"' ' I T 'P p " ' "r-' v T r ' I f . n in iff !M II ; Li K? w h ' . ... . i i . -A . . . . fria-w tlisicref tit l..,rtf t'urn-M. ; J rLiaBljilK OWAN COUTT," N. ..TUESDAY; ;FEBHUAKY -lo- 1823. : VOL. IX.....NO L53 T ' '' ' tHe ll,eliirf f". t" -j fttfji.MUi Ssve i tie, u i ?oiH all r 1r .e.Ww .t-i ttt: Xintet. ttat'tU '$$ the tictnd ': betSWn OJ IllfWWl'l' V j, ..... ...... riaim.iB the Terntory of 'Afkansw r'arti for other ..-ru ,;, mr .r,nattedbu Cthe Stnate and iloune tr-(Hi crxi'Jed it Jontf'.IoVprUnd by ifve wctios of n f", eimucu - ah v ,H.,hf Slate or yx' "'.V'v M" . w ftg fhrtxijLaL?lhe (7. St itct $f jSmerieit. Vunvitt.iqn 6fe 20: Dctenabftr, 1837V arid eTewicr;nepabltc -of Jjo t t . ; . iit...-i . . . .. ... ' r ani iujiicu, ai if ungiuiii ,,oa tne tr Uf.Uime.J.Maui'Mchjiddutiilirrtcle ftfeing in -the Lnjlisb and French lufsthja Cnal from Dafton' to Lake Erie, ,i to grant a quantity; of land, to ?.iid iit to aid in the conn-utviun -t -4itb BBthmueity :Und for miJaat; jMtions of land to certain person in rkanns Territory ,'Uball bp permni ) enter the improvement of $ny . ; tu i ttlfrin the Territory ofi Arfcanws," -be--re the tame halt have been bUi-red ror i.. ti k 'rk l tin i-nnirhl nf.tnrh :!ualtt!er; and ail entries which m'-y c nmYo shall - oi4rel noUnrJ iid: - . ' rTh fejwinx premium wjTl h? rnmpRtolfaF at b it-4iwaL.eKhiy!kit e lhd-Zketh Jjricultural Soaetf, to be bel at tirtcolflton, on 3 nor more thao 5 vein oW . s 1 . . i .e ..' i .. .. -nuicuotc(niafi na wool ' .... a und west of the present Territotial i. jr7ii . r nc, ihaii oe enunen to me oumuon ui c-5 iid prrtons sbll move east ol said and, in that c'Hef thf v sall bert; led to the, donations specified in said chth sectlorrof aif act, under the re riciions aforesaid- A. STEVENSON, Sneaker of thellnifr Rereittiye. J. C. CALHOUN, Vice President of the I'ni'ed States, anil Prf-aHent of tin-St-natf,' proved: 6'h Jan. '829. Act to preserve from ttijury and wbhIc the Sch iol Lan'ls iu the TciTitorj' of Arkansas. . BE it enacted by thr 'S""t'c add fou.e f l'. A -.irniinivr Cf ihC U'HXed Staff of crthv, authorized to make. uJ carrv no effect, aiich' liisi "af.a neeiiryprutlla; ;oftsthey shall deem most expedient d pfotecTfrern' intarr ar.d wasiefihr Mx ttnh section in all township of land in id territory, where survevs have been may-he reader be moe, whicn- fiecUonf eJtserved. or tne support ot scnOT!Ttrr?-.vrt,ltpt3 nciorc :ntons.iip, ana 10 provmc ov iaw tur i vhTrhc"'r:a5e"-5tt-i)e-!rr)rn'n-iJ . ....la, r iLA w.ai.am I aMMIai lul 1 ' jmB dr-renurK lhe satoerfor any term trxcerdipp five vc.irs, in such manner 'o render safd'tchoof lantl most ama- e nd produclie, and shllpp!y the fcms derived therefrom to the support common schools, in the respective nships, according to the 'design of the n'lon, and to no other purpose what- Approve;!, 6th Jan. 1SC9. Kvwaia 4. i fl!t;ndinj the term within hich Mer- ciw tu? majr be exported with the benctit ot iMTiclc. - - - RE it tnccrtd by the Striate and Hotter R firttentalivet of thr Un ted Statet of prricain Congrtstaticmbled, That from ' 'f'cnhe passage f this net, all goods. rcs and merchandise which are now ; 1 it'l tf debenture, or which may be r'f er imported, may be exported with