fONNFi:, Ck irlftm, Ut, Oct. 1828. MtJ5 por.mw THE BACIir.I.'Xt'S SOUWiMVj Or a nat Putzk in praite Women. Ilanpy a min may pass his life, . While free from matrimonial chains, When he to governed by a wife. He's m're to suffer for his pains. . What tongue i ale to declare," - - , Their limeTa Their leisure 6H in social joy, To spend is what all women hate. "TructrdhTae' : .Wild make' of u-rimh tir ArWtAit Jiee) pruaence always i.rtheir sight. When read as it nticht in hi tt ,! third, then eco and(irM lines, should be put together, . " 1 m. " ; L0TE. . 'Tis sweet to eye The cloudleis sky, Vr4ien the. star's are brightly beaming And sweet to gaie - , .On the roty rays i' Of the sun in the morn (iwt gleaming. An3 isweeWAeliioair " When music's power, Soft o'er the senses stealing, t Holds heav'nfy reign, . And its silken chain ThrowsVer each raptur'd feeling. Butyet,.more seet The responsive beat, 0fldvc twin heart against. each other; Vhen naught repels . - ' . Their wixtful avflla ' I -v L " 1 . ! i. n .. .. ftonali hoped to tola General CA'mtnn But he was defeated and taken nrlson by Caswell, with the loss of seventy men ia kilSeu and wounded, and fif teen :hundred excellent rifles. The victory was of eminent service to the American cause in North Carolina, j , Mr, Caswell was president of the convention, which formed the pnnti. lution of North Carolina, in December. 0 Mnaer wo.icft consuiimonhiwas 5'jrn!r fromAp.ril, jyrrj to theear 1 780 i and from 1 785. to 1 7R7. At the time of his death he was nr airUnr ffLyEW!vl'e-?PiiiHioii.ol hi jjur : general, nc uiea at rayette ville. November 30.: 1789.'- -T ' T- 1rivicharacterriiettbHc tnestic ; virtiiMV.srerft uniiril' li C. honoured uhbWM"oTth1 probation of his ', fcHow citizens, he w.Mcnea witn unremitted attention oyer the welfare of the community and anu anxiuusiy enaeavourea also to pro uiuic me iciicuy or us members in their separate interests. While the complacency of hij disposition and his equal temper peculiarly endeared him to his friend v they commanded res- ' mm -' l ' pect even fom his enemies -r !onbr,when radiarrt Douht. when clasping hands are. twining Doubt, when lionied worda ar flowing-. Doubt, when blushes warm are flowing lint never doubt the proof sincere "TH'at'gTtst1K Iri the aWh''leafr'"."'w ' Doiibt, when mirthful tones invite thee Doubt, when gayest hoprs delii;ht thee Iotlbr, whute'er is fondest, tairest Doubt, whate'er is brighest, rarest Cut never doubt that truth can live Injiearts that sufi'er an forgive. Candles 'j TV 'hen t tllow is very dir ty or ranci J, aa ounce of pearlash to about ten p.iun'd of tallo v, put into the water wherein the tallow is melt ed, is of service. In such 1 candles ticks aa are not made to sli.li-. th r dies are freqijeny permitted to burn in the socket, to great "waste, and to may- be TjTeventrd by takincr oat rarlv jnesnor.t piece ot. caudle, - placing it orrwetm tnrte wmawHt pmf-tuck-'4n an old cork, ad putting the cork in tne canL'iestick. A p-mnd of candles, ten to a pound, will give a greater quar.tity ot light, by one fourth, than a p . nod of six to a pound jj because the tallow is more nerfei tlv consumerK in consequence of a creater surface nf j wick exposed to the air. In large , uitsa, itc lauow is not ourned, but aistiiied away.. Cooper, . . Important to Surgeons. An ap paratus has been contrived for frae tures of the thieh bone bv CatehTir',. nor, of Connecticut, a member of the present Medical Class of our Univer sity A model has been exhlhWl - , . w-- tore the class by Professor Gibson, wno thicks the principles upon which it operates can be" easilv reduesrl to practice. Thi apparatus combines all thejsdvantagej, ofAheblencJined pl me and - Gibson's imnrnvrmmt Uagpden's apparatus." VXhii new modification will inrobahlv :tcvSIlijriihigc .e.c.nfef-Cr9tt.re9Lof--th thich- y- . t , , :; rnu. Jiurora, undertook twrti.n'fk f,,ir s-.-r w- .. v x 7 m nail. U1UI til wins grcai case j out tne day. was woo by Brandy, who took his down, and held him for the- mr f . . v trtrcc nours jLif.nenjieiuSered him to g up, JJemmre American, memLerment ortheUnicn, or (h9 rclliV resistance or the measures of the General L - lia.wame nit at iur. Adams, who charged the Federalist, with wishing to secede from he Union., It may be that Mr. A. is afraid to go home, which is tfee reason of his taking up his residence at Washington. His former political so. ciatp, wU! haul him oVer the coala when we uocs go.j 4 Reniuckv.k bill to nrnhihtt tho importation ot slaves from other states, for sale, has been reiected in the V. ttjeky Lccislature. bv a vtte of st to 45, on the-jjroand that it was ancon- From the iNewbcrn Spectator. Gov. Casivt'll.Wt ommence ihia week, the publication of a series of Slaw cf AVlA- Carolina : B . RKF. County Siipernv Court of Ijiw, Sept. :rm 1828 r Margaret Conway vs. John vun t': rcuuium iur. uiTorcc iiruereu ty - r i v.... ... u juhj ui . ueattvsi arc uoun irai nuoucai on dc majc rorinri-ft miinth jmprsnnicai riKeif.nt'a fit nmi i . . r . - , . thatlftiKUut apfiear t-neu court . i ' u i J "''v",-' invcr to pop me question or ques- ami plead on the 4fh Monday f March nest. te! ,thVPmc cvtS thatcrUr-J rea Uurinc-O-jr-KcvoltrtKtnarv trt,4-:..- ----I' trr:r:-T" r-. Resolution.- For a soldier to meet the enemy in battle, where leaden ueair arc wmzimg on every side, Mendicity has been in a crreat meas ure annihilated in Holland by the es tablishment of a eocietv. which hat purchased a large tract of Tand," on which auitable buildincs are erected. and to whici all nersoos solicftino- r. Affl in atUiMiA AIL T . ey of the Protestant R CttnnW,ilf''&irar-ia..sw;'Cu. . i ...7,- --- : .-r 'uiiai.K iuitpi cjMseobirt 1 list. Tbev are distriSm-rl ihr..k .l. . -..-., imiuuu no Hleren rart f th M" :A ...'. "Ia,ne 5 ' New Hamnshire. 8. Af. Wand, even. Conneaicut, fifty. ,jx. New York, one hundred and -22. - IW Jersey, 16. Pennsylvahia; 70. .Delaware 4 Maryland, 55. Virginia, 47. North Caroling 35.: ieogia,:s. Qhlp, U.MiI sissippi, 5. Kentucky three.. Tennes see, 2. Louisiana, I. Michigan, Arkariw sas, I. Mijsouri, 1. Florida, 2. . - .uuiiuiiY '.i warcn next. ' ' ... -..ui. w; W, rnwXTfr ted during -our Rcvoltrtionary struc rfeimtv;);c-n "ZOivea'andSf JPi.handr 3iw$6 : By SUPERIOR Court of Uw, Fall term. 1S28. , Jane Morfis3n t;lte2eilah Morrmnj Pe tition (ordivoreei - ft appearing to the atifac tion of the ourt, that (lezekiah Morrison is not ao inhabitant oMhia state i It is therefore, or, ' dered by the court that notice be given, by. pub llca'ion in the Star, printed in Haleiglt, and in " the- Western... Carolinian, prinled inuSaliibury, for three months, that unless the said Uezekia'h appear before the jndre at our next court to be - ttii44h4Mintvof lrdU, at tl courUKmoe in Ktatewille,- tlH 5th Monday after the 4th Monday of March next, and n.wr Ilia mid petition, the same will be heard eipartr. and J'ldnirnt be rendered afraint him pro confrrtu 3m 58 Teste: JAS. CUIPBKLI., (V. Stat Xorlh Carolina, Ijnctht count t SI PF.KIOH Court of La. On. term, 1828: Catharine Rhyne t. Michael Khyne i Pc tition Cor divorce and alfimony. Wbereu a Suhpnena andaliat have been hsyednjrsnst the defembrt in this ease, and which were returned by the Sheriff of Lincoln county that th.i aid def iant was. ami foim 1 , and prrlainaiion Juvi".