f'ntfii of drawback, and wiihout any k"U lion from the amount o!" the dutv hr same, at arv lime within three pn f'f.m lherate when- tho-m.LJUay . n f f.f nJL..t !nU bejrapored iProvi That ail existing laws regulating the r'u'ton ofgnods, wares, and merclun ' have been in all other respects h'plied iih. Ad provided further, That this act noi be so construed as to alter in any To the Cphvention .of friendship, corn tnerce,andn4vigatioi),conciuded at Wash ington on the twentieth day of Dec embtr, I titr Isetwetn- ine IJoitei Suites of Jim erica arid the Manseatic Republics of Lu beck, B ernen, and Hamburi;. ' - The United States of Amevirj and the Hansc.tic Repuiilic9 01 Lubeck, Bremen, aryl lld'tibuig, wishing to f ivor i heir: mil tual commerce Ov.aflotding, in tneii' piH every helcciury assistance to th.-ir "resjwc live vessels, tho undersigned Plentpo xn tiaries tiave futher agreed upon ui: fol io in); additional attielo to toe Co.'ivcr, tion ?)f friendship, commerce, and navipa ion, ccricluded at Wasiincton on the ,3tt day of December, I82f, bet ween tne cowracunj panics. . . , Tpp Consu4 nd 'i Consuls mav cause to be arrested, the sailors, being ppf4h:frg$tiejfc cried fram the sai.l. yessejs, in orfer..jo end them back and 'transport them out Sfthe said Consuls and Vice Consuls shall at! Ttifc be" piecp or twilled mixed as above 2 nJieatWiMotta and.w-.oplt aai for the best cotton, each - 3 The best piece of domestic flannel not lew . than 5 yds . . - . ; " 2 The betf piece 6T blanketinjraume quantity 2 The bes piece of Carpetinfr not less than- lu vds nor t wide : -tf?;'r 5 The great -at quantity of Cotton raised on" 1 acre of upland . .... . . . , ' The rrea'ct qimntity of com raised on 1 acre of upU'id ..... . '5 The xat1' quantify of torn raised on 1 acre of reclaimed I botioia land - - The gres e" quantity of corn raited on S acres uf land reclaimed without the aid i of stiib'e manure . , lj) The (Treat s-m quantity of Wheat raised on 1 ''acrtvof ijpland ......... i Tae (jr atesr qntity. raised or, 1 uere of botio lail . . . . . . ... . 5 The n-atrs; quantity of itye raised 'on 1 arre of upland - - . . - 3 The ires' est q-iantity -aisdon t ace. of botton land ...... . 3 The grei'ttst qaantity of barley rabed,,on 1 acre upland 3 JV3ttt Totreitcc, Ai(tii.joU,ayettetillc-. at partnera in trade, the businew will herearterUe'iJbml'icted under the name of llorttm. Iluttcn. C. in Pav. Xtnow'riceivjoEV and" wWIonfi ftuS to lfiet . 1 .. on nana, an extensive assortment ol , wifcB they offef WeATs'WirlC aortmentof " , .. , , ) ' t Tlltf hS m Itt rint A fl..i t ii.an!irr drcHS themselves to-thc iourts, judges, aate'tfiir.-owi'or furrn'iar i def-owrinr bo: torn land - . - ...... - 3 TNofthrW-wafaeta, 'ana--'leep"t'hf weweat dt tno appr ived kinds ot Goods, they feel a con. fi.1cnce in invi: iri(f their friend and the ; pyblic to call, ciaiv.ine, and judpe for themselves. . fiwtlrAlv '"SrltKRVR." irtil C-oc, Sept. it, 1828. 