-! oern made pu'ificly at the court-hoiiHc irur fit tairt rfMintv. ku tk. ul.l Ol. tV f - defendant to annear and mtvrr r,..,.,...i..i I una. told by Mr; Rows in h'n HroPT.-inhi I" v' . - -I cat IJictionary and as it ia a work seldom seen among lis, we have avail ed ourselves of the use of a copy, whith was tendered us-by a higWv respected, and -much-valued; friend. Gov, -: Jaswi ll:has le Jf be h io'd .him,., une son, and. two daughters one. of vthnm. Is the amiable jnrl much bv the anid mnnntni. nA K K; r :i j It is therefore ordered by eourt, that notice be Kiven 3 months in the Western farolinan a -id iUlcigh Staf, for the defendant to appear at 'he next superior court of Uw to be held for Lincoln countf, at the court-house in Lincoliiton, on the 4th Mowlay after the 4th Monday of March next, then and there to answer or "emtr to aid petiimo, otherwise it will be taken, pm. Confesso, aniTftJjuJgH acconlinjfly. Witness Lawaon HenHrrm. tlrtk of m,;4 'i tX' colntoo. the 4th Monday of September, A. D. 1878, and in"tW53J year of the Independence of the OunHcd Statea. 5mt57 LAWSO.V IIF.NnF.RSON. loved widow of the- late Becretarv ll'L!. I , . . ttnuc, anu resiaes at present in thp city of Raleigh. We have been told by a distinguished citizen of our twn, ho visited the venerable John Adtms a few month previous to his decease, that in the course of their cnvcrsation, he inquired very particularly md af. fcclibnitely respecting Gov, '- C-swell, and emphatically remarked, Ah! Sir, he was the support and stay of the it voiutionary cause in Norm Caro- He was the lion of the Suuth Caswell Richard, Governor of North mtircu an cuucaiion suita ble for the bar, and was uniformly dis tinguished as a friend to the rights of m uikind. He possessed a sensibility, w ich impelled him to relieve th rli.- ircss w niclv-he-w itflessed.- pcrp the question or fues deirf when liii li'eart inl-V pitfarpaMJuoongutS prove recre int to iis office, reouires no every day ellort ot resolution j for "a toper ta quit the beloved hottle, and endeavor to stem trie strong tide of his hankerings, requires a mighty rcsolu- victor uu: tor -(naeot,r gtM!s bae agaia to.. "drcat resolution j" but af.al the situations in Iifcrcauirinfir a deter. mine(I,'Jheiroic and prodigious effort of Tcsoiunon, mat ot getting out of i i . . warm oea, in a xeen cold mornine caps the climax we mean one ofthnsr mornings when the windows are crust ed over with frost, when y ur breath co geais on the sheets, when your fingers freeze fast to the door latch. s ' anu toe very air ltselt seems stiffened ... . witn coid. Berkshire dmcr. -..o. asvisi.tncr, ne aiiorded it wunout the than the consciousnes y ' lu proraotq me nippmess f a fellow man-' country, he was'appointed a mem- . - , - :Vi""u " i-uinc I Valium, hi rjfl !T!nA?rove rroP"T-W C.W-take he earlv took arms in rei.ta.,. L ,ul -,vv KA 1 1 W COMMITTED TO THE MIL r Mecklenburg county, nf the 28ih diy of Preservation of Rodies. Trumbull, the artist, has stated in a letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, that much useful in. vestigation, has est blishrd the fact, mat common bees-wax was a principal ingredient in Egyptian embalming, and U S !tk A . . a m . ii preserves not only bodies, but cloths and rnlnrt fr,m .1 f r sssed. Vr'Kn- 4 W-f I . .i I fV t I UHWUIU SV lil fill W ,t J 1 uat" OI ine Pointings in the rw. my Uu, reward, iapitoi, to keep them in good preserv piousness of having exer-! ation. The bees-wax must be melted W away Jan wal JOHN SLOAN. Xh J9. 