6mt59 The fcites qumtitc ml bej' rjualijy cf hav rtiT wTwttV'nnd':-;V'-''ii,r-'" TbeJssU'.rxjc .jaittel The bos --;:in rutted cimi, harrow and ofHters competent, and'shall demand tne sain deserters, id wmin, pniving, ny an exhibition of the registers of the said vessels, or ships' rollor. other official doc ument,that those men ert pirt of said crews ; and on this demand being m pro ved, (saving, however, where the contra ty is proved,) the delivery shall not be icfuscd ; andhsre shall be ftivtn all id and assistance tu the sid Consuls and Vice Consuls, lor the setrcti, seizure and srres' of the said deserters, wh-j shall ?ven be dnaincd and kept in tbe prisons of thr l;tihi 't their reriucst and ex- theiii rrot, ihcy .shall bs .s,el at .liberty and shall tie ho more arrested for the c atjs'eTT' ' '" " It is -ariderstw) !, -ho-s-evfe, tht if the deserter .should b- r tind 10 hjye commit fed 3 a 1 n v r i iiirt e "0 "' " fT?n -ej. nfrrtider have pronouf.eed its senteuce, id. su,4 sentence shall havo hern carried intu cf K(C --" - The present additional artirle shall h t the fcume force and value as if it wcr- i , serted lor word, in u Co -ivention signed at W-ishington on the 20th dav r1 December, 1827, and being approval jii ' ratified by the Present of the Uni'e i Slates, by and vitli the advi e and const u of the Senate thereof, and hv 'he. Scintes of the' J!ansftic Uepublica t)f Luh-rk, bremen and Hamburg, the ra ifica inu, shall be exchanged at Washington wrhtn nine months from the date hereof, or sooner, if possible In faith whereor, we, the Undersigned, by virtue of our rcp?ctivo full power, have siinrd the present additional attiih , n'l have thereto afTitcd our se U Dure in quadrup!i.-ate, at the Cry ol Washington, o,i the fourth clay of June, in the year of our L:rd one thousand ciu'ht bundled and twenty-eight. -j-L n n.AY. l. i. """"" Tv nrjiPFF. - And whereas, the said addition d article has been duly ratified on both parts, nt! the respcctic rd'.iiicjtinns id ttic stmt have this day en exchanged, at Wash ini'ton. bit Ihnrv Clav, Secretary ol manure - . . . . The'TgTPHtenqtfamrTv atvi best quality of wool sheared f-oi 5 sliep . ... Tbi1" "jest wlietst iju- for whetting HulIA or Cicrmsn Scuh' S Tlie best for wht'titjr arp-nter or lancers tools - ....... .... A SLF. OF VAb::Hf.E (IretMt Uv?r inft. ATE of North CirMiu, upr me 'oiivt, S j December term, . Kcs-tnnali I' tke' and others,, tmnna'.i John 7 aid pthcrg Hv virtue nf a decree of he u-irtwrv -"own. -r,nd in atd cause, on Monday, fUe 16h dv f 1r'h next, on tSe premises, I hallvris M at , t.z the highest bidder, lhat .vjduablti tnct uf Jmti i wj una wgnoTJuVtmnn??- All those indebted trf the subscHber, will please call and settle their accounts. . , A. TORRENCE., January Vjth, 1825. 51 ' . i.v - ' 'T-iiiii.-- Kxlta aniV aMeenan, 11 IRXESTLV request those ' indebted to J fhem to make payment: the nature of their business precludes the possibility of fur thetiadulgenc thao 'till February court. StS3 -. TO THE PUBLIC. - COYAN & REEVES, n AVE just received, from Naw.York and Philadelphia, at thcirX Store t Wood Orove, Howan county, twelve miles west of Sal. Ubury, a general aisortment of fresh Dry Gooxii, Cutler),, Hurd-ivare, Groca 'ids itfc. Which they are determined to sell unusually low for Vf .S7Zor COTTOJfs or ou short credit lo -punctual customcra. . As theyHI w Salisbury Light Infantru Blues. mil 1 l r .: . vvrarc rctjHired ia jppest jii mu amronnr at the Court. HnnsA iii KilUKu dayVhaSibrr: Ti brry