49 f MnUenburg ttuniw. WAGONERS, Drking to Fayettevilfet Witt, find it to their advantage, to stop at the If'otii Turd, where every con Temenee is provided for Msn anj Horse, to make tMm comfortable, at the rnn.Ur.f- K.. r oc c day mnm hjgt tlw prtwix, ! laril. thn utm rf -.J i. TT i. u . v . h uw.i,c, arc, water, ami aheker. Attached to the Yard, are a Grocery and rrOTKion Store, Dread Shop and Confec tioDBry, and (louse (bt Boarden and Uxlrer, in m -plan, cheap, wbulewme and eomfort. able atyk. rm roitrary claims ol Great Britain. " He was at the head of a regiment in 1776, v! Dece"hry fo ?pp w,..,v.,oijiiiigTnem- ... me nigmanas ot Scotland. This party of about fifteen hundred men was collected in the middle of February under General M'DonaM. if- J pursued by General Moorr, and on the S7th he found himself under thenerea "ircncnea wun about a thousand jnicute men and militia, direttly in his front, at - place called Moyre's creek, bndgf. This was about sixteen miles distant from WilmingtOD Vherc tr over a fire, with an eqnal quantity io ":uu,li ' ou oj rurpcnrine jthe mixture must be laid oo with a large hrnth on1 ...U..l i . .. 7 1 ' iuwutu in wiin a not ron, til! -i.t -... .... ... viwui is aaiuraiea. Dot:n LJlttin At the dinner devoured at the Marl- rJ;ate!,;XIaas, U honour pf the battle of New.Qrleans, Finn gave the Jew.urieans. We gave them g r.d uaie t tney nave us let, hail W - f II V IVbl I. itw, tney were worsted" 41 11 ivimosi aatty instances occur- tn fprovr that the Teicn f Jeaui tUnrmrf u - oigotry, m 1 ranee, is rapidly ap proaching to its nd. The Jesuit toU 'cEe' il.,many f the principal towns nave oeen aaanaonea. 4D ccry woman was lately fined forty pounds, at the Yorkshire (Eng.) sessions, for horsewhipping an infant three years old. African Colony. A vessel is about 'o be despatched to Liberia, with about one .hundred and fifty emigrants. iiiis numucr is nniv anmit nn .lftLpaiL.bJLthQsc...wlicLffishtQ CG9. ..bjjjc v hts GeorgU Cool ier menticmi, that a few davs since Mr. Simon Han cock, of Edgefield district, shot him-self- through the heart with a musketi He had suffered for years .tvith a rnr. roding cancer in the lower iaw, which " -t-2' j i'r l r - - - " rrnaerccr tire a ouraen to mm. - Vncertaintyfthe iawA f.rm,, . now confined in ihKin.'. l. -. n t-i a --v'&.-5"1ut.i prison under these circnmst.nr-. :ui i - oea some sheen ib.i K.i.- .. ground and destroyed several snnle tr.. one goinea was estimated fm. !.h,f.n ,he i'r;ner offered to take three shillmcrsr Th 'j the sheep replevied, and took the case in- h. Ki Tr it Into' toe Kine's bench and trA h- the sssiMsr and "got Verdict of ac vert JaSCUUonvjs. Issued agiinat thearmefVl-- Lhch were.jplijQciW. I be witnesses the farmer tnnk mih. ... hrzescostlVind-Tiiioffn-inorheVsbiir. wv-uuc ii ana me prisoner was walked near. I5Q miles to .ur4ender to his ball. . Weekly Free Prctt. " Human Activity. A - man trained to violc.it exerfise from bis childhood, is said to be caDable of rlidtanSr.. .u tieetest h(rses, and of continuing bis course when they give up in weariness and exhaustion, ffis muscular power is immense, lis we see daily proved by the weights raised with ease by coi mon porters. However h- of our noblest pedestrians give" but a ;"v" " "c 'uu Pwer ot a prac- ...Old Fashioned Corsets.