viei'-Uie: lastSaturday in the month. Ai Cant. Lcmlv in. 4antW c 0, aai "ome suir'ie MieitftR xnereiore, "inat etMcy member ot tne company : snouio pe punctual in ma atteiMtane.; . - By (BrferOrW HORATldnvOODSON - RESPECTFULLY informs tbaf citizens of Sal- : isbury and ita vicinity, .that he has cora menced the Cabinet 'Making Husinttt, lit that Shop formerly occupied y-Mr. Peter Kridar as -a shoe shop, adjoining Mr, Jones' tavern, wberet lie ia prepared to do ail kinds of work in thits above business, on the shortest notice, and ori moderate terms. Aa h intends to employ tho best, of Workmen, and has no apprentices, ho has" no hesitation 1 In Bayinir "hit wwk will ha well done. Rrpairintt f all kinds done on th shortest notice.- T -t . He respectfully solicits a share of publicpttt" ronage : and hopes bv strict attention to dusk ness to pain their custom. No exertions will be .'spared on his part, to give complete natis faction to those who may favor him with theifr patronage. N. B. UtMid tValnut Plank will be receireil . in part pay for work. r : It. W. , Junuaiy 19, 1829. 4tJ4 JjiCllsetuntil tlc si,ll havo found opnpi tbeykJi: not:-he .nKba.fc... withnVWJ?-' stter' ' . ; : . r. ::rf MifcVCp:'erose?M. mvnin.y iO WC. t.ouuiK'i ir-n- iiie nay ui nancv of James M'Kinn it. u. supposed, about 10Q0 aces ( of which, a Ian;: proportion is dry inr). of quali'v ex cclltsil by none.on, f '1.' Wyef. On the tract are if 00 1 orchard of fruit j and adjoining it," ti a mo-it eicel'ent ranjre fur stock. Tt Is aivau tagtoudv sitiiaf"d fir s Tnt"-n, and ha, been vahted frm 6000 id ?800U.. . Tennt ' a'e : purcliase money to be paid in Qjjci'iJdlusUdtn.rr'fl with interest fnm the d v of sale; and"To be secured Wbohds.'pablfto me-c with apprered securities; 10 title will be made till the pay rpfrf t)f 'nP pt'rrhs 'Trwev. ainl then..M4ly.u d"r th dfr'ion f the Court. JOHN L. HENDERSON, C S. C. Raleirh, Tan. 24M, 1 W . St 56 YvctSs Jv,wcryf See TB l'. subscriber 4, just JL 'rturned from the ..i!..vi'i.th as Kood iin asr "' H ft of lYuti-hcs, yilver.Ware, pV. as was ever )lV rcd lor sale in this placet his Jev.tli') ia of 1 h- latrst importations, and the must fiUihtonattle and elegant kinib to be had in any of the Northi ru t'ities : eleptit (!old ami Hilver Watches ; plain l)d ; ftc. lie. And in a few davs, he will receive a very elegant assort. 1.1 it of Military (looih. Alsn, all kinds of Sil iV ''iir . kept constantly on hand, or made to itmlerjto short auUix.A)LoC.wtM.ck.!UUi:julkl. ever disposed ol The tract contain- ! .v. .i ..'. .:.;..-.. and clieaiicjw, catiuut Lul ot pleasuig tliosu .wbo wisli to buy. " . - AH kiiida of MateJtaJtepairxtL and. warrjintcd to keep tiiwc 1-the aliop is two doors bduw the court-house, on Main-street. KOHT. WYNNE. . Sah,!iry, Hug 26. 1H;:8. 20 -.r-v St it f if Vtrth Ca-.'ii'i, IreiH' county f PERI R fourt f Law, Fall t.rm, 1828. lane Morria oi . Heiekiah Morrisooi I'o. til -on for divorce. It a'ejriti(r to the sati'fac. lion of the ourt, t!'a' M-?'kiati Alurrison 11. not ; ti inhabitaT. of this state : It is therefore, ' ,t-j.,l hv tlie cniirl that notice be eivrn bv noh- lication in t!ie Star printed in Kalrifr!i. mid ;n .m. C11AKI.TTK, N C... VAVK just received an ot articles in their In.e : V which they will sell very 1 ,' 5l( low for cash, or to punc. (F V . ii'.''a9l""i tuul customers un a cred- (7 kiml- f Watches repaired, and war ranted to perform well. ..fyU 1828. ' T John F. Ptiftr's i stale. -iSlrassr iHBvwritsrT.a.'STy--wssas-as ? ';,:.i,- t ........ ' ..il lyfllHlC VI rf.lllll . & Ulm S1U1' vf Land for Ttur.t. II, .lollouing- trac's of Uul uill lo- sold, Cut ruh. ul tlie court-house in Sat.gbiirv. on day, the 16th f Kebniary, iH9i ur iimUt i !. Wrst.tru Carohnan. Dnntcd.in t(a!:htirv, .U - ...iI.m lliil nnt.c lha cnirl iti, l-.-.li t.l iili anprar before the jud- at 1'ir next ourr tr, b " " , ' ,lu: Jue ,l,treu" fur held for the cumitvof Iredell, at the coin! 'f"r ,' , ... , . evi i suteM-il!c, on the 5l, Monday after the 4'hl . Acre,, beloninsr to the estate of alcn. n,.,t.v.,r March net. a id atwwer tin- .J ime niru, 1.11. a peti'ion, the iane will be heard esiurle, aw1 j juil-nent he rendered a(Tint him pro ( ""ffu. 1 jm'SS JVMe: JS. CAMPHKLL. 'VA-. ; I r'" for ihe "du'Tcs on gooJs, wares,1 or "ntftse tmportni.- r6th Jan. 18?9. lnrto ot onnecrtcur. - , Now thereto4e.C-.ll.- no '-Wftrt fa yA$firwtt vnd fhw jJohn Qutncy Adams,rrr . n'fireenta:ivriof the United Staitt c Stjtcs of Anierira, have' "'Hit! 'cum 61 Clcdll Hum jllu..tJSM;r of r rmte. S.aUs and AtUuo.a Chrles Cwiwve. C'uusul.of the ll.itiu tic.Uepuhlic orPr.-men. and Vice Consul of the Hansr.atic flrpulillc of T.uhec, aiul ! Vice" Consul of the Hanseatic Repuhlic of j llMnfiurg, on the part of thr ir respective cmbh 5. to allow a ssln-ytothe Mtrshal of thCGovrnments :. -lirtret ef Connecricur. - 'w (herefoie.- be-.it known, lb?t I. Vresident oTIhe'if. caused the sslri '"'fa in Concrr,. attembled. That the m of two hundred dollars br, and the ar to the Marshal of the District of Oettirut. A?Proved: 6th Jan. 1829. f 1 RkF. Cminty Superior Court of Law, Sept. tttm lfr8i Margaret Conway w. John flrt'iV et,.,i,,on tor Divorce. Ordered by .1 . ! Pu:heation be made for three montl.s iTa , ReT'8tr. Weatem Caroli i T r .defendant appear at next court Jead on the th Monday of March next " ;naer my hand W. W. ERVN'IN, CVk. Additional Article to be made public, to the end that the simci and every rlouse thereof, may be observed, and fulfilled with Rood faith, by the Ur.iied States and the citizens thereof. In witnes whereof, 1 have hereunto set Seal mv hand, and caused the seal of tb I'nited States to be affixed. ., -Done at the 'City of Washington, this Uth day of January, in the year of our Lrd, one thousand eitfht hundred and twenty-nine, and of the Independence of the United States the fif,V M JOH.V QCINCY ADAMS. Dv the Present : , . ' St tti- if W-th f'nrulina, i iro'n counts : PLHI'Ht Court, of Law. Oct. term, H2!': Catha-inr Hn4 vt. Mic'iarl Rhy.ie : l'- j i'iu l'ir d v ir-o and aTmo iv. tru. i.asa Mlhpi'CU'l "d alias lia1 " be iued .ienst the ; TefiMiihnri-iai by ill'1 "ihe'ifr of l.'oico!n COT"v thai Uu- s.nl j" .r..fen.laiit nof fmiid ; ftvl1 V tSJratirr: f bavint; been m.vle pu tlicly at the c.i r,t.!ifiuc door .it' raid count, bv the said Sherd)', lor "he defendant to appear and aruwer a cvninanled bv the said subpoena, ami he having failed ; It is therefore, ordered by court, that notice be I give 1 3 rti i'it'is in the tv. aient t'arulinan and UskiU S.tar, lur the dttcjidant t ap;.'