- The only healthy corsets, says the editor of a or two months. Georgia paper, for a lady.s waist, ia, a husband s arm. used regularly to traverse Jo leagues ,Pawf?1fioursrandsorae nanv" of Africa are reported able to outstrip the lion. The savages of " Nrth America-pursue the- swiftest " stags with such rapidity aa ta and overtakctlicrd - Tncy havebcea . krton t-travl over he most fugged -and 'pliIhteTs"lfiWota1ni,-filUraiie-o -1 1. or42:huQdrcd leagues in six weeks nash. Chron. ' GOOD MAN A USKFUL MAK. From. Eaton's Lifttf Gen. Jackson. " In the person ot General .Tart.r, is perceived nothing of the robust or ra tion, may Urhrili f Ammnmtn labor may have no cause to rem-oach at,on ?pears to disqualify him for those who do not work with thptr hard5h,P?Itt, ?ccustomcd to it from . ...... V.fm I I r aands tor beinff drones, aud a use ess " v c" tapaoie ot enaunna- v m m. i . . . a w burthen to the community. i uigoe io me same extent, or with icss injury, llis dark blue eyes, with A n-ni..! i. . n i brows arched ami alitrhtln pivpui ia i u mi c iii a i e w-vrieans I -?',; j'"jtv.iiujj, paper, to the legislature, to appropriate P05"" a marked expression; but Monroe, in the expectation tbst other sprlle with peculiar lustre and pene states will follow the examDle. The ne- tration. !n hi manner, t,. t. . , , i - - . v ,,v ia uitaa- eiml.rM . l.rn rv. n n . . f . 1 I ' , ul" f viivuih)uih.h iii iiib Ei'nrn i no n ma .rii.... nlvLIde wh,ch Pr5 pon while his countenance, marked with him in his alaiff. mnH -4 1 . ' u wuu menf with lSwr itdts md ecutlons, are the reasons of this nroiect. "Tcngth and intelligence, that strikes the reasons of this project. From a statement in the National In. tellipencer, the number of dwellings in the city of Washington appssrs to be 2901 of which 158 were built in the course orlist yaarr at first sight. In his deportment, there its nothing renulsivr. P.av. affable, and familiar, he is open and accessible to all. Influenced bv the belief, that merit should constitute the oolv-diflerencc m men. hla-tuni rs equally bestowed on honest nover- A bill passed in 9ouh Cirolina author- ' M on titled- conssquence, - No Kin it th rrprfitnr nf n (n-ntBn, J -i.. 1 man. hokvrver inrna..kt. U!. . . . - or to appoint a joint trustee to act with ding, ever approached him on bust lk m. . -I I a I S I . I .1 . t a . . '''.'"""c oj.iac ocuior. i ncss, mat ne aia not listen, to his story uiu linn mi me ininrniaiion in as.Msyor, olJouon.Hrl;Quto predecessor, delivered valedictoryjknow him most intimMel. m,r which is, ,t is stated in the papers, to be esteemed. With him benevolence is a printed in a pamphlet, vith notet. Mr.' prominent virtue. He was never The masters nf mnr v.i V ta A n a a m . svi w suau null dred slaves have notiK th. $JkJfeq2tm$t their iutentiotwto liW inera, oo condition of their go ing to Liberia. 0 f these 25 are ofTcr ed by a lady of Marvin tn u.. - "i rvcuiurrv to - or, Iclergymsn of Virginia, aad 43 by a tiwica oi weorgia. flit. -1- j.,: j . , , ... u,, Bu, ucnvercu an auoress.on taking , . . . . . r . . n I Known to nn metric wiiSn.ii ---V. nis seat, wnicn, ar.er adertire to the m . . . r ". mediate and proper topics that belon to ,nS 10 a6sm and re'l2ve .a.ft a-. I I f " w w IS v the duties of the municinal anthor'nii. divertred into t notice, of thn 1Ur.fnrA KM - - - - " - w n'wiu Convention, Sec. In the conclusion of his address, (says the Massachusetts Jour nal,) Mr. Otis made the explicit declara tion, M before God and his country," that he had never been present at any delibera tions, either public or prlr ate, among few or many, in which tho question oTa dir The Virginia Convention Dill was stilf, at the last accounts, under discussion in the Virginia House or Delegates, Noth ing his yet occurred wSich pit es us sny indications as to the result. It must, at Uv.t be a work of compromise between the Western and Ettr diviions of the State- 'MSL

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