-).r armr nex' superior cixirt of liw 1 he iiehl for Liscolii eoun'tv, at the cnurt .house in Lincnlnton, on the 4th Monday after the 4th Monday f llarch next, then and there to answer or (!emur to uid petition-, otherwise it will be taken, pro confesso. ami adiudired acconlinjly. Witness Laon HendTSuh, clerk of aaid rtmrt, at Lin- rrit-tdi, th4thMniy' F ScptriStaf;"? 1828, anJ in. the 53d.ycar,of the independence of the I'united States. '" "mt57" LWSON HENDERSON. 1 "iiie and Lot In -longing to Ahrsm l.icr'ts 1 .us.' uovl Lot, 'jivi-ii inhv H.tlph Ke'ler. 1 '.i Sti, KVrii in by D.imuI Itouh. ."1".'. Auei, (,-ivcn ill bv JoJin Trexlerj 1(KJ arres, given in by Henry Koup. . 1.) arres, iven in bv NichoUs U mcr. 10 1 acres, prn 111 by John Slu-ppard. lf!1 ai:re, jjiveit in by Knoch I'IiiIijis. 3 SO acres, 'ivenin by tieo-ire It'.tr.hcy, 1H5 arfe;' prren in by l-htiip Slwvu. TITuf reTTrrvrn-ffr -try- Arnlrtw -Scizcx. AHft, 1" ttrni and Lot by the miiei and iiK Town Tax, tor ihc. is;m. I i8it. r. si. vrr.it, ss'f. c,,'."ei!i.. t?l'ie$ts all persons jndebtedto aai T'r.to come forward. ami '.make payment atij all theSe having claima "against said Estate" topresrTitm,WirtrtTr laor llicv will be barrrd of recovery. s.ile of PRbpvnrv' . .-lie will offer tbr l, at the hue residence of the dereXsed, on Wednesday, the t-Sth day of I'cbruary Ensuing, and continue from dayJa day until all is sld. Ilousr-holdand Kifohen Furni ture; among e-htrh i, an exCelhrnr Prntio' Forte', Faming Tirnk-a-quantitv of Corn, Hay and riulilui, 20 or 38 bales of Cotton, Uom a, CaU tie, &c. he. rXedil of twelve mmths will ber given, the purchasers giving bortd and trip roved necurity. . He will aki hire, at the seme time, iir.td the 2)th of December nex. a nuaiher o!' valuable . Negroes. ROHT.MeKENf E, . trlm'r. January 22, 1W9. Ki.l WACJONKHS, . r PrwiriS to Faster iflet v.tHir: !ce.is p.ontel - r ia. . . . i 1 'TT t " 'hem romTnanie, ine Tnwerae.etiargfi a rents a day and night for the priityejjr of the" Yanl. the use of a (root! htrnsr; fire, sviifrr.'thd shelter. Attached, to ihe Yard, are a (irocery 'arid Pwivwlon' Sforcj rtrt-ad shwpr and Conltes"' lionarv, and 1 lloiioe fir Hoarders and t.orTgerr, in a plain, cheap, wholcrome and comfort, able sy. ............ 09 ... . . fyWrvt'iAV. l' ' .IpriL 1323. - .. tf.flfrj J PUE. cUiktp .of .u. .aW? V '.'iS.Capit ai L Stock of the State Hank of North Caro liuaj for, the renew al of which, npplicHt.ion will b made o t hi Directory of ail ' fWSf- at th( ' appropriate time. JNO. L. IILMjEUSDN, '.liitrift ')t. I8.H. ' to VoWcc, T we, Peter AVwron, and Mutant Mae JL f;,oM, liave entert l itro copar'nc ship in 'hii: mechaniral ImsinrM of Plu tiering, llrtck Laving, 'ati'i'r 3e. Linn.liitou, Dec 1 5'lt. 1 S H F.st'itt' of .for,cs llotl-zcrs, ln''L T'ir. a'..bciibcr navin qualifled, at the Jan. 1 rv court of ph snl quarter se-s ons for tlie comity of t'abarnrs. N. ('-. t xreofor i4 the '.I will of Moses Uudgtrt, dee'd", all pir oni indebted o i.iid et i'e illcome furvmd aiid make immediate pi, men' ; and all tho- lu have dcvird will prertit their acco'ii.ts lor 3 -ttlen)iiituittiintliet'.ni' pn scribed h) law, or this noiice vw (11 be did i bar ot ituir recov ery C!trN R'lMiER, r.r'r. Jin. V 1H . Jti3 f crln'A dun l'L. stib-criher ily .l'or ' lioa te l to that most v. T 1 i m F 111 P. valuable h and Lwii fntmerlv the property of Geo. ct'sanrr, lw, J.--are oilers lor w i J'iy the late purchasers. This land lies on Dutchman's creek, miles east ot Moest- sille, ailjoiniug the Giles Mumfurd tract, and i . . I... I ... I.- 1, . .r.rm eniiat 10 any i'i n -'", - 6 . ' . 1 onion or aurwrmr mrmu. 1 iropu the Mills re 7JIE Factorage awl Commission Husinc IS continued by the subscriber in Charleston, S. C. Edrnonston's nharf ; where his servi. cei will af usual be devoted to the interests of tlujse who commit business to his care. For the eonvHielcy of his customers, he has made ar rangements with the following. gcntlejnv.n, Jo receive and forwvd t'ntten or goods, to tr from his sd(lres. without delay, and with the leaf possible expense 1 nsmelyt Jot. II. Townes, at Clirawj Chas. J. Shannon, Camdenj: and M Antonio, of Columbia. HENRY W. CONNER. of lunerior construction, ami have now a sery lftoo iea-sit'nv,'f Mf B i tbt-wtel f nimn tasn --- - any kmd of MciMM;ry, ... j. ur oiacr paniLuiiiri, and terms, apply 10 1 noir.as 11. uiuui, woo u, the protiri'tors, on the rramtses. - Utf THOMAS D. GlfiUS. JOSEPH IIANF.8, I'LTLU S A NEIL JAt'On SANER. MAKIIN SANER. .. 1 823. N. II. Another tract, belonging to Peter Sa ner, adjoining the above, containing 225 acres, a ltl be sold in rorwaxion with the above, or re. irately as mt tff-sfsTrt-the puKbjisfcU.ii44, . I.V.itr first rate land. .11,,, will be sold, a lot adjoining the town ol strW;ili eontainin'' ten acrei of land, with ...... 1 .w.ii.t.j.liiiii. with nutdiouses i'idai 11. ...I.n . i!,i. nr mcrtv will be sojil estciici,, e- 1 - ' , . Ihw, on fC'cn-mnJati 7 -rms. firv'y ? for lntn:i'a !nr. Ii4-. il 1 ,nd a certain rem- Ii', are uidurtunsU mldic eVht ! of at" vice, the' too - frto use iiT.' nlt;W."rM'Vw-ttjr4e: rLi:h precrip'ion will' pmve its 1 RWr,, le'ters id dr kSci to the sobscrih -r ! psid end sing tuu dollars will I" prontp'l, a'teodt-.l t by a n milium c uf the medicine and .lirrctuois. t M. L. A I SI IN . J.f. r,n, .like, ttmtti, .V. C. .'? ot 7 N. II. I'rinters li-ieiullv t'J tl.C caui. fif tho unfortunate drunkard, wdi lri give Us m insertion ij.. 1 mi ........ . 5v.-Ti rannr. uhscriber ill dl twm thou- . JivindreJ andtwcniv five tt counties of ll'ineomtitt and ! lay. wiHid in the s.tte tif North tVnlirts.on the wa ters of Swannano, I'rcnch Hoard, 'iVkiv jo and OcotisluftJ Rivers. The healthiness of ibis sert'ion of Horth Car-ilina is widl kn"wn. The Land is' of a gtod quality, at.d lor grjaiojr, ur paced by none, wenin ill- moiewcs eris'.ates. It lies generally in krg binl e ; but v. dl he uld in quantities to suite the cunetii. nco ot pur rliisers, excei-t one -Tract of f:l thound .ti Iv'iiil' on both ides uf the French I P. road Itlver. pank m Ruombe.aud Jiar'ly ia IlsvsiOoU courrftes-, on smcn t; u V.i k of ri Urrhein: recently ber. h-ov .r.d. t erms will he made arcom uodati i ;. hv ,u- aeiit, who iny generally be fo.md in v.lltf. JAV. C0Ojs,.f ?.i. JV? M"!, 6'y . .... ,i ' - ' T J' .-it, --'.:1 - rvl V; 1 - . ,.. I